Saturday, July 27,2024 - 7:21 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Scheme on developing marine economic clusters associating with building strong marine economic centers in a period to 2030 

 Thursday, October 19,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Developing rapidly and sustainably marine economic clusters to create strong national marine economic centers linking to implementation of Vietnam's sustainable marine economic development strategy and socio-economic development strategy in 10 years of a period of 2021 - 2030 and major guidelines and policies of the Party and the State on development of relevant regions, industries and fields

Scheme on developing marine economic clusters associating with building strong marine economic centers in a period up to 2030
I. Viewpoints and objectives
1. Viewpoints
- Rapid and sustainable development of marine economic clusters to create strong national marine economic centers linked to the implementation of Vietnam's sustainable marine economic development strategy and socio-economic development strategy in 10-year of a period of 2021 - 2030 and major guidelines and policies of Party and the State on development of relevant regions, industries and fields.
- Develop marine economic industry clusters on basis of promoting advantages of each coastal and marine area, inter-industry and inter-provincial linkages to exploit and use resources effectively and efficiently. The sea goes hand in hand with protecting environment, marine ecosystem, preserving natural, cultural and historical heritage, closely combining with consolidating and strengthening national defense and security in sea areas and islands.
- Focusing development in coastal and coastal areas associated with building a strong national marine economic center with priority marine economic sectors. develop rapidly to enhance international competitiveness and meet the requirements of sustainable development.
- Develop marine economic clusters in accordance with market mechanisms and international integration, along with developing the business community and entities participating in linkages and cooperation in production and business. create an environment for the development of highly attractive and attractive marine economic sectors.
- Mobilizing domestic and foreign resources, participation of all levels and sectors and arousing and promoting the cultural values of the Vietnamese people, the self-reliant will of businesses and society in the future. Developing marine economic clusters associated with building a strong national marine economic center.
2. Objectives
a) General goal
Creating effectively developed, highly integrated and competitive marine economic clusters associated with building strong national marine economic centers, creating a driving force to promote rapid and sustainable economic development. the whole country and coastal and coastal areas in all aspects of economy, social culture, environment, defense and security, aiming for Vietnam to become a strong maritime nation by 2030.
b) Specific goals
- Create marine economic industry linkage clusters in advantageous coastal and coastal areas, striving to form about 7 marine economic industry linkage clusters by 2030.
- Develop marine economic clusters first in key areas associated with building a strong national marine economic center, including developing 3-4 leading strong marine economic centers in the country. Southeast Asia.
- Key areas develop marine economic clusters associated with building a strong national marine economic center, striving to achieve an economic growth rate higher than the general growth rate of the country from 1. 2 times or more.
II. Development directions and tasks
1. General development direction
a) Develop marine economic clusters with key components including domestic enterprises, foreign enterprises, organizations, service providers, specialized marine economic infrastructure, and organizations Business and trade associations, related professional associations and participation of all levels and sectors, especially coastal localities. Developed on the basis of operational needs and cooperation of businesses, organizations, economic establishments and sustainable development requirements regardless of administrative boundaries. Linking industries, businesses, and establishments operating on the coast and on islands with connections to networks of related establishments inland, connections between industry clusters and internationally.
b) Develop industry clusters with priority industries according to the Strategy for sustainable development of the marine economy. Vietnam has the advantage of developing in coastal and marine areas, especially the marine economic product and service industries with chains. large added value, high technology application, contributing to green growth, protecting the marine ecological environment, marine economic sectors contribute to strengthening national defense and security in islands and islands. In particular, developing border and island tourism is one of the priority focuses on the basis of joint development to effectively exploit the potential and strengths of tourism resources of each region and the entire coastal strip of Vietnam. . Especially strongly develop the tourism economy with high-quality, international-class eco-tourism, entertainment, and island resort complexes and centers in marine economic clusters in the region. Central, Southwestern coastal areas (Kien Giang - Ca Mau) and other coastal areas with suitable conditions.
