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Project on bio-industry development of industry and trade field to 2030 

 Friday, December 31,2021

AsemconnectVietnam - Implement biotechnological research and development in the processing industry in the direction of equipment modernization, technological innovation and scale-up, focusing on developing advanced technologies, production and supply of technological products and services from the main raw materials of Vietnam. Thereby helping to reduce the production cost of products by at least 25% compared to the technology being applied in enterprises

Project on bio-industry development of industry and trade field to 2030

I. Objectives
1. Overall objectives
To develop the bio-industry of Industry and Trade field according to the value chain, which is sustainable, circular, environmentally friendly, with high added value for the development of the industrial economy; improve research potential and efficiency, master biotechnology in the field of processing industry from key materials of Vietnam; turning Vietnam into a country with a modern biotechnology level in the processing industry on par with advanced countries in the region and the world; improve the autonomy in biotechnology in industry and trade, create favorable conditions for the development of biotechnology enterprises and produce new and safe products, supply for domestic and export markets.
2. Specific objectives
a) By 2025
- Implement biotechnological research and development in the processing industry in the direction of equipment modernization, technological innovation and scale-up, focusing on developing advanced technologies, production and supply of technological products and services from the main raw materials of Vietnam. Thereby helping to reduce the production cost of products by at least 25% compared to the technology being applied in enterprises.
- Improve capacity for research, application and technology reception and transfer; providing policy solutions, advanced techniques in production and business along the value chain, sustainable, circular and environmentally friendly, approaching the technology foundation of the 4th industrial revolution.
- Training and fostering to improve the quality of human resources, in which focus on training highly qualified experts (doctoral, post-doctoral) in specialized groups to serve the development of biological industry in Industry and Trade.
- Step by step develop synchronously the market for biological industrial products of Industry and Trade, focusing on the quality management system, ensuring food safety, inspection, testing, traceability associated with domestic distribution system and export by biotechnology.
- Connecting and supporting enterprises to participate in research, application and transfer of industrial-scale technologies in order to increase the quantity and value of industrial production of enterprises from the technologies created by the Scheme. . To develop and increase at least 10% of the number of bioindustrial enterprises in the field of processing industry, towards the formation of a biological industry in the Industry and Trade sector.
b) By 2030
- Mastering a number of new-generation biotechnologies, creating industrial-scale products with practical production application.
- Continue to organize training of human resources qualified to master technology, receive, apply and transfer new and advanced technologies at industrial scale to meet practical requirements and international integration. .
- Providing policy solutions, advanced production techniques of international level in researching and perfecting products, industrial designs, production and trading, forming a system of bio-industrial enterprises according to value chain, sustainable, circular, environmentally friendly approach the technology foundation of the 4th industrial revolution.
- Continue to improve the capacity of research, reception, application and transfer of advanced technologies, approaching the world's modern technology platform, capable of applying industrial-scale production, promoting the industry. Industry and Trade biology has developed strongly. Forming and developing the number of bio-industrial enterprises in the Industry and Trade sector will increase by at least 50% compared to the period 2021 - 2025.
II. Project Mission
1. Developing science and technology to serve the biological industry in Industry and Trade
To continue researching, perfecting and upgrading the scale of established technologies in the period up to 2020; actively research, receive and decode new technologies from countries with advanced biological industries in the world to master, apply and develop biotechnology in the field of Industry and Trade in Vietnam. industrial scale, focusing on technologies following a closed technological chain, circular production for each group of major domestic raw materials (agricultural products; aquatic products; edible mushrooms, medicinal mushrooms, plants) medicinal herbs, tea plants; meat, milk,...) to create products with high added value while minimizing environmental pollution in the following industries and fields:
a) Light industry:
- Microbial preparations and secondary products from the microbiological industry, microbial biomass technology, preservatives, additives, food colors, organic acids, amino acids, proteins..., products enzyme products (including proteins, recombinant enzymes).
