Wednesday, October 23,2024 - 4:57 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Plan on implementing national environmental protection strategy to 2030 with a vision to 2050 in Kien Giang province 

 Tuesday, February 28,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Environment is a condition, foundation and prerequisite for sustainable socio-economic development. Environmental protection is an integral part of socio-economic development guidelines, policies and plans of all levels and sectors, an important basis for ensuring sustainable development.

 Plan on implementing national environmental protection strategy to 2030 with a vision to 2050 in Kien Giang province
I. Viewpoints and vision
1. Viewpoints
- Environment is a condition, foundation and prerequisite for sustainable socio-economic development. Environmental protection is an integral part of socio-economic development guidelines, policies and plans of all levels and sectors, an important basis for ensuring sustainable development.
- Environmental protection is the responsibility of the whole political system and the whole society, in which local authorities, businesses, communities and people play an important role; based on close, synchronous and unified coordination among all levels and sectors, taking advantage of opportunities of the process of international integration and cooperation.
- Environmental protection is a factor to ensure the people's health and quality of life. Environmental protection must follow the motto of taking prevention and limiting adverse impacts on the environment as the main; combined with pollution treatment, degradation and environmental improvement; combined with nature conservation and biodiversity, contributing to climate change response.
- Environmental protection must be based on real quality improvement, effective and efficient law enforcement; enhance publicity, transparency and supervision; promote administrative procedure reform, innovation and application of the results of the fourth industrial revolution and digital transformation; promote integrated management, ecosystem-based, inter-regional, inter-sectoral approach, develop circular economy, green economy, low carbon.
- Investment in environmental protection is investment in sustainable development; combine the investment of the State with the promotion of resource mobilization in the society and the expansion of international cooperation; effectively apply the principle that polluters must pay treatment costs and compensate for damage; the beneficiaries of the environmental values must pay.
2. Vision to 2050
Environment in Kien Giang province is quite good, ensuring the people's right to live in a clean and safe environment; biodiversity is preserved, conserved and ecological balance is ensured; proactively respond to climate change; Circular economy, green economy, low carbon are formed and developed, towards the goal of being carbon neutral by 2050.
3. Objectives to 2030
a) Overall objectives
Prevent the trend of increasing pollution and environmental degradation; solve urgent environmental problems; step by step improve and restore environmental quality; prevent the loss of biodiversity; contribute to improving capacity to actively respond to climate change; ensure environmental security, build and develop models of circular economy, green economy, low carbon, striving to achieve the province's 2030 sustainable development goals.
b) Specific objectives:
- The adverse effects causing environmental pollution, degradation, environmental incidents are proactively prevented and controlled;
- Improve management capacity, prioritize measures to prevent environmental pollution and degradation; promptly solve pressing issues and environmental hot spots, ensure harmony between socio-economic development and environmental protection, contributing to the successful implementation of the goal of rapid, comprehensive and sustainable development. ;
- Invest in upgrading technical infrastructure, contributing to ensuring environmental sanitation, urban landscape and rural development towards modernization;
- Strengthening the protection of natural heritages, restoring ecosystems; prevent the trend of biodiversity loss; maintain and restore watershed forests, improve forest quality;
- Contribute to improving capacity to adapt to climate change and promote mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions;
Specific targets and implementation roadmap to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Strategy are in accordance with Appendix 01 attached.
II. Key missions
1. Actively prevent, control and prevent adverse impacts on the environment and environmental incidents
a) Economic development towards ecological, circular, green growth, promoting sustainable production and consumption:
- Promote economic restructuring in favor of environmentally friendly economic sectors, minimize the development of groups of industries with high risk of environmental pollution and degradation;
- Greening industrial production industries and promoting the development of green industries, high-tech industries and ecological industrial parks. To encourage use of environmentally friendly raw materials, fuels and materials; orientation to encourage the transformation of existing industrial zones and clusters in the province towards ecological industrial parks.
