Wednesday, October 23,2024 - 4:57 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Thai Nguyen province 

 Tuesday, May 23,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - To implement quick, effective and sustainable socio-economic development coupling with social progress, justice and environmental protection; improve material and spiritual life of the people, reduce gap between the rich and the poor among rural, mountainous area with urban area.


Plan scope has a total area of ​​22,313.6 hectares, including whole natural area of Thai Nguyen city of 17,069.8 hectares and expands 5,243.8 ha on other sides: Son Cam commune (Phu Luong district) to the north; town of Chua Hang, Linh Son commune, Huong Thuong commune (Dong Hy district) to the east and Dong Lien commune (Phu Binh district).
Boundary planning area is limited as follows:
- North: bordering Co Lung commune, Vo Tranh commune (Phu Luong district), Hoa Thuong commune, Mo Khe commune (Dong Hy district);
- South: bordering city of Song Cong;
- East: bordering Ban Dat commune (Phu Binh district);
- West: bordering district of Dai Tu and Pho Yen town.
- As the center of politics, economy, culture - sport, education, science and technology, health, tourism and services of Thai Nguyen province.
- As one of the centers of economic, cultural, education and training, health, science and technology, sports, tourism, the development leading of the midland and northern mountainous areas.
- As one of the development poles of Ha Noi capital area.
- As urban gateway, having role of connecting Ha Noi with the midland and northern mountainous areas.
- Having an important position on security and defense.
a) Population size:
- By 2025, total amount of population of Thai Nguyen is 450,000 people, out of which, 280.000 people in downtown area and outskirts of 55,000 people, converted population is 115,000 people.
- By 2035, total amount of population of Thai Nguyen is 600,000 people city, out of which, 370.000 people in downtown area and outskirts of 50,000 people, converted population of 180,000 people.
b) Scale of urban construction land:
- By 2025, scale of urban construction land in downtown area is approximately 7,100 ha; land area for construction of economic engineering bases at the outskirts is around 1,600 hectares.
- By 2025, scale of urban construction land in downtown area is approximately 8,700 ha; land area for construction of economic engineering bases at the outskirts is around 2,000 hectares.
Thai Nguyen city develop in two banks of Cau river under urban model of ecology, multicenter which associates with formation of functional areas: the existing historic center; centers of education – training, high quality healthcare, trade - service, finance - banking; reconstruction areas; newly developed areas; industrial development zone, logistic area in the north; ecotourism areas associating with high quality agriculture; development reserve area and urban agriculture area.
a) Existing historic center (under the central wards), an area of ​​about 2,000 ha:
- To maintain current use of land for the existing residential area, which has formed stably according to the detailed plan approved before 2005, conducting to embellish and upgrade technical infrastructure and social infrastructure.
- To form and develop business centers, high end hotels, high rise business centers and shopping malls.
b) Center of education - training, high quality healthcare; trade, services, banking and finance:
- Area planning universities under Thai Nguyen university (under wards of Tan Thinh, Quang Trung and Quyet Thang communes), is 423.4 ha: Continuing to build and develop Thai Nguyen university to be one of the leading universities in Southeast Asia.
- High quality healthcare cluster (under Thinh Dan ward), an area of about 430 ha: Forming and developing on basis of upgrading and expanding available healthcare facilities.
- Complex urban areas of high quality education and training, finance, banking, commerce, service (under wards of Tich Luong, Trung Thanh, Tan Thanh), an area of about 1,600 ha: Developing personnel training bases for Thai Nguyen province, midland and northern mountainous regions and Hanoi capital region; developing research centers, banking and finance, telecommunications, trade and services, housing, parks and urban utilities.
c) Area of renovation and upgrade (under wards in the north and south of the city), approximately 2,800 ha area: maintaining land use situation for existing residential areas, which has formed stably according to detailed plan approved before 2005, conducting to embellish and upgrade technical infrastructure and social infrastructure; forming space overlooking Cau river space to exploit space and services along the river; iron and steel industrial park of Thai Nguyen must ensure environmental requirements.
d) New development area:
- Chua Hang urban area associates with Dong Bam commune, an area of ​​about 700 ha: Developing functional areas of administrative, commercial, service, spiritual tourism, and ecotourism.
- Linh Son – Huong Thuong new urban area have an area of about 800 ha: constructing ecological urban having network system of regulating lakes; developing centers of trade, shopping, retail, market, supermarket; developing high tech agricultural research centers and high-tech projects.
- Cao Ngan new urban area have an area of ​​about 200 ha: Developing towards new, modern urban model having air-conditioned pool attached to a green park area. Existing residential areas will be renovated and upgraded.
- New urban area in Dong Lien have an area of about 80 ha: constructing high-end residential area, hotel, riverside restaurants, shopping malls, relax and exploitation of entertainment services on the river.
- New urban area in west of the city, an area of ​​about 1,500 ha: Developing administrative functional areas, trade in services, high quality eco-housing health care resort, regional fitness sports, international tea festival, organizing activities of premium entertainment.
e) Area of ​​industrial, logistic development in the north (Son Cam commune, Cao Ngan commune), an area of ​​about 275 ha: developing industrial parks, industrial clusters to gradually relocate to industrial production base in inner city areas; forming and developing logistic (transport, goods transshipment...).
f) Ecotourism zone associates with high quality agriculture (in communes of Dong Lien, Huong Thuong, Tan Cuong, Phuc Trui and Phuc Xuan), an area of ​​about 2,300 ha: preserving and developing special tea of Tan Cuong in association with community tourism form, ecotourism; forming an area of high quality ​​agricultural production.
g) Urban agriculture reserve and development zone (under communes of Son Cam, Cao Ngan, Linh Son, Huong Thuong, Dong Lien, Phuc Ha, Phuc Xuan, Quyet Thang, Tan Cuong, Thinh Duc), area of about 9.300ha: exploiting existing agricultural land under high quality agricultural model; improve rural living environment; form rural service centers to enhance accessibility of rural areas with urban services.
Rural residential zones will be developed and managed under plan of new countryside construction with synchronous social and technical infrastructure systems, accessing to urban utilities and capable of adaptation climate change.
a) For rural residential areas in ​​the western province of Thai Nguyen city (communes of Phuc Ha, Phuc Xuan, Phuc Triu, Tan Cuong and Thinh Duc): New countryside construction associate with formation of rural service centers; giving priority to develop service - tourism - entertainment functions in association with Cong river landscape, landscape of tea plantation, landscape of Nui Coc lake. Protecting agricultural land; limiting expansion or establish new, small, dispersed rural residential areas. To control population density and building density in existing rural residential areas in conformity with standards of new countryside construction; improving technical infrastructure, encouraging traditional housing construction, using local construction materials, do not encourage high-rise housing construction. Building communal centers attached to provincial roads, district roads. Constructing pilot model of community tourism village in Tan Cuong specialty tea area associating with model of new countryside construction.