c) Develop marine economic clusters first of all in key areas with advantages associated with building a strong multi-sector marine economic center of a country with high competitiveness and international integration, step to expand to the whole region. Focus on development and industry linkages associated with building dual-use marine economic centers combining economics with defense in key areas of national defense and island security of the country. Focus on creating and forming areas that attract strong development of businesses and related marine economic activities that work together and link production and business cooperation to form business centers. The national maritime economy in terms of industries and multi-sectors of the marine economy is associated with international seaports, economic zones, large coastal cities, tourist areas, and large production and exploitation areas on the coast and at sea. Encourage the attraction of large enterprises, large-scale investment projects, application and transfer of advanced technology in key areas to create a nucleus, a driving force for development and expansion of industry clusters.
d) Strongly develop organizations, businesses, marine service establishments, and services associated with the marine economy that meet international standards, such as seaport logistics, maritime, logistics, logistics services , marine engineering, search and rescue, marine medical, marine environmental protection, safety services for activities at sea, survey services, marine research, science and technology services, Training technical human resources in marine economic professions, commercial and financial services related to the marine economy in key areas, centers for developing marine economic clusters, construction and development centers, maritime service center, marine services, marine economic services of the region, the country and internationally.
d) Coordinate with all levels and sectors to build and perfect mechanisms, policies and management models; Organize the layout and spatial arrangement of activities, build and connect infrastructure to create favorable conditions for the development of marine economic clusters, ensuring harmony between conservation and development and exploitation. Reasonably exploit and use marine resources, improve the ability to adapt to climate change, and reduce damage caused by natural disasters in each sea and coastal area. Integrate the development of industry linkage clusters with the restructuring of marine economic sectors, forming models of sustainable marine economic development such as green ports, eco-industrial parks, exploitation and production areas combined with conserve marine ecosystems.
2. Task directions for developing marine economic clusters associated with building strong national marine economic centers
a) Develop marine economic industry clusters in the North (in coastal and coastal areas: Quang Ninh - Hai Phong - Thai Binh - Nam Dinh - Ninh Binh) with key development areas in Hai Phong - Quang Ninh associated with building a strong marine economic center of leading international stature in Southeast Asia. Develop with priority sectors:
- International seaport, ocean shipping, domestic and maritime services, multimodal logistics services with the center being Lach Huyen - Dinh Vu port (Hai Phong) - Yen Hung - Cai Lan - Cam Pha (Quang Ninh). Forming a high-tech park, commercial area, and international financial service center in the Hai Phong - Ha Long city area to develop as a center for maritime services, science and technology, and business human resource training, maritime international trade and finance.
- Container shipbuilding industry, large tonnage cargo ships, specialized ships serving the economy, national defense, mechanical engineering industry, automobile industry, high-tech industry manufacturing electronic and telecommunications equipment connected to the center is the North Hai Phong - South Quang Ninh area; Textile and garment industry, consumer goods manufacturing industry for export are concentrated in Hai Phong - Thai Binh - Nam Dinh.
- Island tourism forms highly internationalized tourist areas in Quang Ninh (Van Don, Ha Long Bay) to develop into a national tourism center connecting with major international tourism centers. Linking the development of Cat Ba - Ha Long Bay - Bai Tu Long - Van Don tourist area to be a resort, entertainment, and island natural heritage tourism center with high international stature in Asia Pacific.
- Seafood farming, marine aquatic life and fisheries apply modern technology associated with strengthening the protection and regeneration of seafood resources with a coastal fisheries logistics service center in Hai Phong. Forming marine service bases, fisheries logistics services, and dual-use economic establishments in the island districts of Co To and Bach Long Vi.
b) Develop marine economic clusters in the North Central region (in coastal and coastal areas: Thanh Hoa - Nghe An - Ha Tinh - Quang Binh) with the key development area being coastal Nghe An - Ha Tinh associated with building a strong marine economic center of international stature. Develop with priority sectors:
- Import-export seaport, goods transit at the gateway of the Gulf of Tonkin and maritime transport services, inter-regional and international logistics services with the center being Vung Ang - Cua Lo seaport, forming a export processing zone, high-tech industrial urban area, international logistics center associated with the seaport.
- High-tech application industry, electronics manufacturing industry, textile and garment export, steel rolling industry, automobile manufacturing support industry concentrated in Nghe An - Ha Tinh, forming a high-tech park in Vinh city area; petrochemical and chemical refining industry in South Thanh Hoa - North Nghe An; Renewable energy industry in coastal Quang Binh - Ha Tinh.
