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Implementation plan of livestock development strategy in a period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045 in Lam Dong province 

 Thursday, January 27,2022

AsemconnectVietnam - To focus on developing livestock production towards large-scale, industrial, modern and sustainable farms; to step up application of scientific and technological advances to the production of products with competitive advantages and specialties of the province; to develop livestock production to ensure biosecurity and disease safety in a linked chain, reduce product costs, improve productivity, food quality and safety and protect the ecological environment in order to increase competitiveness, livestock sector, gradually increasing the proportion of livestock industry in the internal structure of the agricultural sector, creating a stable source of income for the people.

Implementation plan of livestock development strategy in a period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045 in Lam Dong province

I. Goals
1. General objective:
To focus on developing livestock production towards large-scale, industrial, modern and sustainable farms; to step up application of scientific and technological advances to the production of products with competitive advantages and specialties of the province; to develop livestock production to ensure biosecurity and disease safety in a linked chain, reduce product costs, improve productivity, food quality and safety and protect the ecological environment in order to increase competitiveness, livestock sector, gradually increasing the proportion of livestock industry in the internal structure of the agricultural sector, creating a stable source of income for the people.
2. Specific objectives:
a) The average growth rate of production value of the livestock industry in the 2021-2025 period is from 4.5 to 5.0%/year, from 3.5-4%/year in the 2026-2030 period; The proportion of livestock in the internal structure of the agricultural sector will reach 18-20% by 2025, and 22-25% by 2030.
b) By 2025, the cow herd will reach 140,000 heads (including 35,000 dairy cows); the buffalo herd reached about 14,000 heads, the pig herd reached 580,000 heads, the poultry herd 13 million heads; total live meat production is about 148,000 tons; in which, the output of pork is 117,000 tons, poultry meat is from 20,000 tons, buffalo and beef meat is 10,000 tons; egg production reached 422 million, silkworm cocoons 15,000 tons, fresh milk 135,000 tons.
c) By 2030, the herd of cows will reach 180,000 heads (in which the herd of dairy cows 48,000 heads), the buffalo herd will reach about 15,000 heads, the pig herd will develop to about 840,000 heads, and the poultry herd 15 million heads; total live meat production is about 196,000 tons, of which, pork production is 157,000 tons, poultry meat is 26,000 tons, buffalo meat is 32,000 tons; egg production reached 540 million, silkworm cocoons 18,000 tons, fresh milk 195,000 tons.
d) The proportion of poultry and livestock that are concentratedly slaughtered will reach about 40% and 65% by 2025, respectively; about 50% and 70% by 2030.
By 2025, about 50 disease-free breeding facilities will be built and 100 by 2030.
e) To build 01-02 research and production establishments for silkworm eggs, to produce about 100,000 boxes/year by 2025, meeting about 26% of production demand; by 2030 to produce about 200,000 boxes/year, meeting 44% of production demand.
II. Livestock development plan to 2030, vision 2045
1. Livestock development plan to 2030
a) Promote the development of animal husbandry on an industrial scale, self-contained animal husbandry, application of high technology, proactive disease prevention and control, identifying dairy cows, high-yielding beef cattle, pigs, poultry and silkworms as Main livestock species, restructuring livestock herds towards increasing the proportion of large-scale livestock farms, changing livestock breeds towards increasing productivity and high quality:
- Develop high-yield pig breeds at key pig farms and areas; expand the scale and number of breeding establishments towards organic and recirculating with indigenous pig breeds, high-breed hybrid pigs’ local products, restructuring the pig herd in the direction of gradually reducing the proportion in the livestock industry to limit environmental pollution.
- Developing and renovating the cow herd in the direction of Zebu, promoting the cross-breeding of high-yielding cows by artificial insemination to raise the stature of the cows; for the dairy herd, continue to use technical measures of artificial insemination, use sexist semen, and high-yielding dairy cow's semen to improve breeding animals, import high-quality and productive breeds; to expand and increase the capacity of milk processing factories, fresh milk collection stations, to create stable output for products.
