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Quang Ninh province 

 Monday, January 25,2021

AsemconnectVietnam - Overall pan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province to 2020, vision to 2030 must be in line with strategy of socio-economic development of the wholly country.

I. Development viewpoints
1. Overall pan on socio-economic development of Quang Ninh province to 2020, vision to 2030 must be in line with strategy of socio-economic development of the wholly country, overall plan on socio-economic development of the Red river delta region and northern key economic region, unifying with plans of sectors. Building Quang Ninh province to become growth pole, a gateway of international economic cooperation, source of supplying raw materials and energy of the country.
2. To develop sustainable socio-economic in accordance with objective of green growth strategy of Vietnam.
Structure of economy gradually shifted from "brown" activities to "green" activities, giving priorities to develop service sector and non-mining industries, at the same time, ensuring coal mining operations cleaner and more sustainable.
3. Socio-economic development mainly bases on internal force combining with external resources to create a breakthrough on basis of promoting effectively comparative advantage, special potential and great opportunities such as natural resources, unique and diversity culture of Quang Ninh province. To focus on development of human resources, especially high-quality human resources to promote application of science and technology to meet development requirements and play as motivation of socio-economic development.
4. Economic development go together with ensuring social security, narrowing wealth and poverty gap, improving people's living standards, ensuring development and social equality among all levels of society, rural and urban areas and among localities in the province.
5. To cooperate and integrate actively in international agenda, seizing favorable conditions and overcome negative impact of international and regional economic trends; ensuring stable, peace, friendship, development and co-operation border with China. Combining closely between socio-economic development with ensuring firmly national defense and security, protecting firmly border sovereign on ground and on sea; holding firmly political stability, social order and safety, contribute to improving Vietnam's position and role in region and around the world.
II. Development objectives
1. Overall objectives
To striving to 2020, to construct province of Quang Ninh become a modern services, industrial province, international tourism center, one of the leading economy of the north and the wholly country with socio-economic infrastructure systems, modern and synchronous urban infrastructure, reducing sustainably poverty, continuously improving material and spirit living of the people; ensuring preservation and protection of environmental sustainability. To preserve and promote well ethnic identity, preserving and promoting sustainably the world heritage - natural wonder of Ha Long Bay and difference and characteristic of Bai Tu Long Bay; to strive to become a solid defensive area of defense and security, maintaining firmly international economic cooperation and competition, political stability, social order and safety.
2. Specific objectives
2.1. Economic
- Average economic growth rate in a period of 2011 - 2020 reaches 12% - 13%/year, out of which, in a period of 2011-2015 posting 9.5% - 10.5%/year; in a period of 2016 - 2020 reaching 14% - 15%/year; in a period of 2020 - 2030 hitting about 6.7%/year.
- Structure of GDP in 2015: services accounts for 45.0% - 45.5%; industry and construction accounts for 49.0% - 49.5%; agriculture accounts for 5.0% - 5.5%. By 2020, services make up 51% - 52%; industry and construction accounts for 45% - 46%; agriculture accounts for 3% - 4%. By 2030, services accounts for approximately 51%; industry and construction makes up for approximately 46%; agriculture accounts for about 3%.
- GDP per capita (current prices) hits USD 3,600-4,000 by 2015, achieving USD 8,000-8,500 USD by 2020 and posting about USD 20,000 by 2030.
- To strive to 2020: total retail sales of goods and services in the province increases from 18-20%/year; export value increases on average by 11-12%/year, import value rises by 10-11%/year; the State budget collection rises on average of over 10%/year.
2.2. On socio-cultural, education and training:
- Rate of natural population growth hits 1.11%/year in a period of 2011-2015 and 0.96%/year in a period of 2016-2020; rate of poverty household (under new national standards) falls to 1.1% /year in a period of 2011-2015 and to 0.7%/year in a period of 2016-2020; urban unemployment rate remains below 4.3%.
- By 2015: rate of trained labor per total labor force reaches 73%; rate of communes having adequate facilities and medical equipment hits 100%; rate of the people having health insurance is over 80%; rate of number of doctor/10,000 person reaches 10.5; rate of university graduated pharmacist / 10,000 person hits 2.2; rate of fully immunized children is over 95%.
- By 2020: rate of trained labor per total labor force reaches 89%; rate of communes having adequate facilities and medical equipment hits 100%, rate of the people having health insurance is over 90%; rate of number of doctor/10,000 person posts 12.0; rate of university graduated pharmacist hits 2.5; rate of fully immunized children is over 98%.
