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Program on conservation and development of Vietnamese craft villages in a period of 2021 - 2030 

 Tuesday, February 28,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Preservation and development of craft villages play an important role in promoting economic restructuring, rural labor, job creation and improvement of people's lives; protect and preserve landscape and space of craft villages, accelerate industrialization and modernization of the country and build a new countryside.

Program on conservation and development of Vietnamese craft villages in a period of 2021 - 2030
I. Viewpoints
1. Preservation and development of craft villages play an important role in promoting economic restructuring, rural labor, job creation and improvement of people's lives; protect and preserve landscape and space of craft villages, accelerate industrialization and modernization of the country and build a new countryside.
2. Preserve cultural values of craft villages in association with tourism economic development in order to preserve and promote the traditional cultural identities of different ethnic groups, regions, regions and localities. Arousing potentials, advantages, traditional values bearing local and national brands through the development of products of craft villages, especially products of traditional craft villages and fine handicrafts, sophisticated art associated with conferring, honoring and developing a team of artisans, skilled and skilled craftsmen and workers in localities, craft villages and traditional craft villages.
3. Develop craft villages in association with the market and international economic integration, promote export, in line with strategies and orientations for sustainable socio-economic development, green growth and product model development, closed-loop production saves raw materials, protects the environment and adapts to climate change; application of digital technology in management, advertising and commercial promotion of products of craft villages.
4. Maximize the mobilization of social resources and the State's support to preserve and develop craft villages. Harmoniously develop small and medium-sized business establishments, diversify forms of production and business organization in craft villages, combine modern technology with traditional technology to promote production efficiency.
II. Objectives
1. Common objectives
Preservation and development of craft villages in order to preserve and promote the values and traditional cultural identities of Vietnamese craft villages, promote production development, improve competitiveness, and add value to the local community, craft village products; create jobs, increase income for people; protect landscape, space and environment, build residential areas and cultural villages, contribute to promoting sustainable rural socio-economic development.
2. Specific objectives
a) By 2025
- Restore and preserve at least 56 traditional crafts and 85 traditional craft villages at risk of being lost or lost;
- New recognition of 116 occupations and 40 traditional craft villages; develop 181 craft villages associated with tourism;
- Over 70% of craft villages and traditional craft villages operate effectively;
- 80% of workers in craft villages are trained, re-trained, trained to improve occupational skills, occupational safety and health skills and basic information technology knowledge;
- At least 50% of traditional craft villages have products classified under the One Commune One Product (OCOP) Program;
- There are at least 30% of craft villages whose products are protected with trademarks;
- The average growth rate of production value of craft villages is about 10%/year;
- The average income of employees will increase at least 1.5 times compared to 2020;
- Increase the export turnover of handicrafts of craft villages to about 4 billion USD;
- 100% of production establishments and households in craft villages meet regulations on environmental protection.
b) By 2030
- Restore and preserve at least 129 traditional crafts and 208 traditional craft villages at risk of being lost or lost;
- New recognition of 213 occupations and 96 traditional craft villages; develop about 301 craft villages associated with tourism;
- Over 80% of traditional craft villages and craft villages operate effectively;
- 100% of workers in the craft village are trained, re-trained, trained to improve occupational skills, occupational safety and health skills and basic information technology knowledge;
- At least 50% of craft villages have trademarks protected products.
- The average growth rate of production value of craft villages is about 10%/year;
- Increase the export turnover of handicrafts of craft villages to about USD 6 billion;
- 100% of production establishments and households in craft villages meet regulations on environmental protection.
III. Mission of program
1. Promoting role of artisans and skilled workers
a) Maintain and develop a team of skilled artisans and workers, creating the core to promote training, vocational transmission and practice of traditional crafts, spreading the values of traditional cultural heritage in the country, especially for the younger generation; preserving and developing traditional skills, creating more valuable new products and works.
b) Collect, store and organize display of typical and unique works of artisans, skilled workers and typical artisans at all levels.
c) Organizing conferment and honoring of titles of good workers, artisans, elite artisans, people's artisans, gold panels of Vietnamese traditional craft clans and typical handicraft village products.
