Wednesday, October 23,2024 - 4:57 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Plan on implementing strategy of science, technology and innovation development in Yen Bai province to 2030 

 Wednesday, May 31,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Implement main viewpoints, goals, orientations, tasks and solutions for development of science, technology and innovation in the province in accordance with practical requirements

Plan on implementing strategy of science, technology and innovation development in Yen Bai province to 2030
I. Purpose, requirements
1. Purpose
- Organize implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No.569/QD-TTg, promulgating the Strategy for Science, Technology and Innovation Development to 2030 in Yen Bai Province, in order to raise awareness of leaders at all levels, sectors, localities, businesses and people about the position, role and importance of science, technology and innovation in production and life.
- Implement main viewpoints, goals, orientations, tasks and solutions for development of science, technology and innovation in the province in accordance with practical requirements.
2. Request
- Agencies, units and localities in the province, based on the actual situation and assigned functions and tasks, develop plans and implement appropriate contents and steps to implement the Development Strategy develop science, technology and innovation by 2030 in Yen Bai province.
- Increasing investment of resources to develop science, technology and innovation in Yen Bai province, serving effectively and effectively in the successful implementation of socio economic development goals of Yen Bai province by 2030, creating great and sustainable potential in the next development stage.
II. Perspectives on development of science, technology and innovation
1. Developing science, technology and innovation is the leading national policy, playing a strategic breakthrough role in the new period; is the main driving force to promote growth, create breakthroughs in productivity, quality and efficiency; is a decisive factor in improving the competitiveness of local and enterprises; is the foundation for digital transformation in the province; making an important contribution to improving people's living standards, sustainable development, and ensuring national defense and security.
2. To develop synchronously, interdisciplinary, with focus and focus between the fields of science and technology. Developing an innovation system in the province, in which enterprises are the center, science and technology organizations and colleges in the province are the subjects of scientific and technological research and development, The State shall direct, coordinate and create a favorable institutional and policy environment for the effective operation of the whole system.
3. Harmoniously and effectively combine the development of internal capacity with making the most of opportunities and external resources. Prioritize absorbing, receiving, mastering and quickly applying advanced scientific and technological achievements of the world and the country, especially proactively, actively approaching and fully exploiting opportunities and achievements of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Promote research and application of science and technology in practical service to bring socio-economic efficiency in the province.
III. Objectives of science, technology and innovation development
1. Overall goal
By 2030, science, technology and innovation will be basically firmly developed, truly becoming a growth engine, contributing to bringing Yen Bai into the group of developed provinces of the Midlands and Mountains. North; contributing to the comprehensive development of culture, society and people, ensuring national defense - security, environmental protection and sustainable development; science, technology and innovation potentials and levels reach the average level of the whole country; the level and capacity of technology and innovation of enterprises are above the national average; a number of fields of science and technology reached the good level of the whole country.
2. Specific goals
a) Enhance the contribution of science, technology and innovation to economic growth through scientific research and technological development activities of research institutes, universities and scientific organizations and technology inside and outside the province, activities of technological innovation, improvement of management and organizational capacity in enterprises. The contribution of total factor productivity (TFP) to economic growth is at 45 - 50% by 2030.
b) Science, technology and innovation play an important role in developing spearhead industry, focusing on processing and manufacturing industry, making an important contribution to restructuring the economy towards modernity. ; participate actively, effectively and take advantage of trade and opportunities of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. By 2030, the proportion of the value of high-tech industrial products in the processing and manufacturing industries will reach at least 30%.
c) Science, technology and innovation make important contributions to promoting cultural values and building Yen Bai people "friendly, compassionate, united, creative and integrated"; provide scientific grounds for planning guidelines, guidelines and policies to develop Yen Bai province in the direction of "Green, harmony, identity and happiness".
d) By 2025, investment in science and technology will account for 0.6% - 0.8% of total product in the province. By 2030, investment in science and technology will account for 0.8 - 1% of the province's total product.
By 2030, the number of enterprises meeting the criteria of science and technology enterprises and the number of innovative start-ups will increase twice compared to 2020; the rate of enterprises having innovative activities reached 40% of the total number of enterprises.
e) The number of registration applications and the number of intellectual property rights protection titles granted by 2030 will increase by 2.5 times compared to the 2010-2020 period.
