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Project of developing construction materials in Binh Dinh province in a period of 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050 

 Wednesday, August 16,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Development of construction materials in Binh Dinh province in a period of 2021 - 2030 with vision to 2050 must be consistent with the Strategy on development of building materials of Vietnam in the period of 2021 – 2030 with orientation to 2050; Binh Dinh province plan in a period of 2021 - 2030, orientation to 2050 and other related plan.

Project of developing construction materials in Binh Dinh province in a period of 2021 - 2030, vision to 2050
1. Development viewpoints:
- Development of construction materials in Binh Dinh province in a period of 2021 - 2030 with vision to 2050 must be consistent with the Strategy on development of building materials of Vietnam in the period of 2021 – 2030 with orientation to 2050; Binh Dinh province plan in a period of 2021 - 2030, orientation to 2050 and other related plan.
- Invest in the development of building materials in the province according to market demand and approved master plans, schemes and plans; Do not invest in construction material production projects in areas affecting the protection corridors of works of defense, security, traffic, irrigation, dikes, energy, relic, historical and cultural areas. chemicals and other construction protection areas according to the provisions of law.
- Access and quickly apply scientific and technological achievements in the production of construction materials. Use mineral resources sparingly, save energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect the ozone layer; to associate the production of building materials with recycling and reuse of industrial and agricultural wastes, waste treatment and environmental protection.
- Promote the production of construction materials with high economic value; Improve the competitiveness of construction materials products in the domestic and international markets.
- Encourage all economic sectors to participate in investment and production of construction materials; Developing mechanical engineering for the construction materials industry.
2. Development goals:
a) General goal
- Focus on investing and developing the province's strong construction materials products. Research and develop diverse production of new construction material products with high economic efficiency. Bringing advanced and modern technology into the production of building materials to improve productivity and product quality to meet the needs of the domestic, regional and export markets, contributing to GRDP growth, improving position of the construction materials industry in the economy.
- Development of building materials to ensure the source of materials for the construction of technical infrastructure works, economic development in the province and the region, and at the same time strictly control the export of construction materials.
- Completely eliminate the outdated technology of building materials production, which consumes a lot of resources and pollutes the environment.
b) Specific goals
Develop specific objectives on investment, science and technology, exploitation and use of natural resources, environmental protection, quality and product categories of each type of building materials for each research period at different locations. Attached Appendix.
The implementation of specific projects and contents must be consistent with the projects and specialized planning on building materials; the plan for exploration, exploitation and use of soil minerals, construction sand and clay as common construction materials in the province by 2025, orientation to 2030 and current regulations of the State.
Article 2. Implementation solutions
1. Perfecting mechanisms and policies:
- Widely disseminating the provincial construction material development project for all sectors, levels of government, businesses, organizations and units inside and outside the province to know and understand the project's contents and implement.
- Promulgating a roadmap to limit and proceed to stop the operation of production facilities with outdated technology, which are not economically efficient and cause environmental pollution.
- To step up the investment promotion work to develop the industry of exploration and exploitation of minerals as common building materials.
- Encourage and create conditions for preferential capital and premises policies; At the same time, there are investment support policies for organizations and individuals to research and develop, apply science and technology, and invest in the production of energy-saving and environmentally friendly building materials;
- Innovate and complete the system of local standards and technical regulations for construction material production (if any).
2. Exploiting mineral resources effectively and economically:
- Strengthen basic investigation of minerals used as construction materials.
- Implement licensing in accordance with approved planning, comply with the contents of the environmental impact assessment report, and commit to protecting the environment at mineral exploitation and processing facilities in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection. specified field.
- Conduct auctions of mineral exploitation rights, combining mineral exploitation with mineral processing to serve the development of construction materials according to regulations.
- Implement regulations on natural resources tax and environmental protection fees; At the same time, deposit money for environmental restoration in mineral exploitation, processing and use activities according to regulations.
- Organize periodic and irregular inspections and examinations of mining facilities according to approved planning and regulations on environmental protection in mineral exploitation, processing and use.
- Limiting the use of agricultural land to exploit clay for brick production.
- Forming areas and yards for gathering construction materials according to planning, facilities specializing in machining and processing raw materials to ensure stable supply of quality and quantity for construction material production establishments. build.
