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Implementation plan of sustainable forestry development program in Bac Giang Province in a period of 2021-2025 

 Friday, April 28,2023

AsemconnectVietnam - Concretize tasks, orientations and solutions for implementation of sustainable forestry development program; elaborating work contents, deadlines, completion schedule and responsibilities of relevant agencies and organizations in organizing implementation of Quality Assurance Plan, effectively, synchronously and on time

Implementation plan of sustainable forestry development program in Bac Giang Province in a period of 2021-2025

I. Purpose, requirements
1. Purpose
- Concretize tasks, orientations and solutions for implementation of sustainable forestry development program; elaborating work contents, deadlines, completion schedule and responsibilities of relevant agencies and organizations in organizing implementation of Quality Assurance Plan, effectively, synchronously and on time.
- Ensure effective implementation of implementation plan of sustainable forestry development program in the province, develop forestry economy quickly and sustainably on basis of sustainable management, protection, development and use of forests and land areas planned for forestry; apply modern science and technology, improve productivity, quality and promote value of each type of forest, increase value of production forest per unit area; contribute to meeting requirements of natural disaster reduction, protection of ecological environment, response to climate change; attracting investment resources in forestry; create jobs, increase income, contribute to hunger eradication and poverty alleviation, improve the lives of forest people, ensure security, national defense and social order and safety.
2. Requirements
- Formulation and implementation of the plan must ensure full content, specify orientations and implementation solutions to agencies, units, People's Committees of districts, cities, organizations and units, stakeholders to create consensus and high determination in implementation.
- On basis of content of orientation and solutions of this plan, agencies and units under the Provincial People's Committee and local authorities at all levels organize effective implementation in order to contribute to successful implementation of objectives, orientations and solutions have been set.
- Urging, guiding, monitoring, checking and supervising implementation of targets, tasks, programs, projects and schemes to ensure efficiency and regularity.
II. Objectives
1. Overall objectives
Forestry development in Bac Giang province really becomes a modern, effective, efficient and competitive economic-technical industry, linked in a chain from forest development, forest protection and forest use for processing and trade in forest products; manage, protect, develop and use sustainably forest areas and land areas planned for forestry development; promote potential, role and effects of forests to make an increasingly important contribution to socio-economic development; contribute to creating jobs, raising people's incomes in association with protecting ecological environment, conserving biodiversity of forest ecosystems, enhancing ability to adapt to climate change and minimizing negative effects caused by natural disasters, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, absorbing and storing carbon from forests; contribute to defense and security protection.
2. Specific objectives
- Average growth rate of forestry production value is 5%/year.
- Implement structure of 3 forest types according to forestry plan of Bac Giang province in a period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No.219/QD-TTg dated February 17, 202; By 2025, planned area of 3 forest types in the whole province is about 142,465 ha, of which: special-use forest is about 13,688 ha, protection forest is about 20,599 ha, production forest is about 108,178 ha, in direction of reducing production forest area, increasing area of special-use and protection forests, ensuring effective promotion of protection function, protecting ecological environment and biodiversity, contributing to minimizing harm caused by natural disasters and adapting to climate change. Rate of forest coverage reached 37.5%.
- Stabilize concentrated material forest area of about 80,000 ha (accounting for 74% of the total production forest area); annually plant about 8,000 ha of concentrated plantation forest and about 6 million scattered trees, of which large timber plantation area accounts for 30% of the annual planted forest area; accumulated to 2025, the large timber plantation forest area will reach 17,000 ha, the forest area granted with a certificate of sustainable forest management (issued by the international organization FSC or Vietnam Forest Certification Office) will reach 12,500 ha; By 2025, average productivity of production plantations will reach about 22 m3/ha/year, timber output will reach 1.0 million m3, of which 40% of timber output from planted plantations will be put into deep processing.
- Develop forest environmental services, diversify and expand revenue sources in accordance with provisions of law; total revenue from forest environmental services in a period 2021-2025 increased by 20% compared to 2020.
