Wednesday, October 23,2024 - 4:57 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Quang Tri province 

 Tuesday, April 13,2021

AsemconnectVietnam - Building plans for social-economic development of Quang Tri province to 2020 to evaluate all resources, potential internal resources, external factors which can be mobilized and exploited in the coming years.

I. Overall goal
1. Building plans for social-economic development of Quang Tri province to 2020 to evaluate all resources, potential internal resources, external factors which can be mobilized and exploited in the coming years; review the results of provincial social-economic development in recent years; identify the strengths and limitations, from which setting out the objectives and development-oriented planning for branches and sectors; and regional planning areas, the territory of socio-economic, associated with the task of national defense, security and foreign policy, proposing programs and projects prioritized for investment and development and propose solutions to implement effective planning. Overall planning for social- economic development of Quang Tri province to 2020 also refer to inter-provincial coordination and international integration, especially associated with the development of countries in the Eastern- Western Economic Corridor, in the region and the expanded Mekong sub-region, creating opportunities for rapid integration with the development trend of the country and the world.
2. To accelerate economic growth towards sustainable direction, shortening the gap between incomes per capita over the country. Continuously improve the material land spiritual life  for the people, well dealing with social problems; Incorporate social- economic development to strengthening national defense, security, political stability, and social order and safety, protecting the environment and ecological balance.
3. To promote the strength of all economic sectors and efficient exploitation of the potential domestic resources and provincial comparative advantages for the development. Strengthening economic cooperation domestically and abroad to take advantage of external opportunity to develop, actively and effectively participate in international integration. Accelerate the process of restructuring economic sectors, territories, labor structure towards industrialization and modernization. Continue to improve the infrastructure towards modernization, creating a solid foundation for socio-economic development and investment attraction. Develop urban network in the direction of civilization and modern, creating motivation centers on the territory. Concentrate on improving the quality of human resources in order to meet the requirements of socio-economic development. Continue to promote the task of poverty alleviation, providing jobs for workers, constantly improve the people living standards. Successful implementation of social policy, religious policy, national unity. Pay attention to develop career health, education, culture and sport to enhance the spiritual life and welfare of the people, pushing back social evils. Incorporates the social- economic development with national defense-security and protection of ecological environment.
II. Development goals
1. Economy
- Strive for GDP period 2011 - 2015 increased from 11.5% to 12.5% per year, the period 2016-2020 increased from 12.5 to 13.5% per year; - GDP Income per head in 2015 increased by more than two times higher than in 2010 (32 million) and 2020 increased more than 2 times higher than in 2015 (69 million);
- To restructure the economy towards industrialization and modernization, by 2015 the proportion of industry accounts for 49%, services 31% and agriculture 20%, by 2020 the proportion of the three areas respectively 56%, 31% and 13%;
- The value of export turnover in 2015 reached 80-100 million and reached 170-200 million by 2020; - The rate of mobilization of the budget by about 20% of GDP in 2015 and about 22% in 2020;
- To mobilize capital for social development (HH Price) from 2009 to 2020 period from 160-180 trillion, of which the period 2011-2015 from 45-50 trillion, the period from 2016 to 2020 from 105 - 120 trillion.
2. Society:
- Reduce the rate of natural population increase to below l, 0% in the period 2011-2020. Percentage urban population reached about 33% in 2015 and 40% in 2020;
- Reduce the poverty rate (by standard from 2006 to 2010) to less than 15% in 2010; from 2010 onwards, from 2.5 to 3% of poor households;
- Strive to create new jobs every year for over 8,000 workers; keep the unemployment rate in urban areas at below 4% in the period 2011 to 2020;
- Increase the percentage of trained workers reached 40% in 2015, including job training 33%, the above rates of the corresponding year 2020 reached 50% and 44%;
- By 2015 basically complete the universalization of secondary education. Up to 2015, 100% primary school; 60% of public kindergartens and secondary schools, senior secondary schools to reach national standards and reached100% by 2020;
- By 2015, 100% commune health stations have doctors, 100% communes meets national standard of health, with 8 doctors and 25 hospital beds for a ten thousand people; in 2020 strives to have 10 doctors and 28 hospital beds for a ten thousand people. Reduce the rate of malnourished children under 5 to below 17% in 2015 and below 15% in 2020;
- The average telephone density reached 50 telephones per 100 people in 2015 and over 80 telephones per 100 people in 2020. Development rate of high speed internet subscriber in the period 2011 - 2015 reached 26.7% /year and after 2015 the entire needs of the people using Intemet meet 95%;
- By 2015,  90% of the villages and 95% of families recognized cultural ones and by 2020 basically complete the objective of building cultural families and villages. By 2015, 27% of the population exercise sport regularly, 16-17% of families meeting the standard of sport family and by 2020, 30-32% of the population exercise regularly sports, 19-21% of family meeting the standard of sport family.
