AsemconnectVietnam - The Government Inspectorate is a government-affiliated agency, which exercises the function of state management over inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations, and performs the right to inspect and address complaints and denunciations as well as to prevents and combat corruption within its powers.
Tasks and powers of the Government Inspectorate:
1. To submit to the Government and the Prime Minister bills, draft ordinances and other draft normative legal documents affecting the inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations as well as the prevention and fight against corruption
2. To submit to the Government and the Prime Minister yearly, five-year and long-term strategies, programs and plans on the inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations as well as the prevention and fight against corruption.
3. To promulgate decisions, directives and circulars on the inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations as well as the prevention and combat of corruption.
4.To direct, guide, inspect and be responsible for the enforcement of normative legal documents, strategies, programs and plans once approved and other legal documents within its management scope, to disseminate information and educate on the legislations on inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations as well as prevention and combat of corruption.
On inspection:
a) To inspect the compliance with policies, laws and the performance of duties, powers and managerial responsibility by ministries, ministry-level agencies, government-affiliated agencies, the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities.
To inspect matters related to managerial responsibilities of ministries, ministry-level agencies, government-affiliated agencies as well as things associated with responsibilities of provinces and centrally run cities.
To conduct inspection over cases directly assigned by the Prime Minister.
b) To provide guidance to ministries, ministry-level agencies, government-affiliated agencies, the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities in formulating and arranging the implementation of inspection programs and plans of ministries, branches and localities.
c) To direct and provide professional guidance to inspection institutions, including People’s inspection institutions.
d) To call on ministers, heads of ministry-level agencies and government-affiliated agencies, and chairmen of the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities to conduct inspection or review of cases and matters under management of ministries, branches and localities.
e) To assume the prime responsibility for addressing complaints in case of overlapping time and subjects of inspection and control over an enterprise conducted by inspection and control missions that are nominated by ministers, heads of ministry-level agencies and government-affiliated agencies and chairmen of the People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities.
f) To suspend the execution, amendment or cancellation of wrong proposals and decisions made by subordinate state inspection institutions, to address differences among inspectorates of ministries, ministry-level agencies, government-affiliated agencies, between inspectorates of provinces and centrally run cities and heads of the same-level agencies regarding the inspection and settlement of complaints and denunciations.
g) While performing inspection tasks, to be entitled to convene inspectors of levels and branches and to call on relevant agencies and units to nominate their staff to take part and perform the rights and responsibilities of inspection institutions as provided by law.
6. On settlement of complaints and denunciations:
a) To receive and handle written complaints and denunciations; to arrange according to its competence reception of persons who lodge complaints and denunciations.
b) To verify, conclude and propose the settlement or take decisions on the settlement of complaints falling within the competence authorized by the Prime Minister.
c) To call on the Prime Minister to review final decisions on addressing complaints made by ministers, heads of ministry-level agencies, and chairmen of the People’s Committee of provinces and centrally run cities if detecting violations of law harmful to state interests, rights and legitimate interests of citizens, agencies and organizations according to legal provisions.
d) To verify, draw conclusions and propose measures to address denunciations as assigned by the Prime Minister as for cases falling within the Prime Minister’s competence.
e) To consider and deal with denunciations that have been addressed by ministers, heads of ministry-level agencies, and chairmen of the People’s Committee of provinces and centrally run cities but the settlement has breached laws. In case the conclusion that the settlement of denunciations has violated laws is made, it is necessary to ask on those who are in charge of addressing to review their decisions.
f) To consider and take decisions on addressing complaints and denunciations within the powers of the State Inspector General.
g) In the process of addressing complaints and denunciations, to be entitled to perform rights and powers as well as to fulfill responsibilities of inspection institutions, subject to laws on complaints and denunciations.
7. On prevention and combat of corruption
a) To assume the prime responsibility or collaborate with the Ministry of Pubic Security, the Ministry of Defense and other relevant agencies in aiding the Prime Minister to guide, urge and inspect levels and branches in the prevention and detection of corruption acts and handling those who commit corruption acts.
b) To sum up situation and report to the Prime Minister and the Government on the prevention and fight against corruption nationwide.
8. To promote international cooperation in the inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations, prevention and combat of corruption according to legal provisions.
9. To inspect and control the inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations, prevention and combat of corruption according to legal provisions.
10. To conduct scientific researches and use of scientific and technological advances in the inspection, settlement of complaints and denunciations, prevention and combat of corruption.
11. To decide and direct the implementation of administrative reform programs of the State Inspectorate in line with goals and contents of the state administrative reform program that have been approved by the Prime Minister.
12. To manage and direct operations of non-business institutions attached to the State Inspectorate according to legal provisions.
13. To guide, urge and inspect the compliance with legal provisions on organizations and personnel of the inspection branch; to organize training courses for inspectors.
To propose the Prime Minister to appoint, dismiss or relieve from duty chief inspectors of provinces and centrally run cities and principal inspectors according to legal provisions.
To manage the organization structure and personnel; to organize the implementation of the wage regime and policies on preferential treatment, commendation, reward and discipline towards officials, civil servants and employees of the State Inspectorate.
14. To manage the assigned funds and assets and organize the utilization of the allocated budget according to legal provisions.
Leaders of the Government Inspectorate
Gerenal Inspector
Le Minh Khai
Deputy Gerenal Inspector
Nguyen Van Thanh |
Deputy Gerenal Inspector
Dang Cong Huan |
Deputy Gerenal Inspector
Bui Ngoc Lam |
Deputy Gerenal Inspector
Tran Ngoc Liem |
Add: Tran Thai Tong street, Cau Giay district, Ha noi
Tel: 04 38325558 - 04 38325896
Fax: 080 48493
Source: www.thanhtra.gov.vn