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Plan on implementing project of strengthening and renovating measurement activities to support Vietnamese enterprises to improve their competitiveness and international integration in the period to 2025, orientation to 2030 in Thua Thien Hue province 

 Wednesday, April 8,2020

AsemconnectVietnam - Developing facilities and infrastructure of measurement technical services in a synchronous and modern manner, meeting international integration and the need to ensure accurate measurement of enterprise activities and suitability to conditions Socio-economic situation of Thua Thien Hue province.

Plan on implementing project of strengthening and renovating measurement activities to support Vietnamese enterprises to improve their competitiveness and international integration in the period to 2025, orientation to 2030 in Thua Thien Hue province
Pursuant to the Prime Minister's Decision No. 996 / QD-TTg of August 10, 2018, approving the Project "Strengthening and renovating measurement activities to support Vietnamese enterprises in raising their competitiveness and international integration in the period up to 2025, orientation toward 2030 ”; Decision No. 82 / QD-BKHCN dated January 16, 2019 of the Ministry of Science and Technology approving the Plan for implementing the Project "Strengthening and renovating measurement activities to support Vietnamese enterprises to improve their capabilities." competitiveness and international integration in the period to 2025, orientation to 2030 ”. Implementing Official Letter No. 1710 / BKHCN-TDC dated June 13, 2019 of the Ministry of Science and Technology on proposing the content of the work to perform the tasks of Project 996, the People's Committee of Thua Thien Hue Province issued the Plan. implementing the project "Strengthening and renovating measurement activities to support Vietnamese enterprises to improve their competitiveness and international integration in the period up to 2025 and orientations to 2030" in Thua Thien Hue province. , with the following specific content:
I. Objectives
1. General objective
a) Developing facilities and infrastructure of measurement technical services in a synchronous and modern manner, meeting international integration and the need to ensure accurate measurement of enterprise activities and suitability to conditions Socio-economic situation of Thua Thien Hue province.
b) Focus on supporting enterprises in a number of priority sectors and fields such as hi-tech industries, electronic technologies, telecommunications associated with the digital economy, high-tech agriculture, etc.; formulating and effectively implementing the Program of ensuring measurement at enterprises; strengthen measurement activities closely associated with business activities.
c) Promote socialization, mobilize diverse social resources to contribute to the development of measurement activities.
d) Effectively apply national criteria for evaluating measurement fields to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the state management of measurement; standardize the capabilities and activities of organizations providing inspection, calibration and testing services of measuring instruments and measurement standards.
d) Focus on promoting propaganda, raising awareness, disseminating widely about the role and importance of measurement activities to support enterprises.
2. Specific objectives
a) By 2025:
- Support and encourage the socialization of at least 10 reference standards, measurement standards and measuring devices to meet the needs of ensuring accurate measurement for enterprises;
- Fostering, improving professional skills in measurement at least 300 turns of people participating in measurement activities;
- Implementing the measurement assurance program under the guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology through verification, calibration, testing of measuring instruments and measurement standards and construction of measurement methods for at least 50 times of enterprises and organizations including enterprises with state capital and enterprises of the private sector;
- Deploying the application of national criteria for evaluating at least 01 accredited laboratories in the province for measurement fields to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of state management about measurement; standardize the capabilities and activities of organizations providing inspection, calibration and testing services of measuring instruments and measurement standards.
b) By 2030:
- Support and encourage socialization of at least 20 categories: standards, measurement standards and measuring devices to meet the needs of ensuring accurate measurement for enterprises;
- Fostering and improving professional skills on measurement at least 500 turns of people participating in measurement activities;
- Implementing the measurement assurance program under the guidance of the Ministry of Science and Technology through verification, calibration, testing of measuring devices and measurement standards and construction of measurement methods for at least 100 enterprises including state-owned enterprises and private sector enterprises;
- Deploying the application of national criteria for evaluating at least 05 accredited laboratories in the province for measurement fields to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of state management about measurement; standardize the capabilities and activities of organizations providing inspection, calibration and testing services of measuring instruments and measurement standards
II. Mission
1. Promote communication on measurement activities
a) Promote information and propagation of policies and laws, raise awareness of enterprises and society about measurement activities;