b) For rural residential areas in communes of Son Cam, Cao Ngan, Linh Son, Huong Thuong and Dong Lien: Building new countryside areas, orienting to develop rural space with good ecological conditions, high quality life and create a transitional space and control development. Constructing no new rural residential area in ​​Cau River flood drainage corridors; for existing residential areas in flood drainage corridors, do not conduct to extend and encourage redistribution of population out of the area. Residential areas associating with Hang pagoda, Linh Son cave, giving priorities to invest in to become important hub, acctracting ecotourism and spiritual tourism.
a) Orientation on development administrative – politic center system:
In short term, administrative – politic center of the province will retain at current positions. In future, researching to move to appropriate location in the city to create a modern center image; existing land will be given priority to develop trade, services and tourism. Administrative politic center of the city remain in current place.
b) Development orientation of training and education system:
To build Thai Nguyen city to become national multi – field, multi - disciplinary training center. Planning network of universities, colleges and vocational training institutions with training scale of around 200,000-220,000 students on basis of approximately 670 hectares of land.
c) Development orientation of health facilities, health care system:
To construct and develop high quality healthcare system of health care associating with scientific research. Expanding, upgrading and modernizing Central hospital of Thai Nguyen to become a center hospital of region. Investing in completing provincial hospitals by increasing coordination with major central hospitals to establish satellite hospitals. Strengthening health facilities for primary healthcare. Creating favorable conditions for economic component to develop private health systems. Land for central hospitals, provincial hospital and high quality healthcare cluster is about 74 ha.
d) Development orientation of cultural works:
To develop Thai Nguyen city to become cultural center of the province, the midlands and northern mountainous area. Arranging land to build typical cultural facilities of the city. Embellishing and protecting revolution historic relics, historical – cultural relics, and scenic landscapes associating with tourism development.
e) Development orientation of sport projects and trees:
To construct newly sports complex of Thai Nguyen province in west urban area of the city with an area of ​​about 120 hectares, serving sports activities in the province, regional, national and international sport events. Constructing, renovating and upgrading sports facilities in communes, wards. Setting up plans of constructing air conditioned lakes, open space, logical park, and tree system towards development of green, clean and beautiful city. Land area for development of sport works, parks, green tree at regional, provincial levels is approximately 335 hectares.
e) Development orientation of trade, services:
To give priority to develop modern distribution system including general service business centers, centers of finance and banking, supermarkets, transport, freight forwarding and wholesale markets. Investing in development of market system to meet needs of the people. Maximum mobilizing resources to invest in developing system of social services associating with policies of social welfare of the country.
g) Tourism development orientation:
To form tourism routes, attractions, points in the city such as national tourism zone of Nui Coc lake, cultural, spiritual, historic tourism attractions in central area of ​​the city, Chua Hang township  and commune of Linh Son, tourism activities in Cau river, eco-tourism, tourism in Tan Cuong tea area, etc ..., in association with tourism routes to famous places in the region, such as: revolutionary historic relic of ATK Dinh Hoa, nature reserve zone of Than Sa – Phuong Hoang, Tam Dao national Park, etc ... land area for tourism services is about 242 hectares.
For national tourism zone of Nui Coc lake: building and developing to become a center of eco-tourism, nation's largest resort with synchronous and modern facilities systems; diverse tourism products, high quality associating with culture trademark of Thai Nguyen tea and being able to compete with other countries in the region.
h) Industrial development orientation:
To develop industry towards clean, environmentally friendly industry, step by step developing high-tech industry; by 2035, polluted production regions, small, scattered factories in urban areas will be relocated, existing land areas will be converted into civil functions to serve urban areas. Land areas for development of industrial parks, high-tech zones is approximately 663 hectares.
a) By 2025:
Natural area of inner area is 11,412 ha, out of which, urban construction land in downtown area is approximately 7,100 hectares, indicator of approximately 179.75 m2 / person; natural area in suburban zone is 10,901.56 hectares, including land area for construction of rural residential area is about 980 hectares, land area for building technical economic base is approximately 1,500 hectares.
b) By 2035:
Natural area of  inner area is 11,412 ha, out of which, urban construction land in downtown area is approximately 8713 hectares, indicator of approximately 158.42 m2 / person; natural area of suburban zone is 10,901.56 hectares, including land area for construction of rural residential area is about 950 hectares, land area for building technical economic base is about 2,000 hectares.
a) Orientation of overall urban design:
To construct Thai Nguyen city ecology, green basing on key natural landscapes of ​​Nui Coc lake, Tan Cuong tea area and riverbank landscape of Cau river, mounting functional areas and increasing openness of urban out to Cau river...
Orienting to architecture of modern urban landscape, reorganizing existing urban architecture which bring local identity.
b) Organizing space of centers, urban gateway, main spatial axes, large squares, urban highlights:
- Existing historic center: constructing high density. Embellishing to make new space, landscape of riverside of Cau river. Architecture of service center, commercial, tourism, entertainment centers, squares; parks ... are modern, new attached to local culture. Organizing highlight works around square and open spaces; creating walking routes and space for community activities overlooking riverbank of Cau river.
- New urban area in the east (Cao Ngan, Chua Hang, Linh Son – Huong Thuong): constructing at low density, large area of ​​green space, integrating with natural landscape and historical – cultural relics in locality. Forming amusement park, conditioning lake system, padding zones and green corridors to ensure drainage.
- New urban area in the west: constructing at low and medium density. Exploiting terrain characteristics, associating with natural landscape areas of Nui Coc lake, Tan Cuong tea area. Building new urban areas with unique architecture and space in harmony with environment.
- Southern gateway area: constructing at high and medium density. Forming spatial axes of education - training, financial - banking, commercial - service with high rise buildings, associating with complex of multimodal transit hub station in forms of modern, active architecture; which is new image of urban area in south gate.
- To renovate and refurbish, establish urban design for the route, such as Quang Trung - Hoang Van Thu – Doi Can route; Cach mang thang 8 - Bac Kan - Duong Tu Minh, Luu Nhan Chu route; road connects to ring road No.5 in south of the city; central axis in west urban area; roads and bridges along river embankment.
- To construct square, open spaces and prominent works with modern, unique architectural forms with height and setback fit in a central location, side of bridges across Cau river and new gateway area in the south of the city. Forming administrative politic center have friendly, open architecture, integrating with urban environment landscape. Bridges over the river have modern design, mounting with landscape and overall space to ensure consistency and gradually change urban appearance.
c) Organizing water green space:
To form various urban green spaces such as corridors along Cau river, Cong river; green belts along highways of Hanoi - Thai Nguyen and roads; isolated green corridor of industrial parks and industrial clusters; urban parks and regional nature park. Offering solutions to preserve maximum water surface and the existing channels and add a number of new large position of lakes, creating scenery and well support for urban drainage.
a) Orientation of traffic system development:
- External traffic:
+ Roads: Forming expressway of Thai Nguyen - Bac Kan, beltway No.5 in Ha Noi region, paragraphs of Bac Giang - Thai Nguyen - Vinh Phuc, the beltway 1 in Thai Nguyen province; upgrading highway No.37, national road No. 1B, national road 17; forming bus stations of  class 1 standards.
