Son La province
Thursday, March 23,2023
AsemconnectVietnam - To exploit, mobilize all resources, potentials and advantages of human resources, land, water and other natural resources through suitable mechanisms and policies to perform investment restructure, renovate growth model to make a breakthrough on socio-economic development.
1. General objective
- To apply hi-tech effectively in all fields for socio-economic development, national defense and security of the province up to 2025.
- To develop hi-tech agriculture in the province in order to efficiently exploit and use land resources, quickly increase income value per area unit, increase competitiveness of key agricultural commodities of the province, response to climate change, sustainable development. To strive for growth rate of 4% - 5% of annual high-tech agricultural production. Striving for income value of VND 300-500 million/ha of cultivated land, over VND 2 billion/ ha of livestock and aquaculture.
- To step up application of advanced sciences and technologies, renew and modernize production technologies in enterprises in order to raise labor productivity and efficiency of exploitation and processing; To raise rate of recovery and reduction of loss of mineral resources in course of mineral exploitation and processing; To raise level of labor safety and ensure regulations on environmental protection.
- To strengthen application of information technology in management and administration; application of cloud computing technology, web technology in database management; To build and develop a smart urban system.
- To step up development and application of high technologies in field of health and environmental protection, capacity building, prevention and treatment of pollution, minimizing degradation, rehabilitation and improvement of environmental quality.
2. Specific objectives
2.1. In a period of 2017 - 2020
- To apply hi-tech agricultural production, with a focus on production of a number of high-tech commodity agricultural products with high productivity, quality and added value; To form enterprises, cooperatives of hi-tech agricultural production in regions.
- By 2020, the whole province shall have 03 hi-tech agricultural areas or higher which will be recognized by the competent level; There are at least two enterprises being recognized by competent authorities as hi-tech agricultural enterprises; Proportion of high-tech agricultural production value accounts for 15-20% of total agricultural production value of the whole province.
- To apply high technologies to increase industrial production value by 10-15% of total industrial production value, raising quality of services. Attracting three to five enterprises to build vegetable and fruit processing plants in the province (which concentrates in Moc Chau, Van Ho, Mai Son districts).
- To strive for 12/12 districts and cities to apply high technologies in treatment of solid waste, partially being recycled, mineralized and composted into fertilizers; waste water is collected and treated thoroughly.
- In providing online public information and services: By 2020, complete a shared integration platform for integrating and sharing information between provincial information systems with each other and with information systems of the Central; to provide high-quality public services on the Provincial E-Portal to serve the people and enterprises; providing 30% of level 3 public services and 7% of public level 4 services (payables and online payments).
- In order to ensure information security: By 2020, at the provincial data integration center, deploying application of software and solutions multi-factor authentication, investment in equipment, software security, network security and information security at a high level; 100% of key information systems of the province are equipped with equipment, software to ensure high network information security.
2.2. In a period of 2021 - 2025
To continue to promote application of high technology in agriculture to produce products of high productivity, quality and competitiveness, including system of enterprises, cooperatives and households of application of hi-tech agricultural production.
- Each district or city shall form a hi-tech agricultural production area, being recognized by a competent authority; There are at least 5 enterprises recognized by competent authorities as hi-tech agricultural enterprises; Proportion of high-tech agricultural production value accounts for 20-30% of total agricultural production value of the whole province.
- Application of high technologies will increase the industrial production value by 15-20% in total value of industrial production, improve quality of services, and create new services with high added value.
- Basically, main applications of production systems are being automated; managing and storing data by cloud computing technology, applying high technology to build information network in health sector to serve professional exchange between units in industry; automatically updating, exchanging information; To use high-quality and stable transmission lines to serve applications such as remote medical examination and treatment.
- To ensure that 85% of enterprises in the province are equipped with operating and management systems for production and business; small and medium enterprises are involved in e-commerce; These companies are promoting their brands, their products, seeking partners, collecting market information through their own websites and provincial trade websites.
- In field of health care, 100% of provincial and district hospitals and 50% of medical centers use information technology in management, operation, medical care and treatment.
- 100% solid waste, hazardous waste, medical waste; waste and hazardous waste are treated safely and environmentally friendly.
II. Key tasks
1. Application of high technology in agriculture
1.1. To promote dissemination of tasks and solutions for development of hi-tech agricultural application to cadres, civil servants, employees, laborers and people of all strata in order to raise sense of responsibility and importance of agricultural development in hi-tech application in Son La province.
- To continue to study and finalize policy on supporting development of hi-tech agricultural production: To study and formulate implementation guidance for Government's Resolution No. 57/2017 / NQ-HDND on July 21, 2017 of Son La People's Council on policies for development of plants, animals and aquatic products in the province and processing and consuming safe food in the province in a period of 2017-2021.
- To speed up plan’s projects in agriculture and rural development sector, such as reviewing, adjusting and supplementing plan on development of rural agriculture in Son La province up to 2020 and orienting to the year of 2030; planning hi-tech agriculture in Son La province up to 2020 with orientation to 2030.
- To develop scale of the existing hi-tech agricultural production models; To build models and projects to link production and agriculture with high-tech applications, production value chain of agricultural products.
- To maintain and expand area of high quality agricultural production for some key crops of the province; high quality rice cultivation, SRI improved rice cultivation, intensive cultivation of concentrated fruit trees, tea and coffee growing areas.
- To well attract investment, especially ODA, FDI ... into hi-tech agriculture; promoting trade promotion for hi-tech agricultural products.
1.2. To promote application of high technologies in all agricultural production domains in order to develop production and improve people's livelihoods, thus contributing to restructure agricultural production towards modernity and sustainable development.
- In order to ensure information security: By 2020, at the provincial data integration center, deploying application of software and solutions multi-factor authentication, investment in equipment, software security, network security and information security at a high level; 100% of key information systems of the province are equipped with equipment, software to ensure high network information security.
2.2. In a period of 2021 - 2025
To continue to promote application of high technology in agriculture to produce products of high productivity, quality and competitiveness, including system of enterprises, cooperatives and households of application of hi-tech agricultural production.
- Each district or city shall form a hi-tech agricultural production area, being recognized by a competent authority; There are at least 5 enterprises recognized by competent authorities as hi-tech agricultural enterprises; Proportion of high-tech agricultural production value accounts for 20-30% of total agricultural production value of the whole province.
- Application of high technologies will increase the industrial production value by 15-20% in total value of industrial production, improve quality of services, and create new services with high added value.
- Basically, main applications of production systems are being automated; managing and storing data by cloud computing technology, applying high technology to build information network in health sector to serve professional exchange between units in industry; automatically updating, exchanging information; To use high-quality and stable transmission lines to serve applications such as remote medical examination and treatment.
- To ensure that 85% of enterprises in the province are equipped with operating and management systems for production and business; small and medium enterprises are involved in e-commerce; These companies are promoting their brands, their products, seeking partners, collecting market information through their own websites and provincial trade websites.
- In field of health care, 100% of provincial and district hospitals and 50% of medical centers use information technology in management, operation, medical care and treatment.
- 100% solid waste, hazardous waste, medical waste; waste and hazardous waste are treated safely and environmentally friendly.
II. Key tasks
1. Application of high technology in agriculture
1.1. To promote dissemination of tasks and solutions for development of hi-tech agricultural application to cadres, civil servants, employees, laborers and people of all strata in order to raise sense of responsibility and importance of agricultural development in hi-tech application in Son La province.
- To continue to study and finalize policy on supporting development of hi-tech agricultural production: To study and formulate implementation guidance for Government's Resolution No. 57/2017 / NQ-HDND on July 21, 2017 of Son La People's Council on policies for development of plants, animals and aquatic products in the province and processing and consuming safe food in the province in a period of 2017-2021.
- To speed up plan’s projects in agriculture and rural development sector, such as reviewing, adjusting and supplementing plan on development of rural agriculture in Son La province up to 2020 and orienting to the year of 2030; planning hi-tech agriculture in Son La province up to 2020 with orientation to 2030.
- To develop scale of the existing hi-tech agricultural production models; To build models and projects to link production and agriculture with high-tech applications, production value chain of agricultural products.
- To maintain and expand area of high quality agricultural production for some key crops of the province; high quality rice cultivation, SRI improved rice cultivation, intensive cultivation of concentrated fruit trees, tea and coffee growing areas.
- To well attract investment, especially ODA, FDI ... into hi-tech agriculture; promoting trade promotion for hi-tech agricultural products.
1.2. To promote application of high technologies in all agricultural production domains in order to develop production and improve people's livelihoods, thus contributing to restructure agricultural production towards modernity and sustainable development.
a) Field of cultivation
- Applying genetic technology and tissue culture technology to select, create and multiplication of key plant varieties of the province with high productivity, quality and disease-free production for goods production (rice, maize, tea, fruit trees ...). To step by step put into production of genetically modified plant varieties (maize, soybean).
- Applying biotechnology in isolation to select, create and propagate mushroom varieties; applying good agricultural practices for areas of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, medicinal herbs.
- Applying microbial technology, enzyme and protein technology, microbiological preparations, biotechnology in plant disease prevention and control. By the year 2025, about 70% of the cultivated area will be applied to the above technologies.
- Applying greenhouse technology, automatic watering, saving vegetables, flowers, fruits, medicinal plants ..., is the annual crop; Applying automatic, saving irrigation technology in fruit, tea, coffee, sugarcane ..., is a perennial plant; continuing to integrate mechanization and automation into production, especially in soil preparation, harvesting of rice, maize, fruits, flowers, medicinal plants, vegetables and some other crops.
b) Livestock sector
- Applying hybrid superiority and propagation technologies (artificial insemination, sex discrimination) in selection, creation and multiplication of beef, dairy cows, pigs and chickens with high productivity, quality, providing to farmers in and outside the province; To use pigs of high quality breeds in selection, creation and multiplication of pig breeds for large-scale production with closed process from stage of self-supply of breeds, breeding and consumption.
- Applying biotechnology products (rapid diagnostic test), cell culture technology (vaccine) in diagnosis, prevention of some dangerous diseases for herds; developing closed enclosure technology, completing automation technology or some stages in concentrated and industrial farms; applying technologies of animal waste treatment (biogas technology, bio-product ...) to minimize risk of environmental pollution.
- Applying information technology (software) in management of dairy cows, beef cows, pigs and chickens in units of producing and trading in livestock breeds; applying good animal husbandry practices (Viet GAP) in raising pigs, poultry, beef and dairy cows to create quality products to ensure food hygiene and safety.
c) Forestry sector
- Applying tissue culture technology, gene transfer technology ... in selection, creation and propagation of forest tree and non-timber forest products, medicinal plants; rapidly multiplicity and produce industrial seeds of some new forest plant varieties.
- Afforesting economically by intensive cultivation model; applying remote sensing technology, geographic information system, global positioning system in forest management and protection.
d) Fishery sector
- Applying biotechnology in brood stock selection; technology of producing fingerlings by using clay and brooding techniques using fins, applying method of crossing or using chemicals to breed unicorn in fingerlings production in order to create breeding stock with productivity high volume; To apply and expand area of intensive fish farming, super-intensive farming (cage and raft farming) with use of industrial feeds for a number of main cultured species such as: coppice, drift grass, pink, mausoleum, range, echoes; applying good agricultural production (GAP) in aquaculture.
- Applying immunological methods by using extract from herbs for prevention and treatment of fish; applying environmental treatment technology with microorganisms in aquaculture.
e) Irrigation
Applying automation technology, remote sensing and geographic information system for management, exploitation and operation of irrigation works; To use new materials and modern equipment in construction of irrigation works; To build and expand model of application of economical irrigation for some agricultural and forestry crops.