- To mobilize 100% of children 6 years old to go to class 1; 100% of children complete primary education in class 6; rate of school-age child in primary education is 99%, in secondary education 95%; 30% of pupils graduated secondary education school attend vocational training schools; 90% of school-aged youth achieve high school or equivalent; rate of literacy people at age of 15 years old or older reaches 98% and maintain rate of literacy people at age of 15-35 years old is over 99.5%.
- To strive to 100% of preschool teachers and school teacher achieving qualification standards for training, 40% of professional secondary teachers, 70% of college teachers and 100% of lecturers of university directly under provinces reaches master's degree or higher.
Vocational training schools have sufficient capacity to receive 15% of pupils graduated from secondary school in 2015 and 30% in 2020. Quality of comprehensive education will be improved, especially quality of education of culture, ethics, life skills, law, foreign languages ​​and computer skills.
2.3. Environmental protection
- By 2015: to collect 90% of solid waste in urban areas; 100% of industrial parks and coal mines, factories, hospitals and tourism center have system of wastewater collection and treatment hitting standards of environment; forest coverage rate increases by 53.5%; rate of the rural population using hygienic water is over 95%.
- By 2020, over 90% of solid waste will be collected and treated; 100% of operating industrial parks have centralized wastewater treatment systems achieving environmental standards; 100% of new production facilities build waste treatment system posting environmental standards; rate of treated medical solid waste is 100%/year; forest coverage rate increases to 55%; rate of rural population using hygienic water for living is over 98%.
- To apply limit of air and water pollution for residential and tourism area under international standards (European standards).
2.4. New rural construction
The province strives to reach criteria of new countryside by 2015, 60% of communes basically hits standards of new rural communes as prescribed; by 2020, 80% of communes hit new rural standards; the rest communes will reaches new rural standards for criteria of infrastructure development and poverty household rate.
2.5. Security - defense
To build strong defense, guarantee firmly, stable security, political and social order and safety in all situations. To create a visible change of order, social security, urban lifestyle, fighting against crime, social evils. To build Quang Ninh province become firm defensive area of defense and security, international economic competition and cooperation resistance line in a proactive way.
III. Development orientation of sectors
1. Development of trade, service and tourism
- To develop rapidly trade and services, especially tourism to change Quang Ninh province to become gateway of international economic cooperation especially with China, being one of the motive force to promote economic development of the northern provinces and the wholly country.
- Tourism: to develop tourism comprehensively, having a focus, on basis of existing assets such as world heritage of natural and culture wonders of the province; to preserve natural and culture heritages of Quang Ninh province, to promote environmental protection activities, especially in Ha Long bay; relic area in Yen Tu ... Striving to 2020, tourism become one of key sources of economic growth of Quang Ninh province, tourism arrivals coming to Quang Ninh province reach approximately 10.5 million people.
- Trade: trade development bases on taking advantage of existing strengths of the province, creating a positive impact to production operations and provide more services to society; many economic sectors will take part in trade development to promote advantages of each sector and support each other; to develop trade toward urbanization orientation to gradually improve efficiency and competitiveness of trade activity, environment protection and strengthening overall social welfare system.
To focus on developing export activities associating with development of domestic market in rural, urban, mountainous and island areas. To invest in trade infrastructure to enhance competitiveness; to promote development of logistics services; to strive to 2020, transportation and warehousing contributes to 11 - 12% of GDP.
To implement solutions to improve and modernize financial and credit services sector under international level, increasing contribution proportion of financial services sector to GDP to 6-7% by 2020.
2. Development of industry and construction:
- To develop processing industry, manufacturing become key driving force of growth in a coming period; to strive to 2020, average value-added growth rate of processing industries, manufacturing hits 14%/year. To attract foreign investment to industry of assembling and testing electronic equipment, food processing industry at large scale combining with strong development of small and medium-sized enterprises in industry of manufacturing and processing food products.
- To exploit coal sustainably, ensuring coal exploitation operations to be suitable with objectives of tourism development and quality of life. To focus on researching advanced coal exploitation technology to minimize environmental impact, take all maximum natural resources, improve conditions for workers; to focus on solving environmental problem. To strive to hit value added growth rate of coal industry of 3.5%/year in a period to 2015 and 3.1%/year over a period of 2015-2020.
- To make sure to supply electricity sustainably, stably and friendly environment to all households in 2015 to minimize rate of electricity waste. To strive to hit added value growth rate of electricity of 25.3%/year over a period to 2015 and 22.1%/year over a period of 2015-2020.
