Wednesday, July 3,2024 - 8:17 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Tay Ninh province 

 Monday, March 8,2021

AsemconnectVietnam - To continue to develop socialist-oriented market economy, encourage and facilitate economic sectors to develop equally, creating suitable business environment to attract domestic and foreign investors to invest in the province.


I. Development viewpoints
1. To continue to develop socialist-oriented market economy, encourage and facilitate economic sectors to develop equally, creating suitable business environment to attract domestic and foreign investors to invest in the province. Encouraging and creating favorable environment for enterprises to develop, considering enterprises as a main force to promote development of the whole economy.
2. To further promote advantages of geographical location, resources and potential of the province in cooperation with outside partners: creating close cooperation between Tay Ninh economy with the whole country, first of all, southeast region and southern key economic zone; creating favorable conditions to promote international economic cooperation, firstly with countries in the region, to attract domestic and foreign investment, develop market. Taking advantage and developing strongly border economic, promoting development of industries and services, improving efficiency, competitiveness and developing products for export.
3. Together with the whole country and southern key economic zone, proactively integrating into international and regional economy, participating in international and regional labor division process; focusing on intensive investment, increasing investment in research and application of science and technology, strongly developing sectors, fields the province has potential and advantages, enhancing competitiveness towards industrialization and modernization; gradually forming industrial parks, industrial clusters to be a nucleus point for urban network development and creating a system of harmonious and sustainable territorial space; building an commodity agriculture and forestry fields with high technology content in direction of diversification associating with protection of natural resources, protection of ecological environment.
4. To combine synchronously between production development with infrastructure development in regions, including rural and remote areas; forming system of urban-style residential areas with townships, service and trade centers in direction of industrialization, urbanization at small and medium-scale, suitable to each district.
5. To develop sustainable economic on basis of associating sustainable economic growth with ensuring implementation of justice, social progress; improving material living, cultural living of the people, diminishing disparity between rural and urban areas, creating a harmonious development among regions; creating jobs for laborers, gradually transferring agricultural workers to industry and service fields.
6. To prioritize development of human resources; promoting human resource education, training along with prompt application science - technology advance into production, considering as a decisive factor in economic development of the province; protecting, regenerating and enriching forest resources, land, water resources, protecting environment.
7. To associate closely between economic development with strengthening national security and defense, building the people’s national defense. Developing characteristic, flexible policies and mechanisms for border gate regions, of the province to ensure political stability, maintain firmly sovereignty of national borders, social order and safety in the province.
II. Development objectives  
1. Overall objectives
To construct Tay Ninh province basically become an industrial province by 2025 with a system of modern and synchronous socio-economic infrastructure, associating closely with development of infrastructure of Ho Chi Minh City urban region and the whole southern key economic zone. Improving strength and competitiveness of the whole economy, integrating successfully, taking favorable opportunities of international economic integration to develop rapidly and sustainably socio-economic.
To maintain rapid and sustainable economic growth rate, creating a strong change in pace of development, efficiency and competitiveness of economy; improving quality of human resources; constantly improving people's living; maintaining firmly political stability and social order and safety; creating prerequisites for promoting industrialization and modernization in order to successfully implement planned objectives.
2. Specific objectives
2.1. Economic
Average GDP growth rate in a period of 2015 - 2025 is approximately 15.0-15.5%. Out of which, average growth rate of agriculture, forestry and fisheries is 5.5 - 6.0%, average growth rate of industry and construction is 20.0 - 21.0%, average growth rate of service sector is about 14.7 - 15, 2%. Specific period as the following:
- In a period of 2015 – 2020
Average growth rate of GDP in a period of 2015-2020 is about 14.5 - 15%. Out of which, agriculture, forestry and fishing rose hits an average growth rate of 6 - 6.2%, industry and construction achieves average growth rate of about 21 - 21.5%, service sector posts average growth rate of 14.5 - 15%.
Expected economic structure in 2020 at current prices: agriculture, forestry and fisheries accounts for approximately 26 - 26.5%, industry and construction accounts for approximately 36.5 - 37%, service sector accounts for about 36.5 - 37%. If calculating at constant price of year of 1994, expected economic structure in 2020 as follows: agriculture, forestry and fisheries accounted for approximately 19 - 19.5%, industry and construction accounts for approximately 36 - 36.5%; service sector accounts for about 44.5 - 45%.
GDP per capita at current prices reaches USD 2,852/person in 2020, if calculating at constant price of year of 1994 hitting USD 1,983/person.
