List of Doanh nghiệp giới thiệu
Tel : (84-24) 0943118658
Sector : - Producing and trading in handicrafts.
+ Interior decorations.
+ Decorations from duckweed.
+ Decorations from corn husks.
+ Decorations from the guot tree.
+ Round sedge seat cushion.
+ Flower pots.
+ Water hyacinth tray.
+ Flowerpot.
+ Water hyacinth.
+ Hand-woven bamboo and rattan.
+ Bamboo and rattan exports.
+ Basket.
+ Animal statues.
* Main product:
+ Soles and seat cushions.
+ Row of lamp frames.
+ Pillows.
+ Rows of vases and flower pots.
+ Bags.
+ Baskets and baskets.
+ Animal shaping goods.
+ Home decoration goods.
+ Rows of storage bins and baskets.
+ Row of trays.
+ Other products.
Detail : - Tax code: 0104261567
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Thuong Tin - Phu Xuyen Area
- Business License: 0104261567 - 10/08/2009
- Ower/Lagal representative: Nguyen Thi Luong
- Activity status: Operating