Friday, September 27,2024 - 5:13 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Ha Nam province 

 Monday, March 9,2020

AsemconnectVietnam - To promote internal resources and use effectively all resources to develop socio-economic rapidly and sustainably; building synchronous infrastructure system to be a foundation of socio-economic development toward industrialization and modernization.

1. Development viewpoints, orientations and objectives
1.1. Development viewpoint, direction
a) Development viewpoint:
- Agricultural development plan of Ha Nam province must be linked to agricultural development plan of the whole country, Red river delta, capital region and in line with master plan for socio-economic development and specialized plans and related branches in order to ensure compatibility with strategic orientations, development mechanisms and policies of the country, Red river delta and the province.
- To develop sustainable agriculture in direction of increasing added value to ensure quality, safety and efficiency on basis of exploiting natural conditions of each region (soil, climate, breeding structure, food sources ...) to meet consumption market inside and outside the province.
b) Development orientation:
- Regarding localities and key products:
+ Ly Nhan and Binh Luc districts are two key areas for agricultural and agricultural development in direction of commodity production, focusing on a number of key products such as: high quality rice; concentrated animal products: beef, dairy cows, pigs, poultry.
+ Duy Tien and Thanh Liem districts develop agriculture under direction of agricultural products to supply to urban areas and industrial parks; agricultural development combines with preservation and processing of agricultural products.
+ Kim Bang district develops agriculture in direction of combining agriculture with tourism, developing green agriculture, ecological agriculture for tourism.
+ Phu Ly city develops agriculture in direction of urban agriculture, meaning that scale is not large but mainly typical models of applying science and technology with vegetables, fungi and fruit trees, flowers and plants...
- Regarding mode of production:
+ Production mode of individual households (producers), mainly producing in form of groups, cooperative groups, cooperatives and enterprises.
+ To strengthen linkage between farmer households, groups of households and cooperative groups with cooperatives and enterprises in order to enhance capability to apply scientific and technical advances to production and promote plan on production and consumption of agricultural products.
1.2. Target
a) General objective:
To build an agriculture production in direction of modernity, sustainability and raising added value; restructuring agricultural sector rationally, increasing proportion of processing and services; raise value of products, income and living level of rural workers in general, farmers in particular. Focus on developing some key agricultural products of the province; change mode of production and traditional consumption to method of linking value chain with branded products to meet market demand.
b) Specific objectives:
- By 2020:
+ Average growth rate in a period of 2016-2020 is 3.3% year (at constant prices in 2010).
Agriculture, forestry and fishery: 35.2%, livestock - aquaculture 57.8%, agricultural services 7.0% (at current prices).
+ Value of production on cultivated land: average production value of cultivation is 250 million VND/ha. Average production value of aquaculture is 310 million VND/ha (at current prices).
+ Total area of ​​agricultural land in the province till 2020 is 46,956 ha.
- By 2025:
+ Average growth rate in a period of 2021 - 2025 is about 4.0% / year (in comparison with 2010).
+ Agro-forestry-fishery: Cultivation and forestry 30.0%; livestock - aquaculture 60.0%; agricultural services 10.0% (at current prices).
+ Value of production on arable land: average production value of cultivation is 350 million VND / ha. Average production value of aquaculture is 500 million VND / ha (at current prices).
+ The total area of ​​agricultural land in the province to 2025 is 43,550.0 ha.
- Orientation to 2035:
+ Average growth rate of production value in a period of 2026 - 2035 will be 3.5% / year (at constant 2010 prices).
+ Agro-forestry-fishery: forestry-forestry 25.0%; livestock - aquaculture 64.5%; agricultural services 10.5% (at current prices).
+ Production value on cultivated area: 500 million VND / ha / year (at current prices).
2. Plan on development of agricultural production up to 2025, orientation to 2030
2.1. Cultivation development plan:
a) Rice production: By 2020, planted area for the whole year is 59,300 hectares with productivity of 6.04 tons / ha, output reaches 358,100 tons. By 2025, cultivation area will be 54,700 hectares, productivity will reach 6.05 tons / ha and output will reach 331,000 tons. To concentrate on developing high-yield rice areas with direction of increasing the area to 27,500 hectares by the year 2025, accounting for about 50% of cultivated area; mainly concentrating in the areas of Binh Luc, Ly Nhan, Thanh Liem districts and some communes in districts of Duy Tien, Kim Bang, Phu Ly.
b/ Maize production: To develop production of animal feed, processing and fresh feed for dairy cattle. By 2020, cultivated area will be 9,050 ha, productivity will reach 5.58 tons / ha, output reaches 49,700 tons. By 2025, cultivated area will reach 9,400 hectares, productivity of 58.2 tons / ha, output of about 54,700 tons. Focus on growing maize in riverside areas in Ly Nhan, Kim Bang, Binh Luc and Duy Tien districts.
c) Vegetables and beans: To continue building and expanding cultivated vegetable areas of concentrated scale, creating favorable conditions for boosting investment in production along the direction of efficiently applying scientific and technological advances, producing safe vegetables, high quality vegetables. By 2020, cultivated area is 8,900 ha, productivity is 191,7 tons / ha, output reaches over 170,000 tons. By 2025, the cultivated area will be 10,100 hectares, productivity will reach 207.7 tons / ha, the output reaches 209,800 tons. Layout concentrated production areas in Ly Nhan, Binh Luc and Kim Bang districts.
d) Fruits, flowers, ornamental trees and other plants: to be arranged stably and suitably according to strengths of each locality. To attach importance to development of a number of valuable products which have high demand in market.