- Promote the development of ecological agriculture, high-tech application agriculture, organic agriculture; increasing reuse of agricultural by-products; limit the use of inorganic fertilizers, chemical plant protection drugs and antibiotics in cultivation, animal husbandry and aquaculture;
- Improve the efficiency of construction planning, urban planning and sustainable urban development, urban development associated with technical infrastructure development on environmental protection; focus on developing green space, green building, eco-urban, smart city, resilient to climate change;
- Promote the development and implementation of greening the building material manufacturing industry; encourage the production and use of environmentally friendly building materials;
- To step up the implementation of environmental protection contents in the National Target Program on new rural construction; planning rural areas according to new rural standards, protecting and developing green, clean, beautiful and civilized landscapes; maintain and improve the quality of the rural environment.
- Integrating and implementing circular economy and green economic models in socio-economic development strategies, master plans, plans, programs, schemes and projects. Implement national action program on sustainable production and consumption in the 2021-2030 period according to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 889/QD-TTg dated June 24, 2020;
- Implement the plan to implement the anti-plastic waste movement in Kien Giang province.
b) Implementing environmental zoning, improving the efficiency of environmental impact assessment, managing based on environmental permits:
- Zoning functions according to ecosystems serving development planning, formulating plans on prioritized areas, restricted or prohibited areas for industrial development and mineral exploitation in order to reduce conflicts between environmental protection and socio-economic development;
- Assessment of the strategic environment for local socio-economic development strategies, master plans, plans, programs and projects.
- Classification of production, business and service establishments according to the level of risk of causing environmental pollution; focus on strictly controlling groups of establishments with high risk of causing environmental pollution and with large discharge volumes. Limited orientation, moving towards not permitting new investment or expansion investment for types of industries that have the risk of causing serious environmental pollution, especially in densely populated areas/basins rivers, sensitive areas, priority areas to be protected.
- Control environmental pollution from production, business and service establishments through environmental permits based on the results of environmental impact assessment, environmental protection planning, environmental load capacity and environmental technical regulations.
c) Actively control establishments with high risk of causing environmental pollution; prevent adverse effects on a field:
- Classification of production, business and service establishments according to the level of risk of causing environmental pollution; focus on strictly controlling groups of establishments with high risk of causing environmental pollution and with large discharge volumes. Implement the roadmap for applying the best available technology (BAT) to the types of production, business and services that are at risk of causing pollution to the environment.
- Develop and implement according to the roadmap solutions to ensure an environmental safe distance for residential areas from production, business, service establishments, warehouses containing flammable and explosive substances, radioactive, toxic, potentially harmful to human health, polluting water sources.
- Strictly control persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and persistent hazardous substances (PTS).
- To completely deal with establishments causing serious environmental pollution.
- Implement environmental protection in rural areas, focusing on strict management of waste sources from livestock, poultry and aquaculture activities; destroy disease-affected livestock and poultry according to prescribed requirements, ensuring environmental sanitation; to step up the application of farming techniques, towards environmentally friendly farming methods, to limit the use of fertilizers, chemical fertilizers and plant protection chemicals.
d) Actively prevent and respond to environmental incidents;
- Making and implementing plans to respond to environmental incidents at all levels and at establishments at risk of environmental incidents; focus on organizing training and rehearsals to respond to environmental incidents.
- Implement the 4 on-the-spot motto (on-the-spot command, on-site forces, on-site vehicles and supplies, on-the-spot logistics), unification, close coordination, information disclosure and mobilization of participation of community involvement in environmental incident response.
- Actively proactively prevent and respond to marine and island environmental incidents, toxic chemical incidents, oil spills at sea and in rivers; strengthen chemical, radioactive and nuclear safety management.
- Improve monitoring capacity to monitor, proactively prevent and respond to incidents of air pollution, sea water environment, inter-provincial rivers and regions.
- Improve the effectiveness of environmental impact assessment in screening and preventing outdated production technology, causing environmental pollution in investment and development projects. Strictly implement preventive measures to prevent the introduction of old and outdated technology, machinery, vehicles and equipment, causing environmental pollution.