- Applying genetic technology and tissue culture technology to select, create and multiplication of key plant varieties of the province with high productivity, quality and disease-free production for goods production (rice, maize, tea, fruit trees ...). To step by step put into production of genetically modified plant varieties (maize, soybean).
- Applying biotechnology in isolation to select, create and propagate mushroom varieties; applying good agricultural practices for areas of vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, medicinal herbs.
- Applying microbial technology, enzyme and protein technology, microbiological preparations, biotechnology in plant disease prevention and control. By the year 2025, about 70% of the cultivated area will be applied to the above technologies.
- Applying greenhouse technology, automatic watering, saving vegetables, flowers, fruits, medicinal plants ..., is the annual crop; Applying automatic, saving irrigation technology in fruit, tea, coffee, sugarcane ..., is a perennial plant; continuing to integrate mechanization and automation into production, especially in soil preparation, harvesting of rice, maize, fruits, flowers, medicinal plants, vegetables and some other crops.
b) Livestock sector
- Applying hybrid superiority and propagation technologies (artificial insemination, sex discrimination) in selection, creation and multiplication of beef, dairy cows, pigs and chickens with high productivity, quality, providing to farmers in and outside the province; To use pigs of high quality breeds in selection, creation and multiplication of pig breeds for large-scale production with closed process from stage of self-supply of breeds, breeding and consumption.
- Applying biotechnology products (rapid diagnostic test), cell culture technology (vaccine) in diagnosis, prevention of some dangerous diseases for herds; developing closed enclosure technology, completing automation technology or some stages in concentrated and industrial farms; applying technologies of animal waste treatment (biogas technology, bio-product ...) to minimize risk of environmental pollution.
- Applying information technology (software) in management of dairy cows, beef cows, pigs and chickens in units of producing and trading in livestock breeds; applying good animal husbandry practices (Viet GAP) in raising pigs, poultry, beef and dairy cows to create quality products to ensure food hygiene and safety.
c) Forestry sector
- Applying tissue culture technology, gene transfer technology ... in selection, creation and propagation of forest tree and non-timber forest products, medicinal plants; rapidly multiplicity and produce industrial seeds of some new forest plant varieties.
- Afforesting economically by intensive cultivation model; applying remote sensing technology, geographic information system, global positioning system in forest management and protection.
d) Fishery sector
- Applying biotechnology in brood stock selection; technology of producing fingerlings by using clay and brooding techniques using fins, applying method of crossing or using chemicals to breed unicorn in fingerlings production in order to create breeding stock with productivity high volume; To apply and expand area of intensive fish farming, super-intensive farming (cage and raft farming) with use of industrial feeds for a number of main cultured species such as: coppice, drift grass, pink, mausoleum, range, echoes; applying good agricultural production (GAP) in aquaculture.
- Applying immunological methods by using extract from herbs for prevention and treatment of fish; applying environmental treatment technology with microorganisms in aquaculture.
e) Irrigation
Applying automation technology, remote sensing and geographic information system for management, exploitation and operation of irrigation works; To use new materials and modern equipment in construction of irrigation works; To build and expand model of application of economical irrigation for some agricultural and forestry crops.
e) Processing and preservation
To apply method of cold storage, irradiation, membrane technology in preservation of agricultural products and food; applying biotechnology in post-harvest preservation and processing of high-value aquatic products.
1.3. To direct district's People's Committees and concerned units to step by step review and build hi-tech agricultural areas in the province. Priority should be given to districts and cities with favorable conditions such as Son La, Moc Chau, Van Ho and Mai Son in first phase of implementation. To build hi-tech agricultural areas attached to construction of material areas of key agricultural products of the province and agricultural products with high economic efficiency, concretely:
a) Cultivation
Are of safe rice, vegetables, safe fruit, safe tea, sugarcane and fungi production using good agricultural practice (Vietgap) or international standard procedures; coffee production area apply good agricultural production such as 4C, UTZ ...; vegetables, flowers, medicinal plants in the greenhouse use water saving technology; production areas of plants (potatoes, bananas ...) of tissue culture; grocery production area apply GACP - WHO standard; Sugarcane production area use saving and automatic irrigation technology.
b) Animal husbandry
To apply method of cold storage, irradiation, membrane technology in preservation of agricultural products and food; applying biotechnology in post-harvest preservation and processing of high-value aquatic products.
1.3. To direct district's People's Committees and concerned units to step by step review and build hi-tech agricultural areas in the province. Priority should be given to districts and cities with favorable conditions such as Son La, Moc Chau, Van Ho and Mai Son in first phase of implementation. To build hi-tech agricultural areas attached to construction of material areas of key agricultural products of the province and agricultural products with high economic efficiency, concretely:
a) Cultivation
Are of safe rice, vegetables, safe fruit, safe tea, sugarcane and fungi production using good agricultural practice (Vietgap) or international standard procedures; coffee production area apply good agricultural production such as 4C, UTZ ...; vegetables, flowers, medicinal plants in the greenhouse use water saving technology; production areas of plants (potatoes, bananas ...) of tissue culture; grocery production area apply GACP - WHO standard; Sugarcane production area use saving and automatic irrigation technology.
b) Animal husbandry
Pig farming areas (sows and pigs); chicken farming (laying hens and broilers); cattle raising (beef, dairy cattle); goat farming apply high technology in the province.
c) Fisheries
Fish cage area on lake of Hoa Binh hydropower plant, Son La hydropower plant and other hydropower plants; intensive fish breeding in ponds
d) Forestry
Economic afforestation by intensive cultivation model.
1.4. Trade promotion and promotion of investment in hi-tech agriculture in the province
a) Effectively implementing trade promotion for high-tech agricultural products (promote market forecasts for agricultural products, promote and introduce agricultural products of the province to domestic markets and foreign markets through conferences, fairs for introducing agricultural products, introducing agricultural products on website of department, developing forms of linking production and market in the province).
b) Effectively implementing investment promotion and attracting investment in rural agriculture (regularly reviewing and supplementing lists of projects attracting investment in hi-tech agriculture; To attract enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas, especially in field of hi-tech agricultural development).
1.5. To continue to update, adjust and supplement mechanisms, policies and plans for implementation of hi-tech agriculture master plan to be suitable to local practical conditions.
2. Application of high technology in industry, transportation, construction
To concentrate on attracting and supporting a number of hi-tech industrial production enterprises in production of a number of advantageous products of the province, such as processing agricultural products, foodstuffs and processing pharmaceuticals associating with raw material regions such as milk processing, vegetables and fruits, tea, coffee, pharmaceutical ...Specific tasks are as follows:
- Deploying applications and scaling up scope of application of research results of projects
c) Fisheries
Fish cage area on lake of Hoa Binh hydropower plant, Son La hydropower plant and other hydropower plants; intensive fish breeding in ponds
d) Forestry
Economic afforestation by intensive cultivation model.
1.4. Trade promotion and promotion of investment in hi-tech agriculture in the province
a) Effectively implementing trade promotion for high-tech agricultural products (promote market forecasts for agricultural products, promote and introduce agricultural products of the province to domestic markets and foreign markets through conferences, fairs for introducing agricultural products, introducing agricultural products on website of department, developing forms of linking production and market in the province).
b) Effectively implementing investment promotion and attracting investment in rural agriculture (regularly reviewing and supplementing lists of projects attracting investment in hi-tech agriculture; To attract enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas, especially in field of hi-tech agricultural development).
1.5. To continue to update, adjust and supplement mechanisms, policies and plans for implementation of hi-tech agriculture master plan to be suitable to local practical conditions.
2. Application of high technology in industry, transportation, construction
To concentrate on attracting and supporting a number of hi-tech industrial production enterprises in production of a number of advantageous products of the province, such as processing agricultural products, foodstuffs and processing pharmaceuticals associating with raw material regions such as milk processing, vegetables and fruits, tea, coffee, pharmaceutical ...Specific tasks are as follows:
- Deploying applications and scaling up scope of application of research results of projects
- Integrating projects / projects under program of industrial promotion of machinery and equipment in combination with application and transfer of high technologies to enterprises / organizations producing industrial and handicraft products in the province.
- To develop processing industry which use advanced technologies, machinery and equipment in association with management of safe raw materials areas for tea processing (in districts of Thuan Chau, Moc Chau, Yen Chau, Phu Yen ...); processing coffee (in Thuan Chau, Mai Son, Son La); vegetables, tubers and flowers processing (in districts of Song Ma, Moc Chau, Van Ho, Yen Chau); processing of medicinal herbs and foodstuffs (cassava starch in Mai Son district, lime and medicinal herbs in Moc Chau and Van Ho districts, Bac Yen and Muong La districts); Bamboo board factory is associated with development of material areas in Moc Chau and Van Ho districts.
- Applying advanced technology in mineral exploitation and processing to improve safety and mechanization of mining: applying advanced explosive technology; applying ISO system in monitoring management; applying technology to recruit, brew copper ore.
- Upgrading grid system; applying information technology in management and operation of power grids; encouraging enterprises to organize investment in exploiting solar energy in accordance with approved plan; installing modern control equipment, saving electricity for public lighting system.
- In production of construction materials: To apply advanced technologies in exploitation, processing and production of construction materials; exploitation of slate, granite; artificial sand processing; production of non-baked bricks which use aerated concrete technology, foam concrete; Using new materials in transportation, construction, agriculture. To apply new technologies (gravel, road surface regeneration technologies ...), new materials into development of transport infrastructure systems in a synchronous, sustainability and modern manner, saving investment cost.
- Applying modern technology in testing, quality control of construction materials to serve monitoring, inspection and evaluation, quality inspection, maintenance, repair and upgrading of traffic infrastructure system.
- To select high technology solutions in road maintenance inspection and supervision to collect timely, accurate information, saving time, human resources, effectively handle accident situations. timely repairing road damage; assisting in overloading vehicles, violating road corridors, traffic safety.
3. Information technology
3.1. Executive management
By 2020, the provincial data analysis center will be equipped with and applied operating system, database management system; next generation modern software platform; the provincial e-mail system, document management software and operating system are deployed on new web platform to ensure convenient and effective use; 100 percent of provincial key information systems are deployed on basis of new generation web-based technology and use of cloud computing.
3.2. Providing online information and public services
Providing 100% of administrative procedures for public service at level 2; deploying at least 100 publicly-available online level 3 services in accordance with the list of publicly available online services in Annex to Plan 138/KH-UBND dated 08 August, 2017 by Son La province People's Committee; creating a prerequisite for striving to provide 100% of administrative procedures of the State agencies at provincial and district levels to achieve online public services at level 3 and by 2020, at least 10% of administrative procedures level 4 online public services in departments, branches, localities in the province.
3.3. Ensuring information security
- By 2020, to integrate provincial data integration centers to apply software and solutions on multi-factor authentication, investment in equipment and software for high level security, network safety and information security; 100% of key information systems of the province are equipped with equipment and software to ensure high network information security.
- Deploying upgrade of data integration center and information systems of Son La province; building shared platform of the province, database server system, information security system, data security system, network security system, prevention of unauthorized access.
- Building a special-use network in Son La province to ensure that information exchange between the State agencies of the province will be carried out on the network with high speed and safety.
- Upgrading the provincial portal on new generation web portal and using integrated cloud computing service.
- To develop processing industry which use advanced technologies, machinery and equipment in association with management of safe raw materials areas for tea processing (in districts of Thuan Chau, Moc Chau, Yen Chau, Phu Yen ...); processing coffee (in Thuan Chau, Mai Son, Son La); vegetables, tubers and flowers processing (in districts of Song Ma, Moc Chau, Van Ho, Yen Chau); processing of medicinal herbs and foodstuffs (cassava starch in Mai Son district, lime and medicinal herbs in Moc Chau and Van Ho districts, Bac Yen and Muong La districts); Bamboo board factory is associated with development of material areas in Moc Chau and Van Ho districts.