- To step up the development of poultry production in the direction of biosecurity, organic husbandry, focusing on developing high-yield and high-quality hybrid breeds (white broiler chickens, colored feathered chickens, specialized egg chickens) invest in closed, large-scale barns, linked in livestock production associated with product consumption, and at the same time develop traditional livestock with indigenous and specialty breeds.
- Develop the silkworm industry in the direction of efficient and sustainable production, build a research and production base for quality silkworm seed eggs, form a stable mulberry material area, attach mulberry cultivation to silkworm rearing with silk weaving and environmental protection, enhancing added value and competitiveness for mulberry silk products.
b) To encourage the development of the industry for the production of raw materials and food supplements, especially biotechnology, in order to fully meet the needs of biological products to replace antibiotics and chemicals used in animal husbandry and to make full use of and improve the quality of life. nutritional value of agricultural and industrial by-products; develop raw material areas for forage and make use of agricultural by-products to process animal feed, encourage livestock production establishments to use self-crushed and mixed feed to reduce production costs.
c) Improve the capacity to control diseases, especially dangerous diseases affecting livestock herds and diseases that are likely to spread to humans; strengthen control of input quality and food safety of livestock products, especially control of microbiological contamination, residues of banned substances, misuse of antibiotics and chemicals in animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, killing surgery, food processing; strictly manage slaughter control, gradually reduce the number of small slaughterhouses located in residential areas to ensure environmental sanitation and food safety.
2. Vision to 2045
To develop animal husbandry into an industry-oriented commodity production industry to meet the food demand for domestic consumption and export; livestock products are strictly controlled and managed, forming concentrated husbandry zones and zones, goods with professional and specialized husbandry methods; well control the slaughter of cattle and poultry, put basic slaughtering activities into medium- and large-scale concentrated slaughterhouses; control and well control dangerous infectious diseases and diseases that can infect humans; increase the proportion of livestock in the internal structure of the agricultural sector to 30%.
III. Content and implementation solutions
1. Propagating, disseminating and implementing the Law on Livestock and its guiding documents
a) Training and propagating the Law on Livestock, guiding documents for the implementation of the Law on Livestock, livestock development strategy and management and issuance of certificates of eligibility for livestock production for large-scale livestock production establishments. .
b) Informing, propagating and disseminating guidelines, mechanisms and policies related to the livestock sector of the central government, the province and the sector; guide breeders to understand and agree to organize the implementation.
2. Applying livestock development policies
a) Effectively implement the policy of supporting the relocation of farms in areas where livestock production is not permitted according to Resolution 185/2020/NQ-HDND dated July 15, 2020 of the Provincial People's Council; continue to implement policies to support compulsory vaccination against dangerous diseases for livestock herds and policies of the Central Government related to support for livestock development.
b) Support breeders for farmers in extremely difficult areas to develop animal husbandry; supporting the construction of biosafety livestock production facilities, enterprises applying high technology and smart technology in animal husbandry; support the application of scientific and technical advances, high technologies, and biotechnology in the production and processing of raw materials for animal feed and veterinary drugs; building and replicating models and linkage chains in livestock production according to current regulations and in accordance with actual conditions and local resources.
c) Effectively implement investment incentives in the livestock industry according to the Investment Law and relevant regulations.
3. Improve capacity for disease prevention and control and environmental protection
a) Actively organize and improve efficiency in disease prevention and control, ensuring epidemiological safety of livestock, poultry and other livestock; to build disease-free establishments, especially breed production establishments and concentrated breeding areas.
b) Applying biosafety breeding processes, good husbandry practices at establishments (VietGAHP), raising the rate of compulsory vaccination and taking measures to eliminate carriers of dangerous diseases. Closely inspect the disease prevention and veterinary hygiene in localities in the province.
c) Building a centralized slaughtering network in combination with strictly managing the control of slaughtering, transportation and processing of livestock and poultry products in order to meet food safety requirements and limit the spread of disease.
d) To develop technology for building modern barns suitable for each type of livestock and type of animal husbandry; waste treatment technology associated with organic fertilizer production, aquaculture product processing and ecological environment protection.
