Wednesday, October 23,2024 - 4:57 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Phu Yen province 

 Monday, April 5,2021

AsemconnectVietnam - To accelerate economic restructure in direction of increasing proportion of industry and services; mobilize all resources of economic sectors; mining industry has advantage of labor and resources.


I. Viewpoints and development objectives
1. Development viewpoint:
- Master plan on development of agricultural production (cultivation and husbandry) contributes to achievement of socio-economic development objectives, agricultural and rural development plan and agricultural and rural restructuring schemes in direction of enhancing added value and sustainable development associating with building new rural areas.
- Plan on development of agricultural production is under socialist-oriented market mechanism and basic objectives of food security (including nutritional safety) both in immediate and long term, raising high income for farmers, contributing to improve living standard for rural population and provide safe products for processing and consumers.
- Master plan on development of agricultural production (cultivation and husbandry) must be in direction of increasing productivity, quality, competitiveness, efficiency and sustainability of agriculture.
- Plan on development of agricultural production is closely linked with preservation, processing and consumption markets; To accumulate land, to form areas specialized in cultivation and large-scale, concentrated and modern commodity agricultural production to meet domestic consumption and export demands. To attach importance to market development, production development along value chain, constructing and developing trademarks for local or key agro-products to meet requirements on food hygiene and safety, environmental protection and ecological production.
- Plan on agricultural production development must be based on renovation of market access and thinking, combining rapid application of scientific and technological achievements and efficient use of land, water and human resources. To be trained and adapt to climate change and protect ecological environment so as to efficiently exploit advantages and natural conditions of each region and each locality.
- Plan on agricultural production development associates with innovation and development of production relations, linking with production and consumption center. The State plays well role of creating and developing through renovation of mechanisms, policies, institutions and necessary supports, creating a favorable environment for all economic sectors, especially for enterprises to invest in agricultural occupations. Improving efficiency of collective, farm economy.
- Plan on agricultural production development is closely linked to system of policies, ensuring mobilization of social resources, first of all, land transfer, restructuring of labor in agriculture and rural areas, supporting household and promote international integration.
2. Development objective:
a) General objective:
To build a comprehensive and modern agriculture which base on renovation of production organization; promoting linkages between production and market, application of science and technology; pay attention on meeting needs of diversification of domestic consumption and export; improving efficiency of land use, water resources, labor and capital; contributing to raise income and living standards of rural population; to protect ecological environment and build a new countryside; adapting to climate change and international integration; successfully implementing objectives of agricultural restructuring in direction of enhancing added value and sustainable development until 2020 with a vision to 2030.
b) A number of specific targets up to 2025:
- Growth rate of GRDP in agriculture, forestry and fishery (under constant prices in 2010) will increase by 3.5 - 4% / year in a period of 2016 to 2020; increase by 4%/year in a period of 2021 to 2025, out of which net agricultural production will increase by 2.6 - 2.8%/year in a period of 2016 to 2020 and 2.8-3% / year in a period of 2021 to 2025.
- Net agricultural structure will account for 62-63% by 2020 and 59- 60% by 2025; proportion of cultivation is 35-36% by 2020 and 30-31% by 2025; livestock production will be 20-21% by 2020 and 22% by 2025 in structure of agriculture, forestry and fishery.
- Growth rate of agricultural, forestry and fishery production value (under constant prices in 2010) will increase by 4.0-4.5% in a period of 2016-2020; increase by 5.0 - 5.5% in a period of 2021 - 2025; Out of which, cultivation will increase by 2.5 - 2.7% per year, livestock production raise by 4.5 - 5.0% per year in a period of 2016-2020; cultivation grows by 2.3 - 2.5% per year, livestock production raise 6.5 - 7.0% per year in a period of 2021 - 2025.
- Value of agricultural products reaches VND 110 million/ ha/ year by 2020, an increase of 1.5 times comparing to 2015 and VND 150 million/ ha by 2025, more than two times higher than that in 2015).
- To strive to get income per capita of rural people by 2020 around VND 45 million/ person/ year (1.8 times higher than that in 2015) and VND 75 million/ person, 3 times more than that in 2015).
c) Vision to 2030:
- Growth rate of GRDP in agriculture, forestry and fishery (by 2010) increases by 3 - 3.2%/ year, out of which net agricultural production increases by 2.4 - 2.5%/ year.
- Growth rate of agriculture, forestry and fishery products (at constant prices in 2010) will increase by 4.0-4.4% / year, out of which, cultivation will increase by 2-2.2%/ year, livestock production raise by 5% year and proportion of cultivation is 27 - 28%, of breeding is 22 - 23%.
- By year of 2030, value of products per a hectare of cultivation land will reach 200 million VND/ ha / year. Average income per capita in rural areas is about VND 100 million/ person/ year by 2030.
II. Orientations
1. Cultivation:
Mainly focusing on 6 main crops: rice, corn, sugarcane, cassava, vegetables and flowers. At the same time, land using plan links with reorganization of production in direction of concentration of land; applying high technologies, varieties and hi-tech cultivation techniques to raise productivity, quality and efficiency.
a) Rice: To maintain and use about 24,562 ha of rice cultivation land for 2 crops; average productivity is 6.5 - 7 tons/ ha. Raising rate of using certified rice varieties, F1 hybrid rice will reach about 93% by 2020 and 100% by 2030. Out of which: building specialized cultivation areas for high-quality rice production: 10,000 hectares in 2020; in 2025: 10,500 ha and in 2030: 12,000 ha. Mobilizing to convert 1 rice crop, inefficient rice production (8,819 ha) into other annual crops or higher value breeding.
