Plan on implementing strategy of science, technology and innovation development in Lam Dong province in a period of 2022-2025
Friday, September 30,2022AsemconnectVietnam - Ensure propagation and dissemination of mechanisms and policies on science, technology and innovation; 100% of legal documents are posted and provided information on media
Plan on implementing strategy of science, technology and innovation development in Lam Dong province in a period of 2022-2025
Implementing Decision No. 569/QD-TTg dated May 11, 2022 of the Prime Minister promulgating the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation Development to 2030, the Provincial People's Committee issued plan on implementing in the period of 2022-2025, specifically as follows:
I. Goals
1. Common goal
By 2025, the development of science, technology and innovation will really be an important breakthrough in socio-economic development, a driving force to create breakthroughs in productivity, quality, efficiency, etc. competitiveness of the economy and really become a growth engine, contributing to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 11th Lam Dong Provincial Party Congress and the province's socio-economic development plan for the period 2021. - 2025.
2. Specific goals
a) Ensure propagation and dissemination of mechanisms and policies on science, technology and innovation; 100% of legal documents are posted and provided information on media.
b) Manage and implement 15-20 national science and technology tasks, tasks under the "Program to support the application and transfer of scientific and technological advances to promote economic development in rural, mountainous and ethnic minority society in the period 2016-2025; 50-70 provincial tasks; 100-120 tasks at district and grassroots levels; 60% of scientific and technological tasks after acceptance are deployed, replicated and applied in practice.
c) Establishing 10 science and technology enterprises; supporting about 12 ideas and projects to perfect products, technologies, and business models to establish businesses; support to renovate and upgrade at least 02 incubators and co-working areas to provide material and technical foundations for creative start-up activities; have at least 10 ideas, start-up projects, and 05 creative start-up small and medium enterprises are supported, loaned, and supported with interest after investment from start-up support.
d) Create, develop and manage geographical indications for at least 02 products with characteristics and strengths of the province; register for protection abroad from 02 certification marks with export potential; at least 60% of products participating in the One Commune One Product (OCOP) Program are registered for trademark protection; support from 50-80 organizations and individuals to register to establish industrial property rights (inventions, utility solutions, industrial designs, trademarks); support 01 or 02 plant variety protection applications.
Support 120 - 140 enterprises to participate in the program to improve productivity and quality; 100 -120 enterprises participate in the program to support innovation of measurement activities; 08-10 enterprises participated and won the National Quality Award; 100% of measuring instruments on the list of measuring instruments of group 2 are tested.
e) Strengthen the potential, raise the level of autonomy of public science and technology organizations; transforming public science and technology organizations into operating under an autonomous and self-responsible mechanism under the Government's Decree No. 60/2021/ND-CP dated June 21, 2021 (Technology Center Standards, Metrology, Quality and Center for Applied Science and Technology).
II. The main orientation is to develop science, technology and innovation
1. Orientation of key tasks for development of science, technology and innovation
a) Science, technology and innovation focus on serving local socio-economic development: strengthen research and application of science, technology and innovation, promote digital transformation in all fields, focusing on business subjects; acquire and master advanced technologies and achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in developing new products, services, and local key products in order to increase labor productivity and improve quality. The province's products, services and competitiveness meet the goals of sustainable economic development, environmental protection, and response to challenges from epidemics and climate change.
b) Renovating and perfecting the state management of science, technology and innovation: renovating and perfecting mechanisms and policies on science and technology suitable to the local development situation; improve state governance capacity; perfect the mechanism of decentralization and decentralization in the state management of science, technology and innovation to ensure streamlined, effective and efficient.
c) Developing scientific, technological and innovation potentials: developing a network of science and technology organizations; strengthen the potential, raise the autonomy level of 02 public science and technology organizations; develop the scientific and technological staff of the province; attracting investment in social human resources to meet development requirements.
d) Promote scientific, technological and innovative activities in enterprises and develop the science and technology market: promote the development of the science and technology market and intermediary organizations; develop intellectual property in enterprises and strengthen the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights; improve the capacity to absorb and innovate technology, innovate production processes and business models of enterprises.
2. Scientific research development orientation
a) Social sciences and humanities
- Researching, preserving and exploiting heritage and cultural values; restore a number of traditional associations of ethnic minorities in the province; develop new and specific tourism products and models suitable to the conditions and strengths of tourism development of each locality in the province such as tourism associated with agricultural production, smart tourism associated with economic digital economy.
- Applying 4.0 technology in state management, focusing on activities related to digital transformation: digital government, digital economy, digital society.
b) Natural Science
- Agriculture sector:
+ Select and breed vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, livestock (silk-like eggs) with high quality and economic efficiency, disease prevention in agricultural production; researching and applying synchronously sustainable farming solutions on sloping land in Lam Dong province; building smart agricultural models, organic agriculture: applying GlobalGap, UTZ, Rainforest, Organic standards.
+ Preservation, migration and commercialization of endemic genetic resources and groups of native landscape plants.
+ Building and developing trademarks and geographical indications for key products of the province.
- Resources - environment, biodiversity and climate change:
+ Research and build circular economic models between agricultural development, forest protection and environment associated with carbon certification.
