List of
Tel : (84-258) 3743555-3743556-3743888-3743999
Fax : (84-258) 3743557
Sector : - Hatchery feed.
- Supplement and water treatment for aquaculture.
- Raw materials: fish meal, squid meal, another raw material...
- Hight quality foliar fertilizer; root fertilizer...
- Vegetarian food.
Detail : - Tax code: 4200406237
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Khanh Hoa Province
- Establishment Decision: No.003/2000/QĐ-GPĐT - 05/06/2000
- Business License: 003/2000/QĐ-GPĐT - 05/06/2000
- Ower/ Lagal representative: Lin Chin Cheng
- Activity status: Operating