List of
Tel : (84-28) 0976990077
Sector : - Supply of raw materials for the textile industry. Production products mainly include:
+ Elastic version.
+ Elastic needles.
+ T-shirt Knit.
+ Elastic Bands.
+ Wire rope.
+ Shoe laces.
+ Elastic Cord (Elastic Cord).
+ Elastic braid (Braiding Elastic).
+ Lace, herringbone (Herringbone, Grossgrain).
+ Elastic waistband, and all kinds of straps for underwear industry.
+ Folding Elastic.
+ Wires of all kinds (Tape, webbing, etc).
Detail : - Tax code: 0315136149
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Thu Duc District
- Business License: 0315136149 - 28/06/2018
- Ower/ Lagal representative: Phan Minh Bang
- Activity status: Operating