2. Solve key and urgent environmental issues; overcome environmental pollution and degradation; maintain and improve the quality and hygiene of the environment
a) Strengthening pollution control, maintaining and improving air quality in urban areas:
- Implement the Government's Decision No. 1973/QD-TTg dated November 23, 2021 approving the National Plan on air quality management for the period 2021 - 2025.
- Formulate and implement provincial-level air quality management plan, paying special attention to big cities and hot spots for air pollution.
- To increase investment in the system of automatic air monitoring stations in big cities and hot spots for air pollution; regularly warn and publicize information on air quality in big cities.
- Speeding up the construction of the public transport system, limiting the increase of private means of transport in big cities. Strengthen construction, expand the area of parks and trees, reduce noise pollution in urban areas and residential areas.
- Enhance emission control for motor vehicles.
- Promote the use of non-motorized, environmentally friendly means of transport (bicycles, electric vehicles, vehicles using clean fuels, renewable energy); implement a roadmap for converting and eliminating expired and polluting means of transport according to regulations.
- To increase the wide application of biofuels, clean and environmentally friendly fuels.
- Control and prevent dust pollution from urban construction works. Controlling burning of crop residues in the fields in suburban areas.
- Strengthening control of industrial facilities with large emission sources; encouraging the application of clean technology, economical and efficient use of raw materials, fuel and energy.
b) Strengthening solid waste and hazardous waste management:
- Continue to implement the project of socialization on environmental protection in Kien Giang province until 2025.
- Continue to implement the Project on strengthening waste management and treatment; wastewater in urban areas and residential areas in the period of 2021 - 2025 and the following years.
- Implement the Project on daily-life solid waste management in Kien Giang province in the period of 2022 - 2025 with orientation to 2030 in Decision No. 145/QD-UBND dated January 11, 2022.
- Implement classification at source and collect fees according to the amount of solid waste generated to promote reduction, reuse and recycling.
- To encourage investment and construction of recycling facilities with modern technology; to gradually limit small-scale and manual recycling establishments that cause environmental pollution in craft villages.
- Promote the application of modern, environmentally friendly technologies, co-processing, treatment combined with energy recovery; make an environmental protection deposit for waste burial, step by step limit the direct burial of daily-life solid waste.
- Effectively implement the Action Plan on plastic waste and ocean plastic waste management by 2030 in Kien Giang province in Plan No. 177/KH-UBND dated June 13, 2020. By 2025: reduce 30% of plastic waste lost to the sea and ocean. 80% of rural daily-life solid waste is collected, transported, self-treated, and centrally treated to meet environmental protection requirements. Reduce by 50% of fishing gear being discarded directly into the sea. By 2030: reduce 50% of plastic waste lost to seas and oceans. 90% of rural daily-life solid waste is collected, transported, self-treated, and centrally treated to meet environmental protection requirements. Full control over direct disposal of fishing gear into the sea, 75% of resorts, tourist attractions, tourist accommodation service businesses, tourist transport and other tourist services that are adjacent to the sea or on the sea and islands do not use single-use plastic products. . Maintain at least twice a year, launch a campaign to collect and clean beaches throughout the province and Phu Quoc Marine Protected Area. Organized a campaign to collect and clean plastic waste in coastal mangrove forests in the province.
- Increase reuse and recycling of construction solid waste and ordinary industrial solid wastes to meet environmental regulations and technical requirements; reduce post-harvest losses in agriculture, reduce, reuse and recycle food waste.
- To step by step classify, collect and treat hazardous waste in daily-life solid waste; focus on e-waste management.
c) Enhance wastewater treatment, step up control, management and protection of water environment and river basins:
- Develop and implement a plan for surface water quality management for rivers and lakes.
- To increase investment in domestic wastewater collection and treatment systems in combination with renovating and restoring lakes, ponds and canals in big cities.
- Deploying and applying decentralized wastewater treatment models for areas where there are no conditions for collection; promote reuse of wastewater and sludge. Carry out satisfactory wastewater treatment in all industrial zones, clusters, industrial facilities, hospitals.