4. Applying science and technology, improving productivity and quality of livestock breeds
a) Importing additional varieties with high yield and quality; at the same time, continue to select and improve the productivity and product quality of livestock breeds suitable to local conditions, breeding methods and market segments. Quickly absorbing technical advances, advanced technologies and biotechnology of the world; in which, focusing on the conservation and exploitation of precious biological characteristics of genetic resources and indigenous varieties.
b) Continue to support the improvement of breeding stock, improve the stature, productivity and quality of beef products by artificial insemination with groups of zebu breeds and high yielding breeds (Brahman, Red Angus, Sind, Droughmaster, Blanc Blue Belgium,…); supporting the use of sexed cow's semen and high-yield cow's semen for breeding improvement and development of high-quality dairy herds in association with joint work in purchasing, processing, and diversifying dairy products.
c) Attracting enterprises that are eligible to invest in breeding, import foreign breed of broodstock to develop quality-assured breeding pigs to serve the production of meat pigs; develop pure foreign pig breeds adapted to local weather and climate conditions and support the breeding of high-yield, high-quality meat-oriented breeds; strengthen the management of boars in the area. In addition, supporting the development of traditional and organic husbandry with indigenous varieties and specialties in the direction of commodity production, high quality, increasing competitiveness and meeting market demand.
d) Promote the development of large- and medium-sized farm breeding of colored feathered chickens and egg chickens; encouraging the use of free-range chicken breeds with quality yield, reducing feed costs in household farming; supporting the implementation of a number of organic and safe chicken raising models.
Importing two-generation silkworm eggs, managing and guiding organizations and individuals importing and supplying silkworm eggs to self-declare quality standards as prescribed; step by step develop the official import of breeding eggs in order to strictly comply with the provisions of law; strengthen research and production of silkworm eggs, step by step proactively source domestic-produced breeds to meet the province's demand for silkworm rearing; at the same time, develop concentrated silkworm rearing facilities to provide a good source of seed for production.
e) Attracting investment, encouraging businesses to actively associate with foreign silkworm egg production units (China, Japan, India) to research and produce silkworm eggs suitable to the conditions of the country, ecology of each region in the province, in order to actively breed silkworm eggs for production.
g) Encourage enterprises to participate in scientific research and transfer technology into production. Prioritize and encourage research, application and transfer of advanced technologies and biotechnology in the field of animal feed, identification and traceability of animals, slaughter, processing, disease prevention and control and treatment livestock environment management.
h) Applying a system of standards and technical regulations in the management and quality control of domestic livestock products in line with international practices and meeting the needs of the domestic and export markets.
i) Research and develop cyclic production models, applying high technology in animal husbandry; accelerate the research and application of technology of the fourth industrial revolution and other modern technologies in state management and production management of the livestock industry.
5. Improve production capacity of animal feed
a) Attract businesses to invest, build factories to produce industrial animal feed, use local raw materials, reduce transportation costs in order to lower product costs. Encourage the development of models for processing animal feeds from local raw materials and by-products with appropriate technology to reduce livestock costs and limit dependence on commercial feed sources.
b) Converting inefficient crop areas to grass, growing biomass corn in combination with mixed forage processing technology for livestock development.
6. Improve the capacity of slaughtering and processing livestock products
a) Reorganize the system of slaughtering, preliminary processing and processing of livestock products in the direction of concentration and industry in association with commodity husbandry areas, ensuring requirements on veterinary hygiene, food safety and food safety, environmental protection and humane treatment of livestock.
b) Strengthening management measures for livestock and poultry slaughter, especially small and manual livestock and poultry slaughtering establishments; at the same time, adopt policies to encourage the development of concentrated and industrial slaughtering activities to ensure veterinary hygiene and food safety.
c) Encourage the development of processing industry, deep processing of livestock products in order to diversify and increase the value of livestock products in accordance with the needs of the market.
7. Developing supporting industries for livestock industry
a) Encourage the development of the mechanical, chemical and biotechnological industries to provide equipment for stables, slaughter, processing, chemicals and biological products to replace imported sources.
b) Encourage large-scale livestock enterprises and farms to apply high technology and smart technology in building barns, cooling, and managing livestock production activities.
