Monday, February 10,2025 - 7:33 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Ninh Thuan province 

 Tuesday, March 30,2021

AsemconnectVietnam - To improve quality of human resources, promulgating policies of attracting high-quality human resources to meet requirements of socio-economic development the province


I. Development viewpoints
- Economic development with high and sustainable growth rate to narrow development gap between province of Ninh Thuan with other provinces in region and the country.
- To construct Ninh Thuan province to become a new gateway to the east for Central Highlands; striving to become a huge center of tourism services in the region and the country. To form hub of transport of railway, waterway, airway, East – West road.
- To accelerate transfer of economic structure of the province toward increasing proportion of industry and services; mobilizing all of resources of economic sectors; exploiting industries having advantages of labor and natural resources; at the same time, focusing on expanding economic sectors with high technological content in accordance with advantage of Ninh Thuan province and market trends.
- To improve quality of human resources, promulgating policies of attracting high-quality human resources to meet requirements of socio-economic development the province. Mounting economic growth with social justice, gradually raising standard of living for the people, especially resistance base, mountainous regions with ethnic minorities.
- To link closely between socio-economic development with strengthening national defense, security and environmental protection; consolidating strong political system and administration.
II. Development objectives
1. Overall objectives

To maintain high and sustainable economic growth, creating a change in quality during the province’s process of socio-economic development. Striving to 2020, Ninh Thuan province basically become a service and industrial province. Promoting transfer of economic structure, labor structure towards industrialization and modernization under structure of industry - services - agriculture. Gradually improving efficiency and competitiveness of economy of the province. Promoting application of advanced science and improving level of science and technology in manufacturing sectors. Improving quality of education and training and quality of human resources. Exploiting effectively external economic relations. Constructing suitable infrastructure systems and ensuring development requirements. Raising material and spiritual living of the people. Continuing to implement hunger alleviation, poverty reduction, creating jobs for workers. Maintaining political stability and social order and safety, linking economic development with national defense, security and environmental protection.
2. Specific objectives
- Average annual growth rate in a period of 2011-2015 reaches 15.2%/year and in a period of 2016-2020 hitting 15.3%/year.
- Average income per capita in 2015 is USD 1,600/year, USD 3,000/year in 2020.
- Economic structure: in 2015: agriculture 16%, industry 44%, services 40%; in 2020: agriculture 10%, industry 47%, services 43%.
- Rate of the State budget collection per GDP: 15% in 2015 and 20% in 2020. The local budget expenditures increase by an average of 15%/year. By 2016, the State budget collection meet demand of expenditure of the local budget.
- Export value and foreign exchange service revenue reaches USD 1 billion in 2015, USD 1.5 billion in 2020.
- Natural population increase rate falls to 1.17% in 2015; decreasing to 1.0% in 2020. Rate of malnourished children under 5 year olds falls to 15% in 2015, drop to 10% in 2020.
- Achieving universalization of high school education in the wholly province in 2015. Rate of trained laborers reaches 53% in 2015 and 67% by 2020.
- Rate of poverty household will be less than 3.4% in 2015. There will be no poverty household in 2020.
- Rate of forest coverage hits 45% in 2015 and 51% in 2020.                          
III. Development orientation of sectors and fields
1. Agriculture, forestry and fishery
- To build sustainable developing agriculture with high quality, fresh products in accordance with ecosystem. Forming concentrated specializing areas of high productivity associating with post-harvest technology and processing industry, at the same time, preserving and protecting environment. Ensuring food security, stabilizing area of cultivating rice, sugarcane, cassava; expanding area of rubber trees and many other plants. Developing livestock toward farm economy with good varieties and disease control. Forming clean vegetables in suburban areas, industrial parks, tourism zones; developing occupation of floriculture, decorative plants.
- To promote afforestation, enhancing forest resources, developing kinds of tree used as wood materials for processing industry. Enhancing forest protection, limiting exploitation of natural forests and exploiting effectively afforestation.