b) Organize annual provincial business measurement forum, conferences, seminars on measurement and Vietnamese technical measurement documents; implement activities to celebrate Vietnam Measurement Day.
2. Applying mechanisms and policies to facilitate measurement activities to support enterprises
a) Surveying and assessing the use of measuring devices and equipment at enterprises; review and propose the list of measuring devices, measurement standards and reference materials into the list of hi-tech products encouraged for development;
b) Develop periodic plans to review legislative documents, mechanisms and policies, and the list of key production and business sectors that need to be strengthened and renovated measurement activities to support businesses. The province's businesses will improve competitiveness and international integration. It focuses on sectors such as: high-tech industry, electronics technology, telecommunications associated with the digital economy, high-tech agriculture, testing, calibration, testing, etc.;
c) Promote the socialization of measurement activities; encourage research activities in measurement science and technology; apply mechanisms and policies to promote commercialization of products from research results;
d) Implement supportive measures to strengthen the capacity and operation of organizations providing measurement, calibration and testing of measuring instruments and measurement standards.
3. Strengthening the development of provincial measurement infrastructure
a) Building and developing the measurement infrastructure of the province in a synchronous and modern manner; maintaining the system of measurement standards, ensuring the accuracy and alignment with the national measurement standards of Vietnam. To develop at least 30 standards, measurement standards and measuring devices to meet the needs of ensuring accurate measurement for enterprises. Inside:
- In the period up to 2025: 10 standard substances, measurement standards and measuring devices of all kinds.
- In the period from 2025 to 2030: 20 standard substances, measurement standards and measuring devices of all kinds.
b) To develop 2 to 3 organizations providing testing, calibration and testing services of measuring devices and measurement standards that meet the requirements of the national criteria set for evaluating measurement domains to meet the needs of measurement demand of the business;
c) To foster and improve the metrological profession for officials engaged in measurement activities of departments, branches, localities and enterprises. Specifically:
- To send cadres participating in local measurement activities to train and foster professional skills in metrology.
- Organize training courses to improve professional knowledge on metrology for officials in charge of measurement techniques at enterprises (in measurement fields: volume, volume, length, pressure, temperature, physics, electricity, magnetism...).
d) Strengthen support for basic research and applied research on measurement science and technology;
d) Implement advanced management procedures for measurement, calibration, testing of measuring instruments and measurement standards (develop, apply and certify the laboratory management system) according to ISO / IEC 17025 Standard).
4. Improve the efficiency of state management of measurement
a) Invest in equipment to serve the state examination of measurement, deploy the application of national criteria for evaluating measurement domains for accredited laboratories in the provinces for fields field of measurement to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the State management over measurement; standardize the capabilities and activities of organizations providing inspection, calibration and testing services of measuring instruments and measurement standards. Inside:
- From now to 2025: 01 accredited laboratory in the province for measurement fields
- From 2025 to 2030: 05 accredited laboratories in the province for measurement fields
b) Strengthen the coordination among relevant agencies, units and enterprises in the management of measurement activities.
5. Deploying the work of assisting enterprises to ensure the quality of goods and products
a) Assist enterprises in the application of the Measurement Assurance Program through verification, calibration, testing of measuring instruments and measurement standards and formulation of measurement methods:
- The period to 2025: Supporting 20 enterprises.
- In the period from 2025 to 2030: Support 30 enterprises.
b) Assist organizations providing testing, calibration and testing services in the province to meet the national set of criteria for evaluating measurement domains;
c) Supporting enterprises engaged in research and application of advanced measurement technologies in the production process according to current law provisions.
6. Enhancing international cooperation in measurement research, training and technology transfer
a) Actively participate in activities of international and regional organizations on measurement, committee and technical sub-committee;
b) Coordinate to organize local training courses, exchange experiences with countries with development measurement industry.
III. Solution
1. Solution on organization and human resources
a) Training a team of experts on standardization for departments, branches and enterprises to support consulting and implementing the tasks of the Plan;
b) Encouraging the establishment of organizations and enterprises providing consultancy on start-up, innovation, productivity - quality, intellectual property, energy audit, certification of product and goods conformity Group 2. To create favorable conditions for scientific research and technological development organizations to operate professionally in terms of productivity and product quality in their localities;