2.2. Livestock development plan:
a) Pig breeding: To develop in direction of stabilizing total population along with the gradual increase in the output of sold stalls. By 2020, it will reach 720,000 tons and output of live meat will reach 85,300 tons. By the year 2025, reaching 730,000 units, output of meat hits 95,000 tons. To develop pig production in direction of farms and household farms locating far from residential areas, mainly in Binh Luc and Ly Nhan districts.
b) Breeding buffaloes, beef cows and dairy cows:
- By 2020: total amount of buffaloes in entire province is 3,580 units, output of live meat is 155 tons; 36,000 cows, output of about 2,750 tons; dairy cow population of 15,000 units, milk production of about 72 million liters per year.
- By 2025: number of buffaloes will decrease to 3,350 units with output of about 150 tons; number of beef cow increase to 50,000 units, output is about 4,000 tons; dairy cow size increase to 20,000 units, milk output reaches 100 million liters per year.
- Developing under orientation of concentrated dairy cow in Duy Tien, Ly Nhan, Kim Bang, Thanh Liem districts.
c) Poultry breeding: By 2020, total amount of poultry will reach 7.35 million units and meat production will reach 19,400 tonnes. By year 2025, about 8.05 million units and output of meat is 22,000 tons. Key areas for poultry farming is in Binh Luc, Ly Nhan, Kim Bang and Duy Tien districts; By 2025, rate of concentrated breeding poultry will reach over 70%.
d) Other livestock: Developing new livestock models of bee breeding in districts of Duy Tien, Binh Luc and Kim Bang; snake in Duy Tien district. Develop goats to build Ha Nam mountain goat brand: By 2020, total population reaches 20,000 units; By 2025, total amount of goats will reach 30,000 units. With structure of goat herd: Bach Thao goat, crossbred account for 70% of total herd; grasses make up 30% of  total amount of herd... focusing mainly in Kim Bang and Thanh Liem districts.
2.3. Fisheries development plan
- To develop aquaculture and concentrate on high-intensity cultivation on basis of widely applying scientific advances in breeds, raising techniques, feeds and disease prevention in order to raise productivity and diversify species. Main products are traditional fishes (grass carps, crossbreds ...), in addition to development of aquatic specialties to create competitive advantages and high economic efficiency, such as pink fish, tilapia, eel ... By 2020, area of ​​aquaculture is 4,690 hectares, average productivity is 5 tons / ha, aquaculture output is 23,450 tons. By year of 2025, area of ​​aquaculture is 4,430 ha, average productivity is 5.5 tons / ha, aquaculture output is 24,500 tons.
- Developing black carp farming areas to supply raw materials for processing fish in Nhan Hau commune, Ly Nhan district and some communes in Binh Luc district. Cage fish farming with specialty varieties in communes along the Red river in Duy Tien and Ly Nhan districts.
2.4. Forest development plan:
Forest management, protection and development are integrated between map and field, establishing conservation areas; To attach importance to afforestation and replanting forests after exploitation and planting scattered trees. Planned area for forestry in 2020 is 4,888.86 ha and in 2025 it is 4,216.61 ha. In a period of 2016-2020: protecting 3,774.8 ha, exploiting and re-planting 300 ha of production forest, area of planting scattered trees 1.5 million ha. In a period of 2021 - 2025: protecting 4,216.6 ha, exploiting and re-planting 500 ha of production forest, area of planting scattered trees is 1.5 million ha.
2.5. High-tech agricultural development plan:
- In a period of 2016-2020: detailed plan and construction of infrastructure of hi-tech applied agricultural areas with an area of ​​around 500 hectares is a technological nucleus to be expanded to agricultural production areas.
- From 2021 to 2025: To continue attracting enterprises to invest in hi-tech agricultural zones and develop some hi-tech agricultural areas in concentrated commodity production areas (safe vegetables , animal husbandry, aquaculture ...). By 2025, production value in the hi-tech agricultural zone will be VND 2.5 billion / ha and VND 3.5 billion / hectare by 2035.
Area of ​​hi-tech agricultural production area will be about 1,000 hectares by 2020 and by 2025 it will be expanded to about 2,000 hectares and orientating to 2035, total area is ​​about 3,000 hectares, mainly in districts of Binh Luc, Ly Nhan, Thanh Liem.
3. Solutions on implementing the plan
3.1. Solutions on supporting policies and mechanisms
- To continue to implement support mechanism in accordance with Decision No. 15/2011/ QĐ-UBND dated 24/5/2011 of Provincial People's Committee and Decision No. 15/2011/QD-UBND on adjustment and supplement of Decision No. 15/2011/ QD-UBND on policy on supporting and encouraging investment in communes to build new countryside areas.
- To continue to renovate mechanisms and policies to encourage enterprises to invest in high technology in agricultural production; To provide vocational training for rural laborers and other mechanisms and policies to support development of production under specific programs, projects.
