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National program on urban development to 2020 

 Monday, April 20,2020

AsemconnectVietnam - Urban development meets requirements of transferring labor structure, population distribution between urban and rural areas, among different socio- economic region; use of agricultural land for urban development must ensure food security requirements.


1. National urban development ensure suitability with socio- economic development strategy in a period of 2011 - 2020, towards a green economy, creating driving force to develop socio- economic, transferring economic structure of localities, regions and the wholly country towards industrialization - modernization.
2. Urban development meets requirements of transferring labor structure, population distribution between urban and rural areas, among different socio- economic region; use of agricultural land for urban development must ensure food security requirements.
3. Urban development ensures efficient use of construction land, investing in construction of synchronous social infrastructure, controlling environmental quality, harmonizing among conservation, renovation and new construction. To construct urban areas having good living conditions, enhancing competitiveness of urban areas in region and the world.
4. Formation of urban area associates with coastal economic zones, border gates to create gateway of international economic integration and development of tourism urban system.
5. To support and promote urban development in mountainous, border, coastal and island regions to adapt to process of global climate change.
6. Urban development bases on division of responsibilities and coordination mechanisms between urban areas in key economic areas, large urban areas in order to promote opportunities and overcome challenges in use of resources for investment and development, creating pervasion.
7. Urban development bases on urban competitiveness associating with raising management capacity, effectiveness of urban authorities at all levels.
II. Objectives
1. To 2015
1.1. System of urban area
Rate of urbanization in the wholly country will reaches 38 %, urban system must meet requirements of socio-economic development and having urban administrative management levels to meet requirements of development management, including 02 the special urban, 195 urban from type I to type IV and 640 urban type V.
1.2. Quality of urban
- Average urban floor area hits 26 m2/person; rate of solid house is about 65 %.
- Rate of transport land against urban construction land in special urban, urban type I and II reaches from 15-20 %; urban type III, IV, to reach 15 % or more. Ratio of public passenger transport in special urban and urban type I achieve from 15-20 %; in urban type II and III from 6-10 %; urban type IV and V reach 1-3 %.
- Rate of urban population supplied clean water and water supply standards in special urban and urban type I, II, III reach 90% and 120 liters/person/day, respectively; in urban type IV, post 70 % and 100 liters of water/person/day; in urban type V reaches 50 % and 80 liters/person/day.
- Coverage rate of drainage system reaches 70-80 % of drainage basin area in urban areas, rate of living wastewater which is collected and centralized processing reaches 40-50 %; 100 % of new production units apply clean technologies or equipped with pollution reduction tools; number of production units which cause serious environmental pollution will be treated to increase to 85 %.
- Rate of treated and collected solid waste posts 85 % of total amount of living solid waste in urban area; 80 % of solid waste of industrial parks, hazardous medical solid waste are collected and treated to ensure environmental standards.
- Length rate of main roads and roads of residential areas and alleys in urban which are lighted in special urban, type I, type II reach 95 %. Step by step developing synchronously lighting system for urban type III, IV and V to reach 85 % of length of main roads and 80 % of length of roads in residential area, alleys.
- Land area of urban green tree, in special type, posts 8-10 m2/person, in urban type II, III achieves 7 m2/person, in urban type IV and V reaches 5 m2/person. Land area of public green tree in inner special urban reaches 6 m2/people; in inner area of urban type I - V posts 3-5 m2/person.
2. To 2020
2.1. Urban systems
Rate of urbanization nationwide reaches 45 %, urban system ensures quality in consistent with type of urban and urban administration level, including 02 special urban , 312 urban of type I – IV and over 620 urban of types V.
2.2. Quality of urban
- Average urban floor area hits 29 m2/person; rate of solid house is about 75 %.
- Rate of transport land against urban construction land in special urban, urban type I and II reaches from 20-25 %; urban type III, IV, to reach 20 % or more. Ratio of public passenger transport in special urban and urban type I achieve from 20-30 %; in urban type II and III from 10-15 %; urban type IV and V reach 2-5 %.
- Rate of urban population supplied clean water and water supply standards in special urban and urban type I, II, III, IV reach 90% and 120 liters/person/day, respectively; in urban type V, post 70 % and 90 liters of water/person/day.
- Coverage rate of drainage system reaches 80-90 % of drainage basin area in urban areas, rate of living wastewater which are collected and centralized processing reaches 60 %; 100 % of new production units apply clean technologies or equipped with pollution reduction tools; number of production units which cause serious environmental pollution will be treated to increase to 95 % .
- Rate of treated and collected solid waste posts 90% of total amount of living solid waste in urban area; 100 % of solid waste of industrial parks, hazardous medical solid waste are collected and treated to ensure environmental standards.
- Length rate of main roads and roads of residential areas and alleys in urban which are lighted in special urban, type I, type II reach 100 %. Step by step developing synchronously lighting system for urban type III, IV and V to reach 90 % of length of main roads and 85 % of length of roads in residential area, alleys.
- Land area of urban green tree, in special type, posts 15 m2/person, in urban type I, II achieves 10 m2/person, in urban type III and IV reaches 5 m2/person, in urban type V hits 3-4 m2/person. Land area of public green tree in inner special urban reaches 6 m2/people; in inner area of urban type I - V posts 4-6 m2 /person.
