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Implementation plan of sustainable forestry development program in a period of 2021 - 2025 in Binh Thuan province 

 Friday, June 30,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Protect and sustainably develop existing and newly created forest areas in a period of 2021 - 2025; contributing to maintaining a stable forest coverage rate of the province at 43%; continue to improve productivity and quality of forests, meet requirements of supplying raw materials for production and consumption, protect environment, conserve biodiversity and minimize negative impacts caused by natural disaster, enhancing ability to adapt to climate change

Implementation plan of sustainable forestry development program in a period of 2021 - 2025 in Binh Thuan province

I. Objectives
1. Common objectives
Implement effectively the Sustainable Forestry Development Program for the period of 2021 - 2025 according to Decision No. 809/QD-TTg dated July 12, 2022 of the Prime Minister in the province.
To develop the province's forestry sector into a modern, effective, efficient and competitive economic-technical sector, linking in chains from forest development, forest protection, and forest use to processing and trading of forest products; manage, protect, develop and use sustainably forest areas and land areas planned for forestry development; promote the potential, role and effects of forests to make an increasingly important contribution to socio-economic development; contribute to creating jobs, raising people's incomes in association with protecting the ecological environment, conserving biodiversity of forest ecosystems, enhancing the ability to adapt to climate change, and minimizing impacts, negative effects caused by natural disasters, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, absorbing and storing carbon from forests; contribute to defense and security protection.
2. Objectives to 2025
a) Protect and sustainably develop existing and newly created forest areas in a period of 2021 - 2025; contributing to maintaining a stable forest coverage rate of the province at 43%; continue to improve productivity and quality of forests, meet requirements of supplying raw materials for production and consumption, protect environment, conserve biodiversity and minimize negative impacts caused by natural disaster, enhancing ability to adapt to climate change.
b) Contributing to the average growth rate of the agricultural value added of the province from 2.8 to 3.3% per year.
II. Main quests
1. Regarding forest protection, biodiversity conservation of forest ecosystems
a) Well protect the existing forest area, especially for 288,564 ha of natural forest[2], put into contract to protect forests 686,480 ha (about 137,296 ha/year on average)[3]; ensure a reasonable structure of 3 types of forests (special-use forests, protection forests, production forests); effectively carry out the work of forest fire prevention and fighting; 100% of the forest area of special-use forest management boards, protection forest management boards and forest owners belonging to all economic sectors is effectively managed.
b) Effectively implement biodiversity conservation in the forest area of 02 Nui Ong and Ta Kou Nature Reserves.
2. Forest development and improvement of forest productivity and quality
a) For natural forests: To zonate and promote natural regeneration 26,023 ha (about 5,205 ha/year on average). Effectively implement silvicultural techniques to nourish and enrich natural forests.
b) For planted forests: 9,011 ha concentrated afforestation (about 1,802 ha/year on average, including: 182 ha/year protection forest, 150 ha/year special-use forest and 1,470 ha/year production forest, in which 2% of the area is planted with large timber forests). To step up the afforestation and restoration of forests in protection areas, watersheds where there is a risk of landslides and unused hilly land.
Improve productivity and quality of planted forests: By 2025, the average productivity of planted forests will reach 20 m3/ha/year. Additional planting, restoration and upgrading of 2,705 ha of planted forest.
c) Development of non-timber forest products: To develop a model of growing medicinal plants under the forest canopy in association with forest protection and development.
3. Sustainable forest management and forest certification for planted production forests
To organize effective and sustainable management and exploitation of 100% of planted production forests; in which, by 2025, the area of planted forest with sustainable forest management certificate will reach about 9,500 ha[4].