+ Research and build circular economic models between agricultural development, forest protection and environment associated with carbon certification.
+ Research and propose solutions to effectively manage and use natural resources and protect the environment from the effects of global climate change.
- Medical field:
+ Research and manufacture medicinal products, functional foods, nutritious drinks from medicinal species of the province.
+ Preservation, migration and development of rare and endemic medicinal species; develop growing areas, produce and process medicinal herbs, develop product markets.
3. Development orientation, technology application
a) Information and communication technology: application of 4.0 technology (BigData, AI, IoT, Blockchain) in agricultural production.
b) Biotechnology: research and application of biotechnology in the production of products used in cultivation, pest and disease control, preliminary processing, preservation and processing of agricultural products; production of fertilizers, animal feed and aquatic products.
c) New material technology: application of new technology in mining industry, mineral processing industry Bentonite, diatomite, kaolin, bauxite, ... production of advanced materials, environmentally friendly building materials school.
d) Technology for natural disaster prevention and response to climate change: research and application of new science and technology in forecasting, disaster risk prevention and response to climate change; technology application in forecasting and warning of dangerous types of natural disasters in high-risk areas.
Energy technology: application of energy-saving, green energy and renewable energy technologies; building smart lighting models in urban areas in the province.
e) Environmental technology: study and transfer technology for production of materials and preparations to treat environmental pollution from local materials; research on technology and equipment to serve the process of recycling and reuse of waste in industrial production activities.
g) Advanced and intelligent construction, transport and infrastructure technologies: transfer and application of advanced technologies in the design and construction of suitable infrastructure, traffic, irrigation and urban facilities conditions of Lam Dong province.
4. Orientation of innovation activities
a) Innovation activities in agricultural industries: promoting investment in breeding technology, care technology, monitoring according to safety standards, traceability, preservation technology, technology processing technology; apply biotechnology, information and communication technology, and automation technology to build a smart, safe, circular, efficient and sustainable agriculture, bringing into play local advantages.
b) Innovative activities in industries, construction, and transportation
- Promote activities to renew lines, equipment, machinery and technology, deploy training activities on management capacity and technology exploitation; apply new business models and innovative models to small and medium enterprises.
- Forming innovation systems associated with industry clusters, value chains in agricultural product processing, mineral exploitation, pharmaceuticals, etc. to promote productivity, quality and energy competitiveness of products, services and brands.
c) Innovation activities in service industries
- Deploying the application of technology platforms of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new business models in service, business and public service activities.
- Support businesses to connect, use common infrastructure and share data to optimize business models based on technology.
d) Innovation activities in regions: promoting innovation activities in the South Central region and Central Highlands in association with agro-forestry products, processing agro-forestry products and tourism of the province.
III. Tasks and solutions
1. Propagating and disseminating legal regulations, raising awareness about the position and role of science, technology and innovation.
a) Propaganda in the media about the role of science, technology and innovation in the socio-economic development of the province and the development goals of each branch and locality, being aware of opportunities and challenges in the face of international trends, especially the trend of integration and development of the knowledge economy and digital economy.
b) Linking development goals, targets and tasks in science, technology and innovation with socio-economic development objectives and tasks of the province; the plan for application and development of science, technology and innovation is an important content of the development plan of each branch and locality.
c) Promoting communication on innovation startups: raising awareness of the Party committees, authorities, organizations, businesses and people about the role and importance of innovation startups in development Socioeconomic.
2. Renovate mechanism, strengthen the role of state management in science and technology
a) Consolidate the organization and state management apparatus on science and technology
- Consolidate the entire state management apparatus on science and technology in the direction of streamlining, concentration and efficiency, improving the management capacity of science and technology management staff at all levels.
- Strengthening training and capacity building of science and technology and innovation managers in departments, branches and localities in the context of international integration.
b) Renovating the management mechanism, perfecting mechanisms and policies on science and technology
- Timely concretize science and technology mechanisms and policies and other policies related to science, technology and innovation activities in accordance with actual local conditions, especially is a policy on respecting, treating and honoring intellectuals in the field of science and technology, especially young, talented and qualified scientists.
- Review and amend regulations on management of scientific and technological tasks at all levels in the direction of improving order quality, clearly defining funding sources, spending norms, payment procedures and decision-making authority. The plan is to create conditions for departments, branches, districts and cities to proactively deploy science and technology tasks to serve the development goals of sectors and localities.
- Review and amend administrative procedures in the direction of encouraging and attracting social resources to invest in science, technology and innovation activities.
c) Strengthening the management, ordering the implementation of science and technology tasks
- Innovating the ordering of scientific and technological research and application tasks every year in a proactive manner, closely following reality to identify scientific and technological tasks to solve urgent problems in reality.
- Continue to organize scientific seminars with institutes, schools, science and technology organizations, management agencies, experts to develop annual research orientation and application of science and technology and 05 years, as a basis for building proposals for ordering scientific and technological tasks at all levels.
- Improve the quality of scientific councils to review and evaluate scientific and technological tasks from task identification to acceptance; advising on the transfer of research results and handling of scientific and technological assets in accordance with current regulations.