3. Environment:
- By 2015, 95% of urban population and 90% of rural population using clean water with sanitation standards; by 2020 the above norms reached 100% and 95%;
- Improving forest cover to 48% in 2015 and reached over 50% in 2020, increasing the area of trees in cities and other towns of the province;
- By 2015 the newly-building manufactories must be applied with clean technology or be equipped with devices which meet the standards of reducing environmental pollution.
- By 2015, 100% of towns, industrial complex, economic zones, tourism- service zones to be equipped with wastewater and rainwater drainage system. After 2015 continued to build waste water and rain water drainage systems in newly- building urban areas, the industrial clusters, economic zones, and the service-tourism zones.
- By 2015 100% urban, the industrial clusters, the economic zones, the tourism-service zones meet the standards of waste treatment and collection; 100% of hazardous industrial wastes, medical wastes to be managed and processed. By 2020, continued to maintain the objectives achieved and strive to collect and process 100% of household garbage.
III. The key points speeding up provincial development
- Key point 1: Promote industrial development with high growth, from which motivate the development of the entire economy;
- Key point 2: Create a great development step on business system, economic cooperatives; develop commercial, tourism and services; increase contribution to the economy, create more jobs and increase people income.
- Key point 3: Develop agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the direction of commodity production, intensive farming, using advanced technology, clean technology associated with the processing industry, ensuring food security in the area, associated with preserving the ecological environment and ensure sustainable development;
- Key point 4: Construct uniformly the infrastructure, develop urban network towards modernization, creating a solid foundation for the following development steps;
- Key point 5: Pay attention to investment into some social sectors such as: improving the quality of human resources; improving capacity and quality of medical examination and treatment of health facilities; complete the cultural – sport institutions; promote the application of science and technology; administrative reform, improving the effectiveness and performance of the apparatus of state management.
IV. Development orientation of sectors and fields
1. Development orientation of agriculture, forestry, fishery and rural construction. The economics of agriculture, forestry and fisheries are an important economic sector, with major role in ensuring food security, poverty alleviation, protecting ecological environment and maintaining social- political stability. Comprehensively develop agriculture in direction of modernization, sustainable commodity production with high quality, efficiency and competitive ability; ensure food security in both short and long term. Building new rural  areas with economic infrastructure of modern society, in accordance with national standards for new rural areas.
- Maintaining the growth rate of production value in agriculture, forestry and fisheries in the planning period reached an average 4 - 4.5% / year;
- Ensure food security based on the expansion and maintenance of stable rice-cultivated area of 46-47 thousand hectares and increase investment  into intensive cultivation, apply science- technology and new varieties to increase productivity, quality and production efficiency;
- Increase high-quality rice area reached 15,000 ha in 2015 and about 18,000 to 20,000 ha in 2020; - By 2015, strives for rubber area reached about 19,000 to 20,000 ha and do research to further expand the area in the period after 2015;
- Coffee tree in 2015 to strive to stabilize an area of about 5,000 ha;
- Pepper plant stabilize an area of about 3,000 ha;
- Strongly develop breeding towards industrial, semi-industrial; livestock concentrated in the direction of farms, family farms and ensure safety from epidemics. Strive for breeding proportion in agricultural production value reached 35% in 2015 and about 40% by 2020;
- Focus on forest protection and development to ensure the objectives of forest cover, promote the development of economic forests; strive for newly planting 4,500 ha of concentrated forest each year. Development Area for Conservation of Nature Bac Huong Hoa, ecological landscape forest named legendary Ho Chi Minh road;
- Develop aquaculture sector to become an powerful economic sector by 2020 making up over 30% of total production value of agriculture, forestry and fisheries. Striving for fishery productivity in 2015 reached 32-33 thousand tons, and 38 thousand tons in 2020. Well-organized logistics services of fishery industry, fish markets; construct the anchorage area for storm shelter at Trieu An.