2. Preservation and development of traditional craft and traditional craft villages
a) Investigate, review, make statistics, evaluate and classify the list of traditional occupations and traditional craft villages and speed up the process of making dossiers and considering recognition;
b) Formulate a plan for restoration and conservation of traditional crafts and traditional craft villages which are in danger of being lost or lost;
c) Support for traditional trades and villages that have been recognized and are operating effectively for development and wide recognition.
3. Develop craft villages associated with tourism and build new countryside
a) Restoration and embellishment of relics related to traditional cultural values and craft villages (the church of the ancestors, the working space, the landscape of the craft village...); restore and organize festivals and folklore activities, promote the cultural values of professions and craft villages in building a cultural tourism environment.
b) Organize value chain linkage, develop craft villages associated with tourism, contribute to rural economic development and new rural construction.
4. Develop new craft villages that ensure traditional cultural values, are environmentally friendly and develop sustainably.
a) For villages that already have the profession: Restore, preserve and preserve the traditional culture in products and craft know-how, at the same time design new products suitable for the market, improve production capacity, produce and consume products and protect landscape and environment of craft villages.
b) For villages without a profession: Promote the development of production and business industries according to the needs of the market, in accordance with the actual conditions of the locality through the forms of importation, education and training, collect, disseminate and replicate from models, craft villages and traditional craft villages that are operating effectively.
IV. Solution
1. Regarding planning: Review and rearrange traditional craft villages and craft villages in accordance with master plans at all levels in accordance with the law on planning, land, construction and other legal provisions related, ensure sufficient premises for production, protect the landscape, space and environment of craft villages associated with new rural construction.
2. Develop criteria and organize assessment and classification of craft village activities in association with sustainable development goals; building and digitizing a database system to serve the management, conservation and development of Vietnamese trades and villages.
3. Restoring and preserving traditional crafts and villages that are in danger of being lost or lost
a) Collect, document, and preserve know-how, sophisticated and unique traditional technologies, handed down products, traditional patterns, and traditional festivals of craft villages.
b) For occupations and craft villages that are being lost and are likely to be lost: Preservation is the key; conduct surveys, develop projects to maintain households or groups of households or artisans in "performance" activities in order to preserve, transmit their professions and serve tourism and cultural needs.
c) For difficult occupations and villages: Support and create favorable conditions for artisans, skilled workers and establishments in craft villages to maintain stable production of unique products to serve their livelihoods activities, community festivals, gradually develop products of high economic value to meet needs and tastes of domestic and export consumers.
4. Support development of effective traditional craft villages and craft villages and new craft villages
a) Focus on developing craft villages producing products of high economic value, cultural content and great export potential (agro-forestry-fishery processing, bamboo and rattan, ceramics, embroidery, mosaic, lacquer, jewelry, ornamental creatures...).
b) Support to promote importation, construction and development of new craft villages; popularize and replicate traditional crafts to new craft villages; promote support for innovation in product development, and form new local production bases.
c) Build infrastructure, improve production conditions and protect environment of craft villages
- Renovate, upgrade and complete infrastructure, embellish landscape of craft villages in service of production associated with tourism development.
- Formulate and organize the implementation of the environmental protection plan, have a self-managing organization in charge of environmental protection and production establishments and households in the craft village to strictly comply with the requirements on environmental protection according to regulations and law. Encourage development of village conventions and conventions on environmental protection in craft villages.
- Research and transfer technological process of circular production, encourage and support production facilities in craft villages to reuse agricultural and forestry by-products as raw materials for production, reuse and treat waste products in accordance with conditions of the craft village, minimizing pollution and being environmentally friendly.
- Relocating production establishments and households out of craft villages and changing industries and trades that are not encouraged for development in craft villages according to regulations. Treat environmental pollution in contaminated areas after relocation or termination of operation.
d) Traditional craft villages and craft villages are entitled to policies to support and encourage development according to the provisions of Decree No. 52/2018/ND-CP dated April 12, 2018 of the Government on development of agricultural industry villages and other support policies in accordance with current law.