b) Corn: By 2020, total area of ​​corn farming will be about 7,000 hectares, 8,000 hectares by 2025, and the existing corn cultivation area will be maintained by 2030. An average productivity in a period of 2016-2020: 5 - 6 ton/ ha; in a period of 2021 - 2025: 7 - 8 tons/ ha; in a period of 2020-2030: 9 - 10 tons/ ha, concentrating in Song Hinh, Son Hoa, Tuy An, Tay Hoa and Phu Hoa districts (8,000 ha).
c) Sugarcane: Orienting that stable material area is around 23,000 ha, concentrating mainly in Son Hoa, Song Hinh, Dong Xuan, Tay Hoa districts. An average productivity is 75 - 85 tons/ ha. To raise rate of new sugarcane varieties applying technical advances to over 95% of raw material area.
d) Cassava: Reducing area to 11,000 ha. Concentrating in districts of Song Hinh, Son Hoa, Dong Xuan (reduced area is proposed to switch to vegetables and forestry development). An average productivity is 30 - 40 tons/ ha. Planning raw material areas for cassava starch processing plants in the province to 2020 is 11,000ha.
e) All kind of vegetable:
- Bean: Increasing cultivated area to 6,640 ha in 2020; 7,900 ha in 2025 and 9,300 ha in 2030. Out of which, peanut trees: an area of ​​3,733 ha; soybean: an area of ​​about 2,280 hectares; other legumes: an area of ​​3,287 ha.
- Vegetables: Cultivated area will increase from 6,014 hectares in 2015 to 9,840 hectares in 2020; 12,800 hectares in 2025 and 15,700 hectares in 2030. To develop and establish specialized areas for cultivation of commodity vegetables and fruits, applying hi-tech and safe GAP standards.
g) Flowers and ornamental trees: By 2030, flower and ornamental areas will be about 500 hectares, including: Tuy Hoa city: 200 hectares; Song Cau town: 50 ha; Tuy An district: 100 ha; communes of ​​Phu Thu, La Hai, Hai Rieng, Hoa Vinh, Hoa Hiep Trung, Cung Son ... and tourism sites have an area of ​​150 ha. To study development of models of high-tech flower growing in Da Lat to apply in the province. To call for investment in hi-tech flower growing areas in the northern part of Tuy Hoa city, south of Tuy An district.
h) Some other potential crops:
- Pepper: An area for pepper increase to about 1,000 hectares; It is concentrated in Son Thanh Dong, Son Thanh Tay communes (Tay Hoa district), Son Long commune (Son Hoa district) and Ea Bar commune (Song Hinh district).
- Rubber trees: Reducing planned area to 6,000 ha, concentrating in districts of Song Hinh, Son Hoa, Dong Xuan associating with exploiting and processing rubber latex.
- Fruit trees: Total area: 4,350 ha, focusing on some kinds of trees which are capable of developing and attaching to processing industry such as pineapple (Phu Hoa), coconut (Cau river), watermelon (Son Hoa, Song Hinh district); apples (Cam Pho), durian, mango, new avocado seed, jackfruit, papaya, asparagus, lime, cocoa,...
- Medicinal plants: An area for medicinal plant extends to about 1,000 hectares. Some medicinal plants need to develop: leafy greens, squid grass, cucumber, bitter vegetables, tamarind flakes, licorice rock, lime scale, sickle, yellow roots, ginseng,...
k) Development of new crops: Ramadan, Acacia, Ramie (also known as thyme), Tilapia, etc.
2. Breeding:
a / Orientations for development of key local livestock products: cattle, pigs, chickens and ducks. At the same time, developing some high economic value animals in accordance with natural conditions of Phu Yen province such as: birds, deer, goats,...
- Cattle: Strongly developing cattle herd in mountainous districts such as Son Hoa, Song Hinh, Dong Xuan. Size of flock in 2020: 190,000 units, in 2025: 240,000 units, in 2030: 250,000 to 252,000 units. Raising over 70% of crossbred cattle. Maintaining a local herd of gold bulls at 20-30% of total herd. Step by step moving from small cattle to concentrated breeding under industrial model.
- Buffalos: Size of flock in 2020: 6,300 units, in 2025: 10,000 units and in 2030: 12,000 units. Buffalo breeding areas are concentrated in districts: Son Hoa, Song Hinh, Phu Hoa and Tay Hoa, Dong Hoa. Promoting buffalo breeding and fattening.
- Pig raising: Developing in Dong Xuan, Song Hinh, Son Hoa, Dong Hoa and Phu Hoa districts. Size of flock in 2020: 150,000 units, in 2025: 209,000 - 210,000 units and in 2030: 250,000 units (excluding milking pigs). Rate of lean pigs in 2025 is about 95% of the total. Continuing to develop medium-sized farms, linking them with breeders, feeders and consumers in value chains.
- Poultry breeding:
+ Breeding of chickens: scale of flock in 2020: 2,000 thousand units, in 2025 and 2030, to stabilize about 2,050 thousand units, distributing throughout the province but most concentrated in districts of Phu Hoa, Tay Hoa, Dong Hoa. To develop model of breeding chickens on farm scale, ensuring that in a period of 2016 - 2030, rate of breeders on farm scale is over 50%.
+ Waterfowl breeding (ducks, goose and goose): size of herd in 2020: 1,500 thousand units; in 2025 and 2030 stabilizing at about 1,550 thousand. Continue to increase rate of pure duck breeds over 80% of total herd in a period of 2016 - 2030. Prioritizing development in lowland areas, especially in Dong Hoa, Phu Hoa, Tay Hoa and Tuy An districts.
- Other animals with potential for development:
+ Bird nest: To develop oat farming according to approved plan.
+ Goats, deer: Mainly developing in mountainous areas under model of farms.
