List of Company's Profiles

Address : CT1-A-01-Lot H, The Zen Residence Building, Gamuda Gardens 2 Road, Gamuda Gardens Urban Area, Km 4.4 Phap Van Road, Tran Phu Ward, Hoang Mai Dist., Hanoi
Tel : (84-24) 5134082-35134083
Sector :  - Exclusive supplier of the world's leading industrial equipment manufacturers with the most advanced technology: HOSOKAWA (mineral, food, pharmaceutical, chemical & cosmetic processing equipment), TEREX MPS (mineral crushing, screening, washing equipment, construction stone, artificial sand processing) UPCAST ​​(copper tube and copper wire rolling mill) PMT (lime kiln, PCC light powder processing) TEREX BID-WELL (Concrete spreading machine) ALLGAIER (Dryer, mixer, color separator, round screen) DERRICK (Mineral wet and dry screening machine) SULLIVAN PALATEK (Air compressor, air dryer, air filter),...
- Deep mineral processing, accounting for 70% of the market for high-end superfine CaCO3 processing equipment.
* Main products:
+ BOSSAR bagging and filling machine.
+ Construction & lifting equipment.
+ Industrial processing equipment.
+ Material trading.
+ Mechanical manufacturing.
+ Equipment for agriculture.
+ Processing, manufacturing, food, pharmaceutical equipment.
* Services:
- Transportation and logistics services.
- Technology transfer supervision and training.
- After-sales service - Repair - Supply of spare parts.
Detail :  - Tax code: 0106599545
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Thanh Xuan District
- Business License: 0106599545 - 15/07/2014
- Ower/ Lagal representative: Nguyen Vinh Huynh
- Activity status: Operating

 © Vietnam Industry and Trade Information Center ( VITIC)- Ministry of Industry and Trade 
License: No 115/GP-TTĐT dated June 05, 2024 by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
Address: Room 605, 6 th Floor, The Ministry of Industry and Trade's Building, No. 655 Pham Van Dong Street, Bac Tu Liem District - Hanoi.
Tel. : (04)38251312; (04)39341911- Fax: (04)38251312