3.2. Solutions on renewal of production methods:
- To build and expand the model of "linking 4 houses" in agricultural production, forming a chain of production, processing and consumption of farm production through contracts. To promote model of multi-cultivation production in agricultural production in the province.
- To strengthen the State management of relevant units and departments, having specific schemes for each locality to manage and develop in right direction.
3.3. Solutions for protection of agricultural and rural environment
- To formulate mechanisms to encourage establishments to develop clean products with high-tech and environmentally-friendly cultivation techniques and encourage use of renewable raw materials. To enhance appraisal and assessment of environmental impacts of establishments engaged in agro-forestry -fishery production and processing ... before allowing operation.
3.4. Solutions on application of science, technology and technology on agricultural production
- To concentrate on research, application and transfer of science and technology into agricultural production; To prioritize attraction of enterprises to invest in hi-tech agricultural areas and zones in order to develop advantageous products. To continue to study and propose new production models which are suitable to each locality.
- To organize training courses on advanced production techniques for farmers, organize field workshops, visit good production models; To build demonstration models at an appropriate size with scale of production of farmers, to provide on-the-spot guidance for each technical step and apply scientific advances to production.
3.5. Solutions for market expansion and trade promotion
- To boost trade promotion to promote market access both domestically and internationally, creating output for commodity farm production. To build a brand name and expand market for some key agricultural export commodities of the province with advantages and competitiveness in market such as clean milk, clean pork, vegetables, roots and clean fruit....
- Strengthening market research; To build and organize an information network to meet information requirements on trade in agricultural commodities for enterprises; To actively guide and support enterprises, cooperatives and cooperative groups in the province in registering trademarks for agricultural commodities, enhancing their trade promotion capabilities; introduce and promote products of the province through international fairs and exhibitions for export development.
3.6. Solutions for investment in developing infrastructure systems
To attract maximum resources for investment in developing infrastructure for agricultural production such as irrigation system, inland transport ... To encourage and attract organizations and enterprises t invest in construction of infrastructure for agricultural production, especially infrastructure of hi-tech agricultural zones.
3.7. Solutions on human resource development
- To change mode of labor training in agricultural production in line with actual demand, training programs closely follow process of agricultural production of farmers.
- To build a contingent of intellectuals in service of rural agriculture: To attract and attract students who have been trained in capable and qualified universities to work in rural areas.
4. Demand for investment capital, divergence and investment capital sources
4.1. Total investment capital: 42,470.6 billion VND, of which:
- In a period of 2016-2020: VND 9,810.8 billion.
- In a period of 2021-2030: VND 12,480.5 billion.
- In a period of 2026-2035: VND 20.179,3 billion
4.2. Investment funds
Capital sources include the State budget capital (ODA capital, central budget capital, provincial budget, government bonds) and private capital, out of which:
- The State budget is VND7,081.6 billion, accounting for 16.7% of total investment capital.
- Private capital: VND 35,389 billion, accounting for 83.3% of total investment capital.
5. Economic, social and environmental benefits
a) Economic efficiency
- To efficiently tap land fund for agricultural production, creating a number of high-value agricultural products, thus contributing to achievement of the set objectives (by 2020, VND 250 million / ha / year, VND 350 million / ha in 2025 and VND 500 million / ha in 2035)
b) Social effectiveness
Labor restructure (by 2020, agricultural laborers <30%, 2025 <20%). Improve skills for farmers and create more jobs, stable income for tens of thousands of workers contributing to improve living of rural households (by 2020, average income of rural population is VND 52 million, in 2025 it is VND 100 million and in 2035 it is at least 2.5 times higher than year 2025).
c) Environmental efficiency
Application of scientific and technological advances to agricultural production, particularly sustainable cultivation, will reduce amount of inorganic fertilizers and pesticides as well as other toxins in production, thus contributing to environment protection.
6. Organizing implementation
6.1. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development
- It is a standing agency to assist the provincial People's Committee in guiding implementation of this plan according to regulations. To assume a prime responsibility and coordinate with the provincial / municipal departments, provincial People's Committees in elaborating five-year and annual plans on developments of agricultural production of the province and submitting them to the provincial People's Committees for approval.
- To coordinate with Department of Planning and Investment, departments, people's committees of districts and cities to study and propose investment incentive mechanisms and policies to attract enterprises investing in agriculture to promote production development.
- To assume prime responsibility for and coordinate with the provincial / municipal departments, branches and provincial People's Committees in studying and submitting to the provincial People's Committees for approval and organizing implementation of schemes and projects in list of priority investment in time.
- To update information and results of implementation of the plan, from which timely proposing to the provincial People's Committee issues that need to adjust to meet reality.
6.2. Department of Planning and investment
- To coordinate with departments, localities to study, advise, propose, amend and supplement provincial mechanisms and policies to attract maximum investment in agricultural production.
- To coordinate with the Department of Finance in balancing and proposing provincial People's Committee to allocate annual capital plans, ensuring implementation of priority projects and tasks, development of agricultural production in order to achieve objectives of zoning.
6.3. Financial Department
- To coordinate with Department of Planning and Investment in advising on mobilizing resources, integrating and allocating funds for implementation of the plan.
