List of
Tel : (84-24) 39150999 -39160999-Hotline 24/7 : 0987920606
Sector : * Production and trade of interior and exterior decorative materials from PU material (60% is trade, 40% is production):
- Products: Ceiling moldings, ceiling trays, PU decorative columns, PU moldings.
* Main products:
- PU moldings.
+ PU trim.
+ PU ceiling moldings.
+ PU ceiling moldings with patterns.
+ Imported Chinese moldings.
+ PU moldings.
+ Vien Hung moldings.
- Interior decoration materials.
+ Decorative columns.
+ Decorative patterns.
+ Decorative fireplaces.
+ PU ceiling trays.
+ Reliefs.
Detail : - Tax code: 0107009460
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Ha Dong District
- Business License: 0107009460 - 29/09/2015
- Ower/ Lagal representative: Dao Thi Kim Oanh
- Activity status: Operating