Action plan on implementing livestock development strategy in a period of 2022-2030 with a vision to 2045 in Hanoi city
Friday, December 30,2022
AsemconnectVietnam - Exploiting potentials and strengths of each locality to develop livestock production comprehensively, effectively, sustainably and create jobs, increase income for people, develop the economy in rural areas, rural areas and rural areas while protecting ecological environment, ensuring safety of livestock and poultry diseases and food safety for consumers in the capital
I. Purpose, requirements
1. Purpose
- Implement effectively the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1520/QD-TTg dated October 6, 2020 approving the livestock development strategy for the period 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2045 in accordance with the conditions in Hanoi city.
- Exploiting potentials and strengths of each locality to develop livestock production comprehensively, effectively, sustainably and create jobs, increase income for people, develop the economy in rural areas, rural areas and rural areas while protecting ecological environment, ensuring safety of livestock and poultry diseases and food safety for consumers in the capital.
2. Request
- Implement fully and promptly the contents specified in the strategy, deploy tasks and solutions to ensure feasibility. Enhance the responsibility of all levels, sectors and effective coordination among relevant units in the implementation of the strategy.
- All levels and branches actively and actively participate in and direct specialized units, district and commune units based on practical conditions to propose and advise mechanisms and policies, and develop policies and procedures, programs, projects and models on the basis of potentials, strengths and needs to develop sustainable livestock production, specialization, ensuring environmental sanitation, disease safety and regional economic development.
- The formulation, organization and implementation of tasks, programs, projects and models of livestock development must be substantive, effective, focused, use the supported capital effectively, avoid loss, waste; promote internal resources of livestock production establishments, call on enterprises to invest in development and link livestock production along the value chain.
II. Target
1. Common goal
- Livestock development in the period of 2022 - 2030, with a vision to 2045, achieving the goals of industrialization, modernization, sustainable development and improving the competitiveness of the livestock industry, and at the same time encouraging organic farming, traditional livestock production in the direction of producing high-quality and safe goods.
- To step up the construction and formation of concentrated livestock production areas that meet the criteria of modern industrial livestock, linked livestock, recirculating livestock, livestock associated with slaughter, processing and animal husbandry, product consumption, biosecurity associated with ecotourism, disease control, and ecological environment protection. Develop a roadmap for stopping and terminating livestock production out of areas where livestock are not allowed in the city.
- Promote activities of connecting and consuming livestock products in the city and provinces across the country. Building brands and brands of livestock products, especially regional-specific products with high nutritional value and food safety, are favored by consumers.
- Develop a roadmap to move large cattle rising to neighboring localities; strengthen cooperation, promote activities connecting production, processing and consumption of livestock products in the city and provinces across the country.
- Continue to amend, supplement and complete legal documents to implement the Law on Livestock and policies to encourage and promote sustainable livestock development and international integration.
- Increase the percentage of livestock products produced in professional farms and breeding households that ensure biosecurity, disease safety, environmental friendliness and humane treatment of livestock. To increase the proportion of livestock products that are slaughtered in industrial concentration, processed, and deeply processed to meet the needs of markets inside and outside the province, towards export, creating jobs and increasing incomes for people.
2. Specific goals
a) Period 2022-2030
- To develop livestock production in the direction of industry, applying high technology, striving for the value of high-tech livestock products, accounting for 70% of the livestock production value of the whole city, the speed and value of livestock production, raising average increase from 4.5-5.5%/year; income from livestock production increases at least 4-5 %/year.
- Output of live meat for slaughter will reach 440 - 480 thousand tons/year, of which pork production will be 280 - 320 thousand tons, output of live beef for slaughter will be about 12 - 15 thousand tons, poultry meat output for slaughter, reaching 145 - 155 thousand tons; egg production reaches 2.2-2.5 billion eggs/year, fresh milk production reaches 40-42 thousand tons.
- Striving to 2025, to completely stop livestock production activities located in areas that are not allowed to raise livestock according to Resolution No. 02/2020/NQ-HDND dated July 7, 2020 of the City People's Council on the promulgation of the area. areas where livestock are not allowed and relocation policy to support livestock production facilities in Hanoi city; reduce the rate of livestock production in residential areas by less than 40%, move large cattle raising to develop in the direction of farms far from residential areas to ensure disease safety, environmental sanitation, and increase the proportion of livestock products, production on the farm; continue to identify Hanoi's key livestock products as the center of breeding stock, organic breeding and biosecurity.