5. Developing material areas for craft villages
a) Develop concentrated and stable raw material areas, with priority given to key products (rattan, bamboo, ceramics, textiles, etc.) in localities with suitable conditions.
b) Encourage and support businesses, cooperatives and individuals to invest in order to develop sustainable certified raw material areas, meeting international standards and regulations.
c) Develop markets and focal centers for raw materials and auxiliary materials in order to promptly supply production facilities in craft villages.
6. Building centers for preserving and developing values of craft and craft villages
a) Encourage, support the restoration and embellishment of relics, build craft village museums, demonstration areas, display spaces, introduce and promote products of craft and craft villages associated with design , training, trade activities of craft village products.
b) Prioritize building centers for conservation and development of values of trades and craft villages in the form of socialization, in accordance with planning approved by competent authorities and relevant laws. : Center for preservation and development of ceramics and lacquer craft; center for the conservation and development of needlework and cultural exchange in Vietnamese craft villages; the center for preserving and developing traditional handicrafts of Vietnam's ethnic minorities; center for conservation and development of mulberry silk industry; space to display, introduce and demonstrate Hue and Vietnamese traditional crafts; the exhibition and conservation area of craft villages associated with tourism.
7. Training to improve the capacity of artisans, skilled workers and human resources for the development of craft villages
a) Artisans and workers in craft villages are supported in training and capacity improvement according to current regulations.
b) Focus on supporting and creating conditions for artisans and skilled workers to participate in training courses on pedagogy, teaching skills, product design and market trends; encourage and support artisans and skilled workers to participate in training and vocational training for workers.
c) Support training for workers in craft villages to improve their occupational skills, occupational hygiene and safety, and basic information technology knowledge; support and train employers in craft villages to improve management skills, digital transformation, and business knowledge.
d) Developing a model of linkage between professional associations, enterprises and vocational training institutions to conduct human resource training;
8. Transfer of science and technology, apply digital technology to production, meet international standards
a) Strengthen research, transfer and application of new technologies and materials into production, giving priority to environmentally friendly technologies and using renewable energy sources. Combining new technology with traditional techniques and technologies to improve production efficiency without affecting the artistic, aesthetic and traditional values of the product.
b) To encourage organizations, scientific research units and individuals to participate in scientific programs and projects, projects to restore traditional vocational techniques, transfer scientific and technological advances in combination with the use of scientific and technological advances. Using traditional techniques and technologies, researching and testing new products of craft villages.
c) To encourage the association between universities and colleges specializing in design, experts working in the creative field, and craft villages and production establishments to design and improve product designs, Developing new products to meet market needs.
d) Applying digital technology and digital transformation to improve production and business capacity, promote trade and develop craft village tourism.
Support production facilities and enterprises to improve production conditions, apply an advanced quality management system to meet international standards and regulations for key export products.
9. Promote trade promotion, build brand
a) Promote domestic and international trade promotion activities, build and develop brands for craft village products according to trade promotion programs and plans, OCOP Program; supporting production facilities and businesses in craft villages to build websites to introduce and promote products and sell online.
b) Building display points, introducing products at markets, shops, trade centers, rest stops along national highways, tourist spots to promote, introduce and consume products.
c) Support production establishments, cooperatives and enterprises in building their brands, traceability systems, geographical indications, and brand identities for products; guide and support production entities in craft villages to make dossiers to participate in the evaluation and rating of OCOP products.
d) Support the development of brands of handicraft products of Vietnamese ethnic minorities for export and local export, especially for the high-end market segment.
10. Building a value chain of craft villages
a) Reorganize the production of craft villages in the direction of forming value chains from raw materials, production to product consumption. Developing the collective economy, attracting businesses, cooperatives and cooperative groups to participate in the value chain to provide services for production facilities, meet the requirements of traceability, quality management, etc. efficiency, improve product value.
b) Design, build routes, spots and organize tourism activities, visit, educate, experience craft and traditional craft villages, closely link with agricultural and rural tourism programs, promoting the consumption of products of craft villages and local products.
c) Support the development and replication of pilot models linking along the value chain: Model of conservation and development of typical craft villages associated with certified raw material areas; preserving and developing craft villages associated with tourism; preserving and developing traditional professions associated with brand building; application of new science and technology to production and treatment of environmental pollution in craft villages.
