Tuesday, April 1,2025 - 6:36 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Plan on improving quality of human resources to 2025 and orientation to 2030 

 Tuesday, February 28,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Implement synchronously, timely and effectively tasks and solutions to improve quality of human resources of the province; ensure sufficient quantity and quality of human resources with competence, professional qualifications, professional skills, physical strength, good moral qualities, professional and modern manners in order to form a sufficient number of human resources, quality, reasonable in structure, suitable to needs of employers, keeping up with requirements of industrial revolution 4.0, digital transformation and integration.

Plan on improving quality of human resources to 2025 and orientation to 2030
I. Purpose, requirements
Implement synchronously, timely and effectively tasks and solutions to improve quality of human resources of the province; ensure sufficient quantity and quality of human resources with competence, professional qualifications, professional skills, physical strength, good moral qualities, professional and modern manners in order to form a sufficient number of human resources, quality, reasonable in structure, suitable to needs of employers, keeping up with requirements of industrial revolution 4.0, digital transformation and integration.
Focus on training and fostering human resources to serve industries and fields that have strengths and play a decisive role, creating breakthroughs for rapid and sustainable economic development.
Concentrate on building a contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees; especially, team of leaders and managers at all levels have political bravery, exemplary morals and lifestyles; Professionalism, dynamism and creativity to meet goals of socio-economic development, national defense and security assurance, Party building and a clean and strong political system.
II. Objectives, tasks, solutions
1. Objectives
- Rate of trained workers will reach 65% or more by 2025, 70% by 2030; in which, having degrees and certificates achieved 27% or more.
- Having at least 15 university doctors and pharmacists/10,000 people; maintaining 100% of health stations with from 01 to 02 doctors working regularly.
- 100% of teachers of preschool and general education levels meet prescribed standards. 100% of lecturers at colleges have professional qualifications according to Law on Vocational Education, 100% of lecturers who are planning principals have master's degrees or higher, of which 50% have doctoral degrees.
- 100% of cadres, civil servants and public employees from district level and above are trained and retrained to meet standards according to job position.
- 100% of leaders and managers under management of Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee are trained and fostered to meet standards of cadres titles as prescribed.
- 100% of leaders and managers belong to standing committees at district level and equivalent; Party committees, party cadres, leaders of agencies and management units meet title criteria as prescribed.
- Commune-level cadres and civil servants: 90% or more have university degrees, 100% have intermediate degrees in political theory, 80% or more receive professional training and proficient use of office computing; for titles of Secretary, Deputy Secretary, President, Vice President of People's Council, People's Committee must have a university degree.
2. Mission
a) Strengthen propaganda, make a strong change in awareness of all levels, sectors and whole society on human resource development.
- Deeply grasp, create high unity in awareness of role and importance of human resource development; at same time, lead and direct organization to effectively improve quality of human resources; consider this an important and regular task, a premise to promote socio-economic development of the province.
- Propaganda and career orientation for people, focusing on pupils and students; affirming that training and retraining to have professional knowledge and skills suitable to needs of labor market is an opportunity to get a job and increase income.
b) Improve quality of education and training
- Focus on synchronous and effective implementation of solutions to improve quality of education and training; overcome disparity in education quality between urban and rural areas; fundamentally solve situation of partial redundancy and shortage of teachers and quality between subjects.
- To step up socialization of education and training, to encourage development of non-public schools (especially preschool and primary schools), to build a system of high-quality schools at all educational levels; encourage enterprises to invest in field of education and training.
- Strengthening cooperation and linkage between locality and universities, academies and training institutions with domestic and foreign capacity and prestige in training, scientific research, technology transfer under programs and projects in which the province has strengths.
c) Improve quality of population health and human resources
- Concentrate on consolidating and developing health network, especially preventive medicine from province to grassroots; strengthening people's health care with a quality health system, creating conditions for people to access high-quality technical services.
- Effectively implement targeted programs on health, repelling infectious diseases; improve capacity of forecasting, detecting and preventing and fighting epidemics; build and develop model of family doctor and mobile medical team model.
- Expand and improve quality of satellite hospital model, apply information technology in medical examination, treatment and health care; strengthen prevention of child malnutrition, take care of school health for students to have good health in adulthood, improve quality of life and longevity; strive to reduce rate of malnutrition among children under 5 years old to less than 10%; average life expectancy is 75 years, number of years of healthy life is at least 68 years.