- Striving to 2030 to form key livestock and poultry breeding areas in areas far from the center of the capital; 70% of livestock products in Hanoi are produced in closed and linked chains. Support key enterprises to build closed chains and linkage chains, encourage enterprises to invest in slaughtering, preliminary processing and processing systems of livestock products using current industrial and semi-industrial chains, ensure food hygiene and safety standards.
- Strengthening the state management of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine; encourage the construction of livestock production facilities that ensure disease safety, veterinary hygiene and environmental sanitation, and associate them with slaughtering, preliminary processing and processing establishments. To build at least 12 district-level areas that meet the standards of disease-free breeding areas, 80% of large-scale livestock farms are granted certificates of eligibility for livestock.
- The proportion of livestock and poultry slaughtered in concentrated and industrial areas is about 70%, respectively; the proportion of cattle and poultry meat put into preliminary processing and industrial processing compared to the total meat output will reach 50% by 2030.
b) Vision to 2045:
- To develop animal husbandry into a modern technical and economic sector and to be industrialized in almost all stages from production, slaughter, processing, and preservation to product consumption. Strive to have 80% of livestock products produced in closed and linked chains.
- Basically, livestock production areas focus on livestock production with modern and highly specialized industrial husbandry methods. Widely apply digital technology in the management of livestock activities.
- The level and production capacity of the livestock industry in Hanoi is in the top group of the country.
- Effectively control the control of livestock and poultry slaughter; abolishing small and small livestock and poultry slaughtering establishments that fail to ensure veterinary hygiene and food safety, bringing slaughtering activities into large-scale concentrated livestock and poultry slaughtering establishments.
- Closely manage and monitor the situation of livestock and poultry diseases, early detection and timely handling of dangerous infectious diseases. Especially diseases that can infect humans.
- Most of the main livestock products, including meat, eggs, and milk are produced in biosafety and environmentally friendly breeding facilities.
- 100% of livestock and poultry meat products are supplied from concentrated and industrial slaughterhouses and over 70% of the main livestock production volume is preliminarily processed and industrially processed, of which about 30% is deeply processed.
III. Content
1. Reviewing, promulgating, disseminating and implementing legal documents, mechanisms and policies on livestock development
a) Organize the implementation of the Law on Livestock:
- Training and propagating the Law on Livestock, guiding documents for the implementation of the Law on Livestock, and Strategies for livestock development.
- Develop regulations on livestock density; regulations on areas where livestock are not allowed in cities, towns, residential areas and support policies when moving livestock production out of areas where livestock are not allowed.
- Manage and issue the Certificate of eligibility for livestock production for large-scale farm animals, periodically inspect the livestock production conditions of medium- and small-scale farming establishments; manage and issue the Certificate of eligibility for animal feed production to the animal feed producer.
- Making declaration of livestock activities; synthesizing data on changes in livestock herds; building a database of the livestock industry according to the provisions of the Law on Livestock, Circular No. 23/2019/TT-BNNPTNT dated November 30, 2019 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development guiding a number of articles of the Law on Livestock on livestock production activities and Circular No. 20/2019/TT-BNNPTNT dated September 22, 2019 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development stipulating the updating, exploitation and management of the national database on animal husbandry, livestock production, to capture, manage and direct livestock activities.
b) Land policy:
- To adopt a policy to set aside land fund for livestock development to meet the provisions of the Law on Livestock, to ensure the requirements of minimizing environmental pollution, disease safety, biosecurity and improving livestock production efficiency. Prioritize land allocation and land lease with preferential policies in accordance with the land law for breeding establishments, concentrated farm and industrial breeding establishments that are eligible for biosafety livestock in the developing areas, concentrated slaughterhouses, industrial processing in the field of animal husbandry, wholesale markets.
- Convert most of the area in suitable places and a part of low-productivity agricultural land to intensive cultivation of grass and forage crops.
c) Financial and credit policy:
- Review current policies, research and propose State budget support policies towards: Annually, inspect, select, eliminate and replace livestock breeds in production; Apply high technology and biotechnology in the production and processing of raw materials for animal feed and veterinary medicine.