+ Honey bee collection: making use of hills, gardens to develop bee breeding for honey.
b) Concentrated livestock production area: According to plan of concentrated livestock areas in Phu Yen province up to 2020 approved by the provincial People's Committee in Decision No. 1936 / QĐ-UBND dated 22/11/2011; results after reviewing, adjusting and supplementing according to Decision No. 1673 / QD-UBND and new addition request of People's Committees of districts, towns and cities; it is expected that by 2030, Phu Yen province will have 103 concentrated livestock.
c) Concentrated slaughterhouses: According to plan on cattle and poultry slaughtering areas in Phu Yen province up to 2020 which have been approved by the provincial People's Committee in Decision No. 1936 / QD-UBND dated November 22, 2011 and after reviewing, adjustment and addition of 6 areas, by 2030, Phu Yen province will have 47 concentrated slaughterhouses.
3. Development of agricultural product processing industry:
To encourage enterprises, economic organizations, households and individuals to invest in science and technology, technical advances in product preservation, deep processing, fine processing, quality improvement and raising proportion of high added value products to exploit strengths of agriculture, improve competitiveness of agricultural products in domestic market and export. Some key industries need priority: (1) rice; (2) sugar, cassava; (3) livestock products; (4) cashews.
4. Investing in and effectively developing Phu Yen high-tech agriculture park:
- To raise role of management board of Phu Yen high-tech agriculture park, issuing soon a Resolution on high-tech agriculture development of the province. To concentrate on implementing the master plan on building Phu Yen hi-tech agriculture park by the year of 2030. To intensify activities of approaching scientific and technology from abroad, transferring technologies to farmers, enterprises who have demand.
- To immediately implement some projects which have been licensed investment certificate; To form a hi-tech agricultural research and development center; strengthen links with the center for plant biotechnology under the Vietnam’s Institute of Agricultural Genetics. Calling for investment in production, processing and consumption. Development of medicinal plants and mushrooms is considered as the first breakthrough in operation of the hi-tech park. It is necessary to well implement investment incentive policies in order to attract investment capital, especially attracting FDI, ODA and big investors in Phu Yen hi-tech agriculture park.
5. Proposing priority investment projects in the planning period:
a) Project on construction of My Lam reservoir and canal system.
b) Suoi Cai reservoir construction project.
c) Tan Hien reservoir construction project.
d/ Project of building reservoir of Soi Ba Trat.
e) Livestock and plant variety project in a period of 2016-2020.
g) To invest in strengthening capacity of plant pest surveillance and analysis of pesticide residues on agricultural products.
h / To build cultivated areas for hi-tech bonsai.
k) Constructing corn starch processing factory.
l) Constructing a feed mill.
m) Constructing commodity rice processing factory.
n) Building industrial slaughter plants (slaughterhouses).
6. Total investment capital and investment phases:
a) Total investment capital for agriculture is VND10,964 billion.
b) Investment phases:
- In a period of 2016 - 2020: VND 4.440 billion;
- In a period of 2021 - 2025: VND 3.676 billion;
- In a period of 2026 - 2030: VND 2.847 billion.
c) Source distribution:
- The State budget (including central budget, provincial budget, district budget): VND 6,144 billion, accounting for 55.8%.
- Investment credit, loan capital and ODA: VND 1,350 billion, accounting for 12.3%.
- Capital of enterprises, own capital of the people: VND 3,500 billion, accounting for 31.9%.
III. Solutions on implementing the plan
1. Solutions on investment capital:
To attract all investment capital sources for agricultural development, such as the State budget capital, enterprise capital, credit institutions, people's capital, foreign investment capital, etc.
2. Solutions on agricultural land use:
Restricting conversion of paddy land to non-agricultural land, stabilizing area of ​​2 rice crops at 24,562 ha. Forming agricultural land market, implementing accumulation of land, forming area of ​​commodity production.
Encouraging farmers to contribute shares into agricultural enterprises by using land use rights, enhancing relationship between enterprises and farmers. To adopt policies for farmers to change their land use purposes within agricultural sector, to facilitate the transfer and lease of agricultural land ... so that producers can accumulate land.
3. Solutions on research and application of science and technology in agricultural production:
Rapidly applying biotechnology, genetically modified crops to agricultural production. To step up investment in material foundations and equipment for research establishments to create plants and animals. To concentrate on building models of hi-tech agricultural production for high productivity plants: rice, sugarcane, cassava, vegetables ...
4. Solutions on training and attracting human resources for agriculture and rural areas:
Organizing training courses for agricultural sector staff. Promoting vocational training for rural labor associating with job creation. Implementing good policies to attract young staff, attract high qualified technicians for agriculture.
5. Solutions for "4 home" linkages (government, scientists, farmers and entrepreneurs):
To efficiently implement policies to encourage development of cooperation and production linkage with agricultural consumption and big field construction according to Decision No. 62/2013/QD-TTg and Circular No. 15/2014/TT-BNNPTNT on planning production areas, specialized areas of "big fields". Promoting dissemination of practical effectiveness of linking "4 houses" and raising awareness of farmers and enterprises in respect of production contracts. Organizing training courses to improve knowledge of cooperative management, market connection ... for cooperative members. To implement agricultural insurance policy and to sanction and handle breaking of contracts for production and sale of goods. Encouraging development of agricultural joint stock companies in which farmers will be shareholders.
6. Solutions for trade promotion and market development
To improve quality and competitiveness of agricultural products of the province.
Renewing thinking and promoting trade promotion, product promotion, and e-commerce development. Regularly organize trade events, trade fairs to introduce high quality agricultural products, specialties of the province, etc. Promoting market forecast and market information. Strengthen trade exchanges and trade cooperation with localities in the country. Upgrading and improving commercial infrastructure.
7. Production solutions in value chain:
To change thinking from production under capacity to production under market demand. Issuing policies to support enterprises and associations to build trademarks. Promulgating specify policies to support accumulation of land, taxes, loans, risk insurance, resource training, etc. Creating conditions for farmers to contribute land use rights to enterprises. Assisting to form interest groups, associations according to specific categories.