IV. The main orientation is to develop science, technology and innovation
1. Orientation of key tasks for development of science, technology and innovation
a) Science, technology and innovation focus on serving sustainable and inclusive socio-economic development, ensuring national defense and security;
- Promote economic restructuring in the direction of increasing the proportion of the value of high-tech industrial products, industries with high productivity and added value thanks to the application of advanced and modern technologies along with the promotion of digital industrial transformation in all fields; promoting the development of processing and manufacturing industries, a number of spearhead industries and fields based on the technology foundation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution; gradually reduce the proportion of industries with low value-added labor productivity, using outdated technology.
- Acquiring, mastering, transferring and widely applying advanced technologies of the world in order to increase labor productivity, improve product and service quality and enterprise's competitiveness; proactively develop solutions and technologies to develop green economy, circular economy, protect the environment, respond to challenges from epidemics and climate change; research and apply science and technology in the development of defense industry in the direction of dual-use, straight forward to modernity, to meet the requirements of national defense in the new situation.
- Strengthening autonomy in technology and progressing to develop new technologies of Yen Bai province in a number of key areas, with strengths, potentials and great space. Apply Technology to develop new products, services, local key products, carry out digital transformation of enterprises
b) Renovate and perfect the state management of science, technology and innovation
- Researching, perfecting and synchronizing legal regulations and policies related to science, technology and innovation in the direction of removing bottlenecks and barriers, creating the best favorable conditions for development of science, technology and innovation. Strengthen breakthrough tools and policies to encourage and promote the application of new technologies and innovations to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises.
- To perfect the innovation system, the network of innovative start-ups, intermediaries and organizations to support innovation promotion.
- To improve the state management capacity for science, technology and innovation activities, especially the capacity to plan and organize the implementation of science, technology and innovation policies. Promote and perfect the mechanism of decentralization and decentralization in the state management of science, technology and innovation to ensure lean, effective and efficient.
c) Developing scientific, technological and innovation potentials
- Continue to strengthen and invest in existing public science and technology organizations in the province in a direction consistent with the priority orientations on science, technology and innovation and economy - provincial society.
- Focus on forming human resources in the province and attracting foreign experts, overseas Vietnamese experts, and domestic experts with high qualifications and creative capacity, in line with industry requirements of the province in the new context.
- Researching, investing and effectively exploiting hi-tech parks, hi-tech agricultural zones, concentrated information technology zones, laboratories associated with priority research fields; develop and improve the quality of the scientific and technological information system towards digital transformation.
d) Promote scientific, technological and innovative activities in enterprises and develop the science and technology market
- Promote the development of the science and technology market, gradually increase the proportion of domestic supply of technology and equipment, step up the intermediary activities of the science and technology market, towards synchronization with other markets of commodity, labor and financial markets.
- Focusing on promoting the transfer and application of advanced technologies along with improving technology absorption and innovation capacity, corporate governance capacity, human resource qualifications and skills, implementing transformation digitalization, innovating production processes and business models of enterprises in line with the technological innovation process.
- Increasing the quantity, quality and efficiency of intellectual property exploitation, focusing on the development of enterprises' intellectual property along with strengthening the protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights. Timely establish basic standards for technologies, new products, export products and key products of the province to meet market requirements, ensure the development of intellectual property and standards and quality The quantity of goods is an effective tool to promote innovation and application of new technologies.
2. Scientific research development orientation
a) Social sciences and humanities
- Research the scientific and practical basis to innovate leadership methods, improve the Party's leadership capacity, ruling capacity and fighting strength; renovate state management, local governance, strongly promote the people's mastery, accelerate administrative reform, judicial reform, build and perfect a socialist Vietnam ruled by law suitable to the new situation in each new development stage of the country. Research, innovate and strengthen the roles and responsibilities of organizations in the political system; reform and strengthen the effectiveness of laws and socialist legislation; ensure human rights, citizenship, national defense and security.
- Research to identify conditions, solutions, innovation roadmap, transform economic development model based on science, technology and innovation, digital economy to improve productivity, quality and efficiency and competitiveness of products, goods, services and the economy.
- To study the characteristics of formation, movement and development of culture, ethnicity and religion in Yen Bai and the impact of new trends in the context of international integration; building a culture of innovation, digital culture, and cultural industry to serve the development of the province; building a great unity block for the whole people, an advanced culture imbued with national identity, absorbing the cultural quintessence of mankind; focus on ethnic minority communities, ethnic minority and mountainous areas, disadvantaged groups in society, areas with extremely difficult natural and socio-economic conditions to ensure inclusive, harmony development among residential communities.
- Researching education, training and forming Yen Bai people in the new era as a social subject, comprehensively developed, imbued with humanity and good cultural values, with expertise, skills and ability to create and innovate to meet the increasing requirements of cause of modernizing industrialization in the context of international integration.