- Assessment of load capacity, zoning and discharge quotas for wastewater into the surface water environment; take measures to reduce polluting sources, restore the environment of rivers and lakes.
- Investigate and assess the overall physical condition of seriously polluted areas; develop and implement solutions to protect and improve the quality of underground water sources.
d) Treat environmental pollution in craft villages, restore areas contaminated with residual chemicals, protect the land environment
- Integrating environmental protection of craft villages into the national target program on new rural construction and regional and provincial planning; implement mechanisms and policies to encourage and support the environmental protection of craft villages.
- Formulate and implement plans, organize self-management and build infrastructure for environmental protection in craft villages. Strengthening control over environmental protection activities of production establishments and households in craft villages.
- To step by step transform industries and trades in the type of production that are at risk of causing environmental pollution, fire and explosion incidents, using outdated technological lines, machinery and equipment; relocate, change industries, production establishments and households belonging to, industries and trades that are not encouraged for development.
- To step up the treatment, improvement and restoration of the soil environment in polluted areas, chemical and pesticide storage sites, closed or relocated solid waste landfills.
- Investigate, evaluate, classify and monitor changes in soil environment quality; formulating and implementing plans to treat, renovate and restore areas with particularly serious soil environment pollution.
Strengthening control of marine and island environmental pollution
- Control and prevent pollution in coastal areas; invest, strengthen infrastructure and equipment, collect and treat hazardous waste, wastewater and daily-life solid waste up to environmental standards in coastal localities.
- Actively prevent, reduce and effectively handle pollution sources from mining, oil and gas, transportation and fishing activities at sea; identify areas at risk of marine and island environmental pollution, strictly control dumping activities at sea. Formulate and implement projects on protection and conservation of marine ecosystems in association with assurance of national defense and security.
- Continue to implement the Implementation Plan of Annexes 3, 4, 5, 6 of the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution Caused by Ships under Decision No. 795/QD-TTg dated 11 May 2016 of the Prime Minister.
- Implement the National Action Plan on ocean plastic waste management to 2030 according to Decision No. 1746/QD-TTg dated December 4, 2019 of the Prime Minister.
- Develop and apply closed models of collection, classification, reuse and treatment of wastewater, domestic solid waste and hazardous waste in islands, especially in the island city of Phu Quoc.
e) Continue to provide clean water, ensure environmental sanitation and prevent environmental factors harmful to human health:
- Implement measures to ensure water source security, especially for domestic water sources; research, control and prevent water pollution from microplastics and microorganisms.
- Implement measures to ensure the safety of domestic water supply, continue to expand the scope of clean water supply services, and minimize water loss in urban areas; increase investment in building clean water supply systems according to the standards of the Ministry of Health for the people in rural areas.
- Strengthen the implementation of contents and solutions on environmental sanitation in the National Target Program on building new rural areas; continue to build and implement a civilized lifestyle, abolish customs and encourage cremation among the people.
- Proactively prevent, respond to and protect public health against diseases caused by environmental factors. Identify, warn and treat emission sources of pollutants harmful to human health such as PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyl), dioxins, asbestos... materials, construction, have the potential to adversely affect human health and the environment.
3. Conserve nature and biodiversity, promote environmental protection in resource exploitation and use
a) Environmental protection of natural heritages, expansion of the system of conservation zones and biodiversity corridors:
- Establishing, recognizing, managing and protecting the environment for natural heritages. Carry out impact assessment of socio-economic development activities on natural heritage in environmental impact assessment. Develop and implement a biodiversity compensation mechanism, especially for forest and wetland ecosystems.
- Promote the establishment of new nature reserves; encourage organizations, businesses, communities and individuals to invest in, establish, manage, use and sustainably develop natural heritage sites and voluntary biodiversity conservation areas.
- Effectively protect natural ecosystems, restore and enhance the value of conserved biodiversity; expand and improve the efficiency of management of the system of natural heritages and nature reserves; strictly handle acts of encroaching on forest land, illegally hunting, exploiting and consuming wild species in the area.