III. Tasks
1. Local authorities build program of urban development, integrating with other programs, plans in these localities to ensure sustainable urban development.
2. To ensure urbanization associating with economic growth and improving economic density, giving priorities to develop urban which are regional and national growth dynamics.
3. Development of urban housing
3.1. To develop a variety of housing types with suitable area and convenience to meet market demand and income conditions of the people, gradually solve housing demand of workers in industrial parks and pupils, students. To review, modify or supplement incentive policies for enterprises to invest in housing construction in industrial parks.
3.2. To encourage development of apartment building to increase housing fund, types of housing in accordance with customary, conditions of each region. To encourage and create favorable conditions for economic sectors and organizations to invest in housing construction.
3.3. Housing in newly developed urban areas must have synchronous infrastructure and connect with existing urban areas.
4. Urban improvement, refurbishment and upgrading
4.1. To organize to build and implement subdivision plans, detail plans for existing urban area; to preserve and embellish urban heritage areas; to construct and renovate, redevelop and improve quality of old urban areas.
4.2. To implement to move industrial units, offices, training units ... out of inner urban under approved plan, ensuring that does not increase scale of population in centers of Hanoi capital and Ho Chi Minh City, give priority to develop public service space in the area.
4.3. To implement Decision No.758/QD-TTg August 6, 2013 on a program on upgrading national urban in a period of 2013-2020.
5. Managing and developing new urban and areas for urban development
5.1. Formation of new urban zones must comply with national urban development program and in line with development requirements of region, legal provisions on new urban development.
5.2. Urban development areas must comply with construction plan, urban plan and ensure synchronous development of urban socio-technical infrastructure at each stage of construction.
5.3. Urban development areas must ensure landscape architecture form which are suitable with natural, historical, cultural, social conditions of each region and ensure requirements of ecological environmental protection, agricultural land and forest.
5.4. To review and evaluate effectiveness of land use in existing urban areas and urban development areas.
6. Development of urban infrastructure
6.1. Transportation
To develop national transportation framework network to connect centre urban system with national growth momentum regions. To develop key road network of urban to connect to national and regional transportation framework.
For the special urban and the urban grade I: To form high road and big public transport routes as rapid bus, urban railways, subways ...; to research and develop underground parking associated with spaces of parks, squares, buildings or large building complex to meet development requirements .
To develop inner region and inter-region waterway route in the urban of the Mekong delta and regions having advantages of sea, river and canal.
To strictly control and limit personal vehicles, especially motorbikes in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City. To use science and technology and modern equipment in management and organization of traffic. To encourage research and develop vehicles using clean energy, environmental friendly.
6.2. Water supply
To ensure time of continuous water supply 24 hours a day for the special urban, grade I, grade II and grade III; duration of water supply are suitable with demand and actual conditions of the urban grade IV and grade V.
To complete inter-regional, inter-urban water supply solutions, socializing urban water supply. To limit exploitation of underground water resources, constructing water supply solutions from surface water resources and other solutions of underground water, surface water protection.
6.3. Drainage
To study inter-regional overall measures adapting to impacts of climate change, flood, flood-tide and sea level rise.
To standardize drainage height for coastal urban areas affected by climate change; to set up overall plan of drainage of regions.
To enhance recovery and improve riverbeds, lakes, canals urban to create sustainable landscapes and ecology.
4.4. Solid waste management
To review , develop a roadmap for closing existing dumping ground which causes environmental pollution; To improve effectively collection and classification of solid waste in the major urban, applying modern technology in collection and treatment of solid waste .
4.5. Electricity supply and lighting
To encourage development of power source using renewable energy sources and clean energy sources. For the urban in south central and south regions, it should increases use of solar and wind energy.
To socialize urban lighting, encouraging diversification of economic sectors to participate in development of urban lighting.
4.6. Urban green tree, environmental landscape protection
To protect and maintain green space, water and natural heritage of each region, value of natural landscape characteristics of each urban zone.
To preserve and develop public space associating with works of art, architectural heritage, landscape, creating urban landscape accent.
To select trees which are suitable for climate, functions and nature of the urban, creating distinctive look for each urban zone and each region.
IV. Solutions
1. Mechanisms and policies
1.1. To complete regulation on management of urban development, from basic research to build legal documents, improving quality of plan, management and implementation of plan at all levels.
1.2. To develop a synthesis database system on current state of urban development at national and local levels; to research and issue a set of indicators of urban competitiveness.
1.3. To build model of urban authorities to ensure efficient, effectiveness of sustainable urban development management.
1.4. To study and develop the green urban to ensures rapid, sustainable urbanization to implement national strategy of green growth.