- Fermented foods: Fermented foods, beverages, probiotic drinks, low-alcohol products, beverages of natural origin (plants, microorganisms), products beverages made from seeds and grains (rice, corn...); using smart, environmentally friendly packaging with nanomaterials in accordance with the nutritional needs of Vietnamese people, development trends in the region and the world.
- Bio-pharmaceutical raw materials, safe and healthy foods (health foods, foods containing biologically active substances); Food for humans operating in special conditions, high intensity, supporting the prevention of diseases on the human body originating from plants, microorganisms, fungi, marine organisms, ...
- Development of biological products for environmental protection in processing zones, preparations for food preservation.
- Active ingredients, biological products, raw materials for the production of feed, animal feed, aquaculture and seafood; deep processing for key aquaculture and seafood species (especially for marine farming), high quality meat products, reduced prices, and food safety assurance.
- Applying and mastering the technology of developing biological kits (KITs) to quickly detect, test and evaluate food quality and safety in the field of processing industry, integrating many new, preeminent and suitable features with food safety management practices in Vietnam; transfer and replication in production.
- Application of biotechnology in other light industries (textiles, leather, paper, vegetable oil, plastic,...)
- Design and manufacture equipment, equipment systems for the production of value-added products: Research, design and manufacture modern and synchronous equipment systems, core devices ( main) suitable with technologies that have been researched and perfected in the period up to 2020, develop and upgrade the scale towards modernity, industry, application of achievements of the 4th industrial revolution; research and adopt modern designs, suitable with highly applicable technologies and characteristics of domestic raw materials in order to promptly exploit and put technology into production and commercialization of products.
b) Energy: Developing technology for culturing marine microalgae by combined photobiotic systems (photogenic, heterotrophic and heterotrophic,...) to enhance the ability to increase biomass, reduce production costs in production of bioethanol, biodiesel, auxiliary substances in the process of production, preservation and storage of biofuels to meet Vietnam's roadmap for biofuel use.
c) Other heavy industry: Application of biotechnology in other processing industries such as mineral extraction; coal, oil and gas;…
d) Trade: Conduct studies on perfecting the domestic and export distribution system for products created from the Scheme on the technology foundation of the 4th industrial revolution; point models, providing policy solutions, advanced production techniques of regional and international level in research to perfect products, industrial designs, production and business along the value chain, sustainable, circular, environmentally friendly approach to the technology foundation of the 4th industrial revolution.
2. Building and developing the potential of biological industry in Industry and Trade
a) Training human resources through funding and content of implementing science and technology tasks under the Scheme and taking advantage of international cooperation to train human resources for the biological processing industry in the following forms:
- Participating in the implementation of training of highly qualified human resources (master, doctoral, post-doctoral) and specialized in biotechnology through cooperation programs with advanced and developed countries in science and technology biotechnology, bioindustry.
- Organize short-term training classes for staff, workers at enterprises, especially start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises in the localities to master the transferred and improved technology ability to receive technology and autonomously deploy production activities.
- Participate in the implementation of cooperation activities with foreign training institutions to deploy bilateral training.
- Implement activities to support final year bachelors, engineers and masters of biotechnology to approach foreign businesses to acquire practical skills for the development of domestic bioindustry companies.
- Develop orientations for overseas training in accordance with the development orientation of the bio-industry in Vietnam; part-time training; training at foreign units transferring technology into the country; attract high-quality human resources.
- Organize and build a team of experts on market deployment, bioindustry business administration in the process of evaluating biotechnology in the processing industry.
b) Build and strengthen facilities, equipment and machinery for research, analysis and evaluation services, and support businesses to develop the biological industry.
- Continue to invest in-depth, perfect the technical facilities of laboratories for scientific and technological organizations of Industry and Trade.
- Organize activities of connection units to support enterprises (public and private) and technology transfer applications; perform the function of analyzing services, perfecting technologies and products, and playing the role of connecting scientific and technological organizations, enterprises and individuals in research, production and business of the Project's products. .
- Implement investment in infrastructure and equipment for a number of science and technology units under the Ministry of Industry and Trade and bio-industrial enterprises in the direction of public-private partnership in order to take advantage of the capacity of public enterprises. biotechnology in accelerating the value of bioindustrial production.