8. Other solutions:
- Solutions on policy mechanisms:
- Solutions for environmental protection and response to climate change in agriculture.
- Solutions to promote propaganda, advocacy and education to create changes in awareness and action in restructuring of agriculture and new rural construction.
- Solutions for cooperation and cooperation with local and foreign units.
IV. Organizing implementation
1. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development:
- To organize publicization of the plan on the mass media so that the branches, levels, people and enterprises are known and coordinated to implement the plan.
- To function as the main implementer and in collaboration with concerned departments, branches, People's Committees of districts, provincial towns and cities in inspecting and supervising implementation of this plan; annually report to provincial People's Committee, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.
- In course of implementation, if there are some problems that need to be supplemented and adjusted, Agriculture and Rural Development shall sum up and report proposals to the provincial People's Committee for consideration and decision adjustment to suit reality.
2. Department of Planning and Investment: To coordinate with the Department of Finance and Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to balance, allocate capital from the State budget and other investment sources to invest in developing agricultural and rural infrastructure for production.
3. Department of Finance: To advise the provincial People's Committee to allocate funds from the budget to ensure implementation of contents of master plan in accordance with provisions of the current State budget law.
4. Other related departments and agencies: basing on functions and tasks of the units, they are well advised on implementation of the plan.
5. Agricultural co-operatives: Cooperative organization for effective production and business development. To renew mode of operation under revised Law on Cooperatives and current regulations. Effectively developing cooperation, linkage of production associating with consumption of agricultural products and role of representative organizations for farmers as prescribed.
6. Enterprises in field of agriculture and rural areas: To coordinate and link production from provision of input services to purchase, processing and sale of products; To invest in renewing production processes, technologies and equipment to raise efficiency of production, business and use of natural resources. Together with farmers, they actively participate in production along value chain, linking production with processing and consumption of agricultural products through economic contracts.
7. People's Committees of districts, towns and cities: To coordinate with Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and other functional branches of the province to carry out tasks according to roadmap of the plan in locality. To have plan on land using and mobilizing resources for investment in infrastructure and projects for of agricultural and rural development. To adopt support policies from local budgets in association with provincial programs and policies to develop efficient production.
8. Phu Yen Newspaper, provincial radio and television stations: To promptly propagate the Party's and State's undertakings and policies in process of implementing "master plan on development of agricultural production of Phu Yen province to 2025, vision to 2030" to the community. To effectively propagate response to climate change in agricultural production.

1. Development viewpoints
1.1. To develop economic with stable and high speed to gradually narrow gap between province of Phu Yen and other provinces in region and nationwide.
1.2. To instruct Phu Yen province as a new gateway to the east Central Highlands; striving to become a large tourism service center in region and nationwide
1.3. To acelerate economic restructure in direction of  increasing proportion of industry and services; mobilize all resources of economic sectors; mining industry has advantage of labor and resources; as the same time, focus on expanding economic sectors with high technical content, consistent with advantages of Phu Yen province and trends of market.
1.4. To improve quality of human resources, promulgate policies to attract high quality human resources to meet needs of economic development. Associate economic growth with social justice, gradually raising living standards for all classes of  population, especially  resistance bases, mountainous regions, many ethnic minorities.
1.5. To closely combine economic development with strengthening social defense, security and environmental protection; strengthen political system and strong administrative background.

2. Development objectives:
2.1. General objectives:
To continue to sustain economic growth with high and stable speed, make changes in quality in process of socio-economic development. Strive to 2025, Phu Yen province basically became an industrial province. Promote economic restructure, labor structure towards industrialization and modernization with suitable structure of industry - service - agriculture. Gradually improve efficiency and competitiveness of economy. Promote  application of science and improve their science and technology in industry. Improve  quality of education and training and quality of human resources. Exploit effectively external economic relations. Build infrastructure system to ensure development requirements, advanced material life and spiritual people. Continue to implement poverty reduction, creating jobs for workers. Maintain political order and social safety, economic development associating with defense, security and environmental protection.
2.2 Objectives:
- Average growth in period 2010- 2015 hits 13.6% / year and in period of 2015-2020 reaches 15.2% per year and in period of 2020-2025 reaches 15.3% per year.
- GDP per capita is USD 750 per year in 2015, USD 1.600 per year in 2020, USD 3,000 per year in 2025.
- Economic structure: in 2015: agriculture 24.5%, industry 38.5%, services 37%, in 2020: agriculture 16%, industry 44%, services 40% and by 2025 agriculture 10%, industry 47%, services 43%.
- Rate of budget revenues compared to GDP: 11.5% in 2015; 15% in 2020 and reaches 20% in 2025. Local budget increases by 15% per year. Budget revenues in 2016 to meet  needs of local budget.
- Export turnover  in 2015 reaches $ 150 million, in 2020 reaches $ 1 billion, $ 1,5 billion in 2025.
- In 2010, rate of natural population increase reduces to 1.26%, in 2015 decrease to 1.17% and by 2020 reduces to 1.0%. Rate of malnourished children under 5 years old in 2015 reduces to 20%, in 2020 to 15% and in 2025 decrease to 10%.
- Proportion of trained workers by 2015: 40%, 2020: 53% and 67%  in 2025.
- Rate of poor households in 2015 to 9% in 2020 to less than 3.4%, in 2025 basically, there is  no poor households.
- Rate of forest cover in 2015: 45%, 2020: 47% and 2025: 51%.
3. Development orientation of fields
3.1. Agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- To develop agricultural sector for sustainable development, high quality, fresh products in accordance with ecosystem. Form concentrated intensive farming associating with high technology and processing industry and protect environment. Food security and stability area of cultivated rice, sugarcane, cassava; widen rubber and some other crops. Breeding towards farm economy with good breeding and disease control. Form fresh vegetables at  perimeter of urban, industrial parks, tourist areas; develop flowers.
