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Project on sustainable livestock development in a period of 2021 - 2025 and orientation to 2030 in Kien Giang province 

 Monday, July 17,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Sustainable livestock development in Kien Giang province in the period of 2021-2025, with an orientation to 2030 based on the view of the overall development of the industry, restructuring the agricultural sector and in line with development strategy orientation of livestock production in Vietnam in the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2045

Project on sustainable livestock development in a period of 2021 - 2025 and orientation to 2030 in Kien Giang province
I. Viewpoints and goals for livestock development
1. Development viewpoints
- Sustainable livestock development in Kien Giang province in the period of 2021-2025, with an orientation to 2030 based on the view of the overall development of the industry, restructuring the agricultural sector and in line with development strategy orientation of livestock production in Vietnam in the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2045.
- Bringing into play the potential and advantages of the province to develop livestock production into a commodity production industry, enhancing added value, being sustainable and adapting to climate change; humane treatment of livestock; meet the needs of the market inside and outside the province, create jobs, increase income for people.
- To combine household farming with strongly developing models of concentrated husbandry, bio-secure livestock, and high-tech application; livestock diversification associated with market demand. Focus on developing livestock with advantages: pigs, cows, poultry, swiftlets; promote the socialization of activities in animal husbandry, develop livestock production in line with the market economy, and create an equal business environment for all economic sectors to participate in development investment.
2. Development goals
2.1. General objective
- To step up the development of animal husbandry, to turn livestock production into a main production industry with a significant proportion in the agricultural sector, with a concentrated production scale, with the level of livestock being gradually modernized, meeting market requirements for the needs of the province and other provinces in the region, improving the income of livestock farmers, minimizing damage and environmental pollution.
- Diversify livestock species to bring into play the advantages of each sub-region and the diverse needs of each market, but focus on shifting the structure of livestock herds towards increasing the proportion of poultry (mainly chickens, ducks), pigs, cows, swiftlets. Gradually shifting from household farming to developing farm animal husbandry accounts for an increasing proportion; encourage closed production organization, link between stages in the value chain to cut costs, increase efficiency and added value.
2.2. Detail goal
a) By 2025
- The growth rate of production value of the livestock industry in the period 2021 - 2025 averages from 5.5 to 5.7%/year.
- Pigs: 320,000 heads, buffaloes: 4,500 heads, cows: 13,000 heads, poultry: 6 million heads.
- Products: meat of all kinds: 90,800 tons, eggs of all kinds: 370 million fruits, output of raw oats: 35 tons.
- Build at least 05 disease-free breeding facilities.
- The percentage of pig raising facilities that treat waste with biogas or apply advanced processes, technologies and waste treatment solutions reaches 70% or more.
b) Orientation to 2030
- The average growth rate of production value of the livestock industry in the period 2026 - 2030 will reach from 8 to 8.5% per year.
- Pigs: 450,000 heads, buffaloes: 6,000 heads, cows: 18,000 heads, poultry: 10 million heads.
- Products: meat of all kinds: 134,500 tons, eggs of all kinds: 450 million fruits, output of raw oats: 40 tons.
- Build at least 15 breeding facilities and 02 concentrated breeding areas that are disease-free.
- The percentage of pig raising facilities that treat waste with biogas or apply advanced processes, technologies and waste treatment solutions will reach 90% or more.
3. Develop a project to develop sustainable livestock industry according to the selected option
3.1. Orientation for the development of livestock
Focus on developing livestock with advantages, with large commodity products to meet the consumption demand in the province, the Mekong Delta region, Ho Chi Minh City and export. First of all, focus on developing pig, beef, poultry and swiftlet breeding.
3.2. Orientation of concentrated livestock and poultry slaughter establishments
The pig farming industry is invested by many stakeholders, from breeding stock to raising, slaughtering and consuming; at the same time, pork consumption accounts for a large proportion of people's consumption demand, thus identifying pigs as livestock participating in the linkage and supply chain. To ensure the supply chain of food safe pork products from farm to fork, the completion of a network of slaughterhouses is very necessary and urgent. Going into operation, it will open up many opportunities for cooperation to build linkages between slaughterhouses and livestock farms inside and outside the province. Therefore, the promotion of the construction of slaughterhouses in the localities where the upgrading of old facilities has not been completed or has not been completed should be given priority; In the coming time, it is necessary to complete the construction and invest in upgrading the centralized slaughterhouses.