3. To raise the potential of science, technology and innovation on the basis of rational investment, allocation and use of human, financial, infrastructure and technical resources.
a) Building and developing a team of science and technology staff, knowledge team: continue to implement the implementation plan Conclusion No. 52-KL/TW dated May 30, 2019 of the Secretariat on continuing Continue to implement the Resolution of the 7th Central Committee, term X on "Building a contingent of intellectuals in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the country" according to Plan No. 1733/KH-UBND dated March 26, 2020 of the People's Committee.
b) Increase investment from the budget and mobilize social resources to meet the requirements of science, technology and innovation development.
- Investment from the budget: To ensure the annual budget expenditure ratio for science, technology and innovation and to provide sufficient charter capital for the Provincial Science and Technology Development Fund.
- Mobilizing social resources: integrating, developing and implementing financial and investment solutions, solutions to attract and effectively use social resources for investment in science and technology and innovation:
+ Reciprocal capital of organizations, individuals and enterprises through the implementation of scientific and technological tasks at all levels.
+ Encourage and support enterprises to participate in science and technology programs and projects partially funded by the state budget, such as programs on: quality productivity, support enterprises in measurement and development of intellectual property.
c) Investment in material and infrastructure facilities for research and application of science, technology and innovation:
- Investment in facilities and infrastructure:
+ Completed 02 investment projects to build facilities for science and technology activities (Building the working office of the Provincial Center for Science and Technology Application and Strengthening the Capacity of the Technical Center, Quality Measurement Standards).
+ Invest in laboratory equipment to strengthen the capacity of the Technical Center for Standards, Metrology and Quality to serve analysis, testing and quality assessment of products and goods of the "Da Lat" brand - Magical crystallization from good soil".
- Develop a network of public science and technology organizations, science and technology enterprises
+ Continue to implement the Decision No. 216/QD-UBND dated January 31, 2018 of the Provincial People's Committee approving the master plan on the network of public non-business units under the Department of Science and Technology until 2020, with a vision to year 2030.
+ Implement policies to support the development of science and technology enterprises, high-tech enterprises, innovative start-up enterprises, science and technology organizations.
d) Enhance autonomy for public non-business units under the Department of Science and Technology
- Implement financial autonomy mechanism according to the provisions of Decree No. 60/2021/ND-CP dated June 21, 2021 of the Government:
+ Develop economic - technical norms, cost norms, unit prices, service prices; criteria and standards for quality of public administrative services funded with the state budget in the fields of science, technology and innovation.
+ Completing the roadmap for calculating public administrative service prices: fully calculate salary costs, direct costs, management costs and depreciation of fixed assets, and other expenses in accordance with the law on prices.
+ Applying the salary regime according to Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated May 21, 2018 of the Party Central Committee on reforming salary policy for cadres, civil servants, public employees and armed forces pages and employees in the enterprise.
- Strengthening service, production, business, joint venture and association activities: application and transfer of scientific and technological results; look up and provide scientific and technological information; producing and supplying invitro seedlings of new crops, edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms; start-up and innovation services; quality measurement standards.
- Forming a connection point between supply and demand in science and technology, building a technology and equipment trading floor at the Provincial Science and Technology Application Center.
4. Promote scientific, technological and innovative activities in enterprises and develop the science and technology market
a) Promote the application of science, technology and innovation, especially the technologies of the 4th industrial revolution.
- Continue to effectively implement the Plan No. 5472/KH-UBND dated June 24, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee to implement Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW dated September 27, 2019 of the Politburo on a number of policies to actively participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the province.
- Speeding up the implementation of Decision No. 1365/QD-UBND dated July 5, 2018 of the Provincial People's Committee approving the Project "Building Da Lat city into a smart city" in the 2018-2025 period.
- Advise on policies to develop essential infrastructure: telecommunications infrastructure, socio-economic development infrastructure, digital resources in accordance with the actual conditions of the locality.
- Implement the assessment of the situation and capacity of digital transformation in enterprises and administrative agencies of the province as a basis for evaluating and building digital enterprises, digital government and e-government by 2025.
b) Promote activities to support businesses, support start-ups, and develop an innovative startup ecosystem
- Supporting businesses in science and technology
+ Strengthening support for small and medium-sized enterprises in science and technology according to the Government's Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP dated August 26, 2021 detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of law on supporting small and medium enterprises; Plan No. 5713/UBND-TH2 dated September 7, 2018 of the Provincial People's Committee to implement the Law on supporting small and medium enterprises in the province.
+ Support enterprises to apply standards, regulations, advanced management and administration systems, and apply tools to improve productivity and quality; measurement operation management; building a system of geographical indications and traceability for key products through the implementation of programs and projects: "Implement, apply and manage the traceability system in the province. Lam Dong" according to Plan No. 6736/KH-UBND dated October 16, 2019 of the Provincial People's Committee; "Strengthening and renewing measurement activities to support Vietnamese enterprises to improve their competitiveness and international integration" according to Plan No. 5267/KH-UBND dated June 15, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee; "Supporting enterprises to improve productivity and quality of products and goods" according to Plan No. 8206/KH-UBND dated November 15, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee.