III. Priority content
1. Forest protection, forest fire prevention and fighting and development of special-use forests, protection forests and coastal forests
a) Invest in the protection and sustainable development of existing natural, special-use forests, protection forests and production forests, effectively implement programs and projects on biodiversity conservation.
b) Invest in the restoration and development of a system of protection forests, especially watershed protection forests and coastal protection forests.
c) Invest in equipment to protect, prevent and fight forest fires, build infrastructure for forest protection, conservation and development at forest management boards, ensuring conditions for regular activities, regularly for patrolling and protecting forests. Support the construction of forestry roads for units and localities with concentrated raw material areas and difficult socio-economic conditions.
d) Coordinating in organizing the investigation, assessment and monitoring of forest resources; building, completing and operating a forest monitoring system to automatically detect forest fires; application of advanced and modern technologies in management, investigation, inventory and monitoring of changes in forest resources.
2. Development of forestry tree varieties, large timber plantations
a) Invest in and support the development of forest tree varieties and non-timber forest products.
b) Support to plant large timber forests, convert small timber forests to large timber forests.
3. Development of non-timber forest products
a) Supporting the development of non-timber forest products according to the strengths of each locality, building raw material areas for non-timber forest products in association with the development of the processing industry.
b) Support the development of the model of growing medicinal plants under the forest canopy in association with forest protection and development, creating products specific to each region and suitable to the needs of the consumer market.
4. Development of the forest product processing industry: Support for investment and development of the wood and forest product processing industry according to mechanisms and policies on encouraging enterprises to invest and relevant laws.
IV. Solution
1. Perfecting mechanisms and policies
a) Continue to effectively implement the current investment mechanisms and policies in accordance with the law.
b) Review, evaluate, propose adjustment and supplementation of existing mechanisms and policies or propose the development of new policies to implement the Program; organize the monitoring of the implementation of the law on forestry.
2. Propagating and disseminating policies and laws
Strengthen communication on the role, economic, social and environmental values, the role of forests in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, sequestering and storing carbon, responding to climate change, and protecting the nation. room and security of the forest; raise awareness about sustainable forest development, large timber plantations with high productivity and quality, using forest products of legal origin; disseminating the law on forestry to the people, raising social awareness on forest management and protection, forest fire prevention and fighting, and prevention of illegal cutting and deforestation.
3. Forest and forest land planning management
a) Continue to implement the planning of 03 forest types in Binh Thuan province in the period of 2021 - 2025 according to Decision No. 3656/QD-UBND dated December 27, 2018 of the Provincial People's Committee; integrating the content of the forestry planning into the provincial planning, ensuring compliance with the national forestry master plan for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050 and the forestry development strategy, the national strategy on biodiversity biological form; ensure sustainable forest management; exploiting and using forests in association with the conservation of natural resources, raising the economic value of forests and cultural and historical values; protect the environment, respond to climate change and improve people's livelihoods.
b) Strictly control the conversion of forest use purposes to other purposes, do not change the area of natural forests and coastal planted forests with investment origin from the State budget to other uses; resolutely handle violations of the law on buying, selling and transferring forests and forestry land in contravention of the law.
c) Continue to allocate and lease forests to organizations, households, individuals, communities and economic sectors according to the provisions of law to ensure that the forest area has real forest owners and at the same time improve efficiency in forest management and development.
d) Encourage forms of joint venture, association and cooperation in afforestation and forest development, forming concentrated raw material areas for production and processing of wood and forest products.
4. Consolidation and renewal of production organization
a) Continue to reorganize and improve the operational efficiency of state forestry companies; encourage the formation of joint stock companies, and forms of association and cooperation among forest owners in the development of production forests to form concentrated raw material areas in accordance with the national forestry master plan and development plan, socio-economic of the province; effectively implement the restructuring of the forestry sector.
b) Organize production according to chain links, from afforestation, forest exploitation, processing and product consumption in order to improve production efficiency and competitiveness; encourage the formation of large, reputable and branded enterprises in the production and processing of wood and forest products associated with raw material areas.
c) Encourage the formation of associations to support the development of production forests, non-timber forest products...; capacity building for forest owners and enterprises in production organization.
d) Continue to research, develop and replicate the model of growing medicinal plants under the forest canopy to create favorable conditions for people to develop production and increase income; exploit and take advantage of tropical forestry, build and develop large-scale production areas and forms of sustainable eco-tourism associated with forest protection and development.