In parallel, there must be catalysis and motivation from mechanisms and policies, especially incentives and support according to the Government's Decrees; Decision of the Prime Minister and guiding documents of relevant ministries and central agencies.
3.3. Development orientation of the livestock area
In the long term, it will gradually move concentrated livestock production facilities (farms) into areas where concentrated livestock development is encouraged to avoid polluting residential areas, limit epidemics and facilitate organizations. In the period from now to 2025, 1-2 pilot areas will be selected to build concentrated breeding areas in places with potential, advantages and experience in farm husbandry such as Chau Thanh, Tan Hiep, Hon Dat, Kien Luong, Giang Thanh.
Areas that encourage the development of concentrated livestock have a reasonable density of livestock farms, do not cause overload on the environment, and combine well between husbandry and other production industries. The State ensures the construction of infrastructure (roads, electricity, water) to the concentrated livestock areas, the farms will build connecting works from the axis routes to the farm. The accumulation of land in areas where livestock development is encouraged will be agreed upon by households and enterprises.
3.4. Animal feed
To encourage the development of the industry for the production of raw materials and food supplements, especially biotechnology, in order to fully meet the needs of biological products to replace antibiotics and chemicals used in animal husbandry and to make full use of and improve value of products, nutrients from agricultural and industrial by-products in the province such as residues, yeast, pineapple residues, blood and slaughterhouse by-products, shrimp head shells, by-products from mining and farming...
Pilot selection of some inefficient production land areas to switch to growing crops for animal feed processing to serve the development of large-scale cattle raising in the Long Xuyen Quadrangle and concentrated breeding areas.
Encourage and call for economic sectors at home and abroad to invest in building 01-02 animal feed processing factories (combined with shrimp food processing) with a capacity of about 35,000 tons/year in one of the following areas: industrial zone of the province.
3.5. Disease control
Improve the capacity of disease control, especially the control of dangerous diseases affecting livestock herds and diseases that are likely to spread to humans, ensuring disease safety, food safety, meeting consumer demand is increasing in the province and the whole country.
II. Solution
1. Solutions on planning, orientation and management
1.1. Regulations on prohibited and permitted areas for livestock
On August 5, 2022, the Provincial People's Council issued Resolution No. 22/2022/NQ-HDND, stipulating areas not allowed to raise livestock, policies to support relocation of livestock establishments out of the area, not allowed to raise and raise swiftlets in Kien Giang province. During the implementation of the Resolution, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development advises the Provincial People's Committee to develop a livestock map, which shows the prohibited areas, areas with concentrated livestock orientation to fully meet the regulations on animal husbandry regulations, conditions for livestock production, especially the safe distance in livestock production according to Circular No. 23/2019/TT-BNNPTNT dated November 30, 2019 Guiding a number of articles of the Law on Livestock regarding livestock production; Decision No. 27/2020/QD-UBND dated December 24, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee on regulations on livestock density in Kien Giang province until 2030. Localities determine density and reasonable distance between facilities, livestock farms, ensuring isolation of diseases, especially African Swine Fever, and environmental capacity for waste and emissions generated in the livestock production process to plan strategies and livestock development plan. Because the centralized livestock planning "industrial park" poses many dilemmas in terms of land fund, capital, infrastructure, investment attraction, especially it is very difficult to implement solutions to prevent diseases and the environment.
In addition, based on the agricultural restructuring plan of Kien Giang province for the period of 2021 - 2025, with a vision to 2030, to adjust and integrate livestock development to suit potentials, comparative advantages, and advantages. competition of each ecological zone; follow market signals. This is a key solution, as a guideline for the organization of production along the value chain so that the province's livestock is on the right track of industry, applying high technology, and circulating livestock at both farm and household scale, professional animal husbandry; affirming the important role of traditional household farming.
The Long Xuyen Quadrangle focuses on developing buffalo and cow husbandry, pig and poultry farms with a scale of 30 - 300 livestock units in the form of industry; The Western Hau River region continues to promote its advantages in livestock rearing, pig and poultry processing farms with 30 or more livestock units, and production and supply of livestock breeds.