- Applying advanced technology in mineral exploitation and processing to improve safety and mechanization of mining: applying advanced explosive technology; applying ISO system in monitoring management; applying technology to recruit, brew copper ore.
- Upgrading grid system; applying information technology in management and operation of power grids; encouraging enterprises to organize investment in exploiting solar energy in accordance with approved plan; installing modern control equipment, saving electricity for public lighting system.
- In production of construction materials: To apply advanced technologies in exploitation, processing and production of construction materials; exploitation of slate, granite; artificial sand processing; production of non-baked bricks which use aerated concrete technology, foam concrete; Using new materials in transportation, construction, agriculture. To apply new technologies (gravel, road surface regeneration technologies ...), new materials into development of transport infrastructure systems in a synchronous, sustainability and modern manner, saving investment cost.
- Applying modern technology in testing, quality control of construction materials to serve monitoring, inspection and evaluation, quality inspection, maintenance, repair and upgrading of traffic infrastructure system.
- To select high technology solutions in road maintenance inspection and supervision to collect timely, accurate information, saving time, human resources, effectively handle accident situations. timely repairing road damage; assisting in overloading vehicles, violating road corridors, traffic safety.
3. Information technology
3.1. Executive management
By 2020, the provincial data analysis center will be equipped with and applied operating system, database management system; next generation modern software platform; the provincial e-mail system, document management software and operating system are deployed on new web platform to ensure convenient and effective use; 100 percent of provincial key information systems are deployed on basis of new generation web-based technology and use of cloud computing.
3.2. Providing online information and public services
Providing 100% of administrative procedures for public service at level 2; deploying at least 100 publicly-available online level 3 services in accordance with the list of publicly available online services in Annex to Plan 138/KH-UBND dated 08 August, 2017 by Son La province People's Committee; creating a prerequisite for striving to provide 100% of administrative procedures of the State agencies at provincial and district levels to achieve online public services at level 3 and by 2020, at least 10% of administrative procedures level 4 online public services in departments, branches, localities in the province.
3.3. Ensuring information security
- By 2020, to integrate provincial data integration centers to apply software and solutions on multi-factor authentication, investment in equipment and software for high level security, network safety and information security; 100% of key information systems of the province are equipped with equipment and software to ensure high network information security.
- Deploying upgrade of data integration center and information systems of Son La province; building shared platform of the province, database server system, information security system, data security system, network security system, prevention of unauthorized access.
- Building a special-use network in Son La province to ensure that information exchange between the State agencies of the province will be carried out on the network with high speed and safety.
- Upgrading the provincial portal on new generation web portal and using integrated cloud computing service.
- Upgrading the provincial e-mail system, document management software and operating on a new web-based platform to ensure efficient and convenient use and exploitation.
- Building and completing Son La province's public service port linking government service portals. Deploying online public service applications for agencies and units on basis of the Son La online service portal ( to save costs and ensure consistency; level 3, 4 online services of departments, People's Committee of the city, people's committees of communes, wards and townships must ensure synchronization and data synchronization with the provincial public services portal. (http:// and provincial-level OSS software.
- To build and complete information systems and specialized databases: to deploy national land database, national database on civic status and national database on state property; social security under guidance of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and Technology. Establishing provincial specialized databases, including database; database of science and technology; historical and cultural relics; information and communication; water resources.
4. Applying hi-tech in health and environment
4.1. Medical
To invest in modern equipment and new technologies for the general hospital of 550 beds; Constructing endocrine hospital of the province and put into operation. Modern technology equipment addresses the following aspects of medicine:
- Clinical: cardiovascular system; general laparoscopic surgery system; obstetric endoscopic surgery; laparoscopic urolithiasis, urethral stones, laser kidney stones.
- In test: biochemical analysis system; immunity; hematology and molecular biology ..., in diagnostic imaging: DSA XQ system dramatically increases cardiovascular interference; CTSCANER 64-128 sequences; magnetic resonance imaging system (MRI) ...
- In functional exploration: EEG; cerebral blood flow; holster, electrocardiogram and some other modern equipment ... In food hygiene test: rapid test formon, coloring, welding, methanol in alcohol, nitrate, nitrite, pesticide ...
- In drug and cosmetic product quality testing: visible UVS; high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay for evaluation of quality of drugs, cosmetics and foodstuffs; Bi-level biosafety cabinet, identifying bacteria; Determinating moisture content of residual water in medicines, cosmetics and food by Karl Fischer method.
- In prophylactic medicine: AAS Model ICE 3500 atomic absorption spectrometer (including: flame, graphite oven, cold air system, enclosed standards 1000ppm); Mass spectrometry model: trace GC 1310; biological safety cabinets level II; PCR real time; AFIAS immune system; sysmex blood cell analyzer; 4D ultrasound - ecube9; digital x-ray machine - del medical; refractometer - single LTL; respirator; meter osteoporosis; radiation meter ...
- Investing in advanced and modern technology which use in telemedicine for management of the provincial health system; consultation between hospitals in the province; management of medical waste treatment system; modern machinery and equipment used in medical services and people's health care.
4.2. Natural resources and environment
a/ Applying high technologies to managing and forecasting environmental accidents
- Applying high technology in forecasting environmental accidents in Thuan Chau district. To study, build databases and apply high technologies in warning of environmental accidents, building capacity to cope with and overcome accidents in Muong La district.
- Applying advanced technology in weather forecast, timely and accurately warning system, prevention of environmental hazards in the whole province.
b/ Applying high technologies in waste treatment
- Applying high technologies (biotechnology, sterilization technology) in medical waste treatment to hospitals in Son La province; applying some enzymes in treatment of wastewater of some factories, such as Son La sugar factory, Son La cassava starch factory, breeding facilities...
- Applying high technologies in daily-life waste and solid waste treatment in Son La city; applying high technology in treatment of coffee processing waste in Son La province.
c/ Research and application of ordinary industrial waste recycling technologies
- Recycling waste in mining activities; recycling waste in agricultural sector which use for construction and energy recovery; to study construction and application of high technologies in recovery of energy from daily-life solid waste treatment activities in the province.
- Applying high technologies in treatment, recycling and reuse of hazardous waste according to concentrated treatment model in the province; applying high technologies in environmental rehabilitation and restoration to stopped solid waste burial sites.
d/ Applying hi-tech in biodiversity
To study and efficiently use biological gene sources which involve in transformation and decomposition of environmental pollutants. Researching on advanced technologies for biodiversity conservation in nature reserves in the province.
- Building and completing Son La province's public service port linking government service portals. Deploying online public service applications for agencies and units on basis of the Son La online service portal ( to save costs and ensure consistency; level 3, 4 online services of departments, People's Committee of the city, people's committees of communes, wards and townships must ensure synchronization and data synchronization with the provincial public services portal. (http:// and provincial-level OSS software.
- To build and complete information systems and specialized databases: to deploy national land database, national database on civic status and national database on state property; social security under guidance of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Science and Technology. Establishing provincial specialized databases, including database; database of science and technology; historical and cultural relics; information and communication; water resources.
4. Applying hi-tech in health and environment
4.1. Medical
To invest in modern equipment and new technologies for the general hospital of 550 beds; Constructing endocrine hospital of the province and put into operation. Modern technology equipment addresses the following aspects of medicine:
- Clinical: cardiovascular system; general laparoscopic surgery system; obstetric endoscopic surgery; laparoscopic urolithiasis, urethral stones, laser kidney stones.
- In test: biochemical analysis system; immunity; hematology and molecular biology ..., in diagnostic imaging: DSA XQ system dramatically increases cardiovascular interference; CTSCANER 64-128 sequences; magnetic resonance imaging system (MRI) ...
- In functional exploration: EEG; cerebral blood flow; holster, electrocardiogram and some other modern equipment ... In food hygiene test: rapid test formon, coloring, welding, methanol in alcohol, nitrate, nitrite, pesticide ...
- In drug and cosmetic product quality testing: visible UVS; high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay for evaluation of quality of drugs, cosmetics and foodstuffs; Bi-level biosafety cabinet, identifying bacteria; Determinating moisture content of residual water in medicines, cosmetics and food by Karl Fischer method.
- In prophylactic medicine: AAS Model ICE 3500 atomic absorption spectrometer (including: flame, graphite oven, cold air system, enclosed standards 1000ppm); Mass spectrometry model: trace GC 1310; biological safety cabinets level II; PCR real time; AFIAS immune system; sysmex blood cell analyzer; 4D ultrasound - ecube9; digital x-ray machine - del medical; refractometer - single LTL; respirator; meter osteoporosis; radiation meter ...
- Investing in advanced and modern technology which use in telemedicine for management of the provincial health system; consultation between hospitals in the province; management of medical waste treatment system; modern machinery and equipment used in medical services and people's health care.
4.2. Natural resources and environment
a/ Applying high technologies to managing and forecasting environmental accidents
- Applying high technology in forecasting environmental accidents in Thuan Chau district. To study, build databases and apply high technologies in warning of environmental accidents, building capacity to cope with and overcome accidents in Muong La district.
- Applying advanced technology in weather forecast, timely and accurately warning system, prevention of environmental hazards in the whole province.
b/ Applying high technologies in waste treatment
- Applying high technologies (biotechnology, sterilization technology) in medical waste treatment to hospitals in Son La province; applying some enzymes in treatment of wastewater of some factories, such as Son La sugar factory, Son La cassava starch factory, breeding facilities...
- Applying high technologies in daily-life waste and solid waste treatment in Son La city; applying high technology in treatment of coffee processing waste in Son La province.
c/ Research and application of ordinary industrial waste recycling technologies
- Recycling waste in mining activities; recycling waste in agricultural sector which use for construction and energy recovery; to study construction and application of high technologies in recovery of energy from daily-life solid waste treatment activities in the province.
- Applying high technologies in treatment, recycling and reuse of hazardous waste according to concentrated treatment model in the province; applying high technologies in environmental rehabilitation and restoration to stopped solid waste burial sites.
d/ Applying hi-tech in biodiversity
To study and efficiently use biological gene sources which involve in transformation and decomposition of environmental pollutants. Researching on advanced technologies for biodiversity conservation in nature reserves in the province.
e/ Application of high technologies in environmental analysis observation
- Researching and applying traditional and modern biotechnology in monitoring and evaluating environmental quality; Applying biotechnology in prevention and treatment of environmental pollution.
- Applying automatic monitoring station; network management, update 24/24 hours for some establishments which are subject to regulations. Investing in database storage system, receiving automatic database monitoring. To apply high technologies and biotechnologies in detecting, forecasting and directing environmental pollution for a number of specific areas in the province.
- To continue to research, develop and apply biotechnology products in environmental monitoring and evaluation, prevention, mitigation, pollution treatment, environment improvement and retention, conservation and effective use of biodiversity, natural resources.
5. Developing hi-tech enterprises
- To encourage development of enterprises, organizations and individuals which apply high technologies in production in the whole province. Supporting development and establishment of science and technology enterprises and try to reach 25 units by 2020; By 2020, basically build and perfect database system including establishment, operation and development of science and technology enterprises in the province and potential enterprises in the period. Next stage (according to decision approving scheme on supporting development of science and technology enterprises No. 2378/ QĐ-UBND October 10, 2016 by Son La province People's Committee.
- Producing or processing tea in 7 districts including Moc Chau, Van Ho, Yen Chau, Thuan Chau, Mai Son, Phu Yen, Bac Yen; Producing or processing coffee in five districts, including Thuan Chau, Mai Son, Sop Cop, Yen Chau and Son La.
