Wednesday, October 23,2024 - 4:57 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

National target program on building new countryside in a period of 2021 - 2025 

 Thursday, August 31,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Continue to implement the Program associated with effectively restructuring the agricultural sector, developing the rural economy, and deepening the urbanization process, effectively and sustainably; implement the construction of advanced new rural areas, model new rural areas and new rural areas at village and village level. Improve the material and spiritual life of rural people, promote gender equality. Building rural socio-economic infrastructure synchronously and gradually modernizing, ensuring a bright, green, clean, beautiful, safe rural environment and landscape, rich in traditional cultural identity, adaptable to climate change and sustainable development.

National target program on building new countryside in a period of 2021 - 2025
I. Objectives of the program
1. General objectives:
Continue to implement the program associated with effectively restructuring agricultural sector, developing rural economy and deepening urbanization process, effectively and sustainably; implement construction of advanced new rural areas, model new rural areas and new rural areas at village and village level. Improve material and spiritual life of rural people, promote gender equality. Building rural socio-economic infrastructure synchronously and gradually modernizing, ensuring a bright, green, clean, beautiful, safe rural environment and landscape, rich in traditional cultural identity, adaptable to climate change and sustainable development.
2. Specific goals by 2025:
a) Strive the whole country to have at least 80% of communes meet new rural standards (Northern mountainous areas: 60%, Red River Delta: 100%, North Central region: 87%, South Central region: 80%, West Nguyen: 68%; Southeast: 95%, Mekong Delta: 80% of communes meet new rural standards), of which, about 40% of communes meet advanced new rural standards, at least 10% of number of communes meeting model new rural standards and no communes below 15 criteria; continue to build advanced new rural areas and model new rural areas for communes, districts and provinces that have been recognized as meeting new rural standards; average income of rural people increased at least 1.5 times compared to 2020;
b) Strive the whole country to have at least 50% of districts, towns and provincial cities meet new rural standards, completing task of building new rural areas (northern mountainous areas: 30%; Red River Delta: 90%; North Central: 45%; South Central: 35%; Central Highlands: 30%; Southeast: 80%; Mekong Delta: 35% of units), of which, at least 20% of district meets standards to be recognized as an advanced new rural district and a model new rural district. Each province and centrally run city has at least 02 district-level units meeting new rural standards;
c) Strive the whole country to have about 17 - 19 provinces and centrally run cities (hereinafter referred to as provinces) recognized by the Prime Minister to complete task of building new rural areas (Northern mountainous areas) Red River Delta: 10 provinces, North Central: 01 province, South Central: 01 province, Central Highlands strives to have 01 province; Southeast: 04 provinces, Mekong Delta: 03 provinces);
d) Strive to have 60% of villages, hamlets (hereinafter referred to as villages) in extremely difficult communes in border areas, mountainous areas, coastal areas and islands recognized as meeting new rural standards according to new rural criteria prescribed by the Provincial People's Committee.
II. Scope, objects and duration of the Program implementation
1. Scope of implementation: In rural areas of the country, including: Villages, communes, districts, towns and provincial cities including communes of 63 provinces and central cities.
2. Beneficiaries: People, communities, cooperatives, businesses and socio-economic organizations in rural areas.
3. Subjects of implementation: political system from the central to grassroots and entire society, in which the subjects are people in rural areas.
4. Implementation time: Until the end of 2025.
III. Components of the Program
1. Content of component number 01: Improving efficiency of management and implementation of new rural construction according to plan to improve rural socio-economic life associated with urbanization process.
a) Objective:
- Meets requirements of criterion No.1 of national criteria set for new rural communes, newly improved rural communes, new rural districts and newly advanced rural districts;
- By 2025:
+ Commune level: 100% of communes meet criterion No.1 for plan in set of criteria for new rural communes, at least 50% of communes meet criterion No.1 for planning in the set of national criteria for communes newly enhanced countryside;
+ At district level: At least 60% of districts meet the standard of criterion No.1 under national criteria for new rural districts, of which at least 25% of districts meet the standard of Criterion No.1 on urban plan under national criteria for new advanced rural districts.
b) Content:
- Content 01: Review, adjust, make new (in case the planning has expired) and implement general plan on construction of communes associated with process of industrialization and urbanization according to regulations, legislation on plan in line with local socio-economic development orientations, including regional plan to support rural economic development. Step by step formulation of detailed construction plan (after the communal construction general plan) in order to manage construction investment activities, space management, landscape architecture in rural areas. Focus on re-planning residential clusters/villages in border communes;
- Content 02: Review and adjust formulation of construction plan of district in association with process of industrialization - urbanization in order to meet requirements of new rural construction, including regional planning to support development rural economic development;
- Content 03: Develop, review and adjust the provincial plan, create conditions for implementation of the program in association with economic, social development and environmental protection.
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
- Ministry of Construction presides and coordinates with Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to guide contents 01, 02;
- Ministry of Planning and Investment presides and guides content 03.
2. Component content No. 02: Developing socio-economic infrastructure, basically synchronously and modernly, ensuring rural-urban connectivity and regional connectivity.
a) Objective:
- Satisfying criteria No.2 on traffic, criterion No.3 on irrigation and disaster prevention, criterion No. 4 on electricity, criterion No.5 on schools, criterion No.6 on cultural facilities. Urbanization, criterion No.7 on rural infrastructure, Criterion No.8 on information and communication, Criterion 15 on health, criterion 17 on environment and food safety under national set of criteria.
- Satisfying criteria No.2 on traffic, criterion No.3 on irrigation and natural disaster prevention, criterion No.4 on electricity, criterion No.5 on education, criterion No.6 on culture, criterion No. No.7 on rural commercial infrastructure, No.8 on information and communication, No.17 on environment, No.18 on quality of living environment under national criteria for rural communes.
- Satisfying criteria No.2 on traffic, criterion No.3 on irrigation and natural disaster prevention and control, criterion No.4 on electricity, criterion No.5 on health - culture - education, criterion No.6 in terms of economy, criterion 7 on environment, and criterion 8 on quality of living environment belong to the set of national criteria for new rural districts.
- Satisfying criteria No.2 on traffic, criterion No.3 on irrigation and natural disaster prevention and control, criterion No.4 on electricity, criterion No.5 on health - culture - education, criterion No.6 in terms of economy, criterion 7 on environment and criterion 8 on quality of living environment belong to the set of national criteria for newly enhanced rural districts.
b) Specific content:
- Content 01: Continue to improve and improve the transport infrastructure system in the commune, inter-commune and inter-district transport infrastructure. By 2025:
+ Commune level: 98% of communes meet traffic criteria No.2 according to national criteria for new rural communes, of which 50% of communes meet traffic criteria No.2 in national standards will on new and improved rural communes;
+ District level: 60% of districts meet traffic criterion No.2 in national criteria for new rural districts, of which 25% of districts meet traffic criterion No.2 in national criteria on newly advanced rural districts.