1.2. Orientation of concentrated breeding areas
Long Xuyen Quadrangle: With large agricultural production land and plenty of room for livestock development, this will be a priority area to focus on medium-sized farms, large farms and livestock cooperatives. buffalo, cow, pig, chicken, duck. Hon Dat district orients to 2025 to form a concentrated breeding area in Binh Giang and Binh Son communes with an area of about 150 ha; Kien Luong district orients to 2025 to form a concentrated livestock breeding area in Cang hamlet, Hoa Dien commune with an area of about 300 ha and by 2030 to add a concentrated livestock breeding area in Kien Binh commune; Giang Thanh district orients to 2025 to form a concentrated livestock breeding area in Vinh Dieu commune of about 150 ha to 214 ha, by 2030 to add a concentrated livestock breeding area in Phu My and Phu Loi communes. In concentrated husbandry areas, in combination with building feed processing facilities for livestock and poultry and producing organic fertilizers according to industrial processes in order to take advantage of by-products in livestock production.
West of Hau River: The operation of Cai Lon - Cai Be sluices according to the assessment of specialized agencies does not have a great impact on the livestock sector, mainly affecting cultivation and aquaculture. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the inherent strengths of medium-scale farming, to form concentrated inter-commune breeding areas and commune clusters on pig and poultry raising and seed supply. In which, Giong Rieng gives priority to communes of Long Thanh, Vinh Thanh, Thanh Phuoc, Thanh Loc, Ban Tan Dinh, Hoa Loi, Hoa Thuan; Go Quao district focuses on Vinh Tuy, Vinh Thang, Vinh Hoa, Hung Bac and Dinh An communes; Tan Hiep district mainly communes of Thanh Tri, Tan An, Tan Hiep A, Thanh Dong A, Tan Thanh, Tan Hoi, Tan Hoa; Chau Thanh district focuses on the communes of Minh Hoa, Cuc Tuong, Mong Tho A, Mong Tho B, Vinh Hoa Phu,...
The remaining districts and cities: maintain a reasonable total herd, breed local specialties and endemic species in the area where they are allowed to breed and ensure the conditions of veterinary hygiene and environment according to regulations. .
By 2025, to build at least 5 disease-free breeding facilities, by 2030 to strive for 15 breeding establishments, at least 01 livestock breeding establishment (Hon Dat Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Breeding Farm) and 2 disease-free concentrated livestock areas.
1.3. Management and development of swiftlet farming
Districts and cities that have the advantage of developing swiftlet farming need to plan in detail the breeding area and strictly implement Article 25 (Management of swiftlet farming) Decree No. 13/2020/ND-CP dated January 21 2020 of the Government Detailed guidance on the Law on Livestock, Resolution of the Provincial People's Council on the area for raising swiftlets.
Strengthening state management in the fields of construction, environmental protection, disease prevention, food hygiene and safety..., while taking advantage of and promoting the advantages of the province with the number of bird's nest houses. To be at the top of the country, but must do well in the management, orientation and regulation of production, equality, and avoidance of conflicts and complaints, on the basis of ensuring harmony between the interests of organizations and individuals, bird breeders and the community.
Through popular agricultural extension activities, replicating the effective bird nest farming model thanks to the use of high technology and linkage in production; building bird's nest into OCOP Kien Giang products, increasing value through deep processing, diversifying products, supporting promotion, branding, and export orientation.
Regularly forecast and update the number of populations, the number of swiftlet houses, output, and market demand for bird's nest products to manage, recommend and issue appropriate policies.
The veterinary sector actively develops plans and solutions for disease prevention and control, and inspects veterinary hygiene and food safety in the field of bird nest farming in accordance with current practices and regulations.
1.4. Completing the network of concentrated livestock and poultry slaughtering establishments
Inheriting the results achieved from the Scheme on planning a system of concentrated cattle and poultry slaughtering establishments in Kien Giang province in the 2006-2010 period, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development reviewed, adjusted and supplemented, advise the Provincial People's Committee to issue a plan to build and complete the network of concentrated cattle and poultry slaughterhouses in Kien Giang province. In there:
- Direct districts and cities by the end of 2022 to complete the construction of concentrated cattle and poultry slaughtering establishments in towns such as Giang Thanh, An Bien and U Minh Thuong districts.
- Slaughtering establishments concentrated in districts and cities: Rach Gia, Ha Tien, Giong Rieng, Kien Luong, Chau Thanh, Tan Hiep gradually upgrade, renovate and invest in hanging and expanding slaughtering systems, capacity suitable for slaughtering needs.
- The establishment has been operating, so far, after reviewing the socio-economic development planning, assessing the conditions to ensure food safety according to Circular No. 38/2018/TT-BNNPTNT, it is not possible to correct errors, serious violations of the environment,... forced to stop operating or to be relocated.