- To promote afforestation, strengthen exist forests, develop timber trees for industrial materials processing. Strengthen forest protection, limit logging of natural forests and exploiting effective plantation.
- To develop sustainable aquaculture, processing and logistic service activities. Promote application of science and technology in aquaculture and seafood processing, environmental protection and create destinations for tourists. Expand market and build brands for fish products.
Build new, modern countryside, reducing pressure of population to urban. Develop services, industries associated with organization of consumption goods for farmers, increasing investment in districts of mountainous areas with many ethnic minorities.
3.2. Industry
- To focus on application of new technologies, automation technologies, improving production efficiency . Improve quality and build brand name of products, trade promotion, market expansion, increased capital investment.
- To develop industry in  consistent with  strategy of sustainable development. Give priority to develop industry having  advantages  with high technology and added value, accelerate rapidly developing economies such as electronics, oil refining , petrochemical, shipbuilding, processing of agricultural and aquatic products, producing electricity - water. Pay special attention to a project of  refinery with capacity of 4 million tons per year and petrochemical plants.
- To continue to invest in building infrastructure in concentrated industrial zones.
- To develop villages in rural areas, exploiting raw materials efficiently and create jobs many workers in rural areas.
3.3. Services
- To improve business civilization, develop modern types of  services and  while ensuring trade system of  service in remote areas. Form supermarkets, street markets, professional sale streets, creating diverse distribution network, ensuring rapid and convenient flow of goods, stimulate production growth.
- To develop business services, trade promotion support, promote and diversify trade promotion activities. Strengthen market inspection and control, price stability, fight against counterfeit goods of inferior quality, speculation, smuggling and tax evasion. Expand markets, diversify exports, increase export turnover.
- To develop tourism into key economic sectors, "clean"  industry with its own unique color. Restore  monuments and landscapes, tourist sites associating with environmental protection. Focus on building infrastructure to attract investment.
- To improve quality of transportation services, warehousing, port services, postal services and telecommunications. Diversify  forms of reasonable services.
- To focus and facilitate types of services: finance, banking, science and technology, information technology, insurance, consulting, accounting, auditing, legal consultancy,  notary, inspection, property auction , assets business , real estate, health services, high quality education .
3.4. Social sectors
- To make well population policy. Improve  people's healthcare network, eliminate basic infectious diseases. Improve quality of population, increasing height, physical and life for the people. In 2015 having 7 doctors / 10,000 people, by 2020 10.8 doctor / 10,000 people. 100% of communes and wards have doctors in 2020. Improving living standards of households having escaped poverty.
- To focus on improving quality and efficiency of education and training, while expanding  scale of rank and level of training, in accordance with training needs of human resources. l Scale of development of education - training couple with investment to upgrade facilities, equipment and teaching under direction of standardization and modernization. Improve quality of teachers and managers. Diversify of types of schools, social education to strengthen resources for education.
- To expand professional training and professional skills for workers, improving training labor rate. Every year create jobs for about 25,000 workers in 2015 and around 15,000 workers per year in a period of 2015 - 2025.
- By 2015, 85% of household reaches cultural family title; 70% of villages meet cultural village title. In 2020 over 95% of cultural family, 95 % of cultural villages; over 95% of communes to reach title of cultural commune. Construct cultural institutions, upgrade facilities radio, television, newspapers of the province, meet needs of the people.
- By 2015 : 22% of population exercising regularly sports; 95% of schools implementing professional physical education ; over 90% of students in the province reaching target of  standard physical exercise; 95% of officers and soldiers reaching health standard, 100% of secondary school have more teachers of professional sports. By 2020: over 50% of the population exercising regularly sports, 100% schools making physical education, 100% of students in the province reaching target of standard physical exercise, 100% officers and soldiers hits health standard.
3.5. Development of infrastructure
- Transport: formation of the communication network synchronization, efficient exploitation of sea transport, road, air, railway, linking areas in the province and other provinces in the region, creating corridors has economic development of the sub-region.
+ Road: Invest in improving and modernizing road network, take highway 1A, highway 25, road 645, eastern coastal axis road , vertical axis road and western provincial road to  strategic roads. Form a new road linking North - South highway and national highway 1A to  industrial parks and coastal tourism urban zones. Build system of bus stations, parking, stop. Invest newly to upgrade and expand district roads, urban roads, collection street, inter-commune roads, rural transport and internal traffic, ensuring traffic smoothly in all situations. Strive to 2020, 90-100% of surface district roads and urban roads are asphalted.
+ Railway: research to build railway Phu Yen – Central Highlands through Cambodia - Laos - Thailand; railway high speed North - South through Van Phong Economic Zone (Khanh Hoa) phase I to Phu Yen.
+ By Sea: complete, upgrade and deploy effective Vung Ro seaport, research to build some specialized deep-water port: center harbor, port of Xuan Phuong, Xuan Thinh, port of An Hoa, development of industry, service and tourism.
+ By Air: upgrade airport and increase flights from airport of Tuy Hoa to Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi, Da Nang and meet qualified requirements for international tourists. Research mechanism to call for domestic and foreign investors  to build a regional airport in north of the province and meet development needs  of  tourist and service in the area.
- Water Resources
+ To complete and put into use irrigation to receive water from Song Hinh hydropower lake, Ba Ha river hydroelectric lakes. Enhance useful water reservoirs capacity: Thermos Song Hinh, Dong Khon, Phu Xuan, Xuan Binh. Upgrade and repair dams at risk of landslide to ensure safety. Construction of new lakes, dams to regulate transfer of water between basins, ensuring fresh water for settlement are beside Thanh Ban river bridge, works against natural disasters, floods, flash floods , tide and other irrigation projects.