- Content 02: Complete and improve the quality of irrigation systems and natural disaster prevention at commune and district levels, ensuring sustainability and adaptation to climate change. By 2025:
+ Commune level: 98% of communes meet criteria number 3 on irrigation and natural disaster prevention in the national set of criteria for new rural communes, of which 50% of communes meet criteria number 3 on irrigation and natural disaster prevention under national criteria for advanced new rural communes;
+ District level: 60% of districts meet criterion number 3 on irrigation and natural disaster prevention in the national criteria set for new rural districts, of which 25% of districts meet criterion number 3 on Irrigation and natural disaster prevention belong to national criteria for advanced new rural districts.
- Content 03: Renovate and upgrade the rural power grid system towards safety, reliability, stability and aesthetics. By 2025:
+ Commune level: 98% of communes meet criterion number 4 on electricity in the national set of criteria for new rural communes, of which 50% of communes meet criterion number 4 on electricity in the set of national criteria.
+ District level: 60% of districts meet electricity criterion number 4 of the national criteria set for new rural districts; 25% of districts meet electricity criterion number 4 in the set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts.
- Content 04: Continue to build and complete commune- and district-level projects to ensure that they meet infrastructure standards for preschools, elementary schools, middle schools, high schools or High schools with many levels of education, vocational education centers - continuing education ensure standards according to regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training. By 2025:
+ Commune level: 90% of communes meet criterion number 5 on schools in the national criteria set for new rural communes; 50% of communes meet criteria number 5 on education in the set of national criteria for newly advanced rural communes;
+ District level: 60% of districts meet criterion number 5 on health - culture - education in the national criteria set for new rural districts, of which 25% of districts meet criterion number 5 on health - culture - education under set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts.
- Content 05: Build and improve system of cultural and sports facilities at commune and village levels, and district cultural and sports centers; renovate and embellish cultural heritages associated with rural tourism development. By 2025:
+ Commune level: 90% of communes meet criterion No.6 on cultural facilities in national criteria set for new rural communes, of which 50% of communes meet criterion No.6 on culture under national criteria for newly enhanced rural communes;
+ District level: 60% of districts meet criterion number 5 on health - culture - education according to national criteria set for new rural districts; 25% of districts meet criterion number 5 on health - culture - education under set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts.
- Content 06: Investing in building rural commercial infrastructure systems and commune-level food safety markets; central markets, wholesale markets, district-level safe agricultural product purchasing and supply centers; agricultural technical center; Modern agricultural product supply center system. By 2025:
+ Commune level: 100% of communes meet criterion No.7 on rural commercial infrastructure under the new rural commune criteria set; 70% of communes meet criterion number 7 on rural commercial infrastructure under the new set of advanced rural commune criteria;
+ District level: At least 60% of districts meet economic criterion No.6 of the national criteria set for new rural districts; 25% of districts meet economic criterion No.6 of the set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts.
- Content 07: Focus on investing in synchronous infrastructure of concentrated raw material areas associated with value chain links and infrastructure of craft village clusters and rural industries. By 2025: At least 60% of districts will meet economic criterion number 6 of the national criteria set for new rural districts; 25% of districts meet economic criterion No.6 of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts.
- Content 08: Continue to build, renovate and upgrade infrastructure and equipment for commune health stations and district health centers. By 2025:
+ 100% of communes meet health criteria number 15 of national criteria set for new rural communes;
+ 60% of districts meet criterion number 5 on health - culture - education of the national criteria set for new rural districts.
- Content 09: Developing and perfecting digital infrastructure system, digital transformation in agriculture and rural areas (according to national digital transformation program to 2025, orientation to 2030 approved at Decision No.749/QD-TTg dated June 3, 2020 of the Prime Minister); Strengthen construction of facilities for basic information and communication systems, prioritize development and upgrading of commune radio stations with loudspeaker clusters operating in villages, and strengthen means of producing information products, propaganda for district-level radio and television establishments; develop and maintain postal service points. By 2025, 97% of communes will meet criterion No.8 on information and communication under national criteria set for new rural communes; 50% of communes meet criterion number 8 on information and communication under set of national criteria for newly advanced rural communes.
- Content 10: Construction and completion of centralized domestic water supply projects, ensuring quality meets prescribed standards. By 2025:
+ Commune level: At least 90% of communes meet criterion No.17 on environment and food safety in national criteria set for new rural communes; 50% of communes meet criterion No.18 on living environment quality in set of national criteria for advanced new rural communes;
+ District level: About 60% of districts meet criterion No.8 on living environment quality in national criteria set for new rural districts; 25% of districts meet criterion No.8 on living environment quality in set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts.
- Content 11: Focus on building rural environmental protection infrastructure; attracting enterprises to invest in concentrated waste treatment zones of inter-district and inter-provincial scale; invest in infrastructure of daily-life solid waste collection and transit points; Build centralized domestic waste treatment models (district and inter-district levels), applying advanced, modern and environmentally friendly technology; Invest, renovate and upgrade synchronously wastewater collection and drainage system and appropriate centralized and on-site domestic wastewater treatment works; including developing models of domestic wastewater treatment at household and village scale. By 2025:
+ Commune level: At least 90% of communes meet criteria No.17 on environment and food safety of the National Criteria Set for New Rural Communes; 50% of the communes meet the environmental criterion No.17 of national criteria for new rural communes;
+ District level: At least 60% of districts meet criterion No.7 on living environment of the national criteria set for new rural districts; 25% of the districts meet the environmental criterion No.7 of national criteria for newly enhanced rural districts.
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
- Ministry of Transport shall assume the prime responsibility for and guide implementation of content 01.
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development shall assume the prime responsibility for and guide implementation of the following content 02, content 07; Preside and coordinate with Ministry of Industry and Trade to guide implementation of investment content in building district-level safe agricultural product purchasing and supply centers, agricultural technical centers, and current agricultural product supply center systems belongs to content number 06; Lead and coordinate with Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to guide implementation of content of developing domestic wastewater treatment models at household and village levels under content 11.
- Ministry of Industry and Trade guides implementation of contents 03 and 06 (except for the content of investment in building district-level safe agricultural product purchasing and supply centers, agricultural technical centers and supply center systems, modern agricultural products).
- Ministry of Education and Training guides implementation of content 04.
- Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism guides implementation of content 05.
- Ministry of Health guides implementation of content 08.
- Ministry of Information and Communications guides implementation of content 09.
- Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment presides over and guides implementation of content 11 (except for content of developing domestic wastewater treatment models at household and village levels).
3. Component content No.03: Continue to effectively restructure the agricultural sector and develop the rural economy; Strongly deploy the One Commune One Product (OCOP) Program to increase added value, in line with the process of digital transformation and adaptation to climate change; Strongly develop rural industries; develop rural tourism; improve operational efficiency of cooperatives; support start-up businesses in rural areas; Improve quality of vocational training for rural workers... contributing to raising people's income in a sustainable way.
a) Objective:
- Meets criteria No.10 on income, Criterion No.12 on labor, criterion No.13 on production organization and rural economic development under national criteria set for new rural communes; criterion No.10 on income, criterion No.12 on labor, criterion No. 13 on production organization and rural economic development under national criteria set for newly enhanced rural communes; economic criterion No.6 of national criteria set for new rural districts; Economic criterion No.6, belonging to set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts.
