List of Company's Profiles
Tel : (84-24) 66845390-0984097525-0983091510
Sector : - Manufacturing and supplying industrial products, mechanical equipment, labor protection products and cleanrooms such as:
+ Industrial and mechanical products: machinery, conveyors, accessories,...
+ Cleanroom products: clothes, shoes,...
+ Labor protection products: clothes, shoes Sandals, boots,...
* Main products and services:
+ Industrial machinery and equipment.
+ Steel pipes.
+ Plastic coated steel pipes.
+ Industrial joints.
+ Plastic joints.
+ Plastic injection molds.
+ Injection molds.
+ Installation accessories.
+ Pneumatic equipment.
+ Hydraulic equipment.
+ Clean room equipment.
+ Anti-static brushes.
+ Clean room finger covers.
+ Clean room shoes.
+ Charging room wipes.
+ Clean room masks.
+ Industrial joints.
+ Clean room clothing.
+ Clean room bags.
- Labor protection.
+ Fire protection boots.
+ Fire protection clothing.
+ Fire protection shoes.
+ Fire protection helmets.
+ Labor protection clothing.
+ Fire protection equipment of all kinds.
Detail : - Tax code: 0104168568
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Hoai Duc District
- Business License: 0104168568 - 17/09/2009
- Ower/ Lagal representative: Trinh Quang Nam
- Activity status: Operating