- Developing an innovative startup ecosystem
+ Implement the "Project to support the innovation start-up ecosystem in Lam Dong province by 2025" according to Plan No. 9025/KH-UBND dated December 10, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee to organize effectively deploy innovative start-up activities in the province; taking innovative start-ups as a driving force for the province's small and medium enterprises to develop, contributing to the local socio-economic development.
+ Deploying the application of technology platforms of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new business models in service, business and public service activities.
+ Support businesses to connect, use common infrastructure and share data to optimize technology-based business models in service industries.
c) Developing and exploiting intellectual property, trademarks of key products; ensure radiation and nuclear safety
- Management, development and exploitation of intellectual property: continue to implement "Intellectual property strategy to 2030 in Lam Dong province" according to Plan No. 2225/KH-UBND dated April 13, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee; "Intellectual property development program to 2030 in Lam Dong province" according to Decision No. 892/QD-UBND dated May 24, 2022 of the Provincial People's Committee.
- Implement effectively according to the Plan No. 2224/KH-UBND dated April 13, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on response to radiation and nuclear incidents in the province in the period of 2021-2025.
5. To promote the role of social organizations in science and technology activities; improve the efficiency of the quality management system ISO 9001:2015 in state administrative agencies
a) Promoting the role of social organizations in scientific and technological activities:
- Promote the creative labor movement of the Labor Confederation.
- To promote the role of the Union of Science and Technology Associations in consulting, social criticism and assessment activities, the impulsive role of the Youth Union, organizations and individuals in the creative emulation movement, create, innovate, and improve technology.
- Annually organize contests, contests and awards on science and technology: science and technology awards; creative competitions for youth and children; Provincial Youth Informatics Competition.
- Encourage, guide and support enterprises to participate in the National Quality Award.
b) Maintain and improve the effectiveness of the application of the quality management system ISO 9001:2015 in state agencies in the province.
c) Strengthening cooperation and association in science, technology and innovation:
- Coordinate and deploy solutions to connect research and development activities in universities and research institutes in the province in association with the needs of innovation, application, transfer and training of scientific and human resources; organizing national and international scientific conferences and seminars, exhibitions introducing advanced scientific and technological achievements at home and abroad.
- To continue developing cooperation with the Central Highlands, South Central Coast and Southeast provinces; promote strengths of regional partners, increase capital attraction for implementation of inter-provincial and inter-regional projects, and socialize investment capital sources for science and technology.
IV. Funding for implementation
From the provincial budget and other lawful mobilization sources as prescribed by law, including: scientific and technological non-business capital; public investment capital; funding sources for socialization mobilized from businesses, organizations and individuals.
V. Implementation organization
1. Department of Science and Technology
a) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other departments, agencies, sectors and localities in implementing this Plan; regularly monitor, inspect, urge and supervise the implementation, periodically report to the Provincial People's Committee on implementation results.
b) Coordinate with the Department of Finance in advising competent authorities to balance and allocate annual budgets for science, technology and innovation activities to implement the Plan.
c) Summarize the needs of units to order science and technology tasks according to the orientations of science, technology and innovation development in this Plan.
2. Department of Finance: To advise and propose competent authorities to balance and ensure the annual allocation of non-business funds for science and technology to implement the Plan; inspect, urge and guide relevant units to use funds effectively, for right purposes and in accordance with regulations.
3. Department of Planning and Investment
a) Summarize investment needs and propose competent authorities to allocate capital for projects in the field of science and technology to carry out tasks under this Plan.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology and relevant departments and agencies in, attracting foreign enterprises and investment funds to invest in science, technology and innovation activities in Vietnam; coordinate with the Center for Investment Promotion, Trade and Tourism to implement support programs to improve technology management capacity and creative capacity for small and medium enterprises.
4. Department of Education and Training: To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology and relevant departments and branches in, implementing activities of training knowledge and skills in science and technology and innovation.
5. Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs: To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology and relevant departments and branches in, implementing knowledge and skill training activities and attracting human resources, science and technology and innovation.
6. Department of Information and Communications
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology and relevant departments and branches in, promoting the effectiveness of mass media and new media, creating favorable conditions for people, businesses and individuals access to science and technology products and services and innovation.
b) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology in, developing information and communication technology platforms and solutions to support scientific and technological development and innovation.
8. Departments, departments and branches; People's Committees of districts and cities
a) Concretize and organize the implementation of the objectives, orient the relevant tasks and solutions in this Plan into the annual plan of the locality and unit.
b) Proposing to order scientific and technological tasks according to the above orientations to solve urgent problems in local management practice.
c) Periodically, before December 1 every year, report to the Department of Science and Public Affairs the results of the implementation of the Plan to summarize and report to the Provincial People's Committee.
9. Science and technology institutions and enterprises
a) Science and technology and innovation organizations actively grasp the province's problems and the world's development trends to propose and carry out appropriate scientific research and technological development with the locality, taking businesses as the center to apply research results, actively contributing to the economic development of the province.
b) Enterprises actively apply science and technology, achievements of the 4th industrial revolution into their production and business activities, and at the same time organize research and development activities; participate in registration and transformation into science and technology enterprises; proactively self-assess technology level to improve, acquire and innovate technology; implement digital transformation within the enterprise.
