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Implementation plan of fisheries development strategy to 2030, vision to 2045 in Dong Thap province 

 Friday, December 31,2021

AsemconnectVietnam - Exploiting the potentials and strengths of the locality, developing the fisheries sector to 2030, with a vision to 2045 in Dong Thap province towards sustainability, efficiency, livelihood creation and income enhancement for people farmers, economic development in rural areas; at the same time, protect the ecological environment and disease safety, meet the requirements of food quality and safety for domestic consumption and increase exports.

Implementation plan of fisheries development strategy to 2030, vision to 2045 in Dong Thap province

I. Objectives
1. Objectives
- Exploiting the potentials and strengths of the locality, developing the fisheries sector to 2030, with a vision to 2045 in Dong Thap province towards sustainability, efficiency, livelihood creation and income enhancement for people farmers, economic development in rural areas; at the same time, protect the ecological environment and disease safety, meet the requirements of food quality and safety for domestic consumption and increase exports.
- Attracting resources and economic sectors to invest in aquaculture development effectively with the business force as the core. To focus on investing in the development of synchronous technical and infrastructure facilities; training, fostering, developing and effectively using human resources; strengthen technology transfer and application, prioritize high-tech application and digital transformation; improve state management capacity, reorganize production according to the market economy.
- To step up industrialization and modernization of the fishery industry in a market-oriented, environmentally friendly manner, to protect, regenerate and develop aquatic resources, and to conserve biodiversity; adaptation to climate change; ensure disease safety, biological safety and social security. Developing fisheries in association with improving people's material and spiritual life, building new countryside.
2. Some key targets by 2030
Targets by 2030: develop fisheries into an important economic sector of the province, large commodity production associated with industrialization - modernization, sustainable development and proactive adaptation to climate change; have a reasonable structure and organizational form of production, high productivity, quality and efficiency; have high competitiveness and international integration, specifically:
a) The growth rate of aquaculture production value by 2030 will reach 4%/year. In which, the period 2021 - 2025 will reach 4.3%/year, the period 2026 - 2030 will reach 3.6%/year.
b) Total production of aquatic products:
- By 2025, it will reach 681,208 tons. In which, aquaculture production is 661,900 tons, aquaculture production is 19,308 tons.
- By 2030, it will reach 819,150 tons. In which, aquaculture production is 802,150 tons, and exploited aquatic product is 17,000 tons.
c) The value of seafood export turnover is 1.1 - 1.2 billion USD.
3. Vision to 2045
To step up industrialization and modernization of the fishery industry in a market-oriented, environmentally friendly manner, to protect, regenerate and develop aquatic resources, and to conserve biodiversity; adaptation to climate change; ensure disease safety, biological safety, meet domestic and export market requirements; towards digital economy, circular economy, green economy.
II. Key tasks
1. Reviewing the functions, tasks, organizational structure and human resources of state management agencies in charge of fisheries in the province according to the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, ensuring streamlined, to operate effectively, efficiently and in accordance with reality; improve the capacity of State management staff specialized in fisheries in the locality.
2. Timely organize the implementation and formulation of plans on national programs and projects on development of the fisheries sector promulgated by the central government (Appendix).
3. Prioritize investment capital from the State budget; at the same time, strengthen investment promotion, and attract resources from all economic sectors to invest in developing material and technical infrastructure of the fisheries sector in a synchronous manner, consistent with the master plan of the province.
4. Select key investment projects to develop the fisheries sector in accordance with the planning, sector development plan, socio-economic development plan of the province in each period, each period.
5. Organization of aquatic product production
5.1. Protection and development of aquatic resources
- Focus on investigating and assessing aquatic resources and aquatic species' living environment as a basis for protection, regeneration and sustainable exploitation of aquatic resources.
- Take care of, organize, manage and protect breeding areas, areas where young aquatic animals live and migration routes of aquatic species. Conservation development associated with eco-tourism and new rural areas.
