List of Company's Profiles
Tel : (84-24) Hotline: 0916595856-0932595856-0963595856-0905091409-0931156669
Sector : - Distributing, wholesaling, retailing industrial products, industrial machines, specialized electronic equipment,...
* Main products:
- Electric wheelchairs.
+ Automatic electric wheelchairs.
+ 4-wheel electric wheelchairs.
+ Electric wheelchairs for the disabled.
+ Rehabilitation electric wheelchair.
+ Spoked electric wheelchair.
+ Industrial machinery and equipment.
- Bearings.
+ All kinds of belts.
+ Belts.
+ Wood moisture meter.
+ Thread rolling machine.
+ Tile cutter.
+ Wall cutter.
+ Wood processing machine.
+ Metal detector.
+ Paint sprayer.
+ Meat slicer.
+ Bearings.
Detail : - Tax code: 0310540171
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Tan Binh District
- Business License: 0310540171 - 25/12/2010
- Ower/ Lagal representative: Dao Huy Hieu
- Activity status: Operating