- To continue to develop sub-sectors such as: mining non-metallic mineral products (construction materials); ceramic and handicraft products, especially to support tourism industry; industries of manufacturing building materials and mechanical engineering. Growth rate of industry of manufacturing building materials hits 10%/year to 2020.
3. Agricultural development
To develop agriculture towards centralized commodity production, diversifying products to support tourism industry through agricultural commodities, food ... diversify structure of rural economy.
- To form step by step high technology agricultural zone to manufacture high quality and competitiveness products. To construct facilities of providing seeds of cultivated crops and domestic animal in order to be proactive in providing good quality seeds, manufacturing high value products. To shift cultivated crop structure towards increasing area of growing trees having high economic value while maintaining a proper ratio of food crops, especially rice, to ensure food security. To strive to 2020, growth rate of cultivated crop sector is around 8%/year, maintaining 20,000-25,000 ha of paddy land (19,000 ha of rice land of two crop), increasing cultivated land area from 70,400 ha to 80,000 ha, standardizing rice cultivating techniques to increase productivity of paddy by 1.3 tons/ha.
- To develop livestock towards industrialization for making animal husbandry (pigs and poultry) become a motive force of growth, getting higher proportion of the agricultural sector. To strive to 2020, developing pig stock of 1.7 million/year on basis of development of general farming in Hai Ha.
- To form two area of forestry production: area of growing trees for material timber which will be used for processing for export, providing wood for coal mining, construction; area of specialty forest trees for export (cinnamon, pine). To strive to 2020, forest area covers about 55% of total area of the province. To combine forest economic growth with objectives of reducing poverty sustainably.
- To develop fisheries comprehensively and sustainably in all areas of fishing, aquaculture and processing, particularly industry of processing high quality products for export. To ensure protection of coastal and waters environment, especially environment for tourism activities. To striving to 2020, output of fish catching increase by 60,000 tons, added value of aquaculture increases 4 times, continuing to develop coastal aquaculture area of approximately 18,400 ha.
4. Culture - society.
4.1. Education and training:
- To prioritize to train high quality human resource, calling for investment in construction of multidisciplinary university of Ha Long to achieving international standards, calling for foreign investment in building international university in Van Don and Mong Cai economic zones to train high quality human resource to serve development requirements of advantage sectors of the local as well as meeting requirement of the neighborhood. To cooperate with domestic and foreign educational and training institutions in priority areas of the province such as green economic development, maritime economic and services in order to improve quality of teachers and curriculum. To promote high technology applications for teaching at all levels of education, discipline, especially self-study and foreign language learning.
- To promote a learning society building, improving quality of continuing education, vocational training to meet requirements of human resources for socio-economic development, implementing vocational training under market demand; to emphasis on vocational training for rural laborers. To continue to support educational development in disadvantaged areas, ethnic minority areas and beneficiary of social welfare to step by step ensure equity in education.
4.2. Health
- To attract economic sectors to invest in healthcare, researching in building hospital of international standard in Ha Long, Van Don and Mong Cai, investing in pharmaceutical manufacturing sector; establishing areas of protecting and producing valuable medicinal plants in Ba Che, Binh Lieu, Dong Trieu, Hoang Bo and national medicinal plant garden in Yen Tu; to construct new specialty hospitals including a geriatric hospital associating with a nursing home in Ha Long, an eye hospital; constructing a new hospital for island communes; to strive to 2015, 100% of communal healthcare stations will be invested facilities and equipment to meet national standards.
- To strengthen international cooperation in the fields of disease prevention, medical examination and drug production to improve quality of health services; close cooperating with international organizations and other relief agencies to improve care outcomes for mothers and children, focusing on primary health care; to continue to research to apply innovative ideas to perform medical services on a large scale at low cost, especially in remote areas.
- To develop preventive health care network and epidemic disease control; strengthening grassroots healthcare, improving quality of service of communal healthcare stations, district health center for better health care of the people especially the poor, ethnic minorities ...
4.3. Culture, sports
- Culture: To study to digitize all valuable documents in library; to strive to complete culture work for development of tourism including: Quang Ninh library - museum, expo and exhibition center and plan exhibitions palace of the province, Ha Long ecological museum, children cultural palace, Ha Long flower park, Bai Tho mountain culture complex...
To boost conservation, exploitation and effective promotion of objects and non-objects culture in the area; to enhance management of the State, creating a healthy cultural environment to serve socio-economic development. To appreciate development of entertainment industry on basis of development of special and typical cultural products, cuisine in order to serve the people, especially tourists.