- Continue to review and perfect relevant mechanisms and policies in order to attract and encourage investment in technical infrastructure, scientific research, and technology application to develop modern, closed-chain livestock production, improve productivity, quality and competitiveness of the Capital livestock industry.
- Completing and effectively implementing livestock insurance policies in order to minimize risks of natural disasters, epidemics, markets, etc., according to the principle: partial state budget support, livestock breeders participate in contributing and mobilizing other lawful sources.
d) Trade policy:
- Reorganize the livestock product consumption system associated with linkage chains. Localities, trading centers, supermarkets, wholesale markets, auction centers and trade promotion and stabilization programs give priority to creating favorable conditions for the introduction and consumption of livestock products has a brand name, associated with a chain of links, has a contract to sell products to farmers.
- Encourage enterprises to invest in building wholesale markets, auction centers, and e-commerce trading floors to introduce, promote and auction livestock breeds and livestock products.
e) Information and propaganda:
- Propagating and disseminating guidelines, mechanisms and policies of the Central and City; thoroughly understand for all cadres and party members, especially those who directly work and interact with livestock farmers to propagate and guide livestock farmers to understand and agree on the organization and implementation.
- Promote livestock and agriculture extension programs in a closed chain, circular economy, ensuring that farmers can master techniques to produce safe and effective livestock products, transfer processes and technologies Breeding technology for households and farms is suitable for each animal species and ecological region.
- Diversify communication programs to gradually change awareness and inappropriate habits in livestock production, slaughter, processing and consumption of livestock products.
2. To develop livestock and aquaculture in accordance with the overall planning of the agricultural sector
Districts and towns shall develop livestock and aquaculture in accordance with relevant plans; Planning on livestock development in Hanoi until 2020, with orientation to 2030 according to Decision No. 1835/QD-UBND dated February 25, 2013; stipulates the list of concentrated agricultural production areas in the city according to Decision 3215/QD-UBND dated June 14, 2019 of the City People's Committee, according to which:
a) Orientation for livestock production by sub-region:
- Hilly areas (including districts of My Duc, Chuong My, Soc Son, Son Tay, Quoc Oai: oriented to focus on developing key livestock products such as beef cattle, dairy cows, meat pigs, and free-range chickens, kinds of specialty adoptions.
- Plains: for high terrain areas, Chuong My, Gia Lam, Quoc Oai, Me Linh and Thanh Oai should focus on developing chicken and pig raising; for low-lying areas of Ung Hoa, Phu Xuyen, a part of My Duc district, focus on raising waterfowl in the direction of livestock farms combined with aquatic products.
- Riverbank areas (Red river, Day river, Tich river...): To develop livestock husbandry in the direction of farms in association with the protection of Hanoi's green belt and main livestock species, beef cattle, dairy cows, pigs, chickens.
b) Orientation for livestock production according to livestock:
- Pig raising: Forming concentrated pig breeding areas far from residential areas, mainly distributed in the districts of My Duc, Ung Hoa, Thanh Oai, Chuong My, Thach That, Ba Vi, Soc Son, Phu Xuyen, Thach That, Quoc Oai, Me Linh, Soc Son and Son Tay town.
- Poultry raising: To form and develop concentrated chicken raising areas, distributed in the districts of Ba Vi, Chuong My, Soc Son, Thach That, and Quoc Oai; Waterfowl breeding is distributed in key districts of Ung Hoa, Phu Xuyen, Thanh Oai, Phuc Tho, My Duc, and Son Tay town.
- Cattle raising: To form and develop concentrated beef breeding areas distributed in the districts of Ba Vi, Thach That, Quoc Oai, Chuong My, Soc Son, Me Linh, My Duc; Dairy farming is developed in key dairy farming communes: Tan Linh, Van Hoa, Yen Bai, Tong Bat, Minh Chau, Ba Trai (Ba Vi district), Phuong Dinh (Dan Phuong), Xuan Phu (Ba Vi district).
3. Making breeding stock the main product of the livestock industry
a) Cattle raising:
- To stabilize the dairy herd by 2030, about 15 thousand dairy cows, the average milk production will reach 5,500 - 6,000 kg/head/cycle. Orientation to develop dairy farming in Ba Vi district; average livestock scale is 10 heads/household; livestock production in the direction of VIETGAP, organic.
