List of

Address : 55/1Q Nam Lan Hamlet, Ba Diem Commune, Hoc Mon District, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel : (84-28) 0909756125 - 0899466788
Sector :  - Genuine distributor of Vision branded batteries.
With many years of experience in the field of distribution and assembly for the company.
- Main products include:
+ Genuine Vision battery, imported directly from the factory
+ UPS battery
+ Starter battery
+ Battery for golf carts and forklifts
+ Solar battery
+ Lithium battery
* Main product:
- Electricity telecommunications battery.
+ CL Series Batteries.
+ CT Series Batteries.
+ FM Series Batteries.
+ CTA Series Batteries.
+ Telecom Batteries.
+ Deep Discharge Current Battery.
+ PURE GEL Series Batteries..
+ Pure Lead Series Battery.
+ Battery Telecom Electricity.
- Other types of batteries.
+ UPS Batteries.
+ Battery Vision.
+ Electric Vehicle Battery.
+ Battery for Golf Cart.
+ Forklift battery.
+ Dong Nai battery.
+ Starter Battery.
+ Electric Bicycle Batteries.
+ GS Starter Battery.
+ Battery Dong Nai Civil.
+ Solar battery.
Detail :  - Tax code: 0313883378
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Hoc Mon District
- Business License: 0313883378 - 28/06/2016
- Ower/ Lagal representative: Ton Thanh Tam
- Activity status: Operating

 © Vietnam Industry and Trade Information Center ( VITIC)- Ministry of Industry and Trade 
License: No 115/GP-TTĐT dated June 05, 2024 by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
Address: Room 605, 6 th Floor, The Ministry of Industry and Trade's Building, No. 655 Pham Van Dong Street, Bac Tu Liem District - Hanoi.
Tel. : (04)38251312; (04)39341911- Fax: (04)38251312