11. Improve the quality of industry associations
a) Support the establishment of specialized associations of rural industry groups in accordance with the provisions of law. Support specialized associations in building material areas, training workers, researching and transferring production technology, developing products, promoting domestic and international trade.
b) Industry associations promote research and dissemination of information on international economic integration, free trade agreements that Vietnam has signed, market information, standards and regulations on technology, food hygiene and safety, product designs, and tastes of domestic and international consumers so that production facilities and enterprises can seize opportunities, orient appropriate production, improve product quality, promoting domestic consumption and export.
c) Actively identify needs and conduct vocational training and human resource development for craft villages.
12. Promote propaganda work.
a) Strengthen propaganda to raise awareness of all levels of Party committees, authorities, organizations, individuals and society about the role and importance of preserving and developing professions and villages in the development socio-economic development, preserving national cultural identity.
b) Promote communication, encourage linkages and attract domestic and foreign organizations, units and enterprises to invest in activities of preserving and developing craft villages; encourage people to use and display the products of Vietnamese craft villages.
c) Formulate plans and organize activities to honor artisans and skilled workers of the craft village; organize craft village festivals, craft product contests and craft village products.
13. Review and finalize the policy on conservation and development of craft villages
a) Review mechanisms and policies on land, investment attraction, support for treatment of environmental pollution, industrial promotion, vocational training for rural workers and related policies to amend and supplement , perfecting policies to support the conservation and development of trades and craft villages.
b) Studying and perfecting regulations on conferring and honoring titles of artisans and skilled workers; policies to support artisans and skilled workers to develop their careers and participate in vocational training and transmission.
V. Funding for the implementation of the Program
1. Funding sources from the state budget (central and local) according to the provisions of the Law on State Budget, the Law on Public Investment and relevant laws; funding from national target programs, integrated from related programs, schemes, plans and projects; funding sources, aid and other lawful capital sources from domestic and foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals as prescribed by law.
2. The management and use of funds for the implementation of the Program must comply with the provisions of law.
VI. Organizing implementation
Ministries, branches and relevant agencies of the central and local governments shall base themselves on the contents of the Program, their assigned functions and tasks, and the provisions of Decree No. 52/2018/ND-CP dated April 12, 2018. 2018 of the Government on the development of rural industries, Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP dated January 10, 2022 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law on Environmental Protection and other legal provisions. relevant laws to develop specific plans to synchronously implement the program's tasks and solutions. Some specific requirements are as follows:
1. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development is the focal agency in charge and is responsible for:
a) Assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with concerned ministries, branches and provincial-level People's Committees in, formulating plans and organizing the implementation of the Program; organizing propaganda activities, training and guiding the implementation of the contents of the Program.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for developing criteria for evaluation and classification of craft village activities in association with sustainable development goals; building and digitizing a database system for the management of conservation and development of Vietnamese trades and villages.
c) Coordinate with localities to review and build concentrated and stable raw material areas for the development of craft villages and rural industries.
d) Cooperate with the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs in formulating the contents, programs and plans of vocational training for rural workers in association with the development of craft villages.
e) Coordinating in supporting the establishment and improving the quality of activities of specialized associations of rural industry groups. Support associations, associations and businesses to coordinate with localities in building centers for conservation and development of values of craft and craft villages.
f) Organize annual trade village fairs, handicraft product contests to promote, promote trade and honor skilled artisans and workers.
g) Reviewing contents and policies to support the conservation and development of trades and craft villages; study, propose amendments, supplements and complete mechanisms and policies and promptly propose solutions to remove difficulties and obstacles of localities in order to organize the effective management and implementation of the Program. .
h) Organize the inspection, supervision, periodically organize the preliminary review, review, evaluation and report to the Prime Minister on the results of the implementation of the Program.