- Coastal tourism develops coastal tourist centers and areas that are highly attractive to international visitors. Linking to develop coastal tourism centers in South Thanh Hoa - North Nghe An, South Nghe An - North Ha Tinh; Develop Quang Binh as a center for eco-tourism, beach resorts and world natural heritage tourism (Phong Nha Ke Bang) with high international stature in the region.
- Develop offshore fisheries and coastal aquaculture focusing on products with high economic value for export processing with a fisheries center and marine fisheries logistics services in Nghe An, Quang Binh.
c) Develop marine economic clusters in the Mid-Central region (in the coastal and coastal areas: Quang Tri - Thua Thien Hue - Da Nang - Quang Nam - Quang Ngai) with the key development area in Da Nang - Thua Thien Hue is committed to building a strong marine economic center with leading international stature in Southeast Asia. Develop with priority sectors:
- Domestic and international container transshipment seaports and tourist seaports; International and domestic maritime transport and services associated with seaports with the center being Lien Chieu - Tien Sa - Chan May seaport area. Forming international seaport urban areas, science and technology zones, training technical human resources in the marine economy, commercial zones, and international financial transaction centers in the Da Nang city area - the city Hue - Chan May Economic Zone is developed as a center for seaport services, science and technology, training, trade and finance of high international level.
- Specialized shipbuilding and repair industry, precision mechanical industry, machine manufacturing, automation equipment with center in Da Nang city; Electronic industry, information technology, pharmaceutical industry, chemical products, drug production concentrated in Da Nang - Thua Thien Hue; steel industry, automobile manufacturing and assembly industry, petrochemical and chemical industries in South Quang Nam - North Quang Ngai; Coastal seafood and mineral processing industries, production of consumer goods for export are concentrated in coastal economic zones in the region; gas industry concentrated in Quang Tri - Thua Thien Hue; Renewable energy industry in coastal Quang Tri and Quang Ngai.
- Coastal tourism and island tourism combine heritage tourism, cultural and historical relics. Linking and developing the coastal tourism region of Southern Thua Thien Hue - Da Nang - Northern Quang Nam is a center for eco-tourism, beach resorts and world cultural heritage tourism with high international stature in Asia and the Pacific. Developing tourism centers on Con Co island (Quang Tri), Cu Lao Cham (Quang Nam); Forming a highly internationalized tourist area on Ly Son island (Quang Ngai) to develop as an international island tourism center.
- Develop maritime logistics services and fisheries to sustainably exploit the Central Coast - Hoang Sa fishing grounds with a fisheries service center in Da Nang and maritime logistics service bases and economic bases Dual-use beaches in the island districts of Con Co and Ly Son. Developing high-tech aquaculture concentrated in Thua Thien Hue, Quang Nam - Quang Ngai.
d) Develop marine economic industry clusters in the South Central region (belonging to the sea and coastal areas: Binh Dinh - Phu Yen - Khanh Hoa - Ninh Thuan) with key development areas in Khanh Hoa - Southern Phu Yen associated with building into a strong marine economic center with high international stature in Southeast Asia. Developing with priority sectors:
- General seaport for transshipment of domestic and international goods and specialized port for tourism and national defense with the center being Van Phong - Cam Ranh seaport area, combined with Quy Nhon port. Seaport logistics services, maritime and international logistics services, forming an international seaport service urban area associated with Van Phong and Cam Ranh ports. Develop scientific and technological services of international stature in marine research, environmental protection, marine ecosystems, scientific and technical human resource training services in the marine and maritime fields, and form scientific and technological zones. Marine Technology School, National Marine Research Center in Khanh Hoa.
- High-tech application industry producing biological products, chemicals, pharmaceutical chemicals, gas industry, chemicals, mechanical industry, ship repair and maintenance with center in Khanh Hoa - Southern Phu Yen; Export consumer goods production industry, seafood and marine mineral processing industry are concentrated in coastal economic zones in the region; Renewable energy industry is concentrated in Ninh Thuan, Binh Dinh is developing as a major renewable energy industry center on the coast.
- Island tourism develops tourist areas and coastal tourism urban areas with a high degree of internationalization, linking marine tourism facilities with heritage tourism facilities and coastal cultural relics with the center. Tourism service center in Nha Trang city, Quy Nhon city. Form tax-free commercial centers for tourists, and develop an international sea tourism urban area in Khanh Hoa - Southern Phu Yen to become a resort, entertainment, and marine exploration center of high international stature in Asia Pacific. Develop tourism service facilities in Truong Sa island district to become an offshore island tourism center.
