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Implementation plan of labor market supporting development program until 2030 in Bac Lieu province 

 Monday, July 24,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Concretize and effectively implement the objectives, tasks and solutions to develop the labor market comprehensively and sustainably in the direction of modernity and efficiency, suitable to the local situation and characteristics; serve as the basis and driving force for local socio-economic development in the new period

Implementation plan of labor market supporting development program until 2030 in Bac Lieu province
I. Purpose, requirements
1. Purpose:
Concretize and effectively implement objectives, tasks and solutions to develop labor market comprehensively and sustainably in direction of modernity and efficiency, suitable to the local situation and characteristics; serve as the basis and driving force for local socio-economic development in the new period.
2. Requirements:
- Propose specific tasks and solutions for relevant agencies, units and localities to implement and fulfill the objectives and targets in the Plan.
- Implement plan to ensure consistency, synchronization and efficiency; enhance roles and responsibilities of all levels, branches and localities in implementing implementation.
II. Objectives
1. General objective:
Creating a solid premise for synchronous construction and development of labor market factors, contributing to effective mobilization, allocation and use of resources to promote socio-economic development, transform shift labor structure towards modernity, ensuring connection of labor market in the province with labor market of provinces and cities in country and international labor market.
2. Specific objectives:
a) Increase number of skilled workers in line with labor market needs:
- By 2025, rate of trained workers with degrees and certificates will be 28.69% and by 2030 rate of trained workers with degrees and certificates will be about 33.23%.
- Proportion of employees with information technology skills (basic IT application skills or advanced information technology applications) will reach 30% by 2025 and 35% by 2030.
b) Create better jobs for workers:
- Striving to 2030 to maintain the general unemployment rate at a low level of less than 2%, unemployment rate in urban areas below 3.5%.
- Proportion of laborers working in agriculture will be less than 55% by 2025 and 45% by 2030.
- Labor productivity growth rate will reach at least 6%/year by 2025 and 7%/year by 2030.
c) Reducing proportion of young people without jobs, without school or without training:
- Striving to reduce rate of young people without jobs, without school or without training to less than 8%.
- Maintain urban youth unemployment rate at a low level below 7%, rural youth underemployment rate below 6%.
d) Ensure a safe working environment for employees:
By 2025, proportion of workers in the age group participating in social insurance will be about 45% and by 2030, proportion of workers of the age group participating in social insurance will be about 60%; In which, farmers and informal sector workers participating in voluntary social insurance will account for about 2.5% of the working-age workforce by 2025 and about 5% of the working-age workforce by 2025 and toward 2030.
Invest in and develop job transactions and labor market information systems:
- By 2030: 100% of high school graduates will be vocationally trained.
- By 2025: There will be 25% and in 2030 30% of employees will be consulted and introduced by Employment Service Center to get a job.
III. Tasks and solutions
1. Completing institutions, policies and laws in a synchronous and unified manner so that the labor market develops in a modern direction:
- Review and propose amendments to relevant legal documents on labor supply - demand, labor supply - demand connection to be consistent with the laws of the labor market and in line with main interests, legitimately by employees and employers under the direction of the Government and the guidance of the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
- Organize effective implementation of programs, plans and schemes to support job creation and participation in the labor market for specific labor groups (disabled people; ethnic minority workers; laborers), rural areas; students, new graduates from universities and the system of vocational education institutions) under the guidance and implementation of Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs.
- Implementation of legal documents on: Labor Code; Social insurance law; Law on Vocational Education; Employment Law; Law on Vietnamese workers working abroad under contracts; Law on Occupational Safety and Health and guiding documents related to labor market development to raise awareness of employers and employees about the labor market.
2. Supporting development of labor supply - demand:
- Implement training programs, fostering vocational skills before going to work for new graduates; training programs to improve skills for employees in the working process in accordance with the specific characteristics of each type of worker under the guidance and implementation of Ministry of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs. Encourage employers to participate in the process of education, training and vocational education.
- Improve effectiveness of tools to monitor, evaluate and recognize occupational skills according to national standards so that employees are evaluated and recognized, reflecting the actual working capacity in the province.
- Organize implementation of training programs, fostering labor skills under guidance of Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, based on vocational skills standards, applying science and technology; research and develop policies to support training and improve vocational skills for specific groups of workers. Encourage the organization of short-term training courses and fostering of digital skills in a regular and flexible form for employees.
- Research and develop policies to attract talents, focusing on policies on housing, salary and bonus, living and working conditions in order to attract and retain experts, scientists and managers.
- To encourage enterprises, business associations, professional associations and cooperatives to participate in the process of renewing and improving the quality of education, training and vocational education to meet the needs of the labor market, promote development of tourism - services, smart agriculture.
