Saturday, September 21,2024 - 3:59 GMT+7  Việt Nam EngLish 

Adjusted orientation on development of industrial parks and urban water supply to 2025 with a vision to 2050 

 Tuesday, November 13,2018

AsemconnectVietnam - Water supply activity is a conditioned form of production and business operation under control of the State to protect public health, social security, including consideration of support of water supply for the poverty, extremely difficult region


I. Viewpoints
1. Water supply activity is a conditioned form of production and business operation under control of the State to protect public health, social security, including consideration of support of water supply for the poverty, extremely difficult region.
2. Development of sustainable water supply, ensure safe water supply and taking into account climate change, meet demand of fresh water for socio economic development, improve quality of life.
3. Exploitation, production and supply of clean water is not dependent on administrative boundaries and prioritize to exploit surface water, gradually reduce exploitation of underground water to supply water for purpose of community activities.
4. To encourage suitable use of clean water, save and re-use water for other purposes.
5. To apply advances in science, advanced, energy saving and friendly environment technology; step by step to modernize and automates water supply industry to ensure a stable water supply, enough sufficient flow and quality as prescribed.
6. To socialize water supply sector, mobilize and optimum exploit all of resources to invest in development of water supply and management and operation of water supply facilities.
II. Objectives
1. Overall objectives:
Orienting that development of urban and industrial park water supply is to serve essential needs of the people and cause of industrialization and modernization of the country. On that basis, suggesting detail mechanisms and take into account climate change in order to supply stably water, assurance quality and good service to meet demand for water in each period.
2. Objectives and specific targets by 2020:
- Coverage rate of water supply services from centralized water supply systems in urban centers of grade IV or above is 95%, urban centers of grade V reaches 80% with a water supply norm of 120 liters / person / day, water quality reaches technical regulations as prescribed; industrial parks are fully supplied water under demand of pressure and flow.
- Rate of water supply systems of urban areas which set up and implement water safety plans is at 45%; rate of clean water loss is below 18% for urban centers of grade IV or higher and below 25% for urban centers of grade V; supplying continuously water, sufficient pressure in 24h/day for grade IV or higher and supply water in line with demand, actual conditions for centers of grade V.
3. Specific objectives and targets by 2025:
- Coverage rate of clean water supply services from centralized water supply systems in urban centers reaches 100% with an average water supply norm of 120 liters / person / day, water quality reaches standard and regulations; industrial parks are fully supplied water under demand of pressure and flow.
- Rate of water supply systems of urban areas which set up and implement water safety plans is 75%; rate of clean water loss in urban areas is less than 15%; supplying water continuously, sufficient pressure in 24 hours a day.
4. Vision to 2050:
To meet all of needs and ensure safe water supply and production activities for urban areas, densely populated areas and industrial parks.
III. Solutions of implementation
1. Improving management regulations for water supply industry:
- Research and propose basic content to build water Law.
- Amend, supplement or replace Decree No. 117/2007 / ND-CP of July 11th, 2007, Decree No. 124/2011 / ND-CP of December 28th, 2011 on amending and supplementing number articles of Decree No. 117/2007 / ND-CP on production, supply and consumption of clean water, including researching to support for disadvantaged regions of water sources and being affected by the impact of climate change.
- To review and adjust synchronously system of standards, technical regulations of water supply industry to adapt to impacts of climate change, in line with scientific and technological progress and ensure water supply safely.
- To develop and promulgate regulations on capability of organizations and individuals which engage in investment and operation of water supply systems.
- For industrial park has their own water purification plants, research to mechanism for subsidizing urban water price in localities.
2. Planning, development investment and management and operation of water supply systems:
- To formulate or adjust and supplement water supply plans of regional, centrally run provinces, cities to adapt to climate change and ensure water supply safety.
- To develop urban water supply combining with water supply for concentrated rural residential areas and industrial parks in localities; prioritizing to invest in construction of water supply projects at regional scale.
- To invest in constructing synchronously works and projects from water sources, water treatment, water supply pipe network with advanced equipment, applying information technology in management and supervision of construction works ; step by step to meet requirements of modernization and automation of water supply systems and ensure water supply safety.
- To promote development of investment in building water supply project in form of partners - public private partnership (PPP) and other forms of investment in line with socio economic conditions of each locality.
- To concentrate in investment in expansion and renovation of water supply pipeline network to increase coverage and improve quality of water supply services; giving priority to investment in projects ensuring safe water supply and avoiding loss of water.
- To encourage use of high quality materials and equipment which are produced domestically when constructing and rehabilitating water supply projects.
3. Management and use of water resources to adapt to climate change:
- To step up water resources plan; strengthen management, supervision, protection of water resources; strictly control discharge of waste into water sources.
- To build a system of rain water reservoirs, surface water and sea water prevention projects, flood discharge taking into account climate change; planning on exploiting, using multi-purpose water reservoirs, giving priority for exploiting and providing living water.