- Stabilize the beef herd at 135 - 145 thousand heads, of which the base herd of cows is 80 - 100 thousand heads; increase the percentage of Zebu-chemical cows to 100%, of which 50% are high-quality meat-oriented cows. Orientation to develop large-scale beef farms outside residential areas in areas with favorable conditions for riverbanks in districts: Ba Vi, Soc Son, Chuong My,....
- Improving breed quality, for dairy cows: The percentage of Holstein Friesian (HF) dairy cows growing asymptotically with purebred breed quality (Milk cows with crossbred blood ratio 7/8 or more account for more than above). 90%); for beef cattle, focus mainly on high quality beef breeds such as: BBB, Wagyu, Angus, Senepol, Inra 95..., for dairy cows 100% artificially inseminated. Increase the rate of artificial insemination to 90% by 2030.
- Orientation to 2030 to improve the cow herd to a new level to meet new needs such as bringing the Senepol bull breed to have many outstanding advantages over the Zebu breed such as good meat quality, carcass ratio tall, slim and healthy, good disease resistance, suitable for Vietnam's ecology to improve the herd from zebu to senepolization using cows as cows, so crossbreed with BBB, Wagyu, Angus cows; over 60% of reproductive cows are inseminated Senepol. Continue to develop artificial insemination networks, especially in areas where artificial insemination is not yet available.
b) Pig raising:
- To keep stable the total pig herd of about 1.8 million heads, of which 180-200 thousand sows and 13.6 thousand organic pigs.
- Orientation to develop by regions, key communes, livestock areas and large-scale livestock farms and farms outside residential areas in districts and towns: Ba Vi, My Duc, Ung Hoa, Thanh Oai, Chuong My , Soc Son, Phu Xuyen, Thach That...
- Using high-yield and high-quality pig breeds with lean percentage from 55-59%. To develop pig breeding towards breeding stock, focusing on developing foreign and domestic sows to account for over 90% by 2030. Develop 5% of sows of indigenous pig breeds.
- Importing boar breeds to serve pig semen production facilities; Grandparent sows have high quality yield to serve breeding facilities.
- Orientation to focus on renovating breeding pig herds in the area to improve productivity and quality of breeding herds to provide high quality breeding stock for neighboring provinces for commercial farming to provide food for the City. Sows reached 180-200 thousand heads, accounting for 10% of the total herd (of which 50% of sows were mated with Landrace gene +).
- Expand the artificial insemination network and standardize the facilities and quality of boars; Males used in artificial sperm production stations must be tested for productivity before commercial semen extraction. Every year, localities organize the evaluation and selection of the quality of boar herds operating in direct insemination services in order to eliminate low-quality boars without a clear background and origin. .
c) Poultry raising:
- The total number of poultry flocks is kept stable at 38-40 million heads/year, increasing the application of intensive farming methods, increasing the number of batches of poultry released for slaughter. In the structure of poultry development, chickens account for 80%, focusing on developing commercial egg-laying chickens and native chickens (cane chickens, free-range chickens, free-range chickens).
- Increasing the introduction of new high-yield and high-quality varieties into production; to preserve and develop the varieties of Mia chickens, Ri chickens, and Co Van Dinh ducks.
- Orientation to develop by regions, key communes, large-scale livestock areas and large-scale livestock farms and farms outside residential areas in districts and towns of Chuong My, Ba Vi, Quoc Oai, Soc Son, Thanh Oai, Ung Hoa, Phu Xuyen, Thach That,... The total herds in these areas will account for over 60% of the city's total herds by 2030. Livestock in the direction of VIETGAP, organic and biological.
4. Building livestock and aquaculture production chains associated with product consumption
Striving to 2030, 70% of livestock products in Hanoi will be produced by linkage chains. Support key enterprises to build closed chains and linkage chains, encourage enterprises to invest in slaughtering, preliminary processing and processing systems of livestock products using current industrial and semi-industrial chains, ensure food hygiene and safety standards.
- The first form: A closed chain model where an entity is an Enterprise organizing all activities from feed production, breeding to slaughter, processing and product consumption.
- The second form: The model of a chain of links in which many entities (Chambers/Cooperatives/Associations, enterprises) cooperate to build the chain, in which one entity is responsible for being the focal point of the chain and regulating activities, chain building and brand development of the chain's products.
5. Improve capacity for disease prevention and control and environmental protection
- To effectively deploy the development of epidemiological maps to control dangerous and emerging diseases, and be proactive in disease prevention and control.