- To lead and advise the provincial People's Committee to promulgate documents on guiding pre-acceptance test and payment of funds in accordance with regulations.
6.4. Relevant departments
- The provincial / municipal construction departments shall coordinate with the provincial / municipal departments, branches and localities in elaborating detailed plan on hi-tech agricultural zones, urging inspection of implementation tempo and management of approved plans.
- Science and Technology Department: To rationally allocate funding for science and technology and propose adjustments and supplements to relevant mechanisms and policies to support and enhance research and application capacity and technology transfer to promote agricultural industrialization.
- The Department of Natural Resources and Environment: to lead, advice and propose policies related to land such as land accumulation, rural environment protection in direction of creating favorable conditions for agriculture and rural development. Coordinate with related departments, committees, branches and localities to review and closely control management and implementation of agricultural land use plan to ensure efficiency.
- Provincial / municipal communications and transport department shall assume prime responsibility for guiding, inspecting and urging localities to promptly complete hardening of main axes and intra-field traffic.
- Department of Industry and Trade: To preside, coordinate with Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, localities to advise the Provincial People's Committee to promulgate mechanisms and policies to encourage economic sectors to participate in searching and expanding market of agricultural products; assisting in building brand promotion. Assisting enterprises to promote consumption of agricultural products from large projects. To closely control and strictly handle smuggling and fraudulent activities in trade of agricultural, forest and aquatic goods.
- Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs: Coordinate with other departments, committees, sectors, localities to take charge of vocational training for rural workers, transfer labor to non-agricultural production. Introducing industry, cottage industry and handicraft, new jobs into the countryside; job creation and rapid restructuring of rural labor.
- Other relevant departments and agencies: Basing on specific functions and tasks to organize appropriate activities to support implementation of projects in agricultural sector.
- Other relevant departments and agencies: Basing on specific functions and tasks to organize appropriate activities to support implementation of projects in agricultural sector.
6.5. People's committees of districts and cities: to coordinate with Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to work out five-year and annual plans. Direct, urge, inspect and supervise communes, townships, cooperatives; collect, report and evaluate implementation results in area on a regular and irregular basis.


I. Development viewpoints
1. Master plan of socio-economic development of Ha Nam province to 2020 must ensure conformity with socio-economic development strategy of the country and plan of the Red river delta and guarantee synchronization, unification with plans of fields, sectors.
2. To promote internal resources and use effectively all resources to develop socio-economic rapidly and sustainably; building synchronous infrastructure system to be a foundation of socio-economic development toward industrialization and modernization; promoting transfer of economic restructure, improving quality of growth and competitiveness of economy.
3. To develop advanced industries in order to create high added value products with high capacity of competitiveness on market; developing agriculture associating with application of science and technology toward commodity production and new countryside construction; accelerating development of high-quality services to meet development demands.
4. To associate economic development with social progress, justice and protection of natural resources and environment; closely combining socio-economic development with ensuring national defense, security, maintaining firmly political and security stability, social order and safety.
II. Development objectives
1. Overall objectives:
By 2020, Ha Nam province will has rapid, efficient and sustainable economic growth. Out of which, focusing on economic restructure, improving quality of growth and competitiveness of economy; striving to get income per capita higher than an average level of the Red river delta; gradually building synchronous, modern economic infrastructure to meet development demand of next period; continuously improving material and spiritual living of the people; ensuring national defense, security and maintaining political and security stability, social order and safety.
2. Specific objectives
2.1. Economic development
- Annual average economic growth rate reaches 14.2%/year in a period of 2011 – 2020. Out of which, hitting 13.5%/year in a period of 2011-2015 and 15% in a period of 2016 – 2020. Proportion of industry - services - agriculture to economic structure of the province in 2015 are 54.8%, 32%, 13.2%, respectively and 58.6%, 33.2%, 8.2%, respectively by 2020.
- To strive to get average growth rate of total export value of 23%/year in a period of 2011-2020. Out of which, hitting 15% in a period of 2011-2015 and achieving 32% in a period of 2016-2020; proportion of the State budget collection to GDP is about 11-12% of GDP in 2020.
2.2. Social development
- To maintain firmly results of achieving national standards of universalization of primary education, secondary education, high school education; 100% of schools will be solidified by 2020.
- To strive to achieve rate of 9 doctors/10,000 people, at least 25 beds/10,000 people by 2015; reducing urban unemployment rate to below 5% by end of plan period, increasing rate of trained workers to over 60% by 2020.
- To reduce poverty household rate to less than 3% under new poverty standard, rate of malnourished children under 5 years old to below 15% and increasing rate of trained workers to 60% by 2020.
2.3. Environment protection
- To ensure forest coverage rate of 7% in 2020 in order to well protect ecological environment, land, make water resource equable and contribute positively to economic growth and poverty reduction.
- To properly address urban environmental sanitation, food hygiene and safety and environment of industrial parks, tourism zones on basis of solving harmoniously economic development, industry and service development and protection of environment and natural resources.
2.4. National defense - security
To combine closely between economic development with strengthening national defense and security; promoting synthetic power of the wholly political system in order to build up national defense posture combining with people's security posture; promoting prevention of crime and social evils; restraining, minimizing traffic accidents, ensuring political stability, social order and safety.