- Continue to expand the application of payment for ecosystem services to natural ecosystems, especially forests, wetlands, sea, rocky mountains and caves.
- Establish and sustainably manage biodiversity corridors connecting habitats where endangered and rare species are prioritized for protection.
b) Protection and restoration of ecosystems:
- Integrate content of protection and restoration of natural ecosystems into development policies, strategies, programs and plans. Promote the implementation of models of conservation and sustainable use of ecosystems; focus on conservation and development of urban biodiversity.
- Strengthen protection of watershed protection forests; strictly protect natural forest areas; effective use of planted forests; minimize to a minimum the conversion of natural forests. Strengthening mechanical and biological measures against fire and pests and diseases.
- Promote the link between conservation and development, continue to allocate forests to households and communities; promote sustainable forest management. Sustainable ecotourism development associated with biodiversity conservation; preserve natural resources with economic interests of indigenous people, people in the buffer zone.
c) Prevent the decline of species and genetic resources, ensure biosecurity:
- Continue to develop and implement conservation programs for endangered and rare wild animals, plants and animals prioritized for protection. To develop a system of shifting conservation facilities, animal rescue centers, zoological gardens, botanical gardens, and medicinal plant gardens.
- Strictly control and strictly handle the illegal exploitation, hunting, transportation, trading, captive breeding, trading, slaughter, and illegal cultivation of endemic, rare and endangered species of animals and plants endangered fox. Limit and move towards not granting permits to raise endangered and rare wild animals and plants, which are prioritized for protection for establishments ineligible for the establishment of conservation areas. Periodically update the list of endangered and rare species prioritized for protection.
- Strengthening scientific research, technology transfer and conservation of genetic resources, management of access to genetic resources, benefit sharing and protection of traditional knowledge on genetic resources. Continue to carry out the management of the gene fund through scientific research projects, which will be kept at the units in charge of performing tasks under the Program on conservation and sustainable use of genetic resources until the end of the year 2025, orientation to 2030 in the province.
- Thoroughly and strictly apply quarantine measures to strictly control and actively prevent the transmission routes of foreign organisms. Strengthening information, propaganda to raise awareness of the community to detect and prevent the spread of alien organisms early. Prioritize funding for conservation facilities and forest management boards to implement measures to prevent invasive alien species.
- Continue to control risks from GMOs, focusing on import management, licensing and breeding of GMOs, especially for food crops.
d) Strengthening environmental protection in exploitation and use of natural resources; protect and develop natural capital:
- Implement technical solutions in agricultural production to protect and improve soil fertility; focus on preventing and fighting erosion, desertification, desertification, land degradation, saltwater intrusion, riverbank and coastal erosion.
- Strengthening integrated management of water resources by river basin in association with conservation of biodiversity, aquatic ecosystems, protection, exploitation and use of water resources. Strongly promote economical and efficient use of water resources in production and daily life.
- Control and prevent pollution, environmental degradation, environmental incidents in mining and mineral processing; control toxic mineral areas. Effectively and efficiently implement regulations on deposit for environmental restoration; make use of the post-mining recovery environment for socio-economic development purposes.
- Continue to control, prevent and eliminate destructive forms of fishing and fishing. Promote implementation of co-management, apply ecological certificates, develop models of aquaculture combined with sustainable cultivation.
- Promote investment in protection and development of natural capital sources. Integrate requirements on environmental protection and biodiversity conservation in plannings on exploitation and use of natural resources; strictly control the conversion of use purposes for forest land, water surface and sea surface.
4. Proactively protect the environment to contribute to improving capacity to adapt to climate change and reduce greenhouse gas emissions
a) Strengthening environmental protection to reduce vulnerability and improve resilience to climate change:
- Accelerate the implementation of Decision 3203/QD-UBND dated December 30, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee on approving the Action Plan to respond to climate change in Kien Giang province in the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050 .