- To develop forestry economy, in which to develop processing industry and non-timber forest products, supporting industries and new products with high added value; export value of wood and forest products by 2025 will reach about 3,500 billion.
- To improve living standards of forest people, striving to increase average income of ethnic minority people by 2025 by 1.5 times compared to 2020.
III. Tasks and solutions
1. Organize propaganda, dissemination and implementation of the Plan
a) Organize dissemination and mastery of contents of the program approved by the Prime Minister, plan of agriculture and rural development and implementation plan of sustainable forestry development program of the People's Committee of Bac Giang Province until relevant agencies, units, localities and organizations and individuals; especially forest owners are organizations, such as: management boards of special-use forests; forestry companies and enterprises...
b) Promote propaganda in various appropriate forms to raise awareness of all levels, sectors and people and businesses about economic, social, environmental, and biodiversity values of the forest; strengthen propaganda and education on law on forest protection and development, raise awareness of forest protection among people and communities, especially people who work in forestry, live near forests and along forests.
2. Organize effective implementation of forestry development activities
a) Forest protection, biodiversity conservation of special-use and protection forests;
- Regarding protection and sustainable development of existing forest areas:
+ Strengthening measures to manage and protect well existing forest areas, especially over 55,000 hectares of natural forests; strictly protect natural forests as special-use and protection forests. Support contracted forest protection in a period 2021-2025 for subjects according to current regulations in the province, with a total area of about 200,000 ha (average 40,000 ha/year). In which: support contracted for forest protection under sustainable forestry development program is 72,290 ha (average 14,458 ha/year) and support contracted for forest protection under national target program is 127,710 ha (25,542 on average) ha/year); by object of support: Forest protection contract is 27,340 ha/year; support for forest protection is 12,660 ha/year. Continue to support communities in buffer zone at Tay Yen Tu conservation management board with 10 communities/year.
+ Strengthen capacity of law enforcement, reduce fundamentally situation of violations of forest law, in which damaged forest area and the number of violations of forest law do not increase compared to 2016-2020 period.
- Regarding biodiversity conservation: Prioritize implementation of following topics and projects: Building 01 botanical garden in order to conserve and develop high-value native tree species in nature reserve, Bac Giang province; build a conservation database of precious medicinal species as a basis for conservation and sustainable development in Tay Yen Tu Nature Reserve, Bac Giang province; building a model of developing non-timber forest products under forest canopy in Tay Yen Tu Nature Reserve, Bac Giang province; investigate the diversity of forest fauna as a basis for building conservation and sustainable development solutions in Tay Yen Tu Nature Reserve, Bac Giang province. Continuing policy of supporting communities in buffer zone of special-use forests; to finish planting boundary markers of special-use and protection forests. To protect and develop endangered species of forest plants and animals; conservation of biodiversity of forest ecosystems, etc.
b) Forest development
- Promote mechanization and application of science and technology, improve productivity, quality and efficiency of production forests in the direction of optimizing production systems and forest product value chains.
- Develop plantation areas to provide concentrated raw materials, giving priority to planting large timber forests according to Decision No.1733/QD-UBND dated August 23, 2020 of Chairman of the People's Committee of Bac Giang province, approving construction results of "digital map of concentrated and specialized production areas of key and typical agricultural products; high-tech agricultural production areas in Bac Giang province”.
- Concentrated afforestation is 40,000 ha, an average of 8,000 ha per year. In there:
+ Planting protection and special-use forests of 300 ha (on average 60 ha per year);
+ Planting production forests of 39,700 hectares (accumulated large timber forests by 2025 will reach 17,000 hectares, reaching over 21% of the area where concentrated production materials are grown).
- Planting scattered trees of 30.0 million trees of all kinds, on average growing 6.0 million trees per year.
- To take care of concentrated plantations of about 120,000 ha, taking care of 24,000 ha on average each year.
- Annually perform well zoning and promotion of natural regeneration with additional planting, nurturing and enrichment of forests.
