List of
Tel : (84-28) 66767029-0903745389
Fax : (84-28) 38611867
Sector : - Producing and supplying raw materials for the garment industry, bags, leather shoes...
- Our products include: Woven wire, zipper, Button, Label, Hemp tape, Reflective, Lining fabric, Elastic, Dyeing chemicals...
- Main product:
+ Garment labels.
+ Clothing labels.
+ Woven straps.
+ Woven wire.
+ Woven elastic band.
+ Sticky tape.
+ Zipper - Keychain.
+ Reflective.
+ Label.
+ Button.
+ Thun.
+ Main fabric - Lining fabric.
+ Chemical dye.
Detail : - Tax code: 0314688179
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of District 8
- Business License: 0314688179 - 19/10/2017
- Ower/ Lagal representative: Nguyen Thi Thuong Thuong
- Activity status: Operating