Source: Vitic/
Implementing Decision No. 569/QD-TTg dated May 11, 2022 of the Prime Minister promulgating the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation Development to 2030, the Provincial People's Committee issued plan on implementing in the period of 2022-2025, specifically as follows:
I. Goals
1. Common goal
By 2025, the development of science, technology and innovation will really be an important breakthrough in socio-economic development, a driving force to create breakthroughs in productivity, quality, efficiency, etc. competitiveness of the economy and really become a growth engine, contributing to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 11th Lam Dong Provincial Party Congress and the province's socio-economic development plan for the period 2021. - 2025.
2. Specific goals
a) Ensure propagation and dissemination of mechanisms and policies on science, technology and innovation; 100% of legal documents are posted and provided information on media.
b) Manage and implement 15-20 national science and technology tasks, tasks under the "Program to support the application and transfer of scientific and technological advances to promote economic development in rural, mountainous and ethnic minority society in the period 2016-2025; 50-70 provincial tasks; 100-120 tasks at district and grassroots levels; 60% of scientific and technological tasks after acceptance are deployed, replicated and applied in practice.
c) Establishing 10 science and technology enterprises; supporting about 12 ideas and projects to perfect products, technologies, and business models to establish businesses; support to renovate and upgrade at least 02 incubators and co-working areas to provide material and technical foundations for creative start-up activities; have at least 10 ideas, start-up projects, and 05 creative start-up small and medium enterprises are supported, loaned, and supported with interest after investment from start-up support.
d) Create, develop and manage geographical indications for at least 02 products with characteristics and strengths of the province; register for protection abroad from 02 certification marks with export potential; at least 60% of products participating in the One Commune One Product (OCOP) Program are registered for trademark protection; support from 50-80 organizations and individuals to register to establish industrial property rights (inventions, utility solutions, industrial designs, trademarks); support 01 or 02 plant variety protection applications.
Support 120 - 140 enterprises to participate in the program to improve productivity and quality; 100 -120 enterprises participate in the program to support innovation of measurement activities; 08-10 enterprises participated and won the National Quality Award; 100% of measuring instruments on the list of measuring instruments of group 2 are tested.
e) Strengthen the potential, raise the level of autonomy of public science and technology organizations; transforming public science and technology organizations into operating under an autonomous and self-responsible mechanism under the Government's Decree No. 60/2021/ND-CP dated June 21, 2021 (Technology Center Standards, Metrology, Quality and Center for Applied Science and Technology).
II. The main orientation is to develop science, technology and innovation
1. Orientation of key tasks for development of science, technology and innovation
a) Science, technology and innovation focus on serving local socio-economic development: strengthen research and application of science, technology and innovation, promote digital transformation in all fields, focusing on business subjects; acquire and master advanced technologies and achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution in developing new products, services, and local key products in order to increase labor productivity and improve quality. The province's products, services and competitiveness meet the goals of sustainable economic development, environmental protection, and response to challenges from epidemics and climate change.
b) Renovating and perfecting the state management of science, technology and innovation: renovating and perfecting mechanisms and policies on science and technology suitable to the local development situation; improve state governance capacity; perfect the mechanism of decentralization and decentralization in the state management of science, technology and innovation to ensure streamlined, effective and efficient.
c) Developing scientific, technological and innovation potentials: developing a network of science and technology organizations; strengthen the potential, raise the autonomy level of 02 public science and technology organizations; develop the scientific and technological staff of the province; attracting investment in social human resources to meet development requirements.
d) Promote scientific, technological and innovative activities in enterprises and develop the science and technology market: promote the development of the science and technology market and intermediary organizations; develop intellectual property in enterprises and strengthen the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights; improve the capacity to absorb and innovate technology, innovate production processes and business models of enterprises.
2. Scientific research development orientation
a) Social sciences and humanities
- Researching, preserving and exploiting heritage and cultural values; restore a number of traditional associations of ethnic minorities in the province; develop new and specific tourism products and models suitable to the conditions and strengths of tourism development of each locality in the province such as tourism associated with agricultural production, smart tourism associated with economic digital economy.
- Applying 4.0 technology in state management, focusing on activities related to digital transformation: digital government, digital economy, digital society.
b) Natural Science
- Agriculture sector:
+ Select and breed vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, livestock (silk-like eggs) with high quality and economic efficiency, disease prevention in agricultural production; researching and applying synchronously sustainable farming solutions on sloping land in Lam Dong province; building smart agricultural models, organic agriculture: applying GlobalGap, UTZ, Rainforest, Organic standards.
+ Preservation, migration and commercialization of endemic genetic resources and groups of native landscape plants.
+ Building and developing trademarks and geographical indications for key products of the province.
- Resources - environment, biodiversity and climate change:
+ Research and build circular economic models between agricultural development, forest protection and environment associated with carbon certification.
+ Research and build circular economic models between agricultural development, forest protection and environment associated with carbon certification.
+ Research and propose solutions to effectively manage and use natural resources and protect the environment from the effects of global climate change.
- Medical field:
+ Research and manufacture medicinal products, functional foods, nutritious drinks from medicinal species of the province.