- By 2025:
+ 90% of communes meet criterion number 10 on income; 95% of communes meet criteria number 12 on labor; 100% of communes meet criteria number 13 on production organization and rural economic development under the national criteria set for new rural communes; 50% of communes meet criteria number 10 on income; 50% of communes meet criteria number 12 on labor; 50% of communes meet criteria No.13 on production organization and rural economic development under national criteria for advanced rural communes;
+ At least 60% of districts meet economic criterion number 6 of the national criteria set for new rural districts; 25% of districts meet economic criterion number 6 of the set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts.
b) Content:
- Content 01: Focus on restructuring agricultural sector and developing rural economy, handicrafts and services towards a circular economy, ecological agriculture, promoting terrain advantages, climate, natural landscape and socio-economic infrastructure.
- Content 02: Building and effectively developing concentrated raw material areas, synchronous mechanization, improving the capacity to process and preserve agricultural products according to production linkage models along the value chain associated with quality standards and raw material area codes; Applying high technology in modern agricultural production, transforming production structure, contributing to promoting digital transformation in agriculture.
- Content 03: Continue to effectively implement investment policies for forest protection and development, payment policies for forest environmental services and sustainable forestry development program for a period of 2021 - 2025; Focus on promoting development of models linking large concentrated timber forests, associated with sustainable forest certification; develop non-timber forest products according to the strengths of each region.
- Content 04: Implement the One Commune One Product Program (OCOP) associated with regional advantages, establish national OCOP center; develop handicrafts, rural industries and services, preserve and promote traditional craft villages in rural areas; Promote salt production and processing along value chain.
- Content 05: Improve operational efficiency of production organization forms with priority given to supporting agricultural cooperatives applying high technology linked along the value chain; Attract and encourage businesses to invest in agriculture and rural areas; promote implementation of insurance in agriculture.
- Content 06: Improve operational efficiency of connection and promotion systems for agricultural products; diversify the distribution and consumption channel system to ensure sustainability against fluctuations in natural disasters and epidemics, with priority given to the development of e-commerce; Improving the quality of rural trade human resources is associated with meeting rural trade infrastructure criteria and meeting market needs.
- Content 07: Continue to effectively implement the science and technology program to serve new rural construction in a period 2021 - 2025.
- Content 08: Effectively implement rural tourism development program in building new rural areas in a period of 2021 - 2025 associated with preserving and promoting traditional cultural values in a sustainable, inclusive and sustainable manner.
- Content 09: Continue to improve the quality of vocational training for rural workers, associated with market needs; Support promotion and development of innovative and entrepreneurial models in rural areas.
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development: Chair and guide the implementation of contents 01, 02, 03, 04, 07; chair and coordinate with Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam Cooperative Alliance and relevant ministries and central branches to guide the implementation of content 05; preside and coordinate with Ministry of Industry and Trade to implement content No.06 (except for the content of improving quality of rural trade human resources associated with meeting criteria for rural trade infrastructure and meeting needs of rural trade and market demand); preside and coordinate with Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to implement content 08; Coordinate with Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to guide implementation of vocational training for rural workers under content 09; Preside over organizing agricultural vocational training for rural workers, support development of innovative and start-up programs and models under content 09.
- Ministry of Industry and Trade presides over and guides implementation of content of improving the quality of rural commercial human resources associated with meeting the criteria for rural commercial infrastructure and meeting market needs within the content 06.
- Ministry of Planning and Investment presides over and guides the implementation of policies to encourage businesses to invest in agriculture and rural areas under content 05.
- Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development presides and coordinates with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to implement content 08.
- Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs presides over and guides the implementation of content 09; Organize non-agricultural vocational training for rural workers.
- Socio-political organizations (Central Vietnam Farmers' Union, Central Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union, Central Vietnam Women's Union,...) preside over and guide implementation creativity and start-up program associated with OCOP Program and cooperative development, rural tourism development.
4. Content of component number 04: Sustainable poverty reduction, especially in ethnic minority areas, mountainous areas, coastal areas and islands.
a) Objective: Meet requirements of criterion No.9 on residential housing and criterion No.11 on poor households in set of national criteria for new rural areas; Criterion No.9 on residential housing and Criterion No.11 on poor households belong to the enhanced set of national criteria for new rural communes. By 2025, 90% of communes will meet criterion No.9 on residential housing, 90% of communes will meet criterion No.11 on poor households under national criteria for new rural communes; 50% of communes meet criterion No.9 on residential housing, 50% of communes meet criterion No.11 on poor households under national criteria for newly enhanced rural communes.
b) Content:
- Content 01: Effectively implement national target program for sustainable poverty reduction in a period of 2021 - 2025, national target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in a period of 2021 - 2030, phase I: from 2021 to 2025.
- Content 02: Effectively deploy housing support policies, eliminate temporary and dilapidated houses; improve the quality of residential housing.
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
- Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs presides over and guides implementation of national target program on sustainable poverty reduction for a period of 2021 - 2025 and social security policies under content No.01;
- Committee for Ethnic Minorities presides over and guides implementation of national target program for socio-economic development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas in a period of 2021 - 2030, phase I: From 2021 to 2025, belongs to content No.01;
- Ministry of Construction presides over and guides implementation of content No.02.
5. Component content No. 05: Improving the quality of education, health care and health care for rural people.
a) Objective:
- Satisfy the requirements of criterion No. 14 on education and training; Criterion No. 15 on health belongs to the National Criteria for New Rural Communes. By 2025, 90% of communes will meet criterion 14 on education and training; 100% of communes meet the health criterion No. 15 under the National Criteria for New Rural Communes;
- Satisfying criteria No. 5 on education; health criterion 14 in the newly enhanced set of national criteria for rural communes. By 2025, 60% of communes will meet criterion No. 5 on education; 50% of communes meet health criterion No. 14 of the National Criteria for Newly Enhanced Rural Communes;
- Satisfying criteria No. 5 on health - culture - education of the national set of criteria for new rural districts; Criterion No. 5 on health - culture - education under the newly enhanced set of national criteria for rural districts. By 2025, at least 60% of districts will meet criterion number 5 on health - culture - education under the national criteria set for new rural districts; 25% of districts meet criteria number 5 on health - culture - education of the National Criteria for Newly Advanced Rural Districts.
b) Content:
- Content 1: Continue to improve the quality and develop education in rural areas, focusing on maintaining and improving the quality of universal preschool education for five-year-old children, universal primary education, universalize basic general education. Maintaining and strengthening the quality of literacy level 1; Gradually increase the level 2 literacy rate for adults aged 15-60 years old.
- Content 02: Enhance service quality of the grassroots medical network to ensure health care for all people; promoting the online medical examination and monitoring system; ensure effective prevention and control of infectious and infectious diseases; improve the health and nutrition of women and children; increase the proportion of people participating in health insurance.
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
- The Ministry of Education and Training presides over and guides the implementation of content 01.
- The Ministry of Health presides over and guides the implementation of content 02.
6. Component content No. 06: Improving the quality of cultural life of rural people; Preserve and promote traditional cultural values in a sustainable manner associated with rural tourism development.
a) Objective:
- Meets criteria No. 16 on culture under the National Criteria Set for New Rural Communes. By 2025, 80% of standard communes will meet cultural criterion No. 16 of the National Criteria Set for New Rural Communes.