- In a period of 2020 - 2025
Average growth rate of GDP in a period of 2020 - 2025 is about 15.5-16%. Out of which, agriculture, forestry and fisheries hits average growth rate of 5.5 - 6%, industry and construction achieves average growth rate of about 20.5 - 21%, service sector posts average growth rate of about 15 - 15.5%.
Expected economic structure in 2025: agriculture, forestry and fisheries account for about 15 - 15.5%, industry and construction makes up approximately 45 - 45.5%, service sector accounts for 39-39,5%. If calculating at constant prices in 1994, expected economic structure in 2025 as follows: agriculture, forestry and fisheries accounts for about 11-12%, industry and construction accounts for approximately 44.5 - 45%, services account for about 43 -43.5%.
GDP per capita at current prices reaches USD 4,800/person in 2025, if calculating at constant price of year of 1994 hitting USD 3,700/person.
Annual average growth rate of exports value hits 23-25% in a period of 2015-2025.
Proportion of the State budget to GDP reaches about 10-12% in 2025.
To strive to hit proportion of investment and development capital to GDP of about 23-25% in a period of 2020 – 2025.
2.2. Society
- In a period of 2015 - 2020
To strive to achieve rate of vocational training labor of about 60% by 2020. Creating jobs for around 18,000-19,000 labor each year.
To strive to achieve a rate of 100% of 6 year olds children going to school in 2020.
To strive to 2015, over 99% of households use electricity from national grid.
- In a period of 2020 – 2025
To strive to achieve rate of vocational training labor of 70% by 2025. Creating favorable conditions to create jobs for about 18,000-19,000 labor each year in a period of 2020-2025, basically resolving labor issues and reducing unemployment rate in urban areas to less than 3.5%.
To strive to complete secondary education universalization by 2025.
To limit population growth rate, reaching replacement birth rate by 2025.
To strive to 2025, reaching rate of 100% of electricity accessed households.
2.3. Environment
Rate of natural forest coverage in a period of 2015 - 2025 is over 40%.
By 2025, all of town, township have concentrated waste collection and treatment station, 100% of new production units have waste treatment facilities which achieves environmental standards or apply clean technology, rate of production units achieving environmental standards or applying clean technologies is over 80% by 2020 and 90% by 2025.
By 2025, 100% of urban and rural residential areas can access to clean and hygienic water.
2.4. National defense and security
To ensure national defense and security, maintaining firmly border sovereignty, political stability, curbing a rise and diminishing crimes and social evils.
III. Development orientation of sectors and key products
1. Industry
- To develop rapidly and sustainably industry and handicraft to be a driving force to boost growth and transfer of economic structure of the province in direction of industrialization and modernization. Focusing on developing high-tech industry, clean industry, supporting industries including mechanical engineering, electronics - telecommunications - informatics, pharmaceutical chemical industry, food processing with high added value. By 2025, Tay Ninh basically have a sustainable industry with a reasonable structure in consistent with conditions and potential, advantages of the province.
Annual average growth rate of industrial production value in a period of 2015 - 2020 reaches 21-22%, in period 2020-2025 hits 20-21%.
- Structure of industry shifts towards focusing on developing following major industries: (1) mineral exploiting and processing; (2) food, foodstuff processing; (3) manufacturing wood and paper; (4) production of construction materials; (5) chemicals, pharmaceuticals; (6) textile, leather and footwear; (7) metalworking, metal processing; (8) production and distribution of electricity and water.
- To develop industrial parks, associating development of industrial parks, industrial clusters with development of urban and service area systems; focusing on formation of worker housing in system of urban areas beside industrial clusters, industrial parks. Land fund of industrial parks, industrial clusters, industrial locations by 2025 is 10,000 ha. Size and location of industrial parks and industrial clusters will be determined in master plan on development of industrial clusters and industrial parks in the province.
- To promote investment in strengthening capacity of institutions, enterprises operating in construction sector towards modernization from design to construction in both human resources and equipment to undertake big works and projects in socio-economic activities.
To create favorable conditions and environment for establishing and doing business and production activities for construction enterprises.
To further improve regulatory environment, investment environment and support activities for development of construction enterprises.
To build strong construction industry to be able to solve basic construction demand in the province and strive to participate in construction activities outside the province and international cooperation.