+ To increase to solidify system of canals, by 2020 complete building and solidifying system of canals. Upgrade and build new system of dykes, dams, embankments against erosion damage and ensure safety. Total area is irrigated by 2020 to about 93,000 cultivated hectares, accounting for 65.8% of  cultivated area. Supply fresh water for aquaculture.
- Power supply
+ To accelerate progress and investment to put into operation hydro power: Ba Ha, Krong Nang rivers. Investing some new hydroelectric power plants on Ky Lo river. Encourage  development of small hydroelectric projects, wind power, new energy forms suitable to serve areas not to bring national grid. Attract investment in  thermal power with large scale capacity.
+ To continue to develop capacity of existing transformer stations and investment in new transformer stations to meet demand for electricity for production in the province.
+ To encourage development of hydropower in a variety of forms of investment suitable to serve people in areas. Striving to complete investment of national grid at 100% of traditional villages, prior to 2010, approximately 100% of households have electricity.
- Information technology, broadcasting
To invest intensively in information systems, communication, radio and television. Rapidly growing network of public post and telecommunications, as well as specialize with modern techniques, striving to make multi-service networks, network of personal broadband, high speed Internet. Develop telecommunication and  postal services. By 2015, utilization rate reaches 40 phones per 100 people; in 2015, 50 phones per 100 people and by 2020 reaches 60 telephones per 100 people. In 2015 on average, reaches a rate of 15 Internet users/100 people, in 2020 reaches 35-40 households /100 households having audiovisual facilities.
- Water supply system
+ In 2015, all urban areas in the province have water supply for factories and production activities. 80% of rural population with clean water. In 2020,  ensure 100% of population has clean water for living.
+ To complete investment of  water supply system in city of Tuy Hoa. Capacity of water plant in towns: La Hai, Hai Rieng, Chi Thanh, Gong Son, Phu Hoa and Song Cau to 8,000-10,000 m3/day. Build new water plant in Hoa Vinh with a capacity of 8,000-10,000 m3/day, new town of Phu Thu, Son Long and ward of Xuan Loc with a capacity of 3,000-5,000 m3/day. Invest in building water plant with a capacity of over 50,000 m3/day in 2015; 200,000 m3/day in 2020 and 300,000 m3/day in 2025 serve south Phu Yen Economic Zone and other areas.
- Drainage and sanitation
To upgrade and renovate building piping systems and drainage canals. Building drainage of waste and rainwater. Construction of drainage pumping stations, water treatment stations in industrial parks, hospitals, manufacturing facilities. All liquid hazardous wastes are processed locally before being discharged into overall system. Ensure 100% of system pf urban drainage, waste water, waste, 100% of the production facilities have waste treatment systems or general area of waste treatment.
- Urban Infrastructure
To invest in completing construction of  infrastructure in urban areas, new urban areas. Build Tuy Hoa city to become urban type II, a center of political, economic, cultural, science and technology, tourism, service, transportation hubs, exchanges in the province and as a major traffic hubs of coastal South Central and Central Highlands. Form centers of industry, services, education and training, science and technology. Upgrading bridges over rivers in districts and towns. Complete construction of new urban zones (Phu Hoa, Phu Thu, Hoa Vinh); built residential area in Tuy Hoa
- Education sector
+ To continue to invest in upgrading school systems, by 2015, 30% of kindergarten, 70% of primary schools, 50% of secondary schools, 50% of senior secondary meets national standards,  by 2020,
100% of schools in the province meets national standards and  schools have enough classrooms to learn two sessions per day.
+ To invest in  University of Phu Yen; develop towards multi-disciplinary, multi-level, became a center of training and scientific research in the province and region. Support to build College No. 3, Industrial College of Tuy Hoa, invest to upgrade the university, expand and upgrade Banking Institute, upgrading Health College to become Phu Yen University of Health Sciences. Create conditions for investors to open private universities and vocational schools for training high quality human resources.
+ To invest in  college of vocational training, upgrading vocational training centers in Son Hoa district. After 2020, upgrade vocational training centers in other districts and develop vocational schools.
- Health sector
+ To complete construction of center hospital in the province in 2015, complete soon regional hospital in the north province. Form specialized hospitals, building new professional centers, stations. Facilitate investors to open private quality hospital. Strive to 2015  all communal health bases meet national standard.
+ To continue investment in upgrading and expanding district hospitals. Equip more to enhance operational quality of health commune and wards. Build system of preventive medicine from the provincial to the district with full facilities and equipment to meet needs of prevention, prevention services, environmental hygiene.
- Sector of culture, sport.
To continue to invest and use effectively cultural institutions. 100% of city, districts, towns have cultural, sports centers, libraries, parks and entertainment for children. Complete provincial cultural institutions: museums,  cultural historic relic, cultural center, center of conference - exhibition, theater, composer, libraries, parks, children's entertainment. Have a plan to build sports centers in the province.
3.6. Science, technology and environmental protection
- To promote basic study, basic research, focuses on three social, humanity matters to meet  needs of social economic development of Phu Yen province. Apply scientific and technological achievements into production, increasing possibility of economic development. Intensive investment, gradually replace old technology with modern technology. Prevention and treatment in serious cases . Commonly use technologies, equipment in leadership, management, training professionals, skilled workers, education, raise people's intellectual and cultural exchange.
- To continue to prevent pollution, enhance biodiversity conservation, saving natural resources and improve environment, develop friendly environment industry and technology. Building inspection regulations to protect environment and preserve natural landscapes. Protect industrial, urban, coastal environment. Have mechanism to encourage investment in  construction of waste treatment plant with new technology in Tuy Hoa city, communes and towns.
3.7. National defense - security
To maintain political stability and ensure social order and safety. Ready to deal with conspiracy of peace evolutions of hostile forces, for social economic development. Strengthen construction of national defense and security posture associating with rich people. Build comprehensively strong arm forces , ensure ready to combat. Focus on completing defense projects on schedule and plan. Equip and invest sufficient vehicles and equipment to ensure arm forces operating effectively and protecting safety sovereignty and territorial security and participate in natural disaster rescue.