- Research on green innovation policy, focusing on environmental aspects combined with ecology and society in accordance with context of globalization.
- Research and propose solutions to bring into full play advantages and overcome limitations of province in process of industrialization and modernization; researching and perfecting mechanisms and policies on land management, investment, construction, finance, supporting enterprises to invest in technological innovation... innovating mechanisms, policies and administrative reform, innovating judicial reform; strengthen propaganda and popularize the law to the people.
b) Natural Science
- Research scientific basis for rational use of natural resources; research to identify nature, causes and impacts of natural disasters, interactions between nature - people - society, process of climate change in Yen Bai as a scientific basis for proposal and implementation of limiting solutions, responding to natural disasters and climate change.
- Focusing on application-oriented basic research in order to acquire and master core and source technologies to quickly, creatively, effectively and disseminate advanced technologies in activities of production, services, business, life and social management in order to improve productivity, quality and competitiveness of enterprises, sectors and the economy, improve people's living standards, ensure defence security.
3. Development orientation, technology application
a) Information and communication technology
- Promote research and wide application of information and communication technology, focusing on technologies of cloud computing, Internet of things, artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual reality, along with construction and forming large databases to serve as core to promote digital transformation, develop digital economy and digital society, create smart products, equipment and utilities applied in production and services, business, social and life management. Research and master field of information security and network security to ensure security and interests of organizations and people and effectively prevent attacks in cyberspace.
- Transfer technology, improve capacity of mastering, absorbing, promoting scientific research and technological development towards creation and autonomy in technology of designing and manufacturing equipment for telecommunications and mobile networks, mobile devices, 5G terminals and next-generation 5G.
b) Biotechnology
- In health care, disease diagnosis and treatment, focusing on research and application of gene technology and stem cells to treat dangerous diseases; research and develop herbal sources, produce medicines and health-protective foods according to regulations on food safety.
- In agriculture, focus on biotechnology to create varieties of plants, animals and aquatic products with high productivity, quality and added value, suitable to ecological conditions and climate change in Yen Bai; biotechnology to help control and treat environmental pollution in cultivation, animal husbandry and aquaculture; production of biological products for the processing of animal feed, biological drugs for the prevention of pests and diseases, biological products for production of functional fertilizers, microbial organic fertilizers.
- In the processing industry, focus on research and manufacture of biological products for food processing in order to increase the added value of agricultural products, master the technological process and manufacture new equipment, synchronized in biological industry.
- In environmental protection, focus on recovering and recycling by-products, treating environmental pollution by biotechnology; conservation, storage and rational exploitation of rare and precious genetic resources; protect biodiversity.
c) New material technology
Technology transfer, research and manufacture of new advanced materials for industry and construction such as functional materials with modified physical and mechanical properties, advanced polymers and composites, metal and alloy materials advanced; advanced materials for agriculture such as controlled fertilizers, biological plant protection drugs, intelligent packaging for preservation; Biodegradable materials reduce environmental pollution such as biodegradable materials to replace plastics, biodegradable films.
d) Manufacturing technology - automation
Acquiring, mastering and developing advanced and intelligent manufacturing - automation technology, including technology for designing and manufacturing equipment, synchronous lines in hydropower, mining and mineral processing; technology for manufacturing energy-saving equipment systems; 3D printing technology; technology for automation measurement and information processing, automatic control of production processes.
Technology to prevent natural disasters and respond to climate change
Researching, applying, mastering technology in forecasting the impacts of climate change on natural and social systems, technology in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, technology in identifying, forecasting and warning of type of disaster.
e) Energy technology
- Research, apply, master new energy technologies, renewable energy, smart energy, advanced energy storage technology, fuel cell.
- Researching solutions to ensure radiation safety and nuclear safety, especially in healthcare, agriculture, industry and environment.
g) Environmental technology
Promote the application and mastering of clean production technology, environmentally friendly technology, wastewater treatment technology, solid waste, hazardous waste, exhaust gas, waste recycling technology with features, The price is suitable for Yen Bai's conditions. Develop, apply, and transfer advanced technologies and modern equipment for waste recycling, sustainable use of resources and environmental restoration.
h) Advanced and intelligent construction, transportation and infrastructure technology
Research, acquire and master techniques and advanced technologies in the design and construction of infrastructure, transportation, irrigation and smart cities.