- Livestock (beef, pork, goat and poultry) at farm scale in 12 districts and cities; fish breeding in 07 districts, including: Muong La, Quynh Nhai, Phu Yen, Bac Yen, Moc Chau, Thuan Chau and Van Ho; raising and processing sturgeon and sturgeon eggs in three districts, including Thuan Chau, Quynh Nhai and Muong La.
- Producing agricultural or forest tree seeds in six districts, including Moc Chau, Van Ho, Yen Chau, Thuan Chau, Mai Son and Son La. Producing livestock breeds and aquatic species in 10 districts and cities including Moc Chau, Van Ho, Yen Chau, Thuan Chau, Mai Son, Phu Yen, Quynh Nhai, Muong La, Song Ma and Son La city.
- Developing medicinal plants (ginger, sausage, turmeric, artichokes, mint, etc.) in area of 12 districts and cities. To implement scientific and technological projects on development of medicinal plants. To prioritize development of rare medicinal plants in preservation of gene.
- Safe vegetable production in 8 districts: Mai Son, Yen Chau, Moc Chau, Van Ho, Phu Yen, Muong La, Song Ma and Son La city. Flower production in four districts, including Muong La, Moc Chau, Van Ho and Son La. Safe fruit production in 8 districts: Mai Son, Yen Chau, Moc Chau, Muong La, Van Ho, Song Ma, Phu Yen and Son La.
- Applying modern and advanced technologies in environmental treatment, waste disposal, clean fuel production through recycling of agricultural by-products, construction materials production, mining.
III. Program and projects
1. Programs and projects funded by the State capital
1.1. High-tech agricultural production project in resettlement area of Son La hydropower plant under Decision No. 1761/ QĐ-UBND July 20, 2016 of Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee consists of 34 large projects with 127 small sub-projects (in which, fields of cultivation and husbandry: 110 sub-projects, irrigation: 9 sub-projects; planting and improving orchards with high quality seeds: 8 sub-projects Total cost: VND 171,686 million.
1.2. Project on construction of a research and application area for the transfer of scientific and technological advances to agriculture and forestry in Moc Chau and Son La districts (this project was approved by the provincial People's Committee in Decision No. 2085/ QĐ-UBND dated 26 August, 2016 on approving construction drawing design and construction cost estimate of center of applied research and transfer of scientific and technological advances to agriculture and forestry in Moc Chau district with total level of capital is VND 45,000 million; capital source: balance additional of the provincial budget).
1.3. Biotechnology application area in Son La city (approved by the People's Council in Resolution No. 130/ NQ-HĐND September 10, 2015 with investment capital of VND 48,000 million).
1.4. Project on application and development of information technology in the State agencies of Son La province in a period of 2017-2020 (promulgated together with Decision No. 238/ QĐ-UBND dated February 08, 2017 of the provincial People's Committee on promulgating plan on application of information technology into operation of the State agencies of Son La province in a period of 2017 - 2020): VND 241,438 million.
1.5. Solid waste treatment project in 7 districts and city (approved by the provincial People's Council Resolution No. 130/NQ-HDND dated September 10, 2015 on preparation of investment projects using investment capital in the medium-term plan for a period of 2016-2020 with the total investment capital of VND 140,000 million).
1.6. A project of investing in modern equipment for general hospital of 550 beds of the provincial general hospital and project of building the provincial endocrine hospital with total investment capital of VND 1.310 million.
1.7. Information technology application project in Son La provincial party agencies: The project was approved by the Provincial People's Council in Resolution No. 130/NQ-HDND dated September 10, 2015 on plan of investment preparation for projects using public investment capital in the medium-term plan for 5 years from 2016 to 2020 with total amount of investment capital: VND 35,150 million from provincial budget.
2. Programs and projects that determine part of the capital source from integration with the funds of programs or projects or through the policies promulgated by the provincial People's Council and the province’s budget balance suggestion: VND 219,726 million
2.1. Themes, projects on science and technology related to research and application of high technology (national level, north west program, provincial level...).
2.2. Project on construction of solid waste treatment facilities in 12 districts and city (applying modern advanced technology in waste treatment).
2.3. Project on application of information and telecommunication technologies in management and forecast of epidemics on plants, animals and aquatic products.
2.4. Project on application of remote sensing technology, geographic information system, global positioning system in forest management and protection; management and exploitation of fisheries resources; management of aquaculture areas; managing, exploiting and operating irrigation works.
2.5. Projects on building high-tech databases in agriculture in fields of safe vegetable production, safe fruit and flowers, industrial plants (tea, coffee, sugarcane), aquaculture areas in reservoir lake, dairy cattle (beef, beef), medicinal herbs.
2.6. Project on building and maintaining a website on hi-tech agriculture in Son La province.
2.7. Investment project for procurement of telemedicine telemedicine; project of procurement of medical equipment.
- Researching and applying traditional and modern biotechnology in monitoring and evaluating environmental quality; Applying biotechnology in prevention and treatment of environmental pollution.
- Applying automatic monitoring station; network management, update 24/24 hours for some establishments which are subject to regulations. Investing in database storage system, receiving automatic database monitoring. To apply high technologies and biotechnologies in detecting, forecasting and directing environmental pollution for a number of specific areas in the province.
- To continue to research, develop and apply biotechnology products in environmental monitoring and evaluation, prevention, mitigation, pollution treatment, environment improvement and retention, conservation and effective use of biodiversity, natural resources.
5. Developing hi-tech enterprises
- To encourage development of enterprises, organizations and individuals which apply high technologies in production in the whole province. Supporting development and establishment of science and technology enterprises and try to reach 25 units by 2020; By 2020, basically build and perfect database system including establishment, operation and development of science and technology enterprises in the province and potential enterprises in the period. Next stage (according to decision approving scheme on supporting development of science and technology enterprises No. 2378/ QĐ-UBND October 10, 2016 by Son La province People's Committee.
- Producing or processing tea in 7 districts including Moc Chau, Van Ho, Yen Chau, Thuan Chau, Mai Son, Phu Yen, Bac Yen; Producing or processing coffee in five districts, including Thuan Chau, Mai Son, Sop Cop, Yen Chau and Son La.
- Livestock (beef, pork, goat and poultry) at farm scale in 12 districts and cities; fish breeding in 07 districts, including: Muong La, Quynh Nhai, Phu Yen, Bac Yen, Moc Chau, Thuan Chau and Van Ho; raising and processing sturgeon and sturgeon eggs in three districts, including Thuan Chau, Quynh Nhai and Muong La.
- Producing agricultural or forest tree seeds in six districts, including Moc Chau, Van Ho, Yen Chau, Thuan Chau, Mai Son and Son La. Producing livestock breeds and aquatic species in 10 districts and cities including Moc Chau, Van Ho, Yen Chau, Thuan Chau, Mai Son, Phu Yen, Quynh Nhai, Muong La, Song Ma and Son La city.
- Developing medicinal plants (ginger, sausage, turmeric, artichokes, mint, etc.) in area of 12 districts and cities. To implement scientific and technological projects on development of medicinal plants. To prioritize development of rare medicinal plants in preservation of gene.
- Safe vegetable production in 8 districts: Mai Son, Yen Chau, Moc Chau, Van Ho, Phu Yen, Muong La, Song Ma and Son La city. Flower production in four districts, including Muong La, Moc Chau, Van Ho and Son La. Safe fruit production in 8 districts: Mai Son, Yen Chau, Moc Chau, Muong La, Van Ho, Song Ma, Phu Yen and Son La.
- Applying modern and advanced technologies in environmental treatment, waste disposal, clean fuel production through recycling of agricultural by-products, construction materials production, mining.
III. Program and projects
1. Programs and projects funded by the State capital
1.1. High-tech agricultural production project in resettlement area of Son La hydropower plant under Decision No. 1761/ QĐ-UBND July 20, 2016 of Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee consists of 34 large projects with 127 small sub-projects (in which, fields of cultivation and husbandry: 110 sub-projects, irrigation: 9 sub-projects; planting and improving orchards with high quality seeds: 8 sub-projects Total cost: VND 171,686 million.
1.2. Project on construction of a research and application area for the transfer of scientific and technological advances to agriculture and forestry in Moc Chau and Son La districts (this project was approved by the provincial People's Committee in Decision No. 2085/ QĐ-UBND dated 26 August, 2016 on approving construction drawing design and construction cost estimate of center of applied research and transfer of scientific and technological advances to agriculture and forestry in Moc Chau district with total level of capital is VND 45,000 million; capital source: balance additional of the provincial budget).
1.3. Biotechnology application area in Son La city (approved by the People's Council in Resolution No. 130/ NQ-HĐND September 10, 2015 with investment capital of VND 48,000 million).
1.4. Project on application and development of information technology in the State agencies of Son La province in a period of 2017-2020 (promulgated together with Decision No. 238/ QĐ-UBND dated February 08, 2017 of the provincial People's Committee on promulgating plan on application of information technology into operation of the State agencies of Son La province in a period of 2017 - 2020): VND 241,438 million.
1.5. Solid waste treatment project in 7 districts and city (approved by the provincial People's Council Resolution No. 130/NQ-HDND dated September 10, 2015 on preparation of investment projects using investment capital in the medium-term plan for a period of 2016-2020 with the total investment capital of VND 140,000 million).
1.6. A project of investing in modern equipment for general hospital of 550 beds of the provincial general hospital and project of building the provincial endocrine hospital with total investment capital of VND 1.310 million.
1.7. Information technology application project in Son La provincial party agencies: The project was approved by the Provincial People's Council in Resolution No. 130/NQ-HDND dated September 10, 2015 on plan of investment preparation for projects using public investment capital in the medium-term plan for 5 years from 2016 to 2020 with total amount of investment capital: VND 35,150 million from provincial budget.
2. Programs and projects that determine part of the capital source from integration with the funds of programs or projects or through the policies promulgated by the provincial People's Council and the province’s budget balance suggestion: VND 219,726 million
2.1. Themes, projects on science and technology related to research and application of high technology (national level, north west program, provincial level...).
2.2. Project on construction of solid waste treatment facilities in 12 districts and city (applying modern advanced technology in waste treatment).
2.3. Project on application of information and telecommunication technologies in management and forecast of epidemics on plants, animals and aquatic products.
2.4. Project on application of remote sensing technology, geographic information system, global positioning system in forest management and protection; management and exploitation of fisheries resources; management of aquaculture areas; managing, exploiting and operating irrigation works.
2.5. Projects on building high-tech databases in agriculture in fields of safe vegetable production, safe fruit and flowers, industrial plants (tea, coffee, sugarcane), aquaculture areas in reservoir lake, dairy cattle (beef, beef), medicinal herbs.
2.6. Project on building and maintaining a website on hi-tech agriculture in Son La province.
2.7. Investment project for procurement of telemedicine telemedicine; project of procurement of medical equipment.
2.8. Program on building models of production demonstration, processing and preservation of hi-tech agricultural products, satisfying conditions and scale prescribed by the competent authorities.
2.9. Program on supporting trademark and geographical indications for high-tech agricultural products of the province.
2.10. Program of developing processing industry in association with development of raw materials for agricultural products (processing vegetables, tea, coffee, medicinal plants ...) which apply high technologies.
2.11. To build specialized rain gauges along a direction of socialization for early flood warning; remote monitoring system for reservoir management.
IV. Solution on implementing the master plan
1. Solutions for propagation and dissemination
- To intensify propagation, dissemination and introduction on the mass media of achievements in application and development of high technologies in socio-economic development, security and defense maintenance; To popularize scientific and hi-tech knowledge to officials, public employees, laborers and people of all classes in the province.
- To develop propaganda and dissemination documents on high-tech models, mechanisms and policies in the province.
2. Solution on implementing the plan
- To organize plan on hi-tech agricultural areas in Son La province up to 2025 with an orientations up to 2030.