4. Development plan by space, territory
4.1. Orientation of land use
- To focus fund to exploit vacant land and bare hills, waste land into use; protect, manage and use effectively existing forest land.
- To ensure priority for food security mission, formation of industrial plants; improving coefficient of land use and fertility of land, limiting pollution degradation. Logical layout structure of agricultural land; for land fund for development of industry, tourism, forming industrial zones and residential urban, new tourism and economic zones.
- To develop urban system in accordance with process of economic restructuring. Prepare land, infrastructure for formation of new urban zones and expand existing urban zones.
- To use effectively land to meet needs of land and land for special use; meet requirements of economic , culture, society development and need to ensure land national security and defense. Land exploitation and use must be linked with environmental protection, anti-degradation, pollution of land.
4.2. Orientation of socio- economic development
- Marine and coastal zone: this is motivation of economic, having strategic significance on economic, defense and security.
To develop general economic marine, construct modern infrastructure such as transport, warehouse, wharf beach, harbor, creating leverage to promote economic development in the region. Preserve marine environment and solve social problems of coastal areas to meet  requirements of industrialization and modernization.
- Delta: Regions with high potential for labor, infrastructure has been invested. Development direction is to focus on intensive food crops, food and livestock products, clean, high quality short-term industrial tree plantation, fruit trees, flowers, ornamental plants. Form intensive farming production, production of goods, supply of raw materials for processing industries.
- To develop small industries in rural areas. Form small scale processing industry, diversify product and service , as satellites for large enterprises, creating jobs for workers in place. Develop tourist village and tour to visit handicraft villages, associating with sea, mountain travel routes.
- Midland region and mountainous areas: afforestation, construct specialized cultivation of industrial trees, fruit trees, cattle breeding, industry of  processing of agricultural and forest products
- To develop strong tourism associating with cultural peoples, natural landscapes, incorporating and connecting between coastal and Central Highlands provinces. Construction plateau of Van Hoa, Ha Ba lake become image center of Phu Yen. Building  cultural tourism villages of ethnic compatriots.
4.3. Adjust orientation of administrative boundaries
If they meet standard will consider establishing a new ward.
4.4. Orientation of develop urban system
- By 2020, urban network consists of 01 city, 02 towns, 09 townships; Tuy Hoa city develop into urban type II in 2015-2016; Song Cau district develop to town type IV in 2010; Dong Hoa town develop to industrial urban type IV in 2019-2020. Develop new urban zones: Phu Thu (Tay Hoa district); Hoa Dinh Dong (Phu Hoa district), Vinh Hoa, Hoa Hiep Trung (Dong Hoa district), Van Hoa and An My (Tuy An district). Prepare necessary conditions to develop town of Gong Hai Son in 2020.
5. Some solutions to implement the plan
5.1. Solutions on investment
- Projected demand for investment period 2011 - 2025 of about 238 trillion. The average period 2011 - 2015 of about 4.2 trillion per year, the period from 2015 to 2020 of about 12.7 trillion per year and the period from 2020 to 2025 about 38 trillion per year.
- To develop and promulgate list of projects calling for investment by 2020, focusing on fields of construction of essential infrastructure, agricultural production projects to attract more workers, raw materials zones, travel service projects, projects of high-tech agriculture, afforestation, production of export goods, investment projects in the region having great potential in mountainous districts; waste treatment projects ; energy projects, infrastructure of industrial zones.
- To expand  investment projects in form of BOT, BT, BTO ... diversify forms of capital creation; promote administrative reform in investment support to investors; implement  registered projects and policies of the State in accordance with characteristics of the province.
- To exploit well investment capital from the State budget, fresh investment capital of ministries, economic sectors, credit and other programs to invest in key areas
5.2. Solutions on training and attracting human resources
- To improve the quality and effectiveness of training human resources to solve shortage of  qualified labor. Promote vocational training, place network of training schools, centers, improving quality training to meet human needs in place, consistent with economic development structure.
- To promote training socialization, encourage all economic sectors to participate in vocational training, jobs services. Support building of training and job placement center. There are regimes and preferential policies to attract talents and high-level professional laborers to work in the province in long-term.
5.3. Solutions on improving administrative management capacity
- To promote administrative reform, solving quickly with administrative procedures between departments, branches, districts and cities. Facilitate best, fastest in handling of administrative procedures. Reform management and exploitation of project after investment license. Reform administrative management of land, minimize administrative procedures and administrative intervention in market transactions on property. Consolidate facilities, equipment for administrative agencies, increase capacity, improve their serving attitude.
5.4. Solutions on developing science and technology, effective use of resources and environmental protection
- To apply research and implementation of priority directions for technological innovation with structure of many different levels. Increase investment for basic science and technology contributing effectively to the province and economic sectors. Investment and development of science and technology, creating a breakthrough in productivity, product quality goods. Construct and develop potential of science and technology of the province, focusing on biotechnology, information technology, marine science and technology.
- To exploit and use effectively natural resources: economic development plan must be linked with social protection of natural resources and ecological environment to ensure sustainable development goals . Balance the State budget every year to give priority to projects for waste treatment, waste water to protect environment.
5.5. Solutions on market development
- To develop strongly domestic market, rural market. Improve goods consumption of farmers. Implement stimulus measures in manufacturing, construction and consumption to increase product sales. There are plans to train talented entrepreneurs to find and expand markets, strengthen stability of export market and looking for finding new export markets.
- To develop uniform market, create a healthy competitive environment for investors. Gradual form  real estate markets, capital markets, export market labor, market in science and technology appropriate to the needs of international economic integration.
- To implement to diversify the export market. Create network of companies involving in labor export, to facilitate rural people having access and conditions of employment.