- To develop aquaculture sustainably and comprehensively on aspects of breeding, exploiting, processing and logistics of fisheries. Promoting application of science and technology in exploiting, breeding and processing aquaculture and seafood. Developing aquaculture areas under a scientific basis, enhancing aquaculture on sea, protecting environment and creating arrival destinations for tourists. Expanding consumption market for aquaculture, building trademarks of seafood products.
- To build new, modern  countryside, reducing population pressure on urban area, developing synchronously economy among regions in the province. Developing services and economic sectors associating with consumption of commodity of farmers, increasing investment in mountainous districts, areas with ethnic minorities.
2. Industry
- To paying attention to in-depth investment, application of new technology, automation technology, improving efficiency of production and business. Improving quality of product and building trademark of products, boosting trade promotion, expanding consumption market, increasing investment capital for industrial development.
- To develop industry under sustainable viewpoints, in line with sustainable development strategy of the country. Giving priority to development of advantageous industries having high content of technique and technology, added value to create development breakthrough, promoting rapid economic development such as electronics, petroleum refining, petrochemical, shipbuilding, processing of agricultural and fishery products, electricity - water production. Out of which, paying special attention to project of oil refinery factory with a capacity of 4 million tons/year and petrochemical factories.
- To invest in development of economic zone of south Ninh Thuan including south Phan Rang -Thap Cham urban zone, oil refinery and petrochemical industrial park and other industrial parks associating with Vung Ro seaport, Hoa Tam seaports and Phan Rang - Thap Cham airport. Continuing to invest in building infrastructure concentrated industrial parks, industrial clusters, forming network of industrial clusters in districts with an area of
10-20 hectares.
- To develop traditional villages in rural areas, introducing many new industries with an appropriate scale,  exploiting effectively raw materials and creating jobs for laborers in rural areas.
3. Services
- To enhance business civilization, developing type of modern trade and services, at the same time, ensuring trade – service system in remote areas. Forming urban areas, business streets, creating diverse distribution network, ensuring rapid and convenient circulation of goods, stimulating development of production.
- To develop systems of trade and service distribution, trade promotion support, promoting and diversifying trade promotion activities. Strengthening inspection and control of the market, price stability and fighting against production and trafficking of counterfeit and low quality goods, speculation, smuggling and tax evasion. Expanding consumption market and diversifying export items, increasing rapidly export value.
- To develop strongly tourism to become a spearhead economic sector, clean industry with its own characteristics. Restoring monuments, landscapes, tourism destinations associating with environmental protection. Focusing on building infrastructure to attract investment: luxury resorts complex of An Phu - An Chan; tourism urban and high class service zones of Song Cau, Tuy An and Dong Xuan; tourism clusters of ecological landscape, cultural resort, entertainment.
- To improve quality of transport services, warehousing, port services, telecommunication services. Diversifying appropriate forms of service supply.
- To pay attention and create favorable conditions for economic sectors to develop strongly forms of services: finance, banking, science and technology, information technology, insurance, consultation, accounting, audit, legal consultation, notary public, assessment, auction of properties, business of assets, real estate, health services, high quality education.
4. Social fields
- To implement well policies on population. Improving network of people's health protection, basically eliminating infectious diseases. Improving quality of population, increasing height, physical strength and longevity of the people. By 2015, hitting rate of 7 doctors/10,000 persons; by 2020, 10.8 doctors /10,000 person. All of communes and wards have doctors by 2015. Raising living standards of households having escaped poverty.
- To focus on improving quality and effectiveness of education and training, at the same time, expanding scale of  educational levels and training levels in accordance with demand for human resources training. Developing rationally scale of education - training coupling with investment in upgrading teaching facilities, equipment towards standardization and modernization. Improving quality of teachers and management staff. Diversifying type of school, socializing education to enhance resources for education.