2. Solutions on science and technology, agricultural extension and improvement of livestock breeds
2.1. Science, technology and digital transformation
Applying technical and technological advances to the care, nurturing, hygiene, disease prevention, and traceability of livestock products such as TE-FOOD management technology (an application of Blockchain technology) is growing, widely applied in provinces and cities. TE-FOOD technology is deployed appropriately in pig production facilities with 30 heads, poultry with 1,000 heads or more, helping to update real-time information on total flocks, disease monitoring, and consumption. , easy traceability and minimize (or replace) all kinds of papers and procedures... in service of management, quarantine, and slaughter control.
Promote research, application and technology transfer activities in pollution treatment, overcoming environmental degradation and incidents, with a focus on pollution prevention, limitation and treatment in the area, animal husbandry, slaughter, concentrated waste treatment area....
Create conditions and support mechanisms to improve operational capacity for the Agro-Forestry-Fisheries Seed Center and the Agricultural Extension Center to cooperate with scientific research institutions inside and outside the province to test and build models for submission, transfer and guide scientific advances for people to apply in production.
Digital transformation in agriculture, including animal husbandry, is an inevitable and objective trend of the 4.0 industrial revolution era, a driving force and one of the major breakthrough solutions, not only overcoming the internal limitations of industry in terms of database, connection of supply and demand, e-commerce, ... but also contribute to raising the livestock industry in terms of productivity, output, efficiency and competitiveness. The Government, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development have approved and promulgated a specific action plan to 2025. This is also an opportunity of the livestock development project of Kien Giang province when it is deployed at a time when the agricultural sector is special, pay attention to and promote the application of technology in production in all fields.
Numbering livestock and poultry farming areas and establishments according to the guidance of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for traceability, e-commerce and export.
2.2. Agricultural extension work
Promote the program of agricultural and livestock extension in the direction of biosecurity, closed chain, circular economy so that farmers can master production techniques and product transactions; transfer livestock production processes and technologies to households and farms suitable to each livestock species and ecological region.
Diversify communication programs to gradually change awareness and inappropriate habits in livestock production, slaughter, processing and consumption of livestock products.
Deploying “Technical demonstration models” for farmers to visit, learn and exchange experiences. Organize a conference to summarize, evaluate and replicate the above models to propagate and introduce good experiences, good practices, and advanced examples in livestock, poultry and animal husbandry development. Orientation period from 2021 - 2025 builds on 10 types of models, with hundreds of demonstration points.
2.3. Breeding livestock improvement
Select and improve productivity, quality, product uniformity of livestock breeds in production suitable to the locality, each breeding method and market segment; actively support the program of branding, geographical indications, livestock products produced by chain and traceability.
Continue to improve and raise the stature of cattle in the province, develop an artificial insemination network and use some cow breeds that are able to adapt to ecological conditions in the province to create a basis for breeding. High quality beef breeds, providing male calves for beef cattle fattening in Giang Thanh, Ha Tien.
Selection and selection of buffalo herds in production, creating a good base of females and boars to meet the needs of improvement and quality improvement, and well implemented the solution of breeding boars between regions to avoid nearsightedness and promote hybrid advantages.
Pig breed: By 2025, Hon Dat Agricultural Breeding Farm - Provincial Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Breeding Center plans to raise 150 sows and 08 breeding boars (including Yorkshire, Landrac, Duroc breeds) at grandparent level, producing broodstock, mothers from 1,000 to 1,500 units /year (meeting 8-12% of the province's seed demand, the rest people keep as seed from commercial herds and buy from neighboring provinces). By 2030, parent level: from 2,000 to 2,500 seed (to meet 30-40% of the province's seed demand).
Poultry breeds: By 2025, for chicken breeders, there will be 1-2 hatcheries with the scale of 5,000 laying hens/facility, for duck breeders with 2-3 farms, broodstock with a scale of 2,000 laying hens or more/farm. By 2030, the Breeding Chicken Farm - Breeding Center is expected to raise 2,000 breeders at grandparent level, 80,000 - 120,000 breeders at parental level (meeting 5-10% of the breeding needs of livestock establishments/households in the province). ).
The remaining amount of livestock breeds is provided by domestic breeders, a part of the breed is self-sufficient by households and part of the farms is ensured by a closed system within the enterprise or the company.
Every year, the Sub-Department of Livestock Production and Veterinary Medicine organizes the evaluation and selection of the quality of the boar herds, and operates the direct insemination service in the area in order to eliminate poor quality boars without a record, verified origin. At the same time, it is proposed that the province promulgate a feasible policy to support the elimination of male breeding bulls.
