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Scheme on enhancing application of information technology in law dissemination and education in a period of 2019-2021 

 Friday, May 31,2019

AsemconnectVietnam - Continuing to fully institutionalize the Party's and State's undertakings and policies on renewing law dissemination and education, enhancing information technology application in association with building e-Government as prize breakthrough solutions to innovate and improve the effectiveness of law dissemination and education.

Scheme on enhancing application of information technology in law dissemination and education in a period of 2019-2021
I. Direction of direction
1. Continuing to fully institutionalize the Party's and State's undertakings and policies on renewing law dissemination and education, enhancing information technology application in association with building e-Government as prize breakthrough solutions to innovate and improve the effectiveness of law dissemination and education.
2. Fully exploit the advantages of information technology, improve access to information on law, help people and society to use and exploit conveniently the legal information system to be digitized. ; connecting and sharing information in law dissemination and education, ensuring the accuracy, completeness, practicality, timeliness, regularity, focus and focal point.
3. Inheriting achievements, overcoming limitations and shortcomings of the application of information technology in the current law dissemination and education work; selectively acquire experience in a number of fields and countries; ensuring consistency, synchronization, feasibility, savings and efficiency and promoting all social resources.
II. Target
1. General objectives
Enhancing the application of information technology in law dissemination and education to meet the requirements of e-Government building in order to continue to innovate content, diversify forms and improve the effectiveness of popular work and legal education to meet and meet the requirements of social development, contributing to creating fundamental and comprehensive changes in the sense of compliance and law observance by officials and people.
2. Specific objectives
a) In 2019, to build a national electronic information dissemination and education portal on the basis of upgrading the popular law and education information website of the Ministry of Justice; linking, sharing and updating fully information about the law in a uniform and unified way throughout the country.
b) In 2020, strive for 100% of ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities to build and complete the popular electronic information portal or website to provide accurate, complete and timely information. legal information; direct and guide law dissemination and education in accordance with their assigned functions, tasks and powers; link and share with the Ministry of Justice's popular electronic education and information portal.
c) In 2021, striving to build and perfect law dissemination and education databases, national electronic law bookcases, digital content products, popular and educational software law; increasing interaction, exchange and sharing of multidimensional information between state agencies and people and businesses through online dialogue, other forms of popular law compliance.
d) To widely mobilize telecommunications and social networks to participate in legal dissemination and education.
III. Key tasks
1. Building, operating, managing, exploiting and effectively using the national law dissemination and education portal on the basis of upgrading the popular and legal education website. available under the Ministry of Justice Web Portal
a) Activity contents:
- Evaluate the current status of information and technical infrastructure system, existing human resources and equipment for the operation of the popular and legal information website under the electronic information portal of Judicial Ministry.
- Carrying out upgrading and arranging resources to build, operate and maintain operations of the national popular and legal electronic information portal to ensure continuous operation; regularly update, connect, share information on law dissemination and education in the network environment.
- Standardize the electronic data dissemination and education data structure.
- Regarding the content of the popular electronic education law portal:
+ Designing, integrating, operating applications and software: searching, searching for information on law; National electronic law bookcase; software for state management, monitoring and speeding up activities on law dissemination and education (statistics, reporting on operating results, plans ...); legal advice and questioning; legal policy dialogue, legal support for people and businesses; online law examination; forum to exchange and share expertise, expertise, experience and effective law and education model; law teaching software, information technology application in extracurricular legal education activities;
+ Sharing information with the National Database on legal documents, electronic dictionaries, electronic Official Gazette of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam;
+ Information on dissemination of legal dissemination and education guidelines, plans and programs of ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities; timely orientation of topics, contents, forms of law dissemination and education; information on the activities of the law dissemination and education coordination councils at all levels; of the team of legal rapporteurs, legal propagandists ...;
b) Products: Legal and popular electronic information portal has been upgraded to build, operate, exploit and use uniformly throughout the country; applications, software, documents built, integrated, connected, shared.
c) Implementation time: Performing upgrading, operating, exploiting and using stably in 2019-2020; continue to update information, maintain stable and sustainable activities in the following years.
d) Responsibility to implement:
- Leading agency: The Ministry of Justice is responsible for upgrading the technical infrastructure, ensuring the operation of the popular and legal electronic information portal; promulgating the Regulation on updating, managing, operating and accessing common law and education databases.