- Building a healthy environment and cultural life, promoting traditional and fine cultural values of the nation; strengthen physical education and mass exercise and sports activities; effectively bring into play cultural institutions in order to improve the people's spiritual life.
d) Training and fostering human resources
- Improving quality of training and fostering the contingent of cadres, civil servants, public employees and leaders and managers at all levels
+ Organize review and assessment of quality of contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees in political system, thereby determining needs and orientations for training and retraining according to appropriate professions; overcome situation of spreading training, pursuing degrees.
+ Implement well staff planning, develop rotation plan to train cadres in practice; pay attention to training and fostering to have generations of cadres and civil servants with virtue, talent, political bravery and high professionalism.
+ To comply with Central Government's regulations on encouraging and protecting cadres to be innovative, creative, dare to think, dare to do, dare to take responsibility for common good. Strengthen discipline, discipline, uphold responsibility of leader.
+ Detect, select, recommend and employ talented people, excellent graduates, young scientists trained in prestigious schools and academies to work at agencies in main system treat. Focusing on solutions to attract and recruit excellent graduates.
+ Recruiting capable and promising cadres, civil servants and public employees, and excellent university graduates for postgraduate training at home and abroad. There is a mechanism to attract, utilize or cooperate, order a team of regular consultants or each issue and field for the province such as: High-tech agriculture; Digital economy, digital society and digital government...
- For social workers
+ Develop human resources with high professional and technical qualifications to meet requirements of economic restructuring, labor structure towards service and industry serving key industries and fields of the province, such as: : High-tech agriculture, seafood processing, services, tourism, renewable energy industry...; training workers, skilled workers for economic zones, industrial parks, key economic programs, businesses in the area and the demand for labor export abroad.
+ Implement policies to support and maintain stable jobs for poor workers.
+ Promote career guidance and connection in education and training; focus on regular training and effective retraining of human resources. Organize association activities, meetings between enterprises and training institutions to promptly grasp labor demand of enterprises and labor market in order to better meet needs of human resources through vocational training, improve competitiveness, labor productivity. Public-private combination (socialization) in vocational training; invest in a modern vocational education system.
Building and developing business community, connecting entrepreneurs and supporting start-ups.
- Support and create favorable conditions for production and business activities of enterprises, stabilize jobs and incomes for employees.
- Proactively and promptly support enterprises through solutions to create favorable conditions for production, business, goods circulation and extensive international economic integration.
- Implement training program to improve management capacity of production and business activities of the enterprise management team.
- Create a favorable environment for entrepreneurs to share and exchange ideas and experiences; remove difficulties in production and business activities.
- Promote support for businesses, cooperatives and business households in digital transformation. Building a generation of brave entrepreneurs with the will to overcome difficulties and actively integrate with brands, products and services with good quality and competitiveness.
- Pay attention to support small and medium enterprises, enterprises operating in fields and industries with strength of the province; start-up businesses. Making good use of and exploiting local resources, improving operational efficiency, creating mechanisms and policies, reforming administrative procedures, accessing loans, applying science and technology, investment conditions, business, attract workers, shorten production processes, improve product quality to meet supply chain participation standards by industry groups with solutions that meet customer requirements in a timely manner.
e) Improve efficiency of state management, mobilize all resources and promulgate mechanisms and policies to develop human resources.
- Improve effectiveness and efficiency of state management of human resource construction and development. Review and complete legal documents, promptly adjust and supplement documents that are no longer appropriate; allocating financial resources, prioritizing training and improving quality of human resources for political system building and socio-economic development.
- Improve investment environment, create conditions for business development, attract enterprises outside the province to invest in production and business development, diversify industries to create jobs for laborers in the province. Mobilize other funding sources to organize training for more workers (such as: From national target programs on sustainable poverty reduction and job creation, vocational training projects for rural workers, programs to support development of small and medium enterprises...).
- Continue to implement and develop mechanisms and policies on remuneration and talent attraction; create a good working environment in order to attract people with high qualifications, expertise and techniques to form and develop human resources to meet development requirements of economic sectors and fields with great potentials and strengths.
- Develop policies to support appropriate training and retraining for cadres, civil servants and public employees; policies on attraction and incentives for doctors working at the facility; policies to support pupils and students from poor households and households with difficult circumstances with excellent academic achievements; policies to encourage development of non-public establishments operating in following fields: Education, health care, culture, sports and tourism.
g) Expand and strengthen cooperation; promote socialization in human resource training
- Enhance exchange, learning experience, cooperation, signing with localities, universities at home and abroad on training, retraining and effective use of human resources.