+ Railways: Forming railway of Thai Nguyen - Tuyen Quang, railway in Ha Noi region and stations in southern city in Trung Thanh ward; upgrading railway of Luu Xa - Kep, Hanoi - Thai Nguyen; upgrading and renovating existing terminal into a modern transport hub with beautiful architecture.
+ Waterways: Dredging, widening flow in Cau river; building docks and boats to serve transport, tourism.
- Urban transport:
+ Road tracks of many road projects will be adjusted under general plan of the city approved in 2005 will be studied and adjusted to suit actual conditions of the city.
+ To keep current status section, only embellishing and upgrading roads in existing residential areas, forming stably under detailed plan approved before 2005.
+ To develop some urban main roads, road combining with Cau river dike to create inter-connectivity, completing network of city traffic.
+ Roads in new development area will be planned and invested in constructing synchronously, modern and ensuring link among urban functional areas.
+ To develop and improve public transport system.
b) Technical preparation orientation:
- To make adjustments, add detailed plan on flood prevention for river dikes in province of Thai Nguyen in a period to 2020, orientation to 2030 to ensure flood control of frequency 2%.
- To build dike to protect urban area out of flooding from 2% frequency and raising embankment construction of urban functions exceeding water level of frequency 10%; building conditioned lake in Cao Ngan, Linh Son, Huong Thuong to exploit lakeside landscape while contributing to regulate and drainage for urban area.
- Background limits height matching hydrological conditions and terrain, as follows:
+ Region in northern Gia Bay bridge: height of residential area construction background HXD327.6 ÷ 32.5 m; height of industrial construction foundation level, warehouses H XD328.7 ÷ 33.7 m.
+ Area from dam of Thac Huong to Gia Bay bridge: construction background height: H XD324.8 ÷ 27.6 m.
+ Region in south Thac Huong dam: height of construction background H XD320.6 ÷ 24.8.
+ Built area retains status quo background. Areas with a smaller foundation height over limit level, gradually improving and ensuring synchronous altitude of the region.
+ For areas with approved zone plans: Follow limit level of plan.
+ In hilly terrain with high background applying locally leveling solutions, keep natural terrain.
- Orientation of drainage: For existing downtown area and upgrading area: using separate drainage system. For new development zones, industrial parks, logistic areas, using completely separate sewer system. For rural areas using common drainage. Forming 10 major drainage basins, including 8 existing basins and two new basins. Rainwater on city under streams direct drain to Cau, Cong rivers; when water level in rivers rises, rainwater will drain into river through a forced drainage pumping stations.
c) Water supply:
- Total demand for water supply of whole city to 2025 is approximately 110,000 m 3 / day; by 2035, approximately 165,000 m3 / day.
- Water supply for the city of Thai Nguyen combine restricted exploitation of groundwater and surface water of Nui Coc lake, Cau river.
- Key works: Tuc Duyen water plant with a capacity of 10,000 m3 / day; Quang Vinh underground water plant with capacity of 3,000 m3 / day; Chua Hang water plant with a capacity of 2,000 m3 / day; Luong Tich water plant with capacity of 30,000 m3 / day; Nui Coc water plant 1 (new construction) with a capacity from 100,000 to 150,000 m3 /day; Nui Coc 2 water plant (Yen Binh) with a capacity from 100,000 to 150,000 m3 /day; Thai Nguyen pumping station (new construction) to supply water for downtown and widen areas.
- Key transmission network: Using main transmission pipeline between existing water plant. Building new transmission pipelines linking newly building water plant, booster pump stations with existing transmission networks of water supply.
d) Electricity and lighting:
- Total demand for electricity of the whole city by 2025 is about 350 MW; approximately 580 MW by 2035.
- Electricity supply:
+ By 2025: Luu Xa 220 KV station with capacity of 1x250 MVA (new construction); Nui Coc 220 KV stations with a capacity of 1x125 MVA (new construction). Gia Sang 110 KV station with a capacity of (1x63) MVA (renovated). Dan 110 kV station upgrading from (25 + 40) MVA to (2x40) MVA; Luu Xa 110 kV station upgrade from (1x40) MVA up to (2x40) MVA; newly constructing Quyet Thang 110 KV station with a capacity of 1x63 MVA, Son Cam 110 kV station with a capacity of 1x40 MVA. Linh Son 110 kV station with a capacity of 1x40 MVA, Nui Coc 1 110 KV station with a capacity of (1x40) MVA.
+ By 2035: Upgrading Luu Xa 220 kV station to 2x250 MVA. Maintaining capacity of Nui Coc 220 KV station, 110 KV stations of Dan, Nui Coc 1, Luu Xa; raising capacity of Son Cam station to (2x40) MVA, Quyet Thang station to (2x63) MVA, Linh Son station to (2x40) MVA, Gia Sang station to (2x63) MVA.
- Grid:
+ 220 KV Grid by 2025: Constructing double circuit lines with branches on 220 KV Tuyen Quang - Hiep Hoa to supply power to Nui Coc 220 KV station.
+ 110 KV Grid by 2025: Constructing 110 kV underground cable lines XLPE-1200 double circuit from Nui Coc 220 KV station to supply power to Nui Coc 1 110 KV station. Newly constructing 110 kV double circuit line from Nui Coc 110 KV station to national road No.174 (E6.2).
+ 110 KV Grid by 2035: Newly construct 110 kV underground cable lines XLPE-1200 double circuit from Nui Coc 220 KV station to supply power Nui Coc 2 110 KV station.
+ Grid of medium and low voltage: undergrounding in the city center, new urban areas, urban public works; newly constructing low-voltage stations to meet the needs and ensure beauty.
- Lighting: Improving lighting system in accordance with the regulations on urban lighting of type I.
e) Communication information:
To invest in constructing and improving infrastructure of communication information, making sure to provide a full range of telecommunications services. Undergrounding cable system of communications in downtown areas, new urban areas and areas of urban public facilities. Step by step laying underground communications cable in existing urban areas.
e) Waste water drainage, solid waste management and graveyards:
- To drain off waste water:
+ For urban areas, area of building urban technical economic facilities in suburban municipality, hospitals, parks and concentrated industrial parks, logistic zones: Using separate sewer system. Constructing 07 living wastewater treatment plants: station No. 1 with a capacity of 25,400 m3 / day, Gia Sang Ward; station No. 2, capacity: 20,000 m3/ day, in Tan Lap ward; station No. 3 with capacity: 12,500 m3/day, in Dong Bam communes; station No. 4 with a capacity of 14,000 m3/day, at Gia Sang ward; station No.5 with a capacity of 20,500 m3/day, in Huong Son ward; station No. 6 with a capacity of 15,000 m3/day, in Phuc Triu commune; station No. 7 with a capacity of 7,000 m3/day in Thinh Duc commune.
+ For rural residential areas: Useing common drainage system. Wastewater from toilets must be locally treated by septic tanks then drain off to exits common drainage system. In livestock sector, encouraging construction of metal Biogas tanks for fuel, catering for living.
- Solid waste management: entire city’s solid waste is processed at solid waste disposal of Khe Da Mai, Tan Cuong commune, 25 ha of first phase scale, long-term 43 ha.