2. Services
To develop service sector with high speed and high quality, ensuring comprehensive and sustainable development. Striving to hit average annual growth rate of service sector of 14.5-15% in a period of 2015 - 2020 and 15-15.5% in a period of 2020-2025.
Development of key service sector:
- To develop trade toward building trade centers in urban areas, trade clusters in rural areas, system of market, supermarket. Focusing on developing economic zones of Moc Bai and Xa Mat, commercial centers in communes of Hoa Thanh and Hoa Dau. Completing network of markets, particularly wholesale markets, border-gate markets, border markets, supermarkets in urban areas. Regarding exports, focusing on exploiting, manufacturing exports having a high economic value, increasing processing value in products, restricting export in form of raw materials. Improving efficiency of trade promotion, creating favorable conditions for enterprises to survey markets, participating in exhibition. Developing border trade between Tay Ninh province and Cambodia;
- Regarding tourism, focusing on investment in development of tourism with type of ecotourism associating with historical culture relic, traditional villages of the province. Focusing on developing unique tourism products having idiosyncrasy of Tay Ninh. Focusing on renovating, upgrading and exploiting tourism zone such as Central committee for southern region, Ba Den mountain, Tay Ninh holy see, Dau Tieng lake, amusement park, forest eco park, service and business center, sport center, hotels and restaurants ... to diversify tourism products and improve quality to meet demand of guests traveling to Tay Ninh;
- To develop financial activities, banking, credit associating with transfer of economic structure and socio-economic development objectives of the province. Researching to establish and manage well operations of fund such as a credit guarantee fund for small and medium-sized enterprises, venture capital funds, fund of social protection. Developing business activities, financial brokerage, insurance, forming financial companies;
- Post and telecommunications: developing information infrastructure with modern technology on a par with developed countries in region, serving requirement of socio-economic development and demand of the people with high quality services.
3. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- Agriculture
+ To develop comprehensively and sustainably agriculture. Promoting internal structure of the field by increasing proportion of livestock; implementing industrialization and modernization of rural agriculture, associating agricultural development with consumption market.
To use rationally land resources, increasing soil fertility, performing multi-cultivation and diversifying products to enhance value of products. Basing on market, natural conditions, farming practices .... developing specialized and concentrated agricultural production areas. Rapidly increasing industrial crops for export, developing vegetable and fruit to meet demand of the province, urban areas of the province and in the region, especially in Ho Chi Minh City, stabilizing area of rubber tree. Setting up measures to maintain and stabilize development of sugar material area ... Implementing intensive cultivation on existing land.
+ To transfer strongly agricultural structure towards increasing proportion of livestock sector on basis of encouraging development of livestock farms to have large scale livestock and poultry. Diversifying livestock products to serve demand of the province, urban areas of the province and in the region, especially in Ho Chi Minh City, creating material source for development of industry of processing livestock products.
+ To develop agriculture with many economic sectors. Strongly recommending farm economy, cooperative economy and cooperatives, considering households as autonomous economic units in all areas of agricultural production.
The State economic sector should focus on producing and supplying varieties of tree and animals, application research, technical innovation (or technology) in agricultural cultivation. Collective economic sector will be encouraged to strengthen role of farmers groups in framework of changes of organization of agricultural cooperatives to suit new situation of market economy. Encouraging farm economic model, household economies with large scale.
+ To apply scientific, technical advances and new technologies in production and using new high-yielding varieties, intensive cultivation; focusing on building irrigation systems, solidifying 100% of canals, ensuring irrigation. Looking at solution forming high-tech agricultural parks in order to provide high quality products, modern technology to serve demand of the province and in the region.
To implement industrialization - modernization of rural agriculture, associating agricultural development with market and development of sector, other economic sectors, especially for processing industry.
Along with internal structure of agricultural sector, implementing transfer of rural economic structure toward increasing proportion of industry and services.
- Forestry
To use rationally, efficiently forestry land fund of about 70,000 ha, out of which, forest land of 57,000 ha. Gradually planting a natural forest by solution of forest protection and at the same time, increasing forest area by trees to meet demand for forest products as well as demand for protection forest. Conserving and diversifying biological, preventing extinction of species, groups of species, types of plants and animals in ecoregion. Conserving and developing rare ecosystems, biological diversity to create potential for tourism development.
- Fisheries
Development of fisheries sector must ensure requirements of environmental protection of water, valuable resources for development of production and living of the people of the province and other related provinces and cities. Rational using water surface of Dau Tieng reservoir, system of rivers of Saigon and Vam Co to develop fisheries at small and medium scale.