III. Development orientation of fields
1. General orientation
To pay attention on labor restructuring and allocation from agricultural sector with low productivity to fields of industry and services towards promoting development of fields those the province has potential, advantages; developing high quality services, trade; constructing infrastructure, out of which, focusing on transport development; building new urban areas and key economic areas which have dynamic development of industry and tourism. In short term, paying more attention on regions which have advantages of geographical position and transportation.
To promote economic restructure towards development of industry and construction, ensuring food security as prescribed and giving priority to use good land, which are favorable for agricultural production to improve efficiency and efficient of using of land. Out of which, maintaining land for rice cultivation of 26,000 hectares.
2. Industry – construction development 
- To develop production of industry, handicraft with high speed, particularly creating strong change in quality, efficiency, and enhancing competitiveness of products.
- To promote synchronous investment in technical infrastructure, improving efficiency of using of industrial parks, industrial clusters, traditional villages. To encourage development of processing industries especially beer, beverage, dairy, food; developing strongly industries of mechanic, assembling mechanic, electronics, production of home appliance, production of support goods towards modernization, efficiency and environmental protection.
To strive to 2020, industrial parks will be operated stably, playing a leading role to promote economic development, economy restructure, contributing about 70% of industrial production value of the province, about 90% of export value of the province, about 50% of the State budget collection, creating jobs for about 80,000 employees, of which, local labor accounts for 70%.
- Growth rate of industry – construction in a period of 2011 - 2020 reaches 17.2%. Out of which, posting 17.5% in a period of 2011-2015; 17% in a period of 2016 - 2020. In economic structure, by 2015, industry – construction accounts for 54.8%, 58.7% by 2020; attracting approximately 80,000 people in a period of 2011-2020.
- Development of building materials:
+ Cement industry: giving priority to invest in expanding or new reverted furnace cement factories in districts of Kim Bang and Thanh Liem. Not constructing and developing new blast furnace cement factories. By 2015, cement output hits 10 million tones and 15.5 million tons by 2020. After 2015, cement industry will focuses on technological innovation towards modernization, improving efficiency, productivity and reducing environmental pollution and not encouraging further development.
+ Building stone: in a period of 2011-2020, mainly focusing on intensive investment in large scale production units with advanced technology to improve productivity and product quality; restructuring small scale production units to encourage and create conditions for units to emerge to become large scale production units, having capital resources to change technology and equipment to improve productivity and product quality.
- Industry of processing agricultural products, foodstuffs and animal feed: maintaining existing animal feed production units, ensuring designed capacity. Prioritizing development of foodstuff industry, encouraging development of high-capacity brewery factories with modern equipment and technology; promoting investment in dairy factories.
- Industry of machinery manufacturing and metal processing: encouraging development of industry of manufacturing, processing parts, spare parts for fields of producing building materials, transportation, agriculture, automobile and motorcycles assembling, electronic and information technology. Processing steel composition for construction of transportation, workshops projects in the province and other provinces.
To product traditional industrial products with better, more diversified quality, designs and specifications, especially agriculture tools; encouraging investment in mechanical units with large-scale, modern technology, equipment, semi-automatic or automatic manufacturing when having consumption markets.
- Garment and textile, leather and footwear: Continuing to stabilize productivity of existing garment and textile, leather and footwear production units; focusing on in-depth investment to improve productivity and quality; increasing competitiveness. In a period of 2011 – 2020, it will not invest in expanding or encourage establishment of new garment and textile production units.
- Chemical industry: focusing on production of products such as light flour, detergents, fertilizers and industrial paints.
- Electronic, information technology industry: encouraging investment and having suitable preferential mechanisms for fields of using high-tech industry, huge economic value such as such as information technology, mechanic, electronic, software ... to create strong changes in industry structure of the province.
- Clean water production: mobilizing legal capital resources and encouraging enterprises investing in raising productivity of clean water factories in Phu Ly city and studying to construct concentrated clean water factories in rural areas. Striving to 2020, total capacity of clean water factories in the province reaches 240,000-250,000 m3/day and night to meet demand of using clean water of 100% of population in the province.
- Paper: continuing to maintain paper output and capacity of existing paper production factories to meet market demand at a reasonable level.
3. Development of agriculture, forestry and fisheries
- Average growth rate in a period of 2011 - 2020 is about 2.6%. Out of which, in a period of 2011 - 2015 about 2.5% and in a period of 2016 - 2020 reaching 3.0%. Striving to 2020, Agricultural production value hits around VND 6,200 billion. Proportion of agriculture to economic structure of the province declines to around 8.2% in 2020; reducing regular unemployment rate to 6-8% and increasing income of agricultural workers to about VND 28 million/person in 2020, including:
+ Cultivation, livestock, agricultural services: average growth rate of production values is about 2.5% in a of period 2011-2015 and about 2% in a period of 2016 – 2020. Transferring agricultural economic structure toward increasing sharply livestock production, service, expanding area of winter crop and toward export on basis of boosting intensive cultivation in material areas and promoting processing industries.
- To develop livestock toward concentrated production, striving to 2020, building 65% of zones of livestock and poultry to feed 70% of total number of pigs and 90% of total number of domestic fowls.