- Combine investment and construction of laboratories to serve the development of the biological industry, and at the same time have the function of food quality inspection under the state management responsibility of the Ministry of Industry and Trade to meet international standards or standards chemicals according to recognized laboratory standards (VILAS) in enterprises from non-budget sources.
3. Building and perfecting the system of legal documents, mechanisms and policies to promote the development of the biological industry in the Industry and Trade sector
a) Develop and perfect a system of legal documents in order to promote research, application and mastery of technology, gradually forming a biological industry in the Industry and Trade sector.
b) Develop and perfect mechanisms and policies to encourage, research, develop, master, transfer and apply biotechnology in the field of processing industry, Industry and Trade.
c) Create an open and favorable market, develop more supporting industries and encourage enterprises of all economic sectors to invest in the development of the biological industry, form and develop new businesses biological industry in the field of processing industry, including the specific fields specified in Section 1, Part II, Article 1 of this Decision.
d) Support biological industrial enterprises in intellectual property, image building, organization of promotional activities, product introduction and trade promotion.
4. International cooperation in the field of bioindustry Industry and Trade
a) Conduct bilateral and multilateral cooperation with enterprises, training and research units of countries with advanced bio-processing industries in the region and the world to train and share experiences, attract investment and enlist help in order to quickly, strongly and firmly develop the bio-processing industry in our country.
b) Cooperate with international organizations to exploit experience and funding sources through scientific and technological tasks.
c) Implement activities of decoding technology, decoding technology of scientific equipment mainly in order to improve the biotechnological potential of enterprises at an appropriate cost.
e) Implement FDI projects in order to improve the efficiency of bio-industry development in Industry and Trade and effectively exploit the capacity and experience of advanced countries in the region and the world.
5. Building and developing a national database system and organizing propaganda to raise awareness about the bioindustry of Industry and Trade
a) Develop and deploy an online information system and national database on biotechnology in the Industry and Trade sector.
b) Organize communication to raise awareness about the bioindustry of Industry and Trade through various media in order to disseminate technologies, products, technical knowledge, useful solutions and achievements. The latest science and technology on bioindustry.
III. The main solution
1. Solutions for the development of bioindustry science and technology in the field of processing industry
a) Supporting research, development, receiving new technology transfer from abroad,... in the field of biotechnology in order to develop towards the development of bio-industrial enterprises. Focus on supporting topics, projects and schemes to research and apply source and core technologies in the fields specified in Section 1, Part 2 of this Article.
b) Strengthening linkages between scientific research units and enterprises in order to quickly bring researched and new technologies to enterprises to improve the ability to apply biotechnology in enterprises with potential and in demand.
c) Implement measures to manage, support and encourage bioindustry enterprises, relevant organizations and individuals of all economic sectors to increase investment in research activities, receive and transfer biotechnology, widely and effectively apply technical advances and new technologies to produce, trade and service key products and goods produced by biotechnology in the field of biotechnology, processing industry, meeting the needs of consumption and export in order to increase the number of biotechnology enterprises and improve the productivity, quality and competitiveness of biotechnology products in the industrial field, processed from biological industrial products of the Scheme; supporting businesses to build research facilities, analyze services and apply biotechnology.
d) Increase the application rate of modern technologies, technologies suitable to the characteristics of industries applying biotechnology of Industry and Trade to make full and effective use of abundant raw materials in different regions, in the locality, forming and developing a circular economy, creating a premise for the development of a sustainable and environmentally friendly biological industry.
2. Solutions for potential development
a) Implement activities of association and coordination with universities, institutes and research centers in order to train human resources specialized in biotechnology in new forms of training, retraining, retraining; Vocational training, training combined with receiving foreign technology, focusing on training a team of highly qualified experts for officials involved in implementing the contents of the Scheme through short-term, focused training courses, national and international training.
b) Forming connection units to support businesses (public and private) to support scientists to perfect products; connecting and supporting the business community in providing, transferring technology and commercializing biotechnology application products in the processing industry according to a complete supply chain.
c) Focused investment in development of a number of biotechnology laboratories belonging to research institutes and universities by region; renovate and supplement modern equipment to upgrade to specialized laboratories to meet the requirements of research, analysis, inspection and certification of conformity and product standardization; serving human resource training, international cooperation and a number of other related contents under the Scheme.
d) Building a model of linking key biotechnology laboratories in the process of conducting research and application in the production and business of biological industry in Industry and Trade.