- Effectively implementing project "development of Yen The district to become a center for production of forestry plant varieties in Bac Giang province" approved by Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee in Decision No.2916/QD-UBND dated 12/02 September 2022. Enhance role of state management over production and business of forestry plant varieties, giving priority to the development of varieties produced from tissue trees for planting production forests; By 2025, percentage of seedlings produced by high technology (tissue culture) will account for 80% of the total number of forestry seedlings produced annually.
c) Improve productivity and quality of forests
- Invest in intensive farming and apply silvicultural techniques to improve productivity and quality of planted forests; bringing new varieties with high yield and quality produced by tissue culture and cuttings into afforestation, such as eucalyptus varieties: DH32-29, AH1, UP54, PNCT3, PN108 and acacia hybrids: BV10, BV33, BV73,... striving by 2025, average productivity of planted forests will reach 22m3/ha/year or more.
- New planting and conversion of small timber production plantations to large timber plantations, bringing large timber plantations in the districts of Son Dong, Luc Ngan, Luc Nam and Yen The with a total area of up to 2025, about 17,000 hectares. In a period of 2021-2025, the province's total timber production is about 4.5 million m3, on average, about 900.000 m3 of timber is harvested each year; logging output will reach 1.0 million m3 or more by 2025.
d) Sustainable forest management: Organize well implementation of contents according to sustainable forest management plan (7/11 forest owners are organizations) approved by competent state agencies; direct remaining forest owners being organizations and forestry enterprises to complete the formulation and approval of sustainable forest management plan in accordance with the provisions of the Forest Law. In a period of 2021-2025, increase area with sustainable forest management plan by about 8,000 ha; increase total forest area to implement the sustainable forest management plan to over 48,600 ha.
Encourage households, individuals, communities or individual households to form groups of households to develop and implement sustainable forest management plans and issue certificates of sustainable forest management; to step up expansion of the area for which certificate of sustainable forest management is granted, to increase the forest area granted certificate of sustainable forest management to about 12,500 ha by 2025.
e) Non-timber forest products: Strengthening forms of association in production and consumption of products; building brands and labels for medicinal plants and products processed from medicinal plants as raw materials. Gradually forming a growing area for medicinal plants such as Ba Kich, Mushroom Lim, Sa Nhan, Khoi Nhung..., which are commodity products in Son Dong district; In the period of 2021-2025, the area for planting non-timber forest products and medicinal plants will reach about 200 hectares.
3. Effectively developing and implementing quality forestry planning, programs, schemes, projects, and plans for development of the forestry sector
a) Effectively implement forestry plan of Bac Giang province for a period of 2021 - 2030, with a vision to 2050 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No.219/QD-TTg dated February 17, 2022, especially formulation and implementation of plans on forest type conversion; strictly manage conversion of forest use purposes to other purposes; complete database system of forest and forest land by GIS remote sensing technology for unified management; resolutely handle violations of law on illegal purchase, sale and transfer of forests and forestry land in the locality.
b) Implement and organize implementation of Vietnam Forestry Development Strategy for a period 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050 approved by the Prime Minister in Decision No. 523/QD-TTg dated April 1, 2021; Decision No. 3458/QD-BNN-TCLN dated August 3, 2021 of the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development promulgating implementation plan of Decision No.523/QD-TTg dated April 1, 2021; Plan No.482/KH-UBND dated October 4, 2021 of the People's Committee of Bac Giang province on implementation of Forestry Development Strategy of Bac Giang province in a period of 2021-2030, with a vision to 2050.
c) Continue to effectively implement current mechanisms and policies; Law on Forestry and documents guiding implementation of Law on Forestry; review legal documents, propose amendments, supplements and improvement of legal system on forestry; research, develop, and implement new mechanisms and policies on forestry in the province after the Government promulgates a Decree providing for policies on investment in forest protection and development, processing and trade in forest products in the province. In which, continuing to organize effective implementation of approved programs, schemes, projects and plans. Specifically:
- Decision No.1270/QD-UBND dated June 26, 2020 of Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee approving project to support the grant of certificates of sustainable forest management in Bac Giang province in a period of 2020-2030 and approved for adjustment, supplementing in Decision 765/QD-UBND dated May 12, 2022 of the Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee;
- Decision No.1605/QD-UBND dated July 29, 2021 of Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee approving construction investment project of improving capacity of forest fire prevention and fighting; forest protection and development in Bac Giang province;
- Decision No. 2185/QD-UBND dated October 29, 2021 of Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee approving project on capacity building for management, protection and development of watershed protection forests in Cam Son Lake area;
- Project No.1080/DA-UBND dated 24/11/2021 of Luc Ngan District People's Committee to support socio-economic development in 04 communes in Cam Son lake bed area, Luc Ngan district, Bac Giang province in a period of 2021-2025.