To focus on developing rice, corn, beans, fresh vegetables, potatoes ... on basis of developing intensive cultivation material area and advanced processing technology. Developing strongly services such as veterinary, plant protection, finance, power supply, irrigation and other related services to accelerate application of new technologies in agricultural production, focusing on transferring and application of new technologies in rice variety  production, variety of plant and animal, cultivation and breeding.
+ Forestry: raising proportion of economic value of forestry field to economic structure of the province and implementing forestry economic restructuring, balancing between afforestation forestry exploitation, processing and services; building areas of three kinds of forestry with reasonable structure, maintaining forest coverage rate of about 7% by with an area of ​​about 6,000 hectares, playing an important role in protecting ecological environment, protecting land and water source.
+ Fisheries: developing comprehensively fisheries, striving to hit average growth rate of fisheries production value of 6.2% in a period of 2011 – 2020. Regarding fishery as an important economic field and having great potential for development of production, especially in low-lying areas, unfavorable for agricultural production.
+ Rural construction and development: striving 2020, 50% of communes in the province reaches new countryside standards (under national criteria for new countryside); improving quality of living of rural population; raising income of people 2.2-2.5 fold times higher than current level; preventing and promptly handling serious environment pollution points.
To build comprehensively essential socio-economic development infrastructure in rural areas, focusing on training and improving quality of human resources, supporting economic development and appropriate, effective organizational forms of production in agriculture, rural development and new countryside construction.
4. Development of service
To develop rapidly service field to carry out economic restructuring, service will become an important economic field by the end of plan period. Striving to hit growth rate of service of 12.5%/year in a period of 2011-2020. Out of which, reaching 11%/year in a period of 2011-2015 and 14%/year in a period of 2016-2020; total revenue of goods and services increases by nearly 13% in a period of 2011 – 2020. Trying to hit export value of USD 270 million by 2015 and more than USD 1.2 billion by 2020.
To focus on invest in building key tourism zones; building Tam Chuc Ba Sao tourism zone, of which, Ba Sao amusement zone will becomes regional tourism zone, tourism sites of Ngu Dong Son, Ben Thuy and Kem Trong; cultural, historical, festival sites of Long Doi Son, Lanh Giang temple, Tran Thuong Temple, Ba Danh pagoda; spirit tourism zone of Lieu Doi, Ha Nam folk ...
5. Development of social fields
- To focus on developing human resource to increase number of employees and assurance quality of human resource to meet development requirements of local, domestic and foreign labor markets. Creating stable jobs, raising incomes for laborers, creating new jobs for 75,000 people (15,000 person/year on average) in a period of 2011-2015 and overtime jobs for 111,000 people (22,200 person/year on average); creating new jobs for 70,000 people (14,000 person/year on average) in a period of 2016 - 2020 and overtime jobs for 80,000 people (16,000 person/year on average); training skills for 250,000 people in a period of 2011 - 2015 and 350,000 people in a period of 2016 - 2020; reducing urban unemployment rate to below 5%.
- To maintain an decrease of birth rate of 0.2%, reducing 3rd child birth rate to 0.3%, maintaining replacement fertility level to stabilize size of population, population structure and suitable distribution of population in accordance with the province's development situation in each period and improving population quality on physical, intellectual and spiritual.
- Education and training: stabilizing and maintaining program of universalizing primary education, secondary education, high-school education; 100% of the school will built concretely by 2020. Building schools to meet national standards by 2020. Out of which, 80% of preschool, high school and secondary school reaches national standard, 100% of primary school hits national standard.
- To implement poverty reduction rapidly and sustainably; annually, reducing rate of poverty household 2-3%/year under new standards; through strategies, programs and plans of socio-economic development, all level of competent authority must have specific measures of implementing program of hunger alleviation and poverty reduction to narrow rich and poor gap in community.
6. National defense - security: building and strengthening national defense and security, social order and safety, ensuring stability to develop.
7. Development of infrastructure
- Development of transport system: continuing to strengthen and upgrade existing road combining with construction of several new inter-provincial roads, provincial roads, urban roads, including:
+ National road: coordinating with the Ministry of Transport to upgrade national roads No.1A, No.21A, No.21B, No.38 running through Ha Nam province; building roads and bridges over Red river connecting north-south highway with highway of Hanoi - Hai Phong (start point in Ha Nam province and end point in Hung Yen province); constructing road No.499 and bridges over Red river to connect north-south highway with national road No. 39; upgrading road linking three provinces of Ha Nam, Nam Dinh, Ninh Binh to be a national road.
+ Provincial roads: asphalting, concretizing 100% of surface of road; upgrading entire length provincial road to reach standard of delta level IV, bridges on roads to be in line with level of road; upgrading roads in old urban areas, completing urban roads of new urban area; building some key roads: boulevard of Dong Van - Phu Ly and bridges over Chau river.
+ Rural roads: By 2015, asphalting or concretizing all of inter-communal roads, communal roads achieving rural road standard level A or level B.
+ Waterway: upgrading and renovating, dredging narrow passage of rivers, system of ports and warehousing to meet demand of carrying materials for production and consumption of products; dredging narrow passage of river connecting Chau river with Red river, improving waterway for operation of ships with tonnage of 50-200 tons.