- Actively prevent natural disasters and climate changes, especially natural disasters, storms, floods, droughts, land subsidence, riverbank erosion ... Plans to actively cope and overcome problems of natural disasters, minimize the damage caused by natural disasters and climate change.  
2. Industrial development orientation: Strongly promote industrial development to create a driving force for economic growth, creating the foundation for the industrialization process. Increase investment into infrastructure of the industrial clusters, attracting large investment projects to create strategic industrial base in the province. Striving industrial production value increased from 18-19% / year in the period 2011-2020, the large investment directions include:
- To study the construction of Gas-Power-Fertilizer and processing of gas products from burning gas when gas mines at Quang Tri water area are exploited;
- Research to build thermal power plants with coal. Continue to call for investment in small hydroelectric power system as per planning approved;
- Early construction of cement factory at Cam Tuyen with a capacity of 35 thousand tons and expand production scale as needed; continue research and development of cement projects with scale from 1 million tons/year. Research the production of cement additives which are available in the province.
- Construct factories producing tuy-nen bricks, non-heated bricks, types of roof-slab such as: iron one, non-asbestos one, cement reinforced fiberglass one, non-ferrous metals one, cement-sand tile (Ro man).
- Exploiting the coastal silicate mines associated with the processing of glass products, crystal, high-quality wall paving material. Exploitation of minerals must be associated with protection of the ecological environment and associated with the processing of commodity products, and gradually restrict and stop the export of raw products according to regulations;
- To promote the implementation of Beer project in Quan Ngang industrial zone. Calling for investment into projects of producing mineral water, purified water, fresh water in the province;
- Continue exploration and exploitation of A Vao original gold mines with industrial scale  as per exploration and mining planning which have been approved throughout the country;
- Implement key mechanical projects such as: dragging high-quality steel, producing spare parts for motorcycles and bicycles; assembling light trucks; repairing and newly building types of ship in Cua Viet;
- Continue research on investment in industrial manufactories which are capable of creating more jobs, producing goods for export such as garments, footwear, assembly of electrical, electronics, refrigeration ...; - Pay attention to the implementation of agricultural, forestry, fisheries processing projects such as: Processing of rubber, coffee; cassava; food processing; processing of animal products, aquatic products, producing food for breeding; producing household timber and furniture; resin processing, ...;
- To complete the planning of Economic Zone in southeast of Quang Tri and put into planning of the economic zone system of the country before 2010; focus on calling for investment and strive to basically complete the construction before 2020.
- By 2010, complete the construction of infrastructure and investment attraction into over 50% area of Nam Dong Ha Industrial Zone and Quan Ngang Industrial Zone (Stage 1). After 2010, continue the construction of infrastructure of Quan Ngang Industrial Park (Stage 2), Hai Lang Industrial Zone, Bac Ho Xa, Road No.9  and striving to attract investment into over 60% area by 2015; over 80% area by 2020.
In which:
- Nam Dong Ha Industrial Zone: retain the current scale (99ha), no further development and expansion; only orient  investment into clean industries;
 - Quan Ngang Industrial Park: By 2010 investment into stage 1 with a scale of 139 ha; after 2010 continue to expand area to 205 hectares;
- Hai Lang Industrial Park: being set up on the basis of planning, expanding the Dien Sanh trade village Industrial Complex; today scale up to 150 hectares;
- Bac Ho Xa Industrial Park: planning area scale to build industrial zone is between 140-150 ha;
- Road 9 Industrial Park: planning area scale to build industrial zone between 80-100 ha. Focus on construction to complete the infrastructure and investment attraction into available industrial clusters, research planning and gradually build new industrial clusters in order to meet the investment needs in the area.