- To expand vocational training and professional skill training for workers, increasing rate of trained employees. Each year, creating new jobs for about 25,000 laborers in a period to 2015 and approximately 15,000 laborers/year in a period of 2016-2020.
- Rate of cultural family reaches 85%; rate of cultural villages and hamlets is 70%; rate of cultural communes and cultural agencies area 40% and 90%, respectively by 2015. By 2020,  rate of cultural family reaches over 95%; rate of cultural villages and hamlets is over 95%; rate of cultural communes is over 95%. Constructing cultural institutions, upgrading radio, television stations, newspapers of the province to meet information demand of the people.
- By 2015: 22% of total population exercise regularly sports; 95% of schools perform regular physical education; 90% of students, students in the province hit standard of physical exercise; 95% of soldiers and officers achieve standard of healthy soldier; 100% of secondary schools have sport teacher. By 2020: 50% of total population exercise regularly sports; 100% of schools perform regular physical education; 100% of students, students in the province hit standard of physical exercise; 100% of soldiers and officers achieve standard of healthy soldier; 100% of secondary schools have sport teacher.
5. Infrastructure development
- Transport: building synchronously transport network, exploiting effectively transport of marine, road, airway, railway, linking regions of the province and other provinces, creating economic development corridor of the subregion.
+ Road: investing perfectly and modernizing road transport network, taking national road No. 1A, national road No.25, provincial road No.645, east coastal axis, west vertical axis and provincial roads as strategic transport routes. Building new roads connecting north - south highway and national road No.1A to industrial parks and coastal tourism urban clusters. Building system of bus stations, car parking. Investing newly, expanding and upgrading district roads, urban roads, collection roads, communal roads, rural transport road to ensure smooth traffic in all situations. Striving to 2020, rate of concretizing district roads and urban roads hits 90-100%.
+ Railway: studying to construct railway of Ninh Thuan – Central Highlands to Cambodia - Laos - Thailand; high-speed north-south railway stage I running through Van Phong economic zone (Khanh Hoa province) to Ninh Thuan province.
+ Seaway: completing, upgrading and exploiting efficiently Vung Ro seaport, researching to build specialized deepwater ports of Hoa Tam, Xuan Phuong, Xuan Thinh, An Hoa to serve development of industry and tourism.
+ Airway: upgrading airport and increasing flights from airport of Phan Rang - Thap Cham to Ho Chi Minh City, Hanoi, Da Nang, developing a qualified airports to serve international visitors. Researching mechanisms to call for and allow foreign investors to invest in building a regional airport in north area of the province for tourism and development demand of the region.
- Irrigation                                                
+ To complete and put into operation irrigation projects underneath Hinh river hydropower, Ba Ha river hydropower reservoirs.
Improving useful capacity of reservoirs: Hinh river hydropower, Dong Kun, Dong Tron, Phu Xuan, Xuan Binh. Upgrading and repairing dams facing landslide risk to ensure safety. Building newly reservoirs and dams to control irrigated water.
+ To enhance solidification of field interior canal system. By 2020, basically completing construction and solidification of canal system. Upgrading and building new systems of dikes, dams, erosion preventing embankment. Total area irrigated by irrigation projects is about 93,000 hectares, accounting for 65.8% of total cultivated area. Providing fresh water for aquaculture.
- Electricity supply
+ To accelerate investment and putting into operation hydropower factories of Ba Ha, Krong Nang. Investing several new hydropower factories on rivers of Ba, Ky Lo. To encourage development of small hydropower projects, wind power, suitable new energy forms to serve regions which can not access national grid. Attracting investment in thermo-electricity factories with huge capacity.
+ To continue to raise capacity of existing transformer stations and investing in new transformer stations to meet electricity demand for production in the whole province.
+ To encourage development of small hydropower factories under appropriate investment forms to serve the people in remote areas. Striving to complete national grid investment in 100% of villages and hamlets to hit a goal that approximately 100% of households have electricity before 2020.