- Management of cemeteries:
+ To continue to use Doc Lim cemetery with an area of ​​30.6 hectares; Ngan Ha Vien cemetery with an area 54.4 hectares in Duc Thinh commune. Newly constructing new city’s cemetery in Luong Tich ward with an area of ​​42.6 hectares and An Lac Vien cemetery in Thinh Duc commune with an area of 27.27 ha.
+ To construct funeral home at suitable locations in the city.
a) main solution for environmental protection:
Using renewable energy; giving priority to develop green architecture model, maintain, expand and protect water surface; encouraging use of environment-friendly technologies in fields of production and living; encouraging to use public transport, clean energy use; rationally using, exploiting mineral resources, water resources, ensuring environmental regulations. Building system of periodically monitoring environment in industrial parks, zones, mining areas, village areas and other areas which are likely to cause environmental pollution.
b) Main measures for each area:
- Area of Nui Coc lake, Cong river, Cau river: preserving and protecting natural landscape values; conservation and promoting ecosystems, enhancing green area, maintaining biodiversity; improving water quality.
- Area of ​​urban development: Developing comprehensively system of collection and treatment of wastewater and solid waste; maintaining and developing system of green landscape, conditioning lakes.
- Industrial parks, industrial clusters: Applying management system and environmental protection according to ISO 14000 Standards.
- Rural areas: Investing in systems and equipment for sorting and collection of household waste; constructing drainage system; planning concentrated areas of breeding, slaughtering livestock and poultry; applying high-tech, clean manufacturing in agricultural production.
c) Measures of adapting and mitigating climate change:
Raising awareness and capacity of communities, adapting to climate change; mainstreaming climate change adaptation into plans of socio economic development, urban development of area affected by conditions of climate change. Supporting development of sustainable livelihoods for vulnerable communities due to climate change; solidifying housing, works under a storm, flooding; building and solidifying synchronously dike road, river dyke system for flood prevention.
a) Projects invested by the central government:
Beltway No.5 around Hanoi capital region; renovating and upgrading national highway No.1B; national road No.37 to reach minimum standard level IV - III; upgrading railway of Thai Nguyen – Nui Hong; upgrading railway of Hanoi - Thai Nguyen, Kep - Luu Xa; ring road No.1 Thai Nguyen; continuing to invest in building Thai Nguyen university, central hospital of Thai Nguyen and satellite hospitals; convention center of Viet Bac region; theater folk dance of Viet Bac; sports complex at regional level.
b) Project managed by city, province
- Projects under northern mountainous urban program in Thai Nguyen city: upgrading Viet Bac road; improving infrastructure of some residential areas; upgrading air conditioning lake No.2; constructing kindergartens of Dong Quang; building Ben Tuong bridge; upgrading Tan Long bridge; constructing infrastructure of resettlement areas of Viet Bac; undergrounding infrastructure systems of some roads.
- Dyke combining with roads and embankments along Cau river bank; building bridges over Cau river and riverwalk road; building conditioned lakes in communes of Cao Ngan, Linh Son, Huong Thuong; investing in renovating, upgrading and undergrounding infrastructure systems in several routes; tourism infrastructure of Nui Coc lake area; newly investing, improving and upgrading educational institutions, healthcare, culture, information, fitness and sports; remodeling and renovating historical sites, cultural facilities; upgrading and renovating sewage, medical waste treatment system from health facilities; constructing and investing drainage and wastewater treatment system of the city, cemetery of the city, An Lac Vien cemetery, city funeral house.
c) Other projects calling for, attracting investment
- Trade, services: Fair and exhibition center of Viet Bac region; wholesale markets and rural markets; commercial centers, supermarkets, 5-star hotel, shopping streets; headquarters or branches of financial institutions;
- Industry: Investing in building infrastructure of high-tech parks in Quyet Thang commune; industrial clusters in communes of Son Cam, Cao Ngan;
- Transport: Investing in construction and exploitation of  stations of bus, buses, long-distance bus stay station; upgrading of the waterways, docks to serve Nui Coc lake tourism zone;
- Healthcare, education and training: group of high-quality healthcare system in west of the city; organizations of healthcare, education and private training;
- Culture - Sports - Tourism: Investing in building and exploiting competitive boat center; parks and recreation projects along Cau river; exploiting tourism services (ecotourism; resort combining luxury treatment; tourism, recreation, entertainment, game, spiritual tourism, festivals) at Nui Coc lake;
- Environment: wastewater treatment plants of industrial clusters and parks; waste treatment plants; waste recycling plants under modern technology;
- Urban infrastructure: renovating, upgrading and building some urban roads; renovating and refurbishing Cau riverbank landscape associating with building urban area, parks in east of Cau river; social housing complex; urban areas (urban area in west of the city; Thai Nguyen university urban zone; An Phu urban zone, Tuc Duyen urban zone; urban area in the east of Cau river...).
- To promulgate regulations on construction management under adjust master plan of Thai Nguyen city, Thai Nguyen province by 2035.
- To publicize adjusted master plan of Thai Nguyen city, Thai Nguyen province by 2035.
- To make plans of urban development, zoning plan, detailed plan, urban design plan, specialized technical infrastructure plan which are in line with adjusted master plan of Thai Nguyen city, Thai Nguyen province by 2035; building and promulgating regulations on plan management, urban architecture management as prescribed.

I. Development viewpoint
- Implement quick, effective and sustainable socio-economic development coupling with social progress, justice and environmental protection; improve material and spiritual life of the people, reduce gap between the rich and the poor among rural, mountainous area with  urban area, continues to reduce poverty and pushing back social evils; Speed up urbanization, develop concentrated residential urban area under modern style, preserve cultural values in villages, hamlets; develop infrastructure in all areas in the province; incorporates economic development with strengthening national security, defense and social order, building strong political system and administrative management, maintain political and social stability and preserve national cultural identity.
- Maximizing  potential advantages of the locality; mobilize maximum and use economically, efficiently resources; expand and develop external economic cooperation, especially in local area midland and mountainous region; make breakthrough in building infrastructure and economic restructure, improving quality and competitiveness of products and goods, narrow  gap between the rich and the poor; Thai Nguyen province strives to become one of centers of economic, culture, education and health in midland and mountainous region of  Tonkin.
II. Development goals
1. Overall objectives
- Construct Thai Nguyen province become one of centers of economic (industry, commerce, tourism), culture, education, health in midland and mountainous region of Tonkin; develop modern and synchronous infrastructure system, strong national defense and security; material, spirit living of people are constantly improved.