5. Science, technology and forestry extension
a) Formulate and implement programs, projects and research topics on selection and breeding of indigenous forest tree varieties for afforestation; techniques of forest intensification and large timber afforestation; applying high technology and advanced technology in the stages of afforestation, exploitation and processing of wood and forest products to improve productivity and quality; biodiversity conservation, effectively exploiting benefits from genetic resources. Combine research with training, technology transfer and forestry extension activities. Application of artificial intelligence technology in development and improvement of productivity and quality of production forests; management of raw materials and production of forest products from planted forest wood.
b) Invest in strengthening the management, coordination and supervision capacity of the forestry sector. Maintain, develop and effectively use the database system on monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of the Program in association with statistics of the forestry sector; coordinate in organizing the effective implementation of forest resource survey and assessment; strengthening reporting capacity, ensuring smooth, timely and effective reporting, serving the management, direction and administration. Investment and application of information technology in management and administration. Implement digital transformation and use artificial intelligence in monitoring, monitoring, forest resource management and forest fire prevention.
6. Human resource development
To encourage and create a favorable environment for enterprises and training organizations to cooperate in training and improving skills for their employees. Expand vocational training forms associated with technology transfer, technology transfer and advanced and environmentally friendly production processes.
7. International cooperation and trade promotion
a) Take advantage of funds from programs and projects for forestry development; in which, priority is given to programs and projects to support the development of coastal forests in association with response to climate change and sea level rise; sustainable forest management and forest certification; reducing greenhouse gas emissions, absorbing and storing carbon from forests, forest environmental services; programs and projects to improve the quality of human resources in the forestry sector.
b) Create a healthy competitive environment in forest product consumption and trade; ensure harmonization of interests of producers and consumers; creating market dynamics, promoting forestry production development.
8. Mobilizing capital sources
Diversify capital sources to implement the Program, increase capital mobilization from legal contributions of enterprises and support from domestic and foreign organizations and individuals; reciprocal capital, participation in contributions of people and beneficiaries, to perform tasks within the Program, ensuring that it does not overlap with other Programs. The mobilization, management and use of capital sources for the implementation of the Program's tasks shall comply with the provisions of current laws.
9. Integrating and coordinating with other programs and projects
a) Integrate funding sources for the implementation of the Program with the national target programs in accordance with the law on the mechanism of management and organization of the implementation of the national target programs; programs related to forest protection and development in the area in order to mobilize maximum capital sources for effective implementation of the Program.
b) Coordinate to effectively implement tasks and solutions in the Vietnam Forestry Development Strategy for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050 according to Decision No. 523/QD-TTg dated April 1, 2021 of the Prime Minister Prime Minister, Plan 4901/KH-UBND dated December 22, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on the implementation of the Vietnam forestry development strategy for the period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050 and programs and proposals The project in the forestry sector has been approved by the Prime Minister and the Provincial People's Committee has issued the Plan and is in the process of being implemented.
10. Managing and operating the Program implementation
Pursuant to Decision No. 1099/QD-UBND dated April 29, 2022 of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee on consolidating the Steering Committee for Sustainable Forestry Development Program of Binh Thuan Province in the 2021 - 2025 period, Decision No. 1857/QD- People's Committee dated September 8, 2022 on the establishment of the Standing Office of the Steering Committee of the Sustainable Forestry Development Program in Binh Thuan province for the period of 2021 - 2025, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development is responsible for helping The Steering Committee for Sustainable Forestry Development Program in Binh Thuan province organizes the implementation of the Sustainable Forestry Development Program for the period of 2021 - 2025 in the locality according to current regulations.