- Meets criteria number 6 on culture in the set of national criteria for newly advanced rural communes. By 2025, 50% of standard communes will meet cultural criterion No. 6 of the National Criteria for Newly Enhanced Rural Communes.
- Meets criteria number 5 on health - culture - education of the National Criteria for Newly Enhanced Rural Districts. By 2025, 25% of districts will meet criterion No. 5 on health - culture - education in the set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts.
b) Content:
- Content 01: Improve the operational efficiency of the system of grassroots cultural and sports institutions; Strengthen and improve the quality of rural cultural and sports activities, associated with community organizations, meeting the needs of recreation and entertainment, improving the health of people (especially children, women and children, elderly). Launching sports, health training, culture, and mass arts movements suitable for each subject and each locality; Replicate the model of cultural and artistic activity clubs to preserve and promote traditional cultural values.
- Content 02: Strengthen inventory and registration of cultural heritage; preserve and promote cultural heritage; Research and expand models connecting traditional and new cultures, ensuring regional and ethnic cultural diversity for tourism development.
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
The Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism presides over and guides the implementation of content 01 and content 02.
7. Content of component number 07: Improving environmental quality; building a bright - green - clean - beautiful and safe rural landscape; preserve and restore the traditional landscape of rural Vietnam.
a) Objective:
- Meets criteria No. 17 on environment and food safety of the National Criteria Set for New Rural Communes. By 2025, at least 90% of communes will meet criteria No. 17 on environment and food safety under the National Criteria Set for New Rural Communes.
- Meets the requirements of criterion No. 17 on environment and criterion No. 18 on quality of living environment in the set of national criteria for newly enhanced rural communes. By 2025, at least 50% of communes will meet environmental criteria No. 17; 50% of communes meet criterion number 18 on living environment quality in the set of national criteria for newly improved rural communes.
- Meets criteria No. 7 on environment and criterion No. 8 on quality of living environment in the National Criteria Set for New Rural Districts. By 2025, at least 60% of districts will meet standard No. 7 on environment; About 70% of districts meet criterion number 8 on living environment quality in the set of criteria for new rural districts.
- Meets the requirements of criterion No. 7 on environment and criterion No. 8 on quality of living environment in the set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts. By 2025, at least 25% of districts will meet standard No. 7 on environment; 40% of districts meet criterion number 8 on living environment quality in the set of criteria for advanced new rural districts.
b) Content:
- Content 01: Develop and organize instructions for implementing projects/plans on organizing the classification, collection and transportation of solid waste in the district to ensure compliance with regulations; develop and replicate models of waste classification at the source;
- Content 02: Collect, recycle, reuse all types of waste (agricultural by-products, livestock waste, post-use pesticide packaging, plastic waste...) according to the principle cyclic; strengthening the management of plastic waste in agricultural, forestry and fishery production activities in Vietnam; building community without plastic waste;
- Content 03: Promote treatment and remediation of pollution and improve environmental quality in areas with many waste sources, places causing serious environmental pollution and polluted water surface areas; efficient and economical use of resources;
- Content 04: To renovate the cemetery in accordance with the environmental landscape; New construction and expansion of burial and cremation facilities must be in accordance with regulations and planning;
- Content 05: Preserve and restore the traditional landscape of rural Vietnam; Increase the rate of planting flowers and scattered trees associated with implementing the Project of planting one billion trees in the period 2021 - 2025 approved in Decision No. 524/QD-TTg dated April 1, 2021 of the Prime Minister. ; focus on developing models of bright, green, clean, beautiful and safe villages and hamlets; model residential area;
- Content 06: Strengthening food safety management at food production and business establishments and households; Ensuring environmental hygiene at livestock and aquaculture facilities; improve household hygiene;
- Content 07: Effectively deploy the Program "Strengthening environmental protection, food safety and rural clean water supply in building new rural areas in the period 2021 - 2025".
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
- The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment presides over and guides the implementation of contents 01 and 03; Coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to guide the implementation of content 07;
- The Ministry of Construction presides over and guides the implementation of content No. 04;
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development presides over and guides the implementation of contents 02, 05, 07, the content of ensuring environmental hygiene at livestock and aquaculture facilities under content number 06;
- The Ministry of Health presides over and guides the implementation of content on strengthening food safety management at food production and business establishments and households, and improving household hygiene in the content of digital components. 06.
8. Content of component number 08: Promote and improve the quality of public administrative services; improve the quality of grassroots government operations; promote the digital transformation process in new rural areas, increase the application of information technology and digital technology, and build smart new rural areas; ensure and enhance access to the law for people; Strengthen solutions to ensure gender equality and prevent gender-based violence.
a) Objective:
- Meets criteria No. 8 on information and communication, Criterion No. 18 on political system and access to the law of the National Criteria Set for New Rural Communes. By 2025, at least 97% of communes will meet criterion No. 8 on information and communication; 95% of communes meet criterion number 18 on access to the law of the national set of criteria for new rural communes.
- Meets criteria No. 8 on information and communication, Criterion No. 15 on public administration, Criterion No. 16 on access to the law of the National Criteria for Newly Enhanced Rural Communes. By 2025, at least 50% of communes will meet criterion No. 8 on information and communication; At least 50% of standard communes meet criterion No. 15 on public administration; 50% of communes meet criterion number 16 on access to law under the set of national criteria for newly advanced rural communes.
- Meets criteria number 9 on security, order and public administration in the set of national criteria for new rural districts. By 2025, 60% of districts will meet criterion number 9 on security, order and public administration under the national criteria set for new rural districts.
- Meets criteria number 9 on security, order and public administration in the set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts. By 2025, 25% of districts will meet criterion No. 9 on security, order and public administration under the set of national criteria for newly advanced rural districts.
b) Content:
- Content 01: Implement a project on training and fostering knowledge and capacity for administrative management, in-depth socio-economic management, and transforming thinking on rural economic development for officials, Commune civil servants according to regulations, meet the requirements of new rural construction.
- Content 02: Strengthen the application of information technology in the implementation of public administrative services to improve the quality of administrative procedures in a transparent, public and effective manner at all levels (communes and districts). , conscious); attach codes, update, notify and attach digital address plates to each household and agencies and organizations in rural areas associated with the digital map of Vietnam; fostering and training in digital knowledge, skills and information security for commune-level officials; disseminate knowledge, improve digital skills and capacity to access information for rural people.
- Content 03: Effectively deploy the digital transformation program in new rural construction, towards smart new rural areas in the period 2021 - 2025.
- Content 04: Enhance the effectiveness of law dissemination and education, conciliation at the grassroots, conciliation and conflict resolution in rural areas.
- Content 05: Raising awareness and information about legal aid; enhance the ability to enjoy legal aid services.
- Content 06: Strengthening solutions to ensure gender equality and prevent gender-based violence; Strengthen care, protect children and support vulnerable people in all areas of family and social life.