- Reviewing, adjusting and supplementing approved plans and proposing formulation of new plans in management branch in association with strategy and task of applying hi-tech; strengthening management, supervision and improvement of effectiveness of the State management over the plan.
3. Land solution
- To encourage farmers, organizations and individuals to accumulate land, exchange land, lease land and accumulate land for agricultural development application of high technology.
- To create favorable conditions for granting of long-term land use right certificates to organizations and individuals who implement hi-tech application programs and projects.
- To adjust land use plan and plans in service of hi-tech application programs of the province in accordance with the provisions of law.
4. Solutions on capital mobilization
- To diversify and concentrate capital sources for the plan implementation: To mobilize capital from society, concentrate and gradually increase the State budget capital for implementation of the plan. To integrate capital sources from the national target programs, projects and projects which have been already approved by the province for the implementation of hi-tech projects.
- To raise efficiency of use of capital sources, especially the State budget investment capital sources for hi-tech application. Annually, the provincial budget allocates VND 20 billion or more to organize implementation of mechanisms, policies, programs and projects and build models of high-tech application.
- To study and formulate policies on use of the State budget capital to support organizations and individuals to invest in hi-tech agricultural areas according to the plan and other plans which have been already approved by competent authorities.
5. Solutions on mechanisms and policies
To study, review, amend, supplement or promulgate new regulations and policies so as to strongly attract enterprises and cooperatives to invest in application of high technologies: preferential policies on land and enterprise tax, loan support ..., promulgating specific policies of the province to develop hi-tech applications such as support and incentive mechanisms for high technology application projects; To develop hi-tech enterprises; supporting hi-tech agricultural areas; To attract and use high - tech human resources.
6. Market development, hi - tech support services
- To support farmers, enterprises to receive and apply high technologies. Supporting enterprises, organizations and individuals to promote hi-tech products. Implementing forms of investment promotion such as conferences, advertising on the web ...
- To set up joint venture, association (linking 4 households: the State, scientists, enterprises, farmers) in production activities of high technology. Actively participating in fairs and exhibitions on key agricultural products of the province in the country and abroad. To boost consumption of high-tech agricultural products in wholesale markets, supermarkets in big cities, especially in Hanoi and find new export markets.
2.9. Program on supporting trademark and geographical indications for high-tech agricultural products of the province.
2.10. Program of developing processing industry in association with development of raw materials for agricultural products (processing vegetables, tea, coffee, medicinal plants ...) which apply high technologies.
2.11. To build specialized rain gauges along a direction of socialization for early flood warning; remote monitoring system for reservoir management.
IV. Solution on implementing the master plan
1. Solutions for propagation and dissemination
- To intensify propagation, dissemination and introduction on the mass media of achievements in application and development of high technologies in socio-economic development, security and defense maintenance; To popularize scientific and hi-tech knowledge to officials, public employees, laborers and people of all classes in the province.
- To develop propaganda and dissemination documents on high-tech models, mechanisms and policies in the province.
2. Solution on implementing the plan
- To organize plan on hi-tech agricultural areas in Son La province up to 2025 with an orientations up to 2030.
- Reviewing, adjusting and supplementing approved plans and proposing formulation of new plans in management branch in association with strategy and task of applying hi-tech; strengthening management, supervision and improvement of effectiveness of the State management over the plan.
3. Land solution
- To encourage farmers, organizations and individuals to accumulate land, exchange land, lease land and accumulate land for agricultural development application of high technology.
- To create favorable conditions for granting of long-term land use right certificates to organizations and individuals who implement hi-tech application programs and projects.
- To adjust land use plan and plans in service of hi-tech application programs of the province in accordance with the provisions of law.
4. Solutions on capital mobilization
- To diversify and concentrate capital sources for the plan implementation: To mobilize capital from society, concentrate and gradually increase the State budget capital for implementation of the plan. To integrate capital sources from the national target programs, projects and projects which have been already approved by the province for the implementation of hi-tech projects.
- To raise efficiency of use of capital sources, especially the State budget investment capital sources for hi-tech application. Annually, the provincial budget allocates VND 20 billion or more to organize implementation of mechanisms, policies, programs and projects and build models of high-tech application.
- To study and formulate policies on use of the State budget capital to support organizations and individuals to invest in hi-tech agricultural areas according to the plan and other plans which have been already approved by competent authorities.
5. Solutions on mechanisms and policies
To study, review, amend, supplement or promulgate new regulations and policies so as to strongly attract enterprises and cooperatives to invest in application of high technologies: preferential policies on land and enterprise tax, loan support ..., promulgating specific policies of the province to develop hi-tech applications such as support and incentive mechanisms for high technology application projects; To develop hi-tech enterprises; supporting hi-tech agricultural areas; To attract and use high - tech human resources.
6. Market development, hi - tech support services
- To support farmers, enterprises to receive and apply high technologies. Supporting enterprises, organizations and individuals to promote hi-tech products. Implementing forms of investment promotion such as conferences, advertising on the web ...
- To set up joint venture, association (linking 4 households: the State, scientists, enterprises, farmers) in production activities of high technology. Actively participating in fairs and exhibitions on key agricultural products of the province in the country and abroad. To boost consumption of high-tech agricultural products in wholesale markets, supermarkets in big cities, especially in Hanoi and find new export markets.
- To strengthen promotion of trademarks, collective labels, certified geographical indications and continue to build trademarks of vegetables, flowers and tea.
- To encourage scientific organizations to invest in research, application, demonstration, transfer as well as organizing production of hi-tech products.
- To soon complete and put into operation a research and application area for transfer of scientific and technological advances to agriculture and forestry in Moc Chau district in order to support organizations and individuals in applying advanced scientific and technological, studying techniques in production. Support to build trademark of high technology application products of the province.
- To promote role of scientific and technological research and application organizations of the province, such as the center for application of scientific and technological progress; scientific and technological enterprises ... in research and transfer of advanced and modern technologies into production.
7. Training to improve quality of human resources
- Short-term training and agriculture promotion, industrial promotion to improve capacity of managers, enterprises, cooperatives, farm owners ...,to develop, implement and monitor production and management plans. Domestic and foreign training plans for scientists and qualified staff in the key areas of biotechnology, new materials technology, information technology and management science.
- To organize study tour to learn models of hi-tech production that bring about economic efficiency at home and abroad. Coordinating with central agencies, institutes and universities to improve professional skills and management for the staff of the province, districts and communes.
8. Strengthening the State management in implementing the plan
- To enhance the leadership of the Party and the State management and bring into full play strength of socio-political organizations in implementation of hi-tech application. Strengthening coordination among the State management agencies in organizing implementation of the plan and integrating application of hi-tech activities with socio-economic development tasks in districts and cities.
- To organize inspection and supervision of the project’s implementation. Particularly clarifying contents of the State's investment and support and the people, communities and enterprises who contribute their support to implementation of the programs and projects in the plan.
V. Organizing implementation of the plan
1. Department of Science and Technology
- To guide and urge related departments and people's committees and district people's committees to draw up plans to implement the plan in line with the functions and tasks of each unit.
- To strengthen supply of information to organizations and individuals on regulations on branding and establishment of geographical indications for hi-tech products in the province.
- To assume the prime responsibility for and in coordinate with concerned units in proposing sources of scientific and technological capital for research and application of transfer of new technical and hi-tech advances into production.
- To coordinate with the provincial broadcasting station to promote propaganda on policy mechanism and content of the project to enterprises in the province to actively participate in the project.
- To encourage scientific organizations to invest in research, application, demonstration, transfer as well as organizing production of hi-tech products.
- To soon complete and put into operation a research and application area for transfer of scientific and technological advances to agriculture and forestry in Moc Chau district in order to support organizations and individuals in applying advanced scientific and technological, studying techniques in production. Support to build trademark of high technology application products of the province.
- To promote role of scientific and technological research and application organizations of the province, such as the center for application of scientific and technological progress; scientific and technological enterprises ... in research and transfer of advanced and modern technologies into production.
7. Training to improve quality of human resources
- Short-term training and agriculture promotion, industrial promotion to improve capacity of managers, enterprises, cooperatives, farm owners ...,to develop, implement and monitor production and management plans. Domestic and foreign training plans for scientists and qualified staff in the key areas of biotechnology, new materials technology, information technology and management science.
- To organize study tour to learn models of hi-tech production that bring about economic efficiency at home and abroad. Coordinating with central agencies, institutes and universities to improve professional skills and management for the staff of the province, districts and communes.
8. Strengthening the State management in implementing the plan
- To enhance the leadership of the Party and the State management and bring into full play strength of socio-political organizations in implementation of hi-tech application. Strengthening coordination among the State management agencies in organizing implementation of the plan and integrating application of hi-tech activities with socio-economic development tasks in districts and cities.
- To organize inspection and supervision of the project’s implementation. Particularly clarifying contents of the State's investment and support and the people, communities and enterprises who contribute their support to implementation of the programs and projects in the plan.
V. Organizing implementation of the plan
1. Department of Science and Technology
- To guide and urge related departments and people's committees and district people's committees to draw up plans to implement the plan in line with the functions and tasks of each unit.
- To strengthen supply of information to organizations and individuals on regulations on branding and establishment of geographical indications for hi-tech products in the province.
- To assume the prime responsibility for and in coordinate with concerned units in proposing sources of scientific and technological capital for research and application of transfer of new technical and hi-tech advances into production.
- To coordinate with the provincial broadcasting station to promote propaganda on policy mechanism and content of the project to enterprises in the province to actively participate in the project.
- Annually (from December 20 -25) synthesize and report on implementation of the plan according to regulations of the concerned units so as to report to the provincial People's Committee about the periodical implementation of the project in each period.
2. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
- To develop a plan for the implementation of hi-tech application projects in agriculture.
- To assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned departments and branches in advising the competent authorities on promulgation of mechanisms and policies to encourage investment in hi-tech agriculture (in which criterion is proposed typical of hi-tech application in field of agriculture in the province); Issuing mechanisms and policies to encourage all economic sectors to participate in development of hi-tech agriculture in the province.
- To appraise and submit to the provincial People's Committee for decision on recognition of hi-tech agricultural areas at the request of concerned organizations and individuals; To effectively organize the plan on hi-tech agricultural areas in Son La province up to 2025 with orientations to 2030.
- To direct the attached specialized agencies to speed up transfer of scientific and technical advances to farmers; To integrate programs and projects to build and expand agricultural production models which apply hi-tech.
3. Department of Planning and Investment
To assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with departments and branches in settling requests of enterprises, organizations and individuals for investment policies; granting business registration certificates; issuing investment registration certificates (including hi-tech application projects); to balance investment resources for high-tech development and application of the province; To evaluate projects and investment projects which are engaged in hi-tech application activities; To formulate solutions to mobilize and allocate capital sources for hi-tech application development; To attract investment from high technology enterprises in the locality.
4. Department of Finance
- Annually, coordinate with Department of Planning and Investment to sum up the budget according to decision of the provincial People's Committee to make cost estimate to support application of high technology.
- To manage and settle budgets for support of hi-tech application activities in strict accordance with current regulations.
5. Department of Natural Resources and Environment
- To guiding formulation, appraisal and approval of land use plans and adjustment of land using plans and plans for construction of hi-tech agricultural zones.
- To guide organizations and individuals to carry out order and procedures for land allocation, land lease, land recovery, land use right transfer, land use purpose change and land use right certificate granting. To serve hi-tech application activities in accordance with the provisions of law.
- To set up and organize implementation of the plan on high-tech application and specific activities of units: forecasting, exploiting minerals, protecting natural resources, treating waste, protecting environment...
6. Department of Industry and Trade
- To develop a plan for development of hi-tech industries in the province in a period of 2017 - 2025.
- To coordinate with Department of Science and Technology to guide and advise enterprises operating in field of industry and trade to apply high technology to production and business.