- Plan No.4679/KH-UBND dated October 22, 2020 of the Provincial People's Committee on forest fire prevention and fighting in Bac Giang province in a period of 2021-2025;
- Plan No.44/KH-UBND dated February 9, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on implementation of the program to plant 1 billion trees according to Directive No.45/CT-TTg dated December 31, 2020 of the Prime Minister in Bac Giang province in a period of 2021 - 2025 and approved in Plan No. 266/KH -UBND dated April 27, 2022 of the Provincial People's Committee;
- Plan No.685/KH-UBND dated December 23, 2021 of the Provincial People's Committee on restructuring the agricultural sector of Bac Giang province in a period of 2021-2025;
- Plan No.229/KH-UBND dated April 5, 2022 of the Provincial People's Committee on the implementation of strategy for sustainable agricultural and rural development in a period of 2021-2025, with a vision to 2050 in Bac Giang province;
- Plan No.379/KH-UBND dated June 21, 2022 of the Provincial People's Committee to implement national target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas of Bac Giang province in a period of 2021- 2030, phase I: from 2021 to 2025;
- Sustainable forest management plans of organizations and enterprises have been approved by the Provincial People's Committee.
d) Strengthening resources, allocating sufficient annual funds for projects, schemes and policies in forestry sector that have been approved in the past time to ensure enhancement of effectiveness and efficiency in forestry sector, forest protection and development in the province, such as: Project on capacity building for management, protection and development of watershed protection forests in Cam Son Lake area; project of supporting grant of certificates of sustainable forest management in Bac Giang province in a period of 2020-2030; Construction investment projects to improve capacity for forest fire prevention and fighting; forest protection and development in Bac Giang province; National target program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas of Bac Giang province in a period of 2021-2030; decision stipulates the level of support for contracted forest protection, zoning and promotion of natural forest regeneration without additional planting in Bac Giang province.
Research, develop and issue new policies in forestry sector to promote forestry development commensurate with the province's existing potential, in which, in the immediate future, focusing on building: Project on building monitoring center, manage and protect forests in Bac Giang province in a period of 2022-2024; policies to support development of medicinal plants and other non-timber forest products under the forest canopy; policies to support development of large timber intensive production plantations, converting small timber forests to large timber. In addition, it is necessary to continue to study and supplement mechanisms and policies suitable to the actual situation of forest management, protection and development in the province from time to time.
4. Consolidation and renewal of production organization
- Continue to urge and support 02 Luc Nam and Mai Son Forestry One Member Limited Liability Company to find partners to contribute capital to complete plan of arrangement and model transformation into a Two-Member Limited Company; In case 02 Luc Nam and Mai Son Forestry One Member Limited Liability Company cannot find a partner to contribute capital to complete the plan to transform into a Two-member Limited Liability Company, advise Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee to report on the assessment, mplementation of direction of the Prime Minister in Official Dispatch No.326/TTG-DMDN dated February 29, 2016 in which it was proposed to the Prime Minister to keep model of one member limited liability company for 02 enterprises in spirit of document No.2797/UBND-KTTH dated June 11, 2021 of the People's Committee of Bac Giang province on handling and arrangement for 02 Mai Son and Luc Nam forestry one-member limited liability companies. To encourage the formation of joint stock companies, forestry cooperatives and other forms of association and cooperation among forest owners in the development of production forests to form concentrated raw material areas in accordance with the provincial forestry planning and local socio-economic development plans; promote effective implementation of restructuring the forestry sector.