- Carry out additional stocking of aquatic species of economic and scientific value; native aquatic species; endemic aquatic species into natural waters. Forming artificial habitats for endangered, precious and rare aquatic species.
- Protect the living environment of aquatic species, supplement and regenerate aquatic resources in natural water bodies. Additional stocking, regeneration and development of aquatic resources are valued, carried out regularly and widely socialized.
- Strengthen the implementation of co-management in the protection of aquatic resources, assign management rights to community organizations in the protection of aquatic resources.
- Mobilize financial resources for the protection, regeneration and development of aquatic resources.
- Implement the implementation of social policies, job support to change occupations for fishing subjects, in order to reduce pressure on exploiting natural aquatic resources.
- Deploy scientific and technological tasks to transfer technical advances in breeding a number of valuable freshwater aquatic species for conservation and economic development.
5.2. Fisheries
- To organize rational fishing activities, to associate the development of livelihoods of the fishing community with the development of aquaculture, eco-tourism, and recreational fisheries.
- Minimizing and ending fishing occupations that are destructive to aquatic resources, converting occupations that are highly invasive to resources and using a lot of fuel to environmentally friendly occupations and aquatic resources. .
- Modernize fisheries management.
5.3. Aquaculture
- Continue to develop a high quality 3-level pangasius seed production system, combining with the development of indigenous aquatic species suitable for the province's development potential such as zebrafish, giant freshwater shrimp...; to research and produce a number of new aquatic species such as dolphins, catfish, carrion fish, and pinnacles, etc. according to the provisions of the list of aquatic species permitted for business in Vietnam.
- Continue to develop effective aquaculture of pangasius and native aquatic species with high economic value, in association with environmental protection and adaptation to climate change conditions. Taking advantage of the flood season to develop small-scale farming models such as raising eels, snails, black snails, etc., in order to proactively provide food sources, create jobs, and contribute to hunger eradication and poverty alleviation.
- Select, develop and raise a number of native fish species such as scalloped fish, herbivorous fish, fire carp, etc., for ornamental purposes and entertainment to meet domestic and foreign consumption needs.
- To encourage enterprises and farming households to apply new, advanced, circular, environmentally friendly, climate change farming technologies into production in order to reduce product costs; developing models of organic farming, ecological farming, using herbs, applying certification standards of good aquaculture practice (GAP), food safety to enhance product value and Sustainable Development.
- Improve the capacity of fisheries management and production in the direction of modernity, application of information technology and digital technology in management, production of aquatic breeds and materials, disease prevention and treatment, and aquaculture.
- Continue to develop aquaculture production models in the form of cooperation such as cooperatives, cooperative groups, assembly halls to create large commodity production areas, link along the value chain, and associate with the market.
- Develop and implement a plan for monitoring, warning and monitoring the water environment for aquaculture; disease control in aquaculture.
5.4. Processing and consuming aquatic products
- To step up the development of the processing industry for pangasius and other aquatic products such as giant freshwater prawns, red tilapia, snakehead fish, and snakehead fish...; promoting the development of seafood production chains in the direction of increasing added value and sustainable development.
- Encourage seafood processing enterprises to apply science and technology to increase the proportion of value-added products; innovating machinery, equipment and technology in order to increase productivity, quality, develop new products, high value-added products derived from seafood raw materials and by-products serving the food and beverage industries; ensure food safety, traceability, environmental safety and social security; improve economic efficiency and competitiveness.
- Actively integrating into the world, attracting investment, resources and expanding export markets; improve the quality and diversify processed products to meet the needs of domestic and export markets.
- Maintain and develop export market share in key markets (USA, European Union, China, Japan,...), constantly expand market share in potential markets Korea, China, Middle East, Eastern Europe, South America and Southeast Asia... Consolidate and develop domestic seafood processing, expand the domestic market on the basis of diversifying products, suitable to the consumer tastes of the Vietnamese people.
- Organize efficient production along the value chain between seafood processing enterprises, input material suppliers, credit institutions and aquaculture farmers.