2. Ministry of Industry and Trade
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, reviewing and finalizing policies, regulations and guidelines for awarding artisans and skilled workers in the field of handicrafts.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in, assessing consumer needs and tastes and orienting the export of handicraft products to potential markets.
c) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies, units and enterprises in researching, building and implementing trade promotion activities, building and developing brands for key handicraft products of craft villages with export potential, guiding enterprises to produce products that meet international standards and regulations.
d) Directing to speed up the implementation of investment in industrial clusters to relocate production establishments causing environmental pollution out of residential areas and craft villages according to regulations; implement industrial promotion tasks to promote the development of rural industries and craft villages.
3. Ministry of Science and Technology
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, researching, disseminating, guiding and managing production technologies to ensure the requirements of sustainable development of craft villages.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Industry and Trade in, guiding and supporting enterprises and production facilities to apply advanced quality management systems in production, traceability origin, system of codes, barcodes and geographical indications for domestically produced products and goods.
4. Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with concerned ministries and branches in, reviewing, researching, supplementing and perfecting mechanisms and policies on remuneration for artisans and people with meritorious services to preserving, preserving and promoting cultural heritage values and traditional cultural products.
b) Direct implementation of tasks and solutions to associate with travel and tourism service businesses to build routes and spots, develop tourism products, and promote tourism in association with villages.
5. Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs
a) Take charge and cooperate with relevant ministries and branches in reviewing and perfecting mechanisms, policies and guidelines on vocational training for rural workers, supporting artisans and skilled workers to participate in training and communication profession.
b) Research, support and organize for Vietnamese handicraft workers to participate in regional and world handicraft competitions.
6. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
a) Review, study and propose amendments, supplements, and improvements to policies on land and environmental treatment; researching, applying and disseminating appropriate environmental treatment technologies to support sustainable development of craft villages.
b) Review, evaluate and update the list of trade villages with serious environmental pollution that need to be dealt with definitively; guide measures for waste treatment, wastewater, and environmental protection for conservation craft villages for local development, treatment of polluted areas after relocation or termination of operation.
c) Strengthen inspection, supervision and guidance on the implementation of the provisions of the law on environmental protection of craft villages.
7. The Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning and Investment shall submit to competent authorities to allocate funds from the state budget for the implementation of the Program in accordance with the Law on State Budget, the Law on Public Investment and other legal provisions and related law.
8. People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities
a) Direct the implementation of the Program in the locality. Direct the review of the master plan, coordinate with associations, businesses and related agencies in formulating schemes, projects, models, and plans to implement the Program in accordance with regulations and suitable to conditions.
b) Develop and promulgate according to its competence mechanisms and policies to support the implementation of the Program's tasks and solutions in the locality. Actively allocate funds from the local budget, combine and integrate capital from other programs, projects and other lawful capital sources in the locality to implement the Program.
c) Directing departments, divisions, branches and localities to coordinate with relevant agencies and units in organizing the review, statistics, assessment and classification of trades and craft villages; organize activities to honor typical products and excellent artisans and workers; organize the restoration and preservation of traditional crafts and craft villages in danger of being lost or lost; restore and embellish relics, build a cultural tourism environment for craft villages; support construction of infrastructure, development of craft villages and strict implementation of the provisions of the law on environmental protection of craft villages.
d) Directing the reorganization of production, building a concentrated raw material area, building a value chain of trade villages, developing human resources, applying new science and technology, stepping up trade promotion activities, build and develop brand name of local craft village products. Support typical OCOP products of craft villages to participate in domestic and international events, promotional activities, and trade promotion.
e) Organize the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the Program in the locality, annually report on the results of the implementation of the Program, and send it to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for synthesis.
9. Socio-political organizations, social organizations, professions
Socio-political organizations, social organizations and professions, based on their functions, tasks and charters, actively and actively coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, localities and other organizations. Relevant agencies propagate and mobilize people, businesses and members to participate in the conservation and development of craft villages. Organize the implementation of specific activities in accordance with the Program's contents and tasks; participate in supervising the implementation of the Program in accordance with the law.

Source: Vitic/

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