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SSI estimates pre-tax profit more than VND2,700 billion in 2023 

 Saturday, January 27,2024

AsemconnectVietnam - According to SSI's 2023 separate financial report, in 2023, the Company's total revenue will reach VND6,984 billion and profit before tax (PBT) reach VND2,705 billion, an increase of 12% and 35% respectively compared to 2022.

Regarding the consolidated results, SSI said, total revenue for the whole year 2023 is estimated to reach VND7,285 billion, an increase of 11.8% compared to 2022, completing 105% of the plan, profit before tax will reach VND2,848 billion, an increase of 35% over the same period. and completed 112% of the plan approved by the General Meeting of Shareholders.
In the fourth quarter of 2024 alone, SSI recorded total revenue and profit before tax reaching VND2,022.6 and VND615.9 billion, up 48% and 151% respectively over the same period.
In the revenue structure, the Securities Services segment (including revenue from brokerage, consulting, custody and margin lending) reached VND826.6 billion, an increase of 22% over the same period. Cumulatively for the whole year 2023, the Securities Services segment recorded VND3,134.8 billion in revenue. Of which, the brokerage, depository, investment consulting and other segments reached VND387 billion (accumulated in 2023 reached VND1,566.3 billion) and the margin lending and advance sales segment reached VND439 billion (accumulated 2023 reaches VND1,568.4 billion).
SSI's margin loan balance reached VND14,672 billion, an increase of 35% compared to the end of 2022. SSI's market share of stock brokerage, fund certificates and guaranteed warrants at the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange. HCM in the fourth quarter continued to remain in the top 2 markets with 9.78%. For the whole year 2023, SSI's market share reaches 10.44%, an increase of 0.6% compared to 2022.
Revenue from Investment activities reached VND1,000 billion, up 97% over the same period and contributing 49% to total operating revenue. Cumulatively in 2023, the Investment segment recorded VND3,128.1 billion in revenue, an increase of 58% compared to 2022. The Investment segment had positive results thanks to the majority contribution from valuable paper investments and portfolios. Bonds invested by SSI ensure timely payment of principal and interest.
Revenue from Capital & Financial Business recorded nearly VND180 billion, up 7% over the same period and accounting for 9% of total revenue. Cumulatively in 2023, this segment will record 669.8 billion in revenue, an increase of 6% compared to 2022. This is a traditional business segment based on the scale of total assets, relationships with financial institutions and the interest rate environment from time to time.
Investment Banking and other services segment, recorded revenue of VND16 billion. Cumulatively in 2023, this segment will record VND52 billion in revenue. SSI has signed issuance consulting contracts for a number of large enterprises. It is expected that investment banking activities will boom in 2024 when the capital mobilization and mergers and acquisitions market becomes vibrant again.
Source: VITIC/Tinnhanhchungkhoan


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