+ Preservation, migration and development of rare and endemic medicinal species; develop growing areas, produce and process medicinal herbs, develop product markets.
3. Development orientation, technology application
a) Information and communication technology: application of 4.0 technology (BigData, AI, IoT, Blockchain) in agricultural production.
b) Biotechnology: research and application of biotechnology in the production of products used in cultivation, pest and disease control, preliminary processing, preservation and processing of agricultural products; production of fertilizers, animal feed and aquatic products.
c) New material technology: application of new technology in mining industry, mineral processing industry Bentonite, diatomite, kaolin, bauxite, ... production of advanced materials, environmentally friendly building materials school.
d) Technology for natural disaster prevention and response to climate change: research and application of new science and technology in forecasting, disaster risk prevention and response to climate change; technology application in forecasting and warning of dangerous types of natural disasters in high-risk areas.
Energy technology: application of energy-saving, green energy and renewable energy technologies; building smart lighting models in urban areas in the province.
e) Environmental technology: study and transfer technology for production of materials and preparations to treat environmental pollution from local materials; research on technology and equipment to serve the process of recycling and reuse of waste in industrial production activities.
g) Advanced and intelligent construction, transport and infrastructure technologies: transfer and application of advanced technologies in the design and construction of suitable infrastructure, traffic, irrigation and urban facilities conditions of Lam Dong province.
4. Orientation of innovation activities
a) Innovation activities in agricultural industries: promoting investment in breeding technology, care technology, monitoring according to safety standards, traceability, preservation technology, technology processing technology; apply biotechnology, information and communication technology, and automation technology to build a smart, safe, circular, efficient and sustainable agriculture, bringing into play local advantages.
b) Innovative activities in industries, construction, and transportation
- Promote activities to renew lines, equipment, machinery and technology, deploy training activities on management capacity and technology exploitation; apply new business models and innovative models to small and medium enterprises.
- Forming innovation systems associated with industry clusters, value chains in agricultural product processing, mineral exploitation, pharmaceuticals, etc. to promote productivity, quality and energy competitiveness of products, services and brands.
c) Innovation activities in service industries
- Deploying the application of technology platforms of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new business models in service, business and public service activities.
- Support businesses to connect, use common infrastructure and share data to optimize business models based on technology.
d) Innovation activities in regions: promoting innovation activities in the South Central region and Central Highlands in association with agro-forestry products, processing agro-forestry products and tourism of the province.
III. Tasks and solutions
1. Propagating and disseminating legal regulations, raising awareness about the position and role of science, technology and innovation.
a) Propaganda in the media about the role of science, technology and innovation in the socio-economic development of the province and the development goals of each branch and locality, being aware of opportunities and challenges in the face of international trends, especially the trend of integration and development of the knowledge economy and digital economy.
b) Linking development goals, targets and tasks in science, technology and innovation with socio-economic development objectives and tasks of the province; the plan for application and development of science, technology and innovation is an important content of the development plan of each branch and locality.
c) Promoting communication on innovation startups: raising awareness of the Party committees, authorities, organizations, businesses and people about the role and importance of innovation startups in development Socioeconomic.
2. Renovate mechanism, strengthen the role of state management in science and technology
a) Consolidate the organization and state management apparatus on science and technology
- Consolidate the entire state management apparatus on science and technology in the direction of streamlining, concentration and efficiency, improving the management capacity of science and technology management staff at all levels.
- Strengthening training and capacity building of science and technology and innovation managers in departments, branches and localities in the context of international integration.
b) Renovating the management mechanism, perfecting mechanisms and policies on science and technology
- Timely concretize science and technology mechanisms and policies and other policies related to science, technology and innovation activities in accordance with actual local conditions, especially is a policy on respecting, treating and honoring intellectuals in the field of science and technology, especially young, talented and qualified scientists.
- Review and amend regulations on management of scientific and technological tasks at all levels in the direction of improving order quality, clearly defining funding sources, spending norms, payment procedures and decision-making authority. The plan is to create conditions for departments, branches, districts and cities to proactively deploy science and technology tasks to serve the development goals of sectors and localities.
- Review and amend administrative procedures in the direction of encouraging and attracting social resources to invest in science, technology and innovation activities.
c) Strengthening the management, ordering the implementation of science and technology tasks
- Innovating the ordering of scientific and technological research and application tasks every year in a proactive manner, closely following reality to identify scientific and technological tasks to solve urgent problems in reality.
- Continue to organize scientific seminars with institutes, schools, science and technology organizations, management agencies, experts to develop annual research orientation and application of science and technology and 05 years, as a basis for building proposals for ordering scientific and technological tasks at all levels.
- Improve the quality of scientific councils to review and evaluate scientific and technological tasks from task identification to acceptance; advising on the transfer of research results and handling of scientific and technological assets in accordance with current regulations.
