List of
Tel : (84-225) 3842890-3746021
Fax : (84-225) 3810803-3841877
Sector : - Construction of civil , industrial and electrical works , transportation and irrigation.
- Real estate business.
- Project management consulting, construction supervision consulting civil engineering industry, transport and irrigation.
- Environmental impact assessment.
- Topographic survey, survey and geological testing, hydrography, cadastral mapping.
- Structural design works and infrastructure design, electrical design.
- Architectural design of civil construction and industry.
- Designed total ground.
- Investment reporting, establishment of investment projects, the total cost estimates, verify TKKTTC, detailed cost estimates.
Detail : - Tax code: 0200156484
- Tax management agency: Tax Department of Hai Phong City
- Establishment Decision: No.2270/QĐ-UBND - 29/09/2005
- Business License: 0200156484 - 06/10/2005
- Ower/ Lagal representative: Dao Viet Can
- Activity status: Operating