Thursday, July 4,2024 - 10:21 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

BSR produced 6.7 million tons of products in 11 months 

 Friday, December 15,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - According to Mr. Bui Ngoc Duong, General Director of Binh Son Refining and Petrochemical Joint Stock Company (BSR), up to now, BSR has achieved and exceeded all planned targets for production and business in 2023.

It is estimated that by the end of November 2023, the Company will produce about 6.7 million tons of products, reaching 131% of the yearly plan; Total revenue is estimated at VND133.4 trillion, payment to the state budget is estimated at VND15,163 billion.
Mr. Duong sees the remaining time of 2023 as extremely challenging in maintaining the achieved production and business results when oil prices and crack margin have tended to decrease recently; plus the development of bad weather at the end of the year affecting the import of crude oil, affecting the operating capacity of the plant; The plant is at the end of its general maintenance cycle. However, with internal resources and many effective solutions, BSR aims to operate Dung Quat Oil Refinery safely, stably, and with flexible capacity to preserve the achieved production and business results.
In 2024, BSR focuses on operating Dung Quat Refinery safely, stably, continuously and optimizing capacity, product structure in accordance with demand and market situation, while maximizing production and business efficiency.
In addition, BSR Company also focuses resources to carry out the 5th Total Maintenance (TA5) to ensure safety, quality, optimal cost and progress compared to the approved plan (striving to shorten the overall Maintenance implementation time compared to the approved schedule to increase the Plant's operating efficiency, creating the highest efficiency). Maximize autonomy along with optimizing human resources of BSR/industry/domestic units for the process of performing maintenance and repair work to reduce costs.
BSR continues to promote the implementation of the factory expansion project, listing BSR shares on the Ho Chi Minh City Stock Exchange when eligible.
Source: VITIC/Tinnhanhchungkhoan


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