III. Solution
1. Investing and developing synchronously the infrastructure of the fisheries sector
- Develop and complete the provincial fisheries planning to ensure synchronous planning from production to seafood processing. Organize the implementation of approved programs, schemes and projects in the fisheries sector.
- Mobilize resources of the central, local and all economic sectors to invest in building synchronous and disease-free fisheries infrastructure in accordance with planning and regulations of the State, including: : areas for production of three-level pangasius seed, pangasius farming areas, caged fish farming areas and concentrated farming areas of other aquatic species; carry out investigation, protection and development of aquatic resources; environmental monitoring and warning system, disease in aquaculture.
2. Development and application of science and technology
- Coordinate with institutes and schools to organize the transfer and application of advanced science and technology in gene preservation and aquatic breeding in order to conserve and develop indigenous, endemic and endangered aquatic species, has high scientific and economic value; survey and assessment of aquatic resources and habitats of aquatic species.
- Promote socialization, transfer and application of advanced science and technology in seafood production and processing.
- Implement the adoption of broodstock with genetic improvement towards fast growth and disease resistance; applying research results, selection, domestication of giant freshwater shrimp, high quality seed production process to improve the quality of seed for commercial farming.
- Transfer and application of intensive aquaculture technology with high productivity, circulating farming model, saving water and energy, reducing production costs, ensuring food safety, protecting the environment, organic farming model, ecological...
- To step up the propaganda and use of drugs, herbs, biological products and vaccines in service of disease control and control; application of information technology in disease diagnosis, prevention and treatment; to limit the use of chemicals and antibiotics in aquaculture.
- Coordinate with institutes, schools and organizations to transfer and apply technology to recycle and reuse waste by-products from seafood production activities (waste sludge, wastewater) to produce pharmaceuticals and cosmetics products, functional foods, organic fertilizers, etc.
3. Training and development of human resources
- Strengthening the training, fostering and development of human resources with deep expertise and high skills in service of aquaculture, exploitation, processing, protection and development of aquatic resources in the province. Training managers to meet the requirements of international integration, capable of applying high technology in management and administration.
- Attract investment in resources in cooperation, training and development of high-quality human resources for the fisheries industry.
- Linking and connecting between training institutions, research institutes and enterprises in training and developing human resources to meet the needs of the labor market.
4. Mechanisms and policies
Implement, apply and concretize mechanisms and policies on aquaculture production according to the actual situation of the locality such as:
4.1. Land and water policy
Policy on allocation and lease of land and water surface for aquaculture in accordance with law.
4.2. Financial and credit policy
- State budget and credit institutions prioritize investment and support:
+ Develop infrastructure for the fisheries sector synchronously.
+ Training, improving management capacity and developing human resources in the fisheries sector.
+ Support the application of high technology to improve product quality and added value, reduce production costs, protect the environment, and adapt to climate change.
4.3. Commercial policies
- Reorganize the fishery product consumption system in association with linked chains, ensuring traceability, in line with the requirements of international integration.
- Promotion of trade, promotion of aquatic products, development of markets for consumption of aquatic products.
5. Market and trade promotion
- Strengthening trade promotion activities, developing markets in countries and regions that have been signing free trade agreements; develop and expand key and potential markets.
- Developing and expanding the domestic market, diversifying processed products.
6. Improve seafood processing capacity
- Innovating equipment, technology, investing and upgrading seafood processing factories to increase productivity, reduce production costs, and protect the environment. Promote the application of quality management programs and information technology.
- Ensuring quality, food safety and environmental protection to meet domestic and international standards, regulations and regulations on quality, food safety, traceability, social responsibility and Sustainable Development.
- Increase the proportion of processed products with high quality and competitiveness for domestic consumption and export; rationally shift the product structure towards increasing the proportion of deeply processed products with high added value.
7. Capacity building for disease prevention and control and environmental protection
- Propaganda and education to raise people's awareness in environmental protection, disease prevention in aquaculture,...