- Sports: to continue to pay resources on strong sport of the province. To invest in infrastructure, especially for large sports complex with synchronous system of competition and training equipment; to equip basically for difficult districts; to continue to build sports centers in northeastern in Ha Long city, Quang Ninh province to serve demand not only of the province but also northeastern of Vietnam. To develop newly sport competition and training center to accomplish objectives of training high performance sport athletes in the province.
- To strive to stand in the top of 15 provinces in national sports congress; by 2015, 100% of schools in the province will be implemented comprehensive physical education programs.
4.4. Information communication:
- To develop communication infrastructure, ensuring adequate supply of public Internet services, shortening digital gap; enhancing e-government services, establishing "technology center" to provide community internet service with low cost; researching to apply new wireless technologies such as WiMax, space optical communications technology; raising awareness and capacity of local communities in using of Internet.
- To strive to 2014, improving infrastructure and core components of e-government services; building administrative service center of the province and 6 centers at district level for 4 cities of Ha Long, Uong Bi, Cam Pha, Mong Cai, Van Don district and Quang Yen town; after 2014, to strive handle administrative procedure online, gradually improving service standards to level 4.
- To build radio television station of the provinces with modern, synchronous technical equipment and technologies and television tower which is broadcasting production center of the province. In a period from 2015 – 2020, it will gradually digitizes television in the wholly province as plan on national television digitization; building newspaper office in direction of electronic newspaper, technology convergence, integrating multiple forms of media (television, radio, printed newspaper...); to invest in facilities, modern equipment to meet requirements and tasks of  comprehensive renovation of newspapers; strengthening release of print press to difficult areas, remote regions and ethnic minority.
5. Infrastructure development
5.1. Transport infrastructure:
- Roads: Investing in construction of arterial roads to connect interior provinces as well as with other localities and in the wholly country and foreign countries in accordance with ability of balancing resources in each stage, including: road connecting Ha Long city with highway of Hanoi - Hai Phong (also known as road of Ha Long - Hai Phong); highway of Ha Long - Van Don - Mong Cai; upgrading highway No.18; constructing highway of Noi Bai - Ha Long; upgrading national road No.4B, constructing bridge of Van Tien to connect Van Don with Tien Yen, provinces of Lang Son, Cao Bang and Yunnan - China.
To complete road from Viet Hung industrial park to Cai Lan port; upgrading provincial road network to develop comprehensively system of public transport. Out of which, focusing on and giving priority to develop road of connecting Hon Gai, Bai Chay and Tuan Chau; road linking Ha Long with Yen Tu, Cua Ong - Cam Pha and extend to Dong Trieu to become "historic road" in order to exploit historic system of Tran Dynasty.
- Railways: During a period to 2020, giving priority to invest in railway of Ha Noi - Cai Lan, preparing conditions for building Ha Long - Mong Cai, Uong Bi - Lach Huyen and Lang Son – Mui Chua in a period to 2030.
- Port: to speed up development of services at port of Cai Lan as well as managing impact on environment, improving efficiency operation of existing port and research to expand and develop to 2020 in accordance with actual requirements; researching and assessing schemes of transferring Cam Pha port to integrated port to take advantage of excess capacity (by adjusted coal export operations), researching to develop a deep water port in region of Hon Net, Con Ong; developing Tien Phong port to connect and exploit efficiently Lach Huyen port - Hai Phong and serve Dam Nha Mac industrial park as well as taking advantage of opportunities of trade and service operations of Lach Huyen – Tien Phong seaport complex; developing Hai Ha port when meeting conditions of market, scale of production and trade connection; developing Hon Gai port to become international tourism port.
- To invest in construction of Van Don airport in next time as planned and continue to expand by 2030.
5.2. Infrastructure of electricity supply
- To ensure continuously electricity supply, stabilizes strategic areas, including industrial parks and major tourism destination. To upgrade ability of accessing national grid for almost areas of the province in order to improve public services, improving living standards for people in rural areas. To implement stage 2 of national grid development plan with 55 projects of supplying electricity for villages; to continue to implement plans of expanding national grid which is being implemented rural villages on islands of Van Don and Hai Ha.
5.3. Infrastructure of water supply:
- To give priority to invest in water supply projects for area: eastern of city of Ha Long; Cam Pha city, western of Ha Long - Hoang Bo - Uong Bi; Dong Trieu - Mao Khe; Mong Cai and supplying water for economic zones and industrial parks in the province, especially in industrial zone of Hai Ha seaport, service industrial park of Dam Nha Mac.