- To step up the research and application of vaccines, drugs and veterinary preparations to serve the control and control of diseases, especially dangerous diseases in livestock such as: Avian influenza, foot-and-mouth disease foot fungus, African swine fever and other dangerous diseases.
- Coordinating with the State and enterprises, livestock farmers deploy to build disease-free and environmentally-friendly breeding facilities and areas, especially in key livestock areas and production areas of raw materials for production export; control and prevention of drug resistance.
- Develop modern barn technology suitable for each type of livestock and type of livestock to meet the requirements of animal growth and development and environmental protection.
- Collecting and treating livestock waste and by-products for reuse for other purposes; associated with environmental protection and climate change response. Develop all kinds of livestock waste treatment technologies associated with the production of organic fertilizers, processing of aquaculture products... according to the provisions of Article 51 of Decree No. 08/2022/ND-CP dated 10 January 1, 2022 of the Government detailing a number of articles of the Law on Environmental Protection, contributing to promoting the circular economy in livestock production.
6. Improve the quality of feed, slaughter and processing of livestock products
- Strengthening quality control, improving nutritional value, economical and efficient use of raw materials for animal feed. Encourage the development of models of processing organic animal feeds by technology, small grinding equipment, suitable for household farming... combined with mixed forage processing technology ( TMR) to raise and fatten grass-fed cattle.
- Reorganize the cattle and poultry slaughtering and processing system in the direction of concentration and industry in association with commodity husbandry areas, ensuring requirements on veterinary hygiene, food safety, and environmental protection and humane treatment of animals. Strengthen management measures for small-scale and manual slaughter that do not ensure veterinary hygiene and food safety.
- Encourage the development of the processing industry, deep processing of livestock products in order to diversify and increase the value of livestock products suitable for domestic consumption and export markets.
7. Human resource training
- Develop and implement training programs to improve management capacity for grassroots veterinary staff. Focus on training management skills, husbandry techniques, disease management and food safety for farmers through vocational training programs and agricultural extension activities.
- Standardize training programs and strengthen training resources and methods in the direction of socialization suitable to the market economy and international integration.
- Focus on training young staff, researchers and teaching staff with specialized qualifications in a number of important fields such as breeding, nutrition, veterinary medicine, etc. To promote the form of training for doctors, veterinarians, livestock engineers practice and provide vocational training for breeders.
8. Strengthening the state management capacity of the livestock and veterinary sectors
- Consolidate and strengthen the organizational capacity of the apparatus and mechanisms and policies to manage the livestock and veterinary industries in a streamlined, professional and effective manner in line with the market economy, international integration and regulations.
Animal husbandry and veterinary activities are conditional production and business activities, and establishments engaged in livestock and veterinary activities must satisfy the conditions prescribed by the law on environment and biosafety and humane treatment of animals.
- Change the approach to production and product quality management so that producers and traders can take the initiative in controlling the quality and safety of their products before they are put on the market.
- Socialize public services in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine so that all eligible economic sectors can participate openly and transparently in management activities, reducing pressure on payroll and state budget and provide the best quality service.
IV. Solution
1. Accelerate the formation of planned concentrated livestock production areas
- To effectively implement the plans related to livestock development; Decision No. 1835/QD-UBND dated February 25, 2013 of the People's Committee of Hanoi City approving the master plan on livestock development in Hanoi until 2020, orientation to 2030; Decision 3215/QD-UBND dated June 14, 2019 of the City People's Committee promulgating the List of concentrated agricultural production areas in Hanoi city and criteria for agricultural production of industrial applications high technology of Hanoi city.
- Based on the ecological characteristics of the region and strengths in livestock development to determine the development of livestock in the main direction with the orientation of prioritizing the production of high-yield, high-quality breeding stock, preserving it for conservation, valuable local varieties.
- Gradually reduce the number of small-scale livestock raising households, raising livestock in residential areas, stop raising livestock and poultry in areas not allowed to raise livestock in Hanoi city according to Resolution 02/2020/ Resolution-HĐND dated 07/7/2020 of the City People's Council.
- Strengthen cooperation, association, construction and implementation of a roadmap to gradually shift large livestock breeding to neighboring localities.