4. Orientation of innovation activities
a) Innovation activities in the agricultural sector
- Promote enterprises to invest in breeding technology, care technology, monitoring according to safety standards, traceability, preservation technology, processing technology; focus on investing in hi-tech agricultural zones, large-scale projects, deploying advanced and effective farming models according to world standards; develop new business techniques into small and medium enterprises in agriculture, forestry and fishery.
- Focusing on the application of biotechnology, information technology, automation technology to build a smart, safe, circular, efficient and sustainable agriculture, bringing into play the advantages of agriculture.
- Forming innovative systems of agricultural innovation associated with agricultural economic models, production chains, value chains of industries and products with high economic value, etc., making a positive contribution into the link between agricultural development, building new countryside and improving the material and spiritual life of farmers.
b) Innovative activities in industries, construction, and transportation
- Implementing the restructuring process with the orientation of taking science, technology and innovation as one of the breakthrough solutions, especially in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Continue to encourage large enterprises to invest heavily in innovation, acquiring and mastering technologies, especially smart manufacturing and manufacturing technologies, innovating management, business and innovation models, thereby leading as the core as well as linking, creating networks, promoting innovation with small and medium enterprises.
- Widely promote activities to innovate lines, equipment, machinery and technology, deploy training activities on management capacity, exploit technology, and apply new business models. , the innovation model has been successful for small and medium enterprises.
c) Innovation activities in service industries
- Deploying widely and strongly applying technology platforms of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, new business models in service, business and public service activities. Develop standards, legal frameworks, mechanisms and policies to create favorable conditions for the development of business enterprises based on digital platforms, enterprises deploying technology applications and digital services.
- Support management training, technology administration, update new technology, advise on appropriate technology selection, support operation training and apply in production and business. Supporting businesses to connect, use common infrastructure and share data to optimize business models based on technology.
V. Main tasks and solutions to develop science, technology and innovation
1. Renovate the mechanism of science, technology and innovation activities, improve the state management capacity in science, technology and innovation
a) Amend and complete legal documents on science and technology to suit new requirements set out in science, technology and innovation development, promote innovation; associated with science and technology.
b) Research and comprehensively renovate management activities, implement scientific and technological tasks at all levels in the direction of publicity, transparency, objectivity, simplify administrative procedures; digital transformation of management processes, databases of scientific, technological and innovative resources, innovation in financial management, payment and settlement, acceptance of risk principles and delay in payment. scientific and technological activities; create favorable conditions for enterprises to participate in the performance of scientific and technological tasks; review and amend regulations on management of science and technology tasks in the direction of removing difficulties and obstacles in the transfer of assets formed in science and technology tasks using state capital.
c) Restructure scientific and technological programs and tasks according to the value chain of products, creating added value. Focus on developing local products based on new and high technology to form new industries and new products with high added value, especially in areas where Yen Bai has strengths such as agriculture, mining and mineral processing, electronics, forest product processing, mechanical assembly and repair... Forming a number of large provincial science and technology projects and programs in a number of key fields, including strengths and potential to solve particularly important long-term problems for local development.
d) Unify the state management of science, technology and innovation, strongly promote innovation associated with science and technology, improve efficiency of synchronous coordination in construction and implementation mechanisms and policies to promote the development of science, technology and innovation; streamlining the apparatus, focusing on formulating mechanisms, policies and strategic orientations, planning and plans for training and retraining to improve the qualifications of science, technology and innovation managers, created at all levels.
Measure and evaluate the effectiveness of science, technology and innovation activities of scientific research institutions, training institutions and enterprises. Research and put science, technology and innovation development indicators, including the rate of enterprises engaged in innovation activities, into the content of local development strategies, plans and plans.
2. Building the province's innovation system
a) Developing the innovation ecosystem of the province in close association with that of the whole country. Developing innovation ecosystems in industries, agriculture and services associated with domestic and global value chains, industry clusters; in which enterprises have a central role in leading innovation activities, state management agencies have the role of creating a favorable institutional and policy environment, promoting linkages between businesses. , research institutes, universities, support organizations in research, application and innovation activities.
b) Research, propose the formation of the Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation of the province to meet the requirements of deploying innovation services, start-ups and investment to promote formation and development of new businesses, innovative start-up enterprises in Yen Bai province; at the same time, strengthen the connection of innovation networks, innovation start-up networks, innovation centers, scientific research and technology development centers inside and outside the province.
c) Improve organizational system, functions and tasks and increase investment in human resources, finance and infrastructure for public non-business units under the Department of Science and Technology to become the leading support and promote local technology transfer and innovation activities.