- To research to plan following projects of water supply to meet increasing demand for water: project of water supply factory near Thai Binh river; Project of water supply factory and lake in eastern of Ha Long City, Cam Pha, Cua Ong, Mong Duong and Van Don; Project of water supply factory in Hai Ha, Mong Cai and Tra Co; project of Luong Dam dam to increase current capacity of existing water factory of Hoanh Bo; project of water supply factory of Quang Yen in Minh Thanh ward; project of water supply factory of Ha Nam island serving water demand for 8 island communes and general service – tourism industrial park of Dam Nha Mac, trade service zone of Tien Phong port.
6. Development of industrial parks and economic zones
6.1. Industrial park:
To focus and prioritize resource to develop 6 following industrial parks to ensure developing these industrial parks to become production centers.
- Cai Lan industrial park: to maintain 100 % of area of the industrial park will be for rent, regularly upgrading infrastructure to ensure secondary investors continuing to hire and invest in the industrial park.
- Viet Hung industrial park: to build this industrial park become specialized clean industrial park with synchronously developed socio technical infrastructure and housing; to focus on development of groundbreaking industry such as manufacturing service and electronics assembly sector, manufacturing and processing food  and beverages to attract domestic and foreign large manufacturing and processing groups; at the same time, ensuring completion of road connecting to Cai Lan port to increase competitiveness.
- Hoanh Bo industrial park: to continue to attract potential investors to develop infrastructure of the industrial park.
- Industrial park of Dam Nha Mac: develop the industrial park to provide logistics and transport for expected demand of Tien Phong – Lach Huyen port complex and Dinh Vu industrial park in Hai Phong as well as contributing to efficient exploitation of highway of Hanoi - Hai Phong - Ha Long.
- Hai Yen industrial park: to boost attraction of secondary investors, especially in advantage field such as apparel and textile manufacturing.
- Hai Ha seaport industrial park: to develop to meet demand of investors in heavy industry and high technology production.
- The remaining industrial parks will be developed under timetable and practical roadmap to meet demand of socio-economic development of the province.
6.2. Development of economic zones:
- Mong Cai border gate economic zone: to develop to become gateway economic zone between China - ASEAN for activities of trade, tourism and manufacturing.
- Van Don economic zone: to build and develop to become special economic zones with suitable administrative organization; being a dynamically developing, civilized and modern area; a center of entertainment industry with casino, high class marine and island tourism, senior general services of finance, banking and telecommunications; being an international trade gateway, creating overlapping interests that contribute to ensure firm national defense and security, to maintain independence, sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity.
7. Environmental protection
7.1. To strive for successful implementation of objectives of national green growth strategy on reducing emissions of greenhouse gases and increase use of clean and green energy. To implement strategy of "clean industrialization" through reviewing and adjusting current industry plan, using efficiently natural resources.
- To restructure economy towards promoting transformation of economic activity in direction from "brown" to "green" and mitigating impact on environment.
-  To strengthen prevention of pollution, in short time, focusing on reducing pollution of air, water and land without decreasing industrial output, investing in development of automatic monitoring system to improve monitoring and assessment of data and having corrective measures when necessary. By 2015, ensuring that they meet current standards of Vietnam on air quality and water quality.
- To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increasing corrective measures, to cope with situation of climate change and sea level rise.
- To change irrigation method in combination with effective system of water distribution to ensure minimizing water losses in distribution process; adjusting farming methods to achieve efficient of water use in agriculture; applying measures to improve quality and efficiency of water supply and industrial activities to reduce pressures on water using demand and protection of water environment.
7.2. Conservation of biodiversity: to implement all contents of action plan of biodiversity which has been approved;
7.3. Cross-border environmental protection
- To invest in building capacity of institution, capacity, policy and advanced equipment in warning and controlling environmental pollution across borders. To focus on measures to prevent illegal transport of waste, illegal import of alien species; to strictly implement international conventions which Vietnam is a member.
- To strengthen monitoring with high technology, evaluate problem of transboundary environmental pollution in coastal estuarine areas bordering China.
- To develop database of cross-border environment.
- To develop agreements of cooperation and exchange of science, technology on border environmental issues on with China. To cooperate with countries in region and the world, international organizations in prevention and control of environmental pollution, nature conservation and biodiversity, adaptation to climate change.