To encourage farms and enterprises to invest in good quality livestock breeding facilities, proactively source breeds to serve the province's livestock demand.
3. Solutions to improve disease prevention and control capacity
3.1. Capacity building of livestock and veterinary sectors
The focus is on organizing the implementation of Plan No. 120/KH-UBND dated June 11, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on strengthening the capacity of the system of specialized veterinary management agencies at all levels for the period 2021 - 2030 in Kien Giang province. In which, rearranging the organization of the Sub-Department of Livestock and Veterinary Medicine, maintaining the stability of the veterinary apparatus from the province, to the districts and cities and increasing the allocation of veterinary staff at commune level to reach over 80% of the total number of veterinary staff, number of communes, wards and townships ensure quantity, quality and regimes on salary allowances and insurance in accordance with regulations and characteristics of the province.
Changing approach to production management and product quality management so that producers and traders can be proactive in controlling the quality and safety of their livestock products before they go to market.
Socialize public services in animal husbandry and veterinary such as vaccination, diagnosis, testing and treatment of animal diseases, etc. so that eligible economic sectors can participate in order to reduce pressure in terms of payroll and state budget, but providing the people with the best service quality.
Training to improve management capacity for livestock and veterinary staff at all levels, especially in the commune-level animal husbandry system in skills, breeding techniques, disease management and food safety.
3.2. Prevention and control of animal diseases
Actively organize and improve the effectiveness of disease prevention and control, ensuring epidemiological safety of livestock, poultry and other livestock through communication, vaccination, sanitation, disinfection and killing control, slaughter, quarantine, transport, build disease-free facilities (for seed production and livestock husbandry), implement policies to support damage caused by natural disasters and epidemics in livestock in a timely manner.
Coordinate and exchange information on livestock production, transport, and disease surveillance actively and passively with Sub-Department of Animal Health Region VII and Sub-Departments of Livestock and Animal Health of 10 provinces in the region to capture epidemiological information, promptly and proactively plan in case of epidemic threat or when pathogens have entered, inter-provincial anti-epidemic cooperation, especially bordering areas.
Promote diagnosis, testing and treatment of animal diseases: Maintain ISO/IEC 17025:2017 certification of testing department for post-vaccination surveillance on livestock and poultry to assess protection rate post-vaccination for effective disease prevention and control measures. In addition, upgrading and renovating the tissue examination area, investing in equipment and sending staff to participate in training classes, training in intensive techniques, expanding the scope and criteria for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. .
3.3. Management of inputs in animal husbandry
Improve the efficiency of specialized inspection and examination of establishments producing and trading input materials (varieties, veterinary drugs, chemicals, vaccines, animal feeds, supplies, etc) ensure the conditions on administrative procedures, practice certificates, veterinary hygiene, quality, goods labels, etc, in accordance with current law; strictly handle violations and make them public on the media according to regulations.
Promote the role of advising and coordinating the state management in the area in charge of the Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Medicine Stations of the district and city.
4. Solutions for environmental protection in animal husbandry
Good environmental protection is one of the three pillars of sustainable development of the livestock industry, so it is necessary to focus on implementing the following solutions:
- Organize the appraisal and grant of environmental permits according to its competence and regulations of the Law on Environmental Protection. Improve the quality of appraisal and grant of environmental permits for livestock projects.
- Expand and develop models of biosafety livestock, organic livestock, and environmental protection in association with building disease-free facilities. Forming concentrated breeding areas separate from residential areas, ensuring environmental conditions; combine animal husbandry with agricultural crops and aquaculture; to build and upgrade concentrated slaughterhouses to ensure environmental sanitation.
- Mobilize lawful revenue sources to prioritize reinvestment in environmental protection.
- Strengthen the inspection, inspection and handling of violations of the law on environmental protection; adequately settle complaints and denunciations about the environment so that they do not arise into political hot spots, causing insecurity and disorder; Chairpersons of People's Committees at all levels are responsible to superior management agencies for serious environmental pollution in their localities. Strictly manage areas where livestock are not allowed to be raised.
5. Solutions on mechanisms and policies
5.1. Land policy
In the land use planning, it is necessary to reserve the land fund at an appropriate rate for livestock development to meet the provisions of the Law on Livestock, to ensure the requirements of minimizing environmental pollution, disease safety, and biological safety. . Priority will be given to preferential policies in accordance with the land law for breeding establishments, concentrated farms and industrial establishments that meet biosafety conditions for livestock production in livestock development development areas, concentrated slaughterhouse, industrial processing in the field of animal husbandry.