- To exploit and use suitably groundwater resources and gradually reduce flow of groundwater exploitation in big cities such as Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City and towns in Mekong River delta...; researching solutions of groundwater recharge towards creating strategic water reserve in case of breakdown of surface water, water system and climate change.
- To set control system, quality alert, reserves of water sources; researching backup solutions to ensure safety of water sources for water plants.
4. Researching and developing technology, materials and equipment of water supply:
- To apply information technology, smart devices in management and operation of water supply systems; choosing technology and advanced equipment, having advanced automation modes, energy-saving, water-saving, environmentally friendly and ensuring safe water supply.
- To research, organize domestic production of materials and equipment with high quality, to 2025, having capable of providing full range of types of materials, equipment of water sector.
- To research and apply new technologies in processing of seawater, brackish to saline intrusion areas and facing difficulty in water resource; researching technology of reusing rain water to support clean water and other needs.
- To research, develop regulations on reusing of water for public works, trade, services and apartment buildings in urban centers.
5. Communication, training and development of human resource:
- To develop general education with basic knowledge about water protection, water saving using and environmental protection; organizing tour of learning about production system, providing clean water for pupils and students.
- To step up communication on role, position, importance of clean water for human life; responsibilities of organizations and individuals for protection of water resources, water supply systems as well as saving and efficiency use of water.
- To train and raise quality and quantity of engineers specialized in water supply facilities to meet development requirements of water supply sector.
- To strengthen and expand vocational schools and improving quality of training of water workers to meet requirement of water management, operation and maintenance of water supply systems.
6. To organize management of water supply:
- To research and construct model of investment, management and operation of water supply projects at regional scale, between urban and rural areas.
- To develop and gradually improve database of water supply sector; regulations on providing, sharing and using information, databases of water supply.
- To organize to establish institute of researching water sector to meet requirements of research, technology transfer and specialized training of water sector.
7. International cooperation:
- To promote cooperation with international organizations in field of water supply and capacity building training.
- To strengthen exchanges and learn experiences of advanced countries in field of water supply and management and operation of water supply systems.
- To mobilize international organizations and foreign enterprises to invest in urban water supply development in Vietnam, especially investment in water supply projects at regional scale.
- To expand international cooperation in field of research, transfer of technology of clean water treatment, technology of producing advanced equipment and spare parts of water supply sector, which are energy saving and environmentally friendly.
IV. Organizing implementation
1. Ministry of Construction:
- To function as the main implementer, in collaboration with related ministries, branches and People's Committees of centrally run provinces and cities to implement adjusted orientation plan on development of industrial parks and urban water supply to 2025 with a vision to 2050.
- To function as the main implementer, in collaboration with related ministries, agencies concerned to advise the government on studying and proposing basic content to build water supply law and relevant legal documents.
- To develop training plans, human resource development of water supply sector and organize to implement.
- To review and adjust, build newly standards, technical regulations of water sector, taking into account impact of climate change.
- To function as the main implementer, in collaboration with related ministries and agencies to build a database of water supply sector.
2. Related ministries and agencies:
Ministries and agencies basing on their functions and tasks assigned by the Government, setting up plans, action programs of implementation of adjusted orientation plan on development of industrial parks and urban water supply to 2025 with a vision to 2050, in collaboration with Ministry of Construction to implement these programs.
3. People's Committees of centrally run provinces and cities:
- To develop a plan of implementing adjusted orientation plan on development of water supply to meet development requirements of local water supply in each period.
- To formulate, review and adjust specialized plan of water supply of centrally run provinces and cities, out of which, adding content related to climate change and ensure a safe water supply.
- To implement water supply service agreement to enhance responsibility of investment, development and implementation of water supply ensuring safe water supply.
- To coordinate with ministries and branches in implementing national program for ensuring safe water supply in a period of 2016 - 2025 and national program on fighting against water loss to 2025 under authority.
- In collaboration with other local operators to set up plan to protect water sources in river basins.
- To strengthen inspection, check water supply and water quality ensure safe water supply in localities.
- To review need for water supply of industrial parks, combining water production with urban water supply to ensure efficient of investment of urban water supply systems. For industrial park which have their own water purification plants, studying mechanism of price subsidies for urban water in localities.
- To propagandize to raise awareness and role and responsibilities of organizations and individuals in protection of water resources, water supply systems as well as use water saving and efficiently.

Long Giang


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