Wednesday, October 23,2024 - 4:57 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Quang Binh province 

 Friday, December 18,2020

AsemconnectVietnam - To continue to construct and develop socio-economic of Quang Binh province with double-digit growth. To connect economy of the province with domestic and international markets, working closely with other localities.



1. Continue to construct and  develop socio-economic of the province with double-digit growth, bring Quang Binh province to become a developed province of Central region. Connect economy with domestic and international markets, work closely with localities in the country, especially provinces of North Central region and key economic region of the Central.
2. Focus on developing strongly industries and services, as it is a phase  to speed up shifting of economic structure towards increasing  percentage of industry and services; promote  development of sea economic ; form clearly key products, dynamics area of the province; enhance  science – technology potential. Invest in some key areas  Quang Binh has advantages such as: Industry of producing construction materials, processing industry, tourism, service; agricultural, seafood products... Exploit maximum advantages of  Cha Lo border gate economic zone, each districts or city. Form and develop rapidly Hon La economic zone; tourism areas in northern and southern of the province. Construct Dong Hoi city to become a political, economic and cultural center of the province, equal other provincial capitals in the region; upgrade Ba Don, Hoan Lao towns to become provincial township.
3. Attach much important to development of infrastructure system, develop human resources to attract investment, exploit resources of the province and outside.
4. Connect closely target for economic growth with social progress and justice, reduce difference of living standard between population class, between urban and rural areas, between plain and mountainous areas. Pay more interest in investing and supporting development in mountainous, rural, coastal areas.
5. Socio-economic development associates with ecological environment protection, prevention and mitigation of natural disasters; use suitably and effectively resources and environment.
6. Incorporates economic development with strengthening national defense and security, social order and safety.
1. Overall objectives

Strive to bring Quang Binh get out of underdeveloped situation in 2015; become basically developed province in 2020. Construct Quang Binh province become one of the fastest growing and sustainability economy ; have synchronous  infrastructure system;  education - training system meets new development demand; material and culture life and  of the people are improved incessantly, with a healthy culture; protect firm ecological environment; strong  defense - security, social order and safety are assured.
2. Specific objectives
2.1. On economic development
- Maintain and achieve economic growth of  over 12% in a period of  2011-2015, 13.0% over a period of 2016-2020.
- Restructure economy towards increasing proportion of non-agricultural sectors. In 2010, proportion of industry - construction accounts for 40% of GDP, services  40% and agriculture - forestry - fisheries 20%, corresponding structure of industry in 2015 is 43%, service 40.5% and agriculture –forestry – fisheries 16,5%, in 2020  industry 45.0%, service 41.0% and agriculture – forestry – fisheries 14.0%.
- GDP per capital at current prices: VND 11.2 million in 2010; VND 23.6 million in 2015 and VND 46 million in 2020. Narrow gap in GDP per capital over the national average level is 65.5% in 2010; 92% in 2015 and 115% in 2020.
- Rate of budget income / GDP in the province in a period of 2006 - 2020 achieves 12 -12.5%, in a period of 2011-2015 hits 11.5 - 12%.
- Develop external economic relations, stabilize and expand  domestic and export markets. Export turnover increases in annual average annual 18% in a  period of 2011 - 2015 and in a period of  2016 - 2020 is about 20-22%.
2.2. Social Development
- General rate of population growth achieves 0.9 - 1.0% in a period of 2011 - 2015 and 0.8 - 0.9% in a period of 2016-2020. Improve quality of labor, create jobs.
- To 2015, strive to hit urbanization rate of  about 30% and by 2020 about 35%.
- Promote activities of national program on cultural, health and education. Strivie to 2015, proportion of vocational trained workers  reach about 35% and by 2020 about 60%. In 2015, 90% of trained workers get jobs
- Rate of malnourished children under 5 years old in 2010 is 18-20%, in 2015 14-15%, in 2020 9-10%.