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
- The Ministry of Home Affairs shall assume the prime responsibility for, and guide the implementation of, contents 01;
- The Ministry of Information and Communications shall assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Justice in, guiding content 02;
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development presides and coordinates with the Ministry of Information and Communications to guide the implementation of content 03;
- The Ministry of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility for, and guide the implementation of, contents 04 and 05;
- The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs presides over and coordinates with the Central Vietnam Women's Union to guide the implementation of content 06.
9. Content of component number 09: Improving quality and promoting the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations in building new rural areas.
a) Objective:
Meets criteria No. 18 on political system and legal access under the National Criteria for New Rural Communes. By 2025, 100% of communes will meet criterion No. 18 on political system and access to the law under the National Criteria Set for New Rural Communes.
b) Content:
- Content 01: Continue to organize and deploy the Campaign "All people unite to build new rural areas and civilized urban areas"; improve the performance of supervision and social criticism in new rural construction; strengthen mobilization, promote the role of people's mastery in new rural construction; improve the efficiency of collecting people's satisfaction on the results of new rural construction;
- Content 02: Effectively deploy the movement "Farmers emulate good production and business, unite to help each other get rich and reduce poverty sustainably"; to build branches of professional farmers, groups of professional farmers according to the principle of "5 self" and "5 together";
- Content 03: Effectively implementing the project "Supporting women to start a business in the period 2017-2025";
- Content 04: Promoting the program of entrepreneurship, youth doing business; effectively implement the program of young intellectuals who volunteer to participate in the construction of new rural areas;
- Content No. 05: Cultivating and preserving good values and developing the Vietnamese family value system; implement the campaign "Building a family of 5 no, 3 clean".
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
- The Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front shall assume the prime responsibility for, and guide the implementation of, content 01;
- The Central Committee of the Vietnam Farmers' Union shall assume the prime responsibility for, and guide the implementation of, content 02;
- The Central Committee of the Vietnam Women's Union shall assume the prime responsibility for, and guide the implementation of, contents No. 03 and 05;
- The Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union presides over and guides the implementation of content 04.
10. Contents of component No. 10: To maintain national defense, security and rural social order.
a) Objective:
- Reaching criterion No. 19 on national defense and security under the national set of criteria for new rural communes and newly enhanced rural communes. By 2025, 99% of communes will meet criterion No. 19 on national defense and security under the national set of criteria for new rural communes; 50% of communes meet criterion No. 19 on national defense and security of the National Criteria for New Rural Communes;
- Satisfy the requirements of criterion No. 9 on security, order - public administration of the national set of criteria for new rural districts and enhanced new rural districts. By 2025, at least 60% of districts will meet criterion No. 9 on security and order - public administration under the National Criteria for New Rural Districts; 25% of districts met criterion No. 9 on security and order - public administration under the National Criteria for Newly Enhanced Rural Districts.
b) Content:
- Content 01: Strengthening the work of ensuring security and order in rural areas, promptly detecting and solving potential threats to national security, social order and safety, and problems complexity arises right from the start, from the place of origin and right at the base; at the same time, they must be ready to have plans to deal with promptly and effectively when complicated situations occur according to the motto "four on the spot", limiting the formation of complex hotspots in terms of security and order.. .; improve the quality and effectiveness of the movement of all people to protect national security; consolidate, build and replicate models of mass organizations participating in the protection of security and order at grassroots levels in the direction of self-defense, self-management, self-defense, self-reconciliation...; effectively implement the Program to improve the quality and efficiency of the implementation of security and order criteria in the construction of new rural areas in the period of 2021 - 2025;
- Content 02: Building a strong and widespread militia force, fulfilling assigned military and defense targets; contribute to building the all-people national defense, the all-people national defense posture associated with the people's security, the people's security posture; actively build a strong and comprehensive rural area, ensuring to uphold military and defense criteria in the construction of new rural areas.
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
- The Ministry of Public Security presides over and guides the implementation of content 01;
- The Ministry of National Defense presides over and guides the implementation of content 02.
11. Content of component number 11: Strengthening monitoring and evaluation of Program implementation; improve capacity to build new rural areas; communication on new rural construction; Implement the national emulation movement to join hands in building new rural areas.
a) Objective: To ensure that 100% of cadres in charge of building new rural areas at all levels, 100% of cadres in the political system participating in the direction of new rural construction receive training in agricultural construction knowledge. new village; improve the operational efficiency of the system of New Rural Coordination Offices at all levels; Deeply deploy the nationwide movement to join forces to build new rural areas from the central to the grassroots level.
b) Content:
- Content 01: Improve the quality and efficiency of the inspection, monitoring and evaluation of the program implementation results; building a synchronous and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation system to meet the program management requirements, especially building a monitoring system through digital maps and databases; replicate modern security surveillance models and community supervision;
- Content 02: Continue to strengthen capacity building, transform awareness and thinking for staff working in new rural construction at all levels, especially grassroots officials;
- Content 03: Training and coaching to raise awareness and change people's and community's thinking about agricultural economic development and new-home construction;
- Content 04: Promoting and diversifying forms of information and communication in order to raise awareness and change the thinking of officials and people on new rural construction; Effectively carry out communication work on new rural construction;
- Content 05: Continue to widely deploy the emulation movement "The whole country joins hands to build new rural areas".
c) Agency in charge and guiding implementation:
- The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development presides over and guides the implementation of contents 01 and 02; preside and coordinate with the Central Vietnam Farmers' Union to guide the implementation of content 03; preside and coordinate with the Ministry of Information and Communications, relevant ministries and branches to guide the implementation of content 04;
- The Ministry of Home Affairs (Central Emulation and Commendation Committee) presides and guides the implementation of content 05.
IV. Estimated total capital and resource structure to implement the Program
1. The minimum state budget allocated for the Program is 196,332 billion VND, of which:
a) Central budget capital: 39,632 billion VND, including:
- Development investment capital: 30,000 billion VND;
- Career capital: 9,632 billion VND.
b) Local budget capital: 156,700 billion VND.
During the administration process, the Prime Minister continues to balance the central budget to prioritize additional support for the Program in accordance with actual conditions and has reasonable solutions to mobilize all legal capital sources for implementation. .
2. Total capital mobilized for implementation in the period 2021 - 2025 is expected to be about 2,455,212 billion VND, with the specific structure as follows:
a) Central budget capital directly allocated to implement the Program: 39,632 billion VND (accounting for 1.6%).
b) Local budget capital: expected to be about 156,700 billion VND (accounting for 6.4%).
c) Integrated capital from the National Target Program for Socio-Economic Development in Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Areas for the period 2021 - 2030, the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction for the period 2021 - 2025 Other programs and projects implemented in rural areas to support the completion of new rural criteria: about 224,080 billion VND (accounting for 9%).
d) Credit capital (Loan balance in communes nationwide in the period 2021 - 2025): expected to be about 1,790,000 billion VND (accounting for 73%).
d) Enterprise capital: expected to be about 105,500 billion VND (accounting for 4.3%).
e) Mobilizing voluntary contributions from people and communities: expected to be about 139,300 billion VND (accounting for 5.7%).