-Information technology, radio and television
To invest deeply in system of information and telecommunication, radio and television. Rapidlydeveloping public and specialized telecommunicationsnetworkswithmodern and advance techniquestoperform multi services digitalnetworks, broadband personalcommunication network, high-speedInternet network. Developing cultural post office in communes, universalizing basic post and telecommunicationsservice. By 2015, hitting rate of 50 phone subscribers/100 people and rate of 60 phone subscribers/100 people. By 2015, achieving rate of 15 Internet users/100 people and by 2020this rate is 35-40 Internet subscribers/100 people; 100% of households have audiovisual facilities.
- Clean water supply system
+ By 2015, all of urban areas in the province have factories of supplying clean water for consumption and production. By 2020, 80% of rural population have clean water. By 2020, ensuring that 100% of population will be supplied clean water for living.
+ To invest fully system of supplying clean water in city of Phan Rang -Thap Cham. Improving capacity of clean water factories in townships of La Hai, Hai Rieng, Chi Thanh, Cung Son, Phu Hoa and Song Cau to 8,000-10,000 m3/day and night. Building new clean water factories in Hoa Vinh with a capacity of 8,000-10,000 m3/day and night, in new townships of Phu Thu, Son Long (Van Hoa) and Xuan Loc ward with a capacity of 3,000-5,000 m3/day and night. Investing in construction of new clean water factory with a capacity of over 200,000 m3/day and night in 2015 and 300,000 m3/day and night in 2020 to serve south Ninh Thuan economic zone and other areas.
+ To invest wells in smallresidential areas and fully worked-out system of supplying clean watertohouseholds in concentrated residential areas andcentral areas of towns and township on basis ofexploitation of clean water resourcesin accordancecharacteristics of eachdistrictin theprovince.
- Sewerage and sanitation
To upgrade, renovate and build system of drainage sewer and canal. Constructing separately wastewater drainage system and storm water drainage system. Constructing drainage pumping stations, wastewater treatment stations in industrial parks, hospitals, manufacturing units. All of hazardous liquid wastes will be treated locally before being discharged into general system. Ensuring 100% of urban area having system of drainage, wastewater and garbage treatment; 100% of production units have waste treatment systems or have means to carry waste to general waste treatment zones.
Urban infrastructure
To invest in building a complete infrastructure in existing urban areas, new urban areas. Constructing Phan Rang - Thap Cham city to become city of grade II, ecology urban city, playing role as a center of politics, economy, culture, science and technology, tourism and services; transport and exchange hub in the province; at the same time, a major transport hub of south central coastal region and Central Highlands. Setting up centers of industry, services, education and training, science and technology. Upgrading Song Cau district, Dong Hoa district to be towns. Completing construction of townships of new districts (Phu Hoa, Phu Thu, Hoa Vinh); constructing urban area of south  Phan Rang - Thap Cham and new tourism and industrial urban chain, in coastal districts and cities, township of Van Hoa in new district of Van Hoa, townships of Hoa Hiep Trung, An My.
- Material facilities of education and training
+ To continue to invest in upgrading school system. By 2015, 30% of pre-school, 70% of primary school, 50% of junior high schools, 50% of secondary schools achieves national standards; by 2020, 100% of secondary schools in the province hits national standards and all of schools have enough classrooms to learn 2 sessions/day/class.
+ To invest in Ninh Thuan university; developing toward multidisciplinary, multi-level, becoming center of training and scientific research in the province and the region. Supporting and investing in upgrading construction college No. 3, Phan Rang - Thap Cham industry college to university; expanding and upgrading sub-institute of Banking Academy, upgrading health school to health college and then becoming medicine faculty of university of Ninh Thuan. Creating favorable conditions for investors to open private universities and vocational schools for training high quality human resources.
+ To invest in vocational training college, upgrading vocational training center of Son Hoa district to become school of vocational training for ethnic minority youth. After 2015, vocational training centers of other districts will be upgraded and developed to become vocational training schools.