2. Objectives
a) Growth rate of GDP in period of 2006 - 2010 reaches 12-13% per year, in a period of 2011 - 2015 reaches 12.0 - 12.5% and in a period of 2016-2020 hits 11-12% / year; in which average growth of sectors in a period of 2006 - 2020: agriculture, forestry and fishery reaches 5 - 5.5% per year, industry - construction reaches 13.5 - 14.5 % / year, services reaches 12.5 - 13.5% per year;
b) GDP per capita reaches US$ 800 in 2010, US$ 1,300-1,400 USD in 2015 and US$ 2,200-2,300 in 2020;
c) Economic structure shifts towards increasing proportion of industry, construction, services and reducing proportion of agricultural sector (agriculture, forestry, fisheries), namely: industry and construction accounts for 45%, services accounts for 38-39%, agriculture accounts for 16-17%  in 2010; reaches 46-47%, 39-40%, 13-14% in 2015, respectively; reaches 47-48%, 42 - 43%, 90-10% by 2020;
d) Export turnover reaches about $ 65-66 million by 2010, reaching over $ 132 million in 2015 and over $ 250 million in 2020; growth rate in average export the whole period from 2006 - 2020 reaches 15 - 16% / year;
e) The State budget revenue in the province reaches VND 1,500-1,550 billion in 2010, and VND 4,000-4,100 billion in 2015 and over VND 10,000 billion in 2020; average growth rate of the State budget  in a period of 2006 - 2020 reaches over 20% per year;
f) Average growth rate of population in a period of  2006 - 2020 reaches 0.9% / year, which growth rate of natural population reaches 0.8 to 0.82% per year
g) Solidified all schools and classrooms; each district has at least three upper secondary school;
h) Ensure adequate medical examination and treatment ;  give priority to invest to renovate, upgrade and build new medical examination and treatment in all three levels: provincial, district and commune; strive to increase life expectancy to 72 years in 2010 and over 75 years in 2020;
i) Employ on average at least 15,000 laborers during 2006-2010 and 12,000-13,000 laborers during 2011 to 2020; ensure  95% of people in working age have jobs in 2010; proportion of trained workers  reaches 38-40% by 2010 and 68-70% in 2020; poverty rate (the Prime Minister’s Decision No 170/2005/QD-TTg on July 8 2005) drop to below 15% in 2010 and still 2.5 to 3% in 2020; human development index (HDI) rose above 0.7 in 2010 and over 0.8 in 2020;
k) Ensure that over 90% of households will have clean water by 2010 and increase this rate to 100% before 2020, 100% of households have electricity before 2010;
l) Rate of urbanization reaches 35% in 2010 and reaches 45% in 2020;
m) Improve  quality of forests and forest coverage rate reaches 50% in 2010;
n) Ensure clean environment for both urban areas and rural areas;
o) Average speed of technological innovation in a period of 2006 - 2010 reaches 14-16% per year and in a period of 2011-2020 reaches 16-18% per year.
III. Development orientation of specific sectors
1. Agriculture, forestry, fisheries

a) Develop agriculture with high speed, stability, diversity, towards sustainable production of goods associating with processing industry (percentage of processed agricultural products reaches about 40-50%) and the market; effective use of agricultural land fund, intensive increase in productivity, quality, product value per unit area, improve competitiveness of agricultural products; ensure food security; agricultural structure shifting in direction of increasing proportion of livestock, agricultural services, industrial crops, fruit trees; develop high value plants appropriating with local conditions; develop agricultural specialties of each region in the province; construct agricultural and forest products associating with processing and consumption as fruit specialties, tea, fresh vegetables, rice ...; associate agricultural development of the province with development of  agriculture in midland and mountainous region of the North;
b) Rural economic development in direction of increasing proportion of added value and in industry and services and reduce the proportion of agricultural laborers, new rural life and material culture have been continuously improved; develop technical  infrastructure for production and living of farmers with a focus on rural roads, irrigation, agricultural service;
c) Promote application of advanced science - technology in agriculture, forestry, focus on harvest and storage technology; pay special attention to efficiency land use, sustainable progress in breeding, epidemic prevention;
d) Develop strong farm economy, type of  cooperation economic ; types of enterprises, especially small and medium enterprises; sustainable development of traditional villages; create favorable conditions for household economy to develop; encourage farmers contribute land use rights and labor for their businesses, cooperatives, farm owners to develop commodity production; further encourage foreign investment in agriculture and rural development ; speed up reorganization and renovation of management of agricultural and forestry; The State –own economic sector concentrates in manufacturing and supplying all kinds of plant varieties, animal breeds, applying technical innovation, research in agriculture;
2. Industry and construction
a) Develop industry with high speed, quality and efficiency; average growth rate of industrial and construction output value in a period of 2006 - 2010 reaches about 16.5 to 17% per year and in a period of 2011 - 2020 reaches 12.5 to 13.5% per year;
b) Restructure industry in direction of increase rapidly mainstream, traditional, advantage  industry group; form new industrial products for export; increasing proportion of private industry, especially foreign investment in industries; effectively internal resources , attracting maximum external resources;
c) Develop concentrated industrial zones associating with develop urban system, types of production; modernization and renewal of equipment and technology.
Some industry groups:
- Metallurgical industry: a mainstream category, defined as a breakthrough in the province during a period of 2006 - 2010; strive to maintain an average growth rate of 16-17 % in a period of 2006 - 2010 and in a period of 2011 - 2020 reaches 14-15% / year and proportion of metallurgy industry reaches 40% of industrial production in 2010;
- Engineering industrial: develop to meet basic needs of the province of equipment and machinery for agriculture and rural areas, especially engine products of 400 horsepower and other parts of mechanical engineering industry to provide for region and country; gradually manufacture some products for mining industry, mineral processing, metallurgy industry, expand more export products, striving to export some types of parts;
- Mining and mineral processing: focus on exploiting and processing minerals having high economic value, large reserves; diversify scale of mining, mineral processing and invest in modern technology to use savings, efficiency resources, protect environmental; focusing on investigation, exploration and search for new mines, new reserves ... ensure that supply full of raw material for industrial enterprises of metallurgy of the province; maintain an average growth rate of 13.5 to 14.5% in a period of 2006 - 2010 and 13-14% per year in a period of 2011 - 2020
- Construction material production industry: continue to maintain fast average growth rate of  17-18%  in a period of 2006 - 2010 and 16-17% per year in a period of 2011 - 2020 ; concentrate on producing export products which have advantage, market (cement, bricks, baked bricks, roofing ...); develop new products (paving stones, high-level ceramic, concrete structures, refractory materials ...);
- Textile industry - leather shoes: improve production capacity of existing facilities, renovate advanced technology, training skilled workers ...; concentrate on manufacture products which have stability market; research model, fashion, introduce products, find market ...; average growth rate in a period of 2006 - 2010 reaches over 15% per year and in a period of 2011 - 2020 reaches 16% year;
- Industry of  processing of agricultural and forest products, food, beverages: average growth rate in a period of 2006 - 2010 reaches over 16.5% per year and in a period of  2011 - 2020 reaches 22% per year; develop industry of  processing agricultural and forest products, food must be associated with raw materials and markets; gradually upgrade technology, diversify products, improve quality and competitiveness of products; increases depth processing products, consumer products and reduce intermediate processing products to increase value of products (beer, paper, processing tea, processing vegetable and canned meat ... ).