- Rate of poor households decreases in average annual from 2.5 to 3% in a period of 2006 - 2020, of which  in a period of 2011 - 2015 reduce by 3 - 3,5%.
2.3. Regarding environmental protection
- Strive to 2015: Rate of population using clean water in urban areas reaches 95%, in rural area hits 90%, forest cover posts 69% or higher, rate of urban garbage collection reaches 80%, 100% of industrial production units in industrial zones have environmental processing system , out of which, more than 85% of facilities meet environmental standards.
- To 2020: The rate of residential using clean water in urban areas reaches over 97%, in rural area hits 95%, forest cover posts 70% or higher, rate of urban garbage collection reaches 100%, 100% of industrial production units in industrial zones have environmental processing system , out of which, more than 90% of facilities meet environmental standards.
3. Key fields to develop in next period
3.1. Develop synchronous infrastructure under  plan:
Continue to build infrastructure of seaports, airports, inter-regional traffic, projects of  preventing and mitigating disaster, water supply systems and treating solid waste, especially hazardous waste; power supply system; social infrastructure systems; economic zones, industrial zones and tourist resorts.
3.2. Develop sea economic centers and economic in border areas of the province.
3.3. Develop the province's main products and fields, directs toward marine economic sectors such as gas - electricity – fertilizer industry, production of construction materials; ship building and repair; seafood processing;  agricultural products processing; forest products processing  - produce handicrafts products; exploit and process sea mineral; garment and textile, accessories, produce beer, soft drinks; mechanics, electronics, information technology .
3.4. Develop  human resources and social sectors.
Develop high quality human resources and build scientific and technological potential to construct and develop fast, powerful sectors such as tourism, transportation services, especially maritime , aviation services, export commerce, banking services, post and telecommunications, financial services, travel services ... Develop strongly social sectors to ensure harmonious development between economy and society.
3.5. Using reasonable and effective resources and environmental protection, especially natural resources, coastal environment, sea
3.6. To ensure national defense and security in the province.
4. Development orientation
4.1. Infrastructure development
4.1.1. Development of infrastructure of the main technical
- Traffic
+ Perfect the basic steps a transportation network to meet demand for transportation of goods and passengers within the province and to other places ..
+ Coordinate road construction Expressway North - South through the province; continue to upgrade and expand the national highway 12A to meet the transportation contener. Restoration and maintenance, maintenance of National Highway 1A, Ho Chi Minh road through the province. Construction and additions to the plan of Hon La seaport system of Vietnam and into the port type I classification seaports. Dong Hoi airport upgrades to ensure the large payload aircraft takeoff and landing and perform night flights.
+ Xây dựng hoàn chỉnh tuyến đường ven biển từ Bảo Ninh đi Ngư Thuỷ, đường ven biển Quảng Trạch, Bố Trạch.
+ New construction and upgrading of provincial highways, provincial roads priority attention 16, 559, 22, 11, 10, 20; routes across the road connecting National Highway 1A Ho Chi Minh Thuy Mai build new roads -- An Thuy; for Chinese Quan, roads to avoid Cement Gianh.
+ Expanding and upgrading provincial roads asphalt road: 2, 2B, 3, 3B, 4, 4B, the provincial road and other inter-commune roads. Building border belt roads, roads on the border, the road to border guard stations associated with the development of students. Continue to make investments in road cars to central town has no street cars. Continue program hard goods transport in rural areas.
+ Build more bridges crossing the Nhat Le river and some other online to facilitate distribution of Left population density and more traffic.
+ For railway: railway construction Cha Lo - Hon La port. Complete and upgrade the system for railway, solidify some of the modernization of information signals to ensure safe train operation.
+ About waterway. Renovate and upgrade roads combined dredging rivers, creeks flow off through the river routes Son, Gianh door, door Nhat Le.
- Development of irrigation.
+ Upgrade, improve and modernize in order to exploit effectively the irrigation system is as Phu Vinh, Domain Round, An Ma, Cam Ly, Central America, Rao Da; launch the new Banana Lake Falls, Van Tien ...