2. Improve the quality of seed
- For cattle: Continue to increase the proportion of Zebu-chemical cows, in which, mainly focus on high-quality beef breeds, such as BBB, Wagyu, Charolais, Inra 95...; renovating the cow herd with Brahman, Senepol cow semen; continue to use BBB male sex-segregated semen to improve productivity; ensure the rate of artificial insemination for cows reaches about 90%.
- For the pig herd: Continue to develop pig breeding towards breeding stock, focusing on developing foreign and pure sows. Encourage the use of local seed sources or breeds of reputable and quality suppliers to ensure production.
To focus on producing pig breeds by artificial insemination, increasing the quantity of pig semen of semen production facilities to 400-500 thousand doses/year; increase the rate of artificial insemination on the pig herd in the whole city and reduce the number of boars in the population.
- For poultry: Continue to support the preservation, conservation and development of Son Tay cane chicken breeds; Support the preservation and development of Van Dinh grass ducks and egg-laying ducks, commercial high-tech Bo ducks.
3. Technical solutions
- Continue to guide breeding establishments, pig breeding enterprises in the city to carry out animal husbandry according to national standards QCVN 01-14:2010/BNNPTNT; for pig and poultry farms, good practice procedures are applied according to Decision No. 4653/QD-BNN-CN dated November 10, 2015 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
- Encourage high-tech application of livestock: Applying information technology to the management of nursing care, waste management and treatment in livestock, building a closed cage system, building a treatment process for livestock, self-contained waste and wastewater treatment at livestock farms; Using high technology in animal husbandry such as: stables with warning systems and regulation of temperature and humidity in the cages in accordance with the characteristics of each type of livestock, automatic manure removal and waste treatment, and waste management. Manage herds using information technology software in livestock production.
- Guide and encourage livestock production facilities to apply biosecurity measures, use biological products in livestock to create barriers to protect livestock, limit the spread of diseases, minimize environmental pollution.
4. Solutions for disease prevention and control, slaughter control
- Advise on the development of annual plans for prevention and control of livestock and poultry diseases; documents to strengthen, urge and inspect; monitor epidemics in livestock and poultry, early detect, report, localize and promptly handle outbreaks of dangerous infectious diseases; quarantine, slaughter control, health and safety inspection, food safety in the city; develop a plan for vaccination, cleaning, disinfection and decontamination, taking samples for post-vaccination surveillance, monitoring virus circulation; deploy and guide the construction of facilities, animal disease-free zones in the city. Especially, completing the construction of a rabies-free zone in the inner city districts.
- Actively take surveillance samples to predict and forecast dangerous infectious diseases early such as: Avian Influenza, Foot-and-mouth disease, Green ear, African swine fever, animal rabies..., at the same time carry out post-vaccination surveillance to assess the protection rate for dangerous infectious diseases; Sanitize and disinfect the environment.
- Propagating, guiding and encouraging livestock production establishments to build epidemic-free facilities according to the provisions of Circular No. 14/2016/TT-BNNPTNT dated June 2, 2016 of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. ; develop a plan and gradually pilot the construction of a number of key livestock communes into disease-free establishments in order to develop into epidemic-free zones.
- Coordinating with relevant units and departments in propagating and disseminating legal documents, regimes and policies; examine and handle violations in disease prevention and control; Quarantine, slaughter control, veterinary hygiene and food safety inspection, maintaining the operation of inter-sectoral quarantine checkpoints and quarantine stations in accordance with regulations.
- Forming and putting into operation 08 industrial cattle and poultry slaughtering and processing establishments, 08 concentrated cattle and poultry slaughtering establishments and 13 concentrated cattle and poultry slaughtering establishments. 761/QD-UBND dated February 17, 2020 of the City People's Committee approving the "Network of concentrated livestock and poultry slaughterhouses in Hanoi city".
5. Solutions to strengthen the management capacity of the livestock and veterinary industries
- Consolidating and consolidating the veterinary system at all levels in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Veterinary Medicine, Decision No. 414/QD-TTg dated March 22, 2021 of the Prime Minister approving the project on strengthening system capacity specialized veterinary management agencies at all levels, in the period of 2021 - 2030, ensure the smooth and effective operation of the veterinary system at all levels and proactively advise local authorities to organize monitoring and detection and promptly handle outbreaks of livestock and poultry diseases so as not to spread.
- Continue training to improve the state management capacity for staff in the livestock and veterinary sectors at all levels, especially in the grassroots veterinary system. Promote research and application of science and technology in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine.