3. Trade and services
a) Quickly put Thai Nguyen became a center of development of large service in  midland and mountainous region of Tonkin; average growth rate of production value of  service sector in a period of 2006 - 2010 reaches 12.5 - 13% per year, in a period of 2011 - 2020 reaches 13 - 13.5% / year, proportion of service sector accounts for 38-39% of GDP in 2010 and took over 42% in 2020; labor in services sector account for 22 9% of social workers in 2010 and accounting for 30.9% in 2020;
b) Form products and services having high value in accordance with advantages of the province, requirements of development of midland and mountainous region of Tonkin; increase high-quality services and proportion of private sector in services sector; have suitable  mechanisms and policies for each industry, products and services. Province is striving to have the following services: tourism, trade, education and training, transport, finance, banking;
c) Protect ecological environment, natural landscapes, conservation and promotion of ethical values, cultural traditions, harmonious between economic benefits with political stability – social order – security  and national defense ;
d) Revenue of service of travel - hotel - restaurant reaches VND 950 billion in 2010 and VND 5,000 billion in 2020; tourists reaches around 1.2 million (including international tourists will reach 20,000 weekly) in 2010 and approximately 3.1 million (including international tourists reaches 70,000 weekly) in 2020; total retail sales of goods and social services reaches VND 6,360 billion in 2010 and reaches over VND 24,600 billion in 2020; a main exports: tea, processed zinc ore , garments, multi-metal ores.
4. Development of infrastructure 
a) Transport

- Prioritize development of road transport networks; associate development of network traffic of Thai Nguyen with transportation network of midland and mountainous region of Tonkin to increase exchanges between Hanoi and Thai Nguyen provinces in order to exploit better advantages of Thai Nguyen and create favorable conditions to attract foreign investment into the province;
- Invest in building new highways No.3 Hanoi - Thai Nguyen to expand and upgrade provincial roads and national highways linked with; upgrade roads connecting districts and communes; strive in a period of 2006 - 2010 upgrade  the provincial road to reach standard  level IV and V and in a  period of 2011 - 2020 the provincial roads standard level IV; mountainous road, road through town, industry hubs standard level III or higher ; 70-80% of district road hits standard level V or higher in 2010; 60-70% inter-commune roads, roads to  communal centers reaches standard level V in  2010  and 100% inter-commune roads, the road to communal centers are in plastic or concrete cement in 2020; building capacity of provincial waterways and explore more efficient port services, creating a more convenient connection between waterways, roads; exploiting efficiently rail transportation.
b) Electricity supply, water supply and drainage and waste treatment
- Concentrate on investment in upgrading and building new uniform system of electricity supply, water supply, rainwater drainage and wastewater treatment, especially drainage system in urban and industrial zones; ensure 100% of urban households, 90% of rural households uses water and 100% of  households in the province have electricity by 2010 and 100% of households in the province will have clean water, power in 2020;
- Build system of waste collection and treatment; ensure that 70% of industrial parks, export processing zones have wastewater treatment system meeting  standard of environment and 90% of municipal waste is processed in 2010, 100% industrial parks, export processing zones have concentrated wastewater treatment system meeting standard of environment and 100% of municipal waste is processed in 2020.
c) Communication: develop networks of modern communications
- Accelerate application of information technology in all spheres of social life, especially information systems for leadership and management ; telephone density reaches 32 telephones per 100 people by 2010 and 65 telephones per 100 people by 2020. 5. Social sectors
a) Development of population

- Promote family planning and reproductive health care to improve population quality; average population growth rate in a period of 2006 - 2020 reaches 0.9% per year , including: natural population growth rate reaches 0.8% per year,  school population growth rate reaches 0.08 to 0.1% / year and expected population reaches 1.16 million in 2010 and 1.27 million people in 2020;
b) Education and training
- Construct Thai Nguyen became a center for training high quality human resources of  midland and mountainous region of Tonkin; develop quality preschool education, primary education, secondary schools and high schools; consolidate firm results universal primary education and secondary schools, typically 80% of elementary school, 30% of secondary schools, typically 40% senior secondary school meets national standard in 2010, reaching 100% of elementary schools meeting national standard in 2015 and 100% of typically middle school and high schools achieves national standards by 2020;
- Promote socialization of education and training; expanding scale, improving quality of training institutions such as upgrading and expanding of University of Thai Nguyen, complete education and training centers, community centers; establishment and development of universities, colleges, professional secondary schools, vocational centers and provincial technical centers in districts to meet learning needs and requirements of social - economic development,  majority of young people are learning all senior secondary school, professional school or vocational training; proportion of trained workers to reach 38-40% by 2010 and 68-70% in 2020.
c) Health care  
- Enhance ability to provide health services both in quantity and quality to meet increasing requirements of the people in care and protection of people's health; promote  socialization of medical activities; focuses on early  preventive medicine, health care; ensure that the poor, children and the elderly are entitled to health care early; incorporates development of modern and traditional medicine; renovating and upgrading of commune health stations to ensure 100% national standard for communal health care in 2010; construct  provincial general hospital to meet Northeast functional hospital; upgrade health center of provinces and districts; upgrade hospital C with size of 500 beds; reduce rate of mortality child under 1 year to less than 20 ‰, decreasing rate of malnutrition children under 5 to below 20%, reduce rate of mortality by mother's pregnancy to 1.5 ‰ in 2010 and reduce death rate of infants under 1 age to 10 ‰, decreasing rate of 5 malnutrition children under to 10%, reduce  rate of mortality by pregnancy 0.8 ‰ in 2020; on average, there are 9.5 physicians / ten thousand people and 35 hospital beds for ten thousand people in 2010 and 12 doctors / ten thousand people and 45 hospital beds for ten thousand people in 2020.
d) Culture - information and  sports
- Develop culture - information for target of developing comprehensively  human resource, social justice, democratic and civilization; enhance conservation, restore, promote value of national cultural heritage; step up socialization in field of culture; continue making well style of movement "All people unite to build cultural life"; strives for 75% of cultural family, 50% of cultural villages, neighborhoods and achieves title of cultural standards in 2010 and 85% of cultural family, 70% of cultural villages, neighborhoods and achieves title of cultural standards in 2020;
- Construct Thai Nguyen became a sport center in midland and mountainous region of Tonkin; expand and maintain regular movement of  physical exercise of agencies, schools, points of population to contribute to improve fitness; develop ethnic sports, folk games and modern traditions such as animals, martial peoples, women football.
e) Science - technology and environment
- Develop science and technology to meet  requirements of social - economic development; intensive investment, equip modern technology for industry, an important production base; use effectively development fund of  science and technology and  expand international cooperation in science and technology, have policies to encourage scientific and technical staff;
- Promote propaganda and education to raise awareness of  environment in community; make socialization, diversification of investment in environmental protection; strengthen management, rational exploitation of natural resources ; strict implementation of regulations on environment, rehabilitation of mining areas and ecosystems having been violated to ensure ecological balance; improve management capacity, strengthen inspection, supervision, promote application of  science and technology, international cooperation on environment; monitoring and controlling environmental pollution, solid waste management.
f) Poverty alleviation, job creation and social affairs
- Continue successful implementation of policies and programs targeting national poverty alleviation, job creation and social security; pay attention to vocational training for workers and create more jobs, develop quickly type of business to attract more employees; create jobs for farmers, organize labor export ...; strive to create jobs on average every year for at least 15,000 laborers during 2006-2010 and for 12,000-13,000 laborers during 2011-2020; reduce poverty rate to below 15% in 2010 and still 2.5 to 3% in 2020.