+ Building reservoirs has resolved target irrigation combined with cutting, reducing flooding, improving water supply and ecological environment such as Lake State, Lake Khe Lau.
+ Investment reinforced, building embankment dike system against riverbank erosion, coast, limiting the damage caused by erosion.
- Water supply and sanitation.
+ Strive to 2015: 95% of urban population and 90% of rural population use clean water. 2020 97% urban population and 95% of rural population use clean water. Construction and upgrading of water supply works town farm Vietnamese Trung, Hoan Lao, Kien Giang, Ba Don, Phong Nha resorts and towns.
+ Construction of drainage works, environmental sanitation in the towns and key tourist areas, industrial parks, large urban areas, concentrated residential areas. Gradual application of advanced technologies in water treatment, waste treatment and solid waste.
- Power supply
+ Develop power as planned national electricity development phase from 2006 to 2015, which consider 2025 to meet the load demand of the region.
+ Development Investment supply electricity to villages of the mountainous, coastal, industrial zones, tourist resorts, residential areas.
- Information and communications
+ Growth of the postal service, express from 1.5 to 2 times, telecommunication services, internet 2.5 to 4 times the growth rate of GDP of the province ..
+ 2010, telephone density reached 47%. By 2015, density of fixed subscribers reached 29%, 45% of mobile subscribers, broadband internet subscribers 15%, 100% of communes have public internet access points, 100% of upper secondary school levels , hospitals are connected to the Internet. The rate of internet users reached about 50% of the population. By 2020, density of subscribers telecommunications reaching over 90%.
2010 + 100% of social coverage and broadcast television.
+ Promote the application and development of information technology in the system of the Party and state.
4.1.2. Development of infrastructure and social
- Investment in equipment to create favorable conditions for staff research scientists:
+ Building and upgrading Quang Binh University. Striving to before 2020 each district has at least 01 vocational training centers, 01 centers of foreign language computing. Established the College of economic and technical. Building facilities in schools towards standardization and modernization program to make high quality education.
2010 + 70% and in 2015 90% of commune health wards national standard. Investment to upgrade facilities, medical facilities, especially hospitals Vietnam Friendship - Cuba, Dong Hoi and the general hospital districts, cities and regional clinics. Research establish more hospitals Tuberculosis and lung disease, hospital and nursing home rehabilitation, mental hospital. Investment in building upgrades Hospital of Traditional Medicine.
+ Continue investing in conservation and promote the value of cultural heritage. Investment conservation, preservation and promotion of natural World Heritage Phong Nha - Ke Bang. Build the basis of sports training and competition for the ages in the province and districts. 2015, 100% of communes have a soccer field in combination with the other subjects.
4.1.3. Development and investment in construction works warning, prevent natural disasters, rescue center rescue
- Develop monitoring systems, warning of natural disasters. Building facilities for rescue and rescue at sea; facilities support services to fisheries, the anchorage for fishing vessels avoid the storm.
- Strengthening and upgrading the dyke system and estuary sea dikes; adjustment of the estuary. Promote the program in the coastal protection forest. Construction of flood drainage corridors reasonable.
- Study the layout, rearrange the population associated with the economic zones, industrial zones, urban areas with preventable disaster.
4.2. Development of marine economic center, economic and border areas of the economic corridor Highway 12A, especially Ho Chi Minh
4.2.1. System Development and Urban Settlement
- The rate of urbanization reached 30% in 2015 and 35% in 2020. By 2020, the province has 01 cities (Dong Hoi), 02 towns (Ba Don, Hoan Lao), 20 wards, 15 towns.
- Construction of Dong Hoi city into urban type II in 2015, assumed the functions of the provincial capital, central economic, political, cultural, scientific and technical, commercial centers, tourist services of province.