- Coordinating agencies: Ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities coordinate in providing and integrating popular legal education information and data in accordance with the functions, tasks and powers assigned to publish download on the law dissemination and education portal according to the Ministry of Justice's regulations on updating, managing, operating and accessing the law dissemination and education database.
2. Developing and completing the popular and educating legal Portal or website; manage, exploit, operate the Portal or Site. Electronic dissemination and legal education on the electronic portal of ministries, branches, unions and localities
a) Content works
- Building and completing the existing popular legal education or information portal or website; managing, exploiting and operating the popular legal education or portal or website under the electronic portal of ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities to ensure the following requirements:
Regarding position: Establishing the unified position of the popular and legal portal or website in the middle of the interface of the portal of ministries, branches, unions, provinces and cities under central authority. nursing. For a number of ministries, branches, mass organizations, provinces and cities directly under the Central Government, a portal or a website for legal dissemination and education has been set up to continue reviewing and completing the portal or page interface. request or upgrade the technical information infrastructure system to be able to continuously operate, update, connect, share law dissemination and education information on the network environment.
Regarding the content: In addition to the information required under the provisions of the current law, the portal or the website of popular and legal education and information of ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities must ensure the contents of information The following component information:
+ Documents to introduce newly issued legal documents under the responsibility of ministries, branches and localities: publishing full text; documents of press conferences, press releases on legal documents; documents introducing basic contents of legal documents; popular documents, introduction, intensive training for civil servants and people; dissemination documents, introduction of contents of other legal documents and ordinances related to the management industry. For the local portal or website of law dissemination and education, there are additional documents and proposals to introduce Resolutions of People's Councils and Decisions of provincial People's Committees;
+ Guiding and directing the law dissemination and education in the domains, geographical areas and subjects managed;
+ Activities of the Council for Legal Dissemination and Education; Legal rapporteur; Propaganda of law;
+ Online legal advice or advice;
+ Policy dialogue - law;
+ Online law dissemination and education materials or skits, legal situations or other forms posted under the responsibility of ministries, branches and localities;
+ Statistics for the state management, monitoring and speeding up activities on law dissemination and education (reporting on results of operations, plans, professional guidance, list of reporters law, legal propaganda, specific activities ...);
+ Other contents suitable to the needs of law dissemination and education of each ministry, branch, mass organization and locality.
Technical terms: The portal or the website of dissemination and education of electronic information is placed in the electronic portal of ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities, ensuring regular and continuous operation; Information on laws, documents, popular publications and specialized legal education has been updated proactively, fully and promptly; implement standardized electronic data structure of law dissemination and education and exchange and synchronize data from popular electronic information portal, legal education of the whole country, electronic information data structure Law dissemination and education of the Portal or the popular law and education website of the ministries, branches and localities should be consistent with the popular and legal information electronic data structure standards of Judicial.
- Ministries, agencies, unions and localities direct, guide, assign agencies and units to build, update documents, popular publications and specialized law education to promptly post the time on the Portal or the popular law and education website; update and post information and statistical data to serve the state management of law dissemination and education on the popular and legal electronic information portal for common use nationwide according to the Regulation update, manage, operate and access common law and education databases.
- Encouraging agencies, units and organizations under ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities to set up and operate law dissemination and education sections on websites under their management to carry out activities. law dissemination and education activities in the network environment according to assigned functions and tasks.
b) Product:
- For ministries, branches, unions and localities, there have been gateways or websites for dissemination and education of law: Improved popular legal education or portal or website ensures supply , update information, documents, popular publications, legal education and fully connect and share information on law dissemination and education with the Ministry's popular legal education and information portal. Justice.
- For ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities, there is not yet a law dissemination and education website: The popular and legal education website has been built to meet requirements such as For the popular Portal or website, legal education of ministries, branches and localities has been established and upgraded.
c) Implementation time: Upgrade, operate, exploit and use in 2019; continue to update information, maintain stable and sustainable activities in the following years.
d) Responsibility for implementation: Ministries, branches, unions and localities.