6. Defense - Security
- Strengthen national defense and security; building national defense combined with people's security posture; build Thai Nguyen become firm defense area; promote prevention and fight against crime, reduce social evils, curb traffic accidents, ensure political stability, social order and safety.
IV. Development orientation under territory and space
1. Urban areas

a) Urban population reaches over 405,000 in 2010 (accounting for 35% of the population) and reaches over 570,000 people (accounting for 45% of the population) in 2020; develop urban system in Thai Nguyen in two dimensions along axis of highway 3 and highway 1B, Thai Nguyen city as center;
b) Upgrade  Thai Nguyen city as a city type I in 2020 matches  central role of the province,  midland and mountainous region of Tonkin; upgrade Song Cong town type III in 2015 ; improve  quality of  seven towns of district’s capitals and 11 towns and townships; establish a new urban area of Nui Coc lake.
2. Rural areas
a) Develop harmonious social - economic rural areas, decreasing difference in development level with urban areas; give priority in developing of rural infrastructure;
b) Develop strong industry, restore  traditional handicraft villages in rural area, combining traditional techniques with advanced and modern technology;
c) Implement industrialization and modernization of agriculture, rural area; develop industry of processing agricultural products, forest products; exploit construction materials, develop small engineering and repair services ;
d) Develop irrigation system to ensure uniform irrigation for vegetables, industrial crops, fruit trees; ensure enough water for aquaculture and ensure safe flood in city of Thai Nguyen.
3. Develop sub-regional

a) Mountainous (including: Vo Nhai, Dinh Hoa district, north Dai Tu, Phu Luong districts ): give priority to develop social - economic infrastructure, rural trades; trees industry (tea), fruit and cattle breeding, industry of processing forestry and forest, processing agricultural products, mining construction materials;
b) Area of low mountains, high hills (including: Dong Hy district, south Phu Luong and south Dai Tu districts): consolidate, upgrade and improve step by step system of infrastructure in rural area; develop vegetables, food, tea and fruit trees of all kinds to provide for industrial zones, urban areas, industry of processing; thrive cattle breeding and pig raising, protecting existing forest and planting new forests and promote reforestation household production to  supply full of raw materials for paper industry and artificial  wood plank; promote development of farm economic, forest products, agricultural products processing , industrial exploitation of construction materials; tourism development in the village, and ecotourism;
c) Hilly mounds and central (including: Phu Binh, Pho Yen district, Song Cong town, Thai Nguyen city and a commune of Dong Hy district, Phu Luong district, Thai Nguyen city borders): continue to invest, upgrade and strengthen of infrastructure for production, such as traffic systems, irrigation works, technical stations of agriculture and forestry ; formation of concentrated industrial zones along highway No.3 ; development of tourism, especially tourism of Nui Coc Lake, develop system of  services along Highway 3 connecting Hanoi and Thai Nguyen, develop training institutions and colleges, increase productivity of food crops, construction of a code of safe and high quality  vegetables to supply for industrial, urban and tourist service; planting and processing tea; developing beef, dairy, pig and chicken breeding industry to provide for urban, industrial zones, protect and preserve cover-forest   associate with planting new forests on areas of bare land and bare hills.
V. Organization of implementation
1. -select- breakthrough
a) Develop quality human resources, scientific and technological potential to meet development requirements;
b) Develop system of  infrastructure  in both  urban and rural areas;
c) Reform public administration reform, improve effectiveness of the State management agencies;
d) A direction to form a system of main products in industry and sector having comparative advantage and create resources for long-term development of the province;
e) Develop economic relations, formation of other markets;
f) Promote speed of urbanization; develop urban center, urban periphery and rural population to create a picture of  new population distribution.
2. Some major solutions

a) Mobilize capital: building mechanisms and policies to mobilize maximum capital abroad for social - economic development; in which: domestic capital occupies high proportion of total investment capital, reduce proportion of the State budget in total investment capital (52% in a period of 2006-2010 and 31.7% in a period of 2011 - 2020); pay attention to attract capital from economic sectors, socialize fields of health, education, culture - and sports, actively attract FDI and ODA ...;
b) Develop quality human resources to meet development requirements: have a policy to attract, develop, use and train human resource to meet requirements of new development period; focus on training and retraining workers, staff management, economic, technical and business personnel;
c) Develop science and technology: more research and application of scientific achievements and technologies in production and life; equip advanced, suitable technology for industry
d) Coordinate closely with Hanoi, other localities in midland and mountainous region of Tonkin, northern key economic region of the country and on some branches and important field such as industry, agriculture and services, tourism development; attracting FDI, using water and prevent water pollution of rivers flowing through Thai Nguyen; train and use human resources, solve well problem of migration; prevent natural disasters, search and rescue;
e) Continue to complete, renovate mechanisms and policies to improve investment environment to attract investment and development capital;
f) Raise effectiveness and efficiency of State administrative apparatus; promote reform of administrative procedures, implement "one door"; thrift and combat waste and corruption;
g) Implement and monitor the plan
- Establish overall plan on social- economic development of  districts; construct of 5-years plan, annual  programs, specific projects for implementation of the plan;
- Propagate and mobilize people to participate in implementation of the plan;
- Review and evaluate results of implementation of the plan; submit the Prime Minister for consideration and approval of adjustments and additional plan when changes are made;
- Party Committees, agencies, -UNION-s at all levels and people in the province is responsible for supervising implementation of the plan.