- Apply new, advanced and environmentally friendly technologies to reduce and handle environmental pollution in the process of aquatic product production. Take measures to manage and encourage research and application of technology to recycle waste by-products from seafood production activities.
- Strengthen inspection and control and organize management and supervision of the community to manage the environment and apply strict sanctions to production facilities that do not comply with the provisions of the law.
- Invest in perfecting the infrastructure system in service of production, especially the treatment of waste and wastewater in the production process to ensure strict compliance with the provisions of the law on environmental protection.
8. Production organization
- Organize linkages between stages in the value chain from raw material production to processing and consumption in all fields and product objects, creating cohesion, sharing profits and risks among businesses, producers, input service providers and seafood processing enterprises in order to increase productivity, quality and added value of aquatic products.
- Develop production models suitable to the natural conditions of each locality in the province. To develop models of cooperative groups, cooperatives, associations, co-management, joint ventures and linkages between processing enterprises and enterprises and aquaculture farmers.
- Accelerate the application of advanced scientific and technical advances to production, widely apply the circular production process, biosecurity, disease safety, issue code of farming area, associated with origin source traceability, food safety conditions and good aquaculture practices (GAP).
- Linking with other economic sectors to ensure harmonization of interests between economic sectors in the use of natural resources and resources.
9. Strengthening state management
- To reduce the intensity of fishing to protect, regenerate and develop aquatic resources, and to change occupations from fishing to other occupations.
- Support the implementation of co-management in the protection of aquatic resources for community organizations participating in the management, protection and development of aquatic resources;
- Strengthening state management measures on inspection and control: regulations on fishing gear, areas where fishing is prohibited and banned from fishing for a definite time; control invasive alien aquatic species and species, especially ornamental aquatic species.
- To perfect the system of organizational apparatus for specialized state management of fisheries in the direction of streamlining, uniformity, effectiveness and efficiency; ensure effective fisheries law enforcement.
- Applying information technology, digital transformation in administrative management and management of seafood production fields to meet practical requirements and development trends of the seafood industry in the period of international integration.
- Continue to promote administrative reform in the fisheries sector. Focus on perfecting mechanisms and policies for industry management, creating a legal corridor for production and business activities that are open, transparent, and in line with international practices. Capacity building for staff, civil servants and officials in the fisheries sector.
- Well control waste sources from fishing, aquaculture to seafood processing, ensuring to meet environmental standards according to current regulations.
IV. Capital for implementation
1. Fundraising
- Sources of state budget allocated according to regulations.
- Integrating in other national target programs, target programs, other programs, plans and projects.
- Sources of concessional loans, ODA capital (if any).
- Organizations and individuals invest and other mobilized capital sources.
2. Effective use of investment capital
- The state budget prioritizes investment in the development of technical infrastructure in service of human resource research and training; improve the management capacity of the fisheries sector; disease control, food hygiene and safety; preserve and develop genetic resources of indigenous, precious and rare aquatic breeds; stockpile essential products suitable for each period.
- Promote socialization and encourage domestic and foreign organizations and individuals to invest in production and business activities in the field of farming, processing and developing product consumption markets according to regulations of the Government.
V. Implementation organization
1. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant departments, agencies, sectors, localities and units in organizing the implementation of this Plan, and at the same time inspect, supervise, review and evaluate actual results, implement the Strategy in the province every year and every 5 years and submit it to the Provincial People's Committee and send it to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development according to regulations.
- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other departments, agencies, sectors and localities in formulating implementation plans for the implementation of programs and projects prioritizing fisheries development in the province and submitting them to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration.
- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with other departments, branches and localities in reviewing the functions, tasks, organizational structure, and human resources of state management agencies in charge of fisheries in the province in order to ensure leanness. , operating effectively and efficiently, in line with local realities.
- Direct the specialized units attached to coordinate with the localities to organize the development of aquaculture production and fishing in order to create stability, improve product value and increase income for workers; strengthen environmental monitoring and warning and disease prevention; encourage and create conditions for organizations and individuals to develop, expand the size of the area, increase the output of aquaculture; inspect production conditions to ensure food safety and improve product quality.