- Seafood farming, marine aquatic life applying high technology and offshore fisheries with modern means and equipment to exploit the South Central Coast - Truong Sa fishing grounds with a logistics service center serving fisheries in Cam Ranh and fishing centers in Binh Dinh and Ninh Thuan. Developing a maritime logistics service base in Truong Sa island district as a dual-use marine economic center and marine service center on offshore islands.
d) Develop marine economic clusters in the expanded Southeast region (in coastal and coastal areas: Binh Thuan - Ba Ria - Vung Tau - Southeast Ho Chi Minh City - Tien Giang) with key areas Development point in Ba Ria - Vung Tau - Southeast Ho Chi Minh City associated with construction as a strong marine economic center with leading international stature in Southeast Asia. Develop with priority sectors:
- International and domestic container seaport transshipment; ocean shipping and seaport logistics services, maritime, oil and gas exploitation services at sea, inter-regional and international logistics services with the center being the Cai Mep Thi Vai - Sao Mai Ben seaport area The communal house is linked to Ho Chi Minh City seaport. Developing consulting services, technology transfer, design, product testing, and specialized training services in the marine economic profession of international stature in the Vung Tau city area - Southeast of Ho Chi Minh City Bright. Forming international trade and financial centers associated with trade and marine economy in Ho Chi Minh City to develop as a major international trade and financial center in the region and Asia Pacific.
- Shipbuilding industry, floating structures serving the economy and national defense and security, petrochemical refining industry, petroleum product processing, chemical industry with center in Ba Ria - Vung Tau; mechanical manufacturing industry, automobile manufacturing and assembly industry, high-tech industry manufacturing electronic equipment, telecommunications, digital industry, software center in Ho Chi Minh City; Textile and garment industry, consumer goods manufacturing industry for export, and seafood processing are concentrated in industrial parks and export processing zones associated with seaports in the region; Renewable energy industry in coastal Binh Thuan - Ba Ria - Vung Tau and Tien Giang.
- Ecotourism, entertainment, and international beach resorts are concentrated in Binh Thuan - Ba Ria - Vung Tau; Developing Binh Thuan as a high-class international beach resort center in Asia Pacific. Linking the development of marine tourism and urban cultural and entertainment tourism in South Ba Ria - Vung Tau - Ho Chi Minh City is a major international tourism center in the region. Form eco-tourism areas and national nature reserves in the island districts of Con Dao and Phu Quy to develop as island tourism centers that attract international visitors.
- Develop offshore fisheries, high-value seafood farming associated with commercial fisheries services and export processing concentrated in Binh Thuan - Ba Ria - Vung Tau and Tien Giang with service centers fisheries in Vung Tau city and maritime logistics service bases on Con Dao and Phu Quy islands.
e) Develop a cluster of maritime economic sectors in the East of the Southwest region (belonging to the sea and coastal areas: Ben Tre - Tra Vinh - Can Tho - Soc Trang - Bac Lieu - Southeast Ca Mau) with key development in the downstream area of the Hau River estuary (in Tra Vinh - Can Tho - Soc Trang) associated with building a strong marine economic center of international stature. Develop with priority sectors:
- Seaport for exporting agricultural and aquatic products and importing and exporting goods, seaport logistics services, warehousing and storage services, logistics services with the center being the seaport area for international ships in Tra Vinh - Can Tho - Soc Trang. Forming an inter-regional and international logistics service center in Dinh An economic zone, a commercial and financial transaction center for import and export of goods in Can Tho.
- Agricultural mechanical industry, building and repairing of coastal cargo and passenger ships and waterway transport vehicles, seafood and agricultural product processing industry, textile and garment industry, production and assembly of electrical goods Export consumption is concentrated along the Hau River. Forming international export processing zones, high-tech industrial parks, and concentrated processing industrial parks associated with key seaports; Developing high-tech park in Can Tho city. The renewable energy industry develops in coastal provinces, linking networks to form a large renewable energy industrial belt of the country.
- Aquaculture applies high technology, adapting to climate change with the center of the aquaculture area in Bac Lieu. Develop modern fishing infrastructure to serve offshore exploitation in the southern seas with a fishing operations center in Ben Tre. Forming a center for marine fisheries logistics services at the Hau River estuary, a center for science and technology services, and training services for highly qualified technical human resources in aquaculture, exploitation, and processing of aquatic products. in Can Tho.