6. Solutions on mechanisms and policies
- Continue to effectively implement existing support policies for relevant subjects as prescribed: Decree No. 57/2018/ND-CP dated April 17, 2018 of the Government on mechanisms , policies to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas; Decree No. 98/2018/ND-CP dated July 5, 2018 of the Government on policies to encourage the development of cooperation and association in the production and consumption of agricultural products; Resolution No. 10/2018/NQ-HDND dated December 5, 2018 of the Hanoi People's Council on a number of policies to encourage production development, cooperation and association in production and consumption agricultural products; building rural infrastructure in Hanoi city and new mechanisms and policies promulgated by the central government and the city concerned.
- Review and propose additional policies specific to livestock development, in order to promote stable and sustainable development suitable to each period.
V. Funding sources and implementation time
1. Funding for implementation
- Annual state budget sources according to state budget decentralization and current law provisions; prioritize investment in disease prevention, science and technology, improve industry management capacity and train human resources.
- Capital sources integrated in other national target programs, programs, plans and projects.
- Sources of concessional loans, ODA capital.
- Funds mobilized from organizations and individuals at home and abroad according to the provisions of law;
- Units assigned funds to implement the Plan are responsible for using funds to ensure focus, focus, avoid duplication and be appropriate (in terms of subjects; scope; content, level of support; sequence) , implementation procedures;...) with the current mechanisms and policies of the Central Government and the City. Effectively using state budget capital, prioritizing the development of technical infrastructure in service of research and training of human resources; improve management capacity of livestock and veterinary industries; disease control, food hygiene and safety; conservation and development of genetic resources of indigenous, precious and rare livestock. To encourage domestic and foreign organizations and individuals to invest in production and business activities in the fields of animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, processing and marketing of livestock products according to the provisions of law.
2. Implementation period: The plan is implemented to 2030, vision to 2045
BECAUSE. Implementation organization
1. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Being the standing agency responsible for presiding over and coordinating with relevant departments, branches, localities and agencies to monitor and urge the implementation of the Plan.
- Strengthen the state management of livestock production, inspect, supervise and guide the implementation of the Law on Livestock, the Law on Veterinary Medicine and the standards and regulations of the sectors and fields of management.
- Coordinate with relevant departments, agencies and mass organizations to inform and propagate guidelines, mechanisms, policies, plans and orientations for livestock production development of the State to organizations and individuals engaged in animal husbandry activities. Livestock production activities and staff directly managing livestock activities in the localities to grasp and organize effective implementation.
- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology in, research, support and create conditions for enterprises to build brands and quality standards for agricultural, forestry and fishery products to meet quality requirements, product design and specifications.
- Annually summarize and evaluate the implementation situation and results of the implementation of the Strategy in the area and report to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (Department of Livestock Production) to summarize and report to the Prime Minister; report the implementation results to the City People's Committee and advise and propose solutions to organize the implementation of the plan in accordance with reality.
- Actively provide information on implementation activities and implementation results to departments, agencies, People's Committees of districts, towns, press agencies to carry out information and communication activities.
- Research and advise the City People's Committee to strengthen cooperation, linkage, and build a roadmap to gradually shift large cattle breeding to neighboring provinces.
2. People's Committees of districts and towns:
- Based on the content of the Plan, actively develop and organize the implementation of the Livestock Development Plan for the period 2022 - 2030, with a vision to 2045, suitable to the practical conditions in each locality. To exploit the potentials and strengths of the locality to focus on developing key varieties, suitable for planning and suitable for ecological zones; allocate funding sources according to their competence; creating favorable conditions for land to support establishments and enterprises investing in the field of animal husbandry, preliminary processing and product processing.
- Regularly check and monitor the performance results at the establishment; annually synthesize and report to the City People's Committee (through the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to summarize and advise) according to regulations.
3. Department of Finance: Based on the proposal of the unit, based on the ability to balance the annual budget, advise the City People's Committee to arrange funding for the implementation of the Plan in accordance with the current regulations of the State.
4. Department of Planning and Investment
- Prioritize allocating state budget capital for the agricultural sector to perform the tasks of restructuring the livestock industry towards increasing added value and sustainable development.
- Participating in and coordinating with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant agencies, units and localities in researching, amending and supplementing mechanisms and policies to attract investment capital from all economic sectors outside the state for agriculture and rural areas.