3. To effectively attract and use all investment resources for science, technology and innovation
a) Ensure spending on science, technology and innovation from 2% or more of the total annual state budget expenditure and increase gradually according to the development requirements of the science and technology cause. Ensure expenditures for the right purposes for science, technology and innovation activities.
b) Research and review to create maximum favorable conditions to encourage enterprises to establish science and technology development funds, effectively use funds of investment funds for science, technology and innovation activities.
4. Develop professional training institutions and other science and technology organizations in the province to become strong research subjects
Amend and complete legal regulations on the autonomy mechanism of public science and technology organizations. To study and allocate funds to public science and technology organizations based on periodic evaluation of operational results and efficiency, in association with the implementation of the State's method of placing orders and bidding for the performance of scientific and technological tasks. technology and mechanism to allocate funds to the final product according to the output results; assigning autonomy and self-responsibility to public science and technology organizations in building organizational structure, recruiting, using human resources, using funds, and performing scientific and technological tasks.
5. Develop human resources for science, technology and innovation with high levels of creativity and innovation
a) Prepare a step ahead of human resources for science, technology and innovation in the future. Strengthening knowledge training in science and technology, improving computer skills, foreign languages, training creative design capacity associated with practical projects in high schools, especially through training, create STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) and STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and math).
b) Invest in building a team of highly qualified scientific and technological human resources. Research and implement policies to attract and retain talented people, especially a team of good leaders and managers, a team of experts and scientific and technological staff who are strong in their expertise. Implement democracy, publicity and transparency in the recruitment, use and treatment of human resources. The education and training of high-quality human resources must be organically linked with the recruitment, employment and remuneration policies.
c) Implement solutions to improve the quantity and quality of human resources in science, technology and innovation to meet the needs of the business sector. Renovate training programs for science and technology human resources in colleges towards meeting the requirements of the labor market. Create a connection channel between training institutions and enterprises to unify the needs of human resources for scientific research, technology development and innovation of enterprises. Establish a mechanism to encourage enterprises in the engineering and technology sector to receive interns from universities and colleges. Diversify forms and materials of human resource training for enterprises through digital technology, social networks, and communication channels.
d) Encourage and support enterprises to develop human resources for technology and enterprise management. Promote socialization and diversification of training programs for technology and management personnel for enterprises at different levels/levels. Bringing knowledge training in management and economics, innovation, entrepreneurship, intellectual property, standards, measurement, quality and productivity into college and university training programs job creation.
Promote the attraction and transfer of human resources in science, technology and innovation on the basis of reviewing and amending regulations to encourage two-way human resource transfer between the public and private sectors; remove policies to create favorable conditions for lecturers and researchers to regularly participate in science, technology and innovation activities at enterprises.
6. Effectively develop and exploit science, technology and innovation infrastructure
a) Research and develop hi-tech parks, hi-tech agricultural zones, and concentrated information technology zones. Strengthening linkages and coordination between hi-tech parks, hi-tech agricultural parks with concentrated information technology parks and with nurseries, co-working areas, business promotion organizations and laboratories centers, specialized laboratories, as well as associated with infrastructure development and living ecosystems.
b) Continue to invest in improving the capacity of the information system of science, technology and innovation in the province. Completing the database system on science, technology and innovation on the basis of building and operating digital platforms to connect, strengthen effective linkages between localities and research institutions.
7. Promoting science, technology and innovation activities in enterprises
a) The State supports enterprises to improve their access to domestic and international technological information. Provide tools and services to analyze patent information and forecast technology development trends to guide science, technology and innovation activities.
b) Proposing to review and amend synchronously the provisions of the law on tax, finance, credit and the law on science and technology to effectively deploy the preferential mechanisms for the taxpayers, enterprises for investment in scientific research and technological innovation. Shorten the amortization time of machinery and equipment for scientific research and technological development. Research, develop and implement an annual tax incentive mechanism for enterprises based on actual revenue generated from activities in the list of science, technology and innovation activities.
c) Promote the formation and development of scientific research and technology development departments in enterprises; promote knowledge transfer, human resource training in science, technology and innovation through foreign direct investment (FDI) enterprises.
d) Focus on implementing solutions to develop the science and technology market, solutions to promote output for products of enterprises. Continue to improve the competitive environment in trade, raise standards for goods and services circulating in the country, support the widespread deployment of tools and methods for managing intellectual property, timely issue implementing new standards for new technologies, renewing support activities on technical barriers (TBT) in order to promote scientific, technological and innovative activities in production and business.