- Ecotourism, coastal nature reserve tourism combined with community cultural tourism. Linking a network of tourism facilities, forming unique cultural eco-tourism areas in the Southwestern coastal region to develop into a highly attractive coastal, river and mangrove forest tourism center in Southeast Asia .
g) Develop a cluster of Southwestern marine economic sectors (belonging to the sea and coastal areas of Kien Giang - Ca Mau) with the focus of development on Phu Quoc island and the coastal area of Rach Gia city - Ca Mau city. Mau - Nam Can Economic Zone is associated with building a strong marine economic center of international stature. Development of priority sectors:
- Tourist seaport, import-export seaport of goods, domestic and international transshipment and services associated with seaports with the center being Phu Quoc - Rach Gia - Hon Chong port and Nam Can - Ong Doc port. Attract investment to develop Hon Khoai international port combined with Nam Can economic zone port to form a gateway seaport for transshipment of goods.
- Seafood and aquatic food processing industry, Southwest offshore oil and gas exploitation industry and gas processing, electricity and gas, consumer goods manufacturing industry for export concentrated in the coastal areas of South Kien Giang - Bac Ca. Develop and link renewable energy industrial facilities on the coast and on islands to become a major renewable energy center of the country.
- Developing fisheries and aquaculture, aquatic breed production is a large, modern center of the country. Form groups and teams to cooperate in exploiting fishing grounds in the Southwest region with a fishery service center in Rach Gia - An Bien (Kien Giang), a marine service center, maritime logistics services, and business establishments. Dual-use facilities on Phu Quoc and Kien Hai islands and service bases on offshore islands. Developing large-scale concentrated aquaculture associated with conservation of mangrove ecosystems and linking with services to support aquaculture and export processing.
- Island tourism, developing coastal tourism network links and on the islands of Phu Quoc, Tho Chu, Nam Du, Kien Hai, Hon Chong. Forming a tourist base and tourist area with a high level of internationalization in Phu Quoc to develop into a center for resort tourism, entertainment, commercial and financial services with high international stature in the region and Europe, Asia Pacific.
III. Solution
1. Supplement mechanisms and policies to encourage and provide incentives for taxes, credit, land and water surface use, technical support, and technology transfer to attract businesses and economic sectors to invest and operate. and link and cooperate with each other to form marine economic clusters. First of all, quickly add specific mechanisms and policies to attract economic groups and large enterprises to act as the nucleus to promote the development of industry clusters. Innovate and perfect the management mechanism and marine economic development model, pilot the development of models of coastal economic zones, island economic zones, marine science and technology zones, high-tech parks, and marine economic zones. export processing zones, commercial zones, and tourist zones with a high level of internationalization associated with key seaports and large coastal urban areas to strongly attract investors, businesses, and service establishments to operate centrally and Collaborate with each other in production and business.
2. Coordinate at all levels, sectors and inter-provinces to integrate the tasks of developing marine economic clusters into the national master plan, national marine spatial planning and national sector plans , regional planning, provincial planning, and related urban planning. Focus on implementing planning and arrangement of areas and operational spaces along the coast and on the sea and islands to attract businesses and economic establishments operating concentratedly in the marine economic sector and multi-sector economic sectors. Seas are related to each other, accompanied by mechanisms and policies to encourage investment attraction and encourage businesses and operating establishments to cooperate with each other, arrange and arrange economic infrastructure connections, spatially linking the development of seaports, economic zones, concentrated industrial zones, production areas, tourist areas, and coastal urban areas to create favorable conditions for businesses to operate and cooperate production and business, forming strong marine economic centers. Arrange the development of seaport service urban areas, industrial urban areas associated with seaports, marine tourism urban areas, fishing urban areas, marine science and technology urban areas with synchronous and modern infrastructure creating a high attraction for businesses to focus on operations and meet housing conditions and life-utility services for workers.