V. Mechanisms and solutions to implement the Program
1. Program implementation mechanism:
a) Central budget capital allocation mechanism:
- Central budget support for ministries, central branches and localities shall comply with regulations on principles, criteria and allocation norms promulgated by the Prime Minister. Based on the total amount of central budget support, along with local budget capital, the Provincial People's Council decides to allocate, ensuring synchronization, no overlap and no duplication with national target program on sustainable poverty reduction in a period of 2021-2025 and national target program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in 2021-2025 period;
- Projects under the Program using central budget development investment capital must be formulated, appraised and submitted to competent agencies for investment approval in accordance with the Law on Public Investment and other legal documents.
b) Support mechanism:
- 100% support from the state budget to implement:
+ Review and adjust new planning at commune and district levels; propaganda work; training, training, dissemination of knowledge, capacity building for communities, people and officials at all levels, funding for program implementation management at all levels; improve the quality and bring into play the role of the authorities, mass organizations and socio-political organizations in building new rural areas; Carry out emulation movements in building new rural areas.
+ Vocational training for rural workers (Supported subjects in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, coastal flatlands and islands, poor districts shall be arranged from the budget of national target program on socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, national target program on sustainable poverty reduction for implementation).
- Partial support from the state budget to implement the following contents:
+ Support construction and upgrading of roads to commune centers, village and hamlet roads, intra-field traffic; infield irrigation system; Essential infrastructure serving commune natural disaster prevention; school; commune health station; develop the grassroots health network; Sports centers, commune cultural houses, sports areas, village cultural houses; domestic water supply works; rural environmental protection infrastructure; facilities for basic information and communication systems; information technology infrastructure system, database to serve the process of digital technology application and digital transformation in rural areas; rural power grid system; Rural commercial infrastructure and commune-level food safety markets according to regulations; infrastructure of concentrated production zones, handicrafts and fisheries; agricultural technical center; to notify and attach digital address plates to each household and agencies and organizations in rural areas in association with the digital map of Vietnam; develop rural economy, develop chain-linked production, trace the origin of key products of communes, districts and provinces, certify VietGap (or equivalent certificates), attach planting area codes; improve the operational efficiency of agricultural cooperatives in association with product consumption links; training and capacity building for cooperative officials; Support businesses and cooperatives to start up and innovate in restructuring the agricultural sector and developing the rural economy; organize the implementation of the OCOP Program and support subjects to develop OCOP products; Support investment in repairing, renovating, expanding facilities, factories, classrooms, purchasing training equipment, mobile training transportation vehicles and conditions to ensure training quality for students. professional education institutions providing vocational training for rural workers; environmental treatment works at commune and village levels, cemetery renovation, rural landscape improvement, rural tourism development; ensuring increased access to the law for people, promoting gender equality and preventing gender-based violence; improve the nutritional status of children and improve the quality of medical examination and treatment for rural people; security and order models, supporting security cameras in communes and villages; Improve the quality of new rural standards that have been met.
+ Support districts to strive for new rural standards: Complete urgent infrastructure connecting communes and districts; infrastructure for community activities; medical development; Works to treat and collect household waste and waste; concentrated clean water; environmental pollution treatment in craft villages, OCOP Program,... Central budget maximum support for a work or project is not more than 70% for mountainous districts, not more than 50% for rural districts. Based on medium-term capital plan for a period 2021 - 2025 approved by competent authorities and actual conditions of localities, the Provincial People's Council decides on level of support from the state budget for each content.
Communes in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, coastal areas and islands, and poor districts: Program funding only supports content that is not within the program's support subjects and content. National goals for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas, national target program for sustainable poverty reduction for implementation. Remaining communes: Based on the medium-term capital plan for a period 2021 - 2025 approved by competent authorities, actual conditions of localities and support needs, the Provincial People's Council decides on the level of support. Support from the State budget for each specific content and task.
- For construction materials, plant varieties, livestock and other goods (made directly by people) when purchased directly from people to use in projects, the price must be appropriate at general market level in the area at the same time; Documents for payment are purchase and sale receipts with households, certified by the village head where the sale is located, and confirmed by the Commune People's Committee.
- Program management expenses are allocated a maximum of 1.5% of the state budget to directly support the Program to spend on performing the following tasks: Inspection, supervision, evaluation of the program, organization Implementation meetings, preliminary and final reviews of Program implementation, per diems for officials to attend conferences, seminars, seminars, trainings of the central, provincial and district levels, organize trips to learn from experience and Office equipment for activities of the Steering Committee, Working Group and agencies assisting the Steering Committee at all levels; Organize surveys, inspections and appraisals of villages, communes, district and provincial levels to meet new rural standards and complete new rural construction. Provincial People's Committees specifically allocate funds for the activities of Steering Committees at all levels, Working Groups and agencies assisting Steering Committees at all local levels. Based on the specific situation and local budget capacity, the Provincial People's Committee supports additional operating funds for agencies assisting the Steering Committee at all levels from local budget sources.
- People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities guide and allocate funds (including support funds from the central budget and sources from local budgets at all levels) to implement projects and contents work in accordance with regulations.
c) Investment mechanism to implement works and projects under the Program:
- Investor of new rural construction projects:
+ For infrastructure construction projects in the commune: The Commune People's Committee is the investor. For projects with high technical requirements and professional qualifications that the commune does not have enough capacity and does not accept as the investor, the district People's Committee will assign a qualified unit to be the investor with participation of the Commune People's Committee.
+ For infrastructure construction projects at district and inter-commune levels: the Provincial People's Committee selects an investor that ensures sufficient capacity and is appropriate to the nature, scale and target audience.
- Investment mechanism:
+ For small-scale projects with simple designs, they will be implemented according to a shortened, specific mechanism according to the Government's regulations.
+ For other projects, comply with current legal regulations.
d) Program management and implementation mechanism: Follow the management mechanism and organize the implementation of national target programs for the period 2021 - 2025 issued by the Government and the National Target Program New rural construction for the period 2021 - 2025 approved by the Prime Minister.
2. Some key solutions for implementation:
a) Further promote propaganda and awareness raising for officials and rural residents, improve the quality of emulation movements to build new rural areas, the movement "The whole country joins hands to build rural areas" new" period 2021 - 2025 launched by the Prime Minister.
b) Continue to review and improve the legal framework and system of mechanisms and policies to support new rural construction, ensuring compliance with actual conditions; Direct localities to proactively promulgate specific mechanisms and policies to support the implementation of the Program's contents in the direction of improving quality, depth and sustainability;
c) Direct and coordinate effectively the implementation of 11 contents of the Program; 06 key thematic programs to improve the quality of life of rural people and solve pressing and existing problems in new rural construction (environment, food safety, rural clean water, develop the rural economy, improve the operational efficiency of cooperatives, support businesses and cooperatives to start up and innovate, implement the OCOP Program; digital transformation in new rural construction, rural tourism development...).
d) Strengthen decentralization to provinces and centrally run cities, based on actual conditions, proactively strengthen the organizational apparatus to advise and assist the Steering Committee at all levels in implementing the 2021 Program - 2025, following the direction of inheriting the apparatus built in the period 2016 - 2020; ensure uniformity and consistency in positions, functions and tasks; Ensure specialized, professional, stable, and sustainable, but do not increase the total assigned staff, and increase seconded staff. Adjust and add a number of new tasks in accordance with the Program for the period 2021 - 2025 approved by the Prime Minister and current law.
d) Mobilizing resources to implement the Program
- Synchronously implementing solutions on capital mobilization, ensuring adequate and timely mobilization according to regulations; Based on the actual situation, the Government continues to balance the central budget to give priority to supplementing the Program; localities must be responsible for allocating enough local budget capital to implement the Program;
- Maximize the mobilization of local resources (province, district, commune) to organize the implementation of the program. Provinces and cities prioritize the allocation of state budget capital for investment in difficult areas to contribute to narrowing the gap in building new rural areas between regions. Based on the actual situation in the locality, the Provincial People's Council decides specifically on the ratio of revenue decentralization to the commune and district budget from auction of land use rights, land allocation, with collection of land use fees (after reimbursement of compensation and site clearance) in commune to implement content of new rural construction. Encourage localities with developed economies to support disadvantaged localities to accelerate the progress of new rural construction.