8. Combining socio-economic development with ensuring security and defense
To construct Quang Ninh province to become firm defense area of northeastern homeland on defense, security and defense lines of international economic competition and cooperation. To continue to strengthen national defense, maintaining national security, social order and safety, building national defense, people’s firm security posture in accordance with characteristics of local realities. Socio-economic development must go together with strengthening national defense and security, incorporating closely between economic development with ensuring security and defense in each strategy, plans, socio-economic development policy of the province.
IV. Organizing socio-economic space
To organize territory space of Quang Ninh province in a direction of "one center, two multi-dimensional lines and two breakthrough arrows" in order to ensure target of linkage and synchronous to promote advantage of each locality in the province as well as advantage of the wholly province in Red river delta region and the northern key economic zone. According to this orientation, Ha Long is center, two multi-dimensional line are the western corridor route and the eastern corridor route, two breakthrough arrows are two economic zones of Van Don and Mong Cai.
1. Centre region (Ha Long city):
To develop Ha Long city become a center of economy, culture, politics of the province to be a domestic and international major tourism center of the country in future; to become a modern urban city in economic region of  gulf of Tonkin. Development of Ha Long city associates closely with conservation, restoration and promotion of cultural values ​​of Ha Long bay, Bai Tu Long bay. Space of Ha Long city will be expanded to the west and the north. In the western region, it will focuses on Bai Chay zone to develop tourism; in eastern region, Hon Gai region will be a administrative and trade center.
2. Western corridor route: to develop urban chain along routes from Ha Long to Ha Noi, Hai Phong; to develop green industries and spiritual tourism basing on historical and cultural traditions and history of the region under following orientation:
- To develop industries of coal mining and electricity production towards green, clean production in order to ensure sustainable development and environmental protection; developing of supporting industries of coal mining such as engineering, transport mean repairing.
- To diversify construction materials industry in Dong Trieu district to produce competitive valuable products such as tiles, building glass; developing cultural and history tourism in districts of Uong Bi, Quang Yen and Dong Trieu.
- To develop industrial cluster in district of Quang Yen, focusing on sshipbuilding and ship repairing, trade and warehousing service as well as seafood processing associating with aquaculture activities in the locality. To research to build "smart city" in Quang Yen district including functional areas: urban zone, high-tech and friendly environment industrial park, free trade zones, units of researching and developing products with high added value, ... being implemented according to schedule of developing modern industrial park - intelligent urban areas.
- To develop forestry economic in district of Hoang Bo and Ba Che combining with eco-tourism and community tourism, exploiting forest environment, ethnic cultural identity and advantage of nearing tourism centers of Ha Long and Van Don. To form areas of food supply in Hoang Bo district, involving in supply chain of high class vegetables, flowers and kinds of livestock. Researching to move industrial activities from Ha Long and Cam Pha to Hoang Bo and Ba Che to create more space for urban development in Ha Long city and Cam Pha city.
3. Eastern corridor route: focusing on developing two economic zones in Van Don and Mong Cai under following orientation:
3.1. Van Don economic zone:
- Services and tourism: to develop high class sea-island tourism associating with advanced, modern entertainment industry, casino to facilitate and promote development of other industry and services such as procurement, fashion, art performing, film studio, arts, sports and other special modern entertainment areas; to develop yacht centre and tourism seaport services. To develop high quality health and education services, senior services center of finance, banking, information technology services and international media.
- Industry: to develop green, clean and high tech industry (biotechnology, information technology, communications, electronics ...) aiming at serving development of tourism and entertainment industry and export.
- Agriculture: To develop ecological agriculture, high technology agriculture toward meeting demand of tourism service; promoting aquaculture and developing forest resources sustainably and associating with tourism; constructing and developing appropriate fishing fleet, combining economic development with national defense, security and protection of maritime sovereignty.
3.2. Border gate economic zone of Mong Cai
- Tourism services: to develop tourism services to serve tourists cross border with China, such as entertainment area, dining, shopping center ...; to invest in tourism destinations to meet demand of family to attract Chinese tourists from region nearing the border.
- Trade and service: to develop toward service of transportation and logistics to strive to become a center of trade between ASEAN and China.
- Industry and production: to give priority to attract large-scale investment in textile fashion industry to fill Hai Yen industrial park; to research and develop pig farming and pig meat processing zone at large-scale.
3.3. Other districts:
- To collaborate with Vietnam coal and mineral industry group to implement solutions to minimize environmental impact of mining industry, ensuring sustainable development.