5. Department of Science and Technology
- Coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant agencies, units and localities to review, adjust and supplement mechanisms and policies related to strengthening research and application capacity, transfer science and technology and technical progress, socialize resources for science and technology development, support the agricultural sector to implement the Plan.
- Support and guide livestock production establishments to register to build trademarks and trademarks and benefit from policies according to regulations.
6. Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs: Coordinate with Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant agencies, units and localities to organize vocational training for rural farmers in accordance with product requirements of each region according to regulations.
7. Department of Natural Resources and Environment: Take charge and cooperate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and People's Committees of districts and towns in directing, managing, and developing land use plans suitable to the requirements of blanket production development farming, creating favorable conditions for enterprises to invest in production, ensure efficient use of land and water resources, and protect the environment sustainably.
8. Department of Industry and Trade: Coordinating with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Department of Science and Technology to research, support and create conditions for businesses to build brands and quality standards for agricultural products, forestry and fishery products meet the requirements on quality, design and product specifications; supporting and helping enterprises to develop the processing industry, promote trade, establish distribution networks and search for markets, in order to ensure sustainability in production.
9. Department of Health: Coordinate with Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in implementing and implementing the task of ensuring food hygiene and safety, implementing the strategy of nutrition security and rural environmental sanitation according to regulations.
10. Department of Information and Communications: Coordinating with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and related units in communication, information, content dissemination, and activities to deploy models, examples, and methods, effectively renewing the implementation of the Plan in the City.
11. Hanoi Radio and Television Station: Actively informing and propagating contents and models, typical, and highly effective new ways of doing things during the implementation of the Plan in the City.
12. It is recommended that the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of Hanoi city and mass organizations: Based on their functions and tasks, actively coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and related units in the process of organizing implementation of the Plan; on propaganda, mobilization, supervision, social criticism and promoting the role of all classes of people in the implementation of the Plan.
Above is the Action Plan to implement the Livestock Development Strategy for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045 in Hanoi city, agencies, units and localities based on contents of plan seriously implement./.
Source: Vitic/
Program on conservation and development of Vietnamese craft villages in a period of 2021 - 2030
Implementation plan of marine aquaculture development project in Ninh Binh province to 2030 with a vision to 2045
Plan on implementing national environmental protection strategy to 2030 with a vision to 2050 in Kien Giang province
Plan on implementing Decision No. 327/QD-TTG dated March 10, 2022 of the Prime Minister approving the project on developing sustainable and effective wood processing industry in the period of 2021-2030 in Gia Lai province
Action plan on implementing strategy of sustainable agricultural and rural development in a period of 2022-2030 with a vision to 2050 in Hanoi city
Plan on implementing Decision No.923/QD-TTG dated August 2, 2022 of the Prime Minister approving science and technology program for new rural construction in a period of 2021-2025 in Vinh Long province
Plan on implementing strategy of sustainable agricultural and rural development in Bac Kan province in a period of 2021 - 2030 with a vision to 2050
Implementation plan of Vietnam's forestry development strategy for a period of 2021-2030 with a vision to 2050 in Gia Lai province
National master plan in a period of 2021-2030, vision to 2050
Program on strengthening environmental protection, food safety and rural clean water supply in building new countryside in a period of 2021-2025
Digital transformation program on building new countryside, towards smart new countryside in a period of 2021 - 2025
Rural tourism development program on new rural construction in a period of 2021 - 2025
Project on development of trade, e-commerce systems and border trade in Binh Phuoc province in a period of 2021-2025, orientation to 2030
National program on efficient and sustainable fishing development in a period of 2022 - 2025 with a vision to 2030

Plan on implementing Decision No. 327/QD-TTG dated March ...
Concretize viewpoints, objectives, tasks and solutions of the plan in accordance with practical conditions of the locality, associating ...Plan on implementing national environmental protection ...
Implementation plan of marine aquaculture development ...
Program on conservation and development of Vietnamese ...
Plan on improving quality of human resources to 2025 and ...

Efforts taken to turn culinary culture into national ...
The Vietnam Cuisine Culture Association (VCCA) is taking steps to implement a project to build and develop Vietnamese culinary culture ...Vietnamese cuisine making a name for itself with ...
Vietnam advance to next round of AFC U20 Women’s Asian Cup
Cultural tourism and traditional values promoted through ...