Sunday, July 28,2024 - 19:36 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

China imported nearly 31 billion USD worth of Vietnamese goods 

 Thursday, August 24,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - In the first 7 months of 2023, China spent 30.8 billion USD to import many kinds of goods from Vietnam, of which vegetables and fruits were 2 billion USD, up 128% over the same period.

According to statistics of the General Department of Customs, the export turnover of Vietnamese goods to the Chinese market in July 2023 reached more than 4.56 billion USD, down 18.4% compared to the previous month.
In the first 7 months of 2023, goods exports to this market reached 30.8 billion USD, up 2.4% over the same period last year.
China is also a rare large market with positive growth in exports in the past 7 months of our country.
In the first 7 months of 2023, the group of computers, electronic products and components reached US$7.5 billion, up 13.6%, accounting for 24.4% of the export proportion. Next is the group of phones and components with more than 7.1 billion USD, accounting for 23.3% of the export proportion, footwear 1.02 billion USD, up more than 10%...
Groups of products with high export turnover in the first 7 months of 2023 compared to the same period last year: Fruits and vegetables increased by 128.5%; rice by 70.3%; cashew nuts up 33.3%; paper and paper products by 100.1%; gasoline by 48%; coal of all kinds increased by 159.3%.
Some groups of goods decreased, including: Machinery, equipment and spare parts down 5.7%, photographic garments, camcorders down 17%, wood and wood products down 25%, aquatic products down 19.3%, and goods down 19.3%. textile and garment down 7.17%....
China is the main consumption market of many export industries of our country. Therefore, the reopening of the market by China from the beginning of 2023 brings great expectations for businesses and industries, especially vegetables, seafood, fiber, cement, rubber, steel, and textiles. garment, rice…
China is our country's largest trading partner, in terms of exports, China is the second largest market, only after the US, in the opposite direction, Vietnam is always a deficit country of China.
Last year, Vietnam's import and export with China reached 175.6 billion USD, up 5.5% compared to 2021. In which, Vietnam's exports to China reached 57.7 billion USD, up 3. 2% compared to 2021, accounting for 15.5% of Vietnam's total export turnover.
Vietnam's imports from China reached 117.9 billion USD, up 6.6%, accounting for 32.8% of Vietnam's total import turnover. Trade deficit from China is 60.2 billion USD, up 10.2% compared to 2021.
Comments on exports in the remaining months. The Asia-Africa Market Department (Ministry of Industry and Trade) said that the customs clearance of goods at the Vietnam - China border gates continues to be stable, the clearance efficiency is improved, along with the consumer demand. consumption of this market will continue to increase in the last season of the year, these factors will have a positive impact on export activities.
Source: VITIC/


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