4.2.2. Development of economic zones
Construction and development of Hon La economic zone, economic zone Cha Lo border gate economic zones is to become the driving force of the development
4.2.3. Development of Industrial Zones (IZ)
By 2020, the network of industrial zones in the province has 08 industrial zones with an area of about 2,000 ha, including: industrial zone northwest of Dong Hoi; Hon La Port Industrial Park, Hon La Industrial Zone II; North Dong Hoi IZ; KCN Ly Trach district Bố Trach; KCN State; Cam IZ Lien Le Thuy district and industrial zone Northwest queens Quang Ninh district.
- Step by step formation in the area each district has 01-02 scale industrial clusters around 30-50 ha.
d) Economic development - Social economic corridor along Ho Chi Minh and Economic Corridor Highway 12A
4.3. Development sector - Trade promotion
4.3.1. Industry and handicraft
- Improve industrial competitiveness in order to minimize risks and try to win the maximum benefits in the process of international integration and the region. Striving to speed development of industry the period 2011 - 2020 average increase of 21-22%, of which the period of 2011-2015 increased 20-21%.
- Coordinate with other ministries and central branches to form and build the cluster gas - electricity - protein in the region of Quang Trach district.
- Continue to focus on developing industries with advantages towards increasing the proportion of refined items such as production of construction materials, agro-processing. forestry, fishery, seafood, chemicals, mechanical, electronic and information technology, textiles, leather shoes, hydropower, thermal power, wind power ...
- Combine the industrial development with the formation of urban networks and distribution of concentrated urban population places; well- settle social problems, creating job, poverty reduction, environmental protection and maintaining national defense and security.
- The industry of processing agricultural, forest products and food: planning raw material areas; make investment to improve technology and increase processing capacity in the direction of commodity production to meet domestic demand and exports.
- Power industry: fully exploit hydropower potential. Create favorable conditions for companies and businesses to make good building progress and put the provincial large hydroelectric projects into operation on time.
- Development of small industries and rural industries
4.3.2. Services
- Focus on developing a service sector has potential as a maritime transport services, post and telecommunications, science and technology services, financial services, banking, insurance, consultancy. Promote export-import activities.
- Building up the infrastructure business, including: supermarkets in the city of Dong Hoi, Hoan Lao, Ba Don, Hon La Economic Zone and the international border gate economic Cha Lo; agricultural markets production in the districts of Le Thuy, Quang Ninh general wholesale markets, retail type I in Bo Trach, Quang Trach, Dong Hoi.
- To develop tourism into key economic sectors. Focused on exploiting the potential, the strength of natural World Heritage Phong Nha - Ke Bang, diversifying types of tourism. By 2010, attracting 0.8 to 0.9 million tourists, of which 30-32 thousand visitors international in 2015, attracting 1.1 to 1.2 million tourists in the 60 -- 70 thousand foreign tourists; 2020, welcomed the 1.4 to 1.5 million tourists, of which 90-100 thousand international passengers.
- Step by step form four tourist centers of the province: Phong Nha-Ke Bang, Vung Chua - Dao Yen (Quang Trach district), Dong Hoi - Da Jump (Trach) and travel south cluster, including: Non Wat -- Than Dinh Mountain, State, Temple - Tomb of Nguyen Huu Canh, The souvenir General Vo Nguyen Giap, Bau Sen, Hai Ninh ... associated with the tourist routes within the province, inter-regional and international.
 4.3.3. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- Develop agricultural industries associated with the processing industry and market products. Continued restructuring plant and animal ecosystems in accordance with the direction of development of strong rubber, pepper, peanuts ...
General economic development of the hilly mound, combining agriculture, forestry, industrial plants short days, long days, diversify products to enhance the efficient use of land, value obtained on a single your area.
- Build and develop forests, protect foster care, enriched forest promote afforestation and restoration of natural forests.
- Develop general economic fisheries catching, aquaculture, processing and logistic service activities. Promoting off exploitation, exploitation focus objects for export. Development of aquaculture in the direction of intensive, applied biotechnology, developing breeding services, food for aquaculture.

Long Giang


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