3. To raise the potential of science, technology and innovation on the basis of rational investment, allocation and use of human, financial, infrastructure and technical resources.
a) Building and developing a team of science and technology staff, knowledge team: continue to implement the implementation plan Conclusion No. 52-KL/TW dated May 30, 2019 of the Secretariat on continuing Continue to implement the Resolution of the 7th Central Committee, term X on "Building a contingent of intellectuals in the period of accelerating industrialization and modernization of the country" according to Plan No. 1733/KH-UBND dated March 26, 2020 of the People's Committee.
b) Increase investment from the budget and mobilize social resources to meet the requirements of science, technology and innovation development.
- Investment from the budget: To ensure the annual budget expenditure ratio for science, technology and innovation and to provide sufficient charter capital for the Provincial Science and Technology Development Fund.
- Mobilizing social resources: integrating, developing and implementing financial and investment solutions, solutions to attract and effectively use social resources for investment in science and technology and innovation:
+ Reciprocal capital of organizations, individuals and enterprises through the implementation of scientific and technological tasks at all levels.
+ Encourage and support enterprises to participate in science and technology programs and projects partially funded by the state budget, such as programs on: quality productivity, support enterprises in measurement and development of intellectual property.
c) Investment in material and infrastructure facilities for research and application of science, technology and innovation:
- Investment in facilities and infrastructure:
+ Completed 02 investment projects to build facilities for science and technology activities (Building the working office of the Provincial Center for Science and Technology Application and Strengthening the Capacity of the Technical Center, Quality Measurement Standards).
+ Invest in laboratory equipment to strengthen the capacity of the Technical Center for Standards, Metrology and Quality to serve analysis, testing and quality assessment of products and goods of the "Da Lat" brand - Magical crystallization from good soil".
- Develop a network of public science and technology organizations, science and technology enterprises
+ Continue to implement the Decision No. 216/QD-UBND dated January 31, 2018 of the Provincial People's Committee approving the master plan on the network of public non-business units under the Department of Science and Technology until 2020, with a vision to year 2030.
+ Implement policies to support the development of science and technology enterprises, high-tech enterprises, innovative start-up enterprises, science and technology organizations.
d) Enhance autonomy for public non-business units under the Department of Science and Technology
- Implement financial autonomy mechanism according to the provisions of Decree No. 60/2021/ND-CP dated June 21, 2021 of the Government:
+ Develop economic - technical norms, cost norms, unit prices, service prices; criteria and standards for quality of public administrative services funded with the state budget in the fields of science, technology and innovation.
+ Completing the roadmap for calculating public administrative service prices: fully calculate salary costs, direct costs, management costs and depreciation of fixed assets, and other expenses in accordance with the law on prices.
+ Applying the salary regime according to Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW dated May 21, 2018 of the Party Central Committee on reforming salary policy for cadres, civil servants, public employees and armed forces pages and employees in the enterprise.
- Strengthening service, production, business, joint venture and association activities: application and transfer of scientific and technological results; look up and provide scientific and technological information; producing and supplying invitro seedlings of new crops, edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms; start-up and innovation services; quality measurement standards.
- Forming a connection point between supply and demand in science and technology, building a technology and equipment trading floor at the Provincial Science and Technology Application Center.
4. Promote scientific, technological and innovative activities in enterprises and develop the science and technology market
a) Promote the application of science, technology and innovation, especially the technologies of the 4th industrial revolution.
- Continue to effectively implement the Plan No. 5472/KH-UBND dated June 24, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee to implement Resolution No. 52-NQ/TW dated September 27, 2019 of the Politburo on a number of policies to actively participate in the Fourth Industrial Revolution in the province.
- Speeding up the implementation of Decision No. 1365/QD-UBND dated July 5, 2018 of the Provincial People's Committee approving the Project "Building Da Lat city into a smart city" in the 2018-2025 period.
- Advise on policies to develop essential infrastructure: telecommunications infrastructure, socio-economic development infrastructure, digital resources in accordance with the actual conditions of the locality.
- Implement the assessment of the situation and capacity of digital transformation in enterprises and administrative agencies of the province as a basis for evaluating and building digital enterprises, digital government and e-government by 2025.
b) Promote activities to support businesses, support start-ups, and develop an innovative startup ecosystem
- Supporting businesses in science and technology
+ Strengthening support for small and medium-sized enterprises in science and technology according to the Government's Decree No. 80/2021/ND-CP dated August 26, 2021 detailing and guiding the implementation of a number of articles of law on supporting small and medium enterprises; Plan No. 5713/UBND-TH2 dated September 7, 2018 of the Provincial People's Committee to implement the Law on supporting small and medium enterprises in the province.
+ Support enterprises to apply standards, regulations, advanced management and administration systems, and apply tools to improve productivity and quality; measurement operation management; building a system of geographical indications and traceability for key products through the implementation of programs and projects: "Implement, apply and manage the traceability system in the province. Lam Dong" according to Plan No. 6736/KH-UBND dated October 16, 2019 of the Provincial People's Committee; "Strengthening and renewing measurement activities to support Vietnamese enterprises to improve their competitiveness and international integration" according to Plan No. 5267/KH-UBND dated June 15, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee; "Supporting enterprises to improve productivity and quality of products and goods" according to Plan No. 8206/KH-UBND dated November 15, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee.