- Continue to review and recommend to simplify procedures for converting business households into enterprises; adopt policies to support enterprises in tax collection, payment and refund to improve effectiveness of support for enterprises converted from business households.
3. Supporting development of labor market information system, connecting labor supply and demand:
a) Completing labor market information system as basis for labor supply-demand connection:
- Implement organization of collecting, updating, storing and synthesizing data on the labor market.
- Developing and implementing solutions to digitize and update employee data information; centralized data storage and management at district and provincial levels; have connection, share with database of population, business registration, social insurance.
- Invest in improving infrastructure and equipment for data collection, storage, analysis and forecasting of labor supply and demand to serve requirements of management, analysis, sharing and publication of information.
- Implement solutions to connect, transmit and share data on labor and employment with district, provincial and central databases; complete the portal on labor and employment from the province to connect with central portal to ensure timely provision of essential information to the people.
b) Develop a suitable career guidance program, diverse in subjects, content and form, flexible in location, train staff to participate in vocational guidance organization for pupils and students.
c) Planning and developing the employment transaction system:
- Planning to develop a network of employment service establishments in line with labor market of the province. Focusing on investing in improving operational capacity of the Provincial Employment Service Center, which is place to conduct job transactions, connect labor market information, analyze and forecast the province's labor market and connect with labor market information, connecting provinces and cities throughout the country.
- Applying new scientific and technological solutions in job transaction activities; deploying software tools, set of criteria, general management, unified operation throughout the province on employment services.
- Training, retraining and capacity building for employment service staff in terms of knowledge and skills in collecting, processing and exploiting labor market information for consulting and referral services.
- Review and evaluate existing facilities of Employment Service Center in order to determine investment needs to ensure the organization of professional, modern and effective connection between supply and demand for labor.
4. Support for the development of safety nets and insurance:
- Enhance accessibility to policies on social insurance, health insurance and unemployment insurance for employees to ensure people's lives and maintain production.
- Promote role and activities of Provincial Labor Confederation, the Provincial Business Association and professional associations to develop members, connect, share and exchange information among employees working in the same field, thereby improving the effectiveness of protection of labor rights as well as contributing to better implementation of human resource development policies.
- Develop a mechanism to provide information and legal consulting services for employees to consult when necessary.
- Diversify the social security service packages provided to employees in terms of form, mode, contribution level and entitlement level; simplify administrative procedures and develop mechanisms to provide necessary administrative and legal support to employees participating in voluntary welfare programs.
5. Improve efficiency of the organization and operation of the labor market
- Continue to reorganize and renovate organization and state management of employment and the labor market, improve quality and operational efficiency of employment units and the labor market in the direction of unity and clarity, clear on functions, tasks and coordination mechanisms.
- Propagating, disseminating and raising awareness about labor law, labor relations and the responsibilities and benefits of social partners in improving the quality, efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of enterprises.
- Strengthen inspection, examination, and sanctions for violations of labor laws, especially on signing labor contracts, paying social insurance and other social security regimes and other social welfare for workers.
- Enhance learning, experience sharing and labor market management.
IV. Implementation cost
1. State budget sources according to the provisions of the Law on State Budget, the Law on Public Investment and documents detailing the Law.
2. A part of the funds have been transferred to the provincial budget for handling the deposit according to the Prime Minister's Decision No.12/2020/QD-TTg dated March 31, 2020 on piloting deposit for with workers going to work in Korea under the Employment Permit Program for Foreign Workers of Korea.
3. Sources from Unemployment Insurance Fund in accordance with law on unemployment insurance.
4. Sources of socialization for employment service activities as prescribed by law and other lawful funding sources.
V. Implementation organization
1. Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs:
- Presiding over, coordinating to advise on planning, organizing propaganda and disseminating the implementation of the Plan.
- Organize implementation of provisions of the law on labor, employment, vocational education and social insurance on the basis of reviewing and evaluating amendments and supplements to Employment Law, Law on Social Insurance and the Law on Social Insurance, relevant legal documents; Research and advise the Provincial People's Committee to promulgate mechanisms and policies to support job creation, encourage enterprises, business associations, and professional associations to participate in innovation and improve the quality of vocational education to meet needs of the Government.
- Collecting labor market information, connecting labor supply - demand.
- Direct implementation of consulting activities, job introduction, organization of job transaction sessions, labor supply in the province; perform function of connecting information between employees and employers to create jobs for workers in the province. Improve the efficiency and quality of counseling and job placement through gradually increasing the number of employed workers after counseling. Effectively implement the policy of unemployment benefits for employees.
