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In the first 2 months of 2024, Vietnamese durian overtook Thailand's position in Chinese market 

 Monday, April 15,2024

AsemconnectVietnam - With export turnover in the first 2 months of 2024 reaching 161 million USD, Vietnamese durian has usurped Thailand's position in Chinese market.

China increases imports of Vietnamese durian
According to data from Chinese Customs Authority, in the first 2 months of 2024, China imported 53,110 tonnes of fresh durian worth 283.6 million USD, an increase of 0.4% in volume but a decrease of 0.9% in value compared to the same period last year.
Vietnam has surpassed Thailand to rise to number one position in durian exports to China with a volume of 32,750 tonnes, worth 161 million USD, an increase of 2.4 times in both volume and value compared to the same period last year.
Vietnam's durian market share in China calculated by turnover has increased to 57% from 32% in 2023.
Meanwhile, Thailand dropped to second place as a durian supplier to China with a volume of 19,016 tonnes, worth 120.3 million USD, down 50.3% in volume and 45.2% in value compared to the same period.
In addition to the two sources mentioned above, China also imports durian from the Philippines but the market share is quite small, only about 1% (2.2 million USD).
In the first 2 months of this year, Vietnam's durian export price to China reached an average of 4,916 USD/tonne, lower than Thailand's price of 6,133 USD/tonne but higher than 3,075 USD/tonne of Philippines.
Previously, according to data announced by Plant Protection Department (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development), by the end of February 2024, Vietnam had exported more than 41,000 tonnes of durian to markets, this number approximately equal durian export output in 2022.
Vietnamese durian has also affirmed product quality. Although it has only been exported since September 2022, Vietnamese durian has also captured 31.8% of the market share in the Chinese market and is second only to Thailand (accounting for 68% of the market share).
It is considered to have advantage of abundant output, scattered harvest all year round, especially when in season, not competing with Thai durian. In addition, an advantage of durian when exported to China is fast shipping time and competitive price. These are the factors that have helped Vietnamese durian make great progress in Chinese market after less than 2 years of opening in this market.
Improving quality, Vietnamese durian will dominate Chinese market
Although there are many positive signs, for durian exports to grow sustainably, quality issues are still a factor to pay attention to in the coming time.
Recently, Animal and Plant Quarantine Department (General Administration of Customs of China) has warned that 30 shipments of Vietnamese durian exported to China were contaminated with heavy metal cadmium exceeding the limit of China's food safety regulations.
Mr. Nguyen Quang Hieu - Head of International Cooperation and Communications Department - Plant Protection Department (Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) - said that number of durians found to be contaminated with cadmium may have come from growing stage. Cadima is a substance often found in chemical fertilizers and exists in fertilizers containing phosphorus, Cu and Zn or is available in the mineral composition or is added as a source of micronutrients for plants and pets.
In addition, during preliminary processing and post-harvest cleaning, enterprises may use wash water contaminated with cadmium or use chemicals containing cadmium. Currently, Department requests localities to determine the specific cause, what kind of fertilizer or pesticide this substance is in, to immediately reduce its use.
“30 detected shipments of durian were not discovered by China at the same time and immediately announced but this is aggregate data reported by China since Vietnam exported the first batch of durian to Vietnam this market (September 17, 2022)", Mr. Nguyen Quang Hieu shared and said that although this announcement has not had any impact on exports. However, these are warnings for Vietnamese side to proactively control. Actively find cause and make adjustments to avoid repetition in the future.
To ensure reputation, Plant Protection Department requests enterprises with violating shipments to recall and handle violating shipments and at the same time review all records and production, collection and export processes, investigate, remedy and apply preventive measures to avoid reoccurrence of violations.
Before determining cause of each case to make recommendations, in general, Plant Protection Department recommends that production units adjust input materials and use chemicals with low cadmium content; Adjust some farming methods to reduce cadmium absorption;... And the important issue, according to Mr. Hieu, is that before exporting, it is necessary to check quality, including cadmium content, thereby minimizing risks before exporting.
Up to now, General Administration of Customs of China (GACC) has approved codes for Vietnam of 708 durian growing areas and 168 durian packaging facilities. Dr. Ngo Xuan Nam - Deputy Director of Vietnam SPS Office, informed: in addition to general requirements for growing areas; General requirements for packaging facilities;... durian harvesting also needs to meet requirements.
Mr. Ngo Xuan Nam recommends that during packaging process, fruit peels must be selected, classified and cleaned to remove diseased, rotten or deformed fruit, leaves, stems, plant residue and soil. Brush or clean fruit surface with a high-pressure gun or other effective method to remove eggs and fungal spores. If necessary, fruit surface can be wiped with a soft, clean cotton cloth, especially fruit stem and other parts.
Also according to Mr. Ngo Xuan Nam, packaging must be clean, hygienic, unused and comply with relevant Chinese plant quarantine requirements. Packaging must comply with international standard on phytosanitary measures No.15 (ISPM15). Each packing box and pallet must be labeled in Chinese or English with the words “Exported to the People's Republic of China (输往中华人民共和国)”.
“Durian fruit must be stored in warehouses with the same plant quarantine conditions, separated from other fruits to prevent pest infection, stored at an average temperature of 15 degrees Celsius. Before stacking goods, must check cleanliness of containers containing durian exported to China. Containers must be customs sealed and ensure the seal is intact when arriving at the Chinese import port", Mr. Ngo Xuan Nam informed.
Regarding food safety regulations, Mr. Ngo Xuan Nam said, regulations on banned chemicals are posted on Regarding regulations on Maximum Residue Limits (MRL) posted on
Regarding China's pest control, China's plant quarantine subjects include nearly 500 species of plant pests. Common harmful organisms, often associated with Vietnam's exported fresh fruits but subject to Chinese plant quarantine: 5 species of aphids (Dysmicoccus neobrevipes; Planococcus minor; Pseudococcus jackbeardsleyi; Planococus lilacinus; Exallomochlus hispidus), fruit flies (Bactrocera spp).
Plant Protection Department said that in the coming time, successful opening of frozen durian products to Chinese market will create an important step forward for Vietnamese durian industry.
Therefore, if you make good use of opportunities and advantages and organize professional production, while constantly improving techniques and improving quality, Vietnam's durian industry will not need to worry about its position market share that can surpass Thailand's durian, dominating Chinese market.

L. Giang
Source: Vitic/


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