- End situation that forestry companies are allocated or leased land but do not invest or organize production but contract out land to households and individuals; ensure compliance with guiding spirit of the Party Central Committee in Resolution No.19-NQ/TU dated June 16, 2022 on agriculture, farmers and rural areas to 2030 with a vision to 2045.
- Continue to implement Decree No.57/2018/ND-CP dated April 17, 2018 of the Government on mechanisms and policies to encourage enterprises to invest in agriculture and rural areas.
- Organize production chain links, from afforestation, forest exploitation, processing and product consumption in order to improve production efficiency and competitiveness; have mechanisms and policies to encourage large, reputable and branded enterprises to invest in building wood and forest product processing factories in concentrated wood material areas of the province. Continuing to research and replicate cooperation models in forestry; promote and create favorable conditions for farmers and households to contribute together with enterprises to organize commodity forestry production; exploit and take advantage of existing potentials, build and develop large-scale production areas.
- To encourage formation of associations, cooperatives and cooperative groups to support each other in developing forestry production and processing forest products; jointly create opportunities to expand and stabilize domestic and export markets; better access to technology, improve management capacity, self-innovation ability of enterprises, improve product quality and finally bring higher economic efficiency to wood processing enterprises and enterprises.
5. Science, technology and forestry extension
Focus on implementing approved project on development of forestry plant varieties in Bac Giang province to produce high quality seedlings by tissue culture method, meeting needs of people and businesses for afforestation industry in the province as well as export to the province. Paying attention to well implementation of state management of forestry plant varieties; expand and upgrade seedling production facilities, by 2025 percentage of seedlings produced by tissue culture method will reach about 80% of the total annual production of seedlings (including tissue sprouts), cuttings imported from other localities for production). Propagating and guiding people and businesses to apply mechanization in land preparation and forest exploitation in order to improve productivity and quality of forests and bring economic benefits to foresters.
Implement breakthrough solutions in forestry development. Specifically: Using software to monitor forest fires, forest and forest land fluctuations to monitor and detect deforestation, forest fire prevention and fighting, and forest resource evolution; application of unmanned aerial vehicles in patrolling, inspecting and controlling key areas of forest fire and deforestation; Applying GIS technology to determine suitable site conditions for a number of major forest tree species, improving productivity and quality of planted production forests and forest business efficiency in the province; attracting investment in building a deep processing plant with large capacity, products meeting export standards to Europe, America, Japan....
- Develop and implement programs, projects, research topics, selection and improvement of forest tree varieties and non-timber forest products (indigenous trees and imported trees with high yield and quality); techniques of forest intensification and large timber afforestation; applying high technology and advanced technology in the stages of afforestation, exploitation and processing of wood and forest products to improve productivity and quality. Combine research with training, technology transfer and forestry extension activities.
- Invest in strengthening the management, coordination and supervision capacity of the forestry sector. Maintain, develop and effectively use the database system on monitoring, monitoring and evaluation of the Program in association with statistics of the forestry sector; strengthening forecasting capacity, ensuring smooth, timely and effective, serving the management, direction and administration. Implementing digital transformation in monitoring, monitoring, management of forest resources and forest fire prevention. Specifically: Building a center for monitoring, administration, management and protection of forests in Bac Giang province, installing a system of surveillance cameras, warning, early detection of forest fires and deforestation; application of information technology and use of remote sensing images in forest management and monitoring (using a forest loss warning application on the website of the Forest Protection Department); applying information technology to integrate forest status maps into smartphones and tablets for forest protection management and monitoring for local rangers,...
6. Organize production and business, strengthen capacity in human resource management and training
a) Capacity building in management
- Improve management capacity and efficiency of forest rangers to ensure lean, unified, effective, efficient and professional operation.
- Enhancing the roles and responsibilities of forest owners, especially the management board of protective and special-use forests in the province and the specialized forest protection force.
b) Organization of production and business
- To encourage forms of joint venture, association and cooperation, accumulation of forestry land in afforestation, forest development, formation of concentrated raw material areas for production and processing of wood and forest products. To develop forms of linkage between economic sectors, cooperative economy and sharing economy in forestry.