5.2. Financial and credit policy
Mobilize the active participation of credit institutions, especially commercial banks in the province with the loan level, loan term, preferential loan interest rate, suitable to the production cycle. Priority will be given to investment loans for projects on livestock breed development, establishments that slaughter, preserve and process livestock products in the direction of industry, and establishments that produce raw materials for animal feed and veterinary drugs using advanced technology, high technology, advanced technology, new technology, biotechnology.
Based on specific conditions, submit to the Provincial People's Council a policy to support loan interest rates for investment projects on development of livestock production, slaughter, preservation and industrial processing of livestock products in the area. .
Especially, thoroughly apply policies according to Decree No. 57/2018/ND-CP dated April 17, 2018 of the Government on mechanisms and policies to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas. In particular, the policy on encouraging the development of concentrated animal husbandry and slaughtering and industrial processing. Departments, branches and localities need to step up promotion activities, call for investment widely, organize dissemination seminars, guide the order and procedures for enterprises to grasp and boldly build investment projects.
Implement well the Government's Decree No. 15/2015/ND-CP dated February 14, 2015 on investment in the form of public-private partnership in order to call on investors to do business in technical and infrastructure facilities, factories, warehouses, feed mills...
On the investor's side, it is necessary to come up with feasible and suitable animal husbandry or supporting industries in Kien Giang province, good capital recovery, and ensure the correct and full implementation of commitments on livestock production, sustainable farming to convince the funding party.
5.3. Policy on agricultural development with high technology application
Well implemented the Plan No. 26/KH-UBND dated January 27, 2022 of the Provincial People's Committee on the implementation of Resolution No. 332/2020/NQ-HDND, dated July 20, 2020 of the Provincial People's Council stipulate policies to encourage investment and development of hi-tech application agriculture in the period of 2022 - 2025 in Kien Giang province. It is expected that by 2025, 20 enterprises investing in the livestock sector will be supported in terms of infrastructure investment in hi-tech zones and agricultural production zones, and 30 enterprises will be supported in investment with livestock projects, raising livestock and poultry with high-tech application.
5.4. Commercial policies
With the annual production of meat and eggs, Kien Giang still cannot balance supply - demand (currently lacks about 18,000 tons of meat/year), so most products from livestock are consumed in the market in the province. . Therefore, it is necessary to encourage businesses and livestock farms to increase production, limit the regulation of pig and poultry semen, and have a regime and program to purchase and consume animals and animal products from farms and households.
Connecting agricultural extension with the market, aiming to orient livestock development in line with consumer demand; forming livestock product consumption channels in the direction of linking from production to slaughter and consumption in big markets such as Phu Quoc, Rach Gia, urban - industrial - tourist areas Kien Luong - Ha Tien, Tac Cau - Xeo Ro,... Research to expand the livestock product consumption market to Ho Chi Minh City (only over 10% self-sufficient meat, 5% eggs), Can Tho City self-sufficient about 47-50% of the demand, each day need to supply more 130-135 tons of meat of all kinds, 265,000 eggs.
Building safe, controlled meat industry chains from farm to fork; Forming a link between producers and product consumption channels, ensuring products are consumed in a timely manner, at reasonable prices through the system of trade centers, supermarkets, Bach Hoa Xanh,... ; encourage businesses with closed production chains such as C.P Company to expand the system of distribution stores Pork Shop, Fresh Shop from the current 18 points to 40-50 points in the districts and cities, the supply output from 2,000 to 3,000 tons/year.
Invest in infrastructure, build fairs and wholesale markets to introduce and consume livestock products (such as pig and poultry breeding markets in Tan Hiep district; pig transshipment and delivery points in Minh Hoa commune, Chau Thanh district); support the organization of fairs, exhibitions, contests of breeds and livestock products.
Organize or participate in e-commerce platforms, product consumption systems associated with slaughter, preservation and processing establishments to ensure veterinary hygiene and food safety, in order to change consumption habits. Branding for typical products of the province, such as lean pigs, disease-free poultry, Rach Gia bird's nest, Kien Giang's bird's nest,...
6. Solutions for livestock production and management
6.1. Reorganization of livestock production according to the linkage chain
Encourage investment and development of livestock production in linkage chains, linking production with the market, according to the models: livestock households - cooperatives - enterprises - markets or livestock households - cooperatives - markets or livestock households - enterprises - markets... in which the role of enterprises is very important in deciding the success or failure of production linkages.