4. Social sectors
- To develop education and training towards modernization and standardization of education, improving quality of teaching staff and education managers; focusing on building infrastructure, completing solidification of schools and classrooms and public houses for teachers; enhancing training and markedly improving quality of education at all levels, maintaining achievement of universalization of primary education and lower secondary school. By 2015, completing universalization of high school; implementing universalization of preschool for children 5 years old. Implementing project on vocational training for rural labor. Developing human resources to serve industrialization and modernization, enhancing rate of trained labor to 70% in 2025.
- To execute justice in caring and protecting people's health; ensuring that all people are entitled to healthcare and provide initial basic health services. Diversifying and constantly improving quality of type of medical examination and treatment, developing health services on demand, advancing to health management of every household. By 2025, communal health stations meets national standards on health. Constructing hospitals and health centers, providing preventive services, high quality healthcare.
- To develop cultural and information activities to harmonize implementation of information dissemination tasks, improving quality of cultural activities, entertainment, information, and entertainment facilities to meet cultural, spirit living of the people; implementing well policy of socialization of cultural activities and sports. Implementing conservation and renovation of historic and heritage relics and values ​​of national culture in the province.
To foster and promote human factor, building healthy lifestyles among people by promoting sport activities. Developing mass sport movement basing on promoting socialization. Investing in development of key strength, high performance sports of the province.
- Development of science and technology: accelerating application of biotechnology science, processing technology and information technology, building capacity of science and technology in surveying and rational use of natural resources, application of advanced management system ...
- Environmental protection for sustainable development: building waste treatment plant, industrial waste treatment station, waste water treatment station. Choosing advanced technology in consistent with local conditions. Strengthening supervision of waste sources of industrial production and tourism units.
5. Development of infrastructure
- Development of transport system: a driving force of economic development. Maximizing geographical advantage of the province with national road No.22, 14 and 14C, light railway from Ho Chi Minh City to Moc Bai, developing external transportation system such as road system (including roads connecting with border gate trade zones with Cambodia), developing river transport in key economic areas, roads in industrial parks, commodity production areas . By 2025, basically stabilizing transportation infrastructure system.
- To implement measures to improve irrigation efficiency and water saving by solidifying entire irrigation system of grade I, II, III, adding interior and on-farm canals. Building synchronously drainage channels with irrigation channels in rainy season and serving land reclamation. Continuing to invest in projects: subproject of Dau Tieng (project of modernizing irrigation system of Dau Tieng Tay Ninh VWRAP), irrigation subprojects of Tan Bien, Phuoc Hoa, flood control embankments alongside Vam Co river, drainage channels, pumping stations in districts of Trang Bang, Ben Cau, Chau Thanh.
- To meet timely demand for electricity for economic development of the province with high quality and better service. Fulfilling technical and economic criteria, ensuring power supply continuity, stable, reducing incidents and power losses.
To continue to expand existing water plants and at the same time, building a number of water supply systems. Focusing on investments in drainage systems in urban areas, building systems of waste water treatment stations reaching national standards. Building waste treatment station in industrial parks under specific conditions of each park.
IV. Organizing territory space
1. Development of socio-economic areas
- North area of the province
North area of the province including Tan Chau, Tan Bien, Duong Minh Chau and Chau Thanh is expected to develop to become forest conservation area; developing agriculture towards formation of concentrated industrial tree zones; tourism development; developing border economic with reasonable size and forming medium-sized industrial clusters, associating with redistribution of population.
- Central area
Central area including town of Tay Ninh and Hoa Thanh district is expected to develop to become center of economic, politic and society of the province with nuclear point of Tay Ninh town; developing trade and services, postal - telecommunications, finance and banking, tourism ... Forming and developing clean and high quality industrial clusters, traditional villages, handicraft industry; developing industry, forming modern urban areas, modern trade and service centers.
- South area of the province
South area including districts of Trang Bang, Go Dau and Ben Cau is expected to develop industrial parks and industrial clusters; developing rapidly trade and services. Developing service and industries, export-oriented industry to penetrate markets in Cambodia, Thailand... Developing sustainably ecological agriculture; forming urban areas, rural residential areas associating with development of industrial parks, industrial clusters and border gate economic zones.