3. Development orientation of trade, services, tourism:
The dvelopment of provincial trade, services, tourism must be associated with development orientation of East-West economic corridor to promote rapidly socio-economic development and better serve people life. The key development orientations are as below:
- Develop Dong Ha, Lao Bao Special Trade – Economic Zone to become trade Centers, places of exchange and trading goods and services between North Central Area and Coastal Central and the countries on the East-West Economic Corridor;
- Building infrastructure to meet the necessary conditions for establishing La Lay  Border Gate Economic Zone in 2015 or earlier.;
- Develop systems of gasoline stores in the direction of modernization, civilization and trading general goods & services; firstly focus on development in  the East-West economic corridor;
- Focus on investment and development of market system, rural markets following the development planning of the market system has been approved;
- Planning and constructing the rest stops with displaying and selling local products; Constructing civilized and modern goods distribution centers, commercial centers, supermarkets for wholesale and retail on the East-West Economic Corridor;
- Develop network of warehouses, terminals and yards, logistic services to meet the demand for transit goods, temporary import for re-export, processing, recycling, packaging products, spare parts and container;
- Research to build port for containers transshipment in Dong Ha or surrounding areas to promote the transport of goods by road and railway from Bangkok to Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and vice versa; - Develop transportation services, warehousing and loading & discharging services, especially international shipping lines, inter-provincial and provincial lines. Research and develop bus system in urban lines and on national highways connecting the cities;
- Strongly develop the Post -Telecommunication services towards diversity, modernization and convenience. Focus on developing new services such as paying pensions, payment, collection, e-Postal based services; to expand the Post Telecommunication services to the localities.
- Improve operational efficiency and competitiveness of the financial and bank credit system. Create diversified development on banking services, providing modern services to meet the needs of socio-economic development and social integration. Construct securities depository centers to provide information and create conditions for organizations and individuals involved in the stock market; - Developing new types of services to meet the diverse needs of the market, especially modern & high-quality types of service such as: scientific-technical-computing-technology transfer, counseling service, insurance ...;
- To accelerate the development of tourism based on the effective exploitation of the provincial potentialities. Develop some attractive tourism services which brings provincial specific characteristics and make it become a big brand. Focus on the construction of infrastructure and strive to make Cua Viet, Cua Tung, Con Co Tourism Sites became the National Ecotourism Sites. Construct Con Co to become a tourism island. Closely co-operate with tourism sector in the Central Area and in other countries on the East-West economic Corridor to develop domestic and international tourism routes.
4. Development orientation of infrastructure systems:
+ Transport system:
- Building the North-South highway routes to the East and to the West, Cam Lo-Lao Bao Highway according to national planning;
- Construct and upgrade national roads up to 2020 includes 6 routes:  Highway No.1A, Highway No.9, especially Ho Chi Minh Road- East branch (Including Cam Lo-Tuy Loan),Ho Chi Minh Road- West branch, coastal roads, corridors road in the border and upgrade  DT.571 to Highway;
- Upgrade and expand the entire provincial roads to meet level IV standard with the rate of paving asphalt, cement concrete 100%. Construct the road connecting Highway No.1A and My Thuy port and big bridge such as: Cua Viet, Bac Phuoc, Vinh Phuoc, Dai Loc, Ba Buoi, Chau Thi, An Tiem, the bridge over Hieu river (on Le Thanh Tong street - Dong Ha town), Hoong Coc bridge, Hoi Yen 1, Hoi Yen 2, bridge over Thach Han river (on Quang Trung Street - Quang Tri Town);
- Regarding urban transportation: Continue to upgrade Dong Ha road network to meet standards of urban roads type III, type II planning; improve the roads on the banks of the river Hieu. Strengthen and upgrade the system of roads in remaining towns.
- By 2015, complete paving asphalt and concrete for 50% length of district roads, commune roads and strives for 80% to 2020. Continue to implement the program of solidifying rural transportation, striving for solidifying 60% length of rural roads to 2015 and over 80% to 2020;
- Planning and developing 4 bus stations to meet standards from level 1 to level 2;
- Planning and developing a system of inner-provincial car stations to meet standards from category 4 to category 6;
- Development of railway network in accordance with the strategy of developing national railway. Upgrade Dong Ha Railway Station to meet standards of level 2 station. Research on construction of railway near Lao Bao- My Thuy Highway on the East-West economic corridor and connected to North-South Railway line;
- Complete the construction planning of Quang Tri airport in Quan Ngang and put it into the development planning of Vietnamese airport system before 2010; promote the construction and strive to basically complete it by 2020;
- Complete the construction planning of My Thuy seaport  and put it into the development planning of Vietnam seaport system before 2010; actively calling for investment and strive to basically complete it by 2020. Expand and adjust the flow of ships to Cua Viet port, increasing capacity to 800,000 tons per year; Building infrastructure system to develop the Cua Viet- Con Co- Cua Tung shipping route.