c) Encouraging the development of consulting organizations and scientific and technological organizations participating in the Project such as transferring scientific and technological research results to enterprises and production establishments.
2. Solutions to funding sources
a) Funds from the provincial budget shall focus on improving technologies and measuring equipment, applying scientific and technological advances, formulating policies to support enterprises in training and retraining. improve professional skills on measurement, support businesses to ensure the quality of goods and products, ...;
b) Capital of enterprises and production facilities is essential for technological innovation, application and transfer of scientific and technical advances in measurement; invest, strengthen measurement and testing capabilities to serve production and business activities of enterprises; developing the network of providing inspection, calibration and testing services of measuring instruments and measurement standards to serve the measurement needs of enterprises;
c) Preferential loans and supports from funds such as the Provincial Science and Technology Development Fund; Development Investment Fund and credit guarantee for SMEs; Industrial promotion fund, Agricultural expansion fund; funding for scientific and technological career in the province; ... for renewing technology and measuring equipment, for an investment project to test measuring devices; support the development and application of advanced management systems to facilities with accredited laboratories for measurement fields; implementation of science and technology projects and projects, trial production;
d) Combined with the capital source of the Project "Strengthening and renovating measurement activities to support Vietnamese enterprises to improve their competitiveness and international integration in the period up to 2025, orientations to 2030" of Ministry of Science and Technology, Industrial and Agricultural Extension Program, Intellectual Property Development Program, Supporting the Startup Ecosystem Supporting Program and integration with National Target Programs, socio-economic development plans, sectoral development strategies related to product quality assurance.
IV. Funding
1. Financial sources for implementation
- Funding for the implementation of the Plan includes funding from the state budget, contributions from enterprises and other lawful sources;
- The source of regular state budget expenditure for the implementation of the Plan's tasks is the source of scientific and technological career, including: renovation and amendment of policies to facilitate measurement and support activities for enterprises. ; strengthening the development of measurement infrastructure; improve the efficiency of state management of measurement; deploying support businesses to ensure product quality; strengthen international cooperation; promote communication, fostering and improving professional skills on measurement activities;
- The source of development investment capital from the state budget to perform the task of investment and development in measurement infrastructure according to law provisions.
2. Managing and using state budget funds to perform the tasks of the Plan in accordance with the law on state budget and relevant regulations.
V. Organization of implementation
1. Department of Science and Technology chairs and advises the Provincial People's Committee in elaborating annual plans to implement the assigned tasks according to the Plan; guide, inspect, organize the preliminary and final review of the implementation of the Plan; annually report to the provincial People's Committee and the Ministry of Science and Technology on the implementation of the Plan.
2. Annually, at the time of estimating, based on the plan assigned by the provincial People's Committee and the expenditure estimate according to the spending contents and spending levels strictly according to the current spending regime, the Department of Science and Technology is responsible for elaborate cost estimates and send them to the Department of Finance for incorporation into provincial budget estimates and report to the provincial People's Committee.
3. Departments, committees, branches and People's Committees of districts, towns and Hue cities shall base themselves on their functions, tasks, needs and conditions to develop measurement activities, take the lead in, propose and coordinate with provincial / municipal Science Services. And technology for construction and approval of the tasks of the Plan within the scope of state management according to the competence and provisions of the relevant laws.
4. Enterprises, business associations, organizations that conduct inspection, calibration and testing, on the actual needs of the enterprises, in coordination with departments, agencies and branches for assistance and participation in the implementation of the content. of the Plan; coordinate with the Department of Science and Technology in propagating and disseminating the Plan to related businesses to participate in the implementation.
Above is the Plan to implement the Project "Strengthening and renovating measurement activities to support Vietnamese enterprises to improve their competitiveness and international integration in the period up to 2025, orientations to 2030" in the locality. Thua Thien Hue province. In the course of implementation, if there are any difficulties and problems, they should promptly report and propose to the Department of Science and Technology for summarizing and submitting to the provincial People's Committee for consideration and amendment as appropriate.

Long Giang
Source: Vitic/

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