6.2. Renovating production organization
Organize the production of livestock products in the direction of specialization, modernity and efficiency associated with linkage chains, in which promoting the leading role of enterprises, associations and cooperatives, complexes.
Encourage the development of large enterprises and corporations capable of investing in the livestock industry in a closed chain and support and lead farmers in production to meet market demand. Focusing on consolidating and developing a new model of cooperatives in the livestock sector to act as a bridge between farmers and farms with large enterprises and the market. In particular, the application of science and technology, digital transformation in animal husbandry is a breakthrough.
7. Proposing investment priority programs and projects
Timely implementation of the proposed programs and projects during the period of the Scheme will be an important factor for the successful implementation of the proposed targets of the project. Investment proposals for projects and schemes: (1) Project to improve capacity for disease control and livestock waste treatment; (2) Project to improve the quality of human resources, state management capacity, promote scientific and technological activities and promote trade in animal husbandry and veterinary medicine; (3) The project of digitizing data of the livestock industry, serving the construction of digital data portals of state agencies in Kien Giang province according to Decision No. 920/QD-UBND dated April 7, 2021 of the People's Committee of Kien Giang province and Plan No. 186/KH-UBND dated December 24, 2020 of the People's Committee of Kien Giang Province on the issuance of the Kien Giang Digital Transformation Plan for the period 2021-2025 and orientation to 2030; (4) Project on building a network of concentrated cattle and poultry slaughterhouses in Kien Giang province by 2025; (5) Project on development of plant and animal breeds in Kien Giang province to serve the restructuring of the agricultural sector by 2030 (Integrated Project).
8. Evaluate the effectiveness and sustainability of the Project
Sustainable development is a development process with a close, reasonable and harmonious combination of three aspects of development, including: economic development (especially economic growth), social development (especially economic growth), and social development (especially economic development), implementation of social progress and justice; poverty alleviation and job creation) and environmental protection (especially pollution treatment and remediation, environmental restoration and improvement; and sustainable exploitation; management and economical use of natural resources). Therefore, the good implementation of the project on sustainable livestock development in the period of 2021 - 2025 and orientation to 2030 in Kien Giang province will help the livestock industry develop effectively and sustainably in the coming time.
9. Cost estimation for the implementation of the Project
Funding for implementation of the project should be implemented on the principle of socializing investment capital by maximizing resources and integrating with target programs, development investment projects and rural construction, new sources, from the central budget, local budget and need to have preferential policies, attracting economic sectors to invest in the development of the province's livestock.
It is expected that the total need for investment in sustainable livestock development in Kien Giang province in the period of 2021 - 2030 is VND 313.4 billion. Structure of funding sources: local budget funding (non-business funding) accounts for 10.5%; capital attracted from all economic sectors accounted for 89.5%. In there:
- State budget: Total budget is 32.9 billion VND (in the period of 2021-2025 is 31.9 billion VND, in the period 2026 - 2030 is 1 billion VND from the non-business funding of the local budget.
- Capital mobilized from economic sectors: Investing in building new cattle and poultry farms, completing concentrated slaughterhouses, building epidemic-free zones and facilities. Total capital mobilized from all economic sectors is 280.5 billion VND (Table 5.2).
- In addition, during the implementation of the Scheme, in case there is a need for funding for disease prevention and control, digitizing data, building a livestock map of the province, programs and projects The project meets the direction and administration needs of the competent authorities, concretizes guidelines and policies for the development of the livestock industry, etc., the agency assigned to assume the prime responsibility for formulating the annual budget estimate, period according to actual needs to submit to the Department of Finance and the Provincial People's Committee for consideration and approval.
III. Implementation organization
1.Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
After the Provincial People's Committee approved the sustainable livestock development project for the period 2021 - 2025 and orientation to 2030 in Kien Giang province, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is the main agency responsible for implementing the project. (Department of Livestock and Veterinary Medicine advises and organizes implementation).
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant departments and branches and People's Committees of districts and cities in formulating and implementing programs, schemes, annual and 5-year plans to ensure the tasks and objectives of livestock development in the region, the province to 2025, orientation to 2030; organize dissemination for all branches, levels, enterprises, production households, farmers to know and implement.
Coordinating with the Department of Planning and Investment, relevant Departments and branches and People's Committees of districts and cities to organize the effective implementation of mechanisms and policies to support production according to the approved scheme; promoting and calling for investors and enterprises to invest in hi-tech application breeding projects.