+ Power supply system:
- Develop 500KV, 220KV Grid according to national electricity planning schemes including: building electrical circuit No.1-  220 KV line from Hue-Dong Hoi to supply electricity to the province through TBA 220KV Dong Ha (1x 125MVA) before 2010; from 2011 to 2015 to build electrical circuit No.2- 220KV line from Hue-Dong Hoi and add machine No.2 (1x 125MVA) at TBA Dong Ha; from 2016 to 2020 build 220KV transmission line – Cua Tung branch and installing TBA 220KV Station (2x 125MVA) in Cua Tung; - Depending on the progress and potential load capacity to develop 220 KV Grid and TBA 220KV in industrial zones, economic zones, border economic zones ... Modernize gradually the grid system in cities and towns to limit the bad effects to landscape and urban environment;
- Continue investment to renovate and upgrade the grid system in the locality; focus on the development of grid system or research new energy sources to provide electricity to the villages which are lack of electricity. Build solar power plants to provide Con Co island district completed before 2015.
+ Information and Communication:
- By 2010, develop postal infrastructure with modern technology to keep pace with other provinces in the country, ensuring 100% of communes having letter delivery service. By 2015 commune cultural post offices will offer most of postal services that provided by post office; most of villages, village clusters having essential post services, ensuring the daily delivery of letters to Con Co island. After 2015, continue to improve the postal network, widely used automatic technology to the exploitation and computerize all postal stages;
- Strongly develop telecommunications network to meet the communications requirements with large capacity, high speed, low cost. By 2010, strive for telecom criteria to meet the moderate good level of the country. By 2015, 100% of communes have cable to the center; all Internet subscribers with broadband; ensuring Internet environment to develop administrative services, e-commerce services...; step by step underground cable network in the town, downtown and district centers. After 2015 continue to develop all telecommunication application fields, improving the quality of telecommunications in rural areas with quality and diversified services similar to those of urban areas;
- Step by step to build the system of multi-channel cable television, radio and interactive TV, TV on demand. Make investment to modernize infrastructure, technology of television and broadcasting; consolidate and upgrade equipments and increase serve capacity of the stations in the province, districts and towns.
+ Irrigation System: Continue upgrading irrigation works, constructing new irrigation works in the hill areas and mountainous areas. To fully exploit the irrigation capacity of the irrigation works up to 2020 to ensure stability of irrigation for 85% of cultivated area of rice, to widen the irrigation area for crops, industrial plants and aquatic breeding. Building dyke systems to prevent flood, erosion and prevent saltwater in coastal and riverside areas. Continue to implement the program of solidifying canals and construct large irrigation projects such as Sa Lung, La Nga channel, upgrading Nam Thach Han irrigation system, dykes system against flood in Hai Lang, Da Mai- Tan Kim lake, Ha Thuong Lake, the sea dyke systems ... Speeding up the implementation rate of investment projects on small irrigation systems in mountainous areas. Focus on developing irrigation systems serving aquatic breeding and crops cultivation ... according to orientation of structure conversion of plants and animals in the province.
+ Water supply: Continue to upgrade water supply plants, expand the water supply pipe systems in order to effectively exploit the full capacity of water plants. Implement water supply projects for 4 urban areas of Lao Bao Khe Sanh, Dong Ha, Quang Tri and Cua Viet; setting up pipe network at Ai Tu-Dong Ha-Quang Tri, Dong Ha- Gio Linh-Cua Viet, Dong Ha-Cam Lo, Khe Sanh-Lao Bao to expand the fresh water supply network to rural areas where having water pipes through; implement water supply projects for the newly established urban areas, new economic zones, border-gate economic zones, industrial parks, service-tourism sites. Focus on the Implementation of fresh water supply and rural sanitation programs, combining with the implementation of water treatment measures to ensure the clean water source for rural areas.