3. Supplementing mechanisms and policies to encourage and provide incentives for the development of marine science and technology centers, marine research areas associated with marine conservation, marine economic high-tech zones, and science and technology facilities , a facility that trains specialized technical human resources in the marine field and marine economy with international stature and encourages cooperation with businesses. Quickly review and select options and focus on supporting the development of a number of science and technology facilities, training facilities, research, design and product testing centers that meet international standards as the core for the development of marine economic industry linkage cluster. Promote the implementation of digital transformation, develop the Internet of Things IoT connection infrastructure network to serve linking industries, businesses, and marine economic establishments. Forming information technology industrial centers, big data processing to serve businesses and organizations participating in marine economic development.
4. Create open mechanisms and policies for development and collaboration between businesses and components in the marine economic sector and related to the marine economy. First of all, build a coordination mechanism between localities in organizing industry linkages, linking business networks at inter-provincial scale according to marine economic industry clusters. Coordinate between state management agencies and relevant associations to organize channels and activities to connect, exchange and cooperate between businesses, organizations and investors in the field of business, maritime international scope on an inter-provincial and international scale. Promote international cooperation, support businesses, business associations, and marine economic industry associations to establish and expand partnerships and cooperate with relevant partners abroad, participate Join the network of marine economic clusters and organize international and regional marine economic industry associations.
5. Consolidate and strengthen the capacity for law enforcement, national defense and security on islands, protect safety and security, and protect the right to operate at sea according to Vietnamese law and international law for businesses and marine economic establishments to create a favorable environment for the development of marine economic clusters. Quickly build and perfect the coordination mechanism and link components in developing the marine economy in association with strengthening national defense and island security. Supplementing mechanisms and policies to mobilize resources to improve the efficiency of developing key economic and defense zones on island waters, building some islands into economic - science - technology - defense centers according to the law. Multi-functional model, partially economically autonomous, combining economic activities with defense at sea.
IV. Implementation organization
1. The Ministry of Planning and Investment is responsible for:
- Preside and coordinate with relevant ministries and localities to organize project implementation; Coordinate the development and synthesis of mechanisms, policies, programs, and development projects from ministries, branches, and localities to report to the Government and Prime Minister according to regulations.
- Preside and coordinate to integrate the project implementation content into the national master plan, regional planning and in developing business networks, developing economic zones, industrial parks, and export processing zones .
- Preside and coordinate with ministries, branches and localities to mobilize resources and attract domestic and foreign investment to implement the project with specific scope, priority sectors and areas.
2. Ministries and branches proactively integrate project implementation content into assigned professional tasks. Preside and coordinate with relevant agencies and localities to develop development programs including mechanisms and policies to implement the project in the fields within their functions and tasks, specifically:
- The Ministry of Finance presides and coordinates additional mechanisms and policies in the tax field to encourage businesses and economic sectors to operate centrally and cooperate with each other according to the project.
- The Ministry of Industry and Trade presides over and coordinates the development of a program to implement the project on industry linkages in the industrial sector.
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development presides and coordinates the development of a program to implement the project on linking the exploitation, aquaculture, seafood processing and related services sectors.
- The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism presides and coordinates the development of a program to implement the project on industry linkages in the field of tourism and related services.
- The Ministry of Transport presides and coordinates the development of a development program to implement a project on industry linkages in the maritime sector and related services.
- The Ministry of Science and Technology presides and coordinates the development of a program to implement the project on linking the science and technology service industry and businesses.
- The Ministry of Education and Training, the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs shall preside over and coordinate to develop a program to implement the project on linking the training service industry, vocational education and businesses.
- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment presides and coordinates the implementation of integrating the project's implementation content into the national marine spatial planning and development programs and policies related to the sea according to assigned functions and tasks.
- The Ministry of National Defense presides over and coordinates the development of additional mechanisms and policies to develop key defense economic zones and dual-use marine economic centers with the participation of many components.
- Other ministries and branches coordinate with relevant agencies to implement the project, support and create favorable conditions for production and business cooperation, international integration, and ensuring safety and security, security in developing marine economic clusters.
3. People's Committees of coastal provinces and centrally run cities within the scope of the project are responsible for coordinating with ministries, central branches and relevant localities to organize the implementation of the project.
- Proactively coordinate to develop and propose mechanisms, policies, and development programs to implement the project within localities and inter-provincial links; integrate the content of project implementation in the local area into local development plans, plans, programs and projects.
- Take charge among localities to organize and implement the development of marine economic clusters associated with building a strong marine economic center of the country where the locality is within the scope of development.

Source: Vitic/

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