8. Innovation of production organization
a) Effectively implement policies to support the development of linkages associated with product consumption according to Resolution No. 104/2018/NQ-HDND dated December 13, 2018 of the Provincial People's Council, Decree No. 98/2018/ND-CP dated July 5, 2018 of the Government on policies to encourage the development of cooperation and association in the production and consumption of agricultural products;
b) Encourage the development of large enterprises and corporations to expand their investment in the livestock industry in a closed and linked chain, supporting livestock breeders to produce up to standards and meet market demand.
c) Developing and expanding the scale of effective forms of production and consumption linkages (vertical and horizontal linkages) to supply input materials for livestock production, associated with slaughter and processing, transform product consumption to meet market requirements, and at the same time improve economic efficiency in livestock production.
9. Strengthening the state management capacity of the livestock and veterinary sectors
a) Strengthening capacity, consolidating the organizational structure of the veterinary system according to Decision No. 2337/QD-UBND dated September 16, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee approving the Implementation Plan of the Scheme on Strengthening the capacity of the veterinary system. Veterinary management agencies at all levels, period 2021 - 2030.
b) Regularly propagate and disseminate legal documents; strengthen the state management of production and business activities in the field of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine; establishments engaged in animal husbandry and veterinary activities must fully satisfy the conditions prescribed by the law on environment, biosecurity and humane treatment of livestock.
c) Changing the approach to production management and product quality management so that producers and traders can take the initiative in controlling the quality and safety of their products before they are put on the market. .
d) Strengthen the inspection and control of the quality of animal feed, especially the safety criteria for animal feed, detect and strictly handle according to law cases of production and supplementation of animal feed. Prohibited growth stimulants are prohibited for use in animal feed.
Make statistics and synthesize data on changes in livestock herds and data on the livestock industry according to regulations to capture, manage and orient livestock production activities.
e) Implementing the socialization of public services in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine so that all eligible economic sectors can participate in accordance with regulations.
V. Implementation programs and projects
1. The agricultural restructuring plan towards comprehensive, sustainable and modern development in the 2021-2025 period.
2. Project on sustainable development of silkworm industry in Lam Dong province in the period of 2019-2023.
3. The scheme of organic agriculture development in Lam Dong province in the period of 2020-2025.
4. Project on capacity building of veterinary specialized management agencies at all levels, period 2021-2030, Lam Dong province.
5. Plan for prevention of animal diseases in Lam Dong province in the period of 2021-2025.
6. Policy to support relocation of livestock production facilities out of locations where livestock are not allowed according to Resolution 185/2020/NQ-HDND dated July 15, 2020 of the Provincial People's Council.
VI. Capital for implementation
1. State budget sources according to current decentralization.
2. Integrate capital sources in national target programs, programs, schemes, plans in the agricultural sector and other projects.
3. Funds are mobilized from organizations and individuals through the form of socialization, encouraging domestic and foreign organizations and individuals to invest in production and business activities in the fields of animal husbandry and veterinary medicine, processing and marketing livestock products according to the provisions of law.
VII. Implementation organization
1. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other departments, branches and localities in implementing the Plan; advise on the development of relevant programs and projects to submit to the Provincial People's Committee for approval for implementation. To be responsible for urging and monitoring the implementation of this Plan, annually summarizing and reporting on implementation results to the Provincial People's Committee, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development; propose, recommend, submit to the Provincial People's Committee to decide on issues that arise, exceed its authority, supplement and adjust the Plan in accordance with practical conditions.
2. Department of Planning and Investment, Department of Finance: To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in, reviewing and advising competent agencies to promulgate investment policies; allocate financial resources to achieve the objectives and contents of the Plan.
3. Department of Natural Resources and Environment: To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in, guiding localities in formulating land use plans and plans; implement policies on land for livestock development, construction of slaughterhouses, preservation and industrial processing and control of environmental pollution in animal husbandry according to regulations.
4. Department of Industry and Trade, Department of Science and Technology: To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in, implementing policies and solutions to promote market development and trade promotion for livestock products. ; implementing research and application solutions of science and technology for livestock development according to the content of the Plan.
5. People's Committees of districts, cities of Da Lat and Bao Loc: Organize the formulation and implementation of the Livestock Development Plan for the period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2045, suitable to local conditions.

Source: Vitic/

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