Wednesday, October 23,2024 - 4:57 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Plan on implementing strategy of chemical industry development in Quang Binh province to 2030, vision to 2040 

 Wednesday, May 31,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - To develop Vietnam's chemical industry in the province in a modern, environmentally friendly direction, effectively using natural resources, towards green growth and circular economy; in which priority is given to investment and development of chemical sub-sectors on list of industrial projects encouraged for investment.

Plan on implementing strategy of chemical industry development in Quang Binh province to 2030, vision to 2040
I. Purpose, requirements
1. Purpose
- Organize effective implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No.726/QD-TTg dated June 16, 2022 approving the Strategy for the development of Vietnam's chemical industry to 2030, with a vision to 2040 in the province, contributing to promoting socio-economic development, growth and sustainable development of Vietnam's chemical industry.
- To develop Vietnam's chemical industry in the province in a modern, environmentally friendly direction, effectively using natural resources, towards green growth and circular economy; in which priority is given to investment and development of chemical sub-sectors on list of industrial projects encouraged for investment.
2. Request
The development of the chemical industry in the province must be consistent with the Strategy for the development of the chemical industry of Vietnam in each period and stage; in accordance with practical conditions, in accordance with Quang Binh provincial plan for a period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 and orientations for industrial development according to Action Program No. 22/CTr-TU dated July 17, 2018 23-NQ/TW dated March 22, 2018 of the Politburo on "Orientation for building national industrial development policies to 2030, with a vision to 2045" and in compliance with current regulations.
II. Target
1. By 2030
- Continue to develop products that currently have advantages such as: Synthetic fertilizers, bio-organic fertilizers, pharmaceutical chemicals, biological products, lime, environmental remediation agents, processing rubber caps, turpentine ... in which, special attention is paid to investment in technological innovation, application of cleaner production, building and brand development in order to improve the quality and competitiveness of products in the market.
- Prioritize attracting investment to develop the fields of production of products with high scientific - technical content, modern technology and high added value, such as: drugs (pharmaceuticals), pharmaceutical chemicals, preparations biology, lime, chemicals used in environmental treatment, high-grade plastic products for construction and other manufacturing industries.
- To encourage investment in the production of environmentally friendly plastic packaging and microbial organic fertilizers from the province's civil waste sources in order to improve the efficiency of the treatment of pollution sources to protect the environment.
2. By 2040
By 2040, continue to develop chemical industry products that currently have advantages of the province and form a number of chemical industry projects to serve the construction, processing, manufacturing, suitable industries with the actual conditions of the province, using modern, environmentally friendly technology with high economic value.
III. Development direction
1. Developing the chemical industry towards modernity, sustainability, towards green growth
- Deploying flexibly and effectively in the process of attracting investment in industrial chemical projects. To encourage and support investment activities to innovate technology - equipment, to rationalize production in small and medium-sized enterprises; encourage the production of environmentally friendly products; do not attract investment in the fields of production of hazardous chemicals, which are at risk of causing environmental pollution, and outdated production, processing and manufacturing technologies...
- Chemical projects using advanced and modern technology, rational and economical use of resources, having standard waste treatment systems, minimizing environmental pollution, bringing economic efficiency - high society.
2. Spatial distribution of chemical industry development
To develop the chemical industry in the direction of concentration, suitable to the advantages of each region and locality, ensuring requirements for environmental protection, national defense and security. Production projects in the chemical industry must be concentrated in industrial parks and industrial clusters to ensure safe conditions for residential areas.
IV. Tasks and solutions
1. To step up administrative reform and renovate investment promotion
- Having appropriate mechanisms and policies to attract investment projects in key sub-sectors prioritizing investment in the chemical industry with the application of modern, sustainable technology and environmental protection.
- Regularly review, amend and supplement the list of industrial chemical projects that encourage investment and discourage investment in the province; in which the first focus is the period to 2025, orientation to 2030 to orient to attract investment.
- To step up administrative reform, especially administrative procedures related to investment attraction, and improve the province's business and investment environment; improve the quality of public administrative services, create all favorable conditions for the operation of enterprises.
2. Improve the efficiency of state management in project investment activities and law enforcement in the field of chemicals
- Improve the quality of the appraisal of design documents for projects in the chemical sub-sector; collect opinions from the Ministry of Industry and Trade on the suitability of investment projects in the chemical sector with the Strategy for the development of the chemical industry when the competent authority considers and approves the investment policy of the project.
- Strengthen the management and supervision of investment projects after licensing; well perform the state management of chemicals in the province.
- Participate in coordination with ministries, branches and related agencies in the process of formulating, amending and supplementing regulations on requirements for chemical projects, ensuring conformity with industry development strategies and strategies socio-economic development strategy and planning, industry development orientation of the province; requirements to ensure chemical safety and environmental protection; requirements for application of advanced technology; rational use of resources and resources, ensuring economical and efficient use of energy; apply green chemistry criteria.
3. Forming, expanding and developing infrastructure of industrial parks and industrial clusters to meet the demand for land fund for the chemical industry
- Research to expand and supplement the planning of functional zoning for the chemical industry group; forming chemical industry in industrial parks and industrial clusters with existing land fund or newly built industrial parks and clusters with large enough area, far from residential areas, convenient for traffic connection, full of sufficient infrastructure for production and services, ensuring requirements on safety, environment and sustainable development; In order to attract priority chemical projects to encourage investment, existing chemical production facilities located in residential areas need to be relocated to concentrated industrial zones and clusters.