- Assess the sensitivity and resilience of the natural environment system to the impact of climate change. Research, forecast and assess climate change risks in environmental impact assessment for investment projects.
- Assessment of impacts of climate change on public health: research to assess the effects of climate change on epidemics. Proposing models/forms of monitoring for diseases stemming from natural disasters and prevention solutions; Raise awareness about the impact and increasing vulnerability of climate change to health.
- Develop and replicate solutions and models for adaptation to climate change based on ecosystems (EbA), solutions based on nature (NbS), biodiversity conservation, environmental restoration school..., suitable for the locality.
- Apply measures to zoning for regeneration and natural restoration of degraded ecosystems in nature reserves and areas of high biodiversity.
- Integrate solutions to respond to climate change in strategies, master plans, plans, programs and projects on environmental protection. Building technical infrastructure for environmental protection to withstand the impacts of climate change.
b) Develop renewable energy, clean fuel, strengthen integrated solid waste management, protect and develop ecosystems to reduce emissions and increase the ability to absorb greenhouse gases:
- Develop renewable energy, clean energy to meet development requirements, use clean fuel, use unburnt building materials, environmentally friendly; control ozone-depleting substances from production and consumption activities.
- Developing and applying circular economy models, implementing integrated solid waste management; promote waste reduction, reuse, recycling, treatment/disposal in combination with energy recovery, minimizing solid waste burial; control and reduce methane emissions from solid waste landfills.
- Building low-carbon economic development models, models and livelihoods associated with biodiversity conservation, development of natural ecosystems.
- Carrying out the task of making a total inventory of greenhouse gas emissions and absorption in the province, assessing and inventorying carbon through changes in management and exploitation and use of resources. Including inheriting, referencing data from the tasks performed from the REDD+ Action Plan and the Green Growth Plan and at the same time combining with the guiding regulations of relevant ministries and sectors and support of international organisations.
- Implement the National Program on GHG emission reduction through limiting forest loss and degradation; conservation, enhancement of carbon stocks and sustainable management of forest resources (REDD+ Program) to 2030 approved in Decision No. 419/QD-TTg dated April 5, 2017 of the Prime Minister.
III. Solution
- Disseminate and raise awareness of all levels and sectors about the view that "environment is a condition, foundation and prerequisite for sustainable socio-economic development" according to Conclusion No. 56- KL/TW dated August 23, 2019 of the Politburo on continuing to implement the Resolution of the 7th Central Committee, term XI on proactively responding to climate change, strengthening natural resource management and protecting the environment. Gradually change awareness and thinking of all levels and sectors about the role of environmental protection in development policy making.
- Continue to consolidate and strengthen the organizational capacity of the apparatus, ensuring the effective implementation of the protection of a school from the provincial level to the commune, ward and township levels. Clearly define responsibilities and tasks for environmental protection among sectors and levels.
- Include environmental protection in educational programs at all levels and training levels; promote specialized training for a school; building advanced and typical models of environmental protection in educational institutions.
- Accelerating reform and simplification of administrative procedures on the environment in the direction of improving the effectiveness and efficiency of State management while minimizing legal risks and compliance costs for people and businesses. Step by step transform into advanced management methods, proactiveness and self-responsibility for environmental protection of enterprises.
- Improve the quality and strictly implement the process of making, appraising and approving environmental impact assessment reports and environmental permits in the province.
- Completing preferential policies, supporting environmentally friendly production, business and service activities and ecological products.
- Strengthen the inspection, examination and supervision of environmental protection activities of the management agencies. The State specializes in and strictly handles violations of the law on environmental protection. Promote effective coordination between inspection agencies and the environmental police force.
- Pay attention to training to improve environmental management capacity for staff working in environmental protection of sectors and localities to meet the requirements of environmental protection in the industrialization and modern era.
- To step up the propaganda work, especially the communication on environmental protection by State agencies implementing and communication on environmental protection in the community, in enterprises and in schools; mobilize the People to adopt an environmentally friendly cultural lifestyle, to voluntarily abide by the provisions of the law on environmental protection.