+ To upgrade north-south railway, by 2020, Phu Ly station will be built to become the largest transshipment station in the north in general and Red river delta region in particular. To coordinate with the Ministry of Transport to build a north-south railway to be dual railway under master plan of railway.
- Electricity supply, clean water supply:
+ High voltage electricity system: operating stably 220 kV transformer station of Kim Bang; 110 kV grid, building new transformer station of Dong Van II, Thanh Nghi, Cau Giat and operating well existing transformer station.
+ Clean water supply system: improving capacity of clean water factories in Phu Ly city and researching to build clean water factories in districts. By 2020, total designed capacity of clean water factories is about 250,000 m3/ day and night.
IV. Orientation of spatial organization
1. Northwest subregion (including districts of Duy Tien, Kim Bang, Thanh Liem): focusing on development of industry, concentrated industrial parks to take advantage of topography, geography and transport system...
2. Southeast subregion (including districts of Binh Luc, Ly Nhan): focusing on developing agriculture, light industry...
3. Central subregion (including Phu Ly city): Phu Ly city is a center of culture, economics, politics of the province, focusing on promoting development of trade and services such as banking, hotels, post and telecommunications...
4. Development orientation of urban systems and rural residential areas by 2020, including:
- Phu Ly city: expanding area of Phu Ly city to meet development requirements of the province. By 2020, striving to build Phu Ly city to become a city of level II. Key development directions of Phu Ly city are northeast, north Chau river with an area of ​​about 1,000 ha and building new political, administration center of the province.
- Duy Tien district: Developing industry –service urban chain of Dong Van - Hoa Lac - Yen Lenh, in a period of 2015 – 2020, establishing town of Duy Ha with population scale of 100,000 people and township of Doi Son, a political - cultural - social center of Duy Tien district.
- Kim Bang district: becoming center of service, trade, eco-tourism, resorts. Forming two new townships of Nhat Tan and Tuong Linh, expanding townships of Que, Ba Sao.
- Thanh Liem district: Expanding townships of Non, Kien Khe, Pho Ca. The district will be a center of industrial service and construction materials.
- Ly Nhan district: Forming three new townships of Nhan Hau, Nhan My and Cau Khong. Expanding township of Vinh Tru. The district is a center of agricultural production of the wholly province.
- Binh Luc district: Forming four new townships of Cho Song, Ba Hang, Do Hai, An Noi. Expanding Binh My township. This district will be a center of trade, agriculture development of the province.
V. Development programs of Ha Nam province
1. Socio-economic development program.
2. Urban development program.
3. Program of human resource development.
4. Program of restructuring agricultural and forestry production.
5. Program of industry, small scale industry development.
6. Program of service, tourism economic development.
7. Program of transport development.
8. Program of economic development cooperation in Red river delta region.

Ha Nam province’s list of projects given priority to research and investment to 2020

Title of projects
Projects invested by ministries in Ha Nam province
Projects of investing in constructing and expanding national road No.1A, national road No.21A (Phu Ly - Nam Dinh), road connecting national highway No.1A and national highway No.5 and Hung Ha bridge over Hong river.
Project of improving, upgrading national roads: No.21B (Cho Dau - Phu Thu - Doi Son); national road No.38; road connecting three provinces of Ha Nam - Nam Dinh - Ninh Binh (from Yen Lenh bridge – national road No.38 in Nam Dinh city to Anh Troi crossroad - Nho Quan district, Ninh Binh province), new national road No.21A (Phu Ly - Ba Sao).
Extending national road No.21B (from crossroad of Phu Thu to road connecting two highways: Cau Gie - Ninh Binh and Ha Noi - Hai Phong).
Regional sport center.
Project of anti-flooding, improving and treating pollution of Nhue river in the province.
High quality general hospital of Binh An.
Building system of power transmission and stations of 110KV: Dong Van II, Thanh Nghi, Cau Giat and new industrial parks.
Building switchboards and base transceiver stations in the province; system of optical cable transmission.
Projects invested by Ha Nam province
Building road connecting Ha Nam – Thai Binh provinces and Thai Ha bridge over Red river.
Building roads for search and rescue, flood and storm control: Thanh Nguyen - Thanh Nghi, road connecting provincial roads No.492 - 499 – Red river dyke; Chanh market – Red river; Luu - Cho Quan; Phu Dong road; search and rescue, flood and storm control road of Yen Bac – Red river dyke in Duy Tien district; search and rescue road in communes of Chan Ly, Chien Thang in Ly Nhan district.
- Building roads of economic belt and ensuring defense and security: roads of T1, T2, T3, east – south belt road, Le Cong Thanh road stage III and provincial roads No.496, 495B, 971, 493, 494, 492 (Vinh Tru – national road No.38), Ho bridge - Chau Giang, Tan Lang bridge over Day river, roads in provincial logistic base zone.
- Project of transport road: road of Tran temple spirit tourism zone (connecting Nam Dinh with Tran Thuong), road connecting Tam Truc – Ba Sao tourism zone with Bai Dinh – Ninh Binh.
Urban zone of Ha Nam university.
Upgrading system of dykes of Red river, Day river, Chau river including upgrading dyke, embankment and combining transport system on rivers.
Project of resettling residential in mountainous communes of Kim Bang, Thanh Liem districts and in Red river region in districts of Ly Nhan, Duy Tien.