3. Develop programs, products, documents, publications, legal education to publish on the Portal or website of popular and legal education
a) Content of activities: Develop and update legal and educational programs, products, materials, publications that are suitable and meet the needs of officials and people.
b) Products: Documents, publications, legal education; Outline of introducing new legal documents; books, handbooks, leaflets, legal stories; legal products, videos, popular electronic lectures, legal education; other documents, programs and products.
c) Duration: Every year.
d) Responsibility to implement
- The Ministry of Justice shall assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities in compiling and publishing a number of sample documents and publications for a number of legal documents presided over by the Ministry of Justice. drafting and a number of newly promulgated legal documents;
- Ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities actively compile law dissemination and education materials in accordance with state management functions and tasks for posting and updating according to regulations on the guidance and sample publications issued by the Ministry of Justice.
4. Building a national electronic law bookcase
The construction of the national electronic law bookcase is implemented in accordance with the Decision No. 14/2019 / QD-TTg dated March 13, 2019 of the Prime Minister on construction, management and exploitation of law bookcases.
5. Diversifying other forms of law dissemination and education on social networks, online forums, telecommunications networks, radio and television networks, basic information networks
a) Content works
- Implementing law dissemination and education through social networking applications, telecommunications technology, information such as facebook, youtube, twitter and other social networks ... implementing law dissemination and education through online exchange forum on legal policies; building common application, legal education software on the phone (legal questions, messages ...) to serve the needs of understanding the law of officials and people.
- Building, exploiting and using effectively legal online TV channels; connecting, enhancing interaction with popular and educating news and articles on national radio and television broadcasts and basic information networks to provide official and copyrighted information , timely, flexible and varied.
b) Product: Application software, popular channels, legal education on facebook, youtube, twitter ..., telephone exchange, free messaging programs for searching information of France laws and legal television channels built; Online forums are organized to connect and share popular information and legal education for the People.
c) Duration: Every year.
d) Responsibility for implementation: Ministries, branches, unions and localities.
6. Training, retraining, improving computer skills for law dissemination and education staff
a) Activity contents: Standardize the contents of programs and documents; organize training, retraining and training of information technology application skills in law dissemination and education for the team of law dissemination and education workers, especially law reporters, legal propagandists; strengthen the organization of training and training in online forms on the network environment.
b) Products: Programs, materials developed, used, training courses are organized.
b) Duration: Every year.
c) Implementation responsibilities: Ministries, branches, unions and localities.
IV. The main solution
1. Solutions on human and financial resources
a) Review, consolidate, consolidate and foster the contingent of law dissemination and education; mobilize a team of information technology experts to participate in law dissemination and education. Encouraging, mobilizing agencies, organizations, units, individuals, lawyers, lawyers, scientists ... to participate in consultancy, legal answers, exchange, discussion, comment, spectrum turn and teach online law; build and operate the online legal consulting system by socializing.
b) Using the annual budget of local ministries, branches and unions to prioritize integrating resources from programs, schemes and projects, effectively using existing resources; hiring information technology services; Encouraging sources of mobilization from domestic and foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals.
2. Technical solutions
Building and upgrading information technology infrastructure to meet technical standards and regulations; building a large database base, application of automated answering systems in organization, management and exploitation; promote law dissemination and education databases; strengthening security, ensuring information security in the network environment, applying the latest technologies with specific modules, integrating social networks to create popular and legal education electronic information channels orthodox nationwide. Building an electronic information portal or site in accordance with modern, practical and effective technology to meet the requirements of increasing the application of information technology in line with the e-Government Architecture Framework; integrating various types of multimedia information, software, applications supporting legal dissemination and education.
3. Communication solutions
Organize thoroughly, disseminate and communicate to raise awareness about the role, meaning, content, require to increase the application of information technology in law dissemination and education; build, strengthen and formulate a habit of proactively, voluntarily learning and studying laws on the internet; helping cadres and people to exploit and use information technology to access the law.