- Organize propaganda on the implementation of the Plan to managers and organizations and individuals operating in the field of fisheries in the province to know and grasp the general direction of the Fisheries sector to participate in the implementation of the plan.
- Annually summarize and evaluate the implementation situation and advise the Provincial People's Committee to report the results of the implementation of the Plan to the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
2. Department of Internal Affairs
- Coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant departments, branches and localities in reviewing the functions, tasks and organizational structure of state management agencies in charge of fisheries in the area. The province ensures lean, effective and efficient operation, in line with reality.
- Coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to review the current capacity of the contingent of civil servants and public employees in charge of the fisheries sector to perform appropriate and effective training and retraining tasks.
3. Department of Planning and Investment
On the basis of the proposal of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Planning and Investment shall assume the prime responsibility for, summarize and advise the Provincial People's Committee to consider and allocate resources to implement the development of programs and projects. , investment projects to develop the fisheries sector, arrange integrated capital sources to realize the objectives of the Plan; implement policies on investment incentives according to assigned functions and tasks.
4. Department of Finance
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in, implementing financial policies according to their assigned functions and tasks.
5. Department of Science and Technology
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in, implementing schemes, projects, research programs, and application of science and technology to serve the conservation and development of fisheries in the province.
6. Department of Industry and Trade
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in, implementing policies and solutions to promote, develop and expand markets, promote trade, solve difficulties and obstacles and promote consumption domestically and for export.
7. Department of Natural Resources and Environment
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in, guiding localities in formulating master plans, land use plans, and arranging land fund for aquaculture development in accordance with the approved planning; guide policies on land for organizations and individuals to hire to develop aquaculture, build seafood processing establishments and control environmental pollution in aquatic production.
8. Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs
Coordinating with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in directing specialized units to develop and organize the implementation of vocational training programs (cultivation, ornamental fish breed production, aquatic product processing,...), career change for fishermen and policies to support job change for fisherman communities that are in transition or need to change to other more favorable business and production fields.
9. State Bank of Vietnam - Provincial Branch
- Direct credit institutions in the area to promptly implement credit policies for agricultural and rural development, especially policies related to fisheries development activities under the direction of the Government, State Bank of Vietnam and Province.
- Receive and promptly respond to difficulties and problems of organizations and individuals operating in the fisheries sector in accessing loans within the scope of their competence.
- Coordinate with relevant departments and branches to advise and propose credit policies to support the development of the fisheries sector under the direction of the locality; make recommendations on arising problems, exceeding their authority (if any) in order to effectively implement the objectives and contents of the Plan.
10. People's Committees of districts and cities
- Organize the formulation and implementation of the annual and periodical plan for fisheries development in line with the actual conditions of the locality and the general planning of the province.
- Periodically, before December 15 every year, report and evaluate the results of the implementation of the Strategy implementation plan in the area and send it to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for synthesis and report to the Provincial People's Committee.
11. Request the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations
Coordinate with authorities at all levels in propagating and mobilizing people and members of aquaculture in a closed chain, circular economy, biosecurity, disease safety; well implement measures to prevent and control diseases on aquatic products.
12. Fisheries Association
Coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in propagating and disseminating information to businesses and people about the Strategy and action plan of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the provisions of Vietnamese law. ; participate in the formulation and critique of strategic orientations, solutions, mechanisms and policies for fisheries development; trade promotion activities, stabilizing and expanding consumption markets; organize a network to provide market information for businesses and fishermen; participate in vocational training, technology transfer, training for fishermen to develop livelihoods and change jobs appropriately; support organizations and individuals to invest in development, organize seafood production according to value chains, responsibly, with quality, efficiency and sustainability.
Request heads of departments, branches, relevant units, People's Committees of districts and cities to well implement the content of this Plan. Annually, report the results to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development. During the implementation process, if there are problems or difficulties, the units shall report to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for summarizing and submitting to the Provincial People's Committee for timely settlement./.
Source: Vitic/

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