Continue to review, adjust and implement mechanisms and policies to strongly develop science and technology enterprises, high-tech enterprises and innovative start-ups. Encourage enterprises to invest in research and use of high-tech, new technology and digital transformation solutions of domestic enterprises instead of importing them from abroad.
e) Strengthening support for activities of business associations in order to promote linkages of science, technology and innovation activities between enterprises. Building a network of consultants to directly advise businesses on technology management and business management through associations.
8. Promote international cooperation and integration in science, technology and innovation
a) Strengthen international cooperation in scientific research, technology development and application, purchase and sale, transfer of scientific and technological products, deploy innovative models and solutions, protect protection and development of intellectual property, ensuring standards and quality of goods. Promote capacity building and technology transfer in international agreements and treaties to which Vietnam is a signatory.
b) Actively expand international cooperation towards supporting a number of fields of science and technology in order to reach the international level. Strengthen international cooperation in order to learn and transfer advanced scientific, technological and innovation management models in service of improving the capacity of the management apparatus at all levels.
9. Strengthening activities to honor, communicate, raise awareness about science, technology and innovation
a) Research and form awards for innovation activities, for enterprises engaged in innovation activities.
b) Encourage and support young people to improve their understanding of science and technology and orient their careers in science and technology. Expand, improve the quality and strengthen communication, encourage social investment for competitions, playgrounds on science, technology and innovation for children and young people.
c) Continue to promote communication activities on science, technology and innovation. Diversify types of communication on digital platforms and social networks; promote communication activities about enterprises with revenue generated from production and business formed from the results of scientific and technological activities to enhance brand value, create prestige among consumers, enhance competitive advantage for science and technology enterprises and high-tech enterprises. To step up the communication and support of the State for the people's innovative and technical activities. To build science, technology and innovation exhibitions and museums to serve a wide range of subjects in society across the country.
VI. Implementation organization
1. Department of Science and Technology
a) Acting as a standing agency, advising and assisting the Provincial People's Committee to monitor, urge and inspect the implementation of the Prime Minister's Decision No. 569/QD-TTg and the Provincial People's Committee's Plan; periodically advise and report on annual results; organize a preliminary review at the end of 2025 and a review at the end of 2030.
b) Organize the formulation and implementation of five-year, annual science, technology and innovation plans in accordance with this Plan; advise and propose programs, tasks and preferential policies to encourage the development of science, technology and innovation in the province.
2. Department of Planning and Investment
Advising on allocating resources to realize local science, technology and innovation development goals and orientations, giving priority to projects on building scientific, technological and innovation potentials, created by local public colleges and science and technology organizations
3. Department of Finance
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant agencies in, advising the Provincial People's Committee to balance and allocate funds to perform the tasks of this Plan in accordance with the State Budget Law and current regulations. , ensuring that according to the annual plan to facilitate and improve the efficiency of science, technology and innovation activities in the spirit of thrift, efficiency and in accordance with the local budget capacity .
4. Department of Education and Training
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant units in, implementing activities of training knowledge and skills in science, technology and innovation, STEM and STEAM training in high schools; train and attract human resources for science, technology and innovation in education and training institutions in the province.
5. Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs
Coordinate with relevant agencies and units in implementing knowledge and skills training activities in science, technology and innovation in vocational education institutions in the province.
6. Department of Internal Affairs
Research and advise competent authorities to promulgate mechanisms and policies on organization and personnel, creating motivation for scientific, technological and innovation activities in the province.
7. Department of Information and Communications
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant units in, promoting the effectiveness of mass media and new media, creating favorable conditions for people and businesses to access scientific products and services, technology and innovation.
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with related units in, building and developing information and communication technology platforms and solutions to support the development of science, technology and innovation.
8. People's Committees of districts, towns and cities
Concretize and organize the implementation of the objectives, orientation of tasks and related solutions in this Plan into the development strategy, 5-year and annual plans of the locality.
9. Colleges, science and technology organizations in the province
Organize the implementation of the Plan within the scope of assigned functions and tasks and in accordance with current laws.
10. Socio-political organizations, socio-political-professional organizations, socio-professional organizations, economic organizations, social organizations and other organizations according to their main functions and tasks actively participate in the implementation of the Plan.
11. Agencies, units and localities in the province: Responsible for implementing this Plan, reporting results of implementation of the plan to the Provincial People's Committee (via Department of Science and Technology) on a regular yearly before December 5 to monitor, summarize and report to the Provincial People's Committee according to regulations./.\

Source: Vitic/

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