- Implement investment promotion activities, call for investment in infrastructure projects of industrial zones and clusters and chemical industry investment projects in concentrated industrial zones and clusters.
4. Human resource development
- Determine the human resource needs of the chemical sub-sectors prioritizing development investment in order to have a plan to train human resources with professional qualifications according to levels to meet the needs of each sub-sector in each period. .
- Improve professional qualifications for staff, managers and corporate governance; strengthen the connection of vocational education with the labor market and decent jobs, develop forms of international cooperation in training technical workers. Take advantage of foreign funding sources in terms of capital and technical experts to train skilled and high-quality workers to meet the needs of the industry.
5. Accelerating the application of science and technology, renewing technological equipment
Effectively implement science and technology programs for application and development support activities; innovate and transfer technology to produce chemical products along the value chain to serve other industries.
6. To attach importance to environmental protection in the development of the chemical industry
- To step up the propaganda, education, dissemination and awareness raising in the prevention and protection of the environment in chemical enterprises and establishments.
- Implement well the management of water on the environment. Strengthen the inspection, examination, and strictly handle chemical facilities that do not comply with the provisions of the law on environmental protection, so that serious consequences affecting the environment occur.
- Industrial zones and clusters must complete a centralized wastewater treatment system that meets environmental standards before going into operation. Building and completing the database system on the environment, strictly complying with regulations on environmental protection in attracting investment and industrial production.
- Do not license investment in chemical projects with outdated technology, used, high consumption of resources and energy.
V. Implementation resources
1. Funds for the implementation of the Plan shall be allocated from the provincial budget and other lawfully mobilized capital sources in accordance with law.
2. The management and use of state budget funds to perform the tasks of the Plan shall be applied in accordance with the law on state budget and relevant regulations.
VI. Implementation organization
1. Department of Industry and Trade
- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant departments, branches and units in organizing the implementation of the Plan.
- Act as the focal point to coordinate and exchange information with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in the process of organizing the implementation of the Strategy for the development of Vietnam's chemical industry in the province; synthesize and evaluate the results of implementation of the Strategy and report to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Trade according to regulations.
2. Department of Planning and Investment
- Research and propose mechanisms and policies to enhance the ability to attract and encourage investment in chemical sub-sectors prioritized for development in the province.
- Coordinating with relevant ministries, branches and agencies in proposing amendments to investment regulations in the direction of adding priority chemical sub-sectors to the objects of investment incentive projects.
3. Department of Finance
To coordinate with ministries and branches in proposing amendments and supplements to financial policies to encourage the development of priority chemical sub-sectors, in line with the process of international economic integration.
4. Department of Science and Technology
- To encourage research and application of scientific and technological advances to improve the quality of products of the chemical industry in the province.
- Proposing innovative solutions and technology application; step up the appraisal and assessment of the technological level of projects in the chemical sub-sector, orient the investment in advanced and modern technologies and equipment, towards green growth and circular economy.
5. Department of Natural Resources and Environment
- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant departments and branches in, planning and allocating land fund in accordance with the needs and development orientation of the chemical industry of the province.
- Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Industry and Trade in, inspecting and guiding the implementation of regulations on environmental protection in chemical projects and facilities in the province.
6. Department of Construction
Coordinate with relevant departments, branches, localities and units in planning to advise the Provincial People's Committee to arrange land fund in accordance with the needs and development orientation of the chemical industry of the province.
7. Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs
- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant departments and branches in, effectively implementing the Vocational Education Development Strategy; in which priority is given to the development of vocational education institutions with training in industries and occupations to meet human resources for the development of the province's chemical industry, in each period.
- Propose mechanisms and policies to attract, train and foster human resources to serve the chemical industry of the province, especially high-quality human resources.
8. Economic Zone Management Board
- Presiding over and coordinating with relevant departments and branches, advising and proposing investment promotion and calling for projects in order to attract projects in chemical sub-sectors that encourage investment, with focus and focus on investment promotion, suitable to the conditions, orientations and development needs of industrial parks and economic zones of the province; give priority to projects with advanced, modern and environmentally friendly technologies, bringing high socio-economic efficiency.
- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, collecting opinions from relevant agencies on the suitability of investment projects in the chemical field with the Strategy for the development of Vietnam's chemical industry in investment policy review and approval process.
9. Relevant departments, agencies, People's Committees of districts, towns and cities
- Based on functions and tasks, actively develop and implement the plan; combine and integrate with development programs, plans and projects of branches, localities and units to effectively implement this Plan.
- Synthesize, evaluate and report on request on the implementation results to the Department of Industry and Trade to summarize and report to the Provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Industry and Trade.
The above is the implementation plan of the Strategy for the development of chemical industry in Quang Binh province to 2030, with a vision to 2040. Units and localities according to their assigned functions and tasks take the initiative in implementing them, effectively implement this plan. During the implementation process, if there are any difficulties or problems, promptly report them to the Department of Industry and Trade to summarize and report to the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and direction.

Source: Vitic/

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