- To develop sustainably forestry, wood processing by method of creating added value, converting low value short-term plants to perennial crops with higher value; to research plan of switching to produce high-value goods such as home appliances production from forest raw materials for export and for tourists.
- Agriculture: to apply modern cultivation techniques in agricultural production; producing specialty and organic products having certification, branding; to develop crop and livestock associating with production and processing in centralized, large-scale direction in Hai Ha.
- Tourism trade and services: to develop cross-border trade activities, especially for consumption goods and agricultural products in border gate area of Binh Lieu and Hai Ha; to develop eco-tourism and community tourism in Binh Lieu basing on exploiting unique landscape of Binh Lieu with a temperate climate, hilly forest terrain for developing many kinds of special tourism and resort products; to consider development of cultural tourism forms with folk tunes and traditional festivals.
- To develop sustainably marine economy, focusing on island and waters of the province, especially in island district of Co To with following key sectors: high quality, off-shore fishing; logistics, fuel and food supply, exploiting islands and pristine waters for tourism development, high-end resorts.
4. Development of urban area network:
- In a period from now to 2015: to upgrade Mong Cai city to urban area class II; to develop, expand and connect Mao Khe and Dong Trieu urban area of Dong Trieu district to reach urban  standard of class IV; to upgrade Tien Yen town (Tien Yen district) to urban area of class IV, building Tien Yen to become urban centers of subregion with synthesis function; linking with and supporting regional centers and become cross-border commodity transshipment area, logistics for Mong Cai and Van Don economic zone.
- In a period to 2020: to upgrade Cam Pha city to urban area class II; township of Troi (Hoang Bo district), Co To (Co To district) will be upgraded to urban area class IV.
To research to upgraded township of Quang Ha (Ha Hai), town of Dam Ha, Binh Lieu to urban area class IV, Quang Yen town to urban area class III, establishing new urban area of Hoanh Mo (Binh Lieu district) when meeting prescribed conditions.
V. Organizing and supervising implementation of plan
1. After overall plan on socio-economic development of the province to 2020, vision to 2030 being approved, the province needs to publicize and disseminate to all levels of the Party committees and local governments, agencies, unions, enterprises and people in the province. Basing on contents of plan, the province build specific action plan for implementation and monitoring and inspecting results.
2. To concretize objectives of plan in five year plans, annual plans to implement and evaluating achieved results. On that basis, it shall review the plan and submits to competent authorities to adjust, supplement timely to ensure consistent with socio-economic development of the province in each period. Studying and implementing development plans of sectors, localities and detailed plans, building plans for implementation of the plan achieving high efficiency and results. All levels, sectors, localities, socio-political organizations and the people are responsible for supervising implementation of the plan.
3. Activity of organizing implementation of the plan should be modified to suit requirements of the practice and international standards. Arranging dedicated leadership, qualified staff with strong and independence management mechanism to implement successfully transformation of Quang Ninh province.
4. Overall plan on socio - economic development of Quang Ninh province to 2020 and vision to 2030 is a basic orientation for elaborating, submitting for approval and implementing specialized plans (construction plan, land use plans and other specialized plans), investment projects in the province as prescribed.
5. To assign People's Committee of Quang Ninh province basing on objectives, tasks and orientation of socio-economic development of the province in this plan and coordinate with related ministries and agencies to direct building, submitting for approval and implementation as the following:
- To build socio-economic development plan of districts, towns and development plan of system of urban areas and residential areas, general construction plan, land using plan, development plans of sector in the province to ensure comprehensive and synchronous development.
- To study to build, issue or submit to the State competent agencies for promulgating (if overcoming their competence) several mechanisms and policies to match requirements of socio-economic development of the province and law of the State in each period in order to attract and mobilize resources for implementation of the plan.
- To establish long-term, medium term, short term plan, key development programs, specific and prioritized projects to have plan to arrange suitable investment.
6. Assigning related ministries and agencies within their functions, tasks and powers to be responsible for:
- To guide and assist People's Committee of Quang Ninh province in process of implementation of the plan.
- To coordinate with Quang Ninh province in process of reviewing, adjusting, supplementing plans of sectors to ensure uniformity, consistency of the plan; in studying to build and submit the State competent agencies to promulgate several mechanisms and policies to match requirements of socio-economic development in each stage; in supporting the province to raise foreign and domestic investment resource to implement overall plan. To accelerate investment, implementation of approved projects at regional scale and plays an important role of motive force for development of Quang Ninh province.