3. Policy solutions and biological industry development in Industry and Trade
a) Review the current status of the system of legal documents, mechanisms and policies to promote research, application and mastery of technology, step by step forming a biological industry in the field of processing industry.
b) Develop and submit to competent authorities for promulgation and proactively promulgate timely policies to encourage research development, technology mastery, transfer and application of biotechnology in the processing industry on production in enterprises, focusing on small and medium-sized enterprises; policies to attract and diversify investment resources for the development of the bio-industry in the field of processing industry and preferential policies, to utilize talents in biotechnology in the field of processing industry.
c) Research and propose preferential policies on tax, land, loans, import of technology and technological know-how from countries with advanced biological industries in the world, develop the technology market. The mechanism of profit recovery from products created through the application of biotechnology in the field of processing industry is researched and invested, with special priority given to businesses investing in research and production of biotechnology products in the field of commodity processing industry, ensuring sustainable development.
d) Review, develop and promulgate regulations to support bioindustry enterprises in intellectual property, image building, organization of promotional activities, product introduction, trade promotion, etc. trade in commodity products created by bioindustrial enterprises to accelerate product consumption in domestic and export markets.
e) Promote administrative reform, especially administrative procedures, simplify processes and procedures in the implementation and implementation of science and technology tasks under the Scheme.
4. Solutions for international cooperation
a) Promote international cooperation in human resource development through science and technology tasks, appoint highly qualified officials, engineers and scientists to receive technology transfer and exchange from other countries with developed biotechnological background.
b) Formulate and organize the implementation of topics and projects on cooperation in scientific research, development and application, technology transfer, production lines, biotechnology machinery and equipment in the processing industry, changes between science and technology units, domestic enterprises and partners (institutes, schools, enterprises, ...) in countries with advanced biotechnology in the world.
c) Support enterprises to actively cooperate and receive and transfer technologies for industrial production of biotechnology products with competitive advantages from abroad.
d) Encourage linkages between multinational companies, foreign-invested enterprises and domestic enterprises and research units.
5. Solutions for building databases, information and communication
a) Build a database and communication materials, organize propaganda, popularize and thoroughly understand the guidelines of the Party and the State's policies on the development of the bio-industry of Industry and Trade in order to create a transformational change. strongly in the awareness of all levels, sectors and the whole society about the role, position and importance of the biological industry in general and the industry and trade bio-industry in particular for the cause of industrialization, to modernize the country, to develop the biological industry into an economic-technical branch that makes an important contribution to the national economic growth.
b) Organizing seminars, forums, domestic technology floors to connect enterprises, science and technology units, domestic and foreign experts to promote cooperation, technology application and development, product; connecting supply and demand, promoting the project's brand and products.
c) Continue to build, upgrade, perfect, and organize the dissemination of information about the biological industry on the website of the bioindustry of Industry and Trade.
d) Organize the work of monitoring and updating the system of new technologies in the country and the world to promptly provide organizations and individuals participating in the implementation of activities to promote the development of the bio-industry.
Implement information and communication coordination activities with ministries, branches, organizations and individuals during the implementation of the Project's activities; guide localities, science and technology units, enterprises in the process of implementing and deploying tasks.
e) Cooperate with organizations, individuals, radio and television stations, newspapers and electronic newspapers at central and local levels in organizing the introduction and promotion of technologies and products; propagate and encourage the use of biological industrial products in the processing industry to improve the production efficiency of biological industrial products in the Industry and Trade sector and build Vietnamese brands.
g) Promote the application of information technology in building databases, providing, exchanging and trading information about experts, technologies, products, equipment and activities of the Scheme to improve the quality of the project, awareness for all levels, branches and enterprises about the biological industry.