- Supporting and consulting enterprises to commercially market hi-tech products in the province.
7. Department of Information and Communication
- To direct news and press agencies in the province, grassroots information system to promote propagation, dissemination and introduction on the mass media about achievements of application and development of high technology in socio-economic development to the public.
- To assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned units in organizing effective implementation of information technology application plan in the State agencies of Son La province in 2017-2025 period. To complete and maintain architecture of E-government in Son La province which is suitable with each stage, roadmap for application and development of information technology of the province.
8. Department of Health
- To develop and fulfill implementation plan for high technology application in specific activities of units such as prevention; healthcare; medicine; food hygiene and safety; population of family planning; To implement the national health policy.
- To formulate preferential policies and mechanisms to attract and train medical workers capable of scientific research and application of high technologies in medical examination and treatment and protection of the public health; To promote development of scientific research and promote technical innovations in the sector.
9. Other departments, branches, agencies and units2. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
- To develop a plan for the implementation of hi-tech application projects in agriculture.
- To assume the prime responsibility for and coordinate with the concerned departments and branches in advising the competent authorities on promulgation of mechanisms and policies to encourage investment in hi-tech agriculture (in which criterion is proposed typical of hi-tech application in field of agriculture in the province); Issuing mechanisms and policies to encourage all economic sectors to participate in development of hi-tech agriculture in the province.
- To appraise and submit to the provincial People's Committee for decision on recognition of hi-tech agricultural areas at the request of concerned organizations and individuals; To effectively organize the plan on hi-tech agricultural areas in Son La province up to 2025 with orientations to 2030.
- To direct the attached specialized agencies to speed up transfer of scientific and technical advances to farmers; To integrate programs and projects to build and expand agricultural production models which apply hi-tech.
3. Department of Planning and Investment
To assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with departments and branches in settling requests of enterprises, organizations and individuals for investment policies; granting business registration certificates; issuing investment registration certificates (including hi-tech application projects); to balance investment resources for high-tech development and application of the province; To evaluate projects and investment projects which are engaged in hi-tech application activities; To formulate solutions to mobilize and allocate capital sources for hi-tech application development; To attract investment from high technology enterprises in the locality.
4. Department of Finance
- Annually, coordinate with Department of Planning and Investment to sum up the budget according to decision of the provincial People's Committee to make cost estimate to support application of high technology.
- To manage and settle budgets for support of hi-tech application activities in strict accordance with current regulations.
5. Department of Natural Resources and Environment
- To guiding formulation, appraisal and approval of land use plans and adjustment of land using plans and plans for construction of hi-tech agricultural zones.
- To guide organizations and individuals to carry out order and procedures for land allocation, land lease, land recovery, land use right transfer, land use purpose change and land use right certificate granting. To serve hi-tech application activities in accordance with the provisions of law.
- To set up and organize implementation of the plan on high-tech application and specific activities of units: forecasting, exploiting minerals, protecting natural resources, treating waste, protecting environment...
6. Department of Industry and Trade
- To develop a plan for development of hi-tech industries in the province in a period of 2017 - 2025.
- To coordinate with Department of Science and Technology to guide and advise enterprises operating in field of industry and trade to apply high technology to production and business.
- Supporting and consulting enterprises to commercially market hi-tech products in the province.
7. Department of Information and Communication
- To direct news and press agencies in the province, grassroots information system to promote propagation, dissemination and introduction on the mass media about achievements of application and development of high technology in socio-economic development to the public.
- To assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the concerned units in organizing effective implementation of information technology application plan in the State agencies of Son La province in 2017-2025 period. To complete and maintain architecture of E-government in Son La province which is suitable with each stage, roadmap for application and development of information technology of the province.
8. Department of Health
- To develop and fulfill implementation plan for high technology application in specific activities of units such as prevention; healthcare; medicine; food hygiene and safety; population of family planning; To implement the national health policy.
- To formulate preferential policies and mechanisms to attract and train medical workers capable of scientific research and application of high technologies in medical examination and treatment and protection of the public health; To promote development of scientific research and promote technical innovations in the sector.
According to their functions and tasks, the units shall formulate high-tech application plans in management activities of their branches so as to ensure practical and high efficiency.
10. District People's Committee
- To elaborate and organize implementation of the plan on high technology application in localities.
- To direct specialized sections, the People's Committees of communes, wards and townships to review, propose and organize effective implementation of hi-tech application programs and projects.
- To create all favorable conditions, settle land and ground clearance in order to deploy hi-tech application programs and projects in their respective localities.
- Basing on local development needs and provincial policies, annual budgets shall be submitted to the provincial / municipal Department on Planning and Investment for sum-up and submission to the provincial People's Committees for allocation of funds for implementation.
11. Socio - political organizations; associations; cooperative alliances
- To work out plans and organize implementation of the plan on hi-tech application in Son La province up to 2025.
- To actively coordinate with relevant agencies and localities in organizing activities to improve capacity of members on high application; to organize supervision, evaluation and social criticism of policies, projects and key works for hi-tech application of the province.
I. Development viewpoints
1. Master plan on socio-economic development of Son La province to 2025 must be in consistent with strategy of socio-economic development of the whole country, master plan on socio-economic development of northern midland and mountainous regions; ensuring uniformity, consistency with plans of fields and sectors of the country.
2. To exploit, mobilize all resources, potentials and advantages of human resources, land, water and other natural resources through suitable mechanisms and policies to perform investment restructure, renovate growth model to make a breakthrough on socio-economic development.
3. To develop and build brand of major products having high quality and competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets; promoting research, development and building mutual cluster of agricultural products, tourism and energy to exploit, use effectively land in Moc Chau, Muong La ... system of water resource of Da river, hydropower reservoirs.
3. To develop and build brand of major products having high quality and competitiveness in domestic and foreign markets; promoting research, development and building mutual cluster of agricultural products, tourism and energy to exploit, use effectively land in Moc Chau, Muong La ... system of water resource of Da river, hydropower reservoirs.
4. Economic development associates with implementation of social progress and equality to reduce promptly and sustainably poverty; gradually improving quality of life of the people, declining living standard difference residential classes and among regions in the province, implementing well ethnic policy and policies on natural resource tax, development of difficult border area.
5. Socio-economic development must associate closely with ensuring national defense and security and maintaining social order and security, protecting ecological environment and food hygiene safety, strengthening special friendship relation of Vietnam - Laos.
II. Development objectives
1. Overall objectives
1. Overall objectives
To promote democracy and power of unification of ethnic minority to build Son La province to become developing province in northern midland and mountainous region, striving to become center of northwest sub-region in 2025 on basis of economic restructure, renovating growth model to exploit potential and advantages of northwest region.
To attract high quality investment with key projects, building synchronously system of transport, urban infrastructure associating with comprehensive development of socio-culture; focusing on developing high-quality human resources, building brand of key products to join commodity value chain; actively reducing poverty and at the same time, ensuring national defense and security, social order and social safety and hygiene, environment.
To attract high quality investment with key projects, building synchronously system of transport, urban infrastructure associating with comprehensive development of socio-culture; focusing on developing high-quality human resources, building brand of key products to join commodity value chain; actively reducing poverty and at the same time, ensuring national defense and security, social order and social safety and hygiene, environment.
2. Specific objectives:
2.1. Economic:
- In a period to 2020, average growth rate hits 11.5%/year, in a period of 2020-2025, achieving 8.5%/year.
2.1. Economic:
- In a period to 2020, average growth rate hits 11.5%/year, in a period of 2020-2025, achieving 8.5%/year.
- By 2020: Income per capita reaches $ 1,000/year; economic structure of agriculture, industry - construction and services are 37%, 25%, 38%, respectively; grain output reaches 59.500 tons; total amount of development investment capital in the province reaches VND 65,000 billion; the State budget collection reaches VND 11.000 billion; labour productivity is VND 41.6 million/person/year.
- By 2025: Income per capita reaches VND 1,800/year; economic structure of agriculture, industry - construction and services are 32.5%, 28.5%, 39%, respectively; grain output reaches 57,900 tons; total amount of development investment capital in the province reaches VND 90,000 billion; the State budget collection hits VND 22.000 billion; labor productivity is VND 62.9 million/person/year.
2.2. Society
2.2. Society
- By 2020: population growth rate is 1.72% per / year; rate of trained workers is over 30%; rate of malnourished children under 5 years old is 18.5%; rate of sick-beds per 10,000 people is 23 beds; rate of poverty household falls 2% - 3%; 95% of households uses living, production electricity; becoming a center of education - training in northwest region; having 17 communes hitting 14-18 new countryside criteria.
- 2025: average rate of population growth is 1.59%/year; rate of trained workers is 52%; rate of malnourished children under 5 years is 10%; rate of sick beds per 10,000 people is 26 beds; reducing poverty household rate from 2% - 3%; rate of households using living, production electricity is 98%; being educational and training center in northwest region; preserving and promoting cultural heritage of Thai ethnic Thai and other ethnic groups.
2.3. Infrastructure systems:
2.3. Infrastructure systems:
- To develop synchronously system of transportation, reaching 0.91 km/km2 in 2025; by 2020, 75% of communes have roads to communal centers and reaches 100% in 2025; focusing on building urban system, especially major city and towns: Son La city, Moc Chau town, Hat Lot town.
- To promote investment in building basic infrastructure in rural areas, special giving priority to poor communes in remote area, border areas and hydropower resettlement areas.
- To promote investment in building basic infrastructure in rural areas, special giving priority to poor communes in remote area, border areas and hydropower resettlement areas.
2.4. Environmental protection:
- By 2020: raising forest coverage to 45.7%; rate of households using clean water is 85%; rate of urban living waste collection reaches 100%; ensuring food hygiene and safety.
- By 2025: raising forest coverage to 55%; 100% of units causing serious environmental pollution will be handled; rate of households using clean water is 90%.
III. Breakthrough
- By 2020: raising forest coverage to 45.7%; rate of households using clean water is 85%; rate of urban living waste collection reaches 100%; ensuring food hygiene and safety.
- By 2025: raising forest coverage to 55%; 100% of units causing serious environmental pollution will be handled; rate of households using clean water is 90%.
III. Breakthrough
1. Mechanisms and policies: studying specific conditions of Son La province to promulgate policies on hydropower tax, forest environmental fee, policies on bartering land, old headquarters for infrastructure into reality, actively implementing PPP investment policy, policies on supporting mountainous enterprise of producing and trading key products.
2. Human resource development, attraction: giving priority to investing in construction of training center in northwest region include northwestern university, vocational training colleges and vocational training centers, developing strongly high quality human resources through training, associating human resource attraction with implementing well agricultural encouragement.
3. Development of infrastructure: developing key urban areas, key transport system to coordinate and connect effectively with localities in the region and building area of producing and trading key commodities (mutual cluster, industrial parks, tourism zones).
IV. Development orientations of fields, sectors
IV. Development orientations of fields, sectors
1. Development orientation of agriculture, forestry and fisheries:
- To strive to hit growth rate of 4.2%/year in a period to 2020 and 3.3%/year in a period to 2025. Developing diversified, sustainably toward commodity production in association with consumption market ; renovating organizational model of production space, growth model in order to improve competitiveness of key products which participates in value chain and ensure food security objectives.
- Agriculture: developing belt area of green vegetables, fruits and flowers under concentrated model in potential areas associating with production of key commodities to serve demand of the people and for exports; promoting development of area of growing industrial trees such as trees of tea, coffee, rubber, sugarcane, cotton to create new position and power. Focusing on building mutual clusters of high-quality agricultural products (milk and all kinds of milk products, tea and all kinds of tea products, high quality fish, flowers and all kinds of fruits) in Moc Chau, striving to help Son La province become source of supplying material, commodities in value chain of agricultural commodities in Vietnam.
