List of Business Directory

Address : No.8, Lane 107, Ke Ve - Dong Ngac St.,, Bac Tu Liem Dist.,, Hanoi
Tel : (84-24) 0973458133-0348041999
Sector :  * Importing and distributing industrial glue and silicone products to serve the interior wood industry, advertising decoration, construction and units specializing in artificial turf construction, carpet installation...
* Current product lines we are distributing:
- DogX66 multi-purpose glue.
- PRO-SPEC CA88 multi-purpose adhesive.
- BUJO multi-purpose glue.
- NEO S8 interior wood spray glue.
- ASIA A9 interior wood spray glue.
- Silicone of all kinds from SELLYES, APOLO...
- Heat-resistant silicone glue.
- BLOCKADE anti-leak adhesive.
- Tite bond glue.
- LIQUI NAILS HEAVY DUTY construction glue.
- FOAM NO MORE GAPS foam glue.
* Main product:
- Silicone glue
+ APOLLO A300 glue.
+ APOLLO A100 Silicone Glue.
+ APOLLO A500 neutral silicone glue.
+ APOLLO A600 neutral silicone glue.
+ APOLLO A200 Silicone Acid-based glue.
+ Titebond glue.
+ Silicone glue SL907.
+ Selsil heat-resistant glue.
+ KCC SL801 Silicone Glue.
+ Blockade anti-leak glue.
+ Heat-resistant silicone glue S401.
- Industrial glue.
+ Industrial glue.
+ Industrial adhesives of all kinds.
+ Bugjo glue.
+ CA68 glue.
+ DOG X66 glue.
+ Glue Dog X66 15kg.
+ Glue Dog X66 3kg.
+ Dog glue X66 600ml.
+ ASIA A9 interior wood spray glue.
+ NEO S8 interior wood spray glue.
+ PRO SPEC CA 88 glue 15kg.
Detail :  - Tax code: 0108028554
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Bac Tu Liem District
- Business License: 0108028554 - 18/10/2017
- Ower/Lagal representative: Nguyen Huu Dung
- Activity status: Operating

 © Vietnam Industry and Trade Information Center ( VITIC)- Ministry of Industry and Trade 
License: No 115/GP-TTĐT dated June 05, 2024 by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
Address: Room 605, 6 th Floor, The Ministry of Industry and Trade's Building, No. 655 Pham Van Dong Street, Bac Tu Liem District - Hanoi.
Tel. : (04)38251312; (04)39341911- Fax: (04)38251312