5. Development orientation of social sectors:
+ Development of the population, sources of human labor, jobs and poverty reduction:
 - Stable population size of the province in 2015 about 700 thousand and about 750 thousand people in 2020. The rate of urban population accounts for 33% in 2015 and about 40% by 2020;
 - Forecasting the number of working-age people with employment needs in 2015 about 333 thousand and about 358 thousand by 2020. Ability to create jobs in the provincial economy potentials in 2015 about 323 thousand and about 349 thousand in 2020. Creating job orientation is to promote social- economic development to create jobs in the locality, at the same time providing labors to work outside province and labor for export. Strive to create new jobs every year for over 8,000 workers;
- Continue to pay special attention to poverty reduction, ensuring the necessary infrastructure for the extremely difficult communes; successfully implement Project of sustainable poverty reduction in Dakrong district (Project for 61 poor districts). Basically improve living standard of the poor, creating good conditions for the poor accessing to basic social services.
+ Education and Training:
- Develop education and training at all study level; reasonably expand the scale and the distribution of schools and classes networks depending on the learning needs in each locality; improve education and training quality. Combining education development with training-oriented human resource development and restructuring of provincial economy towards industrialization, modernization and international integration. Promote socialization, proceed to build a learning society, create opportunities for people studying to improve their knowledge.
- Building infrastructure of education system towards standardization, providing sufficient classrooms and convenient for children in the whole province. Continue to renovate teaching and learning methods to promote the creativity and self-training capacity of students; focus on practice in learning, foreign and apply informatics technology in teaching and learning. Continue to raise the rate of students being educated. Develop ethnic boarding schools, and present education centers; establish two new general technical-vocational centers in Vinh Linh, Dakrong and some other areas according to the direction of National education development;
- Increase the size of professional intermediate enrollment annually from 15-20%; Upgrading the Medical high school to become the College of Medical; High School of Agriculture and Rural Development to become the College of Engineering-Economic; High school of technical worker and transportation professions to become High school of transportation professions; General Vocational School into Vocational College prior to 2015. Ensure all conditions for the establishment of Technical University of Quang Tri, under Hue University in 2015; After 2015 upgrade Quang Tri Teaching College to become  Quang Tri teaching university.
+ Medical and public Health care:Building a health system which can meet the increasing and diversified needs of health care of the people. Ensure all people being supplied with health care services and access to high quality health services.
- Complete the planning and the construction of Provincial General Hospital with 500-700 beds meeting national standard before 2015; Construct Traditional Medicine Hospital; Upgrading Cua Tung nursing and rehabilitation Hospital; Upgrading Health Management Center for medical staff; Speeding up the construction of District General Hospital with the TPCP capital resources and central aids. Gradually implement national standards for health care in communes.
- To improve network of provincial preventive medicine; building 04 new centers include: cosmetic-drug- pharmaceutical testing center, medical Quarantine center at Lao Bao, Center for Anti-HIV / AIDS, Center for Anti-social diseases. Newly building Hospitals  of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Renovate and upgrade three centers include: Provincial Center for Preventive Medical, Media Center for health education, Center for Reproductive Health Care.
+ Culture-sport:
- Complete the investment  and embellishment on historical monument system according to the approved plan; pay attention to key monuments such as the Ancient Citadel of Quang Tri, Vinh Moc tunnels, Revolutionary Government Area of the Republic of South Vietnam; manage to protect 100% of historic relics and landscapes;
- Up to 2015, strive for building full cultural and sports institutions at provincial level : The sport  complex, multi-purpose Stadium, synthesis swimming pool, stadiums, libraries, cultural centers, museums, parks, cinemas, fairs and exhibitions center meeting districts standard; building  a number of key institutions such as: the Library, the traditions house, the cultural house, the sports competition centers, stadiums, parks, amusement parks for the elderly and children. 100% of communes in the plains and 80% of communes in mountainous  having cultural and sports areas;
- Successfully organize the festival activities in the area. Improve the scale of National festival (30 / 4) and Asia connecting festival to the national level.