Projects of concretizing irrigation system in the wholly province: dredging Day river, Chau Giang river, Nhue river and canal system of Chau Giang river, Nhue river; treating environmental pollution in Nhue – Day river valley.
Project of supplying clean water for rural area being infected by Asen in Nhue river, Day river, Red river valley.
Building river ports of Nhu Trac, Yen Lenh (Red river) and Day river.
Building sewer and boat shelter of Vinh Tru, Quan Trung (Chau Giang river).
Building provincial general hospital of 700 beds.
Building Ha Nam multi-disciplinary university (on basis of upgrading provincial teacher training college); upgrading and constructing Ha Nam vocational training college to become key vocational training college; building social housing and student hostels of universities, colleges.
Building infrastructure of Tham Chuc – Ba Sao tourism zone.
Project of building variety of cultivated crops, domestic animals and high technological agricultural production zone.
Project of building center of rearing and rehabilitating the people having contributed to the revolutionary in Ha Nam province.
Projects of building training center of provincial public security; military training center – provincial military headquarters.
Building infrastructure of industrial parks of Hoa Mac, Thanh Liem, Liem Phong, ASENDAT, ITAHAN…
Upgrading transport system in Phu Ly city and north Chau Giang urban zone.
Improving, upgrading rural infrastructure.
Improving, upgrading factory of solid waste treatment in Phu Ly city, building projects of treating waste in townships, traditional villages and treating wastewater in industrial parks, traditional village, hospitals…
Projects of concretizing schools, classroom; strengthening material facilities for: teacher learning college, medical college, vocational college, center of employment introduction and vocational training of the province and districts; provincial political school.
Building provincial administration center in north Chau Giang urban zone.
Building administration center of Thanh Liem district, administration center of Duy Tien district, administration center and infrastructure of Duy Ha town.
Building regional trade centers, fair and exhibition centers.
Projects of repairing, embellishing Tran Thuong temple, revolutionary martyr temple of the province, revolutionary martyr of Nui Chua in Thanh Liem district, Doi Son pagoda, Lanh Giang temple, Tien pagoda, Thi Son – Cam mountain region, Ba Danh pagoda, Ho Uncle commemoration zone in Cat Tuong commune, Binh Luc district and cultural historical relic.
Building hospitals of: women -children, eye, traditional medicine, leprosy – dermatology, raising capacity of provincial, district preventative medicine centers.
Building provincial radio and television station, region television station; upgrading capacity of Ha Nam newspaper, arts and literature association; provincial union of science and technology association.
Building provincial, district and regional general hospitals; building communes achieving national standard on health.
Project of investing in infrastructure of Nam Cao relic zone, ancestral temple of Nguyen Khuyen.
Upgrading provincial health centers: food hygiene and safety; population – family planning; cosmetic and drug quality control; reproductive health and family planning; health telecommunication; forensic medicine.
Project of investing in provincial cemetery and crematorium.
Building entertainment zone in Phu Ly city.
Upgrading senior high schools in the wholly province.
Building ecological zone of Lam Ha – Phu Ly city.
Projects invested by economic sectors
Building infrastructure of industrial parks of Hoa Lac, Liem Can – Thanh Binh, southwest of Phu Ly city, Chau Son stage II, Dong Van stage III, ITAHA stage II, Thanh Liem stage II, Liem Phong stage II.
Building infrastructure of handicraft and industrial clusters in districts, cities; building regional ICD ports in Dong Van, Thanh Liem.
Building infrastructure in urban zone of Phu Ly city and townships in districts (about 4,000 ha).
Building telecommunication city and high technology zones in Doi Son, Duy Tien; urban chain of Dong Van – Hoa Mac – city alongside Red river.
Building ecological tourism zones in Tam Chuc – Ba Sao lake; Ba Hang lake; travel route in Hong river, Chau river.
Building factory of beer – beverage with a capacity of 100 million little/year. 
Projects of producing construction materials, cement with advanced technologies.
Projects of waterway logistic in Phu Ly city, districts of Duy Tien, Ly Nhan.
Projects of processing livestock and poultry meat, vegetable and fruit in districts of Binh Luc, Ly Nhan, Kim Bang, Duy Tien.
Developing farm breeding in 5 districts; producing micro organic fertilizer from straw.
Building wholesale markets of agricultural products in Binh Luc, Ly Nhan, Kim Bang, Duy Tien, Thanh Liem.
Building trade center and supermarket in Phu Ly city. Duy Ha town, townships of Vinh Tru – Ly Nhan, Que – Kim Bang, Binh My - Binh Luc, Doi Son - Duy Tien, Dat Hung - Thanh Liem…
Building tourism zone of Tien pagoda – Thanh Liem district and Nguyet Hang mountain – Binh Luc district.
North Red river clean water factory with a capacity of 100,000 m3/day and night
Priority projects inside and outside industrial parks under fields of: supporting industry, engineering, manufacturing, electronic, telecommunication, information technology, high technology, export production, agricultural product processing, hotel, unit of science study and high technology application…
Improving and upgrading inner-regional railway and railway stations of Dong Van, Phu Ly, Binh Luc, Cau Ho, Thanh Chau.
 Long Giang


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