4. Institutional solutions
Continue to review and research to improve institutions and policies on law dissemination and education, especially to define specific responsibilities of ministries, branches and localities in enhancing technology application. information for legal dissemination and education from the use of building resources, establishing technology infrastructure to maintaining and operating effectively the popular websites or websites, legal education; regularly guide and monitor the implementation, inspection, inspection, preliminary review, review and evaluation of results; promptly reward and honor organizations and individuals actively implementing the scheme.
5. Other solutions
a) Strengthen and improve the effectiveness of coordination in law dissemination and education; promote cooperation with enterprises, organizations and associations in information technology; strengthening international cooperation, exchanging information and learning experiences of countries on information technology application in law dissemination and education; cooperate and introduce advanced technology solutions in information technology in law dissemination and education activities.
b) Surveying and evaluating the effectiveness and impact of information technology application in law dissemination and education in order to have timely adjustment and supplement solutions; building, replicating good models, effective ways, proposing new information technology application solutions to meet practical requirements.
V. Organization of implementation
1. Assignment of responsibilities
a) Ministry of Justice
- Assume the prime responsibility for, and guide ministries, branches, mass organizations and provincial-level People's Committees in organizing the implementation of the Scheme.
- Upgrading, building, operating, managing and exploiting the popular electronic law education and education portal of the whole country; promulgating the Regulation on updating, managing, operating and accessing common law and education databases.
- Checking, supervising, synthesizing results, evaluating and reviewing the implementation of the Scheme, annually reporting to the Prime Minister on the results of the scheme implementation nationwide.
b) Ministry of Information and Communications
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Justice to carry out the tasks of training and fostering information technology human resources for the maintenance and operation of popular information and legal websites or websites. of ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities.
- Coordinate with the Ministry of Justice in guiding the implementation of the tasks specified in the Scheme in accordance with the functions, tasks and powers assigned.
c) Ministry of Finance
To assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with the Ministry of Justice and the ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities in allocating regular funding for the implementation of the Scheme from the annual state budget allocations under the State Budget Law; allocation, allocation and management of budget expenditure estimates; allocate funds to implement the Scheme according to the provisions of law; coordinate with the Ministry of Justice to perform the tasks specified in the Scheme in accordance with the functions, tasks and powers assigned.
d) Ministries, ministerial-level agencies and Government-attached agencies
- Based on the contents of the scheme and practical conditions to concretize in the medium and annual programs and plans on information technology application; direct the attached agencies and units to apply information technology in law dissemination and education and arrange funding for the implementation of the Scheme.
- Under the functions, tasks and powers assigned to coordinate with relevant agencies to perform the tasks specified in the Scheme.
- Annually organize the evaluation of the implementation of the Scheme to the Ministry of Justice for synthesis.
d) Proposing to the Supreme People's Procuracy, the Supreme People's Court, the State Audit, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee, the member organizations of the Front, the Central Association of Vietnamese Lawyers In Vietnam, the Vietnam Bar Federation will coordinate with the Ministry of Justice to implement the Scheme.
e) Provincial People's Committee
- Based on the views, objectives, tasks and solutions of the Scheme and local practical conditions to allocate funds and implement the Scheme according to regulations.
- Direct and guide departments, friends, branches and grassroots units in implementing the Scheme's tasks.
- Annually organize the evaluation of the implementation of the Scheme to the Ministry of Justice for synthesis.
2. Funds for implementation of the scheme
a) Funds for implementation of the Scheme are from the state budget according to the current state budget decentralization and other lawful sources of mobilization.
b) Ministries, branches, mass organizations and localities shall base themselves on task requirements, contents and volume of work to be assigned in the Scheme and provisions of the State Budget Law to elaborate cost estimates and arrange funds. annually to implement the Project under the scope of management.
c) Encouraging sources of mobilization from domestic and foreign enterprises, organizations and individuals; increase use of integrated funding in programs; Approved related projects and other legal sources for performing tasks. Prioritize the implementation of the Project's tasks in the form of hiring information technology services, assigning tasks and ordering forms depending on each specific task.

Long Giang
Source: Vitic /

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