2. Plan management
2.1. To focus on reviewing implementation of regional construction plan, urban plan to ensure consistency and efficiency in coordination of implementation of plans of sectors and socio-economic plans.
2.2. To develop sanctions, mechanisms to control activities of implementation as plan.
3. Raising awareness and training human resources
3.1. To promote dissemination and education on management objectives of urban development, enhancing awareness of community in building of modern urban civilization and sustainable development.
3.2. To implement training and retraining of urban civil cadres at all levels under the Prime Minister’s decision No. 1961/QD-TTg dated October 5, 2010.
4. Science, technology and environment
4.1. To develop policies of encouraging use of advanced new, environmentally friendly building materials; new technology in housing construction to ensures quality, low cost for the different income groups;
4.2. To research solutions of saving energy use in residential buildings, offices and services.
4.3. To develop information systems for urban development (GIS application) for the State management.
4.4. To research development of underground urban public space.
5. Financial mechanism
5.1. Local budgets, support fund from the State budget and other legal fund sources, ensure implementation of tasks of the program.
5.2. To encourage investment in fields of drainage, sewage treatment, environmental improvements, lighting, green parks and new urban areas, housing, giving priority to models of BOT, BTO, BT and PPP.
V. Organization of implementation
1. Establishing Steering Committee for national urban development program:
1.1. Program Steering Committee established by the Prime Minister, consisting of:
- Minister of Construction is head of Steering Committee, a Deputy Minister of Construction as deputy head;
- Other members of the Steering Committee includes representatives of leadership of the Ministry of Planning and Investment; Finance; Transportation; Science and Technology; Natural Resources and Environment; Interior; Agriculture and Rural Development.
 - Interdisciplinary working group assists Program Steering Committee, members of the group include representatives of department heads of agencies which are members of the Program Steering Committee. Minister of Construction, head of the Program Steering Committee decides to establish interdisciplinary working group.
1.2. Program Steering Committee will implement tasks : to direct to build annual and five years plans to implement targets and tasks of the program; to direct coordination of interdisciplinary issues related to the program; to supervise, inspect, monitor and implement the program at the local level.
2. Ministry of Construction:
- Being a standing body of the Program Steering Committee.
- To chair and coordinate with ministries, agencies and People's Committees of centrally-run provinces and cities to organize to implement the program.
- To guide localities to form, assess and approve urban development program.
- To functions as the main implementer, in collaboration with related ministries, agencies to organize to fulfill, test and supervise implementation of projects under the program, synthesizing implementation situation and periodically reporting to the Prime Minister.
- To organize to sum up partially 5 years of implementation and summarizing 10 years of implementation of the program, learning from experience of building the program.
3. Ministry of Planning and Investment:
- To balance the annual State budget to ensure overall cost of ministries, agencies in implementation of national urban development programs and mobilizing, attracting ODA capital for the activities under the program, organizing to promote urban development investment from domestic and foreign legal funds.
- To functions as the main implementer, in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Construction and guiding incentives mechanisms, encouraging all economic sectors to invest in construction and development of the urban in accordance with objectives and tasks of the program.
4. Ministry of Finance:
- To functions as the main implementer, in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and Investment, the Ministry of Construction to arrange expenditures sources to perform tasks of national urban development program of ministries and agencies.
5. Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment:
- To functions as the main implementer, in collaboration with the Ministry of Construction, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to review and assess effects of land use in existing urban areas and other areas arranged for urban development.
- To guide localities to define boundary, area of ​​paddy land, especially area of paddy land needs to protect strictly as a basis for urban development orientation.
6. Ministry of Transportation :
- To functions as the main implementer, in collaboration with the Ministry of Construction and relevant localities to plan, develop national transportation system, main route of urban traffic under approved regional plans, approved urban construction plans.
7. Ministry of Interior:
- To functions as the main implementer, in collaboration with the Ministry of Construction, People's Committees of centrally-run provinces and cities to decide to establish urban administrative units.
- To functions as the main implementer, in collaboration with the Ministry of Construction, relevant ministries, agencies and localities nationwide to research, suggest model of municipal administration.
8. Related ministries and agencies:
Within scope of assigned functions and tasks, having responsibility to coordinate to research, develop mechanisms and policies and direct implementation of related policies of management of urban development.
9. People’s Committees of centrally-run provinces and cities
- To functions as the main implementer, in collaboration with the Ministry of Construction and relevant ministries and agencies to implement tasks identified in the approved national urban development program.
- To organize to build, appraise and approve urban development programs of the local and integrate other related programs and projects, allocate capital to implement construction of the program.

Long Giang


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