- For sand mining activities, it is necessary to ensure compliance with the regulations in Decree No. 23/2020/ND-CP dated February 24, 2020 of the Government on sand and gravel management of river beds and river bed protection. river bank.
- For minerals used as construction materials (backfill soil, construction stone, paving stone), compliance with safety standards in open-pit mining activities must be ensured; Mining activities must ensure environmental factors and advanced and modern production technology.
- Using thermal power and steelmaking ash and slag as a source of raw materials and fuel, replacing some main raw materials in the production of construction materials such as: Fired clay bricks, cement, sand, aggregates, concrete ,... as filling material, creating a stable and sustainable source of raw material supply for the development of local construction material production.
3. Science and technology solutions:
- Promote the mobilization of businesses to research science and technology, improve product quality and features, to improve competitiveness with imported goods and expand export markets.
- Research and apply advanced, safe, and effective mining technology to newly licensed facilities to minimize factors affecting the environmental landscape.
- For mines that have been and are being exploited, it is necessary to re-evaluate the technology level to have new investment plans or renovations to improve production efficiency and minimize environmental pollution.
- Promote the implementation of policies to support businesses investing in the production of high-tech construction materials, especially construction materials from industrial and domestic waste...
- Research and develop construction materials suitable for modern construction technology, increase labor productivity, and reduce project costs.
- Encourage businesses to participate in international science and technology conferences and seminars, and cooperate in scientific research; Join standards and measurement organizations and construction materials associations to learn and exchange scientific and technological advances in the production of new construction materials.
- Collaborate with research institutes and specialized consulting centers on construction materials to research and apply new construction materials production technologies.
4. Human resources solutions:
• Conduct training on theoretical knowledge, associated with practice, to meet the requirements and goals of construction material development.
• Focus on training a team of technical workers, and at the same time have a training plan for the management team and business owners operating in the field of construction materials on knowledge of economic management and product knowledge. export, business, integration, creating conditions for businesses to be proactive in competition and integration.
• Diversify and expand forms of cooperation in human resource training in the direction of linking training institutions with businesses, especially businesses operating in construction materials, gradually providing training as required Practice.
5. Environmental solutions:
- Enhance the widespread dissemination of legal documents on environmental protection. Supervise environmental protection work at mineral exploitation facilities, raw material processing facilities, and construction material factories in accordance with regulations; Proceed to apply modern, automatic monitoring methods and connect online with environmental management authorities.
- Strengthen inspection, examination, and strict supervision of the implementation of commitments in environmental impact assessment, environmental protection plans and labor safety of raw material exploitation and material production facilities. construction materials.
- Strictly handle production facilities that do not fully comply with legal regulations on environmental protection.
6. Solutions to improve the efficiency of state management of construction materials development:
- Promote propaganda and dissemination of laws on mineral exploitation and construction material production; Timely and effective implementation of legal documents in the field of management of mineral exploitation activities and production of construction materials, especially in the fields of exploration, construction investment, exploitation and processing mineral.
- Strengthen the management and announcement of prices of construction materials, especially materials exploited and produced from minerals.
- Fully evaluate reserves and quality of mine locations, helping investors choose appropriate technological solutions and options; use resources economically, effectively and sustainably; widely publicize the list of resources of mine locations that are planned for exploration to call for investment.
- Strengthen inspection and supervision of exploration, exploitation and processing of stone as common construction materials. Assign specific functions of managing mineral activities to relevant levels of government and departments in the fields of mineral exploitation and construction material production.
7. Implementation organization
- Assign the Department of Construction to preside and coordinate with relevant agencies and units to announce and implement the Project to ensure effectiveness and compliance with current regulations. Annually review, summarize and report to the Provincial People's Committee on the implementation situation; timely review; solve arising problems and problems (if any); cases beyond its competence to advise and report to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration; handle.
- Departments: Planning and Investment, Finance, Natural Resources and Environment, Science and Technology, Industry and Trade, Transport, Agriculture and Rural Development, Provincial Economic Zone Management Board, People's Committee Districts, towns, cities and relevant agencies according to their functions and tasks proactively coordinate with the Department of Construction to organize and implement the Project.



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