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Implementation plan of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1162/QD-TTG dated July 13, 2021 on program on trade deployment in mountainous, remote and island areas for a period of 2021-2025 

 Thursday, January 27,2022

AsemconnectVietnam - Propagating, disseminating and promptly and effectively implementing the Program on trade development in mountainous, deep-lying, remote areas and islands in 2021-2025 period in association with implementation of projects, resolutions, plan of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, Provincial People's Committee to implement the Resolution of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the provincial socio-economic development plan for a period of 2021-2025.

Implementation plan of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 1162/QD-TTG dated July 13, 2021 on program on trade deployment in mountainous, remote and island areas for a period of 2021-2025
I. Purpose, requirements
1. Propagating, disseminating and promptly and effectively implementing the Program on trade development in mountainous, deep-lying, remote areas and islands in 2021-2025 period in association with implementation of projects, resolutions, plan of the Provincial Party Committee, People's Council, Provincial People's Committee to implement the Resolution of the 12th Provincial Party Congress and the provincial socio-economic development plan for a period of 2021-2025.
2. Concretize the tasks of the Program in accordance with the actual situation of the locality, associated with the implementation responsibilities of each department, department, branch, People's Committee of districts, cities, agencies and units with relevant, while ensuring practical feasibility and effectiveness.
II. Target
1. Common goal
Promote commercial development associated with the province's production and business scale and characteristics; step by step narrowing the gap in trade development with other provinces in the region, contributing to socio-economic development, building new rural areas, sustainable poverty reduction, raising people's incomes, ensuring national security.
2. Specific goals for the period 2021-2025
- Total retail sales of goods and services in the province has an average growth rate of 11.5%/year.
- To develop products and goods with brands that are typical, specialties, potentials and advantages of the province, striving by 2025, at least 30% of the province's products meet standards and quality to put into the distribution system inside and outside the province and oriented to export.
- To encourage and develop capable traders and enterprises of all economic sectors to engage in commercial activities in mountainous, deep-lying and remote areas.
- Develop human resources for trade management in the area, ensuring that 100% of trade managers are trained and fostered skills, expertise and expertise in commercial development in mountainous and remote areas.
- Developing a system of distribution of goods and supply of services in a chain, ensuring a balance between supply and demand of goods on the market in mountainous, remote and isolated areas.
- Contributing to building new rural areas, reducing poverty sustainably; raise incomes of people in mountainous, remote and isolated areas; strengthen national defense and security, social order and safety in mountainous, remote and isolated areas.
III. Scope and audience
1. Scope
The program is implemented in 5 districts: Cho Don, Cho Moi, Na Ri, Ba Be, Pac Nam (according to Decision No. 964/QD-TTg dated June 30, 2015 of the Prime Minister).
Implementation period: From 2021 to the end of 2025.
2. Objects
- Organizations, individuals and enterprises conducting commercial activities in mountainous, deep-lying and remote areas.
- Domestic and foreign organizations and individuals participating in the management and implementation of the Program.
- Other related production and business establishments.
IV. Main tasks and solutions
1. Information and propaganda about commercial development in mountainous, deep-lying and remote areas
- To organize propaganda and dissemination of the Program's goals, viewpoints, orientations, tasks and results and policies on commercial development in mountainous, remote and isolated areas; propagating, promoting and introducing products and goods of mountainous, remote and mountainous areas to cadres, civil servants, public employees, workers, enterprises, cooperatives, production and business establishments and employees in the province through communication activities on the mass media, television, radio, electronic newspapers, newspapers...
- Develop and publish publications, special pages, columns, reports, newsletters,... to raise awareness, create consensus and unify in implementation.
2. Formulating and implementing mechanisms and policies on trade development in mountainous, remote and isolated areas
- Timely and effectively deploying mechanisms and policies on trade development in mountainous, remote and isolated areas;
- Regularly review and systematize legal documents promulgated by the province related to commercial development in mountainous, remote and isolated areas in order to promptly amend, supplement or annul these regulations do not match; promulgate new legal documents according to its competence and propose competent authorities to amend, supplement or issue new legal documents to ensure compliance with regulations and actual conditions of the country, localities in order to encourage and attract all social resources to participate in commercial activities.
- Coordinate with central ministries and branches in building a database system related to commercial development in mountainous, remote and isolated areas.
3. Building a model of developing potential and advantageous commodities associated with the province's tourism development
- Support to build a model of point of sale of OCOP goods and products, regional specialties to serve production and consumption activities in mountainous, remote and isolated areas. Support to build models of night markets in some tourist spots of the province.
Expected maximum number: 02 points/district x 5 districts = 10 points.
Implementation period: From 2021 to 2025.
- Guide and create conditions for production and business establishments to establish models of goods purchase, sale and distribution in order to connect supply and demand, link between production and consumption of products in accordance with the market size of each market.