To develop commodity livestock with economic value, including cattle, pigs lean, baba, sturgeon, prawn, chicken, duck ... to supply to consumption market on basis of taking advantage of mountainous province having large grazing area, source of food ingredients.
- Forestry: managing sustainably forest resources, focusing on building protective forest system of Hoa Binh hydropower factory, Son La hydropower factory, Ma river watershed, at the same time, conserving and developing sustainably special used forest areas of Xuan Nha, Sop Cop, Co Pia, Ta Xua. Promoting regeneration of natural forest, combining forest regeneration with supplementary planting; encouraging development of production forest systems, focusing on raw material forest and at the same time, constructing forestry products processing facilities. Focusing on perfecting, implementing policy on forest environment fee collection to contribute to poverty reduction and sustainable hydropower development.
- Fisheries: exploiting, using and protecting effectively aquatic area in major river, hydroelectric reservoirs, irrigation reservoirs and pond of the people to develop high quality aquatic products. Developing cold water fish such as high quality salmon, sturgeon high ... in some areas having suitable natural conditions such as Son La hydropower reservoir and some cold water springs in Moc Chau ....
2. Development of industry and handicraft
To strive to achieve growth rates of 12.5%/year in a period to 2020 and 12.3%/year in a period to 2025. Focusing on investment in developing key products having potential and advantages associating with technological innovation and management improvement in order to increase their value.
To develop some key industries such as electricity and hydropower, processing of high quality agricultural products, processing animal feed, production of cement and building materials, exploiting and processing minerals, garments...
To develop industry on basis of comprehensive development of human resources and infrastructure; in short term, giving priority to develop Mai Son industrial park, industrial clusters, agricultural product mutual clusters (processing high quality agricultural products, forestry products) and services clusters associating with completion of projects of wastewater and solid waste treatment. Upgrading Mai Son cement factory, Chieng Sinh cement factory with environmentally friendly technologies, producing construction materials such as roofing, brick factory, steel frames, construction stone; gradually building Muong La steel zone.
3. Development of trade and services
3. Development of trade and services
To striving to achieve growth rates of 14.3%/year in a period to 2020 and reaches 9.2%/year in a period to 2025.
- Trade and services: investing in constructing Son La, Moc Chau to become centers of trade and services in northwest region, providing service of training, healthcare, telecommunications, trade ....
To develop synchronously market systems, giving priority to ensure basic demand for ethnic minority in border areas, highland area and at the same time, fulfilling strongly solutions to combat illicit trafficking, especially trafficking of drugs.
To develop international trade, service on basis of upgrading international border gate of Long Sap, Moc Chau and border gates of Chieng Khuong, Song Ma to tap potential and strengthening special friendship relation of Vietnam - Laos.
- Tourism: renovating policies on tourism investment, management in order to attract big tourism firms to invest in and cooperate, striving to build brand of tourism products in Moc Chau;
To form and develop tourism route of Hanoi – Tay Bac - Laos - Thailand to encourage development of tourism products such as cultural, historical tourism, ecological tourism, resort tourism, sport tourism...
4. Social fields
4.1. Education - training
To form and develop tourism route of Hanoi – Tay Bac - Laos - Thailand to encourage development of tourism products such as cultural, historical tourism, ecological tourism, resort tourism, sport tourism...
4. Social fields
4.1. Education - training
To improve quality of education and expanding scale of school, increasing investment in building infrastructure, raising teacher’s qualifications under national standards and diversifying forms of training, facilitating learning opportunities for everyone associating with promoting movement of building a learning society.
To strive to help Son La province to become a center of human resource education and training in northwest region with a key factor of northwestern University, forming a system of schools of training high quality human resources to meet demand of shifting labor in localities in the region. Implementing universalization of primary education at level 2, striving to hit national standards of preschool education for children 5 years old in 2020.
4.2. Health and healthcare protection
4.2. Health and healthcare protection
To develop gradually modern and synchronous health systems; striving to help Son La province to become a health center in northwest region to meet high, diversity demand on healthcare of the people in the region;
To continue to investing in upgrading hospitals, especially northwest general hospital with scale of 500 beds, medical centers, healthcare facilities at provincial, district and communal level as well as preventive medicine system, improving qualifications, medical ethic of medical staff.
To promoting socialization of medical work, encouraging and creating favorable conditions for all economic sectors to involve, invest in developing health services to serve the people, socio-economic development.
To promoting socialization of medical work, encouraging and creating favorable conditions for all economic sectors to involve, invest in developing health services to serve the people, socio-economic development.
4.3. Culture and sports
To build healthy culture with imbued national identity, preserving and promoting cultural heritage of Thai ethnic, contributing to development of tourism, improving spiritual life of ethnic minority in the province; focusing on invest in systems of sync cultural institutions at all levels.
To boost socialization of sport, focusing on investing in developing technical infrastructure and training high performance athletes. Launching a mass movement of sport exercise and developing ethnic entertainment sports, modern sports to contribute to raising stature and health of the people.
4.4. Poverty reduction and human resource development
4.4. Poverty reduction and human resource development
- To implement uniform, comprehensively and effectively programs of hunger eradication and poverty reduction; building solutions and models of sustainable poverty reduction, creating favorable conditions for the poor to develop production; having policies to encourage enterprises to take part in vocational training and job creation for the poor.
- To focus on development of human resources at all levels, especially high-quality human resources; researching to renovate training, closely coordinating vocational training programs with enterprises in vocational training for workers, especially rural workers and laborer of fields of producing and trading key products.
To continue to implement agricultural encouragement work through vocational training for farmers, building demonstration model; having necessary support and training policies for those who want to move from agriculture field to other fields in process of transferring economic structure.
5. Development of infrastructure
5.1. Transport
5. Development of infrastructure
5.1. Transport
- To develop transport infrastructure toward modern trends, strengthening inter-regional connections, large urban centers and important areas connection in the province to ensure safety cargo and passenger transport and ensure national defense security in highland, border regions. Specifically:
- Roads: in collaboration with Ministry of Transport to research, upgrade and renovate key national roads such as national road No.6, national road No.37, national road No.43, national road No.279, national road No.4G to Sop Cop and many provincial roads to make efficient connection and smooth transportation system in the province.
To develop system of rural roads and border patrol roads to ensure transport of highland areas, remote and border areas in all 4 seasons. Renovating policies to manage transport and develop effectively transport services;
- Waterways: improving gradually waterway networks, exploiting effectively waterway transport, travel on Da river.
- Airports: investing to change function of Na San airport to serve national defense and security and social order, safety.
- Airports: investing to change function of Na San airport to serve national defense and security and social order, safety.
5.2. Power supply
To invest in construction of power plants and electricity distribution networks and at the same time, exploiting, managing effectively these systems in order to provide enough electricity for consumption, trade and production.
To focus on developing rural electricity grids; promptly completing 500KV station (Pi Tong), 220kV station (Muong Bang) and putting into use to meet demand for power supply.
5.3. Information communication
To construct synchronously infrastructure of post, telecommunications, focusing on development along national road No.6; improving quality and diversifying services.
To modernize and expand network in parallel with application of modern technologies, ensuring information security to meet requirements of socio-economic development.
5.4. Water supply, drainage and sanitation
To invest in construction of power plants and electricity distribution networks and at the same time, exploiting, managing effectively these systems in order to provide enough electricity for consumption, trade and production.
To focus on developing rural electricity grids; promptly completing 500KV station (Pi Tong), 220kV station (Muong Bang) and putting into use to meet demand for power supply.
5.3. Information communication
To construct synchronously infrastructure of post, telecommunications, focusing on development along national road No.6; improving quality and diversifying services.
To modernize and expand network in parallel with application of modern technologies, ensuring information security to meet requirements of socio-economic development.
5.4. Water supply, drainage and sanitation
To invest in construction of system of water supply, sewerage, primarily in urban areas and areas of producing and trading key commodities.
To invest in construction and put into operation industrial wastewater treatment zones and solid waste treatment zones, ensuring national standards.
To invest in construction and put into operation industrial wastewater treatment zones and solid waste treatment zones, ensuring national standards.
5.5. Irrigation
To invest in upgrading and solidifying synchronously system of canals, ensuring that by 2015, basically supplying enough water for irrigation in basin areas of rivers of Da, Ma.
To invest in upgrading and solidifying synchronously system of canals, ensuring that by 2015, basically supplying enough water for irrigation in basin areas of rivers of Da, Ma.
At the same time, exploiting effectively semi-submerged hydropower lake; focusing on construction of small and medium-sized irrigation projects for border areas, remote areas.
6. Protecting environment and natural resources
To exploit, use effectively and sustainably land resources, water, forest especially biodiversity, minerals to serve efficient and sustainable socio-economic development by 2025.
6. Protecting environment and natural resources
To exploit, use effectively and sustainably land resources, water, forest especially biodiversity, minerals to serve efficient and sustainable socio-economic development by 2025.
To focus on solving core environmental issues such as water balance, degradation, land waste, biodiversity, air and solid waste in industrial and agricultural production, service and urban development.
7. National defense and security.
7. National defense and security.
- To strengthening and consolidate national defense and security and ensure social order and safety, particularly in border areas; continuing to promote synergy of the whole political system in order to build an all people defense combining with the people's security posture.
- To build and implement successfully defense plans, managing strictly reserve forces to ensure quantity and quality; closely linking with socio-economic development plans in each locality and ensuring peace and friendship border areas.
V. Orientation on organizing development space
1. Development of socio economic space.
1.1. Region along national road No.6: mainly locating on districts of Moc Chau, Yen Chau and Mai Son, Son La city and part of Thuan Chau and Van Ho districts.
Key development orientation: becoming main driving force in northwest economic corridor, a center of northwest regions and province of Son La on high quality services and agriculture, industry. Specifically, focusing on building Son La city with key urban areas; Moc Chau town with tourism zones and mutual agricultural cluster; Hat Lot town to generate economic growth engine for the province. Early forming northwest service center to provide service of tourism, education and training (northwestern university), health care (regional general hospital); developing high quality agricultural goods through mutual agricultural cluster; manufacturing industrial goods, handicrafts; adjusting administrative boundaries of Moc Chau district to become Van Ho district and Moc Chau district associating with building new administrative area in Van Ho commune, expanding administrative boundaries of Son La city down to south.
V. Orientation on organizing development space
1. Development of socio economic space.
1.1. Region along national road No.6: mainly locating on districts of Moc Chau, Yen Chau and Mai Son, Son La city and part of Thuan Chau and Van Ho districts.
Key development orientation: becoming main driving force in northwest economic corridor, a center of northwest regions and province of Son La on high quality services and agriculture, industry. Specifically, focusing on building Son La city with key urban areas; Moc Chau town with tourism zones and mutual agricultural cluster; Hat Lot town to generate economic growth engine for the province. Early forming northwest service center to provide service of tourism, education and training (northwestern university), health care (regional general hospital); developing high quality agricultural goods through mutual agricultural cluster; manufacturing industrial goods, handicrafts; adjusting administrative boundaries of Moc Chau district to become Van Ho district and Moc Chau district associating with building new administrative area in Van Ho commune, expanding administrative boundaries of Son La city down to south.
1.2. Da river region: mainly locating on districts of Muong La, Bac Yen, Phu Yen, Quynh Nhai and a part on districts of Mai Son, Thuan Chau and Moc Chau, Van Ho.
General orientation: exploiting and promoting strengths of water, land, climate and mineral ... to develop hydropower industry, iron and steel industries and high quality agricultural products. Developing urban areas of It Ong, Phu Yen, Bac Yen; hydropower cluster, Muong La steel zone to create outstanding urban area, ensuring development coordination of the region and economic growth. Developing sustainably products of hydropower, iron and steel, cotton, garment ...associating closely with material zones; investing in infrastructure projects such as roads, schools, power stations and markets ... to improve living standards of the people especially new settlement areas.