- Material facilities of health
 + To complete basically construction of central general hospital of the province in 2015, early completing construction of general hospital in north area. Setting up specialized hospitals: maternity, pediatric, eye, and dermatology, building other new health centers, stations. Creating favorable conditions for investors to open high quality private hospital. Striving to 2015, communal medical stations achieves national standards.            
+ To continue to invest in upgrading and expanding district hospitals. Supplementing equipment to improve operation quality of communes and ward’s medical stations. Developing preventive health system at provincial level and district level which have sufficient material facilities and equipment to meet demand of disease prevention and environmental sanitation.
- Material facilities of culture, sports
To continue to invest in and use efficiently cultural institutions. By 2020: 100% of villages and hamlets have cultural house (or gathering point of public culture) and public bookshelves; 100% of communes, wards and townships have a library or reading room, cultural houses; 100% of cities, districts, towns have cultural center, center of cultural - sports, libraries, children entertainment zones, parks. Completing provincial cultural institutions: museums, historical cultural relic zone, central cultural house, conference – exhibition center, theaters, composers, libraries, parks and entertainment zones for children. Constructing new sport center of the province under approved plans.
6. Science, technology and environmental protection
- To promote basic investigation, focusing on basic research of Ba river basin and social studies under orientation of meeting requirements of socio - economic development and advantage fields of Ninh Thuan province. Applying scientific and technological achievements into production, increasing economic development possibilities. Investing deeply, changing gradually old technology with modern technology. Preventing and handling strictly cases of importing and using technology causing environmental pollution. Using widespread new technology, equipment, new information technology in leadership, management, training experts, skilled workers, education, enhancing intellectual standard of the people and cultural exchange.
- To continue to prevent pollution, strengthening biodiversity conservation, focusing on suitable, saving use of natural resources and improving environment, developing friendly environment industries.  
- Establishing regulations on inspecting, protecting environment and preserving natural landscape. Paying attention on environmental protection in industrial zones, urban areas, coastal environment. Having mechanisms to encourage investment in construction of waste treatment factories with new technology in city of Phan Rang - Thap Cham, communes and towns.
7. National defense - security
To maintain firmly political stability and ensuring social order and safety, ready to deal with peaceful evolution plot of hostile forces to serve socio-economic development. Strengthening and building national defense posture associating with strong security posture. Building strong, comprehensive armed forces, ensuring combat readiness. Focusing on completing construction of defense projects on schedule and as approved plan. Investing in and equipping with enough equipment, vehicles to ensure armed forces operating effectively, protecting well territorial sovereignty and domestic security and participating in search and rescue activities.
IV. Spatial, territorial development plan
1. Orientation of using land
- To focus on exploiting, putting land of treeless hill, wild land into use; protecting, managing and using effectively available forest land.
- To ensure priority for food security tasks, forming areas of industrial plants; Raising coefficient of land use and soil fertility, limiting recession pollution. Arranging rationally structure of agricultural land; reserving land for industrial development, tourism, formation of industrial clusters, residential area, new tourism urban area, economic zones.
- To develop urban systems in consistent with process of economic restructuring. Preparing land, infrastructure for establishing new urban areas and expanding existing urban areas.
- To use land to meet requirement of specialized using land, requirements of cultural, socio-economic development and ensuring land for national security and defense. When exploiting and using land, it should pay attention on protecting environment, fighting against degradation, soil pollution, using stably and sustainably; combining short term and long term objectives of using land.
2. Socio-economic development orientation of areas
- Sea and coastal area: this is driving force economic area of the province with strategic significance on economy, national defense and security.
To develop synthetically marine economic, constructing synchronously and modernizing infrastructure such as transport, warehouses, wharves, ports, creating leverage to promote regional economic development. Preserving marine environment and solving social problems of coastal areas to meet requirements of industrialization and modernization.