- Encourage investment in vocational training; improve competitiveness in vocational education; Training institutions invest in perfecting material and technical foundations, renovating teaching contents, programs and methods, raising qualifications of lecturers and teachers to improve quality of education and training.
- Having policies to mobilize contributions from enterprises for vocational training, including policies to encourage establishment of high-quality training and practice centers. Enterprises' contributions to training are included in reasonable expenses to reduce corporate income tax for enterprises; financial support for training a number of occupations that local enterprises need.
- Create favorable conditions for enterprises, production and business establishments and people to have ability and conditions to send workers or send their children to train and study abroad and then return to work.
- Attract foreign investment, encourage socialization of human resource development in the province. Exploiting and effectively using capital sources in service of education and training, science and technology. Make most of investment opportunities to enhance training of highly qualified human resources of domestic and international organizations.
2. Solution
- Encourage cadres, civil servants, public employees and employees to raise their sense of self-study, strengthen discipline, discipline and responsibility in working, labor and production.
- Invest in facilities, equipment for practice and experiments to meet requirements of teaching and learning in a modern direction, focusing on practice time and practical approach; building a healthy and friendly educational environment, focusing on character education, physical fitness and creative thinking for learners; combination between school - family - social educational environments.
- Innovating content and methods of teaching and learning, focusing on quality of education, promoting learners' capacity associated with practice; moral education, personality, ideals and revolutionary traditions to meet requirements, promote human values and standards and adapt to the trend of integration and 4.0 revolution.
- Improve quality of teaching and learning foreign languages at all levels and grades; information technology development, digital transformation, administrative reform...
- Organizing for young doctors to volunteer at grassroots medical level; build a team of medical staff with deep professional qualifications, good professional skills, good treatment skills, medical ethics, dedication and dedication to profession; invest in modern medical equipment and provide diversified drug services to meet the people's medical examination and treatment requirements.
- Regularly foster and update guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State; leadership skills, situation handling skills, intensive training, forecasting capacity, foreign languages, informatics... for contingent of cadres, civil servants and public employees; especially, team of leaders and managers at all levels to meet requirements of socio-economic development in context of international economic integration, human resources for the province's digital transformation.
- Open training courses for cadres who reserve leadership and management positions at all levels; focus on training and fostering female cadres, young cadres, cadres who are ethnic minorities, key officials at grassroots level.
- Renovating the policy of using cadres in the direction of attaching importance to quality and practical capacity; stipulate criteria for staff evaluation, evaluation on the basis of efficiency in completing tasks and having specific products.
- Promote the application of information technology and digital transformation to improve the efficiency of the job exchange.
- Innovating and improving quality of vocational training in direction of specialization and skill training in fields and industries in which employees are operating; especially, informatics, foreign languages, communication skills, teamwork skills, thinking skills, innovation. Vocational training from the State budget must clearly identify address and occupation to be trained and identify group of strong provincial training industries, closely linking vocational training with job creation.
III. Implementation organization
1. Department of Internal Affairs
- To assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant agencies and units in reviewing training needs to improve professional qualifications and training needs to meet job position standards, title standards and set up plan for training, encouraging training and retraining shall be submitted to Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee. Implementation time in fourth quarter of each year.
- Coordinating with People's Committees of districts and Ca Mau city to review quality of commune cadres and civil servants, develop training and retraining plans to meet qualifications, expertise, political theory and management, informatics... Implemention time of fourth quarter of every year.
- Having a policy on training and attracting quality human resources; especially, leaders and managers have sufficient qualifications, capacity, management skills, administration and practical experience.
- Continue to pilot how to select leaders and managers at all levels in the form of recruitment exams, thereby replicating and regulating them into regular tasks in recruitment, placement and arrangement plan.
- Advise Provincial People's Committee to periodically report on implementation results according to regulations.
2. Department of Education and Training
- Direct educational institutions to develop plans to cooperate with enterprises in researching and accessing scientific and technological solutions associated with production process when performing practical and experiential lessons according to education program at each grade level. Completion time is October every year.
- Continue to review and arrange general education institutions in a lean and efficient manner.
- Assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant units in reviewing quantity, assessing quality of contingent of managers and teachers and developing an appropriate arrangement and arrangement plan. Completion time in August every year.
- Continue to advise on investment in facilities, teaching and learning equipment, towards schools reaching national standards; develop training and retraining plans to improve professional qualifications and scientific research capacity for teachers at educational institutions. Implementation time in third quarter of each year.
- Direct educational institutions to coordinate with relevant units in reviewing and making statistics on number of pupils of school age, rate of students dropping out of school and illiteracy rate in rural areas to have a plan to mobilize students to go to school and eliminate illiteracy in the province. Completion time in July every year.