To guide livestock production facilities in barn techniques, care, nurture, and build models of animal husbandry, food safety and disease.
Building a market information system for livestock products, domestic and international prices of animal feeds and breeds, contributing to the coordination and stabilization of market prices.
Strengthening trade promotion activities, market research, tax, technical barriers, consumption trends, export and import potential of livestock products. Helping farmers access information, training in market approach, experience in production and business management.
To complete the construction of a system of concentrated cattle and poultry slaughterhouses in Kien Giang province. Reorganize system of slaughtering and processing livestock and poultry in the direction of concentration and industry in association with commodity husbandry areas, ensuring requirements on veterinary hygiene, food safety, environmental protection and humanity treatment of pets.
Continue to propagate and disseminate the Law on Livestock and organize well the declaration and registration of livestock activities according to regulations.
Focus on effectively implementing the Resolution stipulating the inner city areas of cities, towns, residential areas that are not allowed to raise livestock, bird nest breeding areas and policies to support the relocation of livestock production facilities from the area where livestock is not allowed in Kien Giang province after being promulgated by the Provincial People's Council.
Summarize reports on the implementation of the Project; advise, adjust and supplement the contents of the Scheme in accordance with development requirements and practical situation in the localities.
2. Department of Planning and Investment
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Finance, the People's Committees of districts and cities in proposing investment portfolios and supporting the agricultural economic restructuring program; effectively implement mechanisms and policies according to Decree 57/2018/ND-CP dated April 17, 2018 of the Government on mechanisms and policies to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas.
3. Department of Finance
On the basis of the approved scheme, the agencies and units assigned to develop the cost estimates will send it to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for comments, summarizing and sending it to the Department of Finance to advise the Provincial People's Committee to announce it allocate non-business funding according to the provisions of the State Budget Law and relevant regulations in the ability to balance annual budget sources.
4. Department of Industry and Trade
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in, implementing policies and solutions to promote market and trade promotion for livestock products.
5. Department of Science and Technology
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in, formulating and implementing solutions, strengthening research and application of science and technology for livestock development under the scheme's orientation.
6. Department of Natural Resources and Environment
Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in, guiding localities in formulating land use plans and plans, allocating land funds for livestock and land policies for organizations and individuals to lease and develop, livestock development, construction of slaughterhouses, industrial preservation and processing, and environmental pollution control in animal husbandry.
Regularly inspect, inspect and take measures to handle pollution caused by livestock activities in the province.
Propaganda and education to raise people's awareness of environmental protection in raising, slaughtering and processing livestock and poultry products in the locality. To guide localities and livestock production establishments to comply with the law on environmental protection in animal husbandry.
7. Department of Home Affairs
Coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to advise and propose to the Provincial People's Committee to strengthen the veterinary system at all levels according to the Law on Veterinary Medicine, ensuring sufficient human resources to effectively carry out specialized work in Livestock and Veterinary Medicine.
8. Provincial State Bank Branch
Direct credit institutions and commercial banks in the area to promptly implement credit policies related to livestock development activities under the direction of the Government, the State Bank of Vietnam and the province. ,
Coordinate with relevant departments and branches to advise and propose credit policies to support livestock development under the direction of the locality (if any) to effectively implement the objectives and contents of the proposal.
9. Request the Provincial Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the provincial socio-political mass organizations
Actively coordinate with functional sectors and localities at the same level to organize propaganda and mobilize members, union members, and breeders to well implement regulations banning livestock in inner city, inner city and swiftlet breeding areas, according to the law; gradually change the awareness and inappropriate habits in raising, slaughtering, processing and consuming livestock products.
10. People's Committees of districts and cities
People's Committees of districts and cities are responsible for formulating specific local planning and plans, to direct and administer livestock development within the scope of local management, People's Committees districts and cities to coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and functional departments and branches to effectively implement the Resolution on regulations that stipulate that areas within the inner city of cities, towns and residential areas must not be Breeding permits, swiftlet breeding areas and policies to support the relocation of livestock production establishments out of areas not permitted to raise livestock in Kien Giang province.
11. People's Committees of communes, wards and townships
Directly monitor, direct, inspect and supervise the implementation of livestock development planning and plans in the area.
12. Organizations and individuals involved in livestock production
Comply with the State's regulations on animal husbandry and veterinary medicine. Strictly abide by the regulations prohibiting livestock breeding in the inner city, inner city, swiftlet breeding areas and declare livestock activities according to current regulations.

Source: Vitic/

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