List of

Address : No.39, Giang Bien St., Long Bien Dist., Hanoi
Tel : (84-24) 22104126-0984835386-0964370066
Sector :  - Supply: Soda, polymer, wastewater treatment chemicals
- Importing and distributing raw materials in agricultural production.
- As a manufacturer of microbial products for aquaculture, deodorizing ponds and ponds, providing beneficial microorganisms for plants and animals.
- Providing adhesives in the production of animal feed and fertilizer.
- Supplying Bentonite Supergel, Bentonite India, Bentonite Australia, CMC ... used in drilling for bored piles in construction, creating molds in the steel industry.
* Main product:
- Chemicals for water treatment, construction chemicals.
+ Polymer A110 PWG Japan (10kg/bag).
+ Polymer A1110 UK (25kg/bag).
+ Polymer A1130 UK (25kg/bag).
+ Polymer A1150 UK (25kg/bag).
+ Polymer A95H - Japan (10kg/bag).
+ Polymer A115 - Japan (15kg/bag).
+ Polymer Acryamide China (25/Kg/Bag).
+ Polymer C1492 UK (25kg/bag).
+ Polymer 6160 China (25kg/bag).
+ Polymer Anion K4043 - Korea (10kg/bag).
+ Polymer Anion K4045 - Korea (10kg/bag).
+ Polymer Anion K4046 - Korea (10kg/bag).
+ Polymer Cationic K6630 - Korea (20kg/bag).
+ Polymer Cationic K6635 - Korea (20kg/bag).
+ Polymer Cationic K6641 - Korea (20kg/bag)
+ Polymer Cationic K6645 - Korea (20kg/bag).
+ Polymer Cationic K6651 - Korea (20kg/bag).
+ Polymer Cationic K6729 - Korea (20kg/bag).
+ Polymer N632 China (25kg/bag).
+ Polymer YX 1616 China (25kg/bag).
+ Polymer A110 - Japan (15kg/bag).
- Construction additives.
+ Soda.
+ CMC.
+ Bentonite API.
+ Plaster.
+ Bentonite Supergel.
- Other chemicals.
+ Humic Acid.
+ Ammonia.
+ Borax.
+ Calcium Carbonate CaCo3.
+ CMC Man
+ CUSO4Epi Wax.
+ Hydrate.
+ Potassium Humic.
+ MgSO4
+ NaoH.
+ Polymer.
+ Bentonite clay.
+ Adhesive Additives.
+ Chemical Fertilizer.
+ Industrial Chemicals.
Detail :  - Tax code: 0107065419
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Long Bien District
- Business License: 0107065419 - 26/10/2015
- Ower/Lagal representative: Le Thi Oanh
- Activity status: Operating

 © Vietnam Industry and Trade Information Center ( VITIC)- Ministry of Industry and Trade 
License: No 115/GP-TTĐT dated June 05, 2024 by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
Address: Room 605, 6 th Floor, The Ministry of Industry and Trade's Building, No. 655 Pham Van Dong Street, Bac Tu Liem District - Hanoi.
Tel. : (04)38251312; (04)39341911- Fax: (04)38251312