V. Implementation organization
1. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
a) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant departments, branches and People's Committees of districts, towns and cities in organizing the implementation of the Program according to regulations.
b) Coordinate with the Department of Home Affairs to submit to the Provincial People's Committee to consolidate the Steering Committee, the Standing Office of the Steering Committee for the Sustainable Forestry Development Program in Binh Thuan province in the 2021-2025 period.
c) Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Planning and Investment, the Department of Finance and relevant agencies in administering, directing and guiding the implementation of the Program, ensuring compliance with the provisions of law.
d) Coordinating with the Department of Planning and Investment and the Department of Finance in summarizing, balancing and allocating capital sources for the implementation of the Program. To assume the prime responsibility for formulating annual and medium-term capital needs and plans and send them to the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development, Planning and Investment, and Finance for synthesis.
Monitor and evaluate the Program and guide agencies in implementing the program monitoring and evaluation process.
e) Assume the prime responsibility for inspecting and supervising the implementation of the Program; periodically report annually (or irregularly), mid-term preliminary review, 5-year evaluation review in October 2025 on the program implementation results, report to the Provincial People's Committee.
2. Department of Planning and Investment
To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Department of Finance, the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development in advising the Provincial People's Committee to balance and allocate capital for investment projects in fire prevention and fighting equipment and protection infrastructure, forest conservation and development in accordance with the capital balance capacity of the provincial budget.
3. Department of Finance
On the basis of the annual estimate of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Department of Finance synthesizes and advises the Provincial People's Committee to balance the annual non-business funding of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to implement implement the Program in accordance with the budget capacity according to the provisions of the law on the State budget.
4. Department of Natural Resources and Environment
- Lead and coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and the People's Committees of districts, towns and cities to advise the Provincial People's Committees to direct the management and use of special-use forest land and forest land for prevention and control. households, production forest land of forest owners in accordance with the provisions of the law on land; In which, the management and use solutions should be noted for the land area in the protection and watershed areas, where there is a risk of landslides and unused hilly land in accordance with the plan for forest planting and restoration, approved by the competent authority.
- Guide organizations, individuals and households to carry out procedures for land allocation and lease associated with forest allocation and lease according to current regulations.
5. Department of Science and Technology
Focus on performing well the task of transferring and applying technical advances in forestry production such as: selecting and propagating forest trees; application of remote sensing technology in forest monitoring and management; applying automation technology, new material technology in the field of forest product processing and preservation;... at the same time, promoting the dissemination of applied research results to all classes of people for collectives. , individuals actively apply to production, processing and consumption, in order to promote sustainable forestry development.
Review and consider financial sources from the National Science and Technology Development Fund such as grants, loans, etc. under science and technology tasks related to sustainable forestry development to guide and encourage develop topics and projects to contribute to the replication of solutions for forestry development in the province to ensure sustainability.
6. Ethnic Affairs Committee
Coordinate with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, organize effective implementation of forest protection and development activities in area II and III communes according to Decision No. 1719/QD-TTg dated October 14, 2021 of the Prime Minister approving the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas for the period of 2021 - 2030, phase 1: from 2021 to 2020. 2025, Decree No. 27/2022/ND-CP dated April 19, 2022 of the Government stipulating the management mechanism and organization for the implementation of national target programs.
7. People's Committees of districts, towns and cities
a) Preside over the implementation of the Program in the locality; develop annual and medium-term plans and capital needs and send them to the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for synthesis.
b) Allocate local budget capital and mobilize other lawful capital sources for the implementation of the Program in the locality as prescribed by law.
c) Directing the integration of the implementation of the Program and activities of forest protection and development in the communes of Region II and Region III according to Decision No. 1719/QD-TTg dated October 14, 2021 of the Prime Minister, ensuring consistency and efficiency.
d) Organizing the implementation, management, evaluation and acceptance of the results of implementation of projects under local management; organize the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the Program; periodically report on the progress of the Program implementation and organize preliminary and final reviews of the Program in the locality.

Source: Vitic/

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