- To step up scientific research on the environment, to develop and apply high technologies in environmental protection, to bring into play the role of science and technology in promoting and improving the quality and efficiency of the economy, promoting transition to a green economy;
- Develop, receive and transfer new and advanced technologies for pollution prevention and control, efficient and sustainable exploitation and use of natural resources, conservation of nature and biodiversity, and economical use of natural energy resources, production and use of clean and renewable energy. Accelerate renewal of production and construction technologies in the direction of applying production and construction technologies that consume less raw materials, fuel, energy, less waste and low carbon.
- To promote the role of socio-political organizations, mass organizations and mass media in propagating about environmental protection; strengthen the supervision of the community and mass media agencies for environmental protection activities.
- Continue to research and pilot technology models for environmental treatment and environmental protection. Improve the efficiency of solid waste management, proceed to treat domestic waste with modern technological solutions. Diversify technologies for using and protecting the environment in accordance with the natural, socio-economic conditions of each region in the province. Reviewing, summarizing, disseminating and replicating effective models and projects that have been applied. To call for, invest in, and plan industrial clusters to relocate production and business establishments and industries that affect the environment into the concentrated areas.
- Overcome degradation, restore and improve environmental quality. Well implement the afforestation program, effectively prevent deforestation and forest fires, and increase the area of nature reserves. Effectively exploiting natural resources, ensuring the environment and ecological balance;
- Focus on developing a green and environmentally friendly economy. Implement sustainable production and consumption; step by step develop clean energy, clean production and clean consumption.
- Increase investment and use for the right purposes and effectively the environmental non-business expenditures, ensuring that the expenditure level is not less than 1% of the total budget expenditure and gradually increase this percentage according to the annual economic growth rate. Formulate mechanisms and policies to encourage domestic and foreign economic sectors to invest in the field of environmental protection; speed up the basic investigation, forecast and warning on environmental resources; research, application and transfer of scientific and technological advances in environmental protection.
IV. Planning, resources and organization to implement the strategy
1. Implement priority programs, tasks and projects in Appendix 02 of the Plan.
2. Funding sources for the implementation of the Strategy include the State budget, investment sources of enterprises, the private sector, the community and foreign capital.
3. Assignment of responsibilities:
a) The Department of Natural Resources and Environment is the focal point and state management agency for environmental protection; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with departments, branches and localities in implementing the objectives, tasks, solutions and key programs, plans and projects of the Strategy Implementation Plan.
b) The Department of Planning and Investment and the Department of Finance shall coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment in advising the Provincial People's Committee on balancing and allocating capital from the State budget and other capital sources to effectively implement the following contents: of the Plan.
c) People's Committees of districts and cities are responsible for organizing the implementation of goals, tasks and solutions; coordinate in the implementation of key programs, plans and projects of the Plan in the locality.
d) The Vietnam Fatherland Front, socio-political organizations, socio-professional organizations, media agencies, businesses and people have the responsibility to participate in environmental protection, organize policy review and monitoring of environmental protection activities.
e) Departments, departments, branches and localities, within the ambit of their tasks and powers, are responsible for implementing the objectives, tasks and solutions; formulating and organizing the effective implementation of key programs, plans and projects of the Plan.
V. Monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the plan
1. Departments, departments, branches and People's Committees of districts and cities are responsible for supervising, examining and summarizing the implementation of objectives and tasks; environmental protection solutions in the fields and areas under the management responsibility; integrated in the annual report on environmental protection as prescribed and sent to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment for synthesis.
2. The Department of Natural Resources and Environment is responsible for inspecting, supervising, urging and synthesizing the implementation of the Plan; annual report on environmental protection of the province; organize a 5-year preliminary review, a 10-year summary of the implementation of the Plan, and report to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment.
In the course of implementation, if there are any difficulties or problems, the Departments, departments, branches, People's Committees of districts and cities and relevant units and organizations are requested to promptly report them to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment. Environment to summarize and report to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and decision.

Source: Vitic/

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