- Developing an innovative startup ecosystem
+ Implement the "Project to support the innovation start-up ecosystem in Lam Dong province by 2025" according to Plan No. 9025/KH-UBND dated December 10, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee to organize effectively deploy innovative start-up activities in the province; taking innovative start-ups as a driving force for the province's small and medium enterprises to develop, contributing to the local socio-economic development.
+ Deploying the application of technology platforms of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new business models in service, business and public service activities.
+ Support businesses to connect, use common infrastructure and share data to optimize technology-based business models in service industries.
c) Developing and exploiting intellectual property, trademarks of key products; ensure radiation and nuclear safety
- Management, development and exploitation of intellectual property: continue to implement "Intellectual property strategy to 2030 in Lam Dong province" according to Plan No. 2225/KH-UBND dated April 13, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee; "Intellectual property development program to 2030 in Lam Dong province" according to Decision No. 892/QD-UBND dated May 24, 2022 of the Provincial People's Committee.
- Implement effectively according to the Plan No. 2224/KH-UBND dated April 13, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on response to radiation and nuclear incidents in the province in the period of 2021-2025.
5. To promote the role of social organizations in science and technology activities; improve the efficiency of the quality management system ISO 9001:2015 in state administrative agencies
a) Promoting the role of social organizations in scientific and technological activities:
- Promote the creative labor movement of the Labor Confederation.
- To promote the role of the Union of Science and Technology Associations in consulting, social criticism and assessment activities, the impulsive role of the Youth Union, organizations and individuals in the creative emulation movement, create, innovate, and improve technology.
- Annually organize contests, contests and awards on science and technology: science and technology awards; creative competitions for youth and children; Provincial Youth Informatics Competition.
- Encourage, guide and support enterprises to participate in the National Quality Award.
b) Maintain and improve the effectiveness of the application of the quality management system ISO 9001:2015 in state agencies in the province.
c) Strengthening cooperation and association in science, technology and innovation:
- Coordinate and deploy solutions to connect research and development activities in universities and research institutes in the province in association with the needs of innovation, application, transfer and training of scientific and human resources; organizing national and international scientific conferences and seminars, exhibitions introducing advanced scientific and technological achievements at home and abroad.
- To continue developing cooperation with the Central Highlands, South Central Coast and Southeast provinces; promote strengths of regional partners, increase capital attraction for implementation of inter-provincial and inter-regional projects, and socialize investment capital sources for science and technology.
IV. Funding for implementation
From the provincial budget and other lawful mobilization sources as prescribed by law, including: scientific and technological non-business capital; public investment capital; funding sources for socialization mobilized from businesses, organizations and individuals.
V. Implementation organization
1. Department of Science and Technology
a) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other departments, agencies, sectors and localities in implementing this Plan; regularly monitor, inspect, urge and supervise the implementation, periodically report to the Provincial People's Committee on implementation results.
b) Coordinate with the Department of Finance in advising competent authorities to balance and allocate annual budgets for science, technology and innovation activities to implement the Plan.
c) Summarize the needs of units to order science and technology tasks according to the orientations of science, technology and innovation development in this Plan.
2. Department of Finance: To advise and propose competent authorities to balance and ensure the annual allocation of non-business funds for science and technology to implement the Plan; inspect, urge and guide relevant units to use funds effectively, for right purposes and in accordance with regulations.
3. Department of Planning and Investment
a) Summarize investment needs and propose competent authorities to allocate capital for projects in the field of science and technology to carry out tasks under this Plan.
b) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology and relevant departments and agencies in, attracting foreign enterprises and investment funds to invest in science, technology and innovation activities in Vietnam; coordinate with the Center for Investment Promotion, Trade and Tourism to implement support programs to improve technology management capacity and creative capacity for small and medium enterprises.
4. Department of Education and Training: To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology and relevant departments and branches in, implementing activities of training knowledge and skills in science and technology and innovation.
5. Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs: To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology and relevant departments and branches in, implementing knowledge and skill training activities and attracting human resources, science and technology and innovation.
6. Department of Information and Communications
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology and relevant departments and branches in, promoting the effectiveness of mass media and new media, creating favorable conditions for people, businesses and individuals access to science and technology products and services and innovation.
b) To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology in, developing information and communication technology platforms and solutions to support scientific and technological development and innovation.
8. Departments, departments and branches; People's Committees of districts and cities
a) Concretize and organize the implementation of the objectives, orient the relevant tasks and solutions in this Plan into the annual plan of the locality and unit.
b) Proposing to order scientific and technological tasks according to the above orientations to solve urgent problems in local management practice.
c) Periodically, before December 1 every year, report to the Department of Science and Public Affairs the results of the implementation of the Plan to summarize and report to the Provincial People's Committee.
9. Science and technology institutions and enterprises
a) Science and technology and innovation organizations actively grasp the province's problems and the world's development trends to propose and carry out appropriate scientific research and technological development with the locality, taking businesses as the center to apply research results, actively contributing to the economic development of the province.
b) Enterprises actively apply science and technology, achievements of the 4th industrial revolution into their production and business activities, and at the same time organize research and development activities; participate in registration and transformation into science and technology enterprises; proactively self-assess technology level to improve, acquire and innovate technology; implement digital transformation within the enterprise.
Source: Vitic/
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