                 List of projects given priority to invest in Quang Ninh province in a period of 2014 - 2030
(promulgated together with the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 2622/QĐ-TTg dated April 31, 2014)
                                                     Title of projects
 Projects of the province invested by the central government
 Noi Bai – Ha Long highway
 Ha Long - Van Don - Mong Cai highway
 Railway of Yen Vien - Pha Lai - Ha Long - Cai Lan
 Expanding national road No.4B
 Van Tien bridge
 Airport of Van Don
 System of seaport of Tien Phong, Cai Lan, Hai Ha, Hon Gai
Building border river and stream embankment; system of sea dyke; water reservoirs in island communes
 Infrastructure of border gate economic zone; coastal economic zone
 Sport center of northeastern region in Ha Long city
 Clearing the ground for project of Hai Phong – Ha Long highway
 Projects managed by the province
 Roads connecting highway with centers of districts, towns and cities
 Roads connecting highway with economic zones, industrial parks and seaport system
 Building interdistrict roads; system of river ports and wharf in coastal communes
 ODA projects on environment, agriculture, forestry and fisheries development; healthcare, education and environment
 Building international hospitals in Ha Long, Van Don, Mong Cai; upgrading provincial general hospital, provincial specialty hospitals, hospital of districts and constructing, upgrading healthcare facilities in communes, wards.
 Projects: Ha Long university and other universities under international standard, colleges, vocational training schools in the province
 Projects on sport, culture fields such as museum, library, urban planning exhibition hall, sport center of the province
 Projects of system of irrigational canals, lakes and dams
 System of water supply and drainage in urban and economic zones
 Projects of clearing ground for industrial parks, economic zones and system of highway
 Projects in program of constructing new countryside of the province
 Projects calling for investment
 Ha Long - Hai Phong highway
 Upgrading national road No.18 from Dong Trieu to Cam Pha city (the rest sections)
 Road connecting Viet Hung industrial park with Cai Lan seaport
 Expanding Cai Lan seaport        
 Non-tariff zone, clean industrial park in Van Don economic zone
 Investing in infrastructure of industrial parks of Viet Hung, Hai Ha, Quan Trieu, Mac dynasty lagoon
 Investing in building golf course, five stars hotels, luxury resorts in Van Don, Ha Long, Mong Cai, Co To.
 Building system of 4-5 stars hotels under international standard (7,500 rooms) and projects of overnight boats in Ha Long bay (2,500 rooms)
 High-class complex tourism service zone, including casino
 Building coastal walking zone in Bai Chay
 Project of developing tourism products: raising experience at fishing villages in Ha Long bay
 Project of building self-contained luxury tourism zones in Bai Tu Long bay (yatch, stone mountain climbing, resort, conference, seminar...)
 Restoring closed coal mines to become attractive tourism destinations (coal industry museum, botanical garden or lakes)
 Resorts and family entertainment system
 Establishing schools of training hotel, restaurant profession
 Building projects of developing fashion stage, art performance stage in Ha Long bay and Bai Tu Long bay
 Building factories of collecting/treating wastewater, waste, solid waste in localities
 Building system of environment monitoring
 Building system of wastewater, waste collection and treatment in coal mines
 Projects of wastewater, waste treatment in urban zones, industrial parks and economic zones
 Projects of improving and restoring environment in dumping ground and coal mines
 Projects of environmental pollution treatment in Ha Long bay
 Building large scale trade centers in cities and towns
 Building a trade zone in Mong Cai including a international trade center
 Processing, manufacturing industries
 Investing in infrastructure of industrial parks of Viet Hung, Hoanh Bo, Hai Yen, Cai Lan, Mac dynasty lagoon and industrial park of Hai Ha seaport.
 Manufacturing, assembling and testing electronic equipments
 Building foodstuff processing factories producing canned seafood, canned pork …associating with breeding farms at industrial scale 
 Projects of developing supporting industry
 Project of developing export pig breeding farms at industrial scale and concentrated poultry breeding farms
 Projects of transferring land use goal to grow types of agricultural trees associating with product processing.
 Project of growing forestry trees having high added value
 Project of expanding area of aquaculture breeding, applying advanced science technology into production to ensure material supply for processing factories, meeting requirements of sustainable development.
 Building high technology agricultural projects in Dong Trieu, Quang Yen, Dam Ha, Hai Ha.
 Building a center of producing and supplying high quality aquaculture variety in Dam Ha
 Building factories of producing and manufacturing wood products
 Education, training and healthcare
 Building international education and training facilities in the province
 Building private hospital (under international standard) in Ha Long city, Mong Cai town and Van Don.


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