List of Business Directory
Tel : (84-24) 66661155-66661515-0936083836
Sector : - Manufacturing and supplying, designing, constructing and installing interior and exterior furniture such as:
- Furniture: dining table, recliner, sales cabinet,...
- Outdoor furniture: outdoor furniture, swings,...
- Interior design services: apartments, houses, shops,...
* Main products and services:
- Furniture.
+ Dining table.
+ Coffee table.
+ Tea table.
+ Bed set.
+ Recliner.
+ Bed and chairs.
+ Wall shelves.
+ Kitchen cabinet accessories.
+ Tea table salon.
+ Rattan sofa.
+ Sales cabinet.
- Outdoor furniture.
+ Outdoor wooden table.
+ Outdoor wooden umbrella.
+ Outdoor wooden chairs.
+ Outdoor swing.
- Interior design services.
+ Design and construction of apartment furniture.
+ Design and construct store interiors.
+ Design and construct family interiors.
+ Design and construct hall interiors.
+ Design and construction of residential furniture.
+ Design and construct living room interior.
+ Design and construct bedroom interior.
Detail : - Tax code: 0101192354
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Hoang Mai District
- Business License: 0101192354 - 02/12/2010
- Ower/Lagal representative: Pham Xuan Thiet
- Activity status: Operating