3. Department of Science and Technology
To assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant agencies and units in, in-depth training, training and updating of legal knowledge on information, statistics and investigation on science and technology; establishing science and technology enterprises; quality measurement standards. Completion time in fourth quarter of 2022.
4. Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs
- Assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant departments and branches in reviewing network of vocational training institutions in the province, synthesizing them into master plan on development of network of vocational training institutions or linking and coordinating with other vocational education and training institutions, associated with employing post-trained laborers.
- Coordinate with relevant agencies and units to assess and forecast the current status, qualifications and capacity of labor resources and labor demand in the province and region. Completion time in fourth quarter of 2022.
- Monitoring, synthesizing, evaluating and forecasting labor - employment issues in the province; forecast demand for using human resources for each field, industry or profession. Completion time is in fourth quarter of each year.
- Assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant units in statistics on number of unemployed and untrained rural workers in agricultural and non-agricultural sectors. Time to implement the first quarter of each year to develop a vocational training plan to ensure the set objectives.
5. Department of Health
- Organize and arrange team of doctors, doctors and pharmacists according to job position scheme to meet medical examination and treatment requirements for the people in each area. Completion time in the fourth quarter of 2022.
- Develop a training plan to supplement team of doctors and pharmacists for missing areas; specialized training in a number of sectors and fields in need of the province; at the same time, focus on specialized training for commune doctors in a number of necessary specialties, develop a project on human resources for the health sector in the period. Implementation time in the first quarter of 2023.
6. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Continue to assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant units in organizing the review and assessment of quality of operations of a team of engineers in aquaculture, fishing, cultivation, husbandry and veterinary medicine in order to publish the results, arranging to suit each locality. Develop a plan for training, retraining to improve technical expertise for this team to improve quality and efficiency of operations. Implementation time is in the fourth quarter of each year.
7. Department of Planning and Investment
- Annually, propose investment plans from the provincial budget for investment projects on building material foundations of education and training institutions, vocational training institutions, research and application centers of science and technology in accordance with provisions of Law on Public Investment and relevant laws in accordance with the ability to balance the budget.
- Annually, at the time of formulating socio-economic development plan, coordinate with relevant departments, agencies and sectors to review, adjust and supplement plan on improving quality of human resources of the province in accordance with provincial plan and the provincial socio-economic development plan.
8. Department of Finance
To assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with relevant agencies in advising and allocating funds to agencies and units in a timely manner in order to effectively serve training and retraining of human resources of the province. Implementation is in December of each year.
9. Department of Natural Resources and Environment
On basis of master plan on network of educational and vocational training institutions approved by competent authority, coordinate with relevant departments, branches and units to determine needs and propose master plan to use land fund for educational institutions, training, vocational training and job introduction institutions in the province according to the medium and long-term land use master plans and plans.
10. Department of Information and Communications
- Assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with departments, agencies and sectors and People's Committees of districts and Ca Mau city in improving and perfecting database system, forecasting information on human resource needs of the province, connecting with system, data and information to forecast national human resource needs.
- Organize construction and operation of an information system to forecast the province's human resource needs to ensure smooth connection of information between ministries, branches, localities, businesses and people.
11. Training and retraining institutions, the Provincial School of Politics and the Political Center of the district, Ca Mau city
- Review conditions of facilities to invest, upgrade to effectively serve assigned tasks. Actively develop annual training and enrollment plans in accordance with this lan.
- Innovating documents, program contents, teaching methods; step by step invest in advanced equipment for teaching. Renovate and improve quality of vocational training to meet requirements and tasks in new situation, especially in context of international integration.
12. Heads of provincial departments, branches and Chairman of People's Committee of Ca Mau district and city
According to their assigned functions and tasks, they are responsible for organizing implementation of Program No.26-CTr/TU dated July 20, 2022 of the Provincial Party Committee and this Plan on improving quality of human resources to 2025 and orientations to 2030. Regularly review, arrange and arrange cadres, civil servants and public employees in right positions, suitable for their profession and expertise; interested in planning use of female cadres, ethnic minorities, young cadres, scientists in various branches and fields. Periodically report implementation results to the Provincial People's Committee (through Department of Home Affairs).
In process of implementing this Plan, if there are difficulties or problems, request departments, agencies, People's Committees of districts and Ca Mau city to promptly report and report to the provincial People's Committee (through Department of Home Affairs) to advise.

Source: Vitic/ thuvienphapluat.vn


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