+ Implement the religion and ethnicity policies; science and technology development, protect environmental resources. Successful implementation of policies on religion and ethnicity. Ensuring the  freedom on  religious beliefs of the people. Pay attention to the implementation of priority policies for ethnic minorities people and the ethnic minorities areas.
- Promote the development of science and technology to create breakthroughs in productivity and product quality; Developing science and technology associated with effectively serving provincial socio-economic development;
- Management, exploitation and efficient use of all sources of natural resources; protect to reduce the impact of urbanization process to the environment; promote the application of clean technologies into economic sectors of the province.
+ Ensure security and national defense: Strengthen the national defense and security; protect national sovereignty and territorial integrity, ensure political security and stability of social order and safety; combine social- economic development planning with ensuring national defense and security in each sector, fields and localities.
 V. Development orientation on the territory
 1. Urban network development orientation
- Dong Ha City: being provincial urban capital, complete upgrading to the city level in 2009 and to type-2 urban city before 2020. Developing space of Dong Ha urban city towards four directions and considering Hieu River as center axis;
- Quang Tri Town: nowadays develop and upgrade Quang Tri town to category-3 city after 2015. - Upgrade Lao Bao Special EconomicType-4 urban city before 2015 and category 3 urban city before 2020; - Upgrading Ho Xa district town to category 4 urban city before 2015;
- townships Network: By 2020, the whole province has 13 category-5 townships, including 08 present ones:  KrongKlang, Cam Lo, Hai Lang, Ai Tu, Gio Linh, Cua Viet, Ben Quan,  Cua Tung and 05 newly- established ones : Bo Ban, My Thuy, Ta Rut, A Tuc, Huong Phung.
2. The development Orient of territories, including:
- Mountain Areas: Combine commercial, services, tourism, industrial development with developing economic zones, border gate areas. Setting up areas of concentrated industrial plants; afforestation and breeding. Paying Special attention to cultivation & living settlement, building new economic zones, poverty reduction and implementation of policies for ethnic minorities;
- Delta area: Orient to build the professional production areas of rice farming, rubber, pepper, peanuts; strongly develop  cattle and poultry breeding, family farms. develop Industry on the basis of promoting and attracting investment into the industrial clusters; develop Commercial and services on the basis of developing the urban system. Focusing on protecting the environment of urban and industrial zones; develop rural industries to create jobs for farmers;
- Coastal area and Con Co island : orient to create a general development on the basis of exploiting the sea potentials such as: exploiting and breeding aquaculture, marine and port services, fisheries logistics; island ecotourism. Pay attention to improve the environment, protecting ocean resources, building ecological coastal villages. General development of agriculture, forestry, fisheries, industry, services for poverty reduction for the coastal population.
3. Development of economic corridors and provincial particular territory
- Orient to develop 04 provincial economic corridors including:
 + Road No.9 corridor: along national highway no.9 from Lao Bao to Cua Viet.
+ Highway No.1A Corridor: along national highway No.1A from the Vinh Linh to Hai Lang.
+ Coastal Corridor: Along coastal roads planning of the country from Vinh Thai (Vinh Linh) to Hai Khe (Hai Lang); + Ho Chi Minh Road Corridor: along Ho Chi Minh Road-  West Branch and East Branch (including Cam Lo Tuy Loan routes).
- Development Orientation of 04 provincial particular territories, including:
+ Lao Bao Special Trade Economic Zone;
+ Southern -Eastern Quang Tri Economic Zone;
+ La Lay  border gate Economic Zone;
+ Con Co island district town
VI. The fundamental solutions to  planning implementation:
 Make agreement on eight groups of solutions to implement approved planning including:
+ Mobilization and efficient use of investment capital
+ Improve the quality of human resources;
+ Developing science and technology to create breakthroughs in productivity, product quality, bring about high economic efficiency for the economy;
+ Create favorable conditions for strong development of economic sectors, continue to organize, renovate and develop the provincial state-owned enterprises;
+ Strengthening foreign affairs and domestic cooperation to take advantages of the capital and technology in social -economic development;
+ Continue to improve state-control market institutions, diversify consumer market, focus on developing  both of domestic market and export;
+ Continue to promote administrative reform, improve effectiveness and performance of the apparatus of state management.
+ Organizing and well implementing the overall planning of socio-economic development in the province to 2020.

Long Giang


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