IV. Implementation cost
1. Funding sources for the implementation of the Project
a) Funding sources for implementation of the Scheme include: State budget (expenditure for development investment, recurrent expenditure); other sources of funding, aid, and other lawful sources of mobilization from domestic and foreign organizations and individuals as prescribed by law.
b) State budget capital for implementation of the Scheme shall be spent on scientific research, development, application, transfer and mastering of technology for production of biotechnological products in the field of processing industry; Information Communication; international cooperation; supporting investment in upgrading key laboratories, existing laboratories on biotechnology in the field of processing industry of units under the Ministry of Industry and Trade and implementing other tasks and solutions to perform Scheme.
2. Plan, cost estimation and management
a) With regard to capital from the state budget
- The preparation of annual budget estimates and plans shall comply with the provisions of the Law on State Budget and the Law on Public Investment and shall be included in the medium-term and annual estimates and budget plans of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. .
- Funding for the implementation of the Project is managed in accordance with current law provisions on management of development investment capital, training capital and scientific and technological non-business capital; management of science and technology tasks is carried out in accordance with current regulations on management of science and technology tasks at the national level.
b) For capital sources outside the state budget, the estimation shall be made according to the provisions of law for each capital source.
V. Implementation organization
1. Ministry of Industry and Trade
a) Assume the prime responsibility for organizing, implementing, monitoring, synthesizing and coordinating with ministries, branches and localities in implementing tasks and solutions for the implementation of the Scheme; research and propose mechanisms and policies to mobilize social resources to implement the Project.
b) Develop implementation plans, assign specific tasks to agencies, units and organize the implementation, inspection and evaluation annually.
c) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Planning and Investment with, the Ministry of Education and Training and relevant agencies in reviewing and developing guiding documents for the implementation of the project. Scheme, submit to the Prime Minister for promulgation mechanisms, policies and measures to support the implementation of the Scheme.
d) The Ministry of Industry and Trade may establish an Executive Board headed by the Minister of Industry and Trade to organize, monitor and urge the implementation of the contents of the Scheme.
2. Ministry of Planning and Investment
Balancing and allocating development investment funds for the implementation of the Scheme in accordance with the Law on Public Investment, the Law on State Budget and relevant regulations of law on public investment.
3. Ministry of Finance
a) Allocate funds for the implementation of recurrent expenditures within the scope of expenditures from the state budget according to current budget decentralization and regulations of the Law on State Budget.
b) Cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in formulating and promulgating preferential policies for enterprises investing in developing the biological industry in the field of processing industry to implement the Scheme.
4. Ministry of Science and Technology
a) Cooperate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in developing the industry and trade bio-industry and develop an investment plan to develop key biotechnology laboratories, increase the potential in terms of facilities and equipment for scientific research and training units managed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
b) Summarize and submit to competent authorities for allocating funds for performing science and technology tasks from the non-business budget of science and technology as prescribed.
c) Formulate preferential mechanisms and policies for supporting the application of research results of modern biotechnology in the production and trading of biological industrial products in the field of processing and supporting industries, transferring and importing technology and technological know-how, developing advanced technology markets from abroad and regulations related to intellectual property in the field of biological industry, Industry and Trade.
5. Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development
Coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade to support organizations and individuals in developing research and application of biotechnology in the field of processing industry of aquatic products, seafood, animal feed and products and technologies.
6. Ministry of Education and Training
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and relevant agencies in, reviewing, formulating plans and organizing the implementation of training for highly qualified human resources in the field of biotechnology at home and abroad.
7. The Ministries of Natural Resources and Environment, Health and relevant agencies shall coordinate with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the process of supporting their affiliated units in implementing scientific and technological tasks under the Scheme.
8. People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities
Based on the content of the Scheme, research and implement specific activities to support and develop biotechnology research and application, bio-industrial enterprises suitable to the conditions of each locality in the current period from 2021 to 2030.
Source: Vitic/

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