- Effectively integrate the capital sources of 03 national target programs and other programs and projects in rural areas in the period of 2021 - 2025 to support localities in completing rural construction goals newly approved by the National Assembly;
- Effectively implement investment credit policies for agriculture and rural areas; supplement credit capital for the Cooperative Development Support Fund system and mobilize maximum resources from the Cooperative Support Fund system; Research, review, amend and supplement the content and subjects of loan support for developing the OCOP Program, support the application of small and medium-sized processing technology in agriculture, clean water and rural environmental sanitation in Existing policy credit programs, submitted to competent authorities for approval; Encourage entrusted lending through social policy banks;
- Strengthen mobilization of economic organizations to register to support localities (districts and communes) in implementing new rural construction; Mobilize people to continue contributing to building new rural areas according to the principle of voluntariness for each project and specific content, approved by the Commune People's Council.
e) Continue to strengthen activities to mobilize international donors and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to support resources and share experiences in implementing contents related to urgent issues of the country. The program is consistent with the general development trend of other countries in the world; At the same time, take advantage of preferential loans, non-refundable aid capital... to increase investment resources for the program.
g) Strengthen inspection, examination, supervision and evaluation of program implementation at all levels and sectors. Take preventive measures to promptly prevent negative manifestations and waste, and strictly handle violations during the implementation of the Program.
VI. Assign management and organize implementation
1. Responsibilities of central ministries and branches
a) Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (is the agency in charge of the Program):
- Is agency in charge of managing the program; Responsible for overall management and supervision of the implementation results of new rural construction in all localities across the country;
- Preside and coordinate with relevant ministries, central branches and People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities to organize implementation of the Program according to regulations;
- Preside and coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Finance, relevant ministries, central branches and localities to develop regulations on principles, criteria, and norms for allocating central and local budget capital. The proportion of counterpart capital of the local budget for the period 2021 - 2025 is submitted to the Prime Minister for promulgation according to regulations;
- Preside and coordinate with ministries, central branches and localities to develop regulations on promulgating a set of national criteria for new rural areas at all levels (province, district, commune) according to levels (meeting standards, improving high, model) period 2021 - 2025;
- Preside and coordinate with central and local ministries and branches to synthesize the central budget capital needs that need to be supplemented for the Program for the period 2021 - 2025 and annually send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Ministry of Finance. Report to the Prime Minister according to regulations;
- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with ministries and branches in, presiding over the content of components, to agree on goals, striving targets and specific tasks each year, during the 5-year period, to be assigned to each ministry, central agency and Localities shall implement and send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis and submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision to assign localities to implement;
- Preside and coordinate with ministries and agencies in charge of component content to develop plans to allocate central budget capital to implement the Program for the 5-year period and annually send it to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, The Ministry of Finance synthesizes and submits to the Prime Minister for decision;
- Preside and coordinate with relevant ministries and agencies to continue to develop and complete and submit to competent authorities for approval according to the provisions of law 06 thematic programs to support the implementation of the National Target Program participate in the construction of new rural areas in the 2021 - 2025 period after the National Target Program on building new rural areas in the 2021 - 2025 period is approved;
- Coordinating with the Ministry of Finance, the State Bank of Vietnam and relevant agencies to study and propose to the Government and the Prime Minister on amending and promulgating investment credit policies for agriculture, rural areas in accordance with the Party's guidelines, legal provisions and the Government's credit mobilization mechanism on credit policies for implementation of national target programs, Decree No. 116/2018/ND -CP dated September 7, 2018 of the Government, and at the same time ensuring compliance with the balancing capacity of the central budget and other relevant documents;
- Lead and guide relevant ministries, branches and localities to effectively implement the Program implementation plan for the period 2021 - 2025 and the annual plan after being approved by the Prime Minister to complete program's objectives;
- Presiding over the development of the program's evaluation and monitoring system and guiding documents to the Program implementing agencies in the process of program evaluation and monitoring in accordance with law;
- Advise the Prime Minister on assigning specific tasks, directing to strengthen the coordination of ministries and branches and promoting the role of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and other unions and socio-political organizations Association in organizing and implementing the Program;
- Coordinate with the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations to develop a specific implementation plan for assigned contents and guide localities to implement;
- Preside and coordinate with ministries and central branches to periodically and irregularly organize inspection and supervision of the implementation of the Program by localities according to regulations.
b) Ministry of Planning and Investment:
- Implement unified state management of national target programs according to the provisions of the Law on Public Investment;
- Preside and coordinate with ministries, central branches and localities to develop and submit to the Government for promulgation regulations on management and implementation of national target programs, ensuring compliance with the provisions of the Law Public investment, State Budget Law and other relevant laws;
- Preside over and coordinate with ministries and central branches to appraise and synthesize the 5-year and annual medium-term public investment plans, targets and specific tasks of the Program based on the proposal of the program owner to submit to the Government and Prime Minister according to regulations;
- Preside and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to balance and prioritize additional central budget capital (development investment capital) for the Program period 2021 - 2025 and annually as required by the Government. National Assembly, in accordance with the provisions of the Public Investment Law and the ability to balance the state budget;
- Preside and coordinate with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Finance and relevant agencies to complete procedures for reporting to the Government and Prime Minister for consideration and submission to the National Assembly immediately. The latest meeting allowed an additional 88.6 million USD in ODA capital from the Asian Development Bank to implement the investment program to develop basic health networks in disadvantaged areas in the medium-term public investment plan for the period. 2021 - 2025 in accordance with the law;
- Preside and coordinate with relevant agencies to appraise the principles, criteria, and norms for allocation and use of public investment capital of the Program according to regulations.
c) Ministry of Finance:
- Preside and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to balance and prioritize additional central budget capital (non-business funding) for the Program period 2021 - 2025 and annually according to the request of the National Assembly. Association, in accordance with the State Budget Law, guiding documents and the ability to balance the state budget;
- Preside and coordinate with relevant ministries and central branches to develop and issue instructions on the management and use of central budget capital (business funding) to implement the Program for the period 2021 - 2025 ;
- Preside and coordinate with Ministry of Health and relevant agencies to complete procedures for reporting to the Government and the President to issue a Decision to extend the time to close the ODA loan book of the Asian Development Bank to Implement the investment program to develop grassroots healthcare networks in disadvantaged areas to comply with the provisions of the Law on International Treaties, the Law on Public Debt Management and Decree No. 114/2021/ND-CP dated December 16 year 2021;
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Planning and Investment to balance and allocate capital for the Program according to progress and medium-term investment plan, annually submit to competent authorities for consideration and decision.
d) Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs:
- Preside and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant ministries and branches to guide localities to integrate capital from the Sustainable Poverty Reduction Program in especially difficult communes in coastal areas. coastal and island areas, poor districts to strive to complete the goals of the approved Program according to the principles of capital integration of 03 national target programs for the period 2021 - 2025 in Resolution No. 25 2021/QH15 dated July 28, 2021 of the National Assembly and regulations in other relevant documents;
- Guide relevant authorities and localities to implement component projects of the National Target Program for Sustainable Poverty Reduction to ensure there is no overlap or duplication of support objects and implementation content of national target program on new rural construction.
d) Committee for Ethnic Minorities:
- Preside and coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant ministries and branches to guide localities to integrate capital from the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority areas minorities and mountainous areas in the period 2021 - 2030 in communes, villages and hamlets with special difficulties in ethnic minority and mountainous areas to strive to complete the objectives of the approved Program according to original regulations. Principles of capital integration of 03 National Target Programs for the period 2021 - 2025 in Resolution No. 25/2021/QH15 dated July 28, 2021 of the National Assembly and regulations in other relevant documents.
- Guide relevant authorities and localities to implement component projects of the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas to ensure no overlap support objects and implementation contents with national target program for new rural construction.
e) Ministries and central agencies assigned to preside over the contents of the program's components:
- Develop and propose specific goals and targets to implement the 5-year and annual component contents and send them to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Ministry of Planning and Investment for synthesis in the general plan of the Program and submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and assignment according to regulations;
- Prepare a central budget capital plan for the 5-year period and annually to deploy activities to serve the direction, administration, and guidance on implementing the Program, and send it to Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for synthesis into general plan according to regulations;
- Guide localities to implement targets, tasks and organize the implementation of program components under the assigned leadership;
- Fully implement the reporting regime on the results of implementation of component content and use of assigned capital and send it to the Program host agency for synthesis;
- Prioritize the integration of programs and projects in the assigned state management fields to contribute to the implementation of component contents and new rural criteria as assigned;
- Guide and direct localities to implement the criteria in the National Criteria Set for New Rural Areas as assigned;
- Develop and promulgate national technical standards and regulations, economic and technical norms in investment, management and exploitation of infrastructure works under assigned state management responsibilities;
- Preside and coordinate with the Program's host agency, relevant ministries and branches to organize inspection, supervision and evaluation of the results of implementation of resources and targets, tasks, and content of Program components. The program is assigned to preside over according to regulations and sent to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for synthesis and reporting to the Prime Minister and the Central Steering Committee; periodically organize inspection teams in localities according to regulations.
g) Ministries and central agencies participating in the implementation of the Program:
Responsible for integrating target programs and projects of each ministry and sector with national target program on new rural construction.
h) The State Bank of Vietnam inspects and supervises commercial banks in implementing credit policies to serve agriculture and rural areas, contributing to the implementation of the Program.
i) Bank for Social Policies:
- Focus on mobilizing resources and perfecting policy mechanisms to better and more effectively implement social policy credit, with special priority to support households subject to social policies in difficulties commune in order to increase income, improve people's production and living conditions, and contribute to building new rural areas;
- Implement capital mobilization solutions according to the provisions of Resolution No. 25/2021/QH15 dated July 28, 2021 of the National Assembly and comply with the Party's policies, legal regulations and mechanisms. Mobilizing credit capital from the Government on credit policies to implement national target programs, Decree No. 116/2018/ND-CP dated September 7, 2018 of the Government, while ensuring compliance with balancing capacity of the central budget and other relevant documents;
k) Information and communication agencies are responsible for disseminating information to serve the Program's requirements.
2. Responsibilities of People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities
a) Develop and promulgate the Program implementation plan for the 5-year period and annually, including the following contents: Plan on capital sources, goals, and tasks to send to the Program host agency and the agency in charge of the contents and related agencies according to regulations.
b) Direct and assign responsibilities of each level and departments and branches in organizing and implementing the Program according to the principle of strengthening decentralization and promoting a sense of responsibility for the grassroots.
c) Promulgate mechanisms, policies, and instructions on organizing and implementing the Program in the province according to assigned authority and tasks; Issue regulations on integrating capital sources from other programs and projects with the same content and tasks to implement the Program in the area, ensuring no overlap or duplication in scope, subjects and content between national target programs, striving to complete goals of the approved program.
d) Establish a joint Steering Committee for national target programs for a period 2021 - 2025 at the local level according to the provisions of Point b, Clause 4, Article 1 of Resolution No. 24/2021/QH15 dated July 28, 2021 of the National Assembly. Congress on approving the investment policy of the National Target Program for sustainable poverty reduction in the period 2021 - 2025 and Resolution No. 25/2021/QH15 dated July 28, 2021 of the National Assembly on approving the investment policy of the Program national goal of building new rural areas for the period 2021 - 2025. Implement and strengthen the apparatus of advisory agencies and assist the Steering Committee at all levels to be unified and synchronized according to the provisions of law and in accordance with conditions reality.
d) Direct the review and coordination of district-level new rural construction plans in the area to be consistent with the province's general new rural construction plan.
e) Proactively balance and allocate enough counterpart funds from the local budget according to regulations, as well as have solutions to effectively mobilize other legal resources outside the budget to invest in new rural construction; Encourage entrusted lending through the Social Policy Bank to implement the Program's contents, with priority given to supporting the implementation of the OCOP Program, supporting the application of small and medium-sized processing technology in agriculture, environment and rural clean water ensure implementation in accordance with the Party's policies, legal regulations on the Government's credit capital mobilization mechanism, credit policy to implement national target programs, and management of policy credit capital, Decree No. 116/2018/ND-CP dated September 7, 2018 of the Government and in accordance with the characteristics of the local socio-economic situation and balancing ability of the central bank and other relevant documents.
g) Based on actual conditions, research and promulgate a mechanism to encourage localities with developed economies to support disadvantaged localities to accelerate the progress of new rural construction to ensure compliance with the needs of localities. Current legal regulations are voluntary, ensuring publicity, transparency, and clear accountability in accordance with the law on investment management.
h) Strengthen mobilization of economic organizations to register to support localities (districts and communes) in implementing new rural construction.
i) Strengthen mobilization and encouragement of people to participate and contribute to building new rural areas in a voluntary form, without mobilizing too much people and causing outstanding debts in the basic construction of the Program.
k) Organize the implementation, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of the results of the Program implementation in the province periodically and irregularly according to regulations.
3. Sincerely request the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and socio-political organizations
Within the scope of its functions and tasks, coordinate with the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to develop a specific implementation plan for assigned contents to guide localities in implementation; proactively and actively participate in implementing the Program's contents and tasks as assigned; Carry out social supervision and criticism during the implementation of the Program; continue to effectively implement the Campaign "All people unite to build new rural areas and civilized cities".

Source: Vitic/

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