2. Development of urban space
To develop suitable urban network and basing on distribution of production forces, engaging in socio-economic development. Urban areas in the province must be developed and distributed appropriately, creating a balance among areas in the province, accelerating development of each area in direction of industrialization and modernization, combining with process of promoting rural urbanization and new countryside construction. Urban system of Tay Ninh will include: core urban centers of the province (town of Tay Ninh, Thanh Hoa townships, urban area of Trang Bang, township of Go Dau, townships of Ben Cau and township of Xa Mat); district centers; centers of commune and urban area around border gate zone and industrial parks.
V. Several policies and measures on implementing the plan
1. Mobilizing investment capital sources
Total amount of investment capital in a period of 2015 - 2025 is about USD 9-13 billion. Mobilizing above mentioned capital resources, the province should issue specific policies and measures to create a favorable investment environment and using capital more efficiently.
2. Solutions on developing human resources
Improvement of quality of human resources is both a objective and a driving force of socio-economic development of the province and it is also strategy of human resource. To develop and improve quality of human resources, it should solve synchronously mutual relationship on 3 following key aspects: education and training; human use; creating jobs.
3. Solutions on science - technology and protection of natural resources and environment
To focus on development of science and technology along with solutions on capital investment and human resources to create a group of basic solutions to mobilize and use resources effectively to implementation of socio-economic plan of the province.
To implement well environmental supervision; constructing regulations on waste management, pollution control, calculating truly costs of environmental protection in new investment projects, implementing environmental protection laws; successfully implementing reforestation programs, protection of water resources; researching to apply technologies of large-capacity waste treatment or landfills under international standards.
4. Solutions on macroeconomic management and implementation of the plan
- To implement measures on macroeconomic management together with building synchronous policies: market policies, policies on developing multi sector economy...
To develop suitable mechanisms, policies to address social issues such as housing and employment for the displaced being revoked land for projects, important programs; preferential policies on the poor.
- To encourage all economic sectors to invest in development, having preferential policies on application of advanced science and technology to improve quality of growth and transfer of economic structure towards industrialization and modernization.
- To strengthen management and implementation of the plan to step by step put the plan into living with the following contents: publicizing and mobilizing the people to participate in implementation of the plan; specifying content of the plan in agenda, working program of the Party committees, local authorities; regularly updating contents of the plan; concretizing master plan on socio-economic development of the province in development plans of sectors, plans on construction of urban and rural areas, master plans on socio-economic development of districts, towns; 5-year, annual plans.
Tay Ninh province’s list of projects given priority to investment research to 2025

Projects invested by central government
National road No.22
National road No.14C
National road No.14
Ho Chi Minh road
Highway road from Ho Chi Minh city to Moc Bai.
Railway from Ho Chi Minh city to Moc Bai
Project of Phuoc Hoa irrigation
Project of modernizing irrigation system of Dau Tieng
Projects managed by the province
National road No.782 – 784
National road No.786
National road No.787
National road No.794
National road No.795
National road No.799
Border ring road No.791
Border ring road No.792
Border ring road of Chau Thanh – Ben Cau
Extended Hoang Le Kha road
Road to central committee for southern Vietnam
Upgrading roads in towns
Dyke system along Vam Co Dong river
Drainage system in 8 townships of Tay Ninh province
Education facilitiesand equipment
Medical facilitiesandequipment
Information technology infrastructure
Building border residential zones
Infrastructure projects calling for investment
Infrastructure of industrial park
Infrastructure of industrial cluster 
Infrastructure of Moc Bai border gate economic zone
Infrastructure of Xa Mat border gate economic zone
Project of investing in industrial park
Project of investing in industrial cluster
Project of building wholesale markets (agricultural market of Bau Nang - Duong Minh Chau; seafood market of Ao Ho - Hoa Thanh)
Project of trade and service zone
Project of  factory of producing ethanol fuel
Thermal power plant project
Projects of processing sugar products
Project of processing flour products
Project of manufacturing rubber products
Project of factory of processing export fruit
Project of livestock and meat, milk processing
Project of processing animal feed
Project of southern historical and revolution relic in Boi Loi
Project of historical relic of central committee for southern Vietnam
Project of developing ecotourism of Dau Tieng lake
Project of ecotourism zone of Ma Thien Lanh – Ba Den mountain
Project of developing ecotourism zone in national garden of Lo Go – Xa Mat
Project of constructing high-riseapartment
Project of residential area and resettlement area
Project of vocational training school
Project of private hospital
Project of private university
System of wastewater collection and treatment in towns, townships
Landfilland solid waste treatmentsystem
Solid waste treatment factory
Water supply system in districts



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