4. Implement activities to encourage and promote the development of goods that are potentials and advantages of the locality
- Continue to effectively implement policies, programs and projects to support agricultural production to encourage the formation of concentrated commodity production areas such as: Resolution No. 08/2019/NQ-HDND, Scheme restructuring the agricultural sector towards increasing added value and sustainable development in the period of 2020-2025, with a vision to 2035; supporting production facilities with food safety production processes, organic agriculture, and high-tech agriculture to improve product quality.
- Support and guide production and business establishments in perfecting technology, registering for protection of intellectual property rights, labeling goods, barcodes, traceability, building and developing trademarks. (collective marks, certification marks, geographical indications) for key local agricultural products).
- Strengthening support to promote the consumption of goods of the province through trade promotion activities, connecting supply and demand of regional products, programs to connect trade between suppliers and exporters... to promote and introduce products and goods and find partners, cooperate to develop production, expand the market for goods consumption.
- Support enterprises to build trademarks, trademarks, protect brands and product brands when participating in export markets. Support in building packaging and labeling about 10 products per year.
- Implement activities to encourage and promote the development of goods that are potentials and advantages of the locality in association with the implementation of policies, programs and projects to support and develop cottage products.
5. Developing a team of traders and enterprises operating in the area
- Encourage the development of businesses that are local people involved in commercial activities. To guide, support and create conditions for people to carry out business registration, set up enterprises and establish cooperatives; operation consultancy for businesses, improve the qualifications and capacity of the team of traders.
- Support to connect and create sustainable links between enterprises and production and business establishments in the province; encourage traders and enterprises in the province to associate and cooperate with large traders and enterprises in the whole country.
6. Developing a system of trade support services in mountainous, deep-lying and remote areas
- Integrating resources to build new, renovate and upgrade markets in rural areas to meet the needs of buying, selling and exchanging goods to serve people in the area. In the period 2021-2025, it is expected to build 01 new grade III market (Cho Nghien Loan, Pac Nam district) and upgrade and renovate 2 grade III markets (Cho Cong Bang and Cho Bang Thanh, Pac Nam district).
Funding for implementation: Investment support funding comes from the national target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the 2021-2030 period.
- Continue to implement investment incentive policies to attract investment resources to develop commercial infrastructure such as markets, commercial centers, supermarkets, ... in the direction of modernity in the centers of districts, city, densely populated area.
- Encourage and support enterprises, cooperatives and business households in the area of 05 districts under the program to apply e-commerce, digital technology solutions and integrated services based on advanced technology into production and business activities according to the Plan No. 1811/QD-UBND dated October 7, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee on the development of e-commerce in Bac Kan province in the period of 2021-2025; participating in e-commerce supply chains, large domestic and foreign e-commerce platforms in order to improve competitiveness and access to domestic and foreign markets.
7. Developing professional capacity for officials and traders engaged in commercial development
- Coordinating with central ministries and branches in organizing programs, conferences, trainings, skill retraining, etc. for officials, civil servants and traders in the province to research, exchange and share share knowledge, skills and experience in management and commercial development in mountainous, remote and isolated areas.
- Appoint cadres, civil servants and traders to participate in training courses organized by central ministries and branches in order to improve their capacity, expertise and expertise in trade management and development.
V. Implementation cost
1. Funding for the implementation of the Plan shall be allocated from the State budget according to current budget decentralization; sources integrated with programs, projects and contributions of organizations and individuals; other lawfully mobilized capital sources as prescribed by law (if any).
2. Annually, based on their assigned tasks, agencies and units shall develop plans and cost estimates for implementation and summarize them in the budget estimates of agencies, units, and Departments of Finance on the basis of which they are assigned depending on the ability of the province's budget to submit to competent authorities for consideration and arrangement according to regulations.
VI. Implementation organization
1. On the basis of the main contents and tasks assigned in the Appendix attached to this Plan, provincial departments, agencies, branches, People's Committees of districts, cities and relevant units actively implement; periodically before December 15 every year or irregularly report the implementation situation to the Department of Industry and Trade to summarize and report to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
2. Assign the Department of Industry and Trade to be the focal point to monitor and urge provincial departments, agencies and sectors, People's Committees of districts and cities and relevant units to organize the implementation of this Plan. Annually advise the Provincial People's Committee to report to the Government and the Ministry of Industry and Trade according to regulations.
3. In the course of implementation, if there are any difficulties or problems, agencies and units should report them to the Department of Industry and Trade to summarize and report to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and decision.

Source: Vitic/

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