1.3. Upland, Vietnam – Laos border region: locating mainly on districts of Song Ma, Sop Cop and a part of districts of Moc Chau, Yen Chau, Phu Yen, Bac Yen, Mai Son, Muong La, Quynh Nhai, Thuan Chau, Van Ho.
Overall orientation: developing agricultural, trade economic associating with maintaining national defense and security, social order and safety; investing in construction of urban areas of Sop Cop, Song Ma, international border gate of Long Sap, border gate trade area of Chieng Khuong to develop border trade; focusing on investing in border infrastructure (border patrol roads, schools ...) to facilitate development of socio-economic, ensuring national defense and security.
2. Completing resettlement areas and building new countryside
Overall orientation: developing agricultural, trade economic associating with maintaining national defense and security, social order and safety; investing in construction of urban areas of Sop Cop, Song Ma, international border gate of Long Sap, border gate trade area of Chieng Khuong to develop border trade; focusing on investing in border infrastructure (border patrol roads, schools ...) to facilitate development of socio-economic, ensuring national defense and security.
2. Completing resettlement areas and building new countryside
2.1. Completing resettlement areas: resolving completely existing matters to stabilize and improve living standards of the people in immigrant point, Son La hydropower resettlement area, Hoa Binh hydroelectric resettlement area to ensure rapid and sustainable socio-economic development.
2.2. New countryside construction: creating rural countryside through raising new revenue, intellectual level of the people, creating jobs, training staff and building infrastructure to shift to goods production.
VI. Solutions on implementation of plan
1. Solution on mobilizing investment capital source
2.2. New countryside construction: creating rural countryside through raising new revenue, intellectual level of the people, creating jobs, training staff and building infrastructure to shift to goods production.
VI. Solutions on implementation of plan
1. Solution on mobilizing investment capital source
- Demand for investment capital is about VND 155,000 billion in a period to 2025, out of which, about 65,000 billion in a period to 2020 and about VND 90,000 billion in a period to 2025. Basing on ability of balancing annual State budget, the province should actively set up plan, allocating appropriately investment to secure funding for key projects and at the same time, having specific measures to effectively mobilize domestic and international resources to ensure successful implementation of planned objectives.
- To study and promulgate or submit competent State agencies to promulgate a number of mechanisms, specific policies which are in consistent with actual conditions of the people and development requirements in each period in order to attract investment, creating infrastructure development breakthrough such as urban area, mutual cluster, key service zones and key tourism zones.
- To study and promulgate or submit competent State agencies to promulgate a number of mechanisms, specific policies which are in consistent with actual conditions of the people and development requirements in each period in order to attract investment, creating infrastructure development breakthrough such as urban area, mutual cluster, key service zones and key tourism zones.
- To expand investment form of BOT, BT, PPP ... creating favorable conditions for development of capital markets; developing model of investment joint ventures, affiliate and investment capital contribution by assets; promoting socialization to attract investments especially in areas of education, training, healthcare...
2. Solutions on mechanisms, policies and administrative reforms
- To attract enterprises with incentive policies on income tax, corporate tax, mineral exploitation tax…promoting potential and advantages of producing and trading key products, participating effectively in global production value chain, production network to create driving force for socio-economic development in early stages.
- To improve investment climate, trade and production environment, continuing to reform investment procedure towards simply, transparent, publicly manner; promulgating mechanisms, policies on supporting investment basing on advantages of economic development of the local and in accordance with provisions of law.
- To have preferential policies on vocational training for ethnic minority children, university and college training, colleges ... and encouraging large enterprises to train their labor forces, preferential policies on supporting communal, district staff training and technician staff.
- To encourage development of trade models; accelerating construction of wholesale markets, tourism center of Moc Chau, general service area, international border gate area, market system of districts and towns ... and enhancing market access ability of economic units.
3. Solutions on human resource development
- To encourage development of trade models; accelerating construction of wholesale markets, tourism center of Moc Chau, general service area, international border gate area, market system of districts and towns ... and enhancing market access ability of economic units.
3. Solutions on human resource development
- To develop human resources training plan which are suitable with demand of labor market; encouraging development models of direct training at enterprises, training model under demand of investors.
- To promote link between training institutions with vocational training centers in major cities; focusing on development of high quality human resource and having policies to attract high-quality human resources to work at the local, especially in fields of trading and producing key commodities.
4. Solution on science and technology and agricultural encouragement
- To promote renovation of mechanism, system of the State management on science and technology; having plans on training science and technology staffs, implementing well preferential policies for scientists, policy of encouraging socialization in scientific study; expanding links and cooperation with institutions and universities in technology research, technology transfer, encouraging enterprises to participate in production technology innovation.
- To continue to implement strongly agricultural encouragement policy through vocational training programs for farmers in the province, especially in poor areas.
5. Solution on development cooperation and coordination in northwest subregion
Northwest Steering Committee and provinces of Hoa Binh, Son La and Dien Bien, Lai Chau direct, monitor and evaluate development cooperation of northwest subregion, focusing on energy, mineral, high quality agricultural and forestry products and ensuring national defense and security, special relationship of Vietnam - Laos.
VII. Organizing and supervising implementation of the plan
4. Solution on science and technology and agricultural encouragement
- To promote renovation of mechanism, system of the State management on science and technology; having plans on training science and technology staffs, implementing well preferential policies for scientists, policy of encouraging socialization in scientific study; expanding links and cooperation with institutions and universities in technology research, technology transfer, encouraging enterprises to participate in production technology innovation.
- To continue to implement strongly agricultural encouragement policy through vocational training programs for farmers in the province, especially in poor areas.
5. Solution on development cooperation and coordination in northwest subregion
Northwest Steering Committee and provinces of Hoa Binh, Son La and Dien Bien, Lai Chau direct, monitor and evaluate development cooperation of northwest subregion, focusing on energy, mineral, high quality agricultural and forestry products and ensuring national defense and security, special relationship of Vietnam - Laos.
VII. Organizing and supervising implementation of the plan
1. After master plan on socio-economic development of Son La province to 2025 being approved by the Prime Minister, the province should organize publication and dissemination of the plan to the Party committees, local governments, sectors, unions, enterprises and the people in the province; at the same time, setting up specific action programs to implement the master plan.
2. To concretize objectives and tasks of the master plan by 5-year plans and annual plans to implement the master plan effectively. Annually evaluating implementation of the master plan and on this basis, reviewing and submitting adjustments, supplementation for competence authorities to suit situation of socio-economic development of the province in each period.
3. All local governments, sectors, socio-political organizations and the people are responsible to check and supervise implementation of the plan.
2. To concretize objectives and tasks of the master plan by 5-year plans and annual plans to implement the master plan effectively. Annually evaluating implementation of the master plan and on this basis, reviewing and submitting adjustments, supplementation for competence authorities to suit situation of socio-economic development of the province in each period.
3. All local governments, sectors, socio-political organizations and the people are responsible to check and supervise implementation of the plan.
4. Master plan on socio-economic development of Son La province to 2025 is a basis for building, submitting for approval and implementing plans of sectors (construction plans, plans of using land and plans of other sectors), investment projects in the province.
5. To assign the People's Committee of Son La province basing content of the approved master plan to direct formulation, approval and implementation of the master plan under provisions as following:
- Development plans of key fields, products; development plans of urban systems and residential areas; plans of using land; master plans of socio-economic development of districts, towns and cities as prescribed.
- To set up 5-year plans, annual plans; key programs of culture, socio-economic development; specific projects to implement the master plan.
- To study, formulate and promulgate or submit to competent State agencies for promulgating many mechanisms and policies which are suitable to the province's development requirements and laws of the State in each period in order to attract, promote resources to implement the plan.
6. Related ministries and agencies within their functions, duties and powers, will be responsible for:
6. Related ministries and agencies within their functions, duties and powers, will be responsible for:
- To guide and assist the People's Committee of Son La province in process of implementation of the master plan; in necessary case, in collaboration with the province to build or submit competent authorities for issuing a number of suitable mechanisms and policies in order to use resources efficiently; encouraging and attracting investment under objectives and tasks of socio- economic development mentioned in the master plan.
- To research, review, adjust and supplement development plans of sectors, investment plans and related projects of the master plan after being approved; assisting the province to arrange and mobilize domestic and foreign investment capital sources to implement the plan.
Son La province’s list of projects given priority to investment research to 2025
Projects invested by ministries and centrally-run agencies in the province:
Project of building water reservoir in Mong hamlet, Son La city
Project of upgrading national road No: 6, 32, 37, 43, 279, 4G, Son La city bypass road…; upgrading Na San airport.
Rural transport projects 3, borrowing capital of WB/DFID
Projects invested by the province
Project of developing key agricultural products with trademark of Son La: tea, milk, coffee, flower, clean vegetable...
Project of managing, protecting and building system of protective forest, special-used forest
Project of irrigation, canals solidification; anti-flood, erosion control embankment systems, erosion control.
Renovating electricity system of districts, communes
Planning, building infrastructure, residential urban zones
Projects of developing infrastructure of industrial parks, industrial clusters and Moc Chau complex
Project of building road infrastructure: bus stations, bus rest stations...
Project of building road from headquarter of provincial Party committee to provincial stadium
Continuing to invest and upgrade provincial roads, district roads, border patrol roads, urban roads.
Project of Van Yen bridge, Van Yen port, Ta Bu port.
Constructing typical culture projects of Son La province: statue of Uncle Ho with the people of northwest ethnic minorities, squares, parks, northwest cultural village...
Project of local cultural institutions; restoring cultural relic, cultural zones; library system...
Projects of conservating and developing dances, folk songs of ethnic groups
Project of cultural and sports complexes of districts and cities.
Project of constructing historic revolutionary relic of Laos - Vietnam in Lao Kho hamlet, Yen Chau.
Building and upgrading: provincial general hospital; provincial specialized hospitals; district health centers.
Building ethnic school of province and districts
Building new vocational training schools
Projects of training high quality human resources
Project of continuing to upgrade northwestern university, constructing medical college, university of Son La.
Projects of information technology
Developing radio and television system
Project of building headquarters of the Party, government of Son La province
Project of constructing administrative center of Son La city in Chieng Sinh, new administrative center of Van Lake District.
System of water supply and drainage; system of waste treatment, waste water treatment in the province.
National defense and security in the province: provincial military school, secret ghetto, exercise ground, border posts, ...
Building infrastructure of Chieng Khuong, Long Sap border gate
Project of building stations of monitoring and warning environmental radioactivity in Son La
Projects calling for investment from economic sectors
Project of Infrastructure Moc Chau tourism zone; service and tourism infrastructure of Son La and Hoa Binh hydropower reservoirs.
Project of Moc Chau tourism cluster, project of Moc Chau high quality agriculture product cluster.
Project of general service zones in Son La city, Moc Chau, Hat Lot urban zones
Project of building Dong Phu Yen power plant; investing in construction of small and medium-sized hydropower plants.
Project of training human resources for key sector, key products
Project of building cultural area of NamLa
Economicafforestation project
Project of development livestock, cattle
Project of developing cotton growing region of Bac Yen - Phu Yen
Project of developingrubbergrowingregion
Project of aquaculture development in hydroelectric reservoirs, lakes, rivers, streams...
Project of constructing trade centers in border gate areas of Long Sap and Chieng Khuong
Project of biotech center in Moc Chau
Northwest hospital project; centers of high quality health care.
Project of exploiting and processing minerals: copper, iron, steel, ...; exploiting construction materials.
Rural market system; LPG, fuel supply system...; information and telecommunication infrastructure.
Long Giang