- Delta region: this region has potentials of labor, invested infrastructure. Development orientation of this region: focusing on intensive cultivation of food crops, livestock and farming clean, high quality agricultural products, short-term industrial crops, fruit trees, flowers and ornamental trees. Forming specialized cultivation production area, area of production of goods, supplying raw materials for processing industry.
To develop rural industry and small scale industry. Forming small and medium scale units of processing industry, developing traditional villages, diversifying products and developing service, playing role as satellite units for huge enterprises, creating jobs for laborers. Developing forms of rural village tourism, handicraft village tourism, associating with travel of sea, mountains.
- Midland, mountainous area: afforesting, constructing areas of specializing in cultivating industrial trees, fruit trees, cattle ranching, industry of processing of agricultural and forest products; freshwater aquaculture, developing farming economic; building and expanding models of agricultural production combining with production of hill gardens, forest gardens at appropriate scale. Developing rubber, arranging experimental stations and variety gardens, building factories of processing rubber latex. Constructing concentrated industrial clusters in rural areas. Giving priority to investment in factories of processing agricultural products, forest products, exploiting and processing minerals in mountainous areas.
To develop mountainous tourism associating with ethnic culture, natural scenery, combining to form tours of connecting coastal region and provinces in central highland. Constructing plateau of Van Hoa, Ba Ha river lake, Song Hinh lake to be resort center, complexes of Ninh Thuan province. Building culture tourism villages of ethnic minorities.
3. Orientation of adjusting administrative boundaries
When meeting full of criteria, it will consider establishment of a new district in Van Hoa area.
4. Development orientation of urban system
By 2020, urban network of the province includes 01 cities, 02 towns and 09 townships; developing Phan Rang - Thap Cham city to become urban area grade II in a period of 2015 - 2016; developing Song Cau district to be urban area grade IV by 2020; developing Dong Hoa district to be an industrial town grade IV in a period of 2019 – 2020. Developing new townships: Phu Thu (Tay Hoa district); Hoa Dinh Dong (Phu Hoa district); Hoa Vinh, Hoa Hiep Trung (becoming two wards of Dong Hoa town); Van Hoa (new district) and An My (Tuy An district). Preparing necessary conditions for development of townships of Cung Son and Hai Rieng to be towns after 2020.
V. Several key measures of implementing plan
1. Investment solutions
It is expected that total amount of investment capital in a period of 2011 - 2020 is about VND 253,000 billion. Out of which, it is about VND 12,700 billion/year in a period of 2011-2015 and about VND 38,000 billion/year in a period of 2016 - 2020.
To develop and promulgate a list of projects calling for investment to 2020, focusing on following fields: building essential infrastructure,  intensive-labor and local material used industrial projects, project of tourism services, project, projects of high-tech agriculture, afforestation, manufacturing product export, investment projects in region having great potential in mountainous districts; projects of waste, wastewater treatment; projects of energy, infrastructure of concentrated industrial parks.
To expand investment projects under forms of BOT, BT, BTO ... Diversifying forms of mobilizing capital; boosting administrative reform in field of investment; supporting existing investors to implement well registered projects and fulfill timely, specifically the State’s policies and in consistent with characteristics of the province.
To maximize investment capital sources from the State budget, enlisting investment capital ministries, central agencies, credit capital and national target programs to invest in key, necessary decisive fields.
2. Solutions of training and attracting human resources
To improve quality and effectiveness of training human resources to solve problem of high skilled labor shortage. Promoting vocational training, arranging school network, training center, improving quality of training to meet requirement of human resource in consistent with socio-economic structure of the province.
To promote socialization of training, encouraging all economic sectors to participate in vocational training, job introduction services. Supporting, building capacity of training center and job introduction centers. Having preferential mechanisms and policies to attract the talents and high skilled labor to work permanently in the province.