- Timely advise and propose to the Provincial People's Committee plans, tasks and solutions on implementation of social insurance reform policies; Social security policy; assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant departments, branches, agencies and units in organizing inspection and supervision; monitor, urge, summarize and report to the Ministry of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and the Provincial People's Committee on the results of the implementation of the plan in accordance with regulations.
2. Department of Education, Science and Technology:
To assume prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, relevant departments and branches to develop training plans, in order to develop human resources to meet the requirements of the labor market. Organizing vocational education programs and orienting general education students in schools.
3. Department of Planning and Investment:
- Lead and coordinate with Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, relevant departments and branches and the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to implement activities to encourage business households to switch to business activities following the business model.
- Coordinating with Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, relevant departments and branches and districts, towns and cities to build and develop a labor market information system.
4. Department of Finance:
Coordinate with Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs to advise and submit to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and allocation of recurrent expenditures for the agencies and units to implement the Plan according to the state decentralization and the balancing capacity of the locality.
5. Department of Health:
To assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and relevant departments and branches in researching to expand the subjects, scope and reform administrative procedures to attract the participation of employees in health insurance.
6. Provincial Social Insurance:
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, other departments, divisions, branches, People's Committees of districts, towns, cities and relevant units in advising on mechanisms and policies, propose solutions to develop number of people participating in social insurance, voluntary insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance and overcome the situation of debt payment, evasion of payment of social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance of enterprises and units in the province.
7. Department of Culture, Information, Sports and Tourism:
Instruct press agencies in the province to strengthen information and propaganda on the mass media about supporting the development of the labor market until 2030 in the province.
8. Bac Lieu Newspaper, Provincial Radio - Television Station:
Increase broadcast time, news articles, photos; coordinate with Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs to develop topics and newsletters on the connection of Supply - Demand; replicating advanced examples, new models, and effective ways to contribute to the organization and implementation of the work of supporting the development of the labor market.
9. People's Committees of districts, towns and cities:
- Organizing the implementation of the Plan in the locality; actively allocate funds for the implementation of the Plan.
- Develop an annual plan to collect and analyze labor market information, implement the Plan to support labor market development and propose solutions to develop the subjects participating in social insurance and insurance. health insurance, unemployment insurance, debt reduction to pay social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance.
- Periodically, before December 15 of each year, send reports on the situation and results of implementation of the Plan to support labor market development to Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs to summarize and report to the People's Committee.
10. Provincial Employment Service Center:
- Performing the function of consulting, introducing jobs, organizing job exchange floors, supplying labor in the province. As the focal agency performing the function of connecting information between employees and employers to create jobs for workers in the province. Organizing employment transaction activities; increase the number of employment sessions at the Center and districts, towns and cities.
- Actively coordinate with the focal officers of the Provincial Industrial Park Management Board, enterprises and focal officers at district and commune levels who are assigned the task of assisting enterprises in recruiting workers to select and arrange The place for interview, consultation and job introduction ensures the safety requirements of epidemic prevention for businesses and employees to meet and recruit. Pay attention to and prepare equipment infrastructure to connect online jobs between employees and employers at the fixed and mobile job exchange.
- Regularly coordinate with Employment Service Centers of other provinces and cities to support enterprises to recruit workers outside the province (via online form) when the supply in the province meets the conditions.
- Implement Plan No.84/KH-UBND dated June 2, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee, implement Decision No.2269/QD-TTg dated December 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister approving the Project on capacity building and performance of the unit implementing the unemployment insurance policy.
- Applying new scientific and technological solutions, investing in upgrading equipment and facilities in job transactions; training, retraining and capacity building for employment service personnel in terms of knowledge and skills in collecting, processing, and exploiting labor market information for consulting and job placement services, connecting labor supply - demand; focus on supporting job search for workers from areas affected by the COVID-19 epidemic returning to their localities.
11. Proposal to the Provincial Labor Confederation:
- Coordinating with Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs, Management Board of the Provincial Industrial Parks and relevant departments and branches to develop essential services for workers, especially workers in the industrial sector.
- Presiding over, propagating and guiding trade unions at all levels to coordinate and participate with employers, heads of agencies and units in formulating and well implementing grassroots democracy regulations; training, retraining and training to improve negotiation and dialogue skills for grassroots trade union officials, contributing to building harmonious, stable and progressive labor relations in enterprises.
12. Request the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, Provincial Cooperative Union, Provincial Women's Union; Provincial Farmers Association, Provincial Youth Union:
- Propagating and disseminating the guidelines and guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State on labor and labor market to members of organization.
- Monitor, manage and promptly support members of organization when participating in the labor market, participating in training and improving skills and qualifications.

Source: Vitic/

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