5.6. Development of economic sectors
To facilitate ventilation to support development of economic sectors in the province, creating a clear, consistent, fair competition production and business environment regardless of  economic sectors. Encourage development of small and medium enterprises, forming a number of large enterprises.
5.7. Solution of international cooperation, regional and other provinces
- To enhance economic cooperation on basis of multilateral and bilateral agreements, which Vietnam has signed with other countries, other international organizations; promote linkages and cooperation with other provinces to carry out plan to increase more power and create markets for production of the province.
5.8. Mechanism and policies
Besides implementation of current policies, cooperate with ministries, central branches to research and build a number of mechanisms to submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision in order to apply and promote economic development of Phu Yen province under social objectives.
Conduct periodic review of legal text of order to ensure uniform and consistent with general provisions of law.
5.9. Implement
Base on approved overall plan on social- economic development, create 5 year plan and annual plans to ensure conformity with orientation of development. Build action plan,  development programs in each period under direction of master plan for social - economic development to 2025.
To publish and make public the plan in many ways to attract the attention of entire population, investors and foreigners to participate in implementation of the plan. Coordinate with ministries, branches and central provinces to implement development programs and cooperation for mutual development. Clearly define responsibility to implement and test plan and supervision of implementation of the plan.

Development plan of south Phu Yen – north Khanh Hoa to 2025
1. Scope of research
South Phu Yen - north Khanh Hoa is territory under administration of the province of Phu Yen, Khanh Hoa, including: three southern districts of the province of Phu Yen: Song Hinh, Dong Hoa, Tay Hoa and two northern districts of the province of Khanh Hoa: Van Ninh, Ninh Hoa. Its total area of approximately 3,536 km2.
2. Target
- To create  regional economic space inter-provincial south Phu Yen – north Khanh Hoa to have linkages and positive reciprocal influences , sustainable development, investment environment and quality habitat. Meet requirements of security and defense of region and country;
- To establish and focus on developing economic sectors such as marine and port services, trade, tourism, oil and gas ... transition area between central key economic region with the southern key economic region, gateway to the sea of the Central Highlands provinces;
- To connect infrastructure for network of national infrastructure, improve efficiency and exploit advantages of using resources logically and effectively .
3. Potential
- For general economy, south central coast is an important region, having great potential for economic development in the sea; traffic gateway on roads, waterways on area of south central coast and central highlands;
- Especially important for security and national defense;
4. Predicting population size and land
4.1. Population:
- Total population of whole region (2010): 680,000 people, predict in 2015 and 2025 approximately 750,000 people and 860,000 people.
- Urban population of whole region: current status (2007) 85,300 people predict by 2015  about 298,000 people and in 2025 to about 583,000 people.
4.2. Land for construction of urban and rural :
- Current urban construction land is 974 ha, on average 114 m2/a person;
- Forecast of land using for urban construction: 10,000 ha in 2015 with an average rate of about 300 m2/ people and in 2025 to about 20,000 hectares
- Land for construction in rural area: in 2015, 4,500 ha (average rate of about 100 m2/people), in 2025 about 4,000 ha (average rate of about 120 m2/people).
5. Urban space subdivision requirements and functional organization .
- To propose direction and framework structures in development areas: major functional areas,  mainstream spatial axis of economic zone of south Phu Yen – north Khanh Hoa ;
- Propose system of industrial space, ports, land use and orientation, development  requirements, organization of large scale  industrial zone and type of industrial zones or geographical location of industrial zones associating with urban, rural, forestry ...;
- To propose urban space organization , -select-  structure of functions area, size of urban area, which focus on urban centers of east-south coastal sub-region;
- To research space organization on ocean islands, coastal, tourist development zones, protection, conservation and service areas, associating with tourism and marine coastal mountains of the West to exploit and protect potential areas of landscape and value environment ... Define linkages space among tourist beach, mountains and forests;
- Define functional areas to create the reciprocal relationship between two economic zones  Phu Yen and Van Phong in space of common development.
6. Orientation on developing technical infrastructure system
6.1. Communications:
- Define framework to ensure all transport links between key urban and investment region to traffic hubs of the country such as airports, seaports, railway station ...;
- Review scale of seaport system Vung Ro, Dam Mon and ability to develop logistics services;
- Define size and orientation of axis line of inter-provincial transportation corridors connecting Phu Yen - Khanh Hoa associating with the Central Highlands and  surrounding area to increase effective exploitation of land fund;
6.2. Water supply:
- Assess groundwater and surface water resources and : reserves , quality and the locality’s ability to exploit. Consider urban water supply strategy in overall South Central, South Phu Yen, North Khanh Hoa to appropriate water supply solutions;
- Forecast demand on water supply in area, especially for concentrated urban, industry, tourism services areas ... ;
- Propose solutions to protect water sources especially the system of rivers and lakes.
6.3. Power:
- Research needs of power in the region, forecasting total demand of residential and economic sectors;
- Review plan and major electricity projects set up in area, consider relationship with surrounding areas, propose solutions and power supply distribution network.
6.4. Wastewater, collecting and handling of solid waste and cemeteries:
Suggest solutions for waste and wastewater collection and  treatment for industry, services, urban and rural areas. Determine system of cemeteries in area.
6.5. Environmental Strategy Assessment:
- Identify and predict impact on environment due to socio-economic activities and industrial development, urban causes
- Circle area to protect water sources, reduce impact of toxic gases, noise ...;
- Circle landscape protection, limits exploitation; propose solutions to protect natural structure;
- Forecast and propose solutions to reduce adverse impact of  process of construction in the area, especially for coastal, ocean, industry and  concentrated residential areas;
- Implement solutions to control and minimize harmful effects to the environment.
7. Identify priority programs and projects to invest and develop.
- Determine development scale, list of priorities investment programs and projects  , especially development of infrastructure  playing an important role in motivating development of the region.



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