Programs, projects prioritized research investment

Period 2010 - 2015
I. Agriculture, forestry, irrigation
1. Project of improving quality of seed rice (Thai Nguyen)
2. Projects of producing goods: cattle breeding livestock , beef, buffalo, pig meat, pigs and aquaculture development in 2010 in Thai Nguyen
3. Project of applying science - technology on agricultural, forestry and fishery
4. Project of agricultural and rural industrialization and modernization
5. Project of planning and arranging residential and support production of three flooded communes around  Nui Coc lake (Tan Thai, Luc Ba, Van Tho)
1. Project of planning three types of forest and plant to protect forest, special use forests, forest materials
2. Project of preventing forest fire

1. Projects: Nuoc Hai lake, Ghenh Che lake, Dong Tam Lake, Dong Trang lake, Cau Cong lake, Bo La lake, Suoi Lanh lake, Vo Nhai lake, channel behind Bao Linh lake and solidified key channel in Nui Coc lake
2.Projects: Bo Vang lake, Ho Chuoi lake, Nam Dat lake, Cay Hong lake,  electrical pump station  in Minh Hoa and Thuong Lap communes
3. Project of  irrigation lakes in Dinh Hoa district, including: Khuon Nha lake, Khuan Lan lake, Thac Bay Tang (seven-storey waterfall) lake
4. Project of  irrigation lakes in Dai Tu district ( Suoi Dieu lake, Vai Lang dam, Da Mai dam ,Vai Don dam, Phuong Hoang Lake, Doan Uy lake, Suoi Nuoc lake, Phu Xuyen lake)
5. Project of  upgrading lakes in Phu Luong, Phu Binh, Pho Yen districts
6. Irrigation lake of  Van Lang (Dong Hy district)
7. Build stone embankment Cau river Phase II from Oanh wharf to Tien mountain ( in Thai Nguyen city)
II.  Industry
1. Project of building infrastructure concentrated industrial zones of South Pho Yen and Industrial zones of  Diem Thuy, Phu Binh
2. Continuing to build infrastructure projects and projects of wastewater treatment plant in area B of Song Cong town Industrial Park
3. Project of  rural energy  II (REII)
4.  Small hydroelectric projects in Nui Coc lake
5. Project of iron mining - Dong Hy district
6. Cement kiln in Ha Phuc, Thai Nguyen
7. Projects of mineral resource exploitation and utilization
8. Project of producing car gearbox, tractors and big engine
III. Transportation
1. Project of new highway No.3 Hanoi - Thai Nguyen
2. Project of renovating and upgrading roads No.254 (now 268)
3. Upgrading road 264 (road from highway No.3 to - ATK Dinh Hoa)
4. Upgrading road 261 (Dai Tu - Pho Yen - highway 37)
5. Upgrading road Ba Hang - Thanh Cong - Ngoc Thanh (Pho Yen)
6. Project of road of  Binh Thanh - Phu Dinh (Dinh Hoa)
7. Project of road of ATK Na Mao - Phu Cuong - Duc Luong (Dai Tu)
8. Project of 10 inter-commune roads Khe Mo - Trang Xa 
9. Project of road  in Uc Son - Lu Van (Phu Binh)
10. Project of road of Van Han (Dong Hy)
11. Project of resettlement Quang Son (Dong Hy)
12. Project of highway 14 to Nam Tien (Pho Yen)
13. Project of road phase II Thang Loi - Binh Son
14. Project of road 266 Diem Thuy - Ha Khau (Phu Binh)
IV. Industry Trade - Tourism
1. Project to build Nui Coc lake tourism area become key national tourism area and ATK travel route of Thai Nguyen - Tuyen Quang - Bac Kan
2. Project of building infrastructure in Nui Coc lake tourism zone; infrastructure in resorts of Pho Yen; hotel projects and recreation on river bridges
3. Projects of Trade Center in Thai Nguyen city and markets
4. Project of  Nui Coc Lake golf course
5.  Project archaeological conservation and tourism zones of Than Sa, Vo Nhai
6. Project of establishing eight centers to help enterprises
V. Education and training sector
1.Project to establish vocational training centers in districts not currently available such as: Dinh Hoa, Dai Tu, Phu Luong, Dong Hy, and vocational schools of the province
2. Project of establishing two new high schools: Ha Thuong , Tien Giang (Phu Luong), Diem Thuy (Phu Binh district), Quang Son (Dong Hy) VI. Health Sector
1. Project of preventive Medical Center, Hospital C, Hospital of mental health in centers of  Phu Binh, Song Cong, Pho Yen and Dai Tu
2.Projects of expanding and upgrading Center 05-06 in Thai Nguyen province
3. Project of  constructing in Thai Nguyen Regional Medical Center in 2010, capable of solving some problems of specialized health
VII. Water supply
1. Project of  wastewater treatment in Thai Nguyen province
2. Project of drainage in towns, townships: Dai Tu town, Du, Trai Cau towns, townships of Ba Hang, Song Cong town
3. Project of renovating and upgrading clean water plant in Song Cong town and project of installing water supply for industrial park of Diem Thuy
4.Project of building water supply system for Du towns and townships of  Ba Hang ,  townships of Trai Cau
VIII. Cultural Sector
1. Master plan in association with ATK Tuyen Quang and Bac Kan
2. Project of restoring, renovating historic revolution "Vietnam War the North"
3. Project of North Vietnamese folk dances
4. Project of restoring historic monuments and park
IX Broadcasting
1. Project of supplying equipment for producing and broadcasting programs
X. Sport
1. Project of  repairing and upgrading stadium of Thai Nguyen
2. Project of constructing sport schools
3. Project of upgrading stadium in Dinh Hoa, Dong Hy district
4. Project of renovating and upgrading  ground of practicing versatile athlete
XI. Public Works
1.Project of dump waste treatment in districts: Dai Tu, Dong Hy Pho Yen, Phu Binh, Dinh Hoa and Song Cong town
2 Project of  planning and constructing of cemetery
3 Project of planning urban areas of Thai Nguyen province and planning functional areas
4. Project of processing waste by new technology
XII. Defense - Security
A project to build, repair and upgrade military command of Thai Nguyen province
PERIOD of 2015 - 2020
I. Agriculture, forestry, irrigation

1. Project of applying science and technology to create high-value products on a unit area of agricultural land
2. Project of  organizing two production models  
II. Industry
1. Project of focused slaughtering and food processing
2. Project of processing fruits, agricultural products
3. Project of  producing garments for export, manufacturing of industrial products with high concentration of  matters: electronic industry, industry of  spare parts, industry of  manufacturing high quality steel, titanium ore processing industry , tungsten ore ...
4. Project of processing and building brand name  Thai Nguyen fresh tea products
5. Project of producing food for cattle, poultry and seafood breeding
6. Project of developing concentrated industrial clusters in districts and towns in Thai Nguyen province
III. Transportation
1. Expand new  highway No.3 Hanoi - Thai Nguyen - Cho Moi (Bac Kan) , upgrade and extend railway Hanoi - Thai Nguyen to Tuyen Quang, Yen Bai
2. Upgrade provincial road routes: 263 lines connect to line 264, line 264, 265 and 269.
3. Upgrade to 3 inter-district roads as follows: Ba Hang - Tien Phong; Hoa Thuong -- Hoa Binh; Linh Nham - Trang Xa
4. Projects of asphalting roads from district’s headquarters to communal centers
5. Project of expanding and upgrading Da Phuc port
6. Project of constructing bus station in Thai Nguyen
IV. Industry - Trade - Tourism
1.Project of developing and exploiting Nui Coc lake tourism area, ATK Dinh Hoa towards historical travel and ecotourism resort
2. Projects of upgrading quality of hotels and service 
3. Projects of building golf course and racecourse
V. Education and training sector
1. Projects of training high quality human resources to meet requirements on labor in a period of 2011-2020
VI. Health Sector
Upgrading a medical examination and treatment bases
Project of establishing a base of high quality medicine
VII. Cultural Sector
1. Project of building North Vietnamese folk dances theatre
2. Project of building cultural villages, communes, wards and townships
VIII.  Sports sector
A project to build North Vietnamese  cultural – sports park
IX. The  State Management
Complete office systems under standards prescribed by the Government
X. Public building
1.Project of  building houses to sell for the poor
2. Project of building concentrated residential zones
3. Project of building house for workers in industrial zones
4. Project of building hostel for students


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