List of Business Directory

Address : Floor 12, Richy Tower Building, No.35 Mac Thai To, Yen Hoa Ward, Cau Giay Dist., Ha Noi
Tel : (84-24) 37366676-37366686-18006680
Fax : (84-24) 37366696
Sector :  - Trading in products:
+ Household appliances: gas stove, Sunhouse stainless steel pot set, Sunhouse aluminum pot set, Sunhouse non-stick pan, Sunhouse ceramic pot set,...
+ Household electrical appliances: double induction cooker, rice cooker, electric kettle, electric kettle,...
+ Civil appliances, electrical equipment, fireproof doors,...
* Main product:
- Sunhouse household appliances.
+ Built-in gas stove.
+ Infrared gas stove.
+ Sunhouse aluminum pot.
+ Sunhouse pressure cooker.
+ Sunhouse Anod pot set.
+ Stone bottom pot from Sunhouse.
+ Bottom rock formation from Sunhouse.
+ Ceramic bottom pot set from Sunhouse.
+ Non-stick bottom pan from Sunhouse.
+ Super durable frying pan with stone bottom from Sunhouse.
- Sunhouse household electrical appliances.
+ Double induction cooker.
+ Electric kettle.
+ Rice cooker.
+ Electric thermos.
+ Blender.
+ Electric pressure cooker.
+ Air cooler.
+ Infrared induction cooker.
- Sunhouse household electrical appliances.
+ Flashlight.
+ Table lamp.
+ Light bulb.
+ Mosquito racket.
+ Electric lights.
+ LED Downlight.
- Other products.
+ ABS door.
+ Electric cable.
+ Medium voltage cabinet.
+ Apartment door.
+ Switching equipment.
+ Industrial doors.
+ Electrical testing equipment.
Detail :  - Tax code: 0101976905
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Ba Dinh District
- Business License: 0101976905 - 16/06/2006
- Ower/ Lagal representative: Nguyen Xuan Phu
- Activity status: Operating

 © Vietnam Industry and Trade Information Center ( VITIC)- Ministry of Industry and Trade 
License: No 115/GP-TTĐT dated June 05, 2024 by the Ministry of Information and Communications.
Address: Room 605, 6 th Floor, The Ministry of Industry and Trade's Building, No. 655 Pham Van Dong Street, Bac Tu Liem District - Hanoi.
Tel. : (04)38251312; (04)39341911- Fax: (04)38251312