- Continue to innovate and improve the operational efficiency of forestry companies; developing forestry of households, farms, village communities and cooperatives.
- Promote attraction of forestry cooperatives and enterprises with potential to invest in forestry, strengthen close linkage between processing factories and households and businesses along chain of product journeys from creating raw materials to exploiting, processing and selling products,... Attracting businesses to invest in building wood processing factories with modern technology, producing high quality wood products By 2025, there will be at least 01 factory with a capacity of about 100,000 m3 of products/year/1 factory. Main processed products are MDF board, bar board, and filter-coated plywood for export and domestic use.
c) Human resource training
Organize professional training and retraining for forest rangers and forest protection forces in charge of forest management and protection, forest fire prevention and fighting; forestry law enforcement; focus on training highly qualified staff in the field of forest fire forecasting and warning, forest area reduction, quality and forest degradation; technical staff with professional qualifications, applying high-tech forestry in forest management and protection, and forest fire prevention and fighting; regularly organize forest fire prevention and fighting drills.
III. Implementation organization
1. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
Being standing body of the Steering Committee for Sustainable Forestry Development Program in Bac Giang Province; assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with departments, branches and localities in implementing this plan. Advising on strengthening the Steering Committee of Program for Sustainable Forestry Development in Bac Giang Province, consolidating Office of the Steering Committee; completion time in October 2022.
Proposing to advise on development and promulgation of mechanisms, policies, schemes and projects; carry out scientific research projects in forestry development.
Urging, inspecting and supervising implementation of the Plan; annually, assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with departments, branches and localities in, advising Provincial People's Committee to develop reports on evaluation of implementation results; conduct preliminary and final reviews of the implementation of plan and propose the Provincial People's Committee to amend and supplement the contents and tasks of plan in case of necessity.
2. People's Committees of districts and cities: Based on the contents and tasks of the Plan, urgently organize the implementation of sustainable forestry development program in accordance with the actual situation in the locality. Particularly the districts: Son Dong, Luc Ngan, Luc Nam, Yen The develop plans for implementation; Completion time in December 2022.
3. Department of Planning and Investment: Advise on allocation of investment and development capital from the central budget, annual investment capital from the provincial budget to ensure sustainable forestry development goals for the period 2021-2025 in the province. .
4. Department of Finance: Advising on allocation of non-business capital of the central and provincial governments annually to ensure sustainable forestry development goals for a period 2021-2025 in the province.
5. Department of Science and Technology: Coordinate with Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and relevant agencies in implementing scientific projects in field of forestry, especially topics and projects to study and plant some high-yield and high-quality forestry plant varieties for planting in the province.
6. Bac Giang Newspaper, Provincial Radio-Television Station: Increase the amount of time for propaganda and dissemination of the Party's guidelines, the State's policies, the province's guiding and management documents on management, forest protection and development to all classes of people to organize implementation and monitor implementation.
7. Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations, mass organizations: To step up activities to participate in forest management, protection and development; mobilize people, union members and exemplary members to observe provisions of the law on forest management, protection and development.
8. Organizational forest owners: For units that have not yet built, build and submit for appraisal and approval sustainable forest management plan according to regulations. According to assigned functions and tasks, based on contents and tasks in this plan and the approved sustainable forest management plan, the business plan of the unit, it is necessary to organize implementation of the following contents of Bac Giang province's sustainable forestry development target program for a period of 2021-2025.
9. Other departments and branches: Based on their assigned contents and tasks, they are responsible for formulating plans or integrating contents to perform tasks, programs and annual or 5-year plans; organize the implementation of the tasks and priority activities of this slan. Monitor, urge, inspect and supervise the implementation of the tasks of the plan.
10. Mode of information and reporting: Annually, the departments, branches and localities shall summarize and report on the results of the implementation of sustainable forestry development program plan and send it to Department of Agriculture and Rural Development before date of submission November 15 to summarize and advise the Provincial People's Committee to report to the competent authorities according to regulations./.

Source: Vitic/

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