3. Solution of improving administrative management capacity
To boost administrative reform, solving rapidly administrative procedures among departments, agencies, districts and cities. Creating most favorable conditions in addressing administrative procedures. Reforming tasks of management and exploitation of project after being granted investment license. Reforming administrative procedures in housing fields, minimizing administrative procedures and administrative intervention in transactions on real estate market. Equipping fully technical, material facilities of administrative agencies, building capacity of cadre, civil servants.
4. Solutions on development of science and technology, efficient use of natural resources and environmental protection
Applied research and deployment are priority direction to renovate technology with structure of many different levels. Increasing investment in basic investigation to increase effective contribution of science and technology to economic sector. Investing in development of science and technology to create a breakthrough in productivity, quality of products. Constructing and developing potential of science and technology in the province, focusing on biotechnology, information technology, marine science and technology.
To exploit, use effectively natural resources: plan on socio-economic development must be linked to protection of natural resources and ecological environment to ensure sustainable development objectives. In balancing annual budget of the State, giving priority to waste, wastewater treatment projects and environmental protection projects.
5. Solutions on market development
To develop strongly domestic market, focusing more on rural and remote areas. Improving goods consumption capacity of farmers. Implementing consumption stimulus measures to increase consumption of products. Having plans to train talented businessmen to seek and expand markets, strengthening and stabilizing existing export markets and looking for new export markets.
To develop synchronously all kinds of market, creating a healthy competitive environment for investors. Gradually forming real estate market, capital market, labor export market, science and technology market which are appropriate to requirements of international economic integration.
To implement diversification of labor export market development. Developing network of enterprises taking part in labor export, creating favorable conditions for rural residential to access and have jobs.
6. Development of economic sectors
To create favorable conditions to support development of economic sectors in the province, creating clear, united, equal competition environment for trade and production, regardless to economic sectors. Encouraging development of small and medium-sized enterprises, forming many huge enterprises.
7. Solutions on international, regional cooperation and with other provinces
To strengthen economic cooperation basing on multilateral, bilateral agreements having signed between Vietnam with other countries and international organizations; promoting linkages and cooperation with other provinces to implement the plan to increase strength and create a market for the production of the province.
8. Mechanisms and policies
Besides implementation of current mechanisms, policies, the province should coordinates with central ministries, agencies to research and build new specific mechanisms to submit the Government, the Prime Minister for consideration and decision to apply in order to promote socio-economic development of Ninh Thuan province under its objectives.
To review periodically legal documents of the province in order to ensure uniformity and smoothness and consistent with general provisions of law.
VI. Organizing plan implementation
To base on approved master plan on socio-economic development, agencies and competent authorities build 5-year plans and annual plans ensuring conformity with development orientation of the province. Developing action plans, development programs in each period under orientation of master plan on socio-economic development of the province to 2020.
To announce and publicize the plan in various forms to attract attention of the entire people, domestic and foreign investors to take part in implementation of the plan. Coordinating with central ministries, agencies and other provinces to implement development programs and programs of cooperation for mutual development. Clearly defining responsibility of implementing the plan and testing and supervising implementation of the plan.
This plan is a basis for establishing, submitting for approval and implementing specialized planning, investment projects in the province as prescribed.
People's Committee of Ninh Thuan province basing on objectives, tasks and directions of socio-economic development of the province in master plan shall functions as main implementer, in collaboration with other ministries and agencies to direct establishment, submitting for approval and implementation as prescribed:
- Plan on socio- economic development of districts and towns; plan on development of urban system and residential area, construction plan; land using plan; plans on development of fields and sectors ensure overall and synchronous development.
- To research to build, promulgate under competence or submit the State competence bodies to issue many mechanisms and policies matching development requirements of the province and in consistent with law of the State in each period to attract and mobilize resources for implementation of the plan.
- To set up long-term, medium term and short term plans; key development programs and specific projects to concentratively invest in or gradually giving priority to investment.

- To submit to the Prime Minister for consideration and decision on timely adjusting